13.11.2014 November 13, 2014 TIME DURATION 09:00-12:30 210 mins 12:30-13:30 60 mins 13:30-15:45 14:00-17:00 HALL A HALL B Hall C HALL S2 HALL S3 HALL S4 HALL S5 WORKSHOP 2 WORKSHOP 3 WORKSHOP 4 WORKSHOP 5 Ultrasound-Advanced Invasive and Non-Invasive Mechanical Ventilation ECG Advance Airway Management Course Ultrasound-Basic POSTER AREA LUNCH 135 mins 180 mins HALL S1 WORKSHOP 1 WORKSHOP 1 WORKSHOP 2 WORKSHOP 3 WORKSHOP 4 WORKSHOP 5 Ultrasound-Basic Ultrasound-Advanced Invasive and Non-Invasive Mechanical Ventilation ECG Advance Airway Management Course Rights of EP's Representative of Ministry of Health, President of EMAT, Vice President of EMAT OPENING CEROMONY 17:00-18:00 60 mins KEYNOTE SPEAKER Trauma system development Dr. James Holliman 18:30-19:30 60 mins 14.11.2014 DURATION TIME 08:20-08:55 35 mins 09:00-10:00 60 mins 10:00-10:30 30 mins 10:30-12:00 90 mins OPENING COCKTAIL HALL A English Track HALL B English -Track HALL C Turkish Track HALL S1 HALL S2 HALL S3 HALL S4 HALL S5 ORAL ABSTRACT ORAL ABSTRACT ORAL ABSTRACT ORAL ABSTRACT ORAL ABSTRACT POSTER AREA Plenary Session Moderator: Dr. Cem Oktay Romancing with Emergency Medicine Dr. Gautam Bodiwala COFFEE BREAK & VISIT THE BOOTHS Update on Trauma General EM Cardiac EM MEET THE EXPERT Moderators: Dr. Lit Sin Quek- Dr. Yıldıray Çete Moderators: Dr. Stephan Rinnert - Dr. Oktay Eray Moderators: Dr. Cüneyt Ayrık - Dr. BaĢak Bayram Moderator: Dr. Cem Ertan Update on Trauma Resuscitation Dr. Eric Legome From Hippocrates to Osler to FOAM: A History of Medical Education Dr Joseph R.Lex Suicide:State of the Art Dr. Gregory Luke Larkin Review of the Treatment of ACS in the Elderly Patients Dr. Lim Swee Han The Anticoagulated Trauma Patient Dr. Murat Ersel Violence and Violence Prevention Dr. Rob Gore Evidence-Based Rules for Radiologic Evaluation of Brain and Cervical Spine Injuries Dr. Ashley Bean Diversity in Emergency Medicine Dr. Lisa Moreno-Walton Is There a Role for CTA in the ED? Dr. Önder Tomruk How to Shape the Hearts Beyond Training the Minds of Your Residents? Dr. Shirley Ooi Coping Strategies with Tachyarrhythmias Dr. Yalçın Gölcük POSTER PRESENTATIONS Bedside Echocardiography in Chest Pain Dr. Özgür Çevrim Syncope: Risk Stratification Dr. Özlem Güneysel Roche Satellite Symposium 12:30-13:15 45 mins 12:00-13:30 90 mins High Sensitive Troponins in ACS Dr. Arzu DenizbaĢı November 14, 2014 The Role of NT-ProBNP in the Differential Diagnosis of Shortness of Breath in Emergency Settings Dr. Yıldıray Çete 13:30-15:00 15:00-15:30 90 mins LUNCH Neurological Emergencies Critically ill patient & Sepsis Visual Diagnosis Moderators: Dr. Lim Swee Han -Dr. Erkan Göksu Moderators: Dr. Megan Kwasniak Dr. Levent AvĢaroğulları Moderators: Dr. Zeynep Kekeç - Dr. Mücahit Avcil Moderator: Dr. Sedat Yanturalı Shortage of Emergency Physicians in Turkey, What can we do about it? Dr. Rıdvan Atilla Telestroke Service : Improving Door to Needle Time Dr. Lee Shu Woan Surviving Sepsis Campaign: Update 2014 Dr. Recep Dursun Hospital Bed Capacity and Overcrowding Dr. Lit Sin Quek ED Management of Transient Ischemic Attack D r. Chin-san LEUNG Source Evaluation Dr. Mustafa Burak Sayhan Conflict Management in the ED Dr. Alan Hodgdon Certifying Brain Death in the ER: Pearls and Pitfalls Dr. Chua Hoe Chin The Process: EGDT or Standart Therapy? Dr. Fatma Özdemir Leadership in EM Dr. Terrence Mulligan The Therapeutic Approach to Seizing Patient Dr. Rebecca Liggin Screening for Sepsis Dr. Özge Duman Atilla Visual Diagnosis Dr. Selim Suner COFFEE BREAK & VISIT THE BOOTHS 30 mins Education 90 mins 17:00-17:10 10 mins 17:10-18:30 90 mins ED Admin 2 Editorial Moderators: Dr. Hakan Topaçoğlu-Dr. Rana DiĢel Moderator: Dr. Arzu DenizbaĢı Airway Moderators: Dr. Zeynep Kekeç -Dr. Murat Ersel 15:30-17:00 POSTER PRESENTATIONS ED Admin 1 Moderators: Dr. Joseph Lex -Dr. Orhan Çınar Top 10 Articles of 2014 Dr. Orhan Çınar, Dr. Nurettin Özgür Doğan Dr. Oktay Eray, Dr. Murat Pekdemir Dr. Süleyman Türedi, Dr. Arzu DenizbaĢı 7 Regions with 81 Programs How to Fill This Teacher Gap? Dr. Arif Alper Çevik The High Tech Airway Devices Dr. Gül Pamukçu Overcrowding in the ED Dr. Halil Doğan Education in Emergency Medicine Dr. James Holliman Evidence Based Approach to RSI Drugs Dr. Ayesha Almemari Quality Measures in the ED Dr. Yavuz Katırcı How to Measure the Quality of EM Education? Dr. Stephan Rinnert Safe Approach to Emergency Airway Management Dr. Evelyn Wong Learning to be a Team Dr. Özcan YavaĢi E-learning Tools in EM Dr. Haldun Akoğlu New Articles on Emergency Airway Management Dr. John Fowler ED Triage Dr. Ahmet Baydın ORAL ABSTRACT 18:30-19:30 ORAL ABSTRACT ORAL ABSTRACT ORAL ABSTRACT ORAL ABSTRACT ORAL ABSTRACT EMRAT Session Moderators:Dr. Arif Alper ÇevikDr. Elif Dilek Çakal 60mins 15.11.2014 TIME 08:20-08:55 Being an Observer in a Japanese ED Dr. Mehmet Koçak Being an Observer in a Netherland ED Dr. Gülhan CoĢkun Being an Observer in a USA ED Dr. Erkan Günay DURATION HALL A HALL B HALL C English Track English - Track Turkish Track 35 mins 80 mins 10:40-12:00 HALL S3 HALL S4 HALL S5 POSTER AREA ORAL ABSTRACT ORAL ABSTRACT ORAL ABSTRACT ORAL ABSTRACT Cardiac EM Pediatrics Respiratory EM Air Medical Services in EM Moderators: Dr. Lee Wee Yee - Dr. Haldun Akoğlu Moderators: Dr. Ersin Aksay- Dr. A. Vefa Sayraç Moderator: Dr. Serkan ġener Fever in Children 0 to 36 Months of Age Dr. Murat Anıl The Door-to-Balloon Time and Door-to-Needle Time in STEMI Pitfalls in Procedural Sedation in the ED HK Experience Dr. Levent AVġAROĞULLARI Dr. Chin-san LEUNG Pediatric Upper Respiratory Nightmares Dr. Rebecca Liggin 10:20- 10:40 HALL S2 ORAL ABSTRACT Moderators: Dr. Terrence Mulligan Dr. Nurdan Acar ECGs You Cannot Afford to Miss in Your Practice Dr. Shirley Ooi 09:00-10:20 HALL S1 ORAL ABSTRACT ETCO2 for Non-intubated Patients Dr. Mücahit Avcil Current Status and Future Trends of Air Transport in Turkey (TBA) Dr. Osman Nacar Non-invasive Ventilation Strategies in the ED Dr. Özgür Söğüt Critical Care Air Transport Dr. Alan Hodgdon Treatment of Acute Pulmonary Embolism Dr. Ayhan Özhasanekler Psychological Stresses of Air Transport Patients & Air Transport of Psychiatric Patients Dr. Muzaffer Çetingüç COFFEE BREAK & VISIT THE BOOTHS 20 mins 80 mins Geriatric EM Resuscitation ENT & Eye Emergencies New opportunities in EM Moderators: Dr. Gautam Bodiwala Dr. Müge Günalp Moderators: Dr. Ayesha Almemari-Dr. Özlem Yiğit Moderators: Dr. ġahin Aslan- Dr. Mutlu Kartal Moderators: Dr.Eric Legome- Dr. Özlem Köksal Geriatric Emergency Medicine Community Care Program - A new Frontier Dr Lit-Sin QUEK ECMO in the ED Dr. Turgut Deniz Stop the Spinning: A Simple Approach to Vertigo and Dizziness Dr. Sadiye Yolcu UAE experience Dr. Arif Alper Çevik Geriartric Abuse Dr. Ahmet Demircan Resuscitation Highlights in 2014 Dr Gregory Luke Larkin Red Eye Dr. Mehmet Tahir Gökdemir The Career Planning for EP's Dr. Cem Ertan Polypharmacy and the Geriatric Patient Dr. Terrence Mulligan Is it the end of an ice age? Dr. Süha Türkmen Controlling Epistaxis Dr. Yunsur Çevik Career Alternatives in EM Dr. Stephan Rinnert POSTER PRESENTATIONS November 15, 2014 Satellite Symposium 12:00- 12:45 45 mins 12:00-13:30 90 mins Rare but Emergency: Evaluation and Management of TMA in Emergency Departmant Dr. Mustafa Yenerel LUNCH Military EM Critical Care Moderators: Dr. Rob Gore-Dr. Cenker Eken 13:30-15:00 15:00-15:30 15:30-17:00 90 mins 90 mins 15 mins 17:15-18:35 80 mins 19:30-00:00 270 mins TIME November 16, 2014 10:00-10:20 Moderators: Dr. Murat YeĢilaras-Dr. Özgür Çevrim Blast Injury Dr. Selim Suner Pulmonary Ultrasound for Undifferentiated Dyspnea Dr. Ashley Bean MERS: Is it in the front door? Dr. Sezgin Sarıkaya Procedural Applications of Bedside Emergency Ultrasound Dr. Özgür Dikme Battlefield Trauma Lessons from Iraq and Afghanistan Dr. James Holliman Non-invasive Hemodynamic Measurement in Critically ill Patients Dr. Adan R. Atriham Biomarkers in Infectious Diseases Dr. Cemil Kavalcı Ultrasound for Undifferentiated Shock Dr. Funda Karbek Akarca Wound Management on Gunshot Injuries Dr. Orhan Çınar The Right Patient and the Right Mode Dr. Nurdan Acar Risk Stratification of Emergency Department Patients with a Suspected Infection Dr. AyĢegül Bayır Emergency Ultrasound for DVT Dr. Adnan Yamanoğlu Prehospital Hemorrhage Management Dr. Feridun Çelikmen Critical Care Pearls Dr. Ayesha Almemari Antibiotics for Open Fractures Dr. Nuri Bozdemir Use of Ultrasound for Airway Assessment Dr. Ġsa Kılıçaslan COFFEE BREAK & VISIT THE BOOTHS General EM ED Imaging Orthopedic EM Moderators: Dr. Evelyn Wong - Dr. Arzu DenizbaĢı Moderators:Dr. Lisa A. Moreno-Walton Dr. Nalan Metin Aksu Moderators: Dr. Niyazi Doğaç ÖzüçelikDr. Recep Dursun Moderators: Dr. Süleyman TürediDr. Mustafa Burak Sayhan Management of Paraquat Poisoning and Basic Research in the Mechanism of Paraquat Lung Injury Dr Shuyun XU Enemas and Nebulizers: Drugs that can be Administered by Rectum and Nebulization Dr. Megan Kwasniak Imaging Bowel Obstruction Dr. Ersin Aksay Management of Crush injuries Dr. Ġbrahim Türkçüer New Thearepeutic Strategies: Lipid Emulsion and High Dose Insulin Dr. Evvah Karakılıç Pallative Care in the ED Dr. NurĢah BaĢol How to Read a Head CT in a Patient with Headache Dr. Neslihan Yücel The Hot Joint Dr. Ömer Faruk Demir Carbon Monoxide Toxicity Dr. Selim Suner Acupuncture Use in the Emergency Department Dr Lee Wee Yee Musculoskeletal Ultrasonography Dr. Murat Yesilaras Commonly Missed Fractures in the ED Dr. Tuba Öztürk Cimilli Common Poisonings in India Dr T. V. Ramakrishnan Emergency Radiology in Pregnancy Dr. Adan R Atriham MRI in Acute Stroke Dr. Müge Günalp Pitfalls in Orthopedic Radiology Dr. NeĢe Nur User BREAK ORAL ABSTRACT HALL A HALL B Tech in the ED Technology and Simulation in EM education HALL C HALL S1 Moderators: Dr. Ashley Bean -Dr. Rıdvan Atilla New Drugs and Devices That Might Change Your Practice Dr. Joe Lex Simulation in EM education Dr. Stephan Rinnert Hey, Doc:My Heart is in the Bag: LVADs Dr. Erkan Goksu The best Smartphone Applications in the Market Dr. Cenker Eken Chest Compression Devices in Resuscitation Dr. Nalan Metin Aksu How to Assess and Evaluate the EM Residents? Dr.Cem Oktay COFFEE BREAK 20 mins Subspecialization in Emergency Medicine EMS and Disaster Medicine Dr. Niyazi Özüçelik 10:20-11:50 90 mins Pediatric Emergency Medicine Dr ġahin Aslan Toxicology Dr. Rana DiĢe Critical Care Dr. Yusuf Kenan Tekin 12:00 ORAL ABSTRACT ORAL ABSTRACT ORAL ABSTRACT ORAL ABSTRACT HALL S2 HALL S3 HALL S4 HALL S5 GALA DINNER DURATION 60 mins POSTER PRESENTATIONS Toxicology Moderators: Dr. Gregory Luke Larkin Dr. Isa Kılıçaslan 09:00-10:00 Ultrasound 30 mins 17:00-17:15 16.11.2014 Moderators: Dr. John Fowler - Dr. Gül Pamukçu Infection Moderators: Dr. Ahmet DemircanDr. Özlem Güneysel CLOSING CEREMONY ORAL ABSTRACT
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