Term 4, Issue 6 Fri 14th November 35 Gwendoline Drive, Berwick, 3806 Phone: 8786 9988 Email: [email protected] Website: www.berwickfieldsps.vic.edu.au Upcoming Events In This Issue School Council Corner 2-3 Berwick Fielders 4-6 Phys Ed news 7 Christmas Carols Election Day BBQ Mon 17th Nov Grade 6 assembly @ 12.30pm in the PAC Grade 3 assembly @ 2.15pm in the PAC Tues 18th Nov Peter Combes Workshop 8 Wed 19th Nov Mad on Music exams 8 Thurs 20th Nov Life Ed begins Mon 24th Nov Grade 5 Wheelchair Basketball Whole school assembly @ 2.15pm in the gym Tues 25th Nov Prep 2015 Transition session @ 9.15 - 10.30am (Magical Maths) Whole school transition session Parents Maths Information session @ 6pm in the staffroom Mon 8th Dec Parent Helper morning tea Tues 9th Dec Christmas Carol @ 6pm on the oval ARE YOU MOVING SCHOOL? This time of the year is common for families to move schools because of changes to work location and/or home location. If you are in this situation could you please let us know as soon as possible as it is a big help to us with our staffing and accommodation planning for 2015. You can do this by either informing the teacher of your child’s current class or contacting the office on 8786 9988. Page 1 - Berwick Fields Primary School Newsletter School Council Corner Hi Everyone, School Council met on Monday 10th of November in the staff room where we started our meeting by welcoming the present members and noting apologies. As per our agenda, School Council acknowledged the contributions of all involved in our school through the Community Reflections and Thanks. These included acknowledgement to the staff of PLT1 for organising the Bushdance, Ben and Shae Boersma and the students of 5D for their amazing successful entry in the Zoo Victoria ‘Love Your Locals’ competition, the Year 2 Sleepover staff for another fantastic overnighter and the list goes on… Councillors then discussed the extremely detailed Learning Community reports, which include Health and Wellbeing, Community Development, Essential Learning and School Improvement. In the School Improvement report, Stephen explained the current process with respect to teaching staff being involved in the Department of Education’s ‘Performance and Development’ plan, aimed at improving teaching practice and/or student learning. Stephen illustrated a typical plan and the method he uses to provide the staff with feedback. His explanation was insightful in terms of the significant effort that goes into this process by staff when reflecting on the professional standards relevant to their classification and the success of the personal and professional goals they set every year. During this meeting School Council had a few more policies due for review, and approval, including the amended “Suspension, Detention and Expulsion” Policy that School Council sent back for clarification during our October meeting. This policy was approved after the Health and Wellbeing team amended and clarified the points of concern. Councillors had a very constructive discussion about the other four presented policies which were: "Learning and Teaching", "First Aid", "Homework" and "Sustainability." This thorough discussion resulted in approving two of these policies and Councillors sought further clarification on some parts of the “First Aid” and “Homework” policies. Another item on the agenda was the proposed camps for 2015. School Council approved Grade 6 Camp to Canberra, Grade 5 Camp to Cave Hill Creek, Grade 4 Camp to Sovereign Hill and Grade 3 Camp to Phillip Island Adventure Resort as proposed. Dale Mills our ‘Essential Learnings’ leader sought input from members on their choice of a second language which will be introduced to our 2015 Preps at Berwick Fields in 2015. He explained to Councillors that the results from the parent opinion survey and other information gathered from other schools found that the two most appropriate options for Berwick Fields are Mandarin and Japanese. Dale gave out information for both languages and School Council will advise the Essential Learnings team on the preferred language during our December meeting. All Victorian primary schools must offer a language in 2015, starting with the Prep year level. Lastly, School Council was presented with the 2015 Indicative Budget. Members were asked to take home this document to study over the next month before endorsing it during our December meeting. It is important to note that due to the scrapping of the Education Maintenance Allowance in 2015 Berwick Fields’ budget will be at least $53,000 worse off. Cheers, Abir Yacoub School Council President Page 2 - Berwick Fields Primary School Newsletter School Council Corner ABN 86 208 027 700 35 Gwendoline Drive, Berwick 3806 Phone : 8786 9988 A LETTER OF THANKS TO ALL OUR VOLUNTEERS THAT MAKE A BIG DIFFERENCE TO BERWICK FIELDS November 2014 Dear Parent Volunteers, On behalf of the Berwick Fields School community and our School Council, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your dedication and enthusiasm in volunteering to help out at our school during 2015. Your dedication is being positively reflected throughout the school and indeed the community. Your assistance helps us to provide our students with the best learning environment possible and we can certainly see your influence around our school. We are most grateful to those of you who are able to assist with the kitchen sessions, reading, spelling and the garden. Not to forget swimming, camps, excursions, PMP, working bees, Family Engagement activities, Prep transition and helping in the library. Everyone at Berwick Fields Primary School is appreciative of all your hard work. Staff and School Council look forward to thanking you personally at our Annual ’Parent Helpers/Volunteers Special Morning Tea’ on Monday 8th December at 11.00 am. Together We Achieve! Yours sincerely, Abir Yacoub School Council President Page 3 - Berwick Fields Primary School Newsletter Berwick Fielders 1A Dinuk for persistence. Kameron for confidence. Chantell for getting along. 1B Nate for demonstrating persistence when working on improving your writing. Keep up the positive attitude! Cooper for demonstrating friendliness when you work and play so well with others. It is wonderful to see you helping your classmates and demonstrating what it means to be a ‘great mate’. Tomas for demonstrating persistence when you spend so much time completing those pictures you do so well and are proud of. Archie for demonstrating cooperation and for you excellent attitude towards learning. It is great to see you working so well with others and putting so much effort into all of your work. 1E Katana for demonstrating enthusiasm when you show interest in our classroom topics and share your thoughts and ideas. Coen for demonstrating cooperation when you consistently offer to help others and keep our classroom organised. Keep up the fantastic effort. Chelsea for demonstrating friendliness when you always offer to play with others when they are feeling down. You are a great mate! Aryan for demonstrating persistence when you always try your best when writing. Well done on your recent improvements. Canny for demonstrating persistence when you work hard to improve your writing. Keep up the fantastic effort! Rory for demonstrating our good learning behaviours when you share your ideas and thoughts with others. Well done! 1F Darcy for demonstrating persistence when you practise your reading every night and work hard to achieve your goals. Nicholas for demonstrating cooperation when you use great teamwork skills to take turns and share equipment with others. Isabelle for demonstrating friendliness when you persist in sorting out problems with your friends and use the four steps of communication. Victoria for demonstrating exceptional compassion when you show understanding of the needs of others and go out of your way to assist people in need. You are an outstanding member of our community. 5A Sarah for respect, co-operation, enthusiasm AND friendliness. Congratulations on your fantastic effort at Kanga Cricket, especially your willingness to help the team out at short notice! Vaishvi for organisation and enthusiasm. Vaishvi, you are to be commended for your excellent organisational skills you are always well prepared and always give everything a RED HOT GO! Well done! Jack for organisation. Jack, your passion project presentation was outstanding. You were well prepared and showed your passion for the subject. The organisation and effort you put in for research was obvious. Well done. Ryan for enthusiasm when you show interest and dedication to solving math tasks, and then wanting more! Page 4 - Berwick Fields Primary School Newsletter Berwick Fielders 5B Marisa for friendliness and enthusiasm by helping others. Jack for confidence and enthusiasm. Ben for persistence with presentation of his work. Jakob for persistence with his reading focus. Tyler for confidence to challenge the thoughts and ideas of others in a respectful way 5C Zak for demonstrating enthusiasm whilst learning about Science and sharing his knowledge with others. Heinz for being resilient and mature whilst solving problems. Esther for friendliness and for always caring about others. Tom for being enthusiastic about all tasks and demonstrating confidence. 5F Shanice for persistence by working hard throughout the year to improve her skills in Mathematics. Her hard work has given her confidence to tackle challenging tasks. Well done Shanice. Katelyn for Persistence by completing a creative bar graph showing what people in 5F got up to on Melbourne Cup long weekend. Terrific job Katelyn, you were very focussed. Jarrod for Confidence for his terrific effort to remember his lines at the grade 5 production. Well done for having the confidence to perform in front of an audience. You are a star, Jarrod! Ally for persistence by creating an awesome mini golf course using her knowledge of shapes and angles. It was great to see you challenge yourself. Excellent effort, Ally. Zac for persistence at reading the book “Key to Rondo”. You are doing a terrific job of reading and understanding the book. Well done on sharing so confidently during Literacy Circles. Awesome effort, Zac! 5G Soumya for demonstrating the You Can Do It foundations when you completed and presented your Science passion project demonstrating how to make ‘ooblik’. A terrific effort! Well done! Aleah for demonstrating the You Can Do It foundations when you completed and presented your Science passion project demonstrating how to make ‘ooblik’. A terrific effort! Well done! Gloria for demonstrating Confidence by taking a risk and submitting an excellent application for Environmental Leader in 2015. What a great challenge! Well done! Rebekah for demonstrating the You Can Do It foundations by always putting in a great effort to your learning and being respectful to everyone. Well done Rebekah! Keep it up! Physical Ed Mrs Tivendale Jarrod V (5F) for demonstrating determination when you ran in the Beep Test. With your new breaking score of a very impressive 12.11! Well done Jarrod a fantastic effort! Cooper S (1B) for demonstrating persistence when you participated in the Skip-a-thon. You were a great role model to all of your peers and your skills have really improved in skipping over the year. Great job Cooper! Page 5 - Berwick Fields Primary School Newsletter Berwick Fielders Physical Ed Mr Quirk Georgia W (5D) for demonstrating enthusiasm when you showed a positive attitude while you were practising catching skills with a tennis ball. Continue to display a cooperative, persistent attitude. Chayce A (1D) for demonstrating persistence when you tried so hard when practising your catching skills. Congratulations also for working so well with your class mates. Physical Ed Mrs Mills Jordan A (1C) for demonstrating confidence when you demonstrated your throwing and catching skills and your basketball dribbling skills. Excellent effort Jordan! Jack G (5B) for demonstrating enthusiasm when you assisted with younger grades at the Skip-a-thon. You were a great role model and you really pushed your own fitness levels. Super effort Jack! Page 6 - Berwick Fields Primary School Newsletter Congratulations to Sasha in 4C who has been selected to represent the Casey netball association representative team for 2015, playing tournaments all over Victoria. This is a fantastic achievement Sasha! Well done! Page 7 - Berwick Fields Primary School Newsletter CAN YOU HELP AT AN ELECTION DAY BBQ? Berwick Fields will be a polling place at this year’s state election. In the past, Election Day sausage sizzles have been a fantastic fundraiser for the school, however we are unable to go ahead without the assistance of volunteers. We are looking for parents or community members who might be able to donate some of their morning on Saturday 29th November to sizzling sausages and raising some much needed funding for projects in the school. If you can donate an hour or more of your time on Saturday 29th November between 9am and 1pm, please contact Michelle Ferguson. [email protected] or 8786 9988. Page 8 - Berwick Fields Primary School Newsletter
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