Crossbred & Purebred Heifers December 13, 2014 at 12:30 PM F & T Livestock Market, Hwy 24 South, Palmyra, Mo. Mostly Angus & Angus Cross heifers with few BWF and Simmental. Mostly bred AI to: Connealy Confidence 0100 W H S Limelight 64V W/C United 956Y SS Traveler T510 2T22 Hoover Dam G A R Progress QLC Professional Connealy Capitalist 028 Basin Excitement Connealy Right Answer 746 H A Image Maker 0415 S A V Bismarck 5682 EF Complement 8088 Program Requirements: Heifers have met minimum standards for reproductive soundness, pelvic size, body condition and weight and are free of blemishes. Heifers have been bred to bulls meeting strict calving ease/birth weight EPD requirements. A strict immunization program has been followed including official Brucellosis Calfhood vaccination. Heifers will calve from late January to May 1. Many have been synchronized and will calve in a short time period. All heifers are tested & negative for BVD-PI. Consignors Include: Donald Drebes, Monroe City Gene & Kim Dryden, Hannibal Johnnie & Julie Schultz, Ewing Terry Mudd, Silex Joe & Karen Schroeder, Ewing Greenley Research Center, Novelty Paul Niemeyer, Bowling Green Prairie View Farms, Monroe City Wilt Angus Farm, Shelbina Deer Creek Cattle Co., Clarksville Keithley/Jackson, Frankford David Clark, Edina Jim & Sharon Schlager, Canton McCutchan Angus, Monticello FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: Daniel Mallory (573) 985-3911 or Chris Schieffer, Troy Jack Sharkey, Taylor Leon James, Hurdland Dan Moore, Kahoka Kevin Strange, Edina Zac Erwin (660) 665-9866 E-Mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Sponsored by: Missouri “Show-Me-Select” Heifers, Inc.; Northeast Missouri Beef Improvement Assoc. in cooperation with Commercial Agriculture Program; College of Veterinary Medicine; Missouri Cattlemen’s Assoc.; Missouri Department of Agriculture and University of Missouri Extension An equal opportunity/ ADA institution GENERAL INFORMATION Auctioneer – Brian Curless Sale Agent - F & T Livestock Market SALE PROCEDURE The sale order was determined by consignors drawing for position in the sale rotation. Each consignor selected heifers to sell in each rotation. Heifers will be sold in uniform lots sorted according to breed type, size and those selling together are expected to calve in a 45 day period. Heifers become the property of the purchaser immediately after the sale. Each animal will be the purchaser's risk as soon as sold. The market will aid in the loading of the cattle on instructions from the buyer, but at the buyer's risk. Cattle will be loaded at the conclusion of the sale. All fees will be collected by the F & T Livestock Market and are to be settled prior to loading. GUARANTEE All heifers are guaranteed bred and are guaranteed to remain pregnant for 30 days after the sale. Due dates are approximate. Females can range 2 weeks or more even if AI bred on the same day. Any heifer found open (by an accredited veterinarian) will be refunded by the consignor. All guarantees are made by the consignor of the cattle and not the sale committee; the Northeast Missouri Beef Cattle Improvement Association; or F & T Livestock Market. Calves of Show-Me-Select Replacement Heifers are warranted to be free of genetic defects for a period of six (6) months from date of purchase. Heifers that give birth to an affected calf (exhibits the genetic defect), which is subsequently proven by diagnostic lab or DNA testing to be a genetic defect will have the full purchase price of the heifer plus the DNA testing charge refunded to the buyer by the seller. Please refer to the Show-Me-Select Replacement Heifer Programs terms and conditions for complete guarantee details. TAGS A special tag that carries the “Show-Me-Select”™ trademark and name identifies all heifers in the sale. This tag signifies that the heifers have met all the requirements of the Missouri “Show-Me-Select”™ replacement heifer program. Some heifers may carry a white Show-Me-Select tag. This identifies them as Tier Two heifers which is explained in more detail later in this catalog. CONTRIBUTORS The sale committee and consignors wish to thank all those who have contributed to the success of this program. Your faith in our ability to make this program work is appreciated. College of Veterinary Medicine F & T Livestock Market Missouri Cattlemen's Association Missouri Show-Me-Select Heifers, Inc. Ralls County Extension Center Commercial Agriculture Program Lewis County Extension Center Missouri Department of Agriculture NEMO BCIA University of Missouri Extension **HEALTH** ALL HEIFERS IN THIS SALE HAVE BEEN BRUCELLOSIS CALFHOOD VACCINATED BETWEEN 4 AND 12 MONTHS OF AGE. NECESSARY HEALTH PAPERS WILL BE AVAILABLE ON ALL HEIFERS AFTER THIS SALE. ALL HEIFERS HAVE TESTED NEGATIVE FOR BVD-PI. Welcome We would like to invite you to attend the 18th annual fall Northeast Mo. Show-Me-Select replacement heifer sale at Palmyra, Mo., Dec. 13, 2014. The Northeast Region was one of two pilot regions when the Show-Me-Select heifer program was started in Missouri under the leadership of Dr. David Patterson. The Palmyra sale is one of only two sales that were held the first year. During the eighteen years we have run approximately 30,283 head of heifers through the program and with this year’s sale will have sold 5,088 head. Buyer Satisfaction We have surveyed the buyers of heifers from our first seventeen sales to see how they got along calving their Show-Me-Select heifers. We have had about a 90% buyer satisfaction rate. Results follow: No. buyers responding – 546 No. heifers purchased – 4131 No. of heifers assisted at calving – 498 = 12.1% No. of calves lost due to difficult birth – 231 = 5.5% No. heifers calving within 2 weeks of projected date = 89.6% The national average for assisting first calf heifers is around 22% and for death due to calving problems is 8-10%, so we are pleased with our results and are striving to improve. Quality This is an outstanding set of heifers. Many of the heifers have years of performance testing behind them and are out of top performance tested bulls. Information on the sires of many of the heifers is available upon request. Heifers with blemishes and disposition problems have been culled. Calving Dates About 70% of the heifers have been synchronized and are bred AI. Many of them will be grouped so they calve in less than a two week period. About 90% of the heifers sold in our past four sales calved within two weeks of our projected calving dates. Heifers will be grouped for the sale according to projected calving dates and uniformity of the heifers. Questions If you have questions feel free to call the consignors or either of us. Hope to see you Dec. 13. Daniel Mallory MU Livestock Specialist E-mail: [email protected] (573) 985-3911 Zac Erwin MU Livestock Specialist E-mail: [email protected] (660) 665-9866 Requirements for Heifers in the 2014 Replacement Heifer Sale These requirements are designed to minimize the incidence and severity of calving difficulty and protect against potential reproductive losses. Heifers must be bred to service sires at or above established calving ease EPD’s minimums, have a minimum pelvic area of 150 cm2 prebreeding or 180 cm2 at pregnancy examination, be a minimum body condition score of 5 and a maximum of 8 on sale day, and meet established health guidelines. Fall 2013: All heifers must be calfhood vaccinated for Brucellosis according to Missouri state regulations. Heifers are vaccinated for IBR, PI-3, BVD, BRSV, and 7-way Clostridia. Label directions concerning initial vaccination and boosters must be followed. Use of implants is discouraged. If heifers are implanted, only FDA approved products for replacement heifers are allowed according to label guidelines. Long-term use of MGA is prohibited. Use of MGA for periods up to 14 days to synchronize estrus is permitted. Internal and external parasites are controlled as needed. Heifers must be polled or de-horned and completely healed by sale day. Spring 2014: Pre-breeding reproductive examination is performed. Reproductive tract scored, pelvic measurement, weighed. Heifers are vaccinated for IBR, BVD, Leptospirosis and Vibriosis between 60 and 30 days prior to beginning of breeding. All vaccinations must follow label directions. Internal and external parasites are controlled as needed. Fall 2014: Heifers are pregnancy examined by 90 days to determine breeding dates. (Confirm AI pregnancy or natural service). A preg check is also done within 30 days of the sale. Heifers are treated for external and internal parasites within 30 days of sale date. Products for internal parasite control must have a label claim for all stages of the parasite life cycle. Leptospirosis (5-way) given at preg check. Heifers are examined on sale day by a final screening committee to eliminate blemishes (scarred eyes, frozen ears, short tails, rat tails.) They must have a muscle score of at least a 2 and not have an undesirable disposition. ♦ Tested negative for BVD-PI. Heifers must be bred to bulls with birth weight or calving ease EPD's that meet the guidelines for the following breeds based on the current genetic evaluation at the time of breeding for the respective breed associations. Accuracy values of 0.6 or better for birth weight and calving ease EPDs are required on AI sires: Birth Weight (equal to or less than) Beefmaster -0.7 Maine Anjou 0.6 MaineTainer 0.0 Calving Ease (equal to or greater than) Angus 7.0 Balancer 13.3 Brangus 7.5 Braunvieh 8.0 Charolais 8.2 Gelbvieh 11.0 LimFlex 11.0 Limousin 12.0 Polled & Horned Hereford 2.2 Red Angus 7.0 Salers 0.9 Shorthorn 1.92 SimAngus 13.3 Simmental 11.0 Tier 2 Classification: Heifers will be eligible to qualify for Tier 2 in the Show-Me-Select Replacement Heifer Program based on the following minimum accuracies of the heifer’s sire at the time of sale for the respective traits listed below. Trait Accuracy Calving ease (direct) .65 Calving ease (maternal) .30 Weaning weight .75 Carcass weight .20 Marbling .20 USING THE CATALOG EPD INFORMATION Expected Progeny Differences (EPDs) provide the best means of comparing genetic merit of animals within the breed. For each trait evaluated, the EPD incorporates the animals within the breed. For each trait evaluated, the EPD incorporates the animal's individual and progeny performance with progeny performance information from other relatives. By utilizing national sire evaluation information, the evaluation also utilizes information from related traits and accounts, in part, for differences in the genetic merit of herdmates as well as genetic trends within the breed. Each trait evaluation predicts expected progeny performance relative to a fixed breed average - hence the term "Expected Progeny Difference." The key word is "difference". The EPD itself does not imply "good" or "bad" performance, only whether the performance of progeny is expected to be above or below that of progeny from average parents. Breeders should, on an individual basis, decide what is best for them by considering what traits are important to their program, their current herd performance, and the degree of change desired. Example Service Sire Lucky Strike 147G BRD CE BW AN +11.2 / .12 -1.0 / .36 WW YW Milk +32 / .32 +55 / .31 +14 / .24 Accuracy (acc): A measure of certainty regarding the EPD evaluation for a performance trait. Accuracy is reported as a decimal number between zero and one; larger values indicate greater accuracy and more certainty that the EPD will not change significantly as additional progeny information is obtained. Accuracy values of less than .20 are typical for non-parent bulls. Birth Weight EPD (BW): The expected difference in average birth weight (lbs) of progeny. Birth weight reflects prenatal growth potential and may also be used as an indicator of calving ease. Calving Ease (CE): The ease with which a bull's calves are born to first-calf heifers. When comparing two bulls, the larger EPD indicates a higher percent of unassisted births for calves sired by this bull. Weaning Weight EPD (WW): The expected difference in average weaning weight (lbs) of calves. The evaluation reflects genetic influence on pre-weaning growth rate. Yearling Weight EPD (YW): The expected difference in average yearling weight (lbs) of progeny. The evaluation reflects genetic influence on pre-weaning and post-weaning growth rate. Maternal Milk EPD (Milk): The expected difference in average weaning weight (lbs) of daughter's calves, which is attributed to milking ability. In other words, it is a predictor of a sire's genetic merit for milk and mothering ability as expressed in his daughters. Fall 2014 Breed EPD Average's for Current Sires within the Breed Breed (BRD) Angus Simmental (hybrid) Red Angus CE +6 +10.4 +5 BW +1.7 +0.7 -1.6 WW +48 +60.3 +55 YW +85 +91.7 +86 Milk +23 +23.3 +19 Managing Your Show-Me Select Replacement Heifers Your investment in Show-Me-Select replacement signifies a commitment to improving the genetic quality and reproductive efficiency of your beef herd. Replacement heifers require specialized care and management until they enter the breeding herd as mature cows. To protect your investment, you may find the following guidelines helpful. Targets At the time of purchase, your heifers will weigh approximately 75 to 85% of their mature weight with a minimum body condition score of 5. ♦ Heifers should reach 85% of their mature weight by first calving. ♦ Heifers should calve and begin lactating at a body condition score of 6. ♦ In order to reach these targets on schedule, heifers should be fed to gain between 0.5 to 0.75 per day minimum from now until calving. Nutritional Management from purchase to First Calving Gains of the desired magnitude can be a challenge during winter months. Additionally, heifers are then entering the final trimester of pregnancy when a majority of fetal growth occurs. To ensure heifers enter calving season at the proper target weight and body condition several things are required. ♦ Heifers should be maintained separately from older animals if at all possible. This is necessary to minimize undesirable social interaction at the feed bunk, water tank, and mineral feeder. ♦ Diets should meet certain nutritional standards. Crude protein of the diet should be 12.5 to 13%. Net energy for maintenance and gain should be approximately 0.65 and 0.32 Mcal/lb, respectively. These energy levels are roughly equal to 60% dietary TDN. ♦ Good-quality trace mineral salt and vitamin supplement should be made available and can be offered free choice or mixed with another component of the diet. ♦ Body condition of heifers should be monitored. Heifers should not lose or gain more than 1 body condition score from now until calving. A change in 1 body condition score reflects a net weight gain or loss of approximately 80 pounds. Nutritional Management from Calving through Breeding In many cases, pasture will allow acceptable performance during the spring and early summer. Proper supplementation of trace minerals and vitamins remain a critical feature of management during this period, but energy deficiencies are more likely to create problems with re-breeding. Body condition must be monitored to determine if supplemental feeding is necessary. Failure to provide supplemental energy, if needed, can delay the onset of cycling, lengthen the time from calving to 1st heat post-calving and potentially result in decreased pregnancy rate. Examples of energy supplements suitable for heifers during early lactation include: high-quality forages, cracked corn, soybean hulls, or corn gluten feed fed at varying amounts according to condition and weight gain desired. Proper pre- and post-calving nutritional management of your Show-Me-Select replacement heifer should ensure successful re-breeding. Consult your local university extension professional and/or veterinarian for nutritional counseling, should you have any questions. Consignments for Northeast Missouri Show-Me-Select Bred Heifer Sale December 13, 2014 Donald Drebes, Monroe City 573-406-7461 3 head of Simmental and Simmental/Angus heifers. One registered purebred, one registered 1/2 SM, 5/16 AN, 3/16 CS, and one registered 1/2 SM, 1/2 AN. All bred to Angus bull. Calving dates: AI: 1/27; NS: 3/10 – 3/25. Service Sires AI – WHS Limelight 64V AI – W/C United 956Y NS – TG Liberty 02 61 BRD AN SM AN CE 9/.73 14.7/.58 10/.26 BW 1.2/.88 0.0/.81 .5/.32 WW 69/.81 90/.72 52/.25 YW 127/.71 155.1/.7 100/.24 MILK 36/.36 22/.29 25/.16 Gene & Kim Dryden, Hannibal (573) 221-9997, Cell: (573) 629-8191 9 head of Angus heifers. Very gentle and easy to work with. Tier 1 heifers sired by (T L Program 74). The Dams are proven heifer raisers. These heifers will make great cows. Calving dates: AI: 2/26; NS: 3/15 – 4/11. Service Sires AI – Connealy Confidence 0100 NS – SydGen Dealer 3094 BRD AN AN CE 19/.9 8/.27 BW -2.9/.96 2.3/.37 WW 50/.93 58/.28 YW 89/.9 107/.28 MILK 25/.35 30/.15 Johnnie & Julie Schultz, Ewing (573) 494-3639, Cell: (573) 231-6453 15 head of Angus/Simmental cross heifers. Sires are Angus and SimAngus; dams are SimAngus and Simmental. Heifers are gentle, hand-fed, and home raised. Synchronized and bred fixed time AI then turned with natural service sire. Calving dates: AI: 2/25; NS: 3/7 – 4/21. Service Sires AI – SS Traveler T510 2T22 NS – Perry Advantage 268 BRD AN AN CE 16/.70 10/.29 BW -.6/.85 -.6/.38 WW 55/.78 38/.29 YW 101/.72 74/.27 MILK 22/.60 23/.23 Twin Hill Stock Farm, Terry Mudd, Silex (573) 384-5482, Cell: (636) 262-9428 50 head of Angus cross heifers. 16 year consignor. Several Tier Two status. Several purchased heifers came from Latimer’s, Hunnewell, MO. Steers grade 94% Choice or higher at USPB. Synchronized and bred fixed time AI then turned with natural service sire. Calving dates: AI: 2/17; NS: 3/2 – 4/13. Service Sires AI – WHS Limelight 64V NS – Hats Rito Novelty 9557 NS – Hats Mountaintime 2502 BRD AN AN AN CE 9/.73 8/.05 7/.23 BW 1.2/.88 .5/.34 1.1/.35 WW 69/.81 31/.31 30/.25 YW 127/.71 59/.05 53/.10 MILK 36/.36 10/.12 12/.14 Page 1 Joe and Karen Schroeder, Ewing (573) 494-3650, Cell: (660) 341-5828 6 head purebred Angus heifers. 18 year consignor. Angus heifers sired by Jim Schlager bulls. Home raised. All are natural service bred to calve 2/12 - 4/18. Service Sires NS – JSS Marshall 1288 NS – JSS Marshall 1294 BRD AN AN CE 8/.21 7/.22 BW .3/.35 1.1/.36 WW 42/.25 42/.26 YW 74/.22 76/.22 MILK 24/.12 22/.13 Greenley Research Center, Novelty (660) 739-4410; Cell: (660) 216-8395 8 head of Angus and Hereford/Angus. 13 year consignor. Home raised, out of AI sired dams. Sires are Hereford; dams are Angus. Calving dates: AI: 2/18; NS: 3/5 – 4/2. Service Sires AI – Hoover Dam NS – T L Hero 8151 BRD AN AN CE 9/.92 9/.26 BW 0/.97 .9/.35 WW 51/.96 48/.26 YW 96/.94 73/.25 MILK 32/.84 32/.16 Paul Niemeyer, Bowling Green 573-470-3323 4 head of Angus/Simmental cross heifers. Heifers are gentle, handfed, and home raised. Synchronized and bred fixed time AI then turned with natural service sire. Calving dates: AI: 3/17. Service Sires AI – Connealy Confidence 0100 BRD AN CE 19/.90 BW -2.9/.96 WW 50/.93 YW 89/.90 MILK 25/.35 Prairie View Farms, Greg Drebes, Monroe City (573) 735-4929, Cell:(573) 248-5814 28 head of Simmental and SimAngus cross heifers. 18 year consignor. An excellent set of black & few BWF heifers. Synchronized and bred fixed time AI then turned in with natural service sires. Home raised. Calving dates: AI: 1/31; NS: 2/2 – 3/22. Service Sires AI – SS Traveler T 510 2T22 NS – Sfa CC & 7 Y169 NS – JSS Miidland 539 BRD AN AN AN CE 16/.70 8/.05 8/.31 BW -.6/.85 .7/.05 .6/.40 WW 55/.78 50/.05 53/.31 YW 101/.72 95/.05 92/.30 MILK 22/.6 30/.05 11/.23 Wilt Angus Farm, Shelbina (573) 588-4812, Cell: (660) 651-3930 3 head of purebred Angus heifers. 17 year consignor. Synchronized and bred fixed time AI then turned with natural service sire. Home raised. Brucellosis Free and Stage 4 Johne’s herd. Calving dates: AI: 1/23; NS: 2/12 – 3/4. Service Sires AI – W H S Limelight 64V NS – Wilt Mentor 802 BRD AN AN CE 9/.73 7/.28 BW 1.2/.88 .3/.37 WW 69/.81 47/.27 YW 127/.71 85/.25 MILK 36/.36 28/.19 Page 2 Deer Creek Cattle Co., Clarksville (314) 965-2226, Cell: (314) 570-0555 15 head of black SimAngus cross heifers. Synchronized and bred fixed time AI, then turned with natural service sires. Calving dates: AI 2/3; NS: 2/17 – 4/27. Service Sires AI – Hoover Dam NS – 7L-GW Prem Beef 915Y NS – F H G Premium Beef 31Y NS – GW-TF Prem Beef 720Z BRD AN SM SM SM CE 9/.92 16.7/.22 15.9/.31 16.8/.23 BW 0/.97 -.6/.36 -.7/.33 -.4/.37 WW 51/.96 57.4/.32 57.8/.3 54/.33 YW 96/.94 104/.36 100/.31 97.2/.23 MILK 32/.84 20.7/.2 25/.24 19.8/.2 Keithley/Jackson, Frankford (573) 784-2235, Cell: (573) 248-4483 25 head of Angus cross heifers. 18 year consignor. Sires are Angus and Hereford; dams are Angus/Hereford cross. Synchronized and bred fixed time AI then turned with natural service sire. Home raised. Calving dates: AI: 2/11; NS: 3/3 – 3/24. Service Sires AI – W H S Limelight 64V NS – KG Country Road 1239 BRD AN AN CE 9/.73 9/.33 BW 1.2/.88 2.0/.42 WW 69/.81 61/.3 David Clark, Edina 40 head Angus cross heifers. 37 black and 3 BWF. Synchronized and bred fixed time AI. Calving dates: AI: 2/19. Service Sires AI – G A R Progress AI – QLC Professional BRD AN AN CE 18/.85 18/.65 BW -.4/.93 -4.8/.79 WW 55/.89 66/.70 YW 127/.71 111/.33 MILK 36/.36 31/.16 (660) 216-1107 YW 96/.83 115/.59 MILK 30/.59 15/.39 Jim & Sharon Schlager, Canton (660) 341-7024 10 head Angus heifers (9 registered). Several Tier Two status. Home raised, daughters of Oneills Earl Marshal, Final Answer, Whitestone Black Arrow, Sitz Upward 307R, Summitcrest Focus 2466. Calving dates: AI: 1/11; NS: 1/28 – 2/24. Service Sires AI – Connealy Capitalist 028 AI – Basin Excitement NS – JSS Hoover Dam 1308 BRD AN AN AN CE 10/.74 13/.77 7/.31 BW -.3/.90 -.3/.90 .7/.37 WW 65/.85 73/.84 57/.29 YW 111/.79 130/.75 96/.28 MILK 24/.33 23/.37 28/.22 McCutchan Angus, Monticello (573) 288-3771, Dan Cell: (573) 881-0276 6 head purebred, registered Angus heifers. 18 year consignor. Home raised. Synchronized and bred fixed time AI then turned with natural service sire. Calving dates: AI: 1/16; NS: 2/5 – 3/12. Service Sires AI – Basin Excitement NS – McCutchan Forward MA 451 BRD AN AN CE 13/.77 12/.30 BW -.3/.90 .8/.37 WW 73/.84 69/.29 YW 130/.75 118/.28 MILK 23/.37 28/.22 Page 3 Chris Schieffer, Troy (636) 262-8185 15 head of Angus cross heifers. Sires are Angus; dams are Angus/Simmental cross. Synchronized and bred fixed time AI then turned in with natural service sire. Home raised, hand fed, and extremely gentle. Calving dates: AI: 2/8; NS: 2/25 – 4/1. Service Sires AI – Connealy Right Answer NS – Hopewell HD A069 BRD AN AN CE 11/.91 9/.28 BW -.2/.96 -.8/.37 WW 68/.94 53/.28 YW 122/.92 95/.28 MILK 30/.81 28/.21 Jack Sharkey, Taylor (217) 228-6555, Herdsman: (217) 242-3912 6 head of Angus and Angus cross heifers. AI heifers are out of a Mandate son from Wilt Angus Farm. The natural service heifers are out of a Bismark son from Terry Little. Calving dates: AI: 1/30; NS 2/18-3/12. Service Sires AI – H A Image Maker 0415 NS – T L Fort Worth 984 BRD AN AN CE 10/.94 8/.32 BW .5/.97 1.2/.36 WW 65/.96 53/.28 YW 104/.95 93/.28 MILK 36/.93 28/.21 Leon James, Hurdland (660) 341-7612 10 head of crossbred Angus heifers. Several Tier 2 status. Sires are Angus, dams are Angus Cross. Synchronized and bred fixed time AI. Calving dates: AI: 2/10; NS: 2/27 – 3/26 Service Sires AI – Hoover Dam BRD CE BW WW YW MILK AN 9/.92 0/.97 51/.96 96/.94 31/.84 Dan Moore, Kahoka (319) 520-7002 20 head of Angus cross heifers. Ten black, 3 RWF, 7 BWF. Sires are Angus/Hereford; dams are Angus. BWF and RWF are sired by Victor 719 or a Revolution Son. Several Tier 2 status. Synchronized and bred fixed time AI. Calving dates: AI: 1/27; NS: 2/6 – 3/15. Service Sires AI – S A V Bismarck 5682 NS – Bca CC&7 3118 BRD AN AN CE 13/.95 10/.34 BW .3/.98 1.7/.39 WW 58/.97 54/.31 YW 97/.96 107/.34 MILK 23/.93 35/.24 Kevin Strange, Edina (660) 341-9974 15 head of Angus heifers. Synchronized and bred fixed time AI. Very gentle with eye appeal. Calving dates: AI: 1/30 – 2/14. Service Sires AI – EF Complement 8088 BRD AN CE 13/.82 BW .2/.92 WW 64/.88 YW 115/.83 MILK 22/.54 Page 4
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