The Allen Park Presbyterian Church (USA) A Stephen Ministry Congregation We are beloved children of God, a family called and empowered by the Holy Spirit to shine Christ's love. WORSHIP SCHEDULE 8:30 a.m. Chapel 10 a.m. Sanctuary 11:30 a.m. Sanctuary 10:15 to Noon - The Blend in the Parlor (coffee, food & fellowship) November 2014 Allen Park, Michigan 48101 Consecration Sunday - November 16, 2014 Many years ago the British writer and lecturer C.S. Lewis was asked to speak on the subject of Christian stewardship. He began with these words: On the whole, God’s love for us is a much safer subject to think about than our love for Him. I feel very much that way myself. Sometimes it is much easier and safer really, just to skirt the whole subject of stewardship, of how we give shape and substance to our love for God. But there is another side to that coin. A young Scot once told his pastor, “I’m fed up with the church and Christianity. All I ever hear is give, give, give!” The pastor, whose name was Donald Ross, fixed his eyes on the young man and in his soft highland accent replied, “Well, can you think of a better definition of Christianity than that? Give, give give!” We may choose to skirt the subject entirely, but the fact remains that stewardship is the way we define our faith and make it personal. In other words dear friends, stewardship is what we do after we have said what we believe. This means that our stewardship is far more than just the dollars we give. At APPC, generation after generation of Christians before us have put their love and faith into action in order that we might have a Daylight Saving Time ends future here. They have passed the legacy to us. Now it is our turn. Our on November 2, 2014. Be actions are part of the unfolding of God’s love in this place. The next GOOD WORD will be a combined December/January issue. The deadline for this issue is November 12, 2014. sure to set your clocks back one hour. Church office will closed on November 27-28 for Thanksgiving and on December 25-26 for Christmas. We are in need of a Front Desk Volunteer on Wednesday mornings from 9 a.m. to noon. Please contact Rita in the office if you can help. We also need subs. So once again, as your pastor, I ask you to pray about and consider your stewardship. During the course of the last year, many of you have asked me about the future of our wonderful congregation. It is always our prayer that God’s plan for this church now and in the future will be our plan. Stewardship season always reminds us that God’s plan and will is always achieved through the generosity and dedication of God’s people with their time and talent and treasure. Please know that it is an honor for me to be your pastor. And even though we live in hard economic times, I am convinced that our Lord has great plans for this church. For many decades APPC has been dedicated to showing the love of Jesus Christ in this community and that witness has made Allen Park a better place. May we, with God’s help, continue that legacy. In Christ, Douglas Blaikie Page 2 A Stewardship Message Rev. Michelle James, 313-383-0100, ext. 16 [email protected] How much is enough? That’s what the Hebrew people kept asking Pharaoh as they were making bricks under the hot sun in the brickyard. It’s a question that continues to be asked, at least once a year in most churches too! This is that time of year. We ask ourselves (or the Stewardship folks ask us to ponder), “How much am I supposed to give to the church?” as we toil at our jobs and pray our paychecks will stretch to the end of the month. Some say we’re supposed to tithe. But that’s 10% of our income!!! How in the world are we supposed to do that when we can’t even make the bills each month? And is the tithe on our gross or net income? Others suggest that the tithe is unrealistic, especially these days when the economy is still recovering and many of us are trying to pay off all that debt we incurred “back then.” What if we start with 1 or 2% and try to work up to 5% in the next few years. Hopefully someday we’ll be able to work our way up to a true tithe. Will that work? These are difficult decisions that need to be made with much prayer and consideration, trusting that God will guide us to make the best decision we can. I’m reminded of a story about a man at a church in Ghana. He slid into the back pew of a church for the first time in his life. He listened to the preacher tell how much God loves us and gave to us our very lives, from creation to salvation. He heard how God’s Son died to pay the penalty for the sins we commit and how grateful we are for this amazing gift that came at such a high price. The man was so moved to hear of God’s great love and grace, that when the offering plate came around that day, the man placed it on the floor and stepped into it, both feet. Now THAT is stewardship – giving ourselves back to God in response to God’s first having loved us and accepted us and having bought us out of our slavery to sin. We are entrusted with much, from the earth on which we live to our own lives, from our bodies and our health to our children and families, from the gifts of time and talents to the money we jingle in our pockets. The way we care for those things is our stewardship. I remember a plaque my mom and dad gave me when I moved into my own house for the first time (I still have it!). It says, “What you are is God’s gift to you. What you make of yourself is your gift to God.” And I would add “the way we give” is our gift to God as well. Do we give of ourselves joyfully in gratitude for all God has done for us? Do we count each penny as it slides through our fingers, wishing we’d have spent it on something else? Our money is something which can put a stranglehold on our hearts and change our joy into mourning if we let it. And yet we owe our very lives to God. How much is enough? “I appeal to you therefore, brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God—what is good and acceptable and perfect.” Romans 12:1-2 Blessings, Rev. Michelle James GIFT OF GIVING SUNDAY One service of worship 10 a.m. followed by a special luncheon in the Fellowship Building “We are surrounded by God’s benefits. The best use of these benefits is an unceasing expression of gratitude.” John Calvin Exploring Membership/Joining APPC Saturday, November 8 at 9:15 a.m. (Parlor) Join our pastors, Virginia (Horvath) Parent, and other church leaders who will teach us who Presbyterians are, where we find our spiritual roots, how we govern ourselves and what we believe, as well as APPC mission projects and fellowship possibilities. At the conclusion of the class, participants will be given the opportunity to join the church. Please let us know if free childcare is needed. Page 3 Celebrating Our Generosity - November 16 On the third Sunday in November, we will celebrate the “Gift of Giving” in our church. It will be a special day as we give our gifts to the church. In preparation, our focus during late October and early November will be to prepare us to be good stewards of all God has given us. One can think about ‘generosity’ or ‘gifts’ this way: Because these gifts are essential in bringing about God’s reign on earth, we stewards are working together with God. In offering our gifts, we offer ourselves not only to God but also to each other. In doing so, we recognize our dependence on God, our interdependence on each other, and our mutual accountability within the church. You will hear, each Sunday leading up to November 16, how the church needs support to accomplish its ministries, something we need to keep in mind as we make our plans. But stewards don’t just “fund the budget.” We embrace a life in which we acknowledge God as owner of all things and free ourselves from the burden of continually protecting our property and possessions. Watch the mail and the bulletins for more information on ‘Gift of Giving’ Sunday. Bev Milotz Chairman of Sessions’ Stewards Committee Sunday, November 2, 2014 Children’s Sabbath! The 10 a.m. service on November 2 will be dedicated to guiding our children (and adults, too) through the what, where, when, why, and how of our Presbyterian worship traditions. Children will have the opportunity to participate in all aspects of the service including communion and baptism!! This interactive service is sure to be fun for the whole church family. BOOK CLUB Second Wednesday of the month 7:15 p.m. in the Parlor. November 12: The Aviator’s Wife by Melanie Benjamin December 10: I Am Malala: The Girl Who Stood Up for Education and Was Shot by the Taliban by Malala Yousafza January 14: The Light Between Oceans by M.L. Stedman Holiday Extravaganza CRAFT FAIR and Bake Sale Saturday, November 8, 2014 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Fellowship Building at Allen Park Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) 7101 Park Avenue @ Cleveland Free admission and free parking. All items are handcrafted. Lunch and baked goods for purchase. Building handicap-accessible. Sponsored by the Presbyterian Women of Allen Park Presbyterian Church (USA) For more info, call Elaine Doran at 734-795-6785 Calendar - November 2104 Page 4 TYPICAL SUNDAY SCHEDULE WORSHIP - 8:30 am (Chapel) TODDLER CARE 9:30 a.m. to 12:15 WORSHIP - 10:00 a.m. (Sanctuary) Sunday School (Pre-K to 5th Grade 10:15 to 11:15) THE BLEND 10:15 a.m. to Noon (Parlor) APPLLE CLASSES (11:15 to noon) Sun Mon CHOIR REHEARSAL (after 10 a.m. service) Young Ringers & Young Singers (Bell Choir Room) WORSHIP – 11:30 a.m. (Sanctuary) Sunday Afternoon Activities: 5 p.m. Youth Connection Choir (Choir Room) 5:30 p.m. Youth Group for 6-12th Graders— (includes snacks, CE, and youth group) Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 8 am Men’s Prayer Breakfast 10:15 Underground Railroad 2 Children’s Sabbath 3 Communion/Baptism Team B (Intinction) 11:15 Conversations on the Porch (SR) DST Ends Fall Back 12 pm Piecemakers 7 pm - Class Conversations about Theology (Parlor) 7:30 Handbells 4 7 pm Deacons 7:30 pm AA (FH) 5 8 am Ruth Circle 6 1 pm Miriam Circle 6 pm SHARE Dinner 6:45 pm Worship 7 pm Phoebe-Hannah 7:15 APPLLE Oils No Bible Study tonite 1030 am AA (DR) 9:30 am Care of 7 pm First Friday the Parish 12:30 Esther-Lydia Film Festival 7 pm 7:30 Adult Choir Scrapbooking 7:30 AA & Alanon 12 13 9 10 11 11:15 Conversations 7 pm Card Making 7 pm - Class Conversations about Theology 7:30 Handbell 9:15 a.m. Mission Sewing (Art Room) 1:30 pm DorcasRebekah Circle 7:30 Session 1 pm DeborahSarah Circle (Parlor) 6 pm SHARE Dinner 6:45 pm Worship 7 pm Elisabeth Circle 7:15 pm Bible Study 7:15 pm Book Club 7:15 Tai Chi 17 12 pm GIVING SUNDAY Piecemakers One service -10 a.m. 7 pm GriefShare 7 pm - Class 11 am Conversations Congregational about Theology Lunch 18 19 7 pm PW Gathering (Parlor) 6 pm SHARE Dinner 6:45 pm Worship 7:15 pm Bible Study 23 25 6 pm PW Bible 26 8:30 to Noon Can and Bottle Drive 9:30 am Free Blood Pressure Clinic w/ Jeff and Carrie O’Riley 16 GIFT OF 24 12:30 Touch/Down 7 pm GriefShare Local mission project (see page 9) 7:30 Handbell Choir 30 First Sunday of 1 Dec. Advent (Fifth Sunday) Noisy Offering 11:30 Deacons: Feeding the Needy Deadline to sign up for trip to Gurdwara Sahib in Plymouth (see page 7) 7:30 Trustees Study 6:30 pm Youth Council Meeting 7 pm PWCT 8 pm AA (DR) NO SHARE TONIGHT 8 pm AA (DR) 7 pm Hannah 7 pm GriefShare Surviving the Holidays (Parlor) 7:30 Adult Choir 7:30 pm AA & 7 10 AM TO 4 PM 9:30 New Member Class 11:30 Session Meeting 7 pm Tillers 14 15 8 am Men’s 1030 am AA (DR) Prayer Breakfast 9:15 APPLE World Religions 7 pm Buddhist Scrapbooking 4 pm Marriemates 20 21 1 pm - Bucket Club 7:30 Adult Choir 7:30 pm AA & Alanon 1030 am AA (DR) 27 28 HAPPY THANKSIGIVNG OFFICE CLOSED OFFICE CLOSED 7:30 pm AA 7:30 pm Alanon 8 CRAFT FAIR 7 pm Scrapbooking 22 8 pm AA 29 1030 am AA (DR) 7 pm Scrapbooking 8 pm AA Page 5 CALENDAR CONTACT LIST Deacons: Susan McCausland, Moderator: [email protected] Youth Groups/Youth Council: Michelle James - [email protected] Preschool (weekday): Chris Haydon or Carrie O’Riley - 313-383-0100, ext. 19 - [email protected] Adult Choir: Wendy Reimers, Director - [email protected] Youth Connection Choir: Amy Bowerman, Director - [email protected] Young Singers Choir: Andrea Carlson, Director - [email protected] Young Ringers Choir: Carolyn Marengere, Director - [email protected] (new email!) Presbyterian Women and PWCT: Pat McBride: 313-732-5871 - [email protected] Card Making Class: Barbara Hopper, Leader - [email protected] Tillers’ Fellowship Group: Gloria King: [email protected] Free Blood Pressure Clinic: Beverly Milotz: [email protected] Hearing Loop in Sanctuary: Russ Carlson: [email protected] APPC Boar’s Head Feast and Festival In December, we will be presenting our 2nd annual intergenerational Boar’s Head Festival. We will have a community presentation on Saturday, December 20 at 6 p.m. followed by dinner at 7 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Tickets for Saturday are $5 (or $15 for families of four or more) which includes dinner. Tickets will be available in the church office in November. You only need a ticket if you are coming to the dinner on Saturday. Just pick up your numbered ticket and then pay at the door when you arrive for the dinner. There will also be a Freewill Offering to support our music ministries on Saturday evening. What we need you to do now is sign up in the church office if you would like to participate. What talents and gifts can you bring to this endeavor? Besides singing in the choir, most parts simply require putting on an amazing costume and processing in and out of the sanctuary! As a reminder, a Boar’s Head Festival is a reenactment of a medieval tradition dating back to the 1400’s in Europe. The royalty of the European countries would gather to celebrate the birth of Christ. Many carols would be sung, ending with the scene of the Nativity. Afterwards the guests would gather and enjoy a feast together. It was a way for powerful royalty of the day to “meet and greet” each other as they celebrated their Christian faith. We hope you will join us in celebrating the birth of Jesus in this very unique and “old worldly” traditional way. Please sign up in the church office today!! Contacts: Amy Bowerman, Andrea Carlson and Christian Kreipke Bucket Club Changes Names and November Meeting The Bucket Club - an active group for the over 55 age group invites you to attend our November 20th event as we gather at 1 p.m. in the parlor to enjoy fellowship and snacks, vote on a new name for our group, and enjoy watch the film God is Not Dead. Please bring all your ideas and join us. Please note this meeting is one week earlier due to Thanksgiving. Looking ahead: In December, we plan to attend the Saturday Boar’s Head Feast and Festival! APPLLE: Health and Wellness Classes for November Wednesday, November 5 at 7:15 p.m. Essential Oils led by Suzan Higgins How did the ancients cure a body ache or disinfect a wound? Learn abut essential oils and the healing/therapeutic properties God gave the plants from which they come. Wednesday, November 12 at 7:15 p.m. Tai Chi led by Barb Reynolds Tai Chi is a graceful form of exercise that’s used for stress reduction and for a variety of other health conditions using gentle, flowing movements. Please join us. Page 6 Presbyterian Women of APPC APPC Moderator’s Message - Pat McBride, 2014-2015 313-732-5871 - [email protected] November is upon us. It is a time to reflect on all we have and be thankful to God And since its November, that means it’s time for our Holiday Extravaganza -CRAFT FAIR AND PW BAKE SALE - Saturday, November 8, 2014 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the entire Fellowship Building. Come shop, buy lots of homemade crafts, eat lunch, and buy lots of baked goods! Proceeds from craft show supports outreach mission work and proceeds from bake sale support the work of APPC Presbyterian Women. Holiday Extravaganza - APPC CRAFT FAIR—NOVEMBER 8 WANTED- Lots of baked goods. You need not be an active member of Presbyterian Women to donate bake goods. Last year the amount of baked goods was down and so were our proceeds. Please help by donating labeled baked goods. They can be dropped off on Friday or Saturday before 9:30 a.m. AND, don’t forget to shop and bring your friends! New this year - a gluten-free table. APPC Gathering on November 18 (Parlor) Please join us at 7 p.m. in the Parlor as Dorcas-Rebekah circle will be presenting a special program called “Conversations on the Porch- Story of Dorcas.” After our program, we will enjoy fellowship and refreshments. What is a Presbyterian Woman and Who Can Attend? A Presbyterian Woman is any woman that attends a Presbyterian Church. You do not have to be a member of our church or of a circle to attend. Currently we have six circles. We would love to increase the number of circles. If you are interested in joining a small group of women for fellowship and Bible study, please take this as my personal invitation for you to call me and talk. If you already have a group of friends that would like to get together for Christian fellowship once a month, you could even start your own circle. Please contact Pat McBride if you would like to discuss this further. Future dates: The PWPD Women's Retreat is March 14, 2015 at Royal Oak, First. The keynote speaker is Pat Johnson (from Royal Oak, First) May 6, 2015, Allen Park Presbyterian Church is hosting PWPD Gathering. Please keep this date open so you can help and/or attend. June 18-21, 2015 is the PW-PC USA’s Churchwide Gathering in Minneapolis, MN. The 2015 Churchwide Gathering of Presbyterian Women will be held June 18-21, 2015 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Make plans to join us. Registration for the event is just $395 (less than in 2012); with hotel rooms at the Hyatt Regency at $169 per night (up to four guests per room). Registration will open January 15, 2015. The theme of the Gathering is "One Body, One Spirit." based on 1 Corinthians 12:12-27. As always, workshops, plenary sessions, worship, mission opportunities and all Gathering programming will explore the theme in the context of a diverse, faithful sisterhood. Watch 2015 Call to the Gathering on YouTube: Please put it on your calendar and plan on joining me. The last Churchwide Gathering was so inspiring for me, I want everyone to experience it! November Dates to Remember: ► ► ► ► ► ► ► 5th - PWPD Gathering at The Second Mile Center 7th - Please drop off baked goods 8th - Holiday Extravaganza—Craft Fair and PW Bake Sale 3rd and 17th - Piecemakers at noon in Art Room 18th - APPW Gathering 7 pm in the Parlor 25th - Bible Study Leaders—6 pm Parlor 25th - PWCT 7 pm Parlor 2014 Ingathering Report A message from Kim Ammon, Ingathering Coordinator Once again FALL arrives. LEAVES are falling and trees are becoming radiant with colors. As usual, my living room takes on it’s yearly look. PILED with generous gifts from our Presbyterian Women. Yes, it’s Ingathering time. Faithfully these ladies cut back on their CIDER and DONUTS, but did not FALL short. Our quota was RAKED in and delivered. Passing PUMPKINS, MULCHED LEAVES and FALL DECORATIONS, we arrived (no, not by broom) to Westminster Presbyterian Church on October 20 to drop off our donations (value:$2,344.90). Then off to the CIDER MILL! Happy FALL and thank you all for your generosity. Kim Page 7 APPLLE: World Religions Part II: Eastern Traditions The world seems to be getting smaller every day. In our diverse society, we find folks of all faiths in many aspects of our daily lives. As Christians, we are called to encounter our neighbors with a spirit of love and peace and with the knowledge that we are all beloved children of God. Join us as we explore Eastern faiths and cultures. We will have the opportunity to meet, chat with, and share a table with our brothers and sisters of other faiths who live and worship right here in Michigan. Nov 15—Travel to Still Point Buddhist Temple in Detroit: bus leaves at 9:15 am; Sign up by 11/9. Dec 7—Travel to Gurdwara Sahib in Plymouth for a tour and meal with our Sikh hosts: bus leaves at 12:15 p.m. sign up by 12/1. Deacons on the Streets: Feeding the Needy (Nov. 30) Sunday, November 30th, following the second service, the Deacons will be taking the church van to the streets of Detroit, to feed the homeless. How can you help? By doing any of the following: ► ► ► ► Make a batch, or a double batch of chili. Bring it to the basement kitchen between the first and second service. It can be hot or cold. Donate individually packaged items - water, juice, apples, oranges, carrots and celery sticks, chips, crackers, cookies, Rice Krispie treats. It you have gently used clothes, especially sweatshirts, coats, hats, gloves, shoes, socks or back packs, there is always a need. Toiletry bags are also distributed. We are collecting the following travel sized items: Shampoo, soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, lotion, combs, disposable razor blades, feminine products, etc. (these items can be placed in the collection barrel in the coat closet. So we can prepare and plan, please drop items off in the parlor, basement kitchen refrigerator, or on a table in the basement pass through, before Sunday, November 23rd. Be sure and label the items as streets of Detroit. We also need people to come with us to serve. We set up tables on the sidewalk, and the people come. We typically serve 100 plus in twenty minutes. All of your help is appreciated. Contact: Susan McCausland GriefShare Winter Workshop GriefShare is a grief recovery support group where you can find help and healing for the hurt of losing a loved one led by Norma Bentley (Deacon/Stephen Minister) and Barry Davis (Deacon). You will learn what to expect during your grief journey, especially the first year after the death of a loved one through videos and group discussions. Join us for our next 8-week session beginning Monday, November 17 (through January 5, 2015) from 7 to 9 p.m. in the parlor. The cost for materials is $20. You do not need to feel alone during this difficult time. For more information or to register, please use the link: groups/42395 Norma Bentley - [email protected] Barry Davis - [email protected] GriefShare: Surviving the Holidays GriefShare: Surviving the Holidays is a one-day free grief workshop dealing with surviving the holiday season while grieving the loss of a loved one. It is meant to be a warm, encouraging and helpful event. Join leaders Norma Bentley and Barry Davis on Thursday, November 13, 2014 from 7 to 9 p.m. in the Parlor. Registration link: http:// Cub Scouts Rake and Run Our Cub Scouts will be out and about raking leaves on Sunday, November 9. If you or someone you know could use a little help with this task, please contact Rita Javorski in the church office to be included on the list. This is a free service, but the troop asks that you please have lawn and leaf bags available. Can and Bottle Drive to support our youth - drop off your clean returnables in the alley behind the Fellowship Building from 8:30 to noon. (November 9) Mission Sunday Join us at Touch/Down as we eat pizza and make cards for people on our staff/prayer list etc. (12:30 p.m. on Sunday, November 23) Noisy Offering - save your spare change and help our youth support Heifer International Project. (November 30) Page 8 Parish Nurse’s Corner Chris Mayer, R.N.—313-575-5853 - [email protected] Starting “Conversations” with Older Adult’s Before the Needs Arise Seventy percent of us will need long-term care after age 65, yet few of us openly discuss care needs and wishes. Care Conversations™ is bringing people together to change this conversation trend. We’re providing information and resources to get people talking with loved ones, health care providers and industry experts. Working together, we can plan and prepare for our future and ensure care needs are met every step of the way. There may be a time when you or your loved one will no longer be able to care for themselves independently. Care Conversations focuses on people and the honest discussions needed to plan and prepare for the future. Finding care may seem difficult or even overwhelming at first. Whether you’re seeking care for yourself, or for a loved one such as a spouse, parent or sibling, Care Conversations can help you every step of the way. Worry less about tomorrow. Start a conversation today. Care Conversations with your loved ones To find the right care solution, you must first know what you’re looking for. Keep in mind care wants are just as important as care needs. Talking with your loved ones may seem difficult at times, but regular discussions ensure everyone is working toward the same goal. Care Conversations™ help loved ones discover personal preferences and wishes that they might not have otherwise known. These insights help narrow the search criteria and make it easier to find the right care solution. By speaking openly and honestly about priorities and concerns, you can identify areas that require further research or discussion. Five Tips For Successful Care Conversations Many of us avoid Care Conversations because we assume loved ones don’t want to discuss sensitive matters. These perceptions may not be reality. Loved ones may want to talk. The process may be easier than we think. We simply won’t know until we try, so it’s important to push past initial reservations and commit to taking action. Once you’ve made the decision to act, how do you go about initiating a delicate conversation? Even with the best intentions and strong determination, you may find yourself speechless. To improve your chances of Care Conversation success, follow these five tips: 1. Address the Who, Where, and When - The right mix of people, place, and timing will help set the right tone for a pleasant, productive Care Conversation. Because Care Conversations are likely to affect everyone, it’s worth trying to involve everyone. While it may seem tough to find a quiet moment amidst the hustle and bustle of busy lives, try to find a place and time when people are likely to be relaxed and receptive. 2. Be flexible - Unforeseen circumstances can alter even the best-laid plans. However eager we may be to “get it over with”, a Care Conversation should not be forced or rushed. Allow discussions to evolve naturally. Plan for a few hiccups. If a family member is running late or your loved one seems to be having a bad day, consider rescheduling. When you are able to start a conversation, be flexible about how long the discussion lasts and what, if anything, is accomplished. 3. Take the “right” approach - Everyone’s situation is different, so there is no one-size-fits-all “right” approach. Consider your loved one’s unique preferences and tailor your tactics accordingly. Here are three techniques that can help you start a Care Conversation: Start with Small Talk - Look for natural conversation starters. For example, if you’re helping an aging relative run errands or cook, you might ask, “What’s the best part of the day for you?” or “What’s the hardest?” Giving loved ones the opportunity to talk on their own terms makes Care Conversations casual and less intimidating. Turn The Tables - Talk about others in similar situations to avoid putting loved ones on the defensive about their own circumstances. Ask aging relatives if they cared for their parents or grandparents. If so, what was the experience like? What might they have done differently? You can also share your life and care plans. Mention your steps to prepare a will or advance directive, and ask for input and assistance. (Continued on page 10) Our Prayer List Beverly Markus (Mother of Kerri Van) FOR THE FAMILIES OF THOSE WHO HAVE DIED Stephen Popy (by Cheryl Blevins and family) October 18 Dennis Tomalka October 17 Robert Green (Son of Margaret Green October 16 Patricia Templin (Mother of Larry (Ellen) Templin, Sister of the late Carol Maki) HAVING SURGERY Laurie Moscarello (Nov. 7) RECOVERING - SURGERY/HOSPITALIZATION Rick Roy (Friend of Sue Theeck) Ted Mazans Cindy Trudeau (by the Bono family and the grandmother of CeCe and Mandy Bono) HAVING TESTS/PROCEDURES/TREATMENT Pam Ronan (Friend of Sue Theeck) Jennifer Hilyer-Jones Neolla Costner (Friend of Wayne Cuthbert) Diane L. Smith (Daughter of Evelyn Smith) Page 9 Gail Rigdon (Sister-in-law of Jill & Gary Kleinsmith) Kathy Moy (Sister of Margaret Fischer) Valerie Geter (Friend of Jennifer & Julius Jones) David Ray Allen (Brother of Patty Allen) Laura Krajewski (Friend of Rita Javorski) Taylor Hadley (Niece of Tracy Cruts) Valarie Bernard (Niece of Irene Barazsu) Leslie Hibbler (Friend of Phil & Nancy Atkinson) Judy Salucci (Daughter of Mary Ogdie/Sister Roger Ogdie) Nick Duckett and Laura Bruce (Friends of Jeri Knight) Todd Graham (Friend of the Shamie Family) Richard Findlay (Shanley/Seabloom/Shamie family) Aaron Mei (Friend of Shanley/Shamie/Seabloom Family) Holly Ryan (Granddaughter of Angie Taylor) Greg Fanfalone (Friend of Ronnie Beebe) Brandon Law (Brother of Michael Law, Jr) Sue Leszczynski (Godmother of Norma Bentley) Wendy Loomis (Niece of Wendy and Steve Reimers) Gertrude Quasada (Grandmother of Michael Law, Jr.) FOR EMOTIONAL STRENGTH & HEALING Betty Paisley Georgia Luke Joyce Poole Susan Theeck Vivian Brooks Ken Lush Vern Welch Fern Brandt Phyllis Jones Michele Dam Bob Myers Norma Ross Shirley Botu Valerie Hilyer Judy Graham Frances Lush Carl Schleicher Doris Ward Leonard Saenz Dot Uren Geri Knight Virgie Torok Wally Bach Ruth Beattie Ben Warren Richard Henig Ceil Pretty Dorothy Hensel Jim Kinard Floyd Smith Jen Goddard Jim Masterson Don & Arlene Shanley Gloria Welch Julius Dazy Dick Hershberger Winnie Frank Jane Hilyer Phyllis Hartman Marlett Gaujanian Dorothy Foucher Dorothy Adams Joan Reckinger Joe Melling Chuck & Betty Bray Catherine Kirby Angie Taylor Dorothy Smith Margaret Taliaferro Wilma Fairbairn (Georgia Luke’s Sister/Aunt of Keith (Mary Lou) Provost Pattrica Woodie (Niece of Virgie Torok) Gavin Frew (& parents Rob & Erica) (Friends of Cuthberts) Andi Stevens (Cousin of Wayne (Megan) Cuthbert) Kathleen Carson (Sister of Art & Barbara Jo Carson) Barb Cabadas Reynolds (Friend of Elaine Doran) Sharron Sherrill (Friend of Karin Kozlo and Norma Bentley) Carman Gudin (Friend of De De Sherlock) Cindi Miller (Mother of Kimberly Miller) Sue Stimson (Daughter of Phyllis Froehlich) Maryanne Froehlich (Daughter-in-law of Phyllis Froehlich) Kimberly Smith (Granddaughter of Evelyn Smith) Liz Crawford (Friend of Judy Martin) Tammy & David Bridgeman (Friends of Norma Bentley) Danielle Thurston (Michelle)\ Kate Patterson (Friend of Amy Bowerman) Clyde Shepherd (Friend of Butch and Linda Brunelle) Daniel, Tori & DJ Powell (Friends of Karin Kozlo) Dana Holder (Friend of Karin Kozlo) Katie (Diebel) Trupiano (Friend of Geri Knight) Gail Vargo (Sister-in-law:Norma Bentley/Aunt of Karin Kozlo) OUR JOYS Dr. Barbara Jones-Connor, daughter of Phyllis Jones was married to Douglas Wood on Saturday, October 4, 2014 in Syracuse, New York. Happily, Phyllis was able to attend her daughter’s wedding and enjoy all the festivities. Congratulations to all! TOUCH/DOWN - FOURTH SUNDAY MISSION Everyone is invited to join us for our November Fourth Sunday (23rd) Mission project at 12:30 in the Dining Room. We will be having pizza and making cards for folks on our prayer list, office staff. We kindly encourage all of our crafty members (card makers, Scrapbookers, etc.) to join us to help assist the younger or less crafty folks! Did We Miss Your Birthday? We publish birthdays in THE LITE each week. If we somehow missed your birthday, please call the office and let us know. We will correct the error in our church records. We are happy to announce other special joys too - just let us know! Allen Park Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) 7101 Park Avenue, Allen Park, MI 48101 313-383-0100 - FRONT DESK Ext. 0 Kerri A. Van Editor, Ext. 13 Email: [email protected] Website: (under construction) Be our friend on Facebook for the latest info. Twitter: APPC1 Page 10 (Continued from page 8) Express A Worry - Voicing concern can help loved ones see care discussions in a new light. You might say, “I’m worried that someday I’ll be making decisions on your behalf. I want to be sure I make the right ones.” This approach puts Care Conversations in the proper context of cooperative planning. 4. Ask specific questions - Be specific in your questions to fully understand the situation and level of need. You might ask: Do you feel comfortable driving to the bank? What about driving at night? How often do you go to the grocery store? Is it hard to bring in groceries? What do you worry about? How does it feel to be 80 (or 90 or 100)? What do you talk about with your friends? What would you like me to know that I don’t yet? You don’t have to tiptoe around questions; you can also ask what weighs on your heart. For example, if your loved one seems to struggle with a fear of dying, you might simply ask, “Are you afraid?” Honest questions can make difficult situations easier, and offer greater peace of mind. 5. Remember, it’s not about you - The goal at this point is to simply gather information, listen and observe. While we can certainly help our loved ones make choices, we should be careful not to take over the decisionmaking process. If Care Conversations don’t go as well as you had hoped, don’t take it personally. Acknowledging and addressing changing care needs can be very difficult for everyone involved. Focus on small wins. If loved ones are reluctant to discuss topics such as personal finance, you might ask what bank they use or where they keep important documents. If a question prompts an unfavorable response, simply say, “I didn’t mean to upset you. I want to make sure I understand what you need.” You can always take a break for a few minutes or even a few days. Some conversations will turn out better than others. The important thing is to just keep trying and keep talking. God’s Richest Blessings to You, Chris Mayer, Parish Nurse Source: Upcoming Board Meetings DEACONS (7 p.m. Parlor) Tuesday, November 4 Tuesday, December 2 SESSION (7:30 p.m. Parlor) Committee Meetings at 6:30 p.m. in various rooms Saturday, November 8 at 11:30 p.m. (Parlor) For the purpose of accepting new members Tuesday, November 11 Tuesday, December 9 COMMUNION Sunday, November 2 – Team B (Intinction) Sunday, December 7 - Team A (Plates) Wednesday, December 24 Christmas Eve 10 p.m. Team B (Plates) T H E GO O D WO R D A publication of Allen Park Presbyterian Church (USA) Kerri A. Van, Editor 313-383-0100, Ext. 13 - Cell: 734-552-7628 - [email protected] If you wish to have an article included in this publication, you must submit your information to Rita Javorski prior to the deadline. The deadline for the December/January issue is Wednesday, November 12, 2014 - 4 p.m. For more info: [email protected] TRUSTEES (7:30 p.m Oasis Room) Tuesday, November 18 Tuesday, December 16 FREE BLOOD PRESSURE CLINICS Endowment Meetings: Monday, December 8 (Tower Room) 6:45 p.m. Monday, March 9, 2015 (Tower Room) 6:45 p.m. Monday, June 8, 2015 (Tower Room) 6:45 p.m. We provide a free blood pressure clinic for your good health once a month on the second Sunday at 9:30 a.m. in the parlor. Please join us - it could change your life for the better. Next Clinic: November 9 with Jeff and Carrie O’Riley Douglas H. Blaikie, M. Div, Pastor [email protected] - Ext. 12 Michelle James, M. Div, Associate Pastor [email protected] - Ext. 16 Dr. Rev. Keith O. Provost, Parish Associate [email protected] - Ext. 51 Rev. Levon G. King, Parish Assistant [email protected] Rev. William Colwell - Pastor Emeritus Judith A. Ouellette, Clerk of Session [email protected] Richard Huebler., President of the Trustees [email protected] Kip Horvath, Corporate Treasurer Susan McCausland, Moderator Board of Deacons [email protected] Christine Mayer, Parish Nurse [email protected] - Ext. 17 Art Hughes, Stephen Ministry Leader [email protected] Krista Nappa, Kids Hope Director [email protected] Pat McBride, Presbyterian Women Moderator [email protected] Music Department Andrea Carlson - [email protected] Young Singers Choir Director, Flutist Amy Bowerman- [email protected] Youth Connection Choir Director Christine El-Hage - Pianist, Adult Choir Accompanist, Youth Connection Choir Accompanist, Young Singers Accompanist, pianist Dr. Christian Kreipke - Organist, Pianist Carolyn Marengere - [email protected] Young Ringers Choir Director Wendy Reimers - [email protected] Adult Choir Director, Handbell Choir Director, Pianist, Accompanist, Organist James Sargent - [email protected] - Pianist Page 11 Back Page Cheat Shee t Ushering Teams /Counting Teams Nov. 2 (Communion) ---- Ushering 4/Counting 1 Nov 2—DST ends—Fall Back One Hour!! Nov. 9 ----------------------- Ushering 5/Counting 2 Nov. 16---------------------- Ushering 1 /Counting 3 Nov. 23---------------------- Ushering 2/Counting 4 Nov. 30---------------------- Ushering 3/Counting 5 Dec. 7 (Communion) ---- Ushering 4/Counting 6 Van Teams #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 - Captain: Captain: Captain: Captain: Captain: Barry Davis - Nov. 2 & Dec. 7 Bob Ammon - Nov. 9 & Dec. 14 Chuck Ouellette - Nov. 16 & Dec. 21 Kevin Vaughan - Nov 23 & Dec 28 Dan Angell, Sr., - Nov. 30 Sunday Coffee Hour—The BLEND **please note The Blend has been moved to the Parlor. Nov. 2 (Communion) ---- Phoebe/Hannah Circle Nov. 9 ----------------------- Adult Choir Nov. 16---------------------- Elisabeth Circle Nov. 23---------------------- Session Nov. 30---------------------- Session Dec. 7 (Communion) ---- Trustees Dec. 14 ---------------------- Trustees Front Desk Volunteers (Sunday) Nov. 2 (Communion) ---- Phoebe/Hannah Circle Nov. 9 ----------------------- Adult Choir Nov. 16---------------------- Elisabeth Circle Nov. 23---------------------- Session Nov. 30---------------------- Session Dec. 7 (Communion) ---- Trustees Dec. 14 ---------------------- Trustees CHURCH STAFF Ruth Beattie - Organist Emeritus Rita Javorski - Ext. 11 - [email protected] Office Manager Weddings at APPC - To book a wedding, contact Rita Kerri Van – Ext. 13 - [email protected] Communications Manager Javorski to reserve your date with a $100.00 deposit at 313-383-0100, Ext. 11 or [email protected] Sextons: Michael Harris, Sarah Klein, Natalie Marengere, Randall Nicholls, JR Whiteford Funeral Sextons: Chuck Ouellette, Katy Rodriguez, Gary Robinson, Randall Nicholls Virginia Parent - Ext. 15 - [email protected] Membership Secretary Irene Barazsu - Ext. 18 - [email protected] Contributions Secretary, Payroll Janet Morton - Ext. 10 - [email protected] Financial Secretary Nick Mikolajewski - Custodian - [email protected] First Friday Film Fest Daylight Saving time ends on November 2, 2014. Friday, November 7at 7 p.m. in the Middle School Room Movie: “O Brother, Where Art Thou” Let the Cub Scouts Help You with Your Thanksgiving Dinner Support APPC's Cub Scout Pack 1051 this Thanksgiving season! The Cub Scouts will be in the Narthex on Sunday, November 2 and 9 selling Dearborn Sausage brand hams, kielbasa, hot dogs and more! All orders must be completed by November 17, 2014 and will be here in time for Thanksgiving! The Cub Scouts will be available to deliver orders to church members if needed. Thank you in advance for your support of Pack 1051!!! An adventure comedy film by Joel and Ethan Coen, starring George Clooney, John Turturro, and Tim Blake Nelson, along with a star-studded supporting cast. Set in 1937 rural Mississippi during the Great Depression, the film's story is a modern satire loosely based on Homer’s epic poem, The Odyssey. Concessions available for a $1 donation. PG-13 for some violence and language th er You Novemb ed!! enclos r a d n e al C Allen Park Presbyterian Church (USA) 7101 Park Avenue Allen Park, Michigan 48101-2091 (313) 383-0100 - [email protected] BULK RATE US POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 1 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Contains time sensitive information for November 1, 2014 PLEASE DO NOT DELAY DELIVERY!
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