Remembrance Service Nov. 9, 2014 ST. JOHN’S UNITED CHURCH 75 Alma Street, Moncton, NB E1C 4Y3 Phone: 858-8289; Church office email: [email protected]; Check our website, for times of meetings, events, etc. In Flanders Field In Flanders fields the poppies blow Between the crosses, row on row, That mark our place; and in the sky The larks, still bravely singing, fly Scarce heard amid the guns below. We are the Dead. Short days ago We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, Loved and were loved, and now we lie, In Flanders fields. Take up our quarrel with the foe: To you from failing hands we throw The torch; be yours to hold it high. If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders fields. John McCrae WELCOME! A warm welcome is extended to all. Your presence enriches both us and this time of celebration together. This bulletin has been given In Loving Memory of Fred & Beulah Cassidy By Daughters: Barb McLaughlin & Sharon Alward ST. JOHN’S UNITED CHURCH CARES... To notify the Minister of personal concerns, anxieties, illnesses, hospitalizations or deaths, to pass along a prayer request, or to arrange homebound communion, contact Rev. Aaron Billard at 858-8289 or [email protected] NOTICES, UPCOMING MEETINGS & EVENTS Calendar of St. John’s Meetings & Events Check our website at for dates & times of events & meetings - found under link to Sunday Bulletin & Announcements on left-hand side of Home page. Nov. Nov. Nov. 9 Sun 10 11 Mon Tue 13 15 16 Thu Sat. Sun 17 18 19 20 Mon Tue Wed Thu 23 Sun 9:30 am MEN’S CHOIR Practice RESUMES 11:00 am REMEMBRANCE & WORSHIP Service - Music by Cherub Choir SUNDAY SCHOOL (4-12 yrs) & NURSERY CARE (0-3 yrs) 12:00 noon CHERUB CHOIR practice 2:30 pm MEN’S CHOIR sings at Camden Place evening 6:30 pm: Gr. Mctn. Chorale practice; 7:15 pm: Girl Guide Pathfinders All day REMEMBRANCE Day – Church Offices Closed UCW meeting rescheduled to Wed., Nov. 26th 7:00 pm CHOIR Practice 6:00 pm ROAST BEEF DINNER – Tickets are $15 9:30 am MEN’S CHOIR Practice 11:00 am ANNIVERSARY Worship Service, Baptisms, Bibles presented to 9-yr-olds SUNDAY SCHOOL (4-12 yrs) & NURSERY CARE (0-3 yrs) 12:00 noon CHERUB CHOIR practice 12:10 pm TRUSTEES Meeting 12:30 pm PASTORAL CARE & MEMBERSHIP Committee meeting evening 6:30 pm: Gr. Mctn. Chorale practice; 7:15 pm: Girl Guide Pathfinders 7:30 pm FELLOWSHIP Group meets 6-8:00 pm WINGS 12:30 pm FINANCE Committee meeting 7:00 pm CHOIR Practice 9:30 am MEN’S CHOIR Practice 11:00 am WORSHIP SERVICE. Baptism. Rev. Doug MacEachern leading service SUNDAY SCHOOL (4-12 yrs) & NURSERY CARE (0-3 yrs) 12:00 noon CHERUB CHOIR practice LOOKING AHEAD... Nov. Dec. 15 16 14 Sat. Sun Sun Mark your calendar! 6:00 pm ROAST BEEF DINNER – Tickets are $15 and available now 11:00 am ANNIVERSARY Worship Service 3:00 pm COMMUNITY CHRISTMAS CAROL SING – note the date change 2 R O AS T B E E F D I N N E R Roast beef, mashed potatoes, gravy, carrots, peas, coleslaw, green tomato chow, roll and butter, followed by tea, coffee and dessert. Hosted by the men of St. John’s United Church, here in the Social Hall This Coming Saturday, November 15th at 6:00 pm Tickets are $15.00 and available from the men of the congregation & the Church Office. CONGRATULATIONS TO ANN AND RALPH SMITH on celebrating their 60th Wedding Anniversary on November 6, 2014. A COOKIE SALE is being planned by the UCW for Sunday Dec. 7th, the same time as the Come, Visit the Stable event, as advertised in today’s bulletin insert. The cost of the cookies is $4.00 per dozen, and need to be pre-ordered no later than Sunday Nov. 30th for pick-up on Sunday Dec. 7th after the morning service. There’s a good assortment of cookies to choose from, and can be ordered by the full or halfdozen. Choose from: Chocolate Chip, Peanut Butter, Gumdrop, Spice, Oatmeal Raisin, Oat Cakes, Molasses, and/or Coconut Crisps. Contact Brenda McFarlane at 852-3550, or Lois Weatherby at 856-8899, with your order. A few extra cookies may be on hand Dec. 7th, but avoid disappointment and order beforehand. SNOW STORM POLICY – Some of you are unsure of the church cancellation policy in the event of a snow storm on a Sunday morning. The decision to cancel is made by 8 am by the Minister, the Chair of Worship & Music, and the Council Chair. Currently, we announce the closure by: 1. Changing the phone message at the office 2. Calling local radio stations 3. Having the information posted on the CBC storm centre on the internet at: or search, “Moncton Cancellations” The easiest way for some people to find out if a service is cancelled may be to call the Church Office that morning and check the phone message for news of a cancellation. 3 WINGS - Thanks to Ms. Kimberley Jelley of the 'Blessings in a Backpack' initiative that was presented at WINGS on Nov. 5th. Thanks also to Karen Teed for dinner, to Karen Leidemer for the meal set-up and kitchen clean-up, and Sarah McCrea for providing childcare. The next WINGS gathering is November 19th, and Emily Buck will introduce an initiative promoting leadership among young women in Greater Moncton. THANKS FROM PHYLLIS HICKS: “A special thanks to all those who attended my 90th Birthday Party. It was a great honor to have so many of my church family and friends there to help me celebrate.” INPUT ON STAFF REVIEWS - Your Ministry & Personnel Committee is working on the annual reviews for all paid staff of St. John's United Church. Over the years we have had little response to this request for input. We feel that we at St. John's have a very good and hard working staff who deserve positive reinforcement for the good things they do, in addition to any other concerns you may have. Therefore, we encourage anyone wishing to have input in this process to contact any of the following members of the M&P Committee: (Nov. 2, 9, 16) Barb McLaughlin (H) 576-6484 Art Young (H) 384-3592 Bob Charman (W) 854-8656 (H) 389-9622 Pat Tippett (H) 382-4401 Nelson Price (H) 384-1364 “Come... Visit the Stable” To recap the message in last week’s bulletin insert: Come... Visit the Stable is a St. John’s UCW event to display the variety of Nativity scenes from our congregation and community. We need Nativity Scenes to display, for viewing on Sunday, Dec. 7th after our morning worship service. If you are willing to share your scene and its special story with your church community, or help out with this event, please fill out the registration form (extra copies available at our main entrances) and put it in the offering plate or in the Church office mail slot. We would like to know by Dec. 1st if you plan to share your Nativity Scene in our display. Nativity Scenes can be dropped off at the church on Wednesday and Thursday, Dec. 3rd & 4th during office hours (8:30 am-4:00 pm). If these days are impossible for you, June MacEachern has offered to pick up Nativity Scenes from those unable to bring their scene to the church. Please note on your registration form if you need June to pick-up your nativity scene, and arrangements will be made with you. If you wish to personally unpack and set-up your scene, please come to the church on Friday Dec. 5th at 9 am. Please plan to be here to pack-up your nativity scene when the viewing is finished - Sunday afternoon, Dec. 7th (1:30-2 pm), or call Roberta Bunker to make alternate arrangements (382-6270). 4 SOBEYS, SUPERSTORE & CO-OP GIFT CARDS - We have Sobeys and Superstore gift cards in denominations of $100, $50, & $25; and Coop gift cards in $50s and $25s available for sale each Sunday at the sales table in the Great Hall, after the service during fellowship & coffee time. We make 4% on every card sold. Your support is needed & appreciated. Our goal this year is to make $3,000 profit from this fundraiser. Sales to-date for 2014: $49,125; Profit $2,064.50 WANTED: VOLUNTEER VISITORS - Our Pastoral Care Committee is looking for more people to occasionally visit some of our people who are shut-in and not able to get out and about. They really appreciate these visits. If this interests you, and/or you want more details, please contact Rev. Aaron Billard. CANADIAN TIRE MONEY - we are still collecting Canadian Tire money. You can place your collection of Canadian Tire money in the offering plate on Sundays or drop it off at the Church Office. If you put your name on it, you will be given credit on your income tax receipt. PENNIES - We are still accepting pennies to help cover postage costs. So, if you’ve found some still laying around your home, please consider donating them to us. A receipt will be issued for your donation. CHURCH COMMUNITY EVENTS & ANNOUNCEMENTS See the Bulletin Board for other Events not listed here. GIFTS with VISION CATALOGUE – This catalogue, from the United Church, provides way for you to honour people in your life, especially at Christmas time, with special gifts that help to mend the world. Copies of the catalogue are available at our 2 main entrances. ANNUAL FALL FUN FAIR - at Mountain View United Church (85 MacBeath Ave., Moncton) on Saturday, Nov. 15th from 10 am - 2 pm. There will be a wide selection of crafts, fancy work, baking, books, jewelry, “attic treasures”, Christmas items, etc., as well as a Silent Auction. Join us for lunch at the Gingerbread Café. THE GREATER MONCTON ECUMENICAL CHILDREN'S CHOIR & FRIENDS are presenting a Fall Concert on Saturday, Nov. 15th at 7 pm at Central United Church (cor. Queen & Church Sts.). Tickets are $10 and are available at the Rite Stop on West Main, Jean Coutu in Riverview, and at-the-door. You can also purchase tickets on-line at This is a fundraising concert for music in the Community Peace Centre Forum. This will be the Choir's first concert since performing at the RCMP Regimental Funeral in June, and members are looking forward to sharing a full program of inspirational songs. 5 WORSHIP SERVICE Welcome back to our organist, Owen Fraser, from his 5-week trip touring South Africa. (The congregation is invited to join in responses printed in bold) ORGAN PRELUDE A TIME OF REMEMBRANCE WE GATHER IN THE SPIRIT OF COMMUNITY DOXOLOGY # 541 PRAISE GOD Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise God, all creatures high and low; Give thanks to God in love made known: Creator, Word and Spirit, one. WELCOME & ANNOUNCEMENTS MUSIC by Don Sage, Luiz de Jesus, Rev Aaron Billard The Green Fields of France CALL TO WORSHIP Call upon God’s Wisdom. God will answer! Seek God’s Wisdom. God dwells in the midst of life. Follow God’s Wisdom. God leads in the paths of light and generosity. Eric Bogle Wisdom of Solomon 6:12-16 GATHERING PRAYER Holy God, we hear echoes of your Wisdom in Christ Jesus, the One you sent to dwell in our midst and lead us to abundant life. Keep us alert to the call to follow, ready to respond with justice and joy in your holy moment, which is always Now. We continue to pray as Jesus taught us, saying, "Our Father..."(VU. 921) PRAYER OF CONFESSION Amos 5:18-24 Though we may delight to be here, together in worship, let us remember that the Prophet Amos offers us a word from God to challenge any complacent comfort. Continued… 6 Our praise, our worship, our singing, however beautiful and heartfelt, must be accompanied by the work of justice in community. What pleases God is to have justice pour from our lives like waters, and righteousness from our work like an ever-flowing stream. So let us pause for a moment. What parts of our lives, our community, and our world are thirsting for waters of Justice and Righteousness? (Silence) Amen. ASSURANCE OF GRACE God’s grace flows through our lives, refreshing and making all things new. Let this grace flow from us as justice and righteousness, that our lives and work may bless our world, In Jesus’ name. Amen. HYMN # 806 O GOD, OUR HELP IN AGES PAST CHERUB CHOIR REMEMBERS – accom. by Luiz de Jesus Waving Flag Children up to age 12 yrs. are now invited to go to our Sunday School program time. If you are a child here for the first time, please feel welcome to join the children’s group upstairs, or remain here for the rest of the service. If you are a parent or caregiver, there are a kitchen and washrooms on the main and upstairs levels, as well as a diaper changing area upstairs. Please feel free to return to the service at any time. WE REFLECT UPON OUR COMMON STORY SCRIPTURE LESSONS Joshua 24:1–3a, 14–25 Joshua challenges the people to choose God. Psalm 78:1–7 (VU p. 792, pt. 1 - read responsively, & with sung refrain) We will teach the next generation. Matthew 25:1–13 Parable of the 10 bridesmaids and the lamps. God's story is for all people. It is ours to receive and share. SERMON HYMN # 659 ETERNAL FATHER, STRONG TO SAVE WE RESPOND TO GOD’S LOVE OFFERING & CHOIR ANTHEM You Are Mine OFFERTORY # 543 WE GIVE THEE BUT THINE OWN We give thee but thine own, what e’er the gift may be; All that we have is thine alone, a trust, O God, from thee. 7 Haas/Hayes PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE HYMN # 151 LIFT HIGH THE CROSS BENEDICTION CHORAL BENEDICTION Go Now In Peace ORGAN POSTLUDE The prayers in today’s service are taken from the liturgy, “Worship Ways.” You are invited to join us in the Great Hall after this service for a time of fellowship and refreshments. TODAY’S GREETERS & USHERS: South Door - Alma St.: Greeters: Bill & Carol Scarrow Offering: Gordon Belyea, Peggy Deware, Bill & Carol Scarrow North Door - Victoria St.: Greeters: Gerry & Jack Christie Offering: Gerry & Jack Christie, Ken & Ruth Ann MacDougall ELEVATOR OPERATOR: SCRIPTURE READER: GROCERY CARD SALES: TELLERS: Lois Weatherby Art Young Brenda McFarlane Marion Ford, Joan LeBlanc, Lucille McCurdy CHURCH MINISTRY PERSONNEL AND STAFF Rev. Aaron Billard, Minister email: sjucrev @ Owen Fraser, Organist email: owen.fraser @ Wanda Colwell, Office Administrator email: sjuc @ Patti Arsenault, Custodian Email Rev. Dr. Doug MacEachern, MinisterEmeritus email: dougjune @ 8
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