FOR CLASS H1 (2012 - 2013)
Practice through various sources
Week 1
Essay: Social
Week 2
Essay: Political
Week 3
Essay: Historical/Philosophical
Week 4
Essay: Science
Essay: Geographical
Week 6
Essay: Mathematics
Week 7
Essay: Literature / language
Week 8
Essay: Historical and philosophical
Week 9
Essay: Culture / Arts and crafts
Week 10 Essay: Music
Week 11 Essay: Social
Week 12 Essay: Political
Week 13 Revision
Week 14 Half Yearly Exams
Week 15 Half Yearly Exams
Week 16 Winter Break
Week 33 Essay: Music
Week 17 Winter Break
Week 34 Essay: Social/Philosophical
Week 18 Winter Break
Week 35 Essay: Science
Week 36 Revision
Week 19 Essay: Economic / social
Week 37 Revision
Week 20 Essay: Literature / language
Week 38 Annual Exams
Week 21 Essay: Geographical
Week 39 Annual Exams
Week 22 Essay: Mathematical
Week 23 Essay: Music
Week 24 Essay: Arts and craft
Week 25 Practice and revision
Week 26
Spring Break! Send ups
Week 27 Essay: Science
Week 28 Essay: Geographical/Mathematical
Week 29 Essay: Economic / Political
Week 30 Essay: Literature and language
Week 31 Essay: Historical
Week 32 Essay: Culture / Arts and crafts
FOR CLASS H1 (2012 - 2013)
A’ Level Physics (Nelkon & Parker)
International AS & A' Level Physics (Chris Mee)
Principal Of Physics (Halliday)
A’ Level Physics Topical (Red Spot)
A’ Level physics MCQs (Red Spot)
Week 1
Physical quantities and units
Physical quantities
SI Units
The A vogadro constant
Week 2
Measurement techniques
Errors and uncertainties
Week 3
Scalars and vectors add and subtract coplanar
vectors represent a vector as two perpendicular
Week 4
Linear motion
Non-linear motion
Week 5
Newton's laws of motion
Linear momentum and its conservation
Week 6
Types of force
Equilibrium of forces
Centre of gravity
Turning effects of forces
Week 7
Work, energy, power
Energy conversion and conservation
Potential energy (mgh), kinetic energy (1/2 mv2) and
internal energy
Power (P = W/t, P = Fv)
Week 8
Week 9
Motion in a circle
Kinematics of uniform circular motion
Angular displacement, angular velocity and relation
between angular and linear velocity (v = rw).
Centripetal acceleration (a = rw2, a = vv2/r)
Centripetal force (F = mrw2, F = mv2/r).
Gravitational field
Gravitational field
Force between point masses
Field of a point mass.
Week 10 Field near to the surface of the Earth
Gravitational potential
Week 11 Phases of matter
Solids, liquids, gases
Pressure in fluids
Change of phase
Week 12 Deformation of solids
Stress, strain
Elastic and plastic behavior
Week 13 Revision
Effect of uniform field on motion of charge particle
Week 17 Force between point charges
Electric field of a point charge
Electric potential
Milikan's oil drop method
Week 18 Capacitance
Capacitors and capacitance (Q = CV)
Energy stored in a capacitor (W = 1/2 QV, W = 1/2
Week 19 Current of electricity
Electric current (Q = It)
Potential difference (V = W/Q)
Resistance and resistivity (R = pL/A)
Week 20 Sources of electromotive force
e.m.f and p.d. in terms of energy
Ohms law (V = IR)
Week 21 D.C. circuits
Practical circuits
Kirchoff's current law
Kirchoff's voltage law
Week 22 Spring Break
Week 14 Revision
Week 15 Oscillations
Simple harmonic motion
Energy in simple harmonic motion
Damped and forced oscillations:
Week 16 Electric fields
Concept of an electric field
Uniform electric fields
Electric field strength (E = V/d)
Week 23 Conservation of charge and energy
Balanced potential (potential divider, potentio meter)
Week 24 Use of Thermistor & LOR
Potential divider
Week 25 Magnetic fields
Concept of magnetic field
Magnetic flux( = B.A)
Week 26 Electromagnetism
Magnetic fields due to currents
Force between current-carrying conductors
Force on a current carrying conductor (F = BII sin0)
Week 27 Force on a moving charge (F = BQv sin0)
Hall effect and hall voltage
Week 28 Electromagnetic induction
Laws of electromagnetic induction (Faraday's law,
Lenz's law)
Week 29 Alternating currents
Characteristics of alternating currents period,
frequency, peak value and root-mean-square value
(Vrms, Inns)
Week 30 Transmission of electrical energy
scientific and economic advantages of alternating
current and of high voltages
Week 31 Rectification
Half wave rectifier
Full wave rectifier (Bridge rectifier)
Capacitor in smoothing circuit
Week 32 Revision
FOR CLASS H1 (2012 - 2013)
‘A’ Level Chemistry by Roger Noris & David Acaster
Week 1
Atoms ,Molecules and Stiochiometry, Practical
Week 2
Atoms ,Molecules and Stiochiometry
Week 3
Atomic structure
Week 4
Atomic structure
Week 5
Chemical bonding
Week 6
Chemical bonding
Week 7
States of Matter
Week 8
States of Matter
Week 9
States of Matter
Week 10 Chemical Energetic
Week 11 Chemical Energetic
Week 12 Chemical Energetic
Week 13 Revision
Week 27 Transition Elements
Week 14 Revision
Week 28 Transition Elements
Week 15 Electrochem i stry
Week 29 Transition Elements
Week 16 Electrochemistry
Week 30 Nitrogen and Sulphur
Week 17 Reaction Kinetics
Week 31 Nitrogen and Sulphur
Week 18 Reaction Kinetics
Week 32 Revision
Week 19 Chemical Equilibrium
Week 20 Ionic Equilibrium
Week 21 Ionic Equilibrium
Week 22 Revision
Week 23 Periodicity of properties
Week 24 Group II
Week 25 Group II
Week 26 Group IV
FOR CLASS H1 (2012 - 2013)
1. Biological Science (D.J Taylor) CUP
2. AS/A Level Biology (2nd Edition) paperback (Mary Jones,
Adaptation by Richard Fosbery, Jennifer Gregory, Dennis
3. Comprehensive Practical Biology (Salma Siddiqui) Ferozsons.
4. Advance Biology Principles & Applications (Latest Edition)
(Clegg Mackean John Murry)
5. A Level Science Applications Support Booklet.
Biology (University of CIE) AC/H.P Printers.
6. OCR Revise Biology (Richard Fosbery)
7. OCR Revise A2 Biology (Richard Fosbery)
8. Understanding Biology For A' Level (Glen Toole)
Week 1
A-Cell structure
The microscope in cell studies
Cells as the basic units of living organisms
Detailed structure of typical animal and plant cells,
as seen under the electron microscope
Outline functions of organelles in plant and animal
Characteristics of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells
(a) [PA] use an eyepiece graticule and stage
micrometer scale to measure cells and be familiar
with units
(millimetre, micrometre, nanometre) used in cell
(b) explain and distinguish between resolution and
magnification, with reference to light microscopy and
electron microscopy; See Definitions
Week 2
(c) describe and interpret drawings and photographs
of typical animal and plant cells, as seen under the
electron microscope, recognising the following: rough
and smooth endoplasmic reticula, Golgi apparatus,
mitochondria, ribosomes, lysosomes, chloroplasts,
cell surface membrane, nuclear envelope, centrioles,
nucleus and nucleolus;
(d) outline the functions of the structures listed in
(e) [PA] compare and contrast the structure of typical
animal and plant cells;
Week 3
Week 4
(f) [PA] draw and label low power plan diagrams of
tissues and organs (including a transverse section
of stems, roots and leaves) and calculate the linear
magnification of drawings;
(g) [PA] calculate linear magnification of drawings
and photographs;
(h) [PA] calculate actual sizes of specimens from
drawings and photographs;
(i) describe the structure of a prokaryotic cell and
compare and contrast the structure of prokaryotic
cells with eukaryotic cells;
(j) use the knowledge gained in this section in new
situations or to solve related problems.
B-Biological molecules
Structure of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins and
their roles in living organisms
Water and living organisms
Learning Outcomes
Candidates should be able to:
(a) [PA] carry out tests for reducing and non-reducing
sugars (including using colour standards as a semiquantitative use of the Benedict's test), the iodine in
potassium iodide solution test for starch, the emulsion
test for lipids and the biuret test for proteins;
(b) describe the ring forms of ?-glucose and ?glucose;
(c) describe the formation and breakage of a
glycosidic bond with reference both to
polysaccharides and to disaccharides including
(d) describe the molecular structure of
polysaccharides including starch (amylose and
amylopectin), glycogen and cellulose and relate
these structures to their functions in living organisms;
Week 5
(e) describe the molecular structure of a triglyceride
and a phospholipid and relate these structures to
their functions in living organisms;
(f) describe the structure of an amino acid and the
formation and breakage of a peptide bond;
(g) explain the meaning of the terms primary structure,
secondary structure, tertiary structure and quaternary
structure of proteins and describe the types of bonding
(hydrogen, ionic, disulfide and hydrophobic
interactions) that hold the molecule in shape;
Week 6
(h) describe the molecular structure of haemoglobin
as an example of a globular protein, and of collagen
as an example of a fibrous protein and relate these
structures to their functions (the importance of iron
in the haemoglobin molecule should be emphasised);
(i) describe and explain the roles of water in living
organisms and as an environment for organisms;
(j) use the knowledge gained in this section in new
situations or to solve related problems.
Week 7
Mode of action of enzymes
Factors that affect enzyme action
Learning Outcomes
Candidates should be able to:
(a) explain that enzymes are globular proteins that
catalyse metabolic reactions;
(b) explain the mode of action of enzymes in terms
of an active site, enzyme/substrate complex, lowering
of activation energy and enzyme specificity;
(c) [PA] follow the progress of an enzyme-catalysed
reaction by measuring rates of formation of products
(for example, using catalase) or rates of
disappearance of substrate (for example, using
Week 8
(d) [PA] investigate and explain the effects of
temperature, pH, enzyme concentration and substrate
concentration on the rate of enzyme-catalysed
(e) explain the effects of competitive and noncompetitive inhibitors on the rate of enzyme activity;
(f) use the knowledge gained in this section in new
situations or to solve related problems.
Week 9
D-Cell membranes and transport
Fluid mosaic model of membrane structure
Movement of substances into and out of cells
Learning Outcomes
Candidates should be able to:
(a) describe and explain the fluid mosaic model of
membrane structure, including an outline of the roles
of phospholipids, cholesterol, glycolipids, proteins
and glycoproteins;
(b) outline the roles of cell surface membranes;
(c) describe and explain the processes of diffusion,
facilitated diffusion, osmosis, active transport,
endocytosis and exocytosis (terminology described
in the IOB's publication Biological Nomenclature
should be used; no calculations involving water
potential will be set); See definitions
(d) [PA] investigate the effects on plant cells of
immersion in solutions of different water potential;
(e) use the knowledge gained in this section in new
situations or to solve related problems.
Week 10 E-Cell and nuclear division
o Replication and division of nuclei and cells
o Understanding of chromosome behaviour in mitosis
Learning Outcomes
Candidates should be able to:
(a) explain the importance of mitosis in the production
of genetically identical cells, growth, repair and
asexual reproduction;
(b) [PA] describe, with the aid of diagrams, the
behaviour of chromosomes during the mitotic cell
cycle and the associated behaviour of the nuclear
envelope, cell membrane, centrioles and spindle
(names of the main stages are expected);
(c) explain how uncontrolled cell division can result
in cancer and identify factors that can increase the
chances of cancerous growth;
Week 11 (d) explain the meanings of the terms haploid and
diploid and the need for a reduction division (meiosis)
prior to fertilisation in sexual reproduction;
(e) use the knowledge gained in this section in new
situations or to solve related problems.
See definitions
Week 12 F-Genetic control
Structure and replication of DNA
Role of DNA in protein synthesis
Learning Outcomes
Candidates should be able to:
(a) describe the structure of RNA and DNA and
explain the importance of base pairing and the
different hydrogen bonding between bases;
(b) explain how DNA replicates semi-conservatively
during interphase;
(c) state that a gene is a sequence of nucleotides
as part of a DNA molecule, which codes for a
polypeptide and state that a mutation is a change
in the sequence that may result in an altered
Week 13 (d) describe the way in which the nucleotide sequence
codes for the amino acid sequence in a polypeptide
with reference to the nucleotide sequence for HbA
(normal) and HbS (sickle cell) alleles of the gene for
the ?-haemoglobin polypeptide;
(e) describe how the information on DNA is used
during transcription and translation to construct
polypeptides, including the role of messenger RNA
(mRNA), transfer RNA (tRNA) and the ribosomes;
see definitions
(f) use the knowledge gained in this section in new
situations or to solve related problems.
Week 14 Revision
Week 15 G-Transport
The need for, and functioning of, a transport
system in multicellular plants
The need for, and functioning of, a transport
system in mammals
Structure and functioning of the mammalian heart
Learning Outcomes
Candidates should be able to:
(a) explain the need for transport systems in
multicellular plants and animals in terms of size and
surface area to volume ratios;
(b) define the term transpiration and explain that it
is an inevitable consequence of gas exchange in
plants; see definitions
(c) [PA] describe how to investigate experimentally
the factors that affect transpiration rate;
are adapted to reduce water loss by transpiration;
(k) explain translocation as an energy-requiring
process transporting assimilates, especially sucrose,
between the leaves (sources) and other parts of the
plant (sinks);
Week 19 (l) explain the translocation of sucrose using the
mass flow hypothesis;
(m) [PA] describe the structures of arteries, veins
and capillaries and be able to recognise these vessels
using the light microscope;
(n) explain the relationship between the structure
and function of arteries, veins and capillaries;
(o) [PA] describe the structure of red blood cells,
phagocytes and lymphocytes;
(p) state and explain the differences between blood,
tissue fluid and lymph;
(q) describe the role of haemoglobin in carrying
oxygen and carbon dioxide;
Week 17 (g) explain the movement of water between plant
cells, and between them and their environment, in
terms of water potential (no calculations involving
water potential will be set);
(h) describe the pathways and explain the
mechanisms by which water is transported from soil
to xylem and from roots to leaves;
Week 20 (r) describe and explain the significance of the
dissociation curves of adult oxyhaemoglobin at
different carbon dioxide levels (the Bohr effect);
(s) describe and explain the significance of the
increase in the red blood cell count of humans at
high altitude;
(t) describe the external and internal structure of the
mammalian heart;
(u) explain the differences in the thickness of the
walls of the different chambers in terms of their
(v) describe the mammalian circulatory system as
a closed double circulation;
(w) describe the cardiac cycle;
(x) explain how heart action is initiated and controlled
(reference should be made to the sinoatrial node,
the atrioventricular node and the Purkyne tissue);
(y) use the knowledge gained in this section in new
situations or to solve related problems.
Week 18 (i) outline the roles of nitrate ions and of magnesium
ions in plants;
(j) [PA] describe how the leaves of xerophytic plants
Week 21 H-Gas exchange and smoking
The gas exchange system
Week 16 (d) [PA] describe the distribution of xylem and phloem
tissue in roots, stems and leaves of dicotyledonous
(e) [PA] describe the structure of xylem vessel
elements, sieve tube elements and companion cells
and be able to recognise these using the light
(f) relate the structure of xylem vessel elements,
sieve tube elements and companion cells to their
Smoking and smoking-related diseases
Learning Outcomes
Candidates should be able to:
(a) [PA] describe the structure of the human gas
exchange system, including the microscopic structure
of the walls of the trachea, bronchioles and alveoli
with their associated blood vessels;
(b) [PA] describe the distribution of cartilage, ciliated
epithelium, goblet cells and smooth muscle in the
trachea, bronchi and bronchioles;
(c) describe the functions of cartilage, cilia, goblet
cells, smooth muscle and elastic fibres in the gas
exchange system;
(d) describe the process of gas exchange between
air in the alveoli and the blood;
(e) describe the effects of tar and carcinogens in
tobacco smoke on the gas exchange system;
Week 22 (f) describe the signs and symptoms of lung cancer
and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
(emphysema and chronic bronchitis);
(g) describe the effects of nicotine and carbon
monoxide on the cardiovascular systems;
(h) explain the link between smoking and
atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease and strokes;
(i) evaluate the epidemiological and experimental
evidence linking cigarette smoking to disease and
early death;
(j) discuss the difficulties in achieving a balance
between preventions and cure with reference to
coronary heart disease, coronary by-pass surgery
and heart transplant surgery;
(k) use the knowledge gained in this section in new
situations or to solve related problems.
Candidates should be able to:
(a) define the term disease and explain the difference
between an infectious disease and non-infectious
diseases (limited to sickle cell anaemia and lung
cancer); see definitions
(b) describe the causes of the following diseases:
cholera, malaria, TB, HIV/AIDS, smallpox and
(c) explain how cholera, measles, malaria, TB and
HIV/AIDS are transmitted;
Week 24 (d) discuss the roles of social, economic and biological
factors in the prevention and control of cholera,
measles, malaria, TB and HIV/AIDS (a detailed study
of the life cycle of the malarial parasite is not required);
(e) discuss the global patterns of distribution of
malaria, TB and HIV/AIDS and assess the importance
of these diseases worldwide;
(f) outline the role of antibiotics in the treatment of
infectious diseases;
(g) use the knowledge gained in this section in new
situations or to solve related problems.
Week 25 J-Immunity
The immune system
Learning Outcomes
Candidates should be able to:
(a) [PA] recognise phagocytes and lymphocytes
under the light microscope;
(b) state the origin and describe the mode of action
of phagocytes;
(c) describe the modes of action of B-lymphocytes
and T-lymphocytes;
WEEK 23 I-Infectious disease
Cholera, malaria, tuberculosis (TB) and HIV/AIDS
Learning Outcomes
Week 26 (d) explain the meaning of the term immune response,
making reference to the terms antigen, self and nonself; see definitions
(e) explain the role of memory cells in long-term
(f) relate the molecular structure of antibodies to
their functions;
Week 27 (g) distinguish between active and passive, natural
and artificial immunity and explain how vaccination
can control disease; see definitions
(h) discuss the reasons why vaccination has
eradicated smallpox but not measles, TB, malaria,
sickle cell anaemia or cholera;
(i) use the knowledge gained in this section in new
situations or to solve related problems.
Week 28 K- Ecology
Levels of ecological organisation
Energy flow through ecosystems
Recycling of nitrogen
Learning Outcomes
Candidates should be able to:
(a) define the terms habitat, niche, population,
community and ecosystem and state examples of
each; Definitions
(b) explain the terms producer, consumer and trophic
level in the context of food chains and food webs;
See definitions
(c) explain how energy losses occur along food
chains and discuss the efficiency of energy transfer
between trophic levels;
Week 29 (d) describe how nitrogen is cycled within an
ecosystem, including the roles of microorganisms;
(e) use the knowledge gained in this section in new
situations or to solve related problems.
Note: An ecosystem should be studied in relation
to an area familiar to the candidates.
Week 30 Revision
As a specific example: there are a variety of ways of presenting
the genetic code (here termed genetic dictionaries). This glossary
defines the genetic dictionaries that will be used in setting any
exam question for the papers to which this syllabus refers.
Candidates are expected to be familiar with the use of these
dictionaries rather than others, and are normally expected to give
answers in terms of these dictionaries. If a candidate uses a
different dictionary in an answer to a question, they will be given
credit, provided that the candidate makes it clear to the examiner
which dictionary they used, and provided that the answers are
Active immunity: immunity resulting from exposure to an antigen.
During the subsequent immune response, antibodies are produced
by plasma cells and the body makes memory cells that provide
ongoing long-term immunity. There is a delay before the immune
response is complete, so immunity takes some days to build up.
Allele: one of two or more alternative nucleotide sequences at
a single gene locus, so alleles are variant forms of a gene. For
example, the alleles of the ABO blood group gene are found at
a locus on chromosome 9, with the alleles including IA, IB and
IO. Diploid body cells contain two copies of each homologous
chromosome, so have two copies of chromosome 9, and so have
two copies of the gene. These may be the same allele
(homozygous), for example IA IA, or IB IB or IO IO, or they may
be different alleles (heterozygous), for example IA IB, or IA IO or
IB IO. The gene for producing the haemoglobin ?-polypeptide has
a number of alleles. Two of these are the normal allele HbA and
the sickle cell allele, HbS, giving HbA HbA and HbS HbS as
homozygous genotypes and HbA HbS as a heterozygous genotype.
Antibody: A glycoprotein secreted by a plasma cell. An antibody
binds to the specific antigen that triggered the immune response,
leading to destruction of the antigen (and any pathogen or other
cell to which the antigen is attached). Antibodies have regions
that vary in shape (variable regions) that are complementary to
the shape of the antigen. Some antibodies are called antitoxins
and prevent the activity of toxins ('prevent the activity of' is
sometimes called neutralise, which does not mean that this is
anything to do with pH).
This section contains definitions and factual information for
supporting teaching, learning and assessment of biology within
this syllabus. The information is set out in the form that the
examiners believe best reflects current understanding of biology.
This information will be reflected in setting the exam papers.
Antigen: a protein (normally - some carbohydrates and other
macromolecules can act as antigens) that is recognised by the
body as foreign (so as non-self) and that stimulates an immune
response. The specificity of antigens (which is a result of the
variety of amino acid sequences that are possible) allows for
responses that are customised to specific pathogens
Artificial immunity: immunity that is acquired by a person as a
result of medical intervention. This includes artificial passive
immunity following injection of antibodies (for example monoclonal
antibodies, to treat acute life-threatening infections, such as
tetanus or rabies). It also includes the long-term immunity that
results from the injection of antigens (such as those attached to
killed or weakened pathogens) where memory cells are made.
Batch culture: a method of culturing organisms in which all the
components are added at the beginning. A batch culture uses a
container with a growing population of organisms (for example of
microorganisms suspended in a fermenter or fish in a pond) where
there is a limited supply of raw materials. Population growth follows
a sigmoid pattern and there is a total harvest of the contents of
the container.
Codominant: alleles that are both expressed if they are present
together in a heterozygous person. For example, alleles IA and
IB of the ABO blood group gene are codominant. Therefore, in
a heterozygous person, IA IB, both alleles are expressed and the
blood group is AB. In the case of the haemoglobin?-polypeptide
gene, codominance means that the phenotype of a person who
has HbA HbA is unaffected by sickle cell disorder, the phenotype
of a person who has HbA HbS is the less severe sickle cell trait
and the phenotype of a person who has HbS HbS is the more
severe sickle cell anaemia.
Community: all of the populations of all of the different species
within a specified area at a particular time.
Consumers: heterotrophic organisms that get energy-rich organic
compounds by eating or decomposing other organisms. They
exist at the second (e.g. herbivore) or higher (e.g. carnivore)
trophic levels in food chains.
Continuous culture: a method of culturing organisms using a
container with a growing population of organisms (for example of
microorganisms suspended in a fermenter or fish in a pond) that
is continuously supplied with new raw materials and continuously
harvested in order to keep the culture in exponential population
Decomposers: saprotrophic organisms that feed on dead
organisms and organic waste (such as dead leaves or faeces),
releasing nutrients for re-use and so playing an important role in
the carbon and nitrogen cycle.
Diffusion: the net movement of particles such as molecules from
a region where they are at a higher concentration to a region with
a lower concentration, using energy from the random movements
of particles. This includes diffusion of small non-polar molecules
(such as oxygen and carbon dioxide) through the plasma
membrane, as well as diffusion of fat-soluble molecules (such as
vitamin A) through the plasma membrane.
Diploid: a eukaryotic cell or organism containing two complete
sets of chromosomes (two copies of each homologous
chromosome), shown as 2n, such as a human body (somatic)
Disease: an abnormal condition affecting an organism, which
reduces the effectiveness of the functions of the organism.
Dominant: an allele with a phenotype that is expressed even
when present with an allele that is recessive to it. For example,
in the ABO blood group gene, IA is dominant to IO. Therefore a
person with the genotype IA IO has blood group A because only
the dominant allele is expressed.
Ecology: the study of the inter-relationships between organisms
and all living (biotic) and non-living (abiotic) components of their
Ecosystem: a unit made up of biotic and abiotic components
interacting and functioning together, including all the living
organisms of all types in a given area and all the abiotic physical
and chemical factors in their environment, linked together by
energy flow and cycling of nutrients. Ecosystems may vary in size
but always form a functional entity: for example, a decomposing
log, a pond, a meadow, a reef, a forest, or the entire biosphere.
Endocrine gland: a gland containing specialised secretory cells
that release a hormone into the blood stream at a distance from
the hormone's target organ.
Endocytosis: uptake of materials into cells by inward foldings of
the cell membrane to form sacs of membrane that separate from
the cell membrane to form vesicles within the cytoplasm, using
energy from ATP to move the cytoplasm around. The process
may involve liquid solutions/suspensions (pinocytosis) or solid
macromolecules or cells (phagocytosis).
Environment: the external conditions, resources and stimuli with
which organisms interact, affecting their life, development and
Excretion: the elimination from the body of waste compounds
produced during the metabolism of cells, including, for a human,
carbon dioxide (excreted through the lungs) and urea (excreted
through the kidneys in urine).
Exocytosis: secretion of materials out of cells by cytoplasmic
vesicles fusing with the cell membrane and
releasing the contents of the vesicle into the fluid around the cell,
using ATP to move the cytoplasm.
codes that are complementary to the mRNA codons shown above.
During transcription, it is this strand that is used as a template to
make the mRNA. All CIE publications (including this syllabus and
the exam questions associated with it) use this DNA dictionary.
It is shown below.
DNA genetic dictionary (showing triplet codes that are
complementary to mRNA codons)
Facilitated diffusion: the diffusion of ions and polar (watersoluble) molecules through cell membranes using specific protein
channels or carriers, down a concentration gradient (from regions
where they are at higher concentration to regions where they are
at lower concentration).
Genetic dictionary: a list of the particular base sequences that
correspond with particular amino acids. This will vary depending
on whether mRNA, tRNA or either of the two DNA base sequences
is given. Candidates should be able to transcribe DNA triplet
codes to mRNA codons and to translate mRNA codons to tRNA
anticodons and on to amino acid sequences, using provided
excerpts of mRNA and DNA dictionaries, which use abbreviated
names of amino acids as shown below. Candidates do not need
to recall specific codes or names of amino acids. The genetic
dictionaries that will be used are given below:
mRNA genetic dictionary
Sense/antisense will not be used in this syllabus in the context
of DNA and mRNA because these terms have become ambiguous.
Genotype: the particular alleles of a gene at the appropriate locus
on both copies of the homologous chromosomes of its cells (for
example, IA IB). It is sometimes described as the genetic
constitution of an organism with respect to a gene or genes.
Habitat: the particular location and type of local environment
occupied by a population or organism, characterised by its physical
features or by its dominant producers (such as rocky shore or
sugar cane field).
Haploid: a eukaryotic cell or organism containing only one
complete set of chromosomes (only one of each homologous
chromosome), shown as n, such as a human sperm or secondary
The DNA genetic dictionaries that are available consist of two
types, depending on which strand of DNA is reported. Many
researchers and teachers use a dictionary that includes DNA
Heterozygous: a term describing a diploid organism that has
different alleles of a gene at the gene's locus on both copies of
the homologous chromosomes in its cells (e.g. HbA HbS) and
therefore produces gametes with two different genotypes (0.5
HbA and 0.5 HbS). A heterozygote is an organism that is
Homozygous: a term describing a diploid organism that has the
same allele of a gene at the gene's locus on both copies of the
homologous chromosomes in its cells (e.g. HbA HbA) and therefore
produces gametes with identical genotypes (all HbA). A homozygote
is an organism that is homozygous.
Immune response: the complex series of reactions of the body
to an antigen, such as a molecule on the outside of a bacterium,
virus, parasite, allergen or tumour cell.
The immune response begins with an innate first response,
carried out by phagocytic white blood cells, which can destroy
and engulf (by phagocytosis/endocytosis) many different foreign
At the same time, the primary phase of the adaptive immune
system response begins, in which specific clones of B-lymphocytes
and T-lymphocytes divide and differentiate to form antibodysecreting plasma cells (from B-lymphocytes) and T helper cells
and T killer cells (from T-lymphocytes) that are specific to
the antigen, contributing to its destruction or preventing its activity.
This leads into the secondary phase of the adaptive immune
system response, where memory cells retain the capability to
secrete antibodies or act as T helper or T killer cells as soon as
the specific antigen is detected again.
Infectious disease: a disease caused by a pathogen that can
be transmitted from one host organism to another.
Locus: the position of a gene or other specific piece of DNA (such
as a marker) on a chromosome. The same gene is always found
at the same locus of the same chromosome (unless there has
been a mutation). The locus is designated by the chromosome
number, its arm, and its place. For example, the gene associated
with ABO blood groups is at locus 9q34, meaning the gene is
found on chromosome 9, on the long arm (q) at region 34. The
gene associated with sickle cell anaemia is at locus 11p15.5,
meaning chromosome 11, short arm (p), region 15.5.
Magnification: the size of an image of an object compared to
the actual size. It is calculated using the formula M = I/A (M is
magnification, I is the size of the image and A is the actual size
of the object, using the same units for both sizes). This formula
can be rearranged to give the actual size of an object where the
size of the image and magnification are known: A = I/M.
Natural immunity: immunity that is acquired by the individual as
a natural part of their life. This includes natural passive immunity
following transfer of maternal antibodies into a fetus through the
placenta and into a newborn infant in the first milk (colostrum).
It also includes the natural active immunity that follows natural
infection by a pathogen involving the production of memory cells
(for example, natural infection with chicken pox, giving long-term
protection from this virus).
Niche: the functional role or place of a species of organism within
an ecosystem, including interactions with other organisms (such
as feeding interactions), habitat, life-cycle and location, adding
up to a description of the specific environmental features to which
the species is well adapted.
Non-infectious disease: a disease with a cause other than a
pathogen, including genetic disorders (such as sickle cell anaemia)
and lung cancer (linked to smoking and other environmental
Non-self: proteins (normally, but see antigen) that contain
sequences of amino acids that are not the same as any self
proteins and that can be recognised by immune system cells and
can trigger an immune response in the body. Sometimes these
are termed non-self antigens. When cells are infected by an
antigen, or become cancerous, some of their antigens may be
changed from self to non-self.
Osmosis: the diffusion of water molecules from a region where
water is at a higher water potential through a partially permeable
membrane to a region with a lower water potential.
Passive immunity: immunity involving the transfer of antibodies
(already made in the body of another organism or in vitro) into
the body where they will bind to their specific antigen if it is present.
This gives instant immunity but does not lead to the development
of memory cells, so the immunity only lasts for a
few weeks.
Pathogen: a biological agent (such as a virus, bacterium, fungus
or protoctist) that causes disease. A pathogen causing human
diseases will have, as part of its structure, proteins that are different
from those of the human host and are therefore antigens.
Phenotype: the physical, detectable expression of the particular
alleles of a gene or genes present in an individual. It may be
possible to see the phenotype (e.g. human eye colour) or tests
may be required (e.g. ABO blood group). When the phenotype is
controlled by a small number of alleles of a particular gene, it may
be genetically determined (e.g. human eye colour), giving rise to
discontinuous variation. When the phenotype is controlled by the
additive effects of many genes (polygenic), it may be affected by
the environment as well as genes (e.g. human height), giving rise
to continuous variation.
Population: all of the organisms of one particular species within
a specified area at a particular time, sharing the same gene pool
and more or less isolated from other populations of the same
Producers: autotrophic organisms, at the first trophic level in
food chains, which can use simple inorganic compounds (such
as carbon dioxide and inorganic nitrogen) plus energy from light
(photosynthesis) or oxidation of inorganic chemicals
(chemosynthesis) to manufacture energy-rich organic compounds.
Recessive: an allele with a phenotype that is not expressed when
an allele that is dominant to it is present. For example, IO is
recessive to IA, so a person with the genotype IA IO has blood
group A, and a person can only be blood group O if they are
homozygous recessive, IO IO.
Resolution: ability of a microscope to distinguish two objects as
separate from one another. The smaller and closer together the
objects that can be distinguished, the higher the resolution.
Resolution is determined by the wavelength of the radiation used
to view the specimen. If the parts of the specimen
are smaller than the wavelength of the radiation, then the waves
are not stopped by them and they are not seen. Light microscopes
have limited resolution compared to electron microscopes because
light has a much longer wavelength than the beam of electrons
in an electron microscope.
Species: a group of organisms that are reproductively isolated,
interbreeding to produce fertile offspring. Organisms belonging
to a species have morphological (structural) similarities, which
are often used to identify to which species they belong.
Tidal volume: the volume of air breathed in or out during a single
breath during normal ventilation at rest orduring exercise.
Transpiration: the process through which water vapour is lost
from the aerial parts of plants. It occurs as the result of evaporation
of water at the surface of mesophyll cells into the airspaces within
the leaf, followed by diffusion of water vapour out of the leaf,
mainly through stomata, down a water potential gradient from the
surface of spongy mesophyll cells via airspaces in the leaf to the
Trophic level: a position in a food chain, indicating the numbers
of energy-transfer steps to that level. Producers are at trophic
level 1, herbivores are at trophic level 2, and so on, up to trophic
level 5 for some large predators such as polar bear and orca.
Vaccination: the medical giving of material containing antigens,
but with reduced or no ability to be pathogens, in order to give
long-term active immunity as a result of the production of memory
Vital capacity: the volume of air that can be forced out of the
lungs after a maximal inspiration.
Self: the products of the body's own genotype, which contain
proteins (normally, but see antigen) that do not trigger an immune
response in the body's own immune system. Inside the body that
produced them, self proteins do not act as antigens (and so do
not stimulate an immune response) but, if introduced into another
body, they become non-self.
FOR CLASS H1 (2012-2013)
1. The Core Course For ‘A’ Level (Bostock)
Week 1
- Understand the meaning of [x], and use
relations such as lal = lb]
a2 = b2 and
[x - al < b
a - b < x < a + b in the course of
solving equations and inequalities.
- Divide a polynomial, of degree not exceeding
4, by a linear or quadratic polynomial, 'and
identify the quotient and remainder (which may
be zero).
- Use the factor theorem and the remainder theorem,
e.g., to find factors, solve polynomial equations or
evaluate unknown coefficients.
Week 2
- Recall an appropriate form for expressing rational
functions in partial fractions, and carry out the
decomposition, in cases where the denominator is
no more complicated than (ax + b) (cx + d) (ex + f),
(ax + b) (cx + d)2, (ax + b) (x2 + c2), and where the
degree of the numerator does not exceed that of the
Week 3
- Use the expansion of (a + b)n, where n is a positive
integer (knowledge of the greatest term and
properties of the coefficients are not required, but
the, notations (
) and n! should be known).
- Use the expansion of (1 +x)n, where n is a rational
number and |x| < 1 (finding a general term is not
included, but adapting the standard series to expand,
e.g., (2 Week 4
x ) is included).
- Understand the terms function, domain, range,
one-one function, inverse function and composition
of functions.
- Identify the range of a given function in simple
cases, and find the composition of two given functions.
- Determine whether or not a given function is oneone, and find the inverse of a one-one function in
simple cases.
- Illustrate in graphical terms the relation between a
one-one function and its inverse.
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
- Carry out the process of completing the square for
a quadratic polynomial ax2 + bx + c, and use this
form, e.g., to locate the vertex of the graph of
y = ax2 + bx + c or to sketch the graph.
- Find the discriminant of a quadratic polynomial
ax2 + bx + c and use the discriminant, e.g., to
determine the number of real roots of the equation
ax2 + bx + c = 0.
- Solve quadratic equations, and linear and quadratic
inequalities, in one unknown.
- Solve by substitution a pair of simultaneous
equations of which one is linear and one is quadratic.
- Recognize and solve equations in x which are
quadratic in some function of x, e.g.,
x4 - 5x2 + 4 = 0.
- Understand the relationship between logarithms
and indices, and use the laws of logarithms (excluding
chance of base).
- Understand the definition and properties of ex and
Inx, including their relationship as inverse functions
and their graphs.
- Use logarithms to solve equations of the form
ax = b, and similar inequalities.
- Use logarithms to transform a given. relationship
to linear form, and hence dete rmine unknown
constants by considering the gradient and/or intercept.
- Find the length, gradient and rnid-point of a line
segment, given the coordinates of th e endpoints.
- Find the equation of a straight line given sufficient
information (e.g., the coordinates of two points on
it, or one point on it and its gradient).
- Understand and use the relationships between the
gradients of parallel and perpendicular lines.
- Interpret and use linear equations, particularly the
forms y = mx + c and y = y1 (x - x1).
Week 10 - Understand the relationship between a graph and
its associated algebraic equation, and use the
relationship between points of intersection of graphs
and solutions of equations (including, in simple cases,
the correspondence between a line being tangent
to a curve and a repeated root of an equation).
- Understand the definition of a radian, and use the
relationship between radians and degrees.
- Use the formulae s = r and A = + r2 in solving
problems concerning the arc length and sector area
of a circle.
- Sketch and use graphs of the sine, cosine and
tangent functions (for angles of any size, and using
either degrees or radians).
- Use the exact values of the sine, cosine and
tangent of 30°, 45°, 60°, and related angles, e.g.,
cos 150° =
3 3
- Use the notations sim-1x, cos-1x, tan-1x to denote
the principal values of the inverse trigonometric
relations. Use the identities
= tan and
Sim2 +cos2 =1
- Find
all the solutions of
simple trigonometrical equations lying in a specified
interval (general forms of solution are not included).
Week 13 - Understand the relationship of the secant, cosecant
and cotangent functions to cosine, sine and tangent,
and use properties and graphs of all six trigonometric
functions for angles of any magnitude.
- Use trigonometrical identities for the simplification
and exact evaluation of expressions and in the
course of solving equations, and select an identity
or identities appropriate to the context, showing
familiarity in particular with the use of sec2 = 1 +
tan2 and cosec2 = 1 +cot2 , the expansions of sin
(A ± B), cos (A ± B) and tan (A ± B), the formulae
for sin2A, cos2A and tan2A, the expressions of
asin + bcos in the forms Rsin ( ± ) and
Rcos ( ± ).
Week 14 Revision
- Understand the idea of the gradient of a curve, and
use the notations f'(x), f'(x),
(the technique of differentiation from first principles
is not required).
- Use the derivative of xn (for any rational n), together
with constant multiples, sums, differences of
functions, and of composite functions using the chain
- Apply differentiation to gradients, tangents and
normals, increasing and decreasing functions and
rates of change (including connected rates of
- Locate stationary points, and use information about
stationary points in sketching graphs (the ability to
distinguish between maximum points and minimum
points is required, but identification of points of
inflexion is not included).
Week 16 - Use the derivatives of ex, Inx, sinx, cosx, tanx,
together with constant multiples, sums, differences
and composites.
- Differentiate products and quotients.
- Find and use the first derivative of a function which
is defined parametrically or implicitly.
- Understand integration as the reverse process of
differentiation, and integrate (ax + b)n (for any rational
n except -1), together with constant multiples, sums
and differences.
- Solve problems involving the evaluation of a
constant of integration.
- Extend the idea of 'reverse differentiation' to include
the integration of eax+b ,
,sin (ax + b),
cos (ax + b) and
(ax + b).
- Use trigonometrical relationships (such as doubleangle formulae) to facilitate the integration of functions
such as cos2x.
Week 18 - Integrate rational functions by means of
decomposition into partial fractions (restricted to the
types of partial fractions specified in paragraph 1
- Recognize an integrand of the for
and integrate, for example,
Week 19 Recoqnize when an integrand can usefully be
regarded as a product, and use integration by parts
to integrate, for example, x sin-2x, x2ex or Inx.
- Use a given substitution to simplify and evaluate
either a definite or an indefinite integral.
Week 20 - Use the trapezium rule to estimate the value of a
definite integral, and use sketch graphs in simple
cases to determine whether the trapezium rule gives
an over-estimate or an under-estimate.
Top Bind the Equation of the curve through (1,-2)
for which
= 2x + 1.
- Evaluate definite integrals (including simple casesof
‘improper’ integrals, such as
x-1/2 dx and
Week 21 - Use definite integration to find the area of a region
bounded by a curve and lines parallel to the axes,
or between two curves, a volume of revolution about
one of the axes.
- Formulate a simple statement involving a rate of
change as a differential equation, including the
introduction if necessary of a constant of
- Find by integration a general form of solution for
a first order differential equation in which the variables
are separable.
- Use an initial condition to find a particular solution.
- Interpret the solution of a differential equation in
the context of a problem being modelled by the
Week 23 VECTORS:
- Use standard, notations' for vectors, i.e.,
( ) , xi + xi, (
) xi + yj + zk, AB=a
- Carry out addition and subtraction of vectors
and multiplication of a vector by a scalar, and interpret
these operations in geometrical terms.
- Use unit vectors, displacement vectors and position
- Calculate the magnitude of a vector and the scalar
product of two vectors.
- Use the scalar product to determine the angle
between two directions and to solve problems
concerning perpendicularity of vectors.
Week 24 - Understand the significance of ail the
symbols used when the equation of a straight line
is expressed in the form r = a + tb.
- Determine whether two lines are parallel, intersect
or are skew.
- Find the angle between two lines and the point of
intersection of two lines when it exists.
Week 25 - Understand the significance of all the
symbols used when the equation of a plane is
expressed in either of the forms ax + by + cz = d or
(r - a) n = 0.
- Use equations of lines and planes to solve
problems concerning distances, angles and inter
sections, and in particular.
- Find the equation of a line or a plane, given sufficient
- Determine whether a line lies in a plane, is parallel
to a plane, or intersects a plane, and find the point
of intersection of a line and a plane when it exists.
Week 26 - Find the line of intersection of two non-parallel
- Find the perpendicular distance from a point
to a plane, and from a point to a line.
- Find the angle between two planes, and the
angle between a line and a plane.
- Understand the idea of a complex number,
recall the meaning of the terms real part,
imaginary part, modulus, argument, conjugate,
and use the fact that two complex numbers are
equal if and only if both real and imaginary parts
are equal.
- Carry out operations of addition, subtraction,
multiplication and division of two complex
numbers expressed in cartesian form x + iy.
- Use the result that, for a polynomial equation
with real coefficients, any non-real roots occur in
conjugate pairs.
Week 28 - Represent complex numbers geometrically
by means of an Argand diagram.
- Carry out operations of multiplication and
division of two complex numbers expressed in
polar form r(cos + isin ) = rei .
Week 29 - Find the two square roots of a complex
- Understand in simple terms the geometrical
effects of conjugating a complex number and of
adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing two
complex numbers.
- Illustrate simple equations and inequalities
involving complex numbers by means of loci in an
Argand diagram, e.g.,
|z - a| < k, |z - a| = |z - b|, arg (z - a) =
Week 30 SERIES:
- Recognize arithmetic and geometric
- Use the formulae for the nth term and for the
sum of the first n terms to solve problems
involving arithmetic or geometric progressions.
- Use the condition for the convergence of a
geometric progression, and the formula for the
sum to infinity of a convergent geometric
- Locate approximately a root of an equation, by
means of graphical considerations and/or searching
for a sign change.
- Understand the idea of, a d use the notation for,
a sequence of approxlmalions which converges to
a root of an equati'on.
Week 32 - Understand how a given sirr, pie iterative formula
of the form \ + 1 = F(\) relates to the equation being
solved, and use a given iteration, or an iteration
based on a given re arrangement of an equation, to
determine a root to a prescribed degree of accuracy
(knowledge of .he condition for convergence is not
included, but candidates should understand that an
iteration may fail to converge).
Week 32 Revision
Due to academic reasons, sequence of topics may be
changed. The students will be informed accordingly.
Paper setters have discretion to set questions from lower
classes as well. It is pointed out that Mathematics Syllabus
begins from the Junior School.
FOR CLASS H1 (2012-2013)
1. Further Pure Mathematics For A' Level (Bostock)
Week 1
Polynomials and Rational Functions:
- Recall and use the relations between the roots and
coefficients of polynomial equations, for equations
of degree 2, 3, 4 only.
Week 2
- Use a given simple substitution to obtain an equation
whose roots are related in a simple way to those of
the original equation.
Week 3
- Sketch graphs of simple rational functions, including
the determination of oblique asymptotes, in cases
where the degree of the numerator and the
denominator are at most 2 (detailed plotting of curve
will not be required, but sketches will generally be
expected to show significant features, such as turning
points, asymptotes and intersections with the axes).
Week 4
- Sketch graphs of simple rational functions, including
the determination of oblique asymptotes, in cases
where the degree of the numerator and the
denominator are at most 2 (detailed plotting of curves
will not be required, but sketches will generally be
expected to show significant features, such as turning
points, asymptotes and intersections with the axes).
Week 5
Polar Coordinates:
- Understand the relations between cartesian and
polar coordinates (using the convention r ≥ 0), and
convert equations of curves from cartesian to polar
form and vice versa.
Week 6
- Sketch simple polar curves, for o < < 2 or
- < < or a subset of either of these intervals
(detailed plotting of curves will not be required, but
sketches will generally be expected to show
significant features, such as symmetry, the form of
the curve at the pole and least/greatest values of r).
Week 7
Week 8
- Sketch simple polar curves, for o < < 2 or
- < < or a subset of either of these intervals
(detailed plotting of curves will not be required, but
sketches will generally be expected to show significant
features, such as symmetry, the form of the curve
at the pole and least/greatest values of r).
- Recall the formula
r2 do or the area of a
sector, and use this formula in simple cases.
Week 9
Summation of Series:
- Use the standard results for r, r2, r3 to find
related sums.
Week 10 - Use the method of differences to obtain the sum
of a finite series, e.g., by expressing the general
term in partial fractions.
Week 11 - Recognize, by direct consideration of a sum to n
terms, when a series is convergent, and find the
sum to infinity in such cases.
Week 12 Mathematical Induction:
- Use the method of mathematical induction to
establish a given result (questions may involve
divisibility tests and inequalities, e.g.).
Week 13 - Recognize situations where conjecture based on
a limited trial followed by inductive proof is a useful
strategy, and carry out this in simple cases, e.g., find
the nth derivative of xex.
- Recognize situations where conjecture based on
a limited trial followed by inductive proof is a useful
strategy, and carry out this in simple cases, e.g., find
the nth derivative of xex.
Week 14 Revision
Week 15 Differentiation and Integration:
Obtain an expression for
in cases where
the relation between y and x is defined implicity
- Derive and use reduction formulae for the evaluation
of definite integrals in simple cases.
- Use integration to find mean values and centroids
of two- and three-dimensional figures (where
equations are expressed in cartesian coordinates,
including the use of a parameter), using strips, discs
or shells as appropriate.
Week 16 - Use integration to find arc lengths (for. curves with
equations in cartesian coordinates, including the use
of a parameter, or in polar coordinates) .
- Use integration to find surface areas of revolution
about one of the axes (for curves, with equations in
cartesian coordinates, including the use of a
parameter, but not for curves with equations in polar
Week 17 Differential Equations:
- Recall the meaning of the terms 'complementary
function' and 'particular integral' in the context of
linear differential equations, and recall that the general
solution is the sum of the complementary function
and a particular integral.
- Find the complementary function for a second order
linear differential equation with constant coefficients.
Week 18 - Recall the form of, and find, a particular
integral for a second order linear differential
equation in the cases where a polynomial or aebx
or a cos px + b sin px is a suitable form, and in
other simple cases find the appropriate
coefficient (s) given a suitable form of particular
Week 19 - Use a substitution to reduce a given differential
equation to a second order linear equation with
constant coefficients.
- Use initial conditions to find a particular solution to
a differential equation, and interpret a solution in
terms of a problem modelled by a differential equation.
Week 20 Complex Numbers:
- Understand de Moivre's theorem, for a positive
integral exponent.
- Prove de Moivre's theorem for a positive
integral exponent.
Week 21 - Use de Moivre's theorem for positive integral
exponent to express trigonometrical ratios of
multiple angles in terms of powers of
trigonometrical ratios of the fundamental angle.
- Use de Moivre's theorem, for a positive or
negative rational exponent in expressing powers
of sin and cos in terms of multiple angles, in
the summation of series, in finding and using the
nth roots of unity.
Week 22 Revision
Week 23 Vectors:
- Use the equation of a plane in any of the
forms ax + by + cz = d or r.n. = p or r = a + b + c,
and convert equations of planes from one form to
another as necessary in solving problems.
- Recall that the vector product a x b of two
vectors can be expressed either as |a| |b| sin ,
where is a unit vector, or in component form as
(a2b3 - a3b2)i + (a3b1 - a1b3)j + (a1b2 - a2b1)k.
Week 24 - Use equations of lines and planes, together
with scalar and vector products where
appropriate, to solve problems concerning
distances, angles and intersections, including
determining whether a line lies in a plane, is
parallel to a plane or intersects a plane, and
finding the point of intersection of a line and a
plane when it exists.
Week 25 - Finding the perpendicular distance from a
point to a plane.
- Finding the angle between a line and a plane, and
the angle between two planes.
- Finding an equation for the line of intersection of
two planes.
Week 26 - Calculating the shortest distance between
two skew lines.
- Finding an equation for the common perpendicular
to two skew lines.
Week 27 Matrices and Linear Spaces:
- Recall and use the axioms of a linear (vector) space
(restricted to spaces of finite dimension over the field
of real numbers only).
- Understand the idea of linear independence, and
determine whether a given set of vectors is dependent
or independent.
Week 28 - Understand the idea of the subspace spanned by
a given set of vectors.
- Recall that a basis for a space is a linearly
independent set of vectors that spans the space,
and determine a basis in simple cases.
- Recall that the dimension of a space is the number
of vectors in a basis.
- Understand the use of matrices to represent linear
transformations from Rn
Week 29 - Understand the terms ‘column space)’, ‘row space’,
‘range space’ and ‘null space’, and determine the
dimensions of, and bases of, these spaces in simple
- Determine the rank of a square matrix, the relation
between the rank the dimension of the null space
and the order of the matrix.
Week 30 - Use methods associated with matrices and linear
spaces in the context of the solution of a set of linear
- Evaluate the determinant of a square matrix and
find the inverse of a non-singular matrix (2 x 2 and
3 x 3 matrices only), and recall that the columns (or
rows) of a square matrix are independent if and only
if the determinant is non- zero.
Week 31 - Understand the terms ‘eigenvalue’ and ‘eigenvector’,
as applied to square matrices.
- Find eigenvalues and eigenvectors of 2 x 2 and
3 x 3 matrices (restricted to cases where the
eigenvalues are real and distinct).
- Express a matrix in the form QDQ-1, where D is a
diagonal matrix of eigenvalues & Q is a matrix whose
columns are eigenvectors, and use this expression,
e.g., in calculating powers of matrices.
Week 32 Revision
1. Due to academic reasons, sequence of topics may be
changed. The students will be informed accordingly.
2. Paper setters have discretion to set questions from lower
classes as well. It is pointed out that Mathematics Syllabus
begins from the Junior School.
FOR CLASS H1 (2012-2013)
1. A' Level Accounting (H.Randall) 3rd. Edition
Week 1
Basic Accounting (ch. # 1)
- Definitions.
- Accounting Cycle
- Accounting equation.
- Balance Sheet
- Rules of debit (Dr) and credit (Cr).
- Accounting concepts
Week 2
Basic Accounting (ch. # 1)
- The double entry system
- Assets, liabilities, and capital Accounts etc
- Rules of increase/decrease.
- Nature of profit and effect on capital
- Double entries for expenses and revenue
- Ledger accounts
Week 3
Basic Accounting (ch. # 1)
- Balancing off Ledger Accounts
- The Trial Balance
- Books of Prime/Original Entry
- Capital and Revenue Expenditure and income
Week 4
Basic Accounting (ch. # 1)
Bad Debts and Doubtful Debts
- Definition of bad debt.
- Calculation and ledger account.
- Accounting treatment
- Definition and causes.
- Methods of depreciation.
- Disposal account
Week 5
Basic Accounting (ch. # 1)
Bank Reconciliation Statement
- Definitions.
- Adjusted cash book.
- Reconciliation statement
Accruals and Prepayments
Accrued expense and income.
Advance expense and income.
Accounting treatments.
Income statement and balance sheet
Week 6
Revision and Tests
Week 7
Revision and Tests
Week 8
Control Accounts (ch. # 2)
- Definition.
- Reasons for making control accounts.
- Source of information of control accounts.
- Reconciliation statement
Week 9
Revision and Tests
Week 10 Errors and Suspense Account (ch. # 3)
- Types of errors
- Definition of suspense account.
- How to open suspense account.
- Profit recalculation
How to close down the suspense account when
errors have been found.
Week 11 Single Entry or Incomplete Records (ch. # 4)
- Problems arising due to single entry.
- Statement of affairs.
- Mark up and margin.
Steps to prepare financial statements from incomplete
Week 12 Non Profit Organizations (ch. # 5)
- Definitions and new terminologies.
- Subscription account.
- Other incomes of non profit organizations.
- Income and expenditure account.
- Balance sheet
Week 13 Revision and Tests
Week 14 Revision and Tests
Week 15 Partnership Accounts (ch. # 6)
Week 16 Revision and Tests
Week 17 Partnership Changes (ch. # 7)
Week 18 Partnership (ch. # 8)
- Amalgamation
- Dissolution (simple)
- Sale to limited Companies.
Week 19 Revision and Tests
Week 20 Accounts of Limited Companies (ch. # 9 and 10)
Week 21 Revision and Tests
Week 22 Revision and Tests
Week 23 Accounts of Limited Companies (ch. # 12)
Week 24 Revision and Tests
Week 25 Manufacturing Accounts (ch. # 16)
Week 26 Revision and Tests
Week 27 Cash Flow Statement (ch. # 14)
Week 28 Revision and Tests
Week 29 Interpretation of accounts (ch. # 24)
Week 30 Revision and Tests
Week 31 Revision and Tests
Week 32 Revision and Tests
FOR CLASS H1 (2012-2013)
1. Economics For AS & A Level (Anderton AG)
2. Essentials Of Economics ( Siowman)
Week 1
Microeconomics - AS/CORE
Basic economic ideas
(a) Scarcity, choice and resource allocation
i. Meaning of scarcity and the inevitability of
choices at all levels (individual, firms,
ii. Opportunity cost
iii. Factors of production: land, labour, capital,
(b) Positive and normative statements
(c) Ceteris paribus
(d) Production possibility curve - shape and shifts
(e) The margin: decision making at the margin
Week 2
Basic economic ideas - extension
(f) Efficient resource allocation
Concept of economic efficiency: productive and
allocative efficiency
(g) money - characteristics and functions
(h) Division of labour and specialisation
Week 3
(i) Different allocative mechanisms
Basic questions of what will be produced, how and
for whom
i. Market economies
ii. Planned economies
iii. Mixed economies
Problems of transition when central planning in an
economy is reduced
Week 4
Price system and theory of the firm Demand
(a) Individual demand curves
(b) Aggregation of individual demand curves to give
market demand
(c) Factors influencing demand
(d) Movements along and shifts of a demand curve
(e) Price, income and cross- elasticities of demand
i. Meaning and calculation
ii. Factors affecting
iii. Implications for revenue and business
Week 5
(f) Firms' supply curves
Aggregation of individual firms' supply curves to give
market supply
(g) Factors influencing market supply, including
indirect taxes and subsidies
Movements along and shifts of a supply curve
(h) Price elasticity of supply: determinants,
implications for speed/ease with which businesses
react to changed market conditions
Week 6
Interaction of demand and supply
i) Interaction of demand and supply: equilibrium
price and quantity
i. Meaning of equilibrium and disequilibrium
ii. Effects of changes in supply and demand on
equilibrium price and quantity
Week 7
iii. Applications of demand and supply analysis
(j) Consumer and producer's surplus
(k) Prices as rationing and allocative mechanisms
Week 8
Microeconomics - Extension
The price system and the theory of the firm
(a) Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility and its
relationship to derivation of an individual demand
schedule and curve
Equi-marginal principle
Limitations of marginal utility theory
(b) Budget lines
Income and substitution effects of a price change.
Week 9
Business economics - production functions
(a) i Short-run production function: fixed and variable
factors of production, total product, average
product and marginal product Law of diminishing
returns (Law of variable proportions
ii. Marginal cost and average cost
Short-run cost function - fixed costs versus variable
Explanation of shape of SRAC
Week 10 (b) i. Long-run production function
ii. Returns to scale
iii. Long-run cost function
Explanation of shape of LRAC
Relationship between economies of scale and
decreasing costs
Internal and external economies of scale
Economist's versus accountant's definition of costs
(c) Survival of small firms
Growth of firms
Week 11 Concepts of firm and industry
i. Traditional objective of firm - profit maximisation
and revenues
ii. Normal and abnormal profit
iii. An awareness of other objectives of firm
Week 12 Different market structures
Structure of markets as explained by number of
buyers and sellers, nature of product, degree of
freedom of entry and nature of information
(a) Perfect Competition
Week 13 (b) Monopoly
Performance of firms - in terms of output, profits and
Comparisons with regard to economic efficiency,
barriers to entry, price discrimination.
Week 14 Revision and practice
Week 15 c ) Monopolistic Comeptition
i. features
ii. economic efficiency
(d) Oligopoly
i features
Week 16
ii.pricing policy and non-price policy, including
price leadership models and mutual
interdependence in the case of oligopolies
Week 17 Labour Market
(a) Demand for labour:
meaning and factors affecting demand for labour
derivation of individual firm's demand for a factor
using marginal revenue product theory
(b) Supply of labour - meaning and factors affecting
Net advantages and the long-run supply of labour
Week 18 (c) Interaction of demand and supply of labour
(d) Wage determination under free market forces
(competitive product and factor markets)
(e) Wage differentials and economic rent
Week 19 (f) The role of trade unions and government in wage
(g) Labour market failure
Week 20 AS/Level Core
Government intervention in the price system
(Market Failure)
(a) Externalities
(b) Social costs as the sum of private costs and
external costs
Social benefits as the sum of private benefits and
external benefits
(c) Private goods and public goods
Merit qoods and demerit goods
Week 21 (d) Decision making using cost-benefit analysis
(e) Government intervention via maximum price
controls, price stabilisation, taxes, subsidies,
direct provision of goods and services
Week 22 A-levels/Extension
Government intervention in the price system
(Market Failure)
(a) Sources of market failure
(b) Meaning of deadweight losses
Market imperfections - existence of monopolistic
Week 23 (c) Objectives of government microeconomic policy:
efficiency, equity
(d) Policies to correct market failure: regulation
Policies towards income and wealth redistribution
Effectiveness of government policies
(e) Privatisation
Week 24 International Trade - CORE/AS-Level
(a) Principles of absolute and comparative advantage,
and their real-world limitations
Other explanations/determinants of trade flows
Opportunity cost concept allied to trade
(b) Arguments for free trade and motives for protection
(c) Types of protection and their effects
Week 25 (d) Economic integration: free trade area, customs
union, economic union
(e) Terms of trade
(f) Components of the balance of payments
Week 26 Theory and measurement in the macroeconomy
(a) Employment statistics
Size and components of labour force Labour
Definition of unemployment
Unemployment rate; patterns and trends in
Difficulties involved in measuring unemployment
(b) General price level: price indices
(c) Money and real data
Macroeconomic problems - AS/Core
(a) Inflation - measuring inflation
i. Definition of inflation; degrees of inflation
ii. Causes of inflation
iii. Consequences of inflation
Week 27 (b) Balance of payments problems
i. Meaning of balance of payments equilibrium and
ii. Causes of balance of payments disequilibrium
iii. Consequences of balance of payments
disequilibrium on domestic and external economy
(c) Fluctuations in foreign exchange rates
i. Definitions and measurement of exchange
rates - nominal, real, trade-weighted exchange
Week 28
ii. Determination of exchange rates - floating,
fixed, managed float
iii. Factors underlying fluctuations in exchange
iv. Effects of changing exchange rates on the
Macroeconomic policies - AS/CORE
Policies designed to correct balance of payments
disequilibrium or influence the exchange rate
Comment on possible conflicts between policy
objectives on inflation, balance of payments and
exchange rate
Unemployment rate; patterns and trends in
Difficulties involved in measuring unemployment
(b) General price level: price indices
(c) Money and real data
(d) Shape and determinants of AD
Shape and determinants of AS
Interaction of AD and AS: determination oflevel of
output, prices and employment
Week 31 Core AS/Level
Macroeconomic problems
(a) Inflation
i. Definition of inflation; degrees of inflation
ii. Causes of inflation
iii. Consequences of inflation
Week 32 Revision and practice
Week 29 International trade
(a) Principles of absolute and comparative advantage,
and their real-world limitations
Other explanations/determinants of trade flows
Opportunity cost concept allied to trade
(b) Arguments for free trade and motives for protection
(c) Types of protection and their effects
(d) Economic integration: free trade area, customs
union, economic union
(e) Terms of trade
(f) Components of the balance of payments
Week 30 Core AS/Level Macroeconomics
Theory and measurement in the macroeconomy
(a) Employment statistics
Size and components of labour force
Labour productivity
Definition of unemployment
FOR CLASS H1 (2011-2012)
Week 1
Source- based Study
a. The origins of the First world War 1870-1914.
b. How conditions and events in Europe during the
period 1870-1914 led to the outbreak of World War1.
Week 2
Essay Topics
The French Revolution 1789
a. Pre- revolution Conditions. Ancien Regime,
Absolutism, the Enlightenment.
Week 3
The French Revolution 1789
b. Causes of Revolution
c. Developments from 1789 to 1799.
Week 4
The French Revolution 1789
d. Internal and external opposition to the revolution.
e. Political and ideological effects of the revolution
on Europe.
Week 5
The French Revolution 1789
a. Napoleon Bonaparte
b. His rise to power
Week 6
The French Revolution 1789
c. Napoleonic Rule, his internal policies and
codification of law.
Week 7
The French Revolution 1789
d. Napoleonic Wars, conquest of Europe.
e.100 days of Napoleon, congress of Vienna
Week 8
The Industrial Revolution
Candidates will be expected to have an awareness
of the impact of the following developments in Britain,
France and Germany:
a. Conditions and factors for the Industrial Revolution
e.g. pre-industrial society, mechanization, growth of
capitalism during the 18th century.
Week 9
The Industrial Revolution
b. Spread ofIndustrialization in Europe during the
19th Century.
Week 10 The Industrial Revolution
c. Effects ofIndustrialization on Europe: Political,
Economic, Social and Religious.
Week 11 Nationalism
a. Conditions for the development of European
nationalism. e.g. the French Revolution, the
Napoleonic legacy, impact of social and economic
changes, Romanticism, Liberalism, Darwinism
Week 12 Nationalism
b. Italian Nationalism: conditions in Italy and the
1848 Revolutions; the contributions ofMazzini, Cavour
and Garibaldi; unification up to 1871
Week 13 Revision
Week 21 The 'New Imperialism', 1870-1900
a. Causes of the 'new imperialism
b. Nature of the 'new imperialism
Week 22 The 'New Imperialism', 1870-1900
c. Effects on Europe of overseas expansion.
Week 23 The Russian Revolution
a. Pre-revolution conditions: Romanov rule and the
nature of Russian society.
b. Economic developments and social changes
Week 24 The Russian Revolution
c .The emergence of revolutionary groups, Marxism
and Leninism
Week 25 The Russian Revolution
d .The 1905 Revolution
Week 26 Spring Break
Week 14 Half Yearly Exams
Week 15 Half Yearly Exams
Week 16 Winter Break
Week 17 Winter Break
Week 27 The Russian Revolution
e. Causes of the Revolutions of 1917
f. Developments leading to the establishment of the
Bolshevik government, the work and importance of
Lenin and Trotsky
Week 28 The Russian Revolution
g. The Bolshevik Revolution and Marxism
h. Effects ofthe Revolution on Europe.
Week 18 Winter Break
Week 19 Nationalism
c. German Nationalism: the 1848 Revolutions;
Prussia, Bismarck and unification in 1871; relations
with other European states to c. 1900
Week 20 Nationalism
d. Significance of the development of nationalism
for Europe.
Week 29 Totalitarianism between the Wars, 1919-39
a. Conditions for the rise of totalitarianism: effects
of World War I, the Great Depression
Week 30 Totalitarianism between the Wars, 1919-39
b.The failure of collective security, the failure of
democratic government
Week 31 Totalitarianism between the Wars, 1919-39
c. Aspects of ideology on theory and practice:
leadership and the cult of personality, intolerance of diversity,
economic structure, political system
Week 32 Totalitarianism between the Wars, 1919-39
d. Totalitarian regimes and foreign relations:
ideological influences shaping regimes' perceptions
of their roles in the world, conduct of foreign policy
Week 33 Totalitarianism between the Wars, 1919-39
e. The rise of Fascism: ideology, Mussolini's rise to
power, the Fascist dictatorship
Week 34 Totalitarianism between the Wars, 1919-39
f .The rise of Nazism: ideology, Hitler's rise to power,
the Nazi dictatorship
Week 35 Totalitarianism between the Wars, 1919-39
g. The rise of Stalinism: Stalin's rise to power, the
Stalinist dictatorship
Week 36 Revision
Week 37 Revision
Week 38 Annual Exams
Week 39 Annual Exams
FOR CLASS H1 (2012-2013)
Cambridge International AS & A Level Business Studies
(Peter Stimpson)
Syllabus Business and its environment
Week 1
Week 2
Business structure
Week 3
Size of business
Week 4
Business objectives
Stakeholders in a business
Week 6
External influences on a business activity
Syllabus Marketing
Week 7
Role and relationship
Week 8
Week 9
Market research
Week 10 Sources of information and sample method
Cost effectiveness
Week 11 Marketing mix
Week 12 Types of pricing strategies
Week 24 Inventory Management
Week 13 Globalization
Week 25 Revision
Week 14 International marketing
Week 26 Presentations
Syllabus Finance and accounting
Week 15 The need for business finance
Sources of finance
Week 16 Forecasting cash flows
Managing working capital
Week 17 Costs
Week 18 Accounting fundamentals
Week 27 Practice of Past papers and discussions of various
Week 28 Practice of Past papers and discussions of various
Week 29 Practice of Past papers and discussions of various
Week 30 Practice of Past papers and discussions of various
Week 31 Practice of Past papers and discussions of various
Week 32 Practice of Past papers and discussions of various
Week 19 Budgets
Week 20 Contents of published accounts
Week 21 Analysis of pub I ished accounts
Week 22 Investment appraisal
Syllabus Operations and project management
Week 22 The nature of operations planning
Week 23 Operation Planning
FOR CLASS H1 (2012-2013)
1. A' Level Computing (P.M.Heathcote)
Week 1
Components of computer system and mode of
Types of hardware, Types of software
Modes of use: batch, real-time, on-line, off-line.
System software.
Week 2
Operating system, User interfaces, Utility Software.
Week 3
Hardware, Processor Components, Primary and
secondary storage,
Peripheral devices
Wrek 4
Data transmission and networking, Data
transmission, Circuit switching and
packet switching
Protocols and Networking
Week 5
Data types,
Data structures,
Data management
Week 6
Understand the structure of arrays (one and two
dimensional), including initializing arrays, reading
data from arrays
Into arrays and performing a simple serial search
on an array
Describe the LIFO and FIFO features of stacks
and queues
Explain how data is stored in files in the form of
fixed length records comprising items in fields
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Define and explain the difference between serial,
sequential, indexed sequential and random access
to data, using examples and stating their
comparative advantages and disadvantages
Describe how serial, sequential and random
organization of files may be implemented using
indexes and hashing as appropriate
Select appropriate data types/
data structures for a given problem and explain
the advantages and disadvantages of alternative
explain the procedures involved in backing up
data and archiving, including
the difference between
data that is backed up and data that is archived
System Develop Life Cycle, Identifying of problem,
Feasibility study, Information Collection,
Analysis of a problem based of information
collected, including producing a requirement
specification, Design of a system to fit requirement,
Development and testing of a system,
Week 10
Choosing application software for application
Custom written software versus off shelf software
packages, Application areas & software's
Revision + Class Tests
Week 11
Implementation of system,
Maintenance of system,
Week 12 Revision and Past Papers
Week 13 Revision and Past Papers
Week 14 Revision
Week 15
Handling of Data in information systems,
Data Capture, preparation and data input
Validation and verification of data, Outputs from
a system
Knowledge based systems
Week 16
Designing the User Interface, Interface design
Criteria for selecting appropriate hardware
Passive versus interactive systems
Week 17
understand the effects of logic gates AND, OR,
NOT on binary signals in a processor
calculate the outcome from a set of logic gates
given the input
Week 18
Understand how logic gates can be used within
the processor as a form of refreshable memory
and as an accumulator
Describe the main features of operating systems:
memory management, scheduling algorithms and
distributed systems.
Explain how interrupts are used to obtain processor
time and how processing of interrupted jobs may
later be resumed (typical sources of interrupts
should be identified and any algorithms and data
structures should be described).
Week 19
Define and explain the purpose of scheduling, job
queues, priorities and how they are used to
manage job throughput.
Explain how memory is managed in a typical
modern computer system (virtual memory, paging
and segmentation should be described).
Week 20
Week 21
Describe spooling, explaining why it is used.
Describe the main components of a typical desktop
PC operating system.
Describe the main components of a network
operating system including transparency, directory
services, security and network printing.
Describe the difference between interpretation
and compilation.
Describe what happens during lexical analysis.
Describe what happens during syntax analysis,
explaining how errors are handled.
Explain the code generation phase.
Explain the purpose of linkers and loaders.
Week 27
normalize a floating point binary number.
Discuss the trade-off between accuracy and range
when representing numbers in floating point form.
Week 28
(g) Explain the difference between static and
dynamic implementation of data structures,
highlighting the advantages and disadvantages
of each.
Week 29
(h) Describe algorithms for the insertion and
deletion of data items stored in linked-list, stack
and queue structures.
Week 30
(i) Describe the insertion of data items into a
sorted binary tree structure
(j) Explain the difference between binary searching
and serial searching, highlighting the advantages
and disadvantages of each.
Week 31
(k) Explain the difference between insertion sort
and merge sort.
(l) Describe algorithms for implementing insertion
sort and merge sort methods.
(m) Describe the use of a binary tree to sort data
Week 22 Revision
Week 23 SECTION 3.3
Describe basic Von Neumann architecture,
identifying the need for and the uses of special
registers in the functioning of a processor.
Week 24
Describe in simple terms the fetch / decode /
execute / reset cycle and the effects of the stages
of the cycle on specific registers.
Discuss parallel processor systems, their uses,
and their advantages and disadvantages.
Week 25
Express numbers in binary coded decimal (BCD),
octal and hexadecimal.
Describe and use two's complement and sign
and magnitude to represent positive and negative
Perform integer binary arithmetic: addition and
Week 26
Demonstrate an understanding of floating point
representation of a real binary number.
Week 32 Revision, Past Papers Practice
FOR CLASS H1 (2012 - 2013)
Week 1
Introduction to World Art.
Week 2
Review of the Art of Ancient Civilizations.
Week 3
Review of European Art
Week 4
Review of Art in Pakistan
Week 5
Review of Art in Pakistan
Week 6
Introduction to Process of Selection for Personal
Week 7
Selection of Topic for Component 2
Week 8
Coursework A on Chosen Subject: Sheet1
Week 9
Coursework A on Chosen Subject: Sheet 1
Week 10 Coursework A on Chosen Subject: Sheet 2
Week 11 Coursework A on Chosen Subject: Sheet 2
Week 12 Coursework A on Chosen Subject: Sheet 3
Week 13 Coursework A on Chosen Subject: Sheet 3
Week 27 Coursework A on Chosen Subject: Sheet 7
Week 14 Art Exam
Week 28 Coursework A on Chosen Subject: Sheet 7
Week 29 Coursework A on Chosen Subject: Sheet 8
Week 15 Research on Topic for Component 4
Week 30 Coursework A on Chosen Subject: Sheet 8
Week 16 Research Work for Component 4
Week 31 Prep Sheets for Exam
Week 17 Collection on Artists and References Concerned.
Week 32 Art Exam
Week 18 Essay on Component 4
Week 19 Essay on Component 4 (Final)
Week 20 Physical Form of Component 4
Week 21 Coursework A on Chosen Subject: Sheet 4
Week 22 Coursework A on Chosen Subject: Sheet 4
Week 23 Coursework A on Chosen Subject: Sheet 5
Week 24 Coursework A on Chosen Subject: Sheet 5
Week 25 Coursework A on Chosen Subject: Sheet 6
Week 26 Coursework A on Chosen Subject: Sheet 6
FOR CLASS H1 (2012-2013)
Week 1
- Très drôle !”
- Le passé récent
- Approuver, exprimer l’indifférence et la
- Les pronoms possessifs
- Exprimer la certitude et l’incertitude (a)
- Exprimer la certitude et l’incertitude (b)
Week 2
- L’imparfait et le passé composé
- TACHE FINALE « Votre avis »
- Caricatures + Entre art et journalisme
- Vous avez dit ‘culture’
- Quoi, Que
- Demander et donner un point de vue
Week 3
Week 4
- Envie d’ailleures………
- Ici – la bas [pg 31]
- Justifier un choix
- La négation [ne….pas / ni……ne….ni…. ni ….
- Exprimer son intention (2)
- La restriction (2)
Qui est-ce qui…? / Qu’est-ce que…. ?
Exprimer son intention (1)
Pour faire connaissance
Le subjonctif (1)
TACHE FINALE « Culture a l’affiche »
En Rue Libre et vous ?
Week 5
- Les doubles pronoms
- TACHE FINALE « De vous a nous »
UNIT 4 « Parler de ses sentiments et de ses
émotions »
- Voila l’été
- La nominalisation
Week 6
Week 7
- Terre inconnue
- Terre inconnue [pg 57]
- Exprimer sa peur, rassurer
- Le plus que parfait
- Exprimer sa surprise
- Il y a longtemps
Week 10 MODULE 3
UNIT 7 « Dire et dire de faire »
- Entreprendre
- Exprimer la fréquence
- Proposer de faire quelque chose
- Répondre a une proposition
- Donner, offrir, prêter (1)
- Donner, offrir, prêter [pg 87]
Week 11 -
Week 8
Dire qu’on aime, qu’on préfère
Comparer [les comparatifs / les superlatifs]
Exprimer la joie et la tristesse
Aussi, non plus
L’accord du participe passé / avec que
TACHE FINALE « A la carte »
Pour indiquer une durée [depuis, il y a…que, ca
- TACHE FINALE « Le grande départ »
- Vivement Dimanche
- Une Douzaine / Une centaine
- Exprimer sa colère et son mécontentement
- Les pronoms « En » et « Y »
Les pronoms démonstratifs / Les pronoms
- TACHE FINALE « Créez votre site »
- Vous avez gagné !
- Vous avez gagné [pg 93]
- Faire faire, répondre à une demande
- Le, en, y (2)
Week 12 - Promettre
- Organiser son discours
- Jouer et gagner
- Ne quittez pas……
- [pg 103]
- Interagir au téléphone
Week 13 -
[pg 107]
La mise en relief
TACHE FINALE « Scandale »
Week 9
Exprimer sa déception (1)
Exprimer sa déception (2)
Le Subjonctif 2
TACHE FINALE « Faisons le point »
Week 15 MODULE 4
UNIT 10 « Structurer et nuancer ses propos »
Argent trop cher !
[pg 119]
Interagir par courrier
Exprimer l’opposition
Se plaindre, protester
[pg 123]
Week 16 - Toujours, déjà, encore
- TACHE FINALE « Roulons propre »
- Le pétrole fou !
- Des mots pour expliquer
- Exprimer la cause et la conséquence
- Souligner, mettre en avant
Week 17 - La forme passive
- TACHE FINALE « Ecolo »
- Parlez-moi d’amour
- Rapporter un discours
- Exprimer l’hypothèse et la condition
- Le conditionnel présent
Week 18 -
Exprimer l’evidence
[pg 143]
Le gerondif
TACHE FINALE “Deja la fin…….”
UNIT 1 Inoubliable!
- Les souvenir s’invitent à l’âge adulte [pg 10]
- [pg 11]
- Delafond mène l’inquiète [découvrir]
- Ecrire une enquête [écrire]
- Parler au passé [produire]
- S’entrainer [pg 16]
Week 20 -
S’entrainer [pg 17]
Des souvenirs en boite!
Des souvenirs en boite![pg 19]
Mémoire du monde
Griot par choix
Week 21 UNIT2
- Découvrez Marseille sur
- Pg 27
- Les tendances du logement idéal
- Pg 29
- Ecrire pour donne des informations
- Parler d’un lieu