St. Joseph Catholic Church Farmington, Missouri Help the Hungry Bake Sale

Where Hospitality and Love Meet
St. Joseph Catholic Church
Farmington, Missouri
Tune in to EWTN
Tonight Catholics Come Home
featuring Gene and
Madge Winch
Join us for our
Spanish Mass
at 3:00 pm
November 16, 2014
Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Help the Hungry
Bake Sale
NEXT Saturday
November 22
9:00 am – 1:00 pm
St. Joseph Gym
Breakfast starting at 8:00 am
will include biscuits & gravy,
egg casserole, cinnamon rolls
Lunch starting at 9:00 am
including pulled pork sandwiches,
chili, chili dogs, nachos, and more
Events for Kids of all Ages
Cake Walk and cookie decorating
Live Auction at 10 am
Cookin' Clergy Contest
immediately following the live auction.
Come and support Fr. Rickey by bidding
on his very own homemade goody!
See inside how you can
help the Bake Sale!!
All bake sale
proceeds benefit
St. Vincent de Paul
& Ministerial Alliance
food pantries.
Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
From the Pastor’s Pen
Dear Parishioners of St. Joseph,
As you make your plans
for Thanksgiving Day
Please Join Us for
Mass at 9:00 am
with our Tradition of Sending Home with
You Blessed Loaves of Bread
As you make family plans for Thanksgiving Day,
please consider joining us for the 9:00 am mass to
give the ultimate gift of gratitude of Thanksgiving, the
Holy Eucharist.
For the past nine years, we have had the tradition of
the blessing of loaves of homemade bread to be taken
home and shared at your family’s Thanksgiving meal.
During the offertory collection, I will again invite you to
bring can goods or monetary gifts for the poor to the
altar. These items will be blessed at the end of the
mass followed by the blessing of the bread.
November 16, 2014 • Page 2
Our Ladies Advent by Candlelight
Evening is Filled
What an awesome response to our fifth annual Advent
by Candlelight evening that will be held on November
30 at 6:00 pm in our parish center. We are thrilled with
the response from all of the women that have RSVP’d
and will be in attendance. My
sincere thanks to the 25 women
who will serve as the hostesses
at this very special evening. This
year a beautiful “Our Father”
picture will be presented to the
table hostess that raises the
most money from the evening for
our “Secret Santa” fund.
Sue Wilker, RN, Program Coordinator for the
Archdiocese Priest Wellness Program will lead this
evening of reflection on “God’s Gift of Snow”,
parishioner Risha Gaines will give us a personal
meditation, and Daryl Buchheit will be our guest for
the inspirational music for the evening.
Our sincere thanks to Dolores Eddleman and her
family who will be baking the loaves of homemade
bread for this special St. Joseph’s Thanksgiving Day
This evening is designed to bring our ladies together
for a relaxing evening of socialization while providing
a faithful reflection on the preparation for Christmas.
This evening is also designed as a fund raiser for our
“Secret Santa” fund to help parishioners in special
need this holiday season.
Our Holiday “Giving Tree”
is up and ready for you to pick an
ornament to help those visiting
St. Vincent de Paul Pantry
All women are welcome! If you would like to attend,
please call the parish office and we will put you on our
waiting list in the event someone can not make it!
Deadline to RSVP for this special evening is
Friday, November 21.
Our Women of Mary are again sponsoring a Holiday
"Giving Tree" to benefit our St. Vincent de Paul
organization. Since many of our clients who visit our
St. Vincent de Paul come only once a month, we are
hoping to have some Christmas presents available for
them and for their children in early December. The tree
is located in the entry of the Parish Center.
You may take an ornament from the tree, purchase the
item on the label, and then place the unwrapped item
under the tree. The volunteers from St. Vincent de
Paul will pick up the items and distribute them to their
clients before Christmas.
Thanks to everyone for your support to our holiday
giving tree each year. As always, you are so generous
to those in need from our local community. May God
bless your generous hearts.
I Will Be Baking This Week…
How funny does the above statement sound?
Next Saturday our parish will open our hearts and
doors to the Farmington community by providing, at
no cost, the use of our facilities for the annual Help
the Hungry Bake Sale. All proceeds from this annual
event will benefit our St. Vincent de Paul and
Ministerial Alliance food pantries in the Farmington
This coming week I will spend some of my time in the
kitchen preparing for the “Cookin’ Clergy” contest. I
am hoping to make a homemade Milk Chocolate Bar
Please come and support this awesome event! On
page 9 you will find other ways that you can help the
bake sale.
Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Secret Santa. . . Together we
can help some of our own Parish
Families to have a Merry Christmas
Again this year, I invite you to join me in helping some
of our own parishioners who need extra help this
Christmas. These are families or individuals that are
registered in our parish and for various reasons are
experiencing difficult times. They may have not
requested help from our St. Vincent de Paul Society
but they have confided in me about their struggle to
make ends meet. “Secret Santa” is a way to respond
to their needs. Last year we assisted 24 families.
Some examples of folks who benefited are:
• An elderly widow who needed a new water heater
• An individual who needed help with an electric bill
• A family that needed financial assistance for a house
payment because of the loss of a job
• A family who needed winter jackets
If you know of a registered active parishioner that
needs a visit from Secret Santa, please let me
know! They must meet the following requirements:
• Registered active parishioner
• Attends mass regularly
• Contributes their time, talents and treasure to
the parish
Sorry, but because of the need this year, we will not be
able to help any family members of parishioners who
are not registered in our parish.
If you would like to participate in this “quiet
holiness”, please use the envelope found in your
December monthly offering package.
Preparing for the Upcoming
Holiday Season
As you and your family prepare for the Holiday
Season, please note our mass schedule:
Holiday Mass Schedule
Thanksgiving Day • 9:00 am
Christmas Eve • 5:00 pm & midnight masses
Christmas Day • 7:30, 9:00 & 10:30 am masses
Feast of the Holy Family • Sunday, Dec 28 at
7:30, 9:00, & 10:30 am masses
New Year’s Day • 8:00 am & 7:00 pm Masses
November 16, 2014 • Page 3
2015 Annual Guide Book
and Directory
We are in the process of updating our annual Guide
Book and Directory for the Church. The book contains
the Who, What, When, Where, Why and How of our
Church. The book is provided at no cost to our
Church and is being subsidized by local businesses
that advertise in it. If you own or manage a business
and would like to find out how to advertise in our book,
please call the Parish Office.
In the next few weeks we will have an account
executive from Guide Book Publishing contacting
potential advertisers.
And Finally...
Just a reminder that the Mass Intention Book opened
recently on Monday, November 3, for the year 2015.
We still have several openings for Mass intentions.
Stewardship Prayer
My church is composed of people like me.
I help make it what it is.
It will be friendly, if I am.
Its pews will be filled,
if I help fill them.
It will do great work,
if I work.
It will make generous gifts to many causes,
if I am a generous giver.
It will bring other people into its worship
and fellowship, if I invite and bring them.
It will be a church of loyalty and love,
of fearlessness and faith, and a
church with a noble spirit,
if I, who make it what it is,
am filled with these same things.
Therefore, with the help of God,
I shall dedicate myself to the task of
being all the things that I want my church to be.
“Always remember that as long as we keep the
Eucharist the center of our lives, everything else will
fall in place...of that I am confident”!!!
Blessings of Peace…Fr.
Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Our Pastoral Team
Very Rev. Rickey J. Valleroy, V.F................Pastor
email: [email protected]
Rev. James W. Dyer................... Associate Pastor
email: [email protected]
Deacon Albin Gegg ............... Permanent Deacon
Susie Rohrer ......................................Co-Principal
email: [email protected]
Shirley Bieser.....................................Co-Principal
email: [email protected]
Agnes Hinkebein .................Pastoral Health Care
email: [email protected]
Jane Ramos ...Coordinator of Religious Education
email: [email protected]
Kari Scott.................................Preschool Director
email: [email protected]
Lisa Cartee .................. Office / Business Manager
email: [email protected]
Jeannette Ragsdale....................... Bulletin Editor/
................................................... Event Coordinator
email: [email protected]
Sandi Brooks ............. Evangelization Coordinator
email: [email protected]
Connie Grindel & Phyllis LaPlant...............RCIA
email: [email protected]
Mike Ward....................... Maintenance Supervisor
Paul Gaines ................................. Pastoral Council
Jim Eaton ........................... Financial Commission
Ed Brown............................ Cemetery Association
Parish Business Office Hours
Monday thru Friday • 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Phone (573)756-4250 • Fax (573)756-6938
10 North Long Street • Farmington, MO 63640
Mass Schedule
Monday thru Friday..................................... 7:00 am
Friday (All School Mass Aug-May).............. 8:05 am
Sunday Observance
Saturday ............................................... 5:00 pm
Sunday .......... 7:30 am, 9:00 am, and 10:30 am
Holy Days of Obligation......... 7 am, 8 am, and 7 pm
The Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturdays 4 pm, Sundays 7 am, or by appointment
The Sacrament of Baptism
Baptisms are held the first Sunday of the month
after the 10:30 am Mass. Baptismal preparation
class required.
The Sacrament of Marriage
Celebrated after meeting the bride and groom and
beginning preparation six months before the wedding,
in accordance with Archdiocesan Wedding Policy.
Eucharistic Adoration
Thursdays 7:30 am through
Closing Prayer Service at 5:15 pm.
First Fridays of the month from 9 am through
Closing Prayer Service at 2:15 pm.
St. Vincent dePaul Society
Open Tuesday and Friday from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
For assistance call 756-0997
Happy Anniversary
November 17,1967
November 21, 1992
Tom & Shirley Hill
John & Michelle England
Welcome to
St. Joseph Parish
Welcome to St. Joseph’s Parish. If you are a regular
visitor and would like to join our parish, please return this
form in next week’s collection basket or stop
by the Parish Office at 10 North Long Street.
Name: _______________________________________
Address: _____________________________________
Phone: ______________________________________
Email address: ________________________________
November 16, 2014 • Page 4
Happy Birthday
November 16
November 18
November 20
Andre Turner
Charla Barker
Luke Maloney
Kenda Hopkins
Vanessa Trokey
November 17
Nora Gaines
Terry Guiley
Alexa Hernandez
Ian Lamb
Gene Nations
James Otto
Selena Torres
November 19
November 21
Patricia Kehoe
Susie Rohrer
Allen Winch
Deacon Al Gegg
November 22
Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Eucharistic Celebrations
and Mass Intentions
November 16, 2014 • Page 5
of the Liturgy
Week of November 17 - 23, 2014
7:00 am:
St. Elizabeth of Hungary
Rv 1:1-4; 2:1-5; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 18:35-43
Ruth Powell
7:00 am:
Rv 3:1-6, 14-22; Ps 15:2-5; Lk 19:1-10
Perry and Cecilia Trokey
Wednesday: Weekday
Readings: Rv 4:1-11; Ps 150:1b-6; Lk 19:11-28
7:00 am: Susie Calvin
7:00 am:
Rv 5:1-10; Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b; Lk 19:41-44
Deceased Members of St. Joseph Parish
(All Souls)
The Presentation of the
Blessed Virgin Mary
Rv 10:8-11; Ps 119:14, 24, 72, 103, 111,
131; Lk 19:45-48
Charles deGruy
Walter Klinkhardt
7:00 am:
8:05 am:
Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
Sunday Readings: Ez 34:11-12, 15-17; Ps 23:1-3, 5-6;
1 Cor 15:20-26, 28; Mt 25:31-46
5:00 pm: Nancy Crites - Linehan
7:30 am: Don Johnson
9:00 am: Lindell & Ruth Basler
10:30 am: Parishioners
visit and click on
“daily mass readings” for easy reference.
St. Joseph Catholic Church
Parish Mission Statement
We are called by our Lord Jesus Christ,
to be His church and live His gospel.
We strive to fulfill our baptismal calling
by prayer, worship, teaching and in
sharing our faith and serving others.
Guided by the Holy Spirit and
through our patron St. Joseph, we
commit ourselves to the responsible
stewardship of all God’s gifts.
Saturday, November 22
5:00 pm Mass
Fr. Rickey Valleroy
John Crouch
Extraordinary Ministers:
Adam Barnhouse, Sandi Brooks, Donna
Conklin, Laura Denkler, Rosetta Halter
Ushers: Buddy Bordewick, John Denkler,
Mark Kellogg, Ralph Trepasso
Servers: E. Barnhouse, K. Halter, N. Juliette
Sunday, November 23
7:30 am Mass
Fr. Rickey Valleroy
Stephen Hunter
Extraordinary Ministers:
Brenda Donze, Tom Donze, Jim Eaton,
Steve Forsythe, Chris Westrich
Ushers: Austin Bequette, Jack Neiner,
Phil Roth, Ed Weidenbenner
Servers: L. Landreneau, M. Williams
9:00 am Mass
Fr. James Dyer
Brian McNamara
Extraordinary Ministers:
Abe AuBuchon, Mitch Fuemmeler, Dawn
Fuemmeler, Risha Gaines, Margaret Greif
Ushers: Dan Combs, George Kracke,
Jerry Morris, Mike Turner
Servers: K. Baechle, N. Baechle, M. McNamara
10:30 am Mass
Fr. James Dyer
Phyllis LaPlant
Extraordinary Ministers:
Charles Boyd, Jana Dore, Katie Rhodes,
Isa Sippo, William Sippo
Ushers: James Cissell, Roy Henson,
Chuck Koppeis, Travis Trolinger
Servers: A. Odle, JC Odle, A. Roney
Monday, November 17, 2014
Pat Beussink, Jana Dore’,
Marie Hermann, Jo Rustemeyer, Sandi Brooks
Money Counters
Beulah Carrow, Jackie Maloney,
Nancy Ott, Carolyn Rigdon
Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Come join us for our weekly Parish Rosary
to be offered this Wednesday at 7:15 pm
Our petition for this week will be:
“For a successful Help the Hungry Bake Sale.”
In Our Thoughts and Prayers...
Your Gifts to God and Parish
Sunday, November 9 , 2014
Adult Envelopes
Electronic Envelopes
All Saints Day
We pray for the repose of the soul of
Bea Cauley
long-time parishioner
May God welcome her home, fill her with
peace, and bless those who will miss her.
Let us pray for those who share weekly
in our Eucharistic Celebration and who are
carrying the gift of life. . .
Golda (Anton) Aseniero
Marsha (Kevin) Brown
to Eric & Kelsey
on the arrival of
Ella Mae Koppeis
on October 29
If you are carrying the gift of life and would like
the prayers of your parish family please call
Jeannette in the parish office.
Pope Francis’ prayer intention for
November: That all who suffer
loneliness may experience the
closeness of God and the support
of others.
November 16, 2014 • Page 6
Current Week
Sunday Offering
Budgeted Amount
Partners in Education
Maintenance & Repair
St. Vincent de Paul
Retired Religious
All Souls
Mission Sunday
Human Development
Permanent Diaconate
Total for Specials
Year to Date
Thank You For Your Faithfulness!!!
“Well done,
good and
faithful servant;
you have been
faithful over a little, I will set
you over much…”Matthew 25:21
God expects us to nurture and develop the
gifts He has given us and then generously
give back with increase. He doesn’t want us
to waste or hoard the gifts He has given us;
He expects us to grow our gifts, use them
wisely and be generous with them.
Together we pray for those who are sick. (Parishioners names are in bold.)
Please pray for: Makennah Barron, Carol Wittcraft, Linda, Wendy, Colby Davis, Pat Breese, Karen Smith,
Rosemary Dunaway, Rhonda LaPierre, Thelma Blake, Bill Jokerst, Susan Woods, Bathe family, Greg
Ribbing, Marilyn Trokey, Jonell Sweeney, Ken & Anna Webber, Shanda Arnold, Lou Krapf, Jill Walker,
Ron Strauser, Emily Grieshaber, Bob Malone, Tracy Beussink, Mary Jones, Bernadette Blyze, Bob
Oder, Robert McManus, Joyce Wozniak, Charles Govreau, Davie Prather, Bob and Sharon Boyer,
Brent Rollens, Annette Wolf, Andrew Colas, Sara Hershberger, Ethel Backer, June Steneck, Joe
Mondello, Todd Mabery, David Ikemeier, Harold & Lois Skaggs, Joel Hommelson, Agnes Davis.
To add someone to the prayer list contact Pat Boatright at [email protected] or 756-4169.
Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
November 16, 2014 • Page 7
Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
The letters of Paul to the Thessalonians are among his earliest writings, and are driven by his belief and
the belief of the entire early Christian community that the return of Christ was imminent, and that
devoting time or attention to anything else was foolish.
As time progressed, this fervor subsided a bit. Today we may wonder when we hear these readings
about the coming end-times, if we should take them to heart, if we really believe that Christ still may
come upon us as a “thief in the night.” Does this mean we are to stop our long-range goal-setting, get
rid of our yearly calendars and planners, or stop putting money in the college education fund? Of course
not. What it does mean is that we need to change our lives, living like children of the light and
illuminating the world around us with the light of the gospel. Then, on that day, when the details of our
daily living become unimportant, we will be ready to find our peace and security in Christ Jesus.
Making A Long Story Longer
We might want to ask why the parable delivered by Jesus in today’s Gospel—one of the lengthiest—is
not followed up with an explanation, since so many of the other parables are. We could be puzzled in
part by such severe punishment for a servant who did no more than return exactly what he had been
given. If he had lost or gambled or frittered away the money he had been given, then a severe reaction
might be understandable. The master, after all, had disbursed his funds to the three servants “to each
according to his ability” (Matthew 25:15) at the beginning of the parable. He evidently knew the third
man wasn’t all that capable to begin with. Why, then, punish him so extremely for displaying personality
traits the master already knew he possessed?
What Is Expected
In Matthew, this is the last parable Jesus will tell his
followers before his passion, death, and resurrection.
Only next week’s allegory of the sheep and goats
stands between this parable and the beginning of the
Passion drama. So the purpose of this parable in the
Gospel is no longer merely to instruct the disciples of
Jesus in matters of proclaiming the gospel, but they
are meant to be, simultaneously, keys to
understanding the ministry of Jesus, particularly of his
pending death and resurrection into his Father’s joy.
We see in Jesus an example of God’s servant who
lived industriously and wisely, to bring back to his
Father a bountiful return. Consequently, the decision
for us is to be like the second servant, who like the
first (Christ, our example), does likewise, though to a
lesser degree; or we may choose to be like the third,
who does absolutely nothing, expends no effort in his
master’s service, and is forbidden from sharing his
master’s joy.
Today’s Readings: Prv 31:10–13, 19–20, 30–31; Ps
128:1–5; 1 Thes 5:1–6; Mt 25:14–30 [14–15, 19–21]
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Company
Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
November 16, 2014 • Page 8
“Remembering Yesterday...”
St. Joseph
Farmington, Missouri
Last weeks picture:
The parish family from our
1971 photo directory was Perry
and Sue Rariden and family.
Congratulations to Jeanie Gegg
for being the first to call Monday
morning with the correct answer.
Thanks to all who called with the
Where Hospitality
and Love Meet
The first person to call the office Monday morning with the
correct answer will receive a special St. Joseph rosary
commemorating our 125th anniversary.
This Week in Our Parish
Adult Education - Catholicism:
The Journey of a Lifetime
6:30 pm • Parish Center
SVDP Volunteer Meeting
12:30 pm • Parish Center
Deanery Meeting at St. Catherine’s
Advent Wreath / Chili Night
6:00 pm • Cafeteria
Respect Life Meeting
7:30 pm • Parish Center
Prayer Shawl
9:00 am • Parish Center
PSR Class
6:00 pm • School
Parish Rosary
7:15 pm • Church
Thurs 11/20
Can you identify this family
from our 1980 photo directory?
A Note from
our Pastoral Health
Care Minister,
Agnes Hinkebein, RN
If you are homebound or are
hospitalized or know a parishioner
who is, please contact me in the parish office
or email [email protected]
Thanksgiving Day Mass at 9 am
with our Tradition of Sending Home with
You Blessed Loaves of Bread
As you make family plans for
Thanksgiving Day, please consider
joining us for the 9 am Mass
to give the ultimate gift of
gratitude of Thanksgiving,
the Holy Eucharist.
Eucharistic Adoration
7:30 am • Church
Knights of Columbus
Homemade Apple Butter
6:00 pm • Meet, Eat and Greet
6:30 pm • Class begins
The Knights of Columbus will be
selling homemade apple butter THIS
weekend outside of church after all masses
for $6 a pint. The butter was made in an
authentic copper kettle. What a
great gift idea or try some on
your morning toast. It’s delicious!
School Early Out
11:30 am Dismissal
Help the Hungry Bake Sale
8:00 am • Gym
Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
November 16, 2014 • Page 9
Help the Hungry
Bake Sale
a benefit for food pantries
9:00 am - 1:00 pm
NEXT Saturday, November 22
St. Joseph Catholic School Gym
St. Joe's is once again participating in the Help the Hungry Bake Sale to benefit
St. Vincent de Paul and Ministerial Alliance food pantries. The support of
St. Joseph parish has always been so wonderful and is greatly appreciated.
What you can do to help:
Bake! Cakes, cookies, breads, pies, pastries, candies - anything homemade will be
appreciated. Items can be dropped off at the gym from 3:30 - 7 pm Friday
(you can drive up to the gym doors and someone will get your cake for you)
or 7:30 - 9 am Saturday.
Donate other food items including mixes for spiced tea, cocoa, dips, etc.
or handmade items such as aprons, napkins, etc
Not a baker? Gift baskets, valued at $25 and up are also appreciated.
Volunteer some time to work either Friday evening or Saturday.
Help will be needed to set up, manning the booth and clean up.
Please attend! Breakfast and lunch items will be
available for purchase in the cafeteria.
Stock up on holiday food items.
Every dollar helps!!
Come and support Fr. Rickey in the
Cookin' Clergy Contest.
Questions? Contact Theresa Kellogg at 701-2992.
Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
St. Joseph Parish
Featured on EWTN
Catholics Come Home Series on EWTN
Be sure to tune in to EWTN TONIGHT for the
second of our two parish couples, Gene and
Madge Winch, to be featured on the Catholics
Come Home Series.
The Parish Office will be closed
Thursday, November 27 and
Friday, November 28 in
observance of Thanksgiving.
We will resume normal hours
of 8:00 am until 4:00 pm on
Monday, December 1.
St. Joseph Parish’s
St. Vincent de Paul
Food Pantry
The good news of today’s Gospel is the
extravagance of what is being given us. All we
need do is be faithful in “small matters.” The cost
of fidelity has no comparison to the reward given.
When you give the furniture, household items and
clothing you no longer use to our St. Vincent de
Paul, you are sharing God’s extravagant love.
Open Tuesday and Friday
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
For assistance call 756-0997
Our food pantry serves people
in the St. Francois county
regardless of race, sex,
national origin, religion, or age.
November 16, 2014 • Page 10
In Eucharistic
Adoration, we are not
just thinking about
God, we are with God!
Eucharistic Adoration hours are
Thursdays from 7:30 am - 5:15
pm followed by Benediction.
Everyone is welcome to visit
during Adoration Hours!
For more information contact Charlie or Rita
at 756-2383 or e-mail [email protected].
Women of Mary’s
“Giving Tree”
The Women of Mary are
again sponsoring a "Giving
Tree" to benefit our St.
Vincent de Paul
organization. Since the
clients who visit our St.
Vincent de Paul come
only once a month, we
are hoping to have
some Christmas
presents available for them
and their children before
the end of November.
The tree is located in
the entry of the Parish Center. You may take an
ornament from the tree, purchase the item on the
label, and then place the unwrapped item under
the tree. The volunteers from St. Vincent de Paul
will pick up the items and distribute them to their
clients before Christmas. Thanks to everyone for
your support; each year you are so generous to
those in need from our local community.
Advertiser of the Week
This week we would like to thank
David Danieley • Nationwide Insurance
for sponsoring our bulletin. Without our sponsors,
we would have to assume the cost of publication.
Please patronize our Advertisers!
Try Bulletin Advertising call 800-876-7000, Ext. 295.
Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Celebrate Adoption,
the gift of love - twice given
Annual Adoption Mass
November 23 at 10:00 am
Cathedral Basilica of St. Louis
Adoption is a gift of love twice given— by the birth
mother and the adoptive parents. Join us in
honoring this loving gift as Bishop Rice celebrates
Mass and confers a Special Blessing on Sunday,
November 23, 10:00 am, at
the Cathedral Basilica.
All who have been involved
in an adoption or foster
care in any way
are warmly invited
to attend. A
reception in
Boland Hall will
For more information call
314-792-7555 or visit
[email protected].
Respect for Life
Respect Life Meeting
There will be a Respect Life Committee
meeting THIS Tuesday, November 18 at
7:30 pm in the Parish Center.
Respect Life Committee
is selling raffle tickets for
a $150 gift certificate
to Schnucks Grocery
Store. This would be a great
way to start the holidays!
Tickets are $1 each or 6 for $5.
If you would like to purchase tickets, please
see any Respect Life Committee member.
The drawing will be held at the
Respect Life Meeting THIS Tuesday.
Hope to see you there!!
November 16, 2014 • Page 11
. . . Anyway
"People are often unreasonable
and self-centered. Forgive
them anyway.
If you are kind, people may
accuse you of ulterior
motives. Be kind anyway.
If you are honest, people
may cheat you. Be honest anyway.
If you find happiness, people may be jealous.
Be happy anyway.
The good you do today may be forgotten
tomorrow. Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have and it may
never be enough. Give your best anyway.
For you see, in the end, it is between you and
God. It was never between you and them
- Mother Teresa
Our RCIA Team
could use some
help in welcoming
those inquiring about
our faith...
The RCIA team would like to extend an invitation
to our Parish to show their hospitality toward
those who are inquiring to become Catholic. How
can you extend a warm welcome?
The RCIA Team serves a meal every Thursday
night in the Parish Center to the inquirers and their
sponsors. Since we meet at 6 pm, many are
coming straight from work and have no time to go
home. Each time we meet, there is a planned
menu and desserts.
If you would like to help with a meal by bringing a
dish to one of the RCIA meetings please contact
Helen Thurman at 366-8812 or
email at [email protected].
What a wonderful opportunity
to show how welcoming we are
at St. Joseph Parish.
Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
November 16, 2014 • Page 12
Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
November 16, 2014 • Page 13
Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
St. Joseph
Mark Y
Calen our
November 16
Youth Group meeting TONIGHT
7pm in the gym - we will be
playing dodgeball and giving thanks
November 23
Help at Our Father's Table
with their Thanksgiving meal
The careful and responsible management
of something entrusted in one’s care.
Look at what’s
happening in our Parish. . .
Sunday, November 16
EWTN Catholics Come Home
Series featuring Madge Winch
Saturday, November 22
Help the Hungry Bakesale
Thursday, November 27
Thanksgiving Mass 9:00 am
Sunday, November 30
Advent by Candlelight
Tuesday, December 16
Advent Recital in gym
(please note the date
change from last weekend’s bulletin)
November 16, 2014 • Page 14
Our Father’s Table
November 23
4:00 - 6:00 pm
St. Joe Cafeteria
We will be enjoying a traditional
Thanksgiving meal. Please invite anyone
you know that may be in need of a
complimentary homemade meal served with
love and compassion to join us. Our Father’s
Table is located in our school cafeteria, the
entrance is on Carleton Street.
Bell Ringing
St. Joseph Parish will once again be
participating in the United Way Bell
Ringing at Walmart in Farmington.
There are sign up sheets in the back of
church on the windows. We will be
ringing at the west door (pharmacy side) on
Wednesdays: December 3, December 10 &
December 17. Please call Jeannette in the
Parish Office (756-4250) if you would like to sign
up for a time slot, you cannot make your time, or
if you have questions. Dress warm if it’s cold, and
thank you for your participation!
Have you visited the Lighthouse Catholic
Media kiosk in our Parish Center lately?
There are awesome CDs and
books to help enrich your faith.
Help the Hungry
Bake Sale Raffle
Take a chance on this
unique table to be raffled
off at the end of the live
auction. Tickets on sale
at the bake sale on
November 22.
$1 each or 6 for $5
Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
November 16, 2014 • Page 15
St. Catherine of Alexandria
Saturday, November 22, 2014
Fr. Rickey Valleroy
Peggy Adams
Saturday 7:30 pm Mass
Your Gifts to God and Parish
Saturday, November 8, 2014
Adult Envelopes ...................... $1,140.00
Loose.............................................. 30.00
Thank You For Your Faithfulness!
Extraordinary Ministers
Jimmy and Susie Herzog
Happy Birthday
Rosemary Borisenko • November 19
Offertory Bearers
Curt and Lynette Heberlie
Our sincere thanks Western Catholic Union
#184 for their generous matching gift of $500
towards our Annual Fall Festival.
Coffman, Missouri
Founded in 1887
Canonical Parish 1919
November 15 Mass Intention
James Herzog
Parish Council President:
Jimmy Herzog
November 22 Mass Intention
John Fischer
Parish Council meeting this month will be
THIS Wednesday, November 19 at 7pm
Thanksgiving Day Mass at 7pm on
Wednesday, November 26
Blessings of Peace…Fr. Rickey