Exchange Students’ Guide Outgoing Students: Bachelor Contents 1. Before your exchange semester ............................................................................................................................................................................ 3 1.1. Information and planning ............................................................................................................................................................................... 3 Starting your planning.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 3 Application requirements ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 3 Information ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 4 Partner universities .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 5 1.2. Application and selection ............................................................................................................................................................................... 6 Application periods .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 6 Exchange places .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 6 Online application ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 7 Selection and nomination ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Selection interview .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 8 Nomination ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9 Multiple applications ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 9 Cancellation .......................................................................................................................................................................................................10 Nomination, application and admission to the partner university ...............................................................................................................................10 Registration at the partner university ....................................................................................................................................................................11 TOEFL/IELTS ......................................................................................................................................................................................................12 Grants...............................................................................................................................................................................................................13 Grant requirements ............................................................................................................................................................................................14 Multiple applications ...........................................................................................................................................................................................16 Course recognition ..............................................................................................................................................................................................17 IBW international experience ...............................................................................................................................................................................18 Intercultural skills training ...................................................................................................................................................................................19 Visa requirements...............................................................................................................................................................................................19 Travel/Health insurance.......................................................................................................................................................................................20 Vaccinations ......................................................................................................................................................................................................21 Tuition fees ........................................................................................................................................................................................................22 ÖH dues ............................................................................................................................................................................................................22 Housing for outgoing students .............................................................................................................................................................................23 Housing for incoming students ............................................................................................................................................................................23 2. During your stay abroad ......................................................................................................................................................................................24 Course selection and making changes ...................................................................................................................................................................24 Courses – Documenting your academic achievement ..............................................................................................................................................24 Grants – Formalities at the host university .............................................................................................................................................................25 Advertising & PR.................................................................................................................................................................................................25 3. After your stay abroad ........................................................................................................................................................................................26 Grant formalities after your return ........................................................................................................................................................................26 Recognition of courses taken abroad .....................................................................................................................................................................27 Confirmation of IBW international experience .........................................................................................................................................................27 Completing the Exchange Report ..........................................................................................................................................................................28 Outgoing Student Survey ....................................................................................................................................................................................29 GO GLOBAL Study Exchange Fair ..........................................................................................................................................................................29 4. Contacts at the International Office ......................................................................................................................................................................30 International Office 2 August 2014 1. Before your exchange semester 1.1. Information and planning When is the best time to go on exchange? If you are planning to go abroad for an exchange semester, make sure to start planning early. You will need to: Starting your planning ! decide on a country choose the ideal partner university complete the application procedure select courses and arrange for credit recognition ahead of time make travel arrangements (e.g. look for housing, organize a visa and get insurance) Recommended planning time: approx. 15 months before you intend to go abroad Who is eligible to apply for an exchange program? Who: All students enrolled in a regular WU bachelor degree program. Application requirements Further information When: At the time of application, you must have completed sufficient ECTS credits in the required courses to be eligible to transition from the introductory and orientation phase to the main program phase. Please see your program’s curriculum for more details. Information on curricula: Application requirements of partner universities: International Office ! Please note: Allow a little over a year to plan your exchange semester, including the application process. 3 August 2014 Where can I find out what I need to know? The International Office has all the information you need about your exchange semester abroad: Information Informational materials and homepage Regularly scheduled informational events and group advisory meetings before application deadlines IO front office team for general information; personal consultation with the regional coordinators International Office: Library & Learning Center (LC), level 4 IO homepage: Further information More about partner universities Partner schools Google map Brochures available in the front office Online exchange reports IO events (see the IO homepage for scheduled dates) Go Global – Study Exchange fair IO information sessions Group advisory meeting Personal consultation IO team office hours: International Office ! Important dates and deadlines are announced ahead of time on the IO homepage. 4 August 2014 Choosing a partner university Exchange places are available at approximately 180 partner schools around the world. Criteria for selecting a partner university include Partner universities Further information International Office Available courses and recognition options Language Academic, professional or personal interest in the host country International Office: Library & Learning Center (LC), level 4 Tip: Attend WU’s “Go Global” exchange fair in the winter semester. Incoming and outgoing students will be there to introduce “their” universities. 5 August 2014 1.2. Application and selection When can I submit my application? Applications are always submitted a year in advance. Please remember that applications and nominations are accepted only during the official IO application periods. The application periods for each semester are published on the IO homepage and announced over the digital WU Campus Info system well ahead of time. Application periods Application deadlines for Europe for the winter semester: mid-December for the summer semester: mid-May Application deadlines for overseas for the winter semester: mid-October for the summer semester: mid-March Additional deadlines for Europe and overseas (for leftover places) for the winter semester: late January for the summer semester: late June Further information For current application deadlines, please see: ! Make sure to inform yourself about application deadlines early! How many exchange places are available, and for what types of exchange? Exchange places Further information International Office Quotas and application statistics are published at the beginning of each semester. They tell you which universities are available for which deadline, how many places they are offering, and how many students applied for each university for the last exchange periods. 6 August 2014 How does the application process work? The entire application process takes place online. Please note: Application periods end at 12:00 noon on the last day of the application period. Your application must be submitted by clicking the “Agree and submit application” button before the application deadline. You can save your application and return to edit it at any time during the application period. Applications can no longer be edited after the application period has expired. Late submissions will not be accepted. Online application Students may apply for places at up to 3 partner universities (preferences). If the Academic Advisors rank you for more than one university, you will be nominated for your highest preference. The following documents are required: Letter of motivation (2 versions: One in German and one in the language of instruction of the partner school), max. 3200 characters (including spaces) CV (will be automatically generated based on the data you enter about education, professional experience/internships, international experience, language skills and other skills) Photo (will be taken from the WU database and automatically added to your CV) Transcript (from the WU database). Furthermore, your "Notenkriterium" (an average based on 27 ECTS credits worth of your best grades excluding “Freie Wahlfächer”) and your grade point average (according to the WU student ranking) will be added to your application. Further information International Office Online application form: ! Don’t forget to submit your application on time and check to make sure it is complete. 7 August 2014 How are candidates selected? All submitted applications are automatically forwarded to the appropriate Academic Advisor after the application period has expired. An Academic Advisor is a WU faculty member responsible for managing the cooperation with a particular partner university. Selection and nomination After the applications have been reviewed, qualified applicants may be invited to a selection interview. After the selection interviews, the Academic Advisor ranks the candidates on an electronic ranking list. The Academic Advisor’s rankings are then compared with the applicants’ preference lists to decide on the final nominations. If the Academic Advisors rank you for more than one university, you will be nominated for your highest preference. Preferences cannot be changed after the application has been submitted. Further information Academic Advisors: What happens at the selection interview? Selection interview (optional criteria) International Office The interview is usually held in the language of instruction of the partner school you have applied for. You will be invited to the interview by the Academic Advisor or his or her secretary by email or phone. The IO is not involved in this selection process, and can provide no information about making appointments or about the selection strategy of any particular Academic Advisor. Emails are sent to the private address you provided during the application process or to your WU email address. According to IO recommendations, the following criteria should be included in the Academic Advisor’s selection process: Academic achievement and academic progress General motivation to spend a semester abroad Special motivation to go to a particular university 8 August 2014 Credit recognition possibilities between the courses offered at the host university and WU Language skills Other qualifications (internships, work experience, international experience, etc.) Personal impression at the interview Bring the following documents to the interview: Supporting documents for internships, language courses, etc. If you study “IBW/Chinesisch” please take all your grade transcripts with you. When are the results published? Nomination Final selection results are usually available about 4 weeks after the application deadline. Further information ! All applicants are informed by the IO by email whether or not they have been nominated for an exchange place. If you need a notice of nomination please contact your regional coordinator. How often can I apply? If you are not awarded an exchange place after a particular application period, this has no effect on your chances the next time. You can apply again at any time. Multiple applications International Office If you have already completed an exchange semester or are nominated for one during your bachelor program, you are not eligible to apply for a second exchange semester while still enrolled in a bachelor program. 9 August 2014 Is it possible to cancel an exchange semester? Cancellation Once you have been nominated for an exchange semester, cancellation is possible only in exceptional cases (illness, pregnancy, important family commitments or unavoidable, unforeseen serious events). Appropriate proof will be required. Please contact your regional coordinator immediately in such cases. If a student cancels his or her exchange without good cause, he or she is excluded from further participation in WU exchange programs. How do I get in touch with the partner university? After you have been selected for an exchange semester, the IO will nominate you directly to the partner university. After that, you will be contacted by the partner university directly, or through the IO, and will be given instructions how to register at the host university. Nomination, application and admission to the partner university International Office When you have successfully registered with the partner school and have been accepted for the exchange, you will receive all the information you need (either directly or through the IO) about visas, housing, orientation programs, signing up for classes, etc. If you have not managed to get in touch with your host institution 6 months before your exchange semester is scheduled to begin, please contact your IO coordinator. ! Make sure to submit all the documents required by the partner university on time! Find out ahead of time if your application documents should be sent by you or by the IO. 10 August 2014 What do I need to keep in mind when filling out my application documents for the partner university? The following questions are often asked on application forms: Are you a full-time student? Yes Program: Business Administration, International Business Administration, Economics and Socio-Economics, Business Law, Information Systems Regional coordinator/Exchange Coordinator: IO coordinator Departmental Coordinator: Academic Advisor Major: your specialization courses, e.g. Marketing, Finance, Management, etc. Semester dates: Please note that WU’s “summer semester” is often called something else in other countries, e.g. “spring term” or just “second semester”. Likewise, the “winter semester” is often the “fall term” or “first semester”. Frequently requested documents: Transcript: Partner universities often request a transcript of your grades. The English translation of your WU transcript can be printed at one of the self-service terminals in front of the Study Service Center in the Library & Learning Center (LC) on the 2nd floor, or you can request a copy online ( Financial statement: All US partner schools and some other overseas partners require proof of sufficient financial means to fund your exchange semester. The required amount varies depending on the university. Template to have filled out by your bank: Registration at the partner university Bank Confirmation We hereby confirm that the account in the name of ________________(name), account number ____________, shows a positive balance of $ ____________ (total in dollars as required by the university), equivalent to € ______________ at today´s exchange rate. __________________( Official name of bank and signature/bank seal) International Office _____________ (Date) Medical certificate and vaccination pass: Many overseas universities require confirmation from your physician that you are healthy. Sometimes vaccinations are needed as well. 11 August 2014 Template for a medical certificate, to be filled out and signed by your doctor: Medical Certificate To whom it may concern: The results of a medical examination of ……………………………………………………… conducted on ……………………… are as follows: ..... ..... ..... Dr. ....... Physician’s address Date, stamp and signature Do I have to provide TOEFL/IELTS results? Where can I take the TOEFL/IELTS? TOEFL/IELTS Some partner universities require the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) or the IELTS. To find out which universities require the TOEFL or the IELTS and how many points you need to have, please consult the info sheets on our website or ask your IO regional coordinator. In Vienna, the TOEFL is offered by the OeAD International Testing Services; the IELTS by the British Council. Please refer to their websites for dates and further information. Further information OeAD International Testing Services Ebendorferstraße 6/3/11 1010 Vienna Tel.: (01) 533 65 33 Email: [email protected] British Council Austria Siebensterngasse 21 1070 Vienna Tel.: (01) 533 26 16 77 E-Mail: [email protected] International Office 12 August 2014 Which grants and scholarships are available? ERASMUS ERASMUS is an EU program intended to promote student and faculty mobility and encourage cross-border cooperation between European universities. Grants are available for exchange programs and also for student internships. Students in all EU and EFTA member states and Turkey are eligible to apply for ERASMUS grants. All WU students enrolled in a regular degree program, who have never received an ERASMUS Grant before, are eligible to apply. Joint Study The Joint Study grant is a partial grant intended to help students cover increased expenses incurred while abroad. It is linked to students’ academic achievement during their exchange. It provides financial aid to regular degree program students not subsidized by the ERASMUS program (overseas). Grants All WU students enrolled in a regular degree program, who have never received a Joint Study grant before, are eligible to apply. CEEPUS CEEPUS grants are for students going on exchange to partner universities in Eastern Europe. They generally cover living expenses. Info International Office ERASMUS/Joint Study/CEEPUS: ! Applying for grants: After the Grant Information Event you can apply for a grant via online application that will be opened for approximately ten days. You will receive the link to the online application by email. Please be aware of the deadline! An application afterwards is not possible! 13 August 2014 What are the requirements for grants? Requirements for ERASMUS and Joint Study grants The grant is conditional on proof of academic achievement. The typical workload of a full-time student during a semester is 30 ECTS credits. Exchange students are expected to take a similar workload at the host university in order to maintain seamless progress in their degree program at WU. In Europe students have to complete courses worth 30 ECTS credits and overseas they have to complete the appropriate workload requirement of the partner university. Upon their return students are required to transfer the credits earned abroad toward their respective WU degree program. Please note that you have to transfer the credits toward the degree program you chose on your application! Grant Information Event Attendance of the Grant Information Event before your exchange is mandatory. After the Grant Information Event you can apply for a grant via online application that will be opened for approximately ten days. You will receive the link to the online application by email. Please be aware of the deadlines! An application afterwards is not possible! Grant requirements Learning Agreement for ERASMUS grants Applicants for ERASMUS grants also need to fill out a Learning Agreement, available from the IO front office. This form must be filled out and signed by the IO regional Coordinator. During the exchange, the form then has to be signed by a representative of the partner university. The completed Learning Agreement with all the required signatures is then handed in to the IO after your exchange. Nomination and selection for ERASMUS grants Students who have been selected to receive an Erasmus grant are informed by email. At the same time, you will be instructed to register and enter or update your personal data in the Erasmus online database (SMS Online). The student agreement with the Erasmus Office is available in the online database 45 days before your exchange semester begins, at the earliest. This agreement must be printed (in duplicate!), personally signed and returned to the International Office 14 August 2014 Erasmus Office by registered mail, or signed electronically using your Citizen Card (Bürgerkarte). The agreement must be signed and returned before you go abroad. Statement of acceptance for Joint Study grants Students are sent a Grant Approval Notice and a Statement of Acceptance by mail. The Statement of Acceptance must be signed and returned to the IO front office by the deadline specified in the approval notice. The deadline will also be announced at the Grant Information Event. If this form is not returned by the deadline, the Grant Approval becomes void. Grant Information Event dates Further information Course recognition: Study Regulations & Exam Recognition Office homepage ! Please note: Attendance of the Grant Information Event is MANDATORY! ! ERASMUS students: The Learning Agreement needs to be signed by your Regional coordinator ! International Office Joint Study students: The Statement of Acceptance must be signed and returned to the IO by the deadline specified in the Approval Notice. If this form is not returned by the deadline, the Grant Approval becomes void. 15 August 2014 Can I be awarded more than one mobility grant? ERASMUS An ERASMUS grant for an international exchange can be awarded only once throughout your studies (bachelor, master and PhD), and only for a maximum of 12 months. Any further ERASMUS exchanges you decide to take (even in a later graduate program) are no longer eligible for grant funding. Multiple applications Joint Study The Joint Study grant can be awarded only once throughout your undergraduate studies. Furthermore, students are only eligible for WU financial aid (Joint Study grants) if they have never received a mobility grant (Joint Study or ERASMUS) for an exchange semester through the IO before. CEEPUS CEEPUS grants are awarded for exchanges to Eastern Europe. Students who have been already been abroad on a Joint Study or ERASMUS grant can still apply for a CEEPUS grant. Multiple applications are also possible. Funding can be awarded for a maximum of 8 months, meaning that students can apply for two 4-month periods, for example. Further information Grants: ! International Office Applying for grants: After the Grant Information Event you can apply for a grant via online application that will be opened for approximately ten days. You will receive the link to the online application by email. Please be aware of the deadline! An application afterwards is not possible! 16 August 2014 Course credit recognition – What do I have to do when? Inform yourself in detail about the courses available at your chosen host university. The Institutional Coordinators at the partner school can answer questions about accessibility and the availability of specific courses. The IO is only rarely able to intervene in course registration matters, and only in exceptional cases. Course recognition The Study Regulation & Exam Recognition Office is responsible for recognition of courses completed abroad. You must fill out the online application for pre-recognition (Online-Antrag Vorausbescheid) before you go abroad to clarify which courses taken at the partner university can be recognized for credit after you return to WU. Recognition lists are lists of courses taken at partner universities that have been recognized for credit at WU in the past. Please note that these are based only on experience and do not imply any legal right to recognition of the courses on the lists. Further information Study Regulation & Exam Recognition Office : Study Service Center (Library & Learning Center, 2nd floor) Information from the Study Regulation & Exam Recognition Office on course recognition: Recognition lists: International Office ! Contact the Study Regulation & Exam Recognition Office about course credit recognition as soon as possible after your nomination to go abroad. 17 August 2014 I’m an IBW student. What do I have to do? Choosing a country: For an exchange semester to count as IBW international experience, it has to be spent in a country that is not your home country. The citizenship valid in your WU records at the time of application applies. Credits: IBW bachelor students have to complete a minimum number of ECTS credits during their exchange semester. These credits must all be in business and economics-related courses, without exception. IBW international experience In all ERASMUS countries, a total of 16 ECTS credits in business and economics-related courses must be successfully completed. For all other countries, the IBW list of minimum credit requirements applies. In principle, any course successfully completed at a university abroad that is recognized at WU as equivalent to a mandatory part of the curriculum will also be recognized as international experience for the program in International Business Administration. For courses recognized as equivalent to free electives, this applies only if the content of the course concerned is predominantly economic-/business-related. See our homepage for more details: Further information IBW bachelor program list of minimum credit requirements (for partner universities overseas and in Serbia, Russia and the Ukraine): ! Please note: Skills seminars (presentation techniques, negotiation techniques, etc.) and general courses in sociology, political sciences or athletics as well as language courses are not considered business or economics-related courses. ! In principle, any course successfully completed at a university abroad that is recognized at WU as equivalent to a mandatory part of the curriculum will also be recognized as international experience for the program in International Business Administration. For courses recognized as equivalent to free electives, this applies only if the content of the course concerned is predominantly economic-/business-related. International Office 18 August 2014 Intercultural skills training Intercultural skills training Further information All Bachelor students who spend a semester on exchange at a partner university must complete the intercultural skills training before going abroad. Intercultural skills course: ! This course must be completed by bachelor students before going on exchange. Visa requirements Overseas: Austrian students require a student visa to travel to the USA, Latin America, Australia and Asia. Citizens of other countries may require additional documents. To travel to Canada, Austrian students do not require a visa for stays of up to 6 months. However, you must be prepared to present your Letter of Acceptance from the host university to immigration officials. Visa requirements As soon as you have received the registration forms and the Letter of Acceptance from the partner university (US universities also require the form DS-2019) you can apply for a visa at the appropriate consular authority in Vienna. Be sure to contact the consulate in advance to find out what documents you will need. USA: The US consulate charges a so-called SEVIS fee when issuing a visa. In the plane, you will need to fill out the white immigration form! Europe: EU countries If you are not an EU citizen, please be sure to inform yourself of any visa or entry requirements made by the host country early enough to make the necessary arrangements. International Office 19 August 2014 Europe: Non-EU countries If you plan to spend your exchange semester in a non-EU country (e.g. Russia, Serbia, Montenegro, etc.), please be sure to inform yourself of any visa or entry requirements made by the host country early enough to make the necessary arrangements. Further information Visa information: (->Bürgerservice -> Pass und Visum) US visa SEVIS fee: ! Please note: You are responsible for organizing all the necessary visa or entry requirements Travel and health insurance Overseas: Some overseas countries demand additional travel and/or health insurance before issuing a visa. Please inquire directly at the appropriate consulate. Additional travel and/or health insurance is recommended. For insurance policies issued in Austria, it’s a good idea to take a description of what is covered by your policy in English with you. Travel/Health insurance Some universities require students to purchase separate student insurance in the host country. Europe: EU countries If you are a citizen of an EU member state, the health insurance provided by your home country is usually sufficient. Don’t forget to take your European insurance card (e-card) with you when you go abroad! If you are not an EU citizen, be sure to arrange for the necessary insurance coverage well in advance. International Office 20 August 2014 Europe: Non-EU countries Some non-EU countries demand additional travel and/or health insurance before issuing a visa. Please inquire directly at the appropriate consulate. Further information Travel/health insurance information: (-> Bürgerservice -> Reiseinformation) ! Please note: You are responsible for all the necessary visa or entry requirements Vaccinations Vaccinations Further information International Office Vaccinations: Before leaving for an exchange semester abroad, precautions should be taken to prevent infection. Please inform yourself well ahead of time which vaccinations are required or recommended for travel to your selected destination. We also recommend taking your vaccination records/pass with you. Vaccination centers: ! Please note: You are responsible for all the necessary visa or entry requirements 21 August 2014 Tuition fee waivers Tuition fees Participation in an official WU mobility program with a duration of over 8 weeks and which extends into the teaching period of at least one semester results in a waiver of tuition fees for one semester. Tuition fees are also waived at the partner university. Do I still have to pay Students’ Union (ÖH) dues during my exchange semester? It is very important that you pay your Students’ Union (ÖH) dues, otherwise you will be dis-enrolled from your academic program. As long as your dues have been paid, you remain enrolled as a student at WU and can register for courses and exams, if they do not conflict with your exchange period. ÖH dues Further information You can order a bank transfer form or find the data to make an online transfer here: ! Pay your Students’ Union dues: International Office at one of the self-service terminals in front of Study Service Center (Learning & Library Center, 2nd floor) using a bank transfer form by online banking 22 August 2014 How can I find appropriate housing in my host country? Housing for outgoing students Further information Many partner universities offer support for nominated students looking for housing. The partner university will send you information once you have been accepted. It’s also a good idea to read the online Exchange Reports by WU students who have spent an exchange semester at your chosen university in the past. Online Exchange Reports: Contact housing providers well in advance and take note of partner school’s housing deadlines. I would like to make my room/apartment available for incoming exchange students. How do I do it? Housing for incoming students If you want to sublet your room during your semester abroad, you can use the housing platform You can earn some extra money for your exchange by renting out your room, while also helping WU Wien increase the supply of short-stay housing for incoming exchange students. is free to use and it operates on a student-to-student basis. In addition you can also post your available accommodations on the IO online Housing Platform. Further information Housing Anywhere: IO Housing Platform: Please request a link to the posting form by email to: [email protected] International Office 23 August 2014 2. During your stay abroad What should I keep in mind when making my final course selection at the partner university? Course selection and making changes Final course selection If you select other courses than the ones you submitted before leaving: Will these courses be recognized at WU? If you are a grant recipient: Do these courses fulfill the requirements for full payment of your grant? For IBW students: Do these courses fulfill the requirements for IBW international experience? Different courses If the courses you select are not the same as the ones listed in online application for pre-recognition, then it is very important to be sure you save a copy of the course syllabi, print it out, and have it confirmed by the partner university (signed and stamped). Have a printout of the course syllabi confirmed by the partner university. Which documents do I have to have confirmed by the host university? Courses – Documenting your academic achievement Further information International Office Proof of completed credit hours or ECTS credits The Study Regulations & Exam Recognition Office requires proof of completed credit hours or ECTS credits earned while abroad to be able to recognize these courses for WU credit. To provide proof, you will need either a transcript from the partner university or the Contact Hours form available at the Study Regulations & Exam Recognition Office. Contact Hours form: The Contact Hours form needs to be confirmed by the partner university! 24 August 2014 I am a grant recipient – What do I have to do at the host university? Grants – Formalities at the host university Further information Be sure to inform yourself of the formalities required by your grant, especially the minimum academic achievement requirement. Grant factsheets: ERASMUS students must have the Learning Agreement and the Confirmation of Stay (available in the download area under: signed by the partner university. WU Ambassadors Advertising & PR Further information International Office All outgoing exchange students are essentially WU Ambassadors at our partner universities. WU hopes that you will take the opportunity to represent your home university through active participation in exchange fairs and mobility information events during your stay abroad. WU Presentation (PDF): Talk to your IO Coordinator about opportunities to represent WU while abroad. 25 August 2014 3. After your stay abroad What do I need to keep in mind to receive my grant? Grant formalities after your return Further information Please adhere to the formalities and deadlines regarding your grant in order to avoid withdrawal of your grant or demands for repayment of funds. ! ERASMUS grants: ! Hand in your Letter of Confirmation, issued by the partner university, to OEAD’s ERASMUS Office immediately after your return. Upload your Exchange Report for the OeAD and the IO to the Control Panel (see below) Hand in the signed Learning Agreement to the IO front office as soon as possible. Please note: The final installment will only be transferred to your account after you have fulfilled the minimum requirements. ! Joint Study grants: ! The Exchange Report has to be uploaded to the Control Panel within three months after the partner university’s official semester end date. The Grant Approval Notice issued by Study Regulations & Exam Recognition Office should be handed in to the IO front office immediately after your return. Please note: The final installment will only be transferred to your account after you have fulfilled the minimum requirements. International Office 26 August 2014 What do I have to do to have the courses taken abroad recognized at WU? The application for recognition of courses taken at partner universities towards your WU program must be submitted to the Study Regulations & Exam Recognition Office, at the Study Service in the Learning & Library Center on the 2 Recognition of courses taken abroad nd floor. To have your international experience confirmed, you will need to have a copy of your transcript legalized by the IO Regional coordinator. IBW international experience confirmations are issued by the IO (see below). Further Information Detailed information on recognition of courses can be found here: Detailed information on the confirmation of IBW international experience can be found here: Complete recognition formalities How do I get confirmation of my IBW international experience? IBW international experience confirmations are issued by the IO. To have your international experience confirmed, please submit form IBWF1-B and a copy of your transcript legalized by the Regional coordinator to the IO. Confirmation of IBW international experience Please note that your exchange stay does not automatically serve as confirmation of the required IBW international experience. To have your international experience confirmed, please submit form IBWF1-B and a copy of your transcript legalized by the Institutional Coordinator to the IO front office. If you wish to have courses without a sufficient relation to business and economics (such as language courses, or general sociology or political sciences courses) recognized for your IBW international experience, you need to include a copy of a valid recognition notification (Anerkennungsbescheid) issued by the Study Regulations & Exam Recognition Office. International Office 27 August 2014 Further information Detailed information on the confirmation procedure and the required documents can be found here: ! Submit form IBWF1-B and a copy of your transcript legalized by the Institutional Coordinator What reports do I have to submit after my return? Completing the Exchange Report All outgoing WU students have to complete the IO Exchange Report (including course analysis) after their return. IO will check the report for completeness and upload it to its webpage upon approval. If IO rejects the report, you will have to revise it. The final installment of your Joint Study grant will only be transferred to your account after your Exchange Report has been accepted by IO. Further information International Office The template for the Exchange Report and the upload link (via Control Panel) can be found here: The Exchange Report should be uploaded within three months after the partner university’s official semester end date. 28 August 2014 My feedback Outgoing Student Survey After your exchange stay, you will receive a link per email to IO’s Outgoing Student Survey, the completion of which is required by the rules of conduct for exchange students. Please answer the questions as soon and as exhaustively as possible in order to help improve our services for future exchange students. Provide feedback within approx. 1-2 months after your exchange stay. GO GLOBAL Study Exchange Fair GO GLOBAL Study Exchange Fair Further information International Office Represent your former guest university at IO’s GO GLOBAL Study Exchange Fair! Share your experiences and enthusiasm with your colleagues and provide them with first-hand information. The GO GLOBAL Study Exchange Fair is held every year in October. 29 August 2014 4. Contacts at the International Office FOR BACHELOR STUDENTS: Lukas Hefner Head of the International Office Tel.: +43 1 31336 4312 Fax: +43 1 31336 90 4312 E-Mail: [email protected] Univ. Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Obenaus Dean of International Programs Tel.: +43 1 31336 4720 E-Mail: [email protected] General consultation and initial consultations Information for applicants and nominees IO front office Regional Coordinators: Library & Learning Center (LC), level 4 Europe Medea Loibl Tel.: +43 1 31336 4303 Fax: +43 1 31336 90 4303 E-Mail: [email protected] For opening hours please see Tel.: +43 1 31336 4310 Fax: +43 1 31336 90 4310 E-Mail: [email protected] Grants Martina Stalitzer Tel: +43 1 31336 4319 Fax: +43 31336 90 4319 E-Mail: [email protected] International Office North America Kaan Tasli Tel.: +43 1 31336 4962 Fax: +43 1 31336 90 4962 E-Mail: [email protected] 30 Asia, Australia, Latin America and New Zealand Christiane Dietrich Tel.: +43 1 31336 4315 Fax: +43 1 31336 90 4315 E-Mail: [email protected] Confirmation of the IBW international experience Christine Anna Rösch Tel.: +43 1 31336 4390 Fax: +43 1 31336 90 4390 E-Mail: [email protected] August 2014
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