Pre-departure meeting 15 June 2012 International Student Exchange Programme

International Student Exchange Programme
Pre-departure meeting
15th June 2012
Well done!!!!
Applying for exchange takes time and commitment. You have
all successfully done this whilst preparing for assessments.
Well done.
We are delighted that you have decided to pursue part
of your degree overseas. We are certain many adventures will
come your way and we hope that you find this experience richly
rewarding, both academically and personally.
Whilst part of the exchange experience involves navigating the
unexpected, we encourage you to be well prepared. The following
advice and information will help you both before you leave and once
you arrive.
Academic issues
Degree pathways/classification – know your programme!
- Degree structures are available on the website.
- Osama Khan regulations presentation on the website
Surrey modules – choose before you go.
- You can change your choices with approval from Director of Studies.
You must re-enrol as a Surrey student in the summer. This
can be done online and you will receive an email reminder.
Make sure you choose modules that are at the right
level for you. Postgraduate modules are not suitable!
Any problems, contact us!
Summary of 4yr degree structure - one semester abroad
Level one
Semester one
Semester two
Semester two only:
35% without placement
Level two
25% with placement
Semester two
Level P
Level three
Semester one
Semester two
Summary of 4yr degree structure - full year abroad at level two
Level one
Semester one
Semester two
Exchange marks
Level two
35% without placement
25% with placement
Level P
Level three
Semester one
Semester two
Summary of 4yr degree structure - full year abroad level P
Level one
Semester one
Semester two
Level two
Semester one
Semester two
Level P
Level three
Marks not
converted –
credit only
Semester one
Semester two
Summary of 4yr degree structure – study/work split level P
Level one
Semester one
Semester two
Level two
Semester one
Semester two
Marks not converted for
Level P
Level three
Semester one
Semester two
Practical issues
Do you need one?
Wait to book until you’ve received acceptance
Check the University’s policy summary (in the outgoing handbook and
online). Take out extra insurance for travelling and extreme sports.
Organise this before you arrive at the partner University. Tell us if you will
need a room when you return to Surrey.
Practical issues…..
Get some local currency before you leave
Consider setting up a bank account in the host country
If you find you are short on money you may consider getting a part time job
if your visa allows you to.
If you are really struggling to make ends meet let us know! The University
hardship fund is available for students who find themselves in financial
difficulty whilst abroad. Further info:
Health & Safety
Visit the FCO
website for country
specific travel
Health & Safety….
Read the risk assessment form before you sign it!
If you have regular prescriptions, make an appointment with your
Dr to discuss taking these with you.
Write the generic name for your medicine on your prescription.
Make use of the support at the host University- most will have a well-bring
centre/counselling service as well as student support.
Keep us up to date. We need to know where you are!
Health & Safety….
Make sure you add the University’s emergency number to your mobile phone.
We would like you all to do this now.
- The number for Security Services at Surrey (available out of office hours)
is: +44 1483 683333 / 0800 525 790
- AON emergency insurance number is: +44 (0) 20 7173 7797
In previous years the following situations have occurred whilst students were on
- Earthquake and tsunami in Japan
- Flooding in Thailand and Queensland
- Cyclones and fires in Australia
- Earthquake in New Zealand
- Riots in London
Case study
Miss Charlotte Monerville
Outgoing exchange student Mahidol University, Thailand 2011
- background
- support from host University
- support from Surrey
- advice for outgoing students
Packing and other preparations
• Take a copy of the outgoing handbook with you
• Take a map of the campus and the address of the host University and/or
your accommodation with you in your hand luggage. Have your acceptance
letter from the host University to hand to immigration control.
• Take photographs of your passport and visa
• Sign up for airport collection services if available.
• Take an adaptor for your mobile phone and check
with the provider to see if you can use it abroad.
Pay as you go SIM cards are good idea Lyca Mobile
Once you arrive
Let us know you have arrived safely!
• Make sure your belongings are safe and secure.
• Find out where the International Office is and introduce yourself. Remember
you are Ambassadors for the University of Surrey, be polite and courteous at all
• Engage in Induction/Orientation. This will help you to make friends and
settle in more quickly.
• Find out what modules are definitely running and inform us of any
problems/changes to your learning agreement.
Other hints and tips
• Check your University of Surrey email account regularly- this is how we will
contact you.
• If you have any problems, either academic or personal let us know!
• Don’t worry if you take a while to adjust to your new environment. This is usual
and you may find it takes 3-4 weeks to settle in. Try to make friends with other
students and get involved in student life – this will help you to adjust and make the
most of your time abroad.
Before you leave
We need the following from you before you go:
 A copy of your application to the host University
 A copy of your acceptance letter/email
 A copy of your passport
 A copy of your travel itinerary
 A completed learning agreement (where you list modules)
 A completed student charter form
 A completed risk assessment form
 A completed next of kin form
Student videos
Jana Pachrova - Student Exchange [University of Surrey] YouTube
Choo Wan Phang - Student Exchange [University of
Surrey] - YouTube
Fill in and mark each others
Have fun and keep in touch!