Saturday, November 15, 2014 St. Philip Benizi Catholic Church 591 Flint River Road, Jonesboro, GA 30238 Hosted by Parishes of South Deanery English Keynote: Teaching about the Gift of God’s Forgiveness ( IAT2) 9:15 am in the Church Sanctuary Father Roy A. Lee, Ph.D., was ordained for the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. He served as associate pastor in several parishes in the Milwaukee area: St Nicholas, St. Gregory, and St. Philip Neri. Over and above his work as a parish priest and equally as significant, Fr. Lee has had a very electric, challenging, and distinguished pastoral ministry as lecturer, educator, counselor, revivalist, retreat master, homilist, and chaplain in the U.S. Air Force. He is a noteworthy scholar with considerable graduate-school training. His degrees include a BA from St. Pius X Seminary in Erlanger, Kentucky, a Masters of Divinity from St. Francis de Sales in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, a Masters in African-American Catholic Studies from Xavier University in New Orleans, and a Ph.D. in Educational Leadership from Colorado State University. It was Father Lee’s research that brought him to the Atlanta area over ten years ago. Fr. Lee is an adjunct professor for the University of St. Leo & DeVry University, and serves as a supply priest in the Archdiocese of Atlanta. He is also involved in Homeless/Street Ministry and Jail Ministry in the Atlanta area. Fr. Lee still travels the world to do lectures, retreats, missions and revivals He is currently working on two books—an autobiography, as well as a book on The Spirituality of the Forsaken. En Español: Enseñando sobre el Regalo del Perdón de Dios (IAT2) 9:15 am En el salón parroquial Luis Guzman, Ph.D., Nacido en Mexico DF, Ingeniero en Electronica y Comunicaciones (IPN-Mex), PhD en Telecomunicaciones Inhalambricas (Georgia Tech), PhD en Teologia (Loyola University), Master en Teologia del Cuerpo (Instituto Pontificio Juan Pablo II, Washington DC), Master en Catecismo de la Arquidiocesis de Atlanta, Miembro de Forum-RICA, Catequista de Adultos, Coordinador del programa de preparacion al matrimonio Pareja a Pareja de la diocesis. FAITH FORMATION DAY BEGINS WITH MASS IN THE SANCTUARY AT 8:30 A.M. For Catechists 8:00 am Check–in Basic Certification Codes 8:30 am Mass BC1 Ministry of Catechesis 9:15 am Keynote Address (English) BC2 Spirituality of the Catechist In the Sanctuary BC3 Spiritual Enrichment of the Catechist Keynote Address (Spanish) BT1 Overview of Scripture In the Parish Hall BT2 Catholic Morality 10:20 am Workshop Session 1 BT3 Church History 11:25 am Workshop Session 2 BT4 What the Church Believes 12:30 pm Lunch (Parish Hall) BT5 Liturgy and Sacraments 1:20 pm Workshop Session 3 BT6 Prayer and Spirituality 2:25 pm Workshop Session 4 BM1 Effective Catechesis and Session Management *Workshop Sessions will take place in the Hartmayer Building BM2 General Methods Elective Youth Ministry Certification Codes Publishers and Other Vendors YM1 The Vision of Youth Ministry Available in the Parish Hall YM2 Developing Leadership in Youth YM3 Youth Ministry Planning YM4 Evangelization of Youth Our Sunday Visitor RCL-Benzinger Ignatius House AM1 The What and How of Adult Faith Formation Pflaum Publishing Group AM2 Focusing on Adult Faith Formation Global Fair Trade Products St Philip Benizi Gift Shop YM8 Moving from Service to Justice Adult Methods Certification Codes Intermediate/Advanced Certification Codes IAC Catechist Spiritual Enrichment IAT1 Scripture IAT2 Catholic Morality IAT3 Church Doctrine/History IAT4 Prayer/Spirituality IAT5 Sacraments IAT6 Liturgy IALM Learner and Methods Question? Contact Lorraine Miller: 770-478-0178 ext 114 SESSION I/ENGLISH • 10:20 — 11:20 a.m. E1A—Morality—Fr. Roy Lee In the book of Kings Solomon could have asked the Lord for more riches and power, but the Spirit led him to ask for the heart of understanding, and to know right from wrong. Through this ability, Solomon would be able to walk in the footsteps of God, and be enabled to act as a man of justice and goodness. This is the gift of morality, being able to distinguish right from wrong; good over evil. This gift embedded in our hearts (common sense) and the gift of the Church to assist us is the spirit of God working within us so that we can truly reflect on His Presence. Understanding what really shapes our choice, whether it be culture, environment, sacred scripture, the Church, etc. is what will play a tremendous role in the formation of our conscience. Let us examine the many dynamics that affect our choice of actions in the midst of a changing and challenging world so that we may always chose good over evil and to pray like Solomon for this spirit of correct judgment. (BT2) E1B—Retreats for Youth—Stephan Lenahan (BM2 or IALM) E1C—New Testament Conversion and Faith—Carol Hamill Explore the gospels, epistles, letters, etc. to discover the process of conversion and the development of faith of the earliest believers in Jesus and the Resurrection. Engage yourself with the scriptures and one another as we delve into ancient lives of the faithful. (IAT1) E1D—How to Be an Effective Facilitator—Alfredo Doreste This workshop will provide participants with tools and tips to help them become a stronger and more confident facilitator. It will help them identify how to best manage participants (students) in a classroom, and how to adapt their style to improve engagement. It will also help them to identify different ways to present materials, according to the audience and learning objectives. Through an interactive and engaging session, participants will learn tools to use in their classroom to motivate and involve students. (BM2or IALM) SESIóN I/SPANISH • 10:20 —11:20 a.m. S1A—Teología del Cuerpo—Luis and Maria GorettiGuzman El conocimiento de Dios por medio de nuestro cuerpo. Catquesis del Papa San Juan Pablo II para las parejas, el matrimonio y la familia. (IALM) SESSION II/ENGLISH • 11:25 — 12:25 p.m. E2A—Liturgy of the Hours: The Communion of Our Day With God—Jerry Aull We value our time, complain that we don’t have enough of it, and marvel at the swiftness of its passing. So it makes sense to dedicate the hours of morning, noon, evening, and night to our Creator, to give our work, play, rest, and sleep to the One who understands our purpose and destiny best. To anyone who lives in friendship with God, it’s natural to praise, thank, repent, petition, and tell him of our grief and sufferings. The Liturgy of the Hours takes these types of prayer to a higher level. It sanctifies time and consecrates the phases of our days. (IAT4) E2B—Prayer—Cricket Aull The Catechism reminds us that "prayer is the living relationship of the children of God with their Father who is good beyond measure, with his Son Jesus Christ, and with the Holy Spirit...Thus, the 'life of prayer is the habit of being in the presence of the thrice-holy God and in communion with him." Our own lives, then, should be an expression of this living relationship with God - the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Prayer is vital to building and maintaining relationship and there are ways to deepen our prayer life and develop the "habit of being in the presence of God." We will be looking at prayer through: the lives of the saints, 4 elements of effective prayer, and practical ways to deepen our own personal prayer life. (BT6) (IAT4) E2C—Engaging Youth—Susan Baker This workshop will help youth ministers and volunteers learn how to connect with teens and get them involved. Learn easy and practical things that can be done to help you ministry reach every teen where they are at. (BM2 or IALM) E2D—Technology and Evangelization = Michael Tigue Technology and media are powerful mediums for inviting and moving people one step further in the process of faith formation. In this workshop, we'll learn how to use the latest technology (mobile apps, push notifications, websites, and social media) in simple ways to create future opportunities and environments for evangelization and faith formation. In addition, we'll take a peek at some common mistakes in flyer creation, technology use, and event promotion. (BM2 or YM4) SESIóN II/SPANISH • 11:25 — 12:25 p.m. S2A—Catequisar en el Dia de Hoy—Danilo Campos Como se puede enfrentar una catequesis efectiva, en nuestros dias. Analizar cual es nuestra situacion como Creyentes y poder transmitir las ensenanzas, en medio de tantas variables que interfieren con nuestra mision. (BM2) S2B—Tips para ser un buen facilitador—Alfredo Doreste S1B—La Espiritualidad del Catequísta—Marta McGlade Como catequista deseo que otros conozcan a un Cristo vivo...¿pero que hago yo para que a mi no se me descarguen las pilas, para que cada día aumente mi fe, y para que pueda cumplir mi llamado de dar gloria a Dios todos los días de mi vida? (BC2) Objetivos del Taller: 1. Cómo aprendemos 2. Métodos de instrucción 3. Dirigido por el Instructor vs Centrado en el Participante 4. Evaluando a la audiencia 5. Motivación de los participantes – Cómo motivar adultos 6. Tips para abrir sesiones 7. Tips para cerrar sesiones 8. Poniendo variedad en el entrenamiento 9. Cómo ganarse la atención 10. Preparación del cuarto 11. Creando el medio ambiente adecuado para el aprendizaje 12. Manejando a los participantes 13. Cómo revisar el aprendizaje 14. Técnicas para preguntar (BM2 or IALM) SESSION III /ENGLISH • 1:20 — 2:20 p.m. SESSION IV/ENGLISH • 2:25 — 3:25 p.m. E3A—Family Catechesis for Elementary Grades— E4A—Family Catechesis for Middle School and High Patrice Spirou School—Patrice Spirou Empowering Catholic parents to take up their role as primary educators, is a terrific way to transform our catechetical programs, our parishes and most importantly our families. Patrice will share the “why” and “how to” of family catechesis programming for early elementary school children. (BM2 or IALM) Empowering Catholic parents to take up their role as primary educators is a terrific way to transform our catechetical programs, our parishes and most importantly our families. Patrice will share the “why” and “how to” of family catechesis programming for middle and high school grades. (BM2 or IALM) E3B—Carmelite Spirituality—John Fernandes History of the Order of Carmel, Carmelite Saints and their writings, Carmelite Spirituality or charism, Third Order of Lay Carmelites and the formation process.(IAT4) E4B—CRS and Catholic Social Teaching in the E3C—What the Church Believes—Tom Nemchik Classroom—Geraldine Carolan Illustrate the work CRS undertakes in the developing world and how the various programs support one or more themes of Catholic Social Justice (BM2 or YM8) To introduce to the catechist to the core beliefs of the Catholic Church based on scripture, the Creed, Vatican II documents and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. We will specifically concentrate on the Creed and its foundational underpinning of our commitment to the Lord and how we live our lives through that commitment. (BT4) E4C—Effective Catechesis and Session Management—Pixie Smith E3D—Theology of the Body for Teens—Beverly Osterbur E4D—Theology of the Body for Adults—Beverly Osterbur This workshop will help you help your teens. This workshop will help you as youth ministers help teach your youth groups about Theology of the Body. This interactive session will give you ideas, tools and activities to use with your group to stress the importance of Abstinence until Marriage. (IALM) Learn how to implement practical teaching techniques and effective methods for faith formation for elementary age children. (BM1) This workshop is for adults who work with teens or parents with upcoming teens or currently have teenagers and college students. This session will be about what our kids face today in and outside of school. The pressures they have and how we can help them remain Abstinent. Come and find out why it is so important to talk with our kids and teach them the importance of Abstaining from sex. (IALM) There are No sessions III and IV in Spanish. No hay sesiónes III y IV en español. *Workshops and presenters are subject to change* Presenters John Fernandes: Par ishioner of St Philip Benizi since 2005. Member of Lay Car melites since 2005. Mar r ied for 31 years with 2 sons. He has worked at AT&T for 30 years. Carol A. Hamill: 8 1/2 year s - Consultant: Adult Faith Formation & RCIA- Arch. of Atl., 30 years in parish ministry as DRE, CRE, Pastoral Associate, Coord. RCIA, 9 years as presenter on North American Forum on Catechumenate, 6 yrs. Team Member of RUAH - Formation Program for Spiritual Directors. M.A. -MA Pastoral Theology, MS Community Counseling, BA Psychology, Cert. Spiritual Direction.27 years - Crisis Therapist - Mental Health Issues Stephen Lenahan: Native of the South Deaner y, gr owing up in Peachtr ee City at Holy Tr inity Chur ch. He attended Our Lady of Victory and graduated from Our Lady of Mercy High School. Stephen went on to graduate from Franciscan University of Steubenville and was youth minister at St. Anthony of Padua in The Woodlands, TX before returning to Atlanta to direct youth ministry at the Cathedral. He is now the Director of Events for Life Teen International and halfway through his MBA program at UGA. Stephen is married to Ann and they live in Smyrna, GA. Tom Nemchik: A cr adle Catholic who is cur r ently in the deaconate for mation pr ogr am, he has been mar r ied 25 year s to his best friend (Sue). They have four children and are empty nesters. Beverly Osterbur: Cer tified in Choosing the Best Life ser ies, a course for teens on Abstinence until Mar r iage. Pr esented the ser ies for Gwinnett County Middle School & High School for 7 years. Presented Theology of the Body & Choosing the Best Life for Middle School & High school youth groups. Volunteer for Life Teen at St. Lawrence. Outreach Director for PATH (Post Abortion Treatment & Healing). Pixie Smith: Pixie has been active in the ministr ies of catechesis and litur gy for over 20 year s as a catechist, childr en ’s liturgy and music director and coordinator of children/family/sacrament formation programs. She has numerous catechetical and leadership certifications in the Archdiocese of Atlanta, Lay Ecclesial Ministry Certification from Springhill College in Mobile, Alabama and advanced studies in Theology and Organizational Leadership. She is the Southeast Region Sales Representative for RCL Benziger Publishing. Patrice Spirou: Assistant Dir ector of Religious Education at the Ar chdiocese of Atlanta. She holds a B.A. in Theology, a M.A. in Teaching Methods, extensive graduate work in counseling, and has worked with youth and their families for more than 25 years. In her previous position as DRE, Patrice developed and facilitated a successful family program that grew from 46 to over 400 families in just 8 years. She believes parents are the key to effectively catechizing the children of our parishes! Michael Tigue: Ser ved as the lay campus minister at the Emor y Univer sity Catholic Center fr om 2004-2013. Holds a degree in Theology from Franciscan University of Steubenville. His company, the Parish Solutions Company, creates mobile apps and websites for parishes, dioceses, and newman centers throughout the United States. Michael is also the creator of the mobile apps, Confession: Catholic Sacrament and The Catholic Mega App. The Catholic Mega App has been downloaded over 40,000 times in the previous 10 months. Michael is also the author of the book, "Essentials of Catholicism", which is available on Amazon Kindle. Presentadores Españoles Danilo Campos: Bachiller .Administr acion Depor tiva, Univer sidad de Costa Rica. Pr ofesor de Educacion Fisica y entr enador , Colegio Saint Clare . Costa Rica .Miembro Consejo Pastoral, Saint Philip Benizi, Catholic Church. Catequista, Ministro de Eucaristia, Sacristan, en S.Philip Benizi. Estudiante Certficacion en Teologia Pastoral. Universidad de Dallas. Alfredo Doreste;Alfr edo Dor este es actualmente Vicepr esidente de Desar r ollo Or ganizacional en Wor ldpay y vive en Peachtr ee City con su esposa, Sachiko, y 2 hijos. Es ingeniero mecànico-electricista, egresado de la UNAM en México, pero lleva más de 25 años dedicandose en el àrea de entrenamiento y desarrollo, y ha trabajado en diferentes compañias multinacionales, teniendo la oportunidad de viajar a diferentes países en América Latina, Europa y Asia. Ha trabajado en AbbVie/Abbott Laboratories, Pitney Bowes, Motorola, y Ford Motor Company. Su experiencia se enfoca en las áreas de desarrollo de líderes, manejo de cambio, manejo de equipos virtuales, trabajo en organizaciones matriciales, equipos de trabajo, desarrollo organizacional y facilitación e instrucción de diversos programas para ejecutivos de todos niveles. Luis Guzman: Nacido en Mexico DF, Ingenier o en Electr onica y Comunicaciones (IPN-Mex), PhD en Telecomunicaciones Inhalambricas (Georgia Tech), PhD en Teologia (Loyola University), Master en Teologia del Cuerpo (Instituto Pontificio Juan Pablo II, Washigton DC), Master en Catecismo de la Arquidiocesis de Atlanta, Miembro de Forum-RICA, Catequista de Adultos, Coordinador del programa de preparacion al matrimonio Pareja a Pareja de la diocesis. Maria Goretti Guzman: Nacida en Mer ida, Yucatan, Mexico. Master en Catecismo de la Ar quidiocesis de Atlanta, Director a Asociada de Educacion Religiosa de la Catedral de Cristo Rey, Master en Teologia del Cuerpo (Instituto Pontificio Juan Pablo II, Whashigton DC), Catequista de niños, adolescentes y adultos, miembro de Forum-RICA, Coordinadora del programa de preparacion matrimonial Pareja a Pareja de la Arquidiocesis de Atlanta. Marta McGlade: Marta McGlade tiene más de 25 años trabajando tanto en la Iglesia Universal como en la Iglesia local. Fué coordinadora de Educación Religiosa y ahora se dedica a dar charlas nacionalmente. El rol del catequísta es muy importante en su vida ya que es una vocación en que somos llamados a ser ecos del evangélio. Presenters Jerry Aull: J er r y and his beloved Cr icket met at St. Louis Univer sity wher e both wer e r eceived degr ees in Theology. They then went on to the University of Notre Dame, where Jerry was awarded a fellowship and taught in the graduate school of Theology. They now have a marriage growing past 3 decades, and are blessed with 6 children and 5 grandchildren. After teaching and being an Administrator in Catholic high schools and colleges for 10 years, he started his own business and won awards in sales and productivity. For over 20 years, Jerry has been a management consultant, keynote speaker and workshop facilitator for major corporations and conventions. He has shared the platform with Stephen Covey, Peter Drucker, Pat Riley, Denis Waitley, Rocky Bleier, Warrick Dunne, Hyrum Smith, Kenneth Blanchard, Elizabeth Dole, Zig Ziglar, Hank Aaron, and Hugh Downs. He has travelled extensively and featured on TV and satellite programs on Life Balance and Value based productivity. Jerry is also an accomplished musician who is a member of the Catholic Association of Musicians. Cricket Aull: Cr icket is a member of the Secular Fr anciscan Or der and is cur r ently the for mation dir ector of The Immaculate Conception Fraternity. She is an experienced retreat leader, spiritual director, and Bible study teacher. She has authored 3 books, 10 Disciplines for the 10 Commandments, Intercession, and Understanding Penance. She has been a speaker for the Magnificat Breakfast, Woman’s Aglow, and interdenominational women’s conferences. Since 1995 she has presented numerous Spiritual-Reflection Days on themes such as Faith and Transformation, Pursuing the Call to Holiness, Finding God’s Abundance in Your Desert, From Stress to Rest, Discerning God’s Will, among others. She has led weekend retreats and one-day of reflection-retreats for Catholic school staffs, Stephen’s Ministers, Women’s Guild, Mothers and Daughters, and Secular Franciscan groups. Susan Baker: Susan has been a youth minister for 7 year s. Pr ior to that she volunteer as a Cor e Team member and Confir mation Coordinator. She has a background in education that strengthens her ability to connect with teenagers. Susan believes that any teenager can be engaged and involved in youth ministry. Geraldine Carolan: Single adoptive par ent of thr ee Indian bor n childr en (now happily mar r ied). Retir ed VP of Labor Relations at Delta Air Lines and former VP and Assistant General Counsel at the Coca-Cola Company. Active at Holy Trinity parish-led Kosovo refugee resettlement program, former finance council and current lector and Eucharistic Minister. Pro Bono immigration attorney for low income new immigrants. Volunteer and fundraiser with Catholic Relief Services; Member of the CRS Foundation Board, CRS Helping Hands organizer and advocate. Alfredo Doreste: Bor n in Mexico City, with mor e than 25 year s exper ience in Lear ning and Development, cr eating and facilitating different programs for different audiences, from technical people to senior executives. Worked in large multinational companies with general responsibilities for Latin America, Canada, Japan, and facilitated programs all over the world. Fluent in English, Spanish and good level of Portuguese. Highly energetic and passionate about helping other become a better trainer and/or facilitators. Continued on inside back cover. REGISTRATION FORM Register ONLINE: NAME : Nombre ______________________________ PARISH: ______________________________ Parroquia EMAIL: _______________________________ Correo electrónico Workshop Selection Instructions Each workshop is given an unique ID, for example E1A. (E1A = Workshop in English, Session 1, Topic: “Morality”) E = English 1-4 = Session # S = Spanish A-D = Workshop titles Please select 1st and 2nd choice for every session. Write the workshop ID (e.g. E1A) for each session in the box to the right. If you are not going to attend a session, please write "Not Attending". Register by MAIL: Submit registration form & payment to St. Philip Benizi Catholic Church Religious Education Office / Faith Formation Day 591 Flint River Road, Jonesboro, GA 30238 Make check payable to: St. Philip Benizi Catholic Church $10 Registration fee includes lunch (non-refundable) WORKSHOP SELECTION Workshop 1st Choice Workshop 2nd Choice SESSION I ____________ ____________ SESSION II _____________ _____________ SESSION III _____________ _____________ SESSION IV _____________ _____________
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