Akzo Nobel Surface Chemistry AB www.akzonobel.com/sc Fact sheet BPR European Biocidal Product Regulation Date of issue: 11th November 2014 In Europe the Biocidal Product Directive (98/8/EC, BPD) was in place since May 2000. A part of the implementation is the evaluation of all existing active substances (active substances already on the EU market before May 2000) during a transition period. The original transition period was 10 years but this transition period was extended to 2014. New active substances (active substances not on the EU market before May 2000) do not fall under the transition period but are only allowed when first registered. After more than 10 years in practice the BPD was revised. The new Biocidal Product Regulation (BPR – EU 528/2012) on the use and placing on the market of biocidal products repealed and replaced the Directive on biocides (98/8/EC) on 1 September 2013. The transition period has now been extended up to 2024. Details on this revision/replacement can be found on: http://echa.europa.eu/regulations/biocidal-products-regulation The new regulation increases the protection of health and environment, and it should be more efficient at the same time, notably through the active involvement of European CHemicals Agency (ECHA - also in charge of REACH). It will retain the two-step authorization process brought in by the Directive, whereby active substances are first tested and approved and included in a Community list (known as the Annex I under the Directive), with subsequent authorization of the products containing the approved active substance. Under the BPR the RMS’s (Rapporteur Member States) are now called eCA’s (evaluating Competent Authorities). An eCA does the initial evaluation and writes the draft CAR (competent authority report) within 365 days. Draft CAR’s can be discussed with applicant and/or individual MS and in working groups to solve open issues before they are brought to BPC (Biocidal Product Committee) for conclusions. According to the Biocidal Products Regulation (BPR) the opinion on the approval of an active substance has to be submitted by ECHA to the Commission within 270 days of the receipt of the conclusions of the evaluating Competent Authority (eCA). An overview of the different steps in this BPR process of the peer review can be found in table1. Amendments to the BPR were found to be necessary in an early phase and entered into force on 25 April 2014. The act is titled “Regulation (EU) No 334/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 2014 amending Regulation (EU) No 528/2012 concerning the making available on the market and use of biocidal products, with regard to certain conditions for access to the market” and is available for download at the following address (the link gives a list of new legislation but this act starts at p22) : http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legalcontent/EN/TXT/?uri=OJ:L:2014:103:TOC A consolidated version of the BPR can be found via the following link: http://eurlex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?qid=1409322218709&uri=CELEX:02012R0528-20140425 Date of issue: 11 November 2014 1 Fact sheet BPR It combines the three amendments already made to the BPR text in one easy-to-read document: - The extension of the review programme The amendment of Annex III regarding the need to provide proof of technical equivalence at product authorization - The BPR revision. The main consequence of the amended BPR are as follows: The scope of biocidal family increased slightly, formulators can also notify for Article 95 and the authorities can have up to 3 years to finalize the biocidal product evaluations. What are the main differences between the Directive and the new Regulation? Scope The scope has been extended to cover articles and materials treated with biocidal products, including furniture and textiles. The regulation will also apply to active substances generated in situ, and to biocidal products used in materials that come into contact with food. But other products that are sufficiently covered by existing legislation (including food and feed, food and feed additives and processing aids) are excluded from the scope of the new regulation. Biocidal products approved under the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships' Ballast Water and Sediments are considered as authorized. The system will become paperless and fully IUCLID based (same software system as for REACH). The data base system to submit dossiers electronically is called R4BP3. R4BP3 is the communication tool with ECHA for issues on biocides dossiers. IUCLID can be downloaded from ECHA for free and access to R4BP3 is possible via ECHA when a REACH-IT account is generated. Guidance on these tools is also published on the ECHA website. Under the BPR there will be a possibility for Union Authorization at the ECHA. The deadlines are laid down in Art 42 of the BPR. To avoid an overload of ECHA a step-wise planning is laid down. Applicants may apply for Union authorization for biocidal products which have similar conditions of use across the Union with the exception of biocidal products that contain active substances that fall under Article 5 and those of Product Types 14, 15, 17, 20 and 21. The Union authorization may be granted: (a) from 1 September 2013, to biocidal products containing one or more new active substances and biocidal products of product-types 1, 3, 4, 5, 18 and 19; (b) from 1 January 2017, to biocidal products of product-types 2, 6 and 13; and (c) from 1 January 2020, to biocidal products of all remaining product-types (besides those excluded). Active substance suppliers not having own dossier or Letter of Access will have to phase out by September 2015. In order to be able to check if suppliers have submitted dossiers under the BPD/BPR a list is prepared by ECHA with approved suppliers and this list will be regularly Date of issue: 11 November 2014 2 Fact sheet BPR updated. With the amended BPR there are now also possibilities to apply for listing by formulators of some biocidal products. This possibility is mainly generated for importers of formulations for which the active substance is not supported by the non-EU manufacturers. The latest list of approved suppliers can be found on the ECHA website: http://echa.europa.eu/documents/10162/17287015/2014_active_substance_suppliers_en.pdf Suppliers participating in the review program have to do an Article 95 notification via R4BP3 to come on this list. We have done this Article 95 notification for all our active substances evaluated in the review program. It is now very important for formulators of biocidal products to check if their suppliers are included in the Article 95 notification list for the product types of interest. If the supplier is not on the list, this can be an indication that he has not yet started a registration process according to BPD/BPR. The list is regularly updated by ECHA and will become legally binding from 1st September 2015. If the active substance supplier is still not on the list beginning September 2015 the formulator is no longer allowed to use the active ingredient from this supplier. Recently the review regulation is updated. The detailed rules for the Review Programme have been adapted to the provisions of the BPR in the new Review Programme Regulation (EU) No 1062/2014, which repeals and replaces Commission Regulation (EC) No 1451/2007. Full details can be found via the following link: http://echa.europa.eu/regulations/biocidal-products-regulation/approval-of-activesubstances/existing-active-substance The latest article 95 list mentions CAS numbers and chemical names and the PT’s but does no longer mention the entry number. Our 4 active substances are included in the article 95 notification list under the full chemical names: - Alkyl (C12-16) dimethylbenzyl ammonium chloride (ADBAC/BKC (C12-C16)) - Entry number: 671 ; EC number: 270-325-2 CAS number: 68424-85-1, - Didecyldimethylammonium chloride (DDAC) – Entry number: 397 ; EC number: 230-525-2 ; CAS number: 7173-51-5, - Quaternary ammonium compounds, coco alkyltrimethyl, chlorides - Entry number: 635 ; (ATMAC/TMAC) EC number: 263-038-9 ; CAS number: 61789-18-2 - N-(3-aminopropyl)-N-dodecylpropane-1,3-diamine (Diamine) - Entry number 330; EC number: 219-145-8; CAS number: 2372-82-9. The name Diamine is given by the Rapporteur Member State Portugal for our Triameen Y12D, the TMAC entry covers our Arquad C products, the BKC entry covers our Arquad MCB products and the DDAC entry covers our Arquad 2.10 products. For customers of ours we can make available a statement on the Art 95 notification for the active substances supported by AkzoNobel Surface Chemistry AB, upon request. The notifications made can also be found in the list at the ECHA website. If a company wants to be able to continue to remain active in the biocides market, it will be a legal obligation in all member states of interest to have approval for all the formulations with biocidal claims. In the biocidal product dossier, the access to the active substance dossier will have to be covered with a Letter of Access from the actual supplier of the active ingredient (unless the active substance dossier is also owned by the applicant). Details for the Letter of Access are laid down in Art 61 of the BPR. An alternative solution can be to try to get a “same biocidal product license” from an approved product. Details can be found in the same biocidal product regulation: Date of issue: 11 November 2014 3 Fact sheet BPR http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:L:2013:125:0004:0006:EN:PDF This will be a cheaper process but the composition / uses will initially have to be exactly the same as the original approval. After approval the dossier becomes independent and can be updated via a major change, for instance to add surfactants or to add PT’s assuming sufficient data is generated to proof efficacy and safe use. The active substance should remain the same. Recently ECHA has published a practical guide on various topics relevant to the BPR: http://echa.europa.eu/practical-guides/bpr-practical-guides Under the BPD/BPR, the application areas are called Product Types (PT). Under the new BPR there are 22 categories which are listed in Annex V of the BPR. The different PT’s we support for our active substances are given in Table 2. A detailed description of the PT’s can be found on: http://echa.europa.eu/regulations/biocidal-products-regulation/product-types In the beginning of the BPD registration process we had done our utmost to get registration of groups of quaternary ammonium compounds. Our RMS (Rapporteur Member State) has forced us to submit separate full dossiers for each active substance CAS number in the different groups, and this could economically not be justified. We currently only support didecyldimethylammonium chloride (CAS number 7173-51-5) in case of the DDAC dossier, C1216-alkyldimethylbenzylammonium chloride (CAS number 68424-85-1) in case of the BKC dossier and cocoalkyltrimethylammonium chloride (CAS number 61789-18-2) in case of the TMAC dossier. For simplicity we will remain calling these single substances in this factsheet BKC, DDAC and TMAC. The three quaternary ammonium compounds are being evaluated by Italy. Italy has informed us that they intend to follow the priority setting made by ECHA to meet the 2024 deadline (see table below). The evaluation of Triameen Y12D (dodecyldipropylene triamine) CAS no 2372-82-9 is done by Portugal. Portugal informed us that they intend to come with Competent Authority Reports for all Product Types supported in one go, but they cannot give an indication when the draft CAR’s will be made available. Although a proposal for a decision on inclusion should officially have to be taken by the RMS within 1 year after accepting our dossiers as complete, unfortunately this did not happen in practice. To be able to meet the new deadline for the review program of 2024 ECHA has set new priorities for the different application areas (PT’s) in the new review program. http://echa.europa.eu/documents/10162/11106628/06_bshd_vandeplasche_review_programme _en.pdf Priority Existing active substances for product types 1st priority list 8, 14, 16, 18, 19, 21 Deadline for submission of all draft CARs by eCA to ECHA 31/12/2014 3, 4, 5 31/12/2016 nd 2 priority list rd Deadline for ECHA to deliver its opinions 30/09/2015 30/09/2017 3 priority list 1, 2 31/12/2018 30/09/2019 4th priority list 6, 13 31/12/2019 30/09/2020 5th priority list 7, 9, 10 31/12/2020 30/09/2021 11 12,15,17, 22, 23 (new PT20 under BPR) 31/12/2022 30/09/2023 31/12/2023 30/09/2024 th 6 priority list th 7 priority list Date of issue: 11 November 2014 4 Fact sheet BPR Status of our dossiers: Below an overview can be found of all the different steps (actions) in the evaluation process under the BPR. The implementation of the BPR has slightly changed the evaluation process and the system of TM meetings and CA meetings is replaced by a system of WG (Working Group) and BPC (Biocidal Product Committee) meetings. It is planned that the frequency of meetings will increase to speed up the process. In the new process the BPC meets about 5 times per year (instead of 3 times for the previous TM meetings) to discuss the technical issues and decide on a final version of the CAR (= AR and Conclusions). PT 8: For BKC and DDAC there are 2 consortia involved, an US consortium (USQC) and the European QUAT Consortium (EQC). We as AkzoNobel Surface Chemistry are member of the EQC. In February 2013 the decisions on Annex I inclusion of CAS number 68424-85-1 (BKC) and CAS number 7173-51-5 (DDAC) for PT 8 became final and the deadline for product dossier submission for PT8 for all biocidal products on the market using the approved CAS numbers (independent of the supplier) is now fixed on February 1st 2015. (Unless an extra active ingredient is included in the product which is not yet approved, then a deadline applies of 2 years after the official approval of the last active substance) The official publications for PT8 can be found here: BKC: http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:L:2013:049:0066:0069:EN:PDF DDAC: http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:L:2013:044:0010:0013:EN:PDF Our dossiers for BKC and DDAC were discussed and approved during the TM meeting of June 2013. Since there are two applicants with accepted dossiers, Italy will start to prepare combined Assessment Reports and a combined Listings Of Endpoints. The combined AR and combined LOE will have to be used for the risk assessments of the biocidal product dossiers for PT8. The combined AR and LOE will first have to be prepared by eCA Italy and have to be discussed at BPC level. Unfortunately these documents are not discussed yet and also not planned for discussion yet. Now ECHA has taken over the main responsibilities, EQC and the USQC are jointly pushing ECHA and eCA Italy to speed this process up. We are constantly trying to get clearance on which data to be used in the risk assessments to be done by our customers for their product dossiers. The complicated situation has the attention of ECHA and EC and we hope the situation will be solved a.s.a.p. EQC and USQC regularly meet to follow up on this. After agreement at the BPC of the combined documents, these will be the documents to be used in the risk assessment of the product dossiers. At this moment it is not clear when these documents will become available. Date of issue: 11 November 2014 5 Fact sheet BPR For TMAC for PT8 a draft CAR was received in 2010 and comments were submitted in 2010. We were recently informed that BPC (Biocidal Product Committee) discussion of our dossier for PT8 is planned for March 2015. RMS Italy will keep us informed if something changes. (Officially we are in step 10 of the BPR process). PT 1,2,3,4,10,11,12: In March 2012, we received the initial draft CAR for PT 1,2,3,4 (disinfection areas) for DDAC for commenting on availability of confidential information within one month. In beginning of May 2012 we received the commenting tables for DDAC for PT 1, 2, 3, 4, and we have delivered our comments within the 90-days commenting period of the BPD. This means for DDAC for PT1, 2, 3, 4, we are now in step 10 of the BPR process. For BKC for PT 1,2,3,4 (disinfection areas) we received the commenting table half September 2012 and the 90 days commenting period of the BPD started and deadline for submission was set on December 10th 2012. The commenting tables for BKC for PT1,2,3 and 4 were submitted in time. This means we are for BKC for PT 1, 2, 3, 4 in step 10 of the BPR process. For the other PT’s for BKC (10,11,12) and DDAC (10,11,12) we are still in step 1. Italy has informed us recently that they intend to follow the priority setting made by ECHA to meet the 2024 deadline. This will most probably result in different inclusion dates per PT. For the evaluation of Triameen Y12D (dodecyldipropylene triamine) CAS no 2372-82-9 we are in action 1 for all PTs applied for. The draft CAR reports for Triameen Y12D for PT 2,3,4,10,11 are not yet received from Portugal. Portugal informed us recently that they intend to come with Competent Authority Reports for all Product Types supported in one go, but they cannot give an indication when the draft CAR’s will be made available. Since the deadlines are not applied by the authorities, it is difficult / not possible for us to predict dates for final Union listing for the PT’s supported by us. Date of issue: 11 November 2014 6 Fact sheet BPR List of abbreviations used AR Assessment Report ASO Accredited Stakeholder Organizations BPC Biocidal Product Committee (the selected technical experts of the MS meet about 5 times per year at ECHA) BPD Biocidal Product Directive BPR Biocidal Product Regulation CA Competent Authority CAR Competent Authority Report CIRCA-BC a portal of collaborative workspace for partners of the European Institutions. COM Commission (In the overview COM is used but where relevant to be more specific also COM-ENV (Directorate General Environment) and COM-JRC (Joint Research Centre) are used. eCA evaluating Competent Authority ECHA European Chemicals Agency EQC European QUAT consortium LOE Listing of Endpoints MS Member State MSCA Member State Competent Authority n.a. not applicable PT Product Type (application area) RCOM response to commenting table (consolidated commenting table) RMS Rapporteur Member State SECR ECHA secretariat TM Technical Meeting (representatives present of all MS) USQC United States based QUAT Consortium Due to the implementation of the BPR there is now again a kind of ”transition state”. New active substance dossiers (not falling under the review program) will be under the responsibility of ECHA. The existing active substances already under evaluation according to the BPD continue to be evaluated by those RMS’s / eCA’s that were already responsible for the substances. They do the evaluation up to the level of draft CAR publication. Instead of moving it then to TM level it will now be moved to BPC level at ECHA. For the CAR’s submitted before 1 September 2013 the situation is as follows: A number of evaluations have been submitted by RMS’s under the BPD. The peer review of these CARs can be at any stage of the process, as e.g. some of them have gone through the commenting stage and others have been finalized at the Technical Meetings under the BPD. The decisions on these active substances will be made according to the BPD, while the decisions on active substances for which the CAR is submitted after 1 September 2013 will be made according to the BPR. The full details of the Standard Operating Working Procedures for the Biocidal Product committees can be found on the ECHA website: http://echa.europa.eu/documents/10162/4221979/bpc_working_procedure_active_substance_en .pdf Date of issue: 11 November 2014 7 Fact sheet BPR Table 1: Description of the steps / timelines in the peer review process. 1. Submission of CAR 1 2 3 4 5 Submission. The eCA submits the results of the evaluation in the form of a CAR and an annotated IUCLID dossier. The submission is done via CIRCABC. In principle, the CAR template provided for applications under the BPR should be used. Accordance check. SECR performs a check to verify that the CAR fulfils the requirements as indicated in under 5.24. 1. Accordance check: pass. The submission is accepted and the evaluation will proceed to the commenting stage (see 3. Commenting phase) and to public consultation if relevant (see 2. Public consultation). The eCA is informed of the result of the accordance check via R4BP v3. Accordance check: fail. The CAR and the IUCLID dossier are returned to the eCA for modifications. The eCA is informed of the result of the accordance check via R4BP v3. a. Resubmission. Following a failure in the accordance check, the eCA will revise and resubmit the CAR, as well as the IUCLID dossier if necessary. Responsible actor (Approximate time limit) eCA (365 days after validation of application) SECR (14 days) n.a. n.a. eCA (at next submission window) 2. Public consultation Responsible actor (Approximate time limit) These steps are performed only if the eCA proposes the active substance to be a potential candidate for substitution. For CARs already submitted, public consultation will be performed before scheduling discussions in WGs. See for full details the working procedure Date of issue: 11 November 2014 8 Fact sheet BPR 3. Commenting phase 9 10 11 12 Distribution of CAR. SECR distributes the CAR and a template for commenting to the MSCAs via CIRCABC and to the applicant via R4BP v3. Commenting phase. Comments are made available to the eCA and other MSCAs via CIRCABC using the template for commenting. The MSCAs upload their comments directly to CIRCABC, while the applicant sends the comments to SECR via R4BP v3 and SECR then uploads these comments to CIRCABC. Response to comments table (RCOM). The eCA prepares a consolidated table including all comments together with the eCA responses to them. Where possible, during this time the eCA will verify whether the commenting MSCA/applicant agrees with the response, and include information on this in the table. The eCA sends this RCOM to SECR via CIRCABC and to the applicant using ad hoc communication in R4BP v3. A separate confidential RCOM is prepared if there are comments on confidential information. Distribution of RCOM. SECR makes the RCOM available to the MSCAs via CIRCABC. 4. Working Group meeting and preparations for this Responsible actor (Approximate time limit) SECR (Without delay) MSCAs; applicant (42 days) eCA (35 days) SECR (Without delay) Responsible actor (Approximate time limit) WG meets about 5 times a year to discuss open issues – See for full details the working procedure 5. Ad hoc follow-up Responsible actor (Approximate time limit) These steps are performed only if there are open points following the WG meeting. See for full details the working procedure Date of issue: 11 November 2014 9 Fact sheet BPR 6. Biocidal Products Committee and preparations for this 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 SECR-eCA dialogue. Immediately following the WG meeting, SECR and the eCA will start preparations for the BPC meeting. The aim of the dialogue is to find an agreement on issues related to the BPC opinion. Updating the CAR. The eCA will begin modifying the CAR (AR and Conclusions) immediately after the WG discussion, based on the agreements in the RCOM, WG meeting and ad hoc follow-up where relevant. The CAR (AR and Conclusions) is submitted to SECR via CIRCABC. Drafting BPC opinion. SECR will draft the BPC opinion in cooperation with the eCA using the Conclusions section of the CAR, taking into account the agreements in the RCOM, WG meeting and ad hoc followup where relevant. Distribution. SECR distributes the updated AR and the draft BPC opinion to MSCAs via CIRCABC and to the applicant using ad hoc communication in R4BP3. BPC meeting. BPC adopts the opinion unless written procedure is requested (see Rules of Procedure). The accredited stakeholder organizations (ASO) will be present but do not have access to documents concerning the substances. BPC opinion finalization. The BPC opinion is finalized according to the agreements at the BPC and forwarded to COM (for official inclusion decision). (According to the Biocidal Products Regulation (BPR) the opinion on the approval of an active substance has to be submitted by ECHA to the Commission within 270 days of the receipt of the conclusions of the evaluating Competent Authority (eCA)) Updating the AR. The eCA provides to SECR via CIRCABC the updated AR based on the discussions and agreements. AR distribution. SECR makes the updated AR available to the MSCAs via CIRCABC and to the applicant using ad hoc communication in R4BP v3. Responsible actor (Approximate time limit) eCA (ending 21 days before the BPC) eCA (21 days before the BPC meeting) SECR (17 days before the BPC meeting) SECR (17 days before the BPC meeting) SECR (21 days) eCA (42 days) SECR (Without delay) Biocidal product phase Action Deadline Product authorization: Biocidal product supplier to apply for authorization at country authority level of the country/countries of interest for marketing the biocidal product. Alternatively Union authorization can be applied for at ECHA. Max 24 months after official inclusion decision (for the last active substance falling under the review program in a biocidal product), the product dossiers have to be submitted. Authorities have maximum 36 months to finalize the evaluations. Date of issue: 11 November 2014 10 Fact sheet BPR Table 2 Product Types notified for Art 95 and supported with a registration dossier by Akzo Nobel Surface Chemistry AB per active substance Product Type (PT) Main group I: Disinfectants and general biocidal products 1. Human hygiene 2. Disinfectants and algaecide not intended for direct application on humans or animals (previously called Private and public health area) 3. Veterinary hygiene 4. Food and feed area 5. Drinking water Main group II: Preservatives 6. Preservatives for products in storage (previously called: In can preservatives) 7. Film preservatives 8. Wood preservatives 9. Fiber, leather, rubber and poly-merized material preservatives 10. Construction material preservatives (previously called: Masonry preservatives) 11. Preservatives for liquid cooling and processing systems 12. Slimicides 13. Working and cutting fluid preservatives (previously called: Metalworking fluid preservatives) BKC DDAC TMAC TriameenY12D CAS no: 68424-85-1 CAS no: 7173-51-5 CAS no: 61789-18-2 CAS no: 2372-82-9 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Main group III: Pest control 14. Rodenticides 15. Avicides 16. Molluscicides, vermicides and products to control other invertebrates 17. Piscides 18. Insecticides, acaricides and products to control other arthropods 19.Repellants and attractants Main group IV: Other biocidal products 20. Control of other vertebrates 21. Antifouling products 22. Embalming and taxidermist fluids Date of issue: 11 November 2014 11
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