PROGRAMMANUS PRODUCENT: CHRISTINE DEMSTEADER PROJEKTLEDARE: MIA BISANDER BESTÄLLNINGSNUMMER: 104170/RA1 NEWSREEL EASY 1/2015 Script and Word list Signature Presenter: This is Newsreel Easy. I’m Christine Demsteader. In today’s programme; • Many children in Africa have lost their families because of Ebola • 2014 was the hottest year ever • And a man in Australia says a Star Wars costume saved his life • Ebola children without parents Presenter: Thousands of children in West Africa are being looked after by charities because their parents died from Ebola. Ebola is a virus that has killed around 5,000 people in Africa in the last year. Haja is 17 and lives in Sierra Leone. When she and her family got Ebola, she was the only one to survive. Listen to what she says to the BBC Haja: Ten of them died. Only I survived. But many of the children still have aunts and uncles or grandparents and the charities are helping the children to find family that they can go and live with. costume dräkt saved his life räddade hans liv looked after omhändertagen charities välgörenhetsorganisationer parents föräldrar the only one to survive den enda som överlevde aunts and uncles mostrar och morbröder/ fastrar och farbröder grandparents morföräldrar/farföräldrar 1(3) • 2014 – the hottest year ever Presenter: Scientists in America say 2014 was the hottest year ever. They measured temperatures around the world and found that they were higher than usual in lots of countries. The first time temperatures were measured around the world was in 1880. Scientists say it shows that people should do more to stop global warming. They say if temperatures keep going up it will be bad for the environment in the future. There could be more bad weather, like hurricanes and floods, and some animals will not be able to survive. • Africa to the moon Presenter: Africa wants to start sending people into space. A new project has started to make that happen. The project is called Africa2moon and it also wants to help young people to become interested in science and maths. It could take a long time for a space mission from Africa to happen – around ten years – but the young people of today could become astronauts of the future. to measure att mäta higher than usual högre än vanligt global warming global uppvärmning environment miljö bad weather oväder hurricanes orkaner floods översvämningar to send people into space att skicka upp människor i rymden science vetenskap astronauts of the future framtidens astronauter Listen to Jonathan Weltman from the Africa2moon project speaking to SABC news. Jonathan Weltman: “You can give students a dream to be involved in the final mission which could be a reality for them by the time they get through university.” Presenter: A website has been set up and people can give money to help the project. But some people think money should be spent on other things in Africa. The say helping poor people is more important, than going into space. reality verklighet by the time they get through university när de är färdiga med sina studier på universitetet more important things viktigare saker poor people fattiga människor 2(3) • Stars Wars costume saved my life Presenter: A man in Australia says something very strange saved his life. It was a Star Wars costume. Scott Huxley is a big fan of the Star Wars films. He wanted to do something for charity so he decided to travel around Australia dressed as a Storm Trooper – a character from the films. strange konstigt costume dräkt dressed as klädd som On his travels, a King snake tried to bite him. But he says being dressed as a Storm Trooper saved his life because the snake couldn’t bite through the costume. King snakes are very common in Australia. They are found in all parts of the country and can grow up to three metres long. common vanlig Presenter: That’s all from Newsreel Easy for now. Take the quiz to see what you have learned. Go to our website – –or our Facebook page – UR Engelska. Until next time, I’m Christine Demsteader, thanks for listening. 3(3)
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