esp Managing Medication in Schools

Our courses are fully consistent with the new
Department for Education Statutory Guidance
Document ‘Supporting Pupils at Schools with
Medical Conditions April 2014' which came into
force on 1st September 2014.
The Trainer
Bruce Davies
This Guidance replaces the previous guidance
‘Managing Medicines in Schools and Early Years
Settings’ March 2005
Autumn Course Programme 2014
1 day Level 1 Courses
Autumn 2014
Sept 18
Sept 23
Sept 25
Sept 30
Oct 2
Oct 9
Oct 15
Oct 21
Oct 23
Nov 19
Nov 20
Nov 25
Nov 26
Nov 27
Dec 2
Dec 3
Dec 9
Dec 10
in Schools
Managing Medication Course Programmes
1 day and 3 day accredited courses.
1 Day Course - Management of Medication in an
Educational or Early Years Setting (NVQ L1 Equivalent)
Ramside Hall Hotel. Durham - FULL
Holiday Inn Leeds/Wakefield M1 J40 - FULL
The 1-day course is certified by OCN to NVQ Level 1
equivalent, and will train staff to appreciate and
Holiday Inn Liverpool Lime St - FULL
understand the guidelines and key medication related
Holiday Inn London Elstree - FULL
issues. This will equip staff and managers to examine
Holiday Inn Maidstone, Sevenoaks - FULL
and assess their own practice and develop improved
Holiday Inn Express Manchester Central Park-FULL
and safer procedures. (See over for details)
Holiday Inn Birmingham-Star City M6 - FULL
Marriott Hotel Gateshead Metro - FULL
3 Day Course - Management of Medication in an
CREA Redhills, Penrith
Educational or Child Care Setting (NVQ L2 Equivalent)
Holiday Inn Express London Stratford - FULL
ESPs 3-day accredited course is certified to NVQ Level
Holiday Inn Express, Crawley Gatwick - FULL
2 equivalent by OCN. It provides staff with the most
Holiday Inn Cambridge
complete information, training and implementation
support package currently available anywhere in the
Holiday Inn Peterborough West
UK. (See over for details)
Holiday Inn Lincoln, Brayford
Holiday Inn Leeds/Wakefield M1 J40
NB. The awarding of the 3 day course certificate
Ramside Hall Hotel, Durham
requires the submission of a portfolio of work that
Holiday Inn Swindon, Marlborough Rd
meets OCN standards. The one day course requires the
Holiday Inn Reading South M4 J11
successful completion of a short (35 min) test after the
course. The test is optional.
Spring 2015
Feb 3
Feb 5
Feb 10
Feb 12
Mar 3
Mar 5
Mar 10
Mar 11
Mar 12
Mar 17
Mar 19
Mar 24
Mar 26
Holiday Inn Basildon
Holiday Inn London Elstree
The Kassam Stadium, Oxford,
Holiday Inn Leicester
Holiday Inn, Stratford, London
Holiday Inn Birmingham-Star City M6
Holiday Inn Leeds/Wakefield M1 J40
Holiday Inn Manchester East Hyde Rd
Holiday Inn, Liverpool Limestreet
Ramside Hall Hotel Durham
Holiday Inn Metro Centre, Gateshead
Darlington Morton Park Training Centre
3 day Level 2 OCN Course
May 6, 7, 13 Holiday Inn Elstree
1 day courses: £225+VAT
(10% discount for 2 or more bookings)
3 day courses: £655 +VAT
Cost of accreditation for L1 course: £30+VAT
Cost of accreditation for L2 course included in price
All courses are from 9.00 am to 4.30 pm.
Lunch is included for all courses.
How to book on any of the courses:
Tel: 01642 803454
Email: [email protected]
Book online:
T: 01642 803454
E: [email protected]
The Trainer
Bruce Davies, formerly of
Durham Constabulary, is
the UK's leading expert in
the management of
medication and Controlled
Drugs in education settings.
A member of the DoH
National Service Framework
Bruce Davies Group for Children's
Medicine he helped draw
up the guidelines for all medicine for children. The
guidelines and examples of best practice now being
used have developed from the Report this group
produced. Since 2004 ESP and Bruce have been
running medication management training for
schools, local authorities, early years settings and
many other clients. The Childrens' Medicines NSF
group highlighted these courses as models of best
practice. These are available for schools and early
years setting including nurseries and childcare
To book on any of the courses overleaf:
Tel: 01642 803454
Email: [email protected]
Book online:
ESP offers:
Accredited courses in managing medication in any
Inset Sessions
Tailored training in your setting
Refresher training
Consultancy services
What the ESP Courses Cover
The 1 day L1 Equivalent Course covers these topics
Ÿ Decisions about whether or not to give a child
Ÿ Legal background and implications
Ÿ Storing medications
Ÿ Setting up and using record keeping systems
Ÿ Childrens’ access to non-prescribed medication
Ÿ Understanding and minimising risk factors for
children and staff
Ÿ School medication policy key factors and
Ÿ Writing care plans and consent issues
Ÿ Monitoring and reviewing the situation in each
Ÿ Implications of the 2010 Equality Act
Ÿ Implications of the revised EYFS guideliens
Ÿ Implications of the 2014 new guidelines
The 3 day NVQ L2 Equivalent Course Contents
Day 1
Classification of Drugs and Medicines
Safe Storage of Medication
Record Keeping and Registers
Examples of Classification of Medicines
The Disability Discrimination Act 1995
The SEN Disability Act & other legislation
Prescription Packs
First Aid versus Medication
Risk Analyses & Ethical Issues
Different Types of Medication
Day 2
Risk Analyses
Working with Parents
Care Plans & Keeping Records
Storage of Medication
Carer's/Parent’s role in relation to medication
Pupils reaction to taking medication in school
Guidelines for own professional behaviour
Day 3
Caldicott Confidentiality
Letters to Parents
School Policies on Medication
The importance of school medication policy
Key Issues – School Medication Policy
Information for Parents
Action Plans & SWOT Analysis
NB. The awarding of the 3 day course certificate
requires the submission of a portfolio of work
that meets OCN standards. The one day course
accreditation requires the successful completion
of a short (35 min) test after the course.