2014 Club Championship Sonora Investment Management: Tournament Sponsor Wed., Nov 12 (Mountain View) & Thur., Nov 13 (The Preserve) 8:00am shotgun both days; Luncheon at MV Ballroom on Nov 13 Format: Individual combined stroke play, Gross & Net, over both days with full course handicaps based on 11/1 handicap index. A typical flight of 10-12 players, grouped by course handicap, will pay out four places (You can only win one) for (1) low Gross, (2) low Net, (3) 2nd low Gross, and (4 ) 2nd low Net. If there is a tie for the overall low gross 2-day score from the OPEN division, there will be an immediate playoff starting on Hole #1 at The Preserve to determine the Club Champion. All other ties, including for Club Championship-Net will be broken by scorecard playoff, consistent with USGA guidelines (i.e., Day 2 18-hole score, holes 10-18, then holes 13-18, then 16-18, then 18th hole). As one of our major events, the handicap committee will post the score for you for both days as a tournament (T) score. Club Championship Course Set-Up: See page 2 for information on how the OPEN division course set-up has been designed to accommodate most of our members while providing ample risk/reward opportunity in testing all your golf skills. To be eligible to win the Club Championship Gross or Net trophy, you will need to sign-up for the OPEN division. If the tee length is not suitable to your game, you can sign-up to play from the Purple tees at Mountain View and the Gold/Platinum tees at The Preserve, or from the Green tees at Mountain View and the Platinum tees at The Preserve (See Tee Choice below). Players will be grouped into flights by handicap; you will only compete against members who are playing from the same tees you choose. All flight winners (gross) will be recognized. Tee Prize: Up to four new Bridgestone golf balls for those who participate in the Bridgestone Ball Fitting either on Tuesday, Nov 11 or Wednesday, Nov 12. See page 3 to explain how the ball fitting and tee prize will work. On your entry form, indicate the time period you would like to be scheduled for the ball fitting and a time will be assigned to you via the acknowledgement email you will receive from Bob Eder upon receiving your entry form and check. $30 Entry Fee (same as last year): Complete the bottom part of this form, attach your $30 check made out to MPMGA, and place it in the Mtn. View box. Entry fee covers event prize money, $10 KPs both days, Hole-in-One opportunities for a new Lexus & a new golf cart from Golf Cars of Arizona on Day 1 of the event (Nov. 12), and the luncheon (Pizza & Salad Buffet with Beer, Soda, Iced Tea & Lemonade) on Thursday, Nov 13 at MV Ballroom. [Note: Entry fee assumes the player is an annual; if not, additional greens fee applies.] Entry Deadline: Monday, November 3. Remember to sign-up on Chelsea under “Add event request” for both days, as well. If you have any questions about the event, feel free to email Bob Eder [[email protected]] This is our Club Championship and I hope each of you will choose to sign-up to play. ***************************complete the form below, cut and attach to your check************************ Player Name: ___________________________________________________ Tee Choice: _____ OPEN Division [to compete for Club Championship Gross & Net Trophies] (see page 2 on Course Set-up) MV Purple Tees, except [Holes #1, #9, #10, & #17 from the Black tees] (69.2 /125 6165 yds.) TP Gold Tees, except [Holes #1 & #10 from Platinum; Holes #4 & #6 from Zinc] (69.8 /129 6404 yds.) _____ MV Purple Tees (68.4/123 6040 yds) and TP Gold/Platinum Tees (68.1/126 5983 yds.) _____ MV Green Tees (65.4/114 5545 yds) and TP Platinum Tees (66.0/120 5495 yds.) Bridgestone Ball Fitting Time Request (Circle your time preference or 2nd Option below): Tue, Nov 11: Wed, Nov 12: 12:00 1:00 1:00 2:00 2:00 3:00 3:00 2nd Option: I will complete the online questionnaire and bring a hardcopy of the last page to the MV Driving Range on either of these days. 2014 Club Championship: Nov 12-13 (Wed-Thur) Course Set-Up Same Course Set-Up as Last Year: How many times have you driven up to a tee at Mountain View or The Preserve and pulled out your usual club without even looking at the tee or the pin on the green? How often have you said, “I have no chance to be the Club Champion so why even bother to compete against those guys?” Enough of that! The Club Championship is not just set up for a few low handicap golfers but is set-up to be a test of overall golf skills appropriate to the vast majority of members. The Club Championship crowns both an Overall Champion (Gross) and an Overall Champion-Net. However, you must enter the Open Division to be eligible to compete for these two titles with comparable trophies and payouts. Within each flight of 8-12 golfers, grouped by handicap, payouts will be made based on both best gross and best net scores over two days (You can only win one). We pay out both gross and net in the Club Championship within each flight. So, yes, maybe you have little chance to win the Club Championship-Gross, but most of you have a reasonable chance to win the Club Championship-Net trophy. Course length in the Open Division is designed to accommodate most of our members while providing ample risk/reward opportunity in testing all your golf skills. I have permission from Mike Jahaske and Jon Whitmyer to move tee markers around on the tee box to give you a different look for the shot or to add risk/reward. I am sharing the course set-up with you now, so you can play some practice rounds from these tees prior to the event, if you wish. Open Division: Competing for Overall Champion, [Gross & Net] with Payouts within Flights. Mountain View (Wednesday, Nov 12) Purple Tees, except holes #1, 9, 10, & 17 from the Black tees. Moving the tee back on #1, 9, & 10 make these three par-4s a bit more challenging at 350-375 yards rather than 325-350 yards. Rating / Slope: 69.2 / 125 [6165 yards] [Note: You will need to post manually from these tees] The Preserve (Thursday, Nov 13) Gold Tees: Holes #1 and #10 from the Platinum tees; Holes #4 and #6 from the Zinc tees. In addition to playing #10 up and #6 back, I shortened up #1 and am giving you a more interesting shot on #4. All other holes are from the Gold tees. Rating / Slope: 69.8 / 129 [6404 yards] [Note: You will need to post manually from these tees] Other Tee Options? You will also be able to sign-up to play from the Gold/Platinum tees at The Preserve with Purple tees at Mountain View, or the forward tees (i.e., Green on MV and Platinum on TP) with payouts for low gross and low net scores within each flight from these tees. I want everyone in the men’s club to sign-up to play. However, I would like to see most of you compete in the Open Division for one of the two Championship trophies. Entry Form for the Club Championship will be on the MPMGA Website by October 10. Entry deadline is Monday, November 3. Bob Eder MPMGA Special Events Bridgestone Ball Fitting Event & Tee Prize: Club Championship Week Tuesday, Nov 11 & Wednesday, Nov 12 Bob Eder, MPMGA Special Events On the bottom of the entry form (See page 1) you are asked to circle a preferred time to have the Bridgestone staff use their swing monitor to better match your swing dynamics to the Bridgestone ball that will perform best for you. In the acknowledgement email you will receive from Bob Eder for your Club Championship entry form and check, a specific ten minute time will be assigned to you at the MV driving range to have your swing analyzed: Tuesday, November 11 12:00 Noon - 4:00PM Wednesday, November 12 1:00PM - 4:00PM Any un-reserved times after the entry deadline has passed (Monday, November 3) will be made available to other SaddleBrooke residents and golfers, on a first-come first-served basis. Upon completion of the fitting, the member will receive a free 2-ball sleeve of the Bridgestone ball best suited to his swing. Club Championship participants will also receive a second 2-ball sleeve with “Sonora Investment Management” on one side and “MPMGA 2014” on the other side, as part of the tee prize for the Club Championship. THAT IS RIGHT: 4 NEW BRIDGESTONE GOLF BALLS AS A TEE PRIZE Option B: The Club Championship participant, instead of doing the actual swing fitting, may also go to the Bridgestone Ball Fitting Selection Guide online, answer a few questions and then print a copy of the final page that indicates which ball is best suited to him: http://www.bridgestonegolf.com/product/ball-fitting/ball-selection-guide Bring a hardcopy of the one-page completed questionnaire to the driving range at MV during either Tuesday or Wednesday and receive both 2-ball sleeves of new Bridgestone golf balls. Option C: Don’t have the time to even do the questionnaire or come to the driving range? Just show up at the Club Championship awards luncheon on Thursday and you will receive a 2-ball logoed sleeve, but not the complimentary 2-ball sleeve that is given out at the driving range by the Bridgestone staff. Note: Every effort will be made to give you Bridgestone golf balls that fit your swing, depending on availability.
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