LOOKBOOK THE GRAPHIC AND WEB DESIGN WORKS OF LOOP 2014 DESIGN FOR SOCIAL GOOD. AT THE HEART OF IT LOOP IS ABOUT USING THE POWER OF DESIGN FOR SOCIAL GOOD. LOOKBOOK GUIDE The Story Brand + Identity 1. Operation Groundswell 2. Innovia Partners 3. A Clean Above 4.UforChange 5. The #HTML500 Web + Interactive 6. FOTENN: Planning & Urban Design 7. Canadian Evaluation Society Conference. 8. Flaunt Boutique 9. BNC Architects 10. As You Wish Concierge OUR STORY STARTS HERE. J O S H U A L AY T O N (Founder, Creative) Josh specializes in brand messaging, storytelling and the design and development of compelling visual identities, campaigns and print materials. Josh was educated in Urban Planning at the University of Waterloo, where he won a variety of awards for the design of resilient urban spaces. He transitioned to freelance graphic design for several years before founding LOOP. Josh’s heart is heavily rooted in East Africa where he has been working on and off over the past four years. On his downtime you will find Josh striking up conversations in local coffee shops, filling sketchbooks with ideas for a better world, and scouring Google for flights to far off places. We aim to push the boundaries of creativity & use the power of R YA N F E L I X (Founder, Interactive) design for social good. Ryan is a talented web designer and brings his strong intuition and insight into his many past projects. Previous to LOOP, Ryan co-founded As a social enterprise, we are driven by a desire to use C R E AT I V E B U S I N E S S E S the power of design as a tool to call people to action and BNC Architects (Toronto, Canada) foster positive change. Our creative team takes a personal EllisDon (Toronto, Canada) and inclusive approach to design, generating powerful Forest Green Creations (Fonthill, Canada) websites and visual identities which are truly authentic to FoTenn Planning and Urban Design (Ottawa, Canada) our clients goals. We specialize in expressing stories with Functional Imperative (Toronto, Canada) a deep knowledge of visual language, engaging content, Innovia Partners (Toronto, Canada) strategy, and a close attention to detail. Straticom Interior Design (Toronto, Canada) LOOP has helped a growing family of socially minded E D U C AT I O N creative businesses, not-for-profits and social enterprises University of Manitoba (Winnipeg, Canada) establish visual experiences that are noticed on a global University of Toronto (Toronto, Canada) scale. Most recently LOOP was recognized at the Clinton University of Waterloo (Waterloo, Canada) Global Initiative in New York for an innovative design York University (Toronto, Canada) collaboration with Sokotext, a mobile-based solution for solving hunger in the slum communities of East Africa. Moxie, a recognized design shop in upstate New York, and worked for the graphic design department at the University of Waterloo. Ryan studied Urban Design at the University of Waterloo, where he gained recognition and awards for the design of multiple design projects and competitions across Canada. If Ryan isn’t researching the latest trends in design and technology, you’ll find him cycling all over Toronto in search of the perfect tree to read his growing collection of books. M I N H T O A N (Communications) Minh brings a strong set of research, writing and communication skills to the Loop team drawing from his eclectic and worldly sensibility. He is well versed and educated in critical design language, most recently at the London School of Economics where he completed a graduate degree in City Design & Social Science. There he collaborated amongst SOCIAL ENTERPRISE Sokotext (London, UK / Nairobi, Kenya) an international and interdisciplinary group of architects, designers and researchers. Other strong design relationships have taken us across Operation Groundswell (Toronto, Canada) A budding writer, Wikipedia junkie and messy home chef, Minh finds Canada, America and East Africa and include: UforChange (Toronto, Canada) creative outlets and inspiration from his many travels and other unlikely Youth Challenge Internaitonal (Global) Lighthouse Labs (Vancouver, Canada) sources. BRAND + IDENTITY W E C R E AT E B O L D A N D I N N O VAT I V E B R A N D S T H AT H E L P O R G A N I Z AT I O N S S TA N D O U T I N T H E C R O W D . Operation Groundswell / A Clean Above / Innovia Partners / UforCHANGE / The #HTML500 T H E “ B AC K PAC K T I V I S T ” BRAND HELPED D I F F E R E N T I AT E O G F R O M OT H E R VO LU N T E E R O R G A N I Z AT I O N S B Y PUSHING ITS GENUINE AND EXPERIENCEB AS E D AG E N DA . V I B R A N T H U E S , PA R T I C I PA N T PHOTOGRAPHY AND B O L D P AT T E R N S M A K E THIS BRAND POP AND H E L P E D O G D R A M AT I C A L LY I N C R E A S E P A R T I C I P AT I O N ON GLOBAL TRIPS IN 2013. O P E R AT I O N GROUNDSWELL A global, ethically focused backpacking organization based in Toronto, Ontario. Brand Strategy & Guidelines Logo & Wordmark Poster & Marketing Material Trip Brochures Website “Creating an organization’s entire visual brand identity is no easy feat, but LOOP has managed to do exactly that with their fresh, out of the box thinking. They have captured the essence of ethical travel and what it means to be an Operation Groundswell backpacktivist. It’s been such a joy to work with LOOP and we hope only to continue doing so in the years to come.” Justine Yu Marketing Director LOGO POSTERS & PROMOTIONAL MATERIAL BUSINESS CARDS G-N I K AC ------- P ITH AK C BA ----W ----- E S PO R U P BRANDED BROCHURES BROCHURE SPREAD D E S I G N I S I M P O R TA N T AT EVERY LEVEL OF BUSINESS, AND CAN MAKE ALL OF THE DIFFERENCE FOR SMALLER, L O C A L I N I T I AT I V E S . A C L E A N A B OV E I S T RY I N G T O C H A N G E T H E S TAT U S QUO IN THE CLEANING I N D U S T R Y B Y U S I N G O N LY N AT U R A L M E T H O D S . B Y IMPLEMENTING A NEW LOGO, A BRIGHT COLOUR PA L E T T E A N D C H E E K Y GRAPHICS WE WERE ABLE TO DESIGN A FUN L O O K T H AT F I T T H E I R P E R S O N A L I T Y. A C L E A N A B OV E Environmental Cleaning Service Logo & Wordmark Visual Identity Package Business Cards Ad Campaign Website “LOOP captured everything we could have hoped for in our brand. It’s not only true to who we are, but it so fresh and current to our target market. Our business is being recognized, and we are being complimented regularly our new look. We felt that our values and mission aligned well with the social good direciton that LOOP is all about, and we had a blast working with them!” Collette & Amanda Founders www.acleanabove.ca LOGO MULTI-SURFACE WEBSITE LOGO & MESSAGE MARKS BUSINESS CARDS FINDING UNIQUE AND E X C I T I N G WAY S T O PROMOTE A BUSINESS CAN BE CHALLENGING, AND T H I S WA S E X A C T LY W H AT W E W E R E A S K E D T O S O LV E F O R I N N O V I A . B Y C R E AT I N G A VIBRANT IDENTITY WITH A FOCUS ON COLOUR, E X P R E S S I V E I M A G E R Y, A N D T R A N S PA R E N T V I S U A L C O M M U N I C AT I O N I N N O V I A I S A B L E T O S TA N D O U T I N T H E C R E AT I V E C O N S U LT I N G WORLD. I N N OV I A PA R T N E R S Management Consulting for Creative Businesses Logo & Wordmark Business Cards Flipbook Campaign Ad Campaign - Azure Magazine Website “I was looking for a simple, intriguing way to start a conversation with a potential client. It’s hard to communicate what we do as management consultants without getting lost in complexity! I gave Loop a one-word creative brief: “flip-book.” They created an unconventional piece that tells our story visually in a few memorable seconds - and it really gets people talking .” Rowley Mossop Principal www.innoviapartners.com WEBSITE TRANSITIONS AZURE MAGAZINE CAMPAIGN W I T H A S T R AT E G I C P L A N TO E N G AG E YO U T H A N D T H E R E G E N T PA R K COMMUNITY IN THE BRAND D E V E L O P M E N T, T H E UFORCHANGE IDENTITY WA S C O M P L E T E LY R E ENERGIZED WITH A STRIKING NEW SERIES OF ENERGY MARKS, A VIBRANT C O LO U R PA L E T T E , AC T I V E I M A G E R Y, A N D R E VA M P E D M E SSAG I N G . T H I S R E F R E S H P R E PA R E S U F O R C H A N G E F O R T H E I R I N V O LV E M E N T WITH THE TORONTO 2015 PA N A M G A M E S . UFORCHANGE A Toronto-based Non-Profit and PanAm partner who empower youth Brand Strategy & Messaging Visual Identity Collateral and Campaign Materials Website (under development) “Having been established for over 5 years it came time for our team to consider our image, and our expression to the community. We had evolved as an organization, and our brand needed to represent that. LOOP helped us realize our brand vision, and with input from the community, youth and local leaders developed a visual identity and messaging system which is gaining a lot of traction. It’s colourful, bold, and true to who we are. The whole process was very engaging, and honestly - FUN!” Chalo Burdeta Executive Director www.uforchange.org CORE WORDMARK WEBSITE PITCH PACKAGE BUSINESS CARDS BUSINESS COLLATERAL C O D I N G I S A V I TA L S K I L L F O R T O D AY S H I -T E C H J O B M A R K E T. W I T H T H I S I N MIND LIGHTHOUSE LABS S E T O U T T O C R E AT E T H E L A R G E S T, F R E E L E A R N TO -CODE EVENT IN C A N A DA . T H E LO G O I S ROOTED IN LINES OF CODE USED BY PROGRAMMERS, AND A BRIGHT BUT HIT E C H C O LO U R PA L E T T E , AND POWERFUL GRAPHIC L A N G UAG E S P R E A D T H E ‘FUN’ VIBE. THE EVENT SOLD OUT IN MINUTES AND W I L L B E H O S T E D A N U A L LY. LIGHTHOUSE LABS A Vancouver-based coding education network. Brand Strategy & Messaging Visual Identity Collateral and Campaign Materials Website (under development) Social Media “Having conceived the idea for HTML500 only 2 months before the event-date would have posed a challenge for most creative teams, but LOOP successfully took our vision and brought it to life on all available platforms in just 3 weeks. The design received recognition on many media outlets, the event sold out in minutes after the digital launch, and the boys at LOOP were so easy to work with.” Jeremy Shaki Director www.thehtml500.com PRIMARY LOGO GRAPHIC SYSTEM POSTER & PROMOTIONAL MATERIALS SPREAD THE CODE WEBSITE & SOCIAL MEDIA #HTML500 WEB + INTERACTIVE We bring exciting brands to the computers, tablets and smartphones of the digital world. FOTENN Planning and Urban Design / Canadian Evaluation Society / Flaunt Boutique / Freedom Lending / As You Wish Concierge F O T E N N R E C E N T LY REBRANDED TO SHOWCASE ITS STRENGTHS AND VA L U E S . L O O P WA S RESPONSIBLE FOR BRINGING FOTENN’S FRESH NEW LOOK TO THE WEB W I T H A N I N T E R AC T I V E W E B S I T E T H AT P U T S FO C U S O N I M AG E RY A N D I N T E R AC T I V E E F F E C TS TO STRENGTHEN FOTENNS POSITION AS A LEADING D E S I G N F I R M I N O T TAWA . FOTENN An innovative, Ottawa based urban planning and urban design firm. Website www.fotenn.com “FoTenn had the pleasure of working with LOOP on our website redesign. Since launching in October we have received nothing but positive feedback on our user interface and sleek design. The LOOP team was really easy to work with, and took every measure to make sure that FoTenn was happy with our final product. FoTenn highly recommends the LOOP team to all of our friends and clients. We look forward to working with LOOP on more projects in the near future.” Nader Alkadri Urban Designer & Website Project Manager www.fotenn.com SPLASH PAGE TABLET OPTIMIZATION - PROJECT PAGES TEAM PAGE ST U N N I N G B L AC K A N D W H I T E P H O T O G R A P H Y, DOMINANT TEXT AND A SYMBOLIC LOGO BROUGHT A FRESH AND E XC I T I N G LO O K TO T H E C A N A D I A N E VA L U AT I O N S O C I E T Y. E A G E R F O R AN IDENTITY WHICH CAPTURED THE IDEA OF C R O SS I N G B O U N DA R I E S , THE WEBSITE AND IDENTITY HELP TO PUSH T H I S M A N D AT E . C A N A D I A N E VA L U AT I O N SOCIETY A national organization promoting advancement in the field of Brand & Identity Website Print Brochures www.cestoronto2013.ca LOGO TABLET OPTIMIZATION WEB PAGE E X P O S E D B R I C K WA L L S , R U S T I C B E A M S A N D AWA R D WINNING STYLISTS MAKE FLAUNT BOUTIQUE ONE OF TORONTO’S MOST R E P U TA B L E S A L O N S . T H E B E A U T I F U L S PAC E N E E D E D A SLEEK, ENERGETIC AND HIGH-END BRAND AND W E B S I T E T O M AT C H . W I T H AN EMPHASIS ON THE F I N E R D E TA I L S T H E N E W FLAUNT BRAND EXPRESSES THE SALONS UNIQUE VIBE. FLAUNT SALON A Toronto based upscale fashion designer and celebrity. Brand & Identity Website Display Materials www.flauntboutique.com LOGO SUB-LOGOS WEB PAGES T R A N S L AT I N G 2 5 Y E A R S OF ARCHITECTURE E XC E L L E N C E I N TO A MODERN WEB SHOWCASE IS NO EASY TA S K , B U T T H R O U G H A COMPREHENSIVE BRANDING, CONTENT M A N AG E M E N T A N D GRAPHIC SYSTEM WE WERE A B L E T O D O T H AT F O R B N C ARCHITECTS. THEY ARE NOW POSITIONED FOR THE NEXT 25 YEARS. BNC ARCHITECTS A Global architecture firm based in Toronto. Brand & Identity Website Content Development www.bncarchitects.ca WEBSITE SIMPLE AND CLASSIC ST Y L E I N A N I N T E R AC T I V E S I N G L E - P A G E L AY O U T MAKE THIS SITE EASY TO N AV I G AT E A N D E X C I T I N G T O U S E . T H E B R A N D WA S DESIGNED TO APPEAL TO A HIGH END CLIENTELE, AND T H E U S E O F S H A R P B L AC K AND WHITE PHOTOGRAPHY AND CLEAN TYPOGRAPHY ADD A TOUCH OF ELEGANCE. A S YO U W I S H CONCIERGE A Toronto-based concierge service for high end professionals. Brand & Identity Website Print Materials Print Ad www.asyouwishconcierge.ca “It was incredible working with LOOP. As a small business owner, just starting out on my own, I really counted on them to provide their creativity and insight. They were incredibly professional, starting with their survey and our initial consultation, through which they sought to understand my needs. They proceeded to create a dynamic, fresh, modern brand – including my website, flyers, business cards and magazine advertisement. I have received such positive feedback from others on my cards and website. Using Loop gave my business the professional edge it needed, allowing me to have confidence in promoting my brand.” Katrina Machek Founder and Chief Manager www.asyouwishconcierge.ca WIRE FRAME SAMPLE PAGE CLIENT LIST C reative B usinesses BNC Architects (Toronto, Canada) Functional Imperative (Toronto, Canada) EllisDon (Toronto, Canada) Innovia Partners (Toronto, Canada) Forest Green Creations (Fonthill, Canada) Straticom Interior Design (Toronto, Canada) FoTenn Planning and Urban Design (Ottawa, Canada) E ducation Algonquin College (Ottawa, Canada) University of Waterloo (Waterloo, Canada) University of Manitoba (Winnipeg, Canada) York University (Toronto, Canada) University of Toronto (Toronto, Canada) Lighthouse Labs (Vancouver, Canada) THE LOOP STUDIO, REGENT PARK C ommunity O riented O rganizations / S ocial E nterprise A Clean Above (Toronto, Canada) Rebecca Perry Theatre (Toronto, Canada) As You Wish Concierge (Toronto, Canada) UforChange (Toronto, Canada) Canadian Gerontology Association (Winnipeg, Manitoba) Rain or Shine Green Energy (Toronto, Canada) Childrens Wish Foundation (Ottawa, Canada) Raine Davis Art Studio (Newmarket, Canada) Ghana Medical Help (Accra, Ghana) SEMA: The Kenya Project (Toronto, Canada) G-Roots (Toronto, Canada) Sokotext (London, New York, Kenya) Hardwired: Podcast for the People (Toronto, Canada) SPARK RP (Toronto, Canada) HTML 500 (Vancouver, Canada) The Pomegranate Project (India) Kit Media (Toronto, Canada) Triangle-Pi Productions (Toronto, Canada) Mlle Munch. Blog (Sarnia, Canada) Young County Change Makers (Kisumu, Kenya) Operation Groundswell (Toronto, Canada) B usiness Flaunt Boutique (Toronto, Canada) Freedom Lending (National, Canada) La Kitchenita (Manila, Philippines) Yes to Fresh (Toronto, Canada) WE’D LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU. C E N T R E F O R S O C I A L I N N O VAT I O N . 5 8 5 D U N D A S S T R E E T E A S T. T O R O N T O , O N TA R I O . weareloop.ca / [email protected] / 416-559-6733 / #DesignForSocialGood
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