Document 430280

Jan. 5 , 1926.
' -
@Ramas '
Jan. 5 , 1926.
Filed July 21l 1924
4 Sheets-Sheet 2
T22 '
0560/- c2. Edf/md
Jan. 5 , 1926.
Filed July'2l , 1924v
4 Shéets-Sheet 5
y y
«ql-lic" DI'
ûsmr G. Edmond r
Jan. 5 , 1926:
Filed July 21, 1924
4 Sheds-Sheet 4
j -5,
/// /M
615m," 61. Edmond
Patented Jan. 5, 1926.
UNITE-of Simfree PATENT» oFFïIeE;
Plummer-COMPANY, oF sPoKANïRf Waaruit@‘1ion`V
Appncanon filed July' 2i; 19'2'4‘. semi No'. 727,303?
To all whom ¿t 'may concern:
Figure '1 'is4 a 'top ' plain* View ‘ofV a machine'
Be' it known that I,`OseAk G. EnM'oNn, a ' en'i'bo‘dyiing ' my invention;
Citizen of 'the` Uiiited- States5`1‘esidi11g'at‘
is a vertical ldngiti'idinalsec'
Spokane, in SpokaneCounty,l andState‘of‘y tional vieivv'at' lineQëQfof‘lFigúre' l. ì
Vfashington, have' invented vcertain neivan'd" `Figni'e‘ 3 >is ‘a’ 'view partly ’in_'end- elevation
Useful Improvements' in "lVoodWorklng Mal
chinosr` o't which the Ío’l‘lowi'nggislespecifica-f row- of'y Stiles; ‘the 'feed'Y mech afn'i'sm, l»aridindüY
outing' alsofthe"relative#arrangement of 'the
My present` ‘invention relates> to improv woodworking tools of- the machine;
in ents in .woodworking kmachines adapted ' es:
Figui-e4' is'a view in' elevation at the op;
pecially fory boring and groovm‘g‘ theœsti’l'es erato'ris‘ Vside of“ :the machine,” looking 'at the ' 60
the sashvv cord. W’hi'le the inventio'n‘iis a'p‘
near‘side‘of Flgil.Y
_ Fig-ure' 5' 1s' an enlarged" detailî view show-
plica‘ble‘ for'iisefin 'machines' ad'a‘pted‘v for in g the acti'iating mechanism ' for" ‘the 'pusher'.
other purposes, foräconvenience' of' illustra;l feed foi" the Stiles;- andthe lcontrolling cl’u'tëh
tion and deseriptiom I have confin'e'd'tlie‘ il-Á
lustrations land descriptionto‘the treatment ‘
Figure'ôis a 'view inweleifatibit'showing.the‘
oiÈ stiles of yWindow'sash.' » The'ma'chine 'is' opposite' side‘ of`> the 'ma'ehiiie‘from' that of"
adapted to automatically and"successively"
feed Stiles from loenea'th‘îastack,l steppbyïstep" Figui-e7 isa plan" view showing the chain
acrossv a horizontal ta‘ble`,' and' ‘diiringj'this conveyor for' moving ’thefstil‘e longitudinally
lateral intermittent movement' ‘of’` 'a jstlle‘. 1t' is' and the discharge or delivery device:
lirst boredk byjtw‘o spaced bits toffo‘rm'angui‘ lï‘i'g‘tu‘e‘S ï'is' an enlarged' detail îview of a
la'r pockets; second a pair of' rotary‘f-eutt‘el‘s' safety, 'device'in' the Apusheiffe‘ed Iactuating
íl’orm a groove' extendin'gjbetween tlie’se‘two mechanism. l
pockets; and third' an" invisibley orsecret' Fi’g’i'ire" 9"is" an enlarged'l view' illustrating 75
pocket is’ bored in the stil'e'at' right angles'to" a 'hoi‘ing'bit'and‘ its operating'mechanisnnl
the i'irst bores@l Iii'addit‘ion to" thelateijal‘ showingftlie' machine' fral‘ne' ‘insection'
movement of the sti'le's5 they are moved‘lonß Figure 10 ‘is‘anj'enlarged'detail'view- of'- the“
`:g'it'hdinally- by mechanismlfor the purpose pusher .feed -' device',l ‘ showing its `relation' ï to '
while being grooved.'l After tl'ie'secret'pock tlìe‘> hopper in whichl the stackfis formed.“ 80
et is bored the iinished stile is pushed >longi
The machine Ais provided'ivith'- a frame
tudinally and delivered from‘th‘e machine;y or'base'l foi‘ming‘a honsin'gfonpart of the'
', Élie mechanism forI performing 'the three' op# opei‘atihg; 111echan‘1sm', and' a' table'oi" l'top' 9 "
crationsfa're automaticallyjactuated from a' is'ï'providedl'fdr' tlie machine.' The power
power shaft",` ` and the" lfeed" andl delivery ‘of’ shaft S'ïis‘provided'livith a pulley 4 andthe
the stile which are also actuatedî' fr'onïtlielv loelt,w 5' in' Figure"v G: receives-power îfrom a
power shaft, are properly 'timed in order that
suitable source » for `>rotating - the shaft and
the stile may be‘ auton'iatitbalßfì moved'and" operating >the '-inac’hine.'
operated Lupen' from' the 'time 41t'f1sy placed' The »'st‘ile's' or'fsidef bars of a fiviiidoiv" sash,`r
manuallyfin a stack:and’delivet‘ed‘from the' which have been previously"moi‘tised andL 90
tenoned; ane fed' ïornsiippliedimaiitially, to
machine. '
In’ the accompanying dravvi'ng'sj I 'have’ilï-f the machina-and'iiiitliis 'supply a i‘iglitfsid‘e‘
lnstrated' one complete example of' tlie physif stile-S is"fol'lo\ved'_»liy"afleft»stile S' inloi‘derr
cal' e m'ho'diment' of" my 'l'.ríventionwherein the' that "whenîtlie' iiiiished Istiles are «delivered
parts' arecomhined and arranged'acc'or'ding' from" the ~macliine~,~ ‘they _ may “readilïy he are?
to the bestkmode I have thnsvfai‘ devisedßforY shipping',
ranged'- in:tor'A
¿fori assembling'- in ~ the `
the iiiracti‘calï applicatiorrl of "the principles
oi‘ niyin’vention.
On 'tlie‘tahle top a feed hopper isarraifxêçed"
to receive the stiles in a vertical stack, and is held thereto by resilient means for co
from this stack the stiles are successively action with the shaft under normal opera
and intermittently pushed laterally into tive conditions. A large spring 29 attached
position for the three operations of the to the machine frame bears against the cam
woodworking tools. The lowerlnost or bot lever to constantly hold the roller of the
tom stile of the stack is pushed from be lever in contact with the cam wheel. As
neath it and a row of stiles is constantly best seen in Fig. 8 the rock shaft 12 has a
collar 30 adjoining the loose hub 27 ’ of the
being fed laterally of the table top.
The hopper or stack holder comprises a lever 27, and this collar is fixed on the shaft
pair of spaced, upright guide straps
by means of screws or set bolts 31. In oppo«
site faces of its periphery the collar is fash
ioned with a pair of notches 32 in which
the upper bent ends or hooks 33 of opposed
complementary spring arms 311 engage.
plate 7 form a vertical hopper or trough These spring arms are located at opposite
sides of the lever 27 and their lower ends
for gravity feed of the stack of stiles.
and a laterally adjustable, elevated guide
plate 7 having a lower horizontal flange S
for the stiles. An end guide arrn 9 (Fig. ¿1)
together with the spaced uprights 6 and
The bottom stile of the stack is pushed are secured to the lever at 35. A double
spring 36 having one pair of ends connected
erally reciprocable, intermittently moving by a bolt 37 is disposed above the collar, and
pusher feed bar 10, which is disposed longi the lower free ends of this double spring
tudinally of the top 2 of the machine, to engage the hooks or bent ends 33 of the
successively feed the stiles to the right in spring arms 341. From this Aarrangement of
Figs. 3 and 10. This push bar is operated parts it will be apparent that with each
by movement from a pair of‘spaced rock single revolution of the cam wheel the
arms 11 on the longitudinal rock shaft 12 spring 29 will swing the lever 27 forcing its
laterally across the table by means of a lat
which is j ournaled in bearings 13 at one side roller into the depression or recess 36 of the
of the machine. At their upper ends these cam. The swinging movement of the lever,
rack bars or arms 11 are provided with through the spring arms and notched col
pivot bolts 14 to carry the angle brackets 15 lar, rocks the shaft 12 and through the oscil
which brackets are movable transversely of latable arms 11 the push bar is reciprocated.
the machine in slots 16 of the table top. The At each reciprocation of the push bar the
brackets are coupled by bolts 17 to the push bottom stile is pushed from beneath the
bar in order that the angle of the push bar stack and the horizontal row of stiles on
may be adjusted to compensate for any ir the table is moved the width of a stile, lat
regularities and to insure feeding the stiles erally across the table top.
This resilient driving connection between
in correct position to the woodworking tools
the cam lever and the rock shaft is provided
of the machine.
The rock shaft 12 as seen in Figs. et and 5 for the purpose of stopping the reciproca
is actuated from a cam shaft 18, which lat tion of the push bar in case of an emergency
ter shaft is provided with gears as 19 that or accident, of improper feed of the stiles,
engages a pinion 2O on the countershaft 21, or jamming of the push bar. In such in
the pinion being of sufficient length to per stance the movement of the loose lever on
mit relative movement while in engagement the immovable rock shaft will cause disen
of the gear 19. On the countershaft 21 is a gagement and removal of the spring arms
pulley 22 over'which a belt 23 passes from 3A; from the notches in the collar. Upon
a pulley 21 on the power'shaft 3 (Figs. 2 such removal of the spring arms the lever is
and 6). The gear wheel 19 is loose on the free to swing on the shaft 12 without im
cam shaft 1S, and the connection between parting movement thereto while the push
the countershaft and the cam shaft is con bar is idle. The shaft and lever can again
trolled by a clutch device comprising the be restored to normal position for continued
slidable clutch member 19’ and the member operation of the feed mechanism and wood
20’ fixed on the cam shaft. A clutch lever
22’ which extends to the operator’s side of
working tools.
For the lirst operation of the woodwork
the machine for ready access is used to con ing tools on the first stile pushed from be
55 trol the clutch and throw the cam shaft in neath the stack the stile is retained in posi
or out of commission.
tion under the flange 8 of the plate 7 of
The oscillating movement of the arms 11 the stacker or hopper, and two spaced, in
clined holes are bored into the stile from the
and consequent reciprocating movement of underside
thereof by means of two boring
the pusher bar 10 are accomplished by a
flanged cam wheel 25 on the cam shaft 18, bits 38 and 39. These boring bits are nor
which wheel has a recess or depression 26 in mally located under the table top 2 and are
the edge of its annular flange. A cam lever adapted to be projected upwardly through
27 having at its free end a roller 28 engag the top of the table to operative position
ing the annular flange or cam wheel 25 is for boring the holes, after which they are
loosely journaled on the rock shaft 12, but retracted or moved downwardly. These
bits~ bore a pair' of speced holes into the stile» leverrarm-Gêì‘- depending» therefrom. The`
fronth the bottomorlower face thereofrend lower enol- of; 'this' lever arinïcarriesn--roller
the parallel' ‘holes are inclinedk or slanted as
indicated `by the position of the bits in
Fi 4;
ghe boring bits are supported by e ver
645 which; (zo-acts. withi e com f 65 'on- the \ Cami
shaft"l '18'.> , Writh:` each revolution off the - cemâ
shaft‘the vCarrier `pleite 6l' is oscilleted- on‘its » '70
pivot 62 tol reciprocate therotery- cutter
tically arranged plate 40 mounted against heads 57 and '58,11 liîtinërl them- tov operative
theouter side of 'the innchinefrnn'ie on two position,A and Vthen » lowering- th ein Y toA ino per»
bolts 4l and',> L12,“and provided with arcuate utive position.-`
slotsor slotted lugs43 for the bolts. The 10W
These rotary cutters for groorìug the
er-end', ofy the, plete has e. circuler opening stile-ureoperated from the power«shaiict> ê’f
44g 'therethrou)D(T i' which euceses e comple*Y
thìough zrdrivepulley-GG thereon and =belft
nientery circuler boss-45 on the side o'lïthe G'r.' The belt’pesses over» pulleysöS» »21nd
machine. Thus by `first loosening the bolts
under :in idle pulley 70.y The pulley 7U;
the lignits olf the slotted lugs~ «t3 on thol boss is journuleid4 on the free» end oiï :L horizon»
45,: to adjust the position otïthe boring bits tally disposed jour-nel ‘erin ’7li pivotedfut
with relzxtiqnto'the stile, and then the plate ‘72 within the mechine frame, und provided
may be locked in‘uf'lj‘usted positionby turn with e weight73. “Then the rot-ary outliers»
ing home the bolts in their slots.
are in lowered, inoperative position-,ß the
The y operating„shafts> 4G and 417» of ¿the gravity controlled 'M1117 l and itsy pulley are»
boring ,bits are journeled to slide in bearings also in loweredz position es »iir'ful‘lïlilies Figo
405'of`the-ple'te 40'end the» shafts :ire geared 2,v and the 'drïiveboltï for the» cutter» headsis;
together _at k48. Power applied. tok pinion loose. As the carrier plete -Gl ëis elevated
49,1,through-,Whichj shaft' 47 'may slide, by, the pulley 70 is also elev-ated,lthroughëthe ill?
uobevel 'geant „5,0 onthe power yslutft 3, which medium of the belt 67 Wl-iioh islooped under
shaft isijojurneled _in the center .of the cir the pull‘ey,^fto-'dotteddine position in seid
cular ‘bossA 45 of. ¿the machine i ‘frame
figure; The weight of» 'theVr pulley und. its
A carrigffe ,51, is `used ‘asn means :for alter Weigh-tedfnrin '7l issuilioient _to insure-‘frio
naíely `eliev¿ting`< the -` bits , and their shafts t-ionul engagenientioff lthe belt:` wi-tl'i» the " La
to operatieve positio'mnnd >for loweringutheni pulley to operntethe pulleys GSwzlndfGQfuiid
to, inoperative position,- , and` this carriage is thus rotate the cutter heads und» groove-»the
reciproeuted. fronrthe camshaft 18 as fol stile.
b: C.l
lows;I Acam- 52 on‘saideamsheft (Figs. During the ' grooving- operationv the « stile'
4 and 5)', hes resting _thereon @horizontally is being >moved 7 longitudinally»- tof assist» fin»
disposedloainlever 53 with a roller >54: and the Vínrmetion-ot" the groove. Àsseeirbest
e Ypivotelf end
supported~ onl the; mztchine i n- AFigure ~7 "an ~' endless A conveyor` chain 7i'
freine. The other end lof thisl cnm„-leyier is mounted :on thefspaeed sproelïet Awheels
-isslotted `et l5G„„f,or;bolt_,connection to the 75 and 76";1bove the-tabletop.4 This-chain
carriage.l 51„ vand itiwvill; be, apparent that carries a pair >of speoedb»latter-ally'project-Y
with each v revolution , .ot the cam, Wheel 52 ing/_, pins 77 ’and 78';v one of vrwhich! enge-ges
thelever `5€),Will. be oscillàllted on itspiv'ot the rear end of'n-lternatingstilesand move"
55` foflift and, retract .theoarringe and~ its the stile tothe right~ i1rFigfure7 'While 'the
boring.;r bitst-> As the carriage isvelevzited the
boring bits ,are projectedand bore the two
holes in‘the. stile from the underside’there.`
of„ andeafter penetrntingpthenstilerthe re
quìrßd.. distance the bits are Withdrawn
therefrom., _
The bored. stileis now moîved laterally the
Width of ya stile to the second position in
Cil U1
cutter - heads
are \ operating» After» the
grooving operetion-\theïother pin- es~7$ yen
gegesthe saune end’o'f thestile undl moves
iti-further to the right ìtoldojtted position,
but not» however» until‘- after-e thirfd- operai»
tion of >the rWoodworlîing;¿ tools tol-belles
The sprocket Wheels for the conveyor
Fign4 3 `overthe two alined rotnry cutter chain in- Fig;r 7 have» shafts-79" end Sil
heads 57 _endßSnvhioh cutter headsv or cut journziled inbeerings'Sl ele `v:tedÍ ebow/'e «the
ters form u longitudinal groove in the lower tabletop,` andl the she'f-tvv -SO'fis »provided :It
faQ/e» of the-,stile terminating with the pre one end with-zt sprocket Wheel overwhioh
viously bored holes.` The stile is grooved the drivel charinaSê-l passes.- This-chain is
ivhile itlisbeing .movedlongitudinally to the driven from sprocketWheel?ìeèl onthefcznn
right;A in l<`igs1 i :and ‘7 'und the rotary out# shaft'V 18 ('Fig‘s; ö :ind16')~.‘~
teil.' heads are operatedpwhile in relatively
During the grooving operaie-immo f- the stile
stationary position. These rotary cutters :ind While it* being shovedbyone ofthe
are mountedy on complen'lentary shàvfts‘öílnnd pins, asy77,’the stileisf.retuinedfin sliding'
G0 journaledI-inln carrier plateölïlocited position'zind prevented-~troni rising «from fthe
below the table top ¿zindlwithin the machine trible1 top by means oi’ ¿zr-presse' Jfoot/«or
freine T hevplnteris pivoted on a horizon plate
‘which isset-usted by the movement
tal cross rod or ber 62, and has an angular oî‘the carrier plete Gl to bear- doxvn upon
m. e: O
of the bit shaft-the forward longi
the top surface of the moving stile while rocation
of the shaft causing the
it is being grooved by the cutters. The revolving bit to bore
into the stile to form
presser plate is pivotally suspended from the
the pocket or invisible hole, and the rear
ward movement of the shaft on its longi
tudinally of the machine and is pivoted at tudinal
axis withdrawing the bit from the
87 in an adjustable pivot plate 88 sup
free end of an arm 86 which extends longi
ported for sl‘idable adjustment between bored
During the boring operation for the
vertical guides 89 on the vertically arranged pocket
the stile is held stationary by the
elevated, retaining guide plate 90.
foot plate 85, and after the pocket has been
One end of the arm 86 is connected by
bolt 91 to a horizontal link 92 pivoted at bored the stile is ready to be moved longi
and delivered from the table top.
93 at the opposite side of the plate 90, and tudinally
l employ a rotary member
a vertical link 9a connects this horizontal
provided with a later
link with the carrier plate 61. Thus when ally projecting pushis pin
112 revolving about
the carrier plate 01 is elevated to bring` its the axis of the disk. The
disk and pin are
cutters 57 and 58 into operative position, the so arranged that at each revolution
presser plate is also moved to bear down disk the pin will encounter or contactofwith
upon the stile and hold it down as it moves the' rear endv of the finished stile, as indi
Fig. 7, and “kick” the stile from the
The slidable, adjustable, pivot plate 88 cated in
may be vertically adjusted by means of a table
The disk is fixed at the end of a horizon
screw 95 anchored in a bearing lug 9G on the tal cross shaft 118 and projects upwardly
plate 90 and passing through a nut 96’ on through a slot 114 in the table top. The
the slide plate.
118 is provided with a sprocket wheel
The retaining plate 90 flexibly supports shaft
11G driven by the sprocket chain 88 which
the plate 90 by pivoted links 97.
around a guide sprocket wheel 117 on
As the stile is being grooved it is moved passes
the shaft 118, and the wheel 82 on shaft 80.
longitudinally toward the delivery end of
_ The horizontal row of stiles are thus fed,
the machine by the pins of the chain con intermittently and successively across the
veyer, and after the rotary critters have been table top and operated upon in three dif
withdrawn the stile is again moved laterally ferent positions, and all parts of the ma
by a reciprocation of the push bar which chine are so related and timed that the
moves the horizontal row of stiles the dis
several functions are performed in the
Jroper order until the finished stile is
stile is thus moved to position for operation 1finally delivered at the end of the machine.
tance equal to the width of one stile.
thereon by the boring bit 98 which bores
Having thus fully described my inven
the invisible or secret pocket or hole in the tion what I claim as new and desire to se
stile from its lower face at one end of the cure by Letters Patent is
groove. The pocket bored by the bit 98
1. In a feedi mechanism the combination
40 is on an incline and the bit moves on its
longitudinal axis at approximately right
with a rock shaft having a loose cam lever
thereon and a fixed member on said shaft,
angles to the axial movement of the two of resilient means operatively connecting
bits 88 and 89. The shaft 99 of the bit 98 said lever and member, a cam for actuating
is longitudinally reciprocable in its journal the lever, and means for permitting a slip
bearings 100 which are located at the movement between the rock shaft and lever
operator’s side of the machine, and the bevel to free the lever from said member.
gear 101 is keyed on the shaft to permit this
2. The combination with a rock shaft
The gear 101 and shaft 99 are having a fixed member and a loose member
revolved by complementary bevel gear 102 thereon and resilient means for operatively
on a cross shaft 103 which shaft has a pulley connecting said members, means for actuat
C21 Ul
104e connected by belt 105 to the pulley 10G ing the loose member to rock said shaft, and
on the power shaft 8, for transmission of
power to the bit. The bit shaft 99 is re means for permitting a slip movement to
ciprocated in its bearings on its longitudinal free the loose member fromthe fixed mem
axis from movement by cam shaft 18 ber.
combination with a rock shaft hav
through the .instrumentality of a cam wheel ing8. aThe
notched collar fixed thereon and a
107 on the cam shaft,
Against the cam wheel a cam arm 108 is cam lever' loose thereon, of opposed spring
carried by said cam lever and engag
held by a spring 109, the latter being secured arms
notched collar whereby when the
to the machine frame at one end and posi rock shaft
is held against movement a slip
tioned to bear against the cam arm at all
of the spring arms from the
times. At one end the cam arm 108 is pro
vided with a collar 110 on the bit shaft and notched collar is accomplished.
et. The combination with a rock shaft
is arranged in such manner that each rota having
a notched collar fixed thereon and a
tion of the cam wheel 107 will cause a recip
lever loose thereon, a cam und means for
G. In a pusher feed mechanism the coni
holding said lever in engagement With the bination With n rock shaft and a pair of
cani, and :1. spring erin carried by said lever spaced arms thereon, of a laterally recipro~
havingl engagement with the notched collar. cable pusher ber, a pair of angle brackets
5. The combination With ¿L rock shaft l1av~ pivoted on the free ends 0I' said arms, and 15
ing :l lixed notched collar and a cani lever un adínsting;` screw connecting` each bracket
loose on the shaft, of a spring for holdinè` to said push bei’.
said lever in operative position, and n spring
In testimony whereof' I affix 1ny signature.
erin at each side of seid lever for engage*
nient with the notched collar.