Tender Document for Supply and Installation of Non – IT Components (One Silent Diesel Generator Set of 62.5 KVA & One Online UPS of 10 KVA with Batteries) For e-Governance Society, Department of Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs No: eGS-FCS&CA-6/2014-iii e-Governance Society Food (eGF) Department of Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs Government of Himachal Pradesh 1. Brief Description of Proposal The e-Governance Society Department of Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs of Himachal Pradesh is planning to automate the complete IT and Non-IT infrastructure of the Department’s Headquarters at Shimla. To achieve the same, department is planning to invite proposals for supply and installation of the following components (given below) from the reputed registered firms, who are authorized dealer to supply the said items for the department and will take care of the following item’s health in terms of AMC. 2. Invitation of BIDS Invitation to Tender is for Delivery, Installation, Commissioning and related services of the following below mentioned items (the requirements as envisaged at present are approximately): One Silent Diesel Generator set of 62.5 KVA. One 10 KVA UPS system with 5 hours backup with Tubular Batteries. E-governance Society, Department of Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs, is procuring the above mentioned items for its head office located in Kasumpti, Shimla to the specification detailed in section IV of the tender. 3. Cost of Tender The Tenderer shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of its bid, including cost of presentation (if any) for the purposes of clarification of the bid, if so desired by the purchaser and the purchaser will in no case be responsible or liable for those costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the Tendering process. The tender fee is nonrefundable. The demand draft of Rs. 1500/- as tender fee in favour of “e governance society, Department of Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs, Kasumpti SDA Complex, Shimla-9”. Earnest Money Deposit Earnest Money Deposit will be accepted only in the form of Demand Draft from Nationalized Bank of Rs. 20,000 in favor of “e-Governance Society, Department of Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs” payable at Kasumpti SDA Complex, Shimla-9. EMD in cash will not be accepted. Tender Document Tenderer are advised to study the Tender Document carefully. Submission of Tenders shall be deemed to have been done after careful study and examination of the Tender Documents with full understanding of its implications. Tender Document is not transferrable. Validity The Price Offer must be valid for 90 days from the date of opening of the Technical Bid of the Tender; otherwise the same will not be considered at all. 4. Description and Scope of Work Delivery & Installation: Delivery of the following items ordered is required to be completed latest by 30 days from the date of placement of the Purchase Order. The installation/ commissioning must be completed within next 15 days from the date of delivery. Delivery is deemed to be completed when the following are received at the location in full: Delivery of the following items along with other related accessories. Associated Documents/ Manuals. Any authorized official of the Department should acknowledge delivery of the following items with related accessories. Installation is deemed to be completed when: I. II. All the Items with related accessories as specified in the Purchase Order become fully functional, after delivery at the respective location, within the schedule date of installation. All the Items (spl. Diesel Generator and UPS) will have to install by the supplier within 45 days from the date of the placement of the Purchase Order. The cost of installation, if any will have to borne by the supplier and no separate charges will be paid by the Department. In case of failure on the part of the supplier to adhere to the time schedule, the Liquidated Damage condition shall be invoked by the Department. Accepting Test: The supplier will deliver the following mentioned items to the Directorate office at Kasumpti as advices at the time of placing the Purchase Order. The Installation certificate containing particulars of the following items, signed by the supplier will also be signed by authorized Department Official of that center and the installation certificate will be handed over to the Department’s Official after the installation. Place of Delivery and Installation: Delivery of goods should be made by the supplier at our Directorate Office located at Kasumpti, Shimla. Delivery and Documents: The Supplier shall furnish the following documents to Department. Original copies of the: Invoice showing Purchase Order reference goods, description, quantity, unit price, total amount. Delivery Challan. Installation cum Acceptance Certificate duly signed by the Suppliers and Department’s Officials. Site Consultations: The work shall be carried out in consultation with the Center’s Engineering section. 5. Submission of Tender 1. Sealing and Marking of TENDER: a. The Tender must be complete in all aspect and should contain requisite certificate, drawings, informative literature etc. as required in the specification. b. Tender Document can either be downloaded from department’s website www.epds.co.in c. TENDER shall be received under single bid system ( FINANCIAL BID) i. The bid shall include: 1. Forwarding letter by the TENDERER. 2. All required documents. 3. The Financial/ offer bid. d. The envelope shall be super scribed as under: “For Supply and Installation of the following materials mentioned in Annexure1 for Department of Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs” TENDER should be addressed to The Director, Department of Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs Kasumpti, Shimla Note: the Tender should be submitted at the office of the Director before 03:00 pm on 25th November, 2014. e. EXPENSES Of AGREEMENT: All the expenses of completing and stamping of any of the agreement or any other kind of expenditure incurred in the process of Tender submission shall be borne by the tenderer. f. DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION : TENDER must be received by the department At the date, time and address specified in the TENDER notice/ Tender documents. g. LATE BIDS: Any TENDER received after the deadline for submission of Tender Prescribed by the department shall be rejected and/ or returned unopened tenderer. (Signature of Tenderer) With seal 6. Covering Letter Letter comprising Tender for Supply, Installation of the following items mentioned below for Head Quarter, Department of Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs: To, The Director, Department of Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs, Block N0 – 42, Aapurti Bhawan, Kasumpti, Shimla Sub: Tender for Supply and Installation of the following items (all/ any) mentioned below annexure Dear Sir, 1. With reference to your tender notice dated……………….. I have examined the tender document and understood its contents. I hereby submit my application for supply and installations of 1 silent diesel generator set for office. 2. The Application is unconditional for the said tender. 3. I acknowledge that the Authority will be relying on the information provided in the tender and the documents accompanying such tender for qualification of the applicants for the subjected project, and we certify that all information provided in the tender and in Annexures is true and correct, nothing has been manipulated and omitted which renders such information misleading; and all documents accompanying such applications are true copies of their respective originals. 4. This statement is made for the express purpose of above mentioned subject. 5. I shall make available to the society for any additional information it may find necessary or require to supplement or authenticate the qualification statement. 6. I acknowledge the right of the society to reject our application without assigning any reason or otherwise and hereby waive, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, our right to challenge the same on any account whatsoever. 7. I declare that: a. I have examined and have no reservations to the tender document. b. I have not directly or indirectly or through any agent engaged or indulged in any corrupt practice, fraudulent practice, undesirable practice or restrictive practice in respect of any bid or request for proposal issued by or any agreement entered into with the authority or any other public sector enterprise or any government, central or state. 8. I understand that you may cancel the bidding process at any time and that you are neither bound to accept any application that you may receive nor to invite the applicants to bid for the project without incurring any liability to the applicants. 9. I further certify that no investigation by a regulatory authority is either pending against us. 10. I hereby confirm that we are in compliance of/ shall comply with the O&M requirements. 11. I agree and undertake to abide by all the terms and conditions of the Tender Document. 12. I agree and undertake to be liable for all the obligations of the tenderer under the agreement. In witness thereof, I submit this application under and in accordance with the terms of the tender documents. Yours Faithfully, (Signature, Name and Designation of the Authorized Signatory) 7. Annexure I - List of Deliverables One Silent Diesel Generator set of 62.5 KVA. One 10 KVA UPS system with 5 hours backup with Tubular Batteries. 8. Annexure II - Particular of Tenders 1. Tender Ref. No. : eGS-FCS&CA-6/2014-iii 2. Particulars of the work 3. Period of Work : Supply and installation of the following mentioned items in annexure1 for headquarter : 45 days 4. Cost of Tender Document : Rs. 1500 5. Last date and time of submission of Tender (by hand, post) Amount of Earnest money/ Bid security deposited for work Period of validity of Tender for acceptance Date and time of opening of Tender Place of Opening of Tender : 25th November, 2014 3PM 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Name of the Firm/ Company/ Individual to whom Tender document is issued. : Rs. 20,000 : 6 months : 25th November, 2014 4PM : Department of Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs, SDA Complex #42, Kasumpti, Shimla-9 : (Signature of Tenderer) With Seal 9. Annexure III - General Particulars of Tenderer 1. Name of the Firm: 2. Communication Address: 3. Telephone, Mobile & Fax No.: 4. Email: 5. Name and Designation of the representative of the Tenderer to whom all references shall be made: 6. Firm Registration number/ details: 7. Income Tax number Return for last 3 years with PAN number: 8. Sales Tax Registration number with return of last three years: 9. Previous experience of work done by the Tenderer of similar nature of Project: 10. Name and address of the Authorizing company to supply the following items (please attached authorization certificate): 11. Quality certificates and certificates for Products/ services for manufacturing and maintenance infrastructure facilities. 10. Annexure IV - Technical Bid components: I. II. III. IV. V. Bid letter. Technical Specifications of the required following components. Warranty certificates. Testing Certificates, for the equipments must be carried out at your own cost for each units confirming to technical specifications. All brochures and documents for all items offered. (Signature of Tenderer) With seal 11. Annexure V - General Terms and Conditions Definitions: In this Tender document the following terms shall be interpreted as indicated: “Department” means Department of Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs. The “Purchaser” means Department of Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs. The “Contractor” means the agreement entered into between the Purchaser and the Supplier as ………….. recorded in the contract Form signed by the purchaser and the Supplier including all attachments and annexures thereto and all documents incorporated by reference therein. The contract also covers the terms and conditions and other points mentioned in the tender forms including the accepted deviation (if any). The “Vendor” means the person or the firm or the company with whom the order of the Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of the Goods/ Services is placed and shall be deemed to include the Vendor’s successors, representatives, executors, administrators and permitted assigns, as the case may be unless excluded by the terms of the contract. The term “Tenderer” means “vendor” till submission and evaluation of the tender. The term “Vendor” is Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) wherever applicable. At the time of issue of Purchase Order and signing of Contract, the successful Tenderer will be termed as “Supplier”. The “Order” means the Purchase Order issued in favour of the vendor. “The Goods” means all the equipments which the vendor is required to supply to the Purchaser under the order/ Contract. “Service” means services ancillary to the supply of the Goods, such as transportation and insurance, and any other incidental services, such as installation and commissioning and such obligations of the vendor covered under the contract. PRE-QUALIFICATION: The Tenderer must have a minimum annual turnover of more than Rs. 30,00,000 /-(Rupees Thirty Lakhs) (Enclose audited balance sheets, for the financial year 201112, 2012-13, 2013-14). The technical and commercial bids of the tenderers who do not confirm to the prequalification eligibility criteria will not be opened and may be returned to the bidders in due course. Price Schedule: All quotes are to confirm to the item-wise format as per price section. All inclusive price takes into account basic Price, other charges including packing / forwarding. Insurance levies/ taxes applicable at the place of billing / charges for installation. Erection, commissioning the goods/ services operational during warranty period. The Total Price must take into consideration the supply of all the goods up to the end users. The vendor will submit their quotations after carefully examining the documents/ conditions. The vendor must obtain for himself on his own responsibility and at his own expenses all the information necessary including risks, contingencies and other circumstances to enable him to prepare the proper quotation and submission of the same. It will be the responsibility of the vendor to take care of all formalities, if any, necessary as per orders of any government/ non-government authority in force at the point of time of delivery. The lowest price would be on the basis of “Total Net Price of required number of the Items”. The detail breakup of price schedule is to be furnished. There shall be no escalation in the prices once the prices are fixed and agreed to by the Purchaser and the Vendor. The Department of Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs does not bind itself to accept any quotation and reserves the rights to accept/ reject any quotation without assigning any reasons thereof. PAYMENT TERMS & CONDITIONS Price Ex-Works, Freight & Transit Risk Insurance to Customer’s Account Excise duty Delivery Stage 1 Payment schedule Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Inclusive of Excise Duty @ 10.30% 2-4 Weeks from the date of receipt of Techno-commercially clear order. 10% on completion of generator foundation & powerhouse as per the approved space 60% on delivery at site of the main components of the DG set in ready to assemble form after inspection by the Owner/ Purchaser at the works of the manufacturer. 25% on erection, assembly of DG Set and completion of test/ trials, commissioning and testing would be done by the Department. 5% on completion of training of the Department’s staff and supply of documentation, Operation & Maintenance manuals etc. Liquidated Damage: If the Tenderer fails to complete the work within the stipulated date as per contract, the tenderer shall pay as compensation (Liquidated Damage) to the owner and not as penalty at the rate of 1% of the total value of work (contract Price) as mentioned in the Purchase Order, for every week of delay or part thereof provided always that the amount of such compensation shall not exceed 10% of the contract Price. Documents to be produced for release of Payment: The supplier’s request for payment should be made to Department in writing accompanied by t he following documents in ORIGINAL: Invoice in Duplicate. Delivery Challan. Installation and acceptance report signed by the officials of the supplier and the Depart ment. Manufacturer’s warranty & Installation certificate. No Dues Certificate (i.e. indemnifying the Purchaser, that the supplied items or services do not bear any dues from any other source, whatsoever). Supply of Manuals Documents. Maintenance during Warranty Period: The Supplier shall attend to call services within 2 hours after lodging of a complaint. In c ase of the failure from the supplier side “Department” may request any third party to at tend the call and the cost thus incurred will be deducted from the Supplier’s bill. During the warranty period, all the defective parts supplied by the Supplier should be re placed immediately without cost to Department. Cancellation Clause: If the deliverables are not supplied and installed within 45 days from the scheduled date as mentioned in Purchase Order, Department of Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affai rs reserves the right to reject the tender completely. Manuals: The Original Manuals of the Hardware, if any, to be provided by the suppliers at the tim e of delivery. Change of Purchase Order: Department at any time by written order to the supplier, make changes within the general scope of the Purchase Order in anyone or more of the following; Configurations/ specifications. Services to be provided by Suppliers. Delivery Schedule. Any increase/ decrease in the cost on account of above changes shall be mutually discussed and equitable adjustment shall be made in the price. Delays in the Suppliers Performance: Delivery of the items and performance of the services shall be made by the supplier in accordance with the time schedule mentioned in the Purchase Order. Any delay by the supplier in the performance of its delivery obligations shall render the supplier liable for imposition of LD, and/ or termination of the contracts for default. Training: The supplier has to impart training to at least two officials/ staff at the time of installation so that there is no operational difficulty to Department. Applicable Law: The contract shall be interpreted in accordance with the INDIAN LAWs. Notices: Any notice by one party to the other pursuant to the contract shall be sent in written and confirmed in writing to the address specified for that purpose in contract. As the Purchaser’s office is situated in the jurisdiction of the High Court of Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, all dispute and dispenses are subject to the jurisdiction of the Himachal High Court. Selection of Supplier: Supplier will be selected by following the steps given as under: Short-listing eligible suppliers who qualify in pre-qualification bid. Shot-listing of eligible suppliers meeting the technical specification from the short- listed suppliers of first step. Selection of Supplier who offers the lowest total price and meets the commercial qualification requirements from the technically qualified list of the second step. Obligation: The entire responsibility of the Supply, Warranty and the Contract lies with the Supplier on whom the Purchase Order is placed and with whom the contract is signed. The Supplier would be responsible and bear the additional cost (if any), incurred by the Purchaser on this account of the supply. 12. Tender Opening Opening of the Tender: The procedure of opening of the Tender shall be as under: The Tender shall be opened on 25th November, 2014 4PM the presence of competent Authority and tenderer who wish to be present there. In case it is not possible to open envelop on the day fixed due to unavoidable circumstances then the opening shall be postponed, and intimation of this effect shall be sent to tenderer by fax or telephone. It will be in the interest of the tenderer to send their authorized representatives well conversant with the Tender and competent enough to take decision on technical and financial/ offer matter at the time of opening of second envelope. CLARIFICATION OF TENDER: To assist in the examination, evaluation and comparison of Tender, Department may at its discretion ask the Tenderer for a clarification on the TENDER which is submitted by him. The request of clarification and the response shall be in writing. (Signature of Tenderer) With seal 13. AWARD OF CONTRACT The Tenderer should pass in all items of “Eligibility Criteria”. Lowest eligible tenderer shall be awarded the contract. 1. Department reserves the right of negotiation with eligible Tenderer before the finalization of the Tender. 2. Department reserves the right to accept any bid and to reject any or all bids or accept any tender in total or in parts or work may be divided among various Tenderers without assigning any reason thereof. 3. NOTIFICATION Of Award: Prior to the expiration of the period of TENDER validity, Department will inform the Tenderer by registered letter or by phone or mail that the bid has been accepted and the work has been awarded. 4. Execution Period: The entire work shall be completed in all respect within ONE month from the date of award of work. (Signature of Tenderer) With seal 14. Letter of Authority (to be issued by the Bidder in the letterhead/ certificate fo rm) To, The Director, Department of Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs Kasumpti, Shimla Himachal Pradesh – 171009. Dear Sir, Sub: Tender Notice:……………………………………………………………… We, ………………………………………………………………. (Bidder’s Name), do hereby authorize Shri/ Smt. …………………………………. holding the post of …………………. In our organization to represent our organization in this tender and to carry out all the formalities relating thereto. Signature of Shri/ Smt. ………………………………….. is duly attested here in. Yours Faithfully, Sd. /(Name & Designation) For and on behalf of M/S.………………………… ….……..(Bidder) Date: Place: Seal: Signature of Shri/ Smt. ………………………… Note: this letter of authority should be in the letterhead/ certificate form issued by the bidder and should be signed by a person competent and having the power of attorney to bind the bidder. 15. Service facilities of bidder S. No. Name of service provider Phone/emai l Item Installed Item maintained No. of service engineers Signature of Tenderer Dated: Place: -Sd/- Seal 16. Financial Bid Format Component 1: DG SET: S. No. 1 2 3 4 Description Model Number Supply 62.5 KVA SILENT DG SET comprising of Water cooled Diesel Engine (CPCB NORMS COMPLIANCE), 3 Phase, frequency 50 Hz; and aligned on a common MS base frame complete with MS Fuel Tank, Standard Control Panel, Residential Exhaust Silencer, AVM Pads fitted on base frame, 1 Nos.12 Volts DC Battery Leads, 1st fill of Lube Oil all housed in Sound Proof Acoustic Enclosure. AMF Panel suitable for 62.5 KVA DG Set (alternate & generator & other items used with the DG set should confirm to ISI standards). Installation /commissioning including required copper plates Earthing with copper strips for Generator Neutral Earthing & for Generator Body Earthing. Supply and pouring of Salt and Charcoal as per requirement. Manual change over switch etc. to complete the installation, as required. Taxes, as applicable 1 1 1 set Total Batteries shall be GREEN Qty. Rs. Rs. Amount (price in INR including all taxes/ freight/ supply/ installation & commissioning etc.) Supply Norms: Factory assembled DG Set mounted on Common Base Frame, Complete with Standard Control Panel, Fuel Tank, Battery with Leads, AVM Pads and Acoustic Enclosure as per CPCB Norms. Component 2: Online UPS: S. No. 1 2 3 4 Description 10 KVA online 100AH (Set of 50 batteries for Five hours backup Interlink for Battery Earthing Unit Price Quantity Amount 1 50 - Related components and activities: Misc. Items for completing Job 1 Conduit/Casing Cape 2 Flexible Pipe PVc,20mm,25 mm,32 mm 3 Raceway and Cable tray 4 PVC and hardware accessories Main DB MAIN DB, cubicle type, made of 14 SWG CRCA sheet steel, totally enclosed, IP-42, free standing, floor mounting, indoor, compartmentalized, powder coated painting suitable for operation on 3 phase and neutral 50 Hz AC system with bus bars extendable on both sides, interconnections including supply and installation of following items and as per specifications. A. INCOMER 2 Nos. of 100 Amps MCCB , 4 pole, Incomer shall have one set of the following items : Intelligent multifunction digital meter to read V,A,KVA KW, KVAR, PF, Hz etc. with communication facility (RS 485 port) and LED display with 1 Nos. CTs, 15 VA, class 1.0 and control circuit wiring with Lot Lot Lot Lot 1 1 1 1 Nos. 1 HRC control fuses. Indication Lamps, LED type, R.Y.B ad breaker 'ON', 'OFF', 'TRIP' lamps. One no of current transformer Class 0.5 VA for APFC Relay. C. BUS BARS Bus bars, 100 Amps, TPN, Aluminum bus bar - 01set Outgoing Feeders:FP MCCB 3 Nos. (2 for UPS & 1 Spare) A TPN MCCB - 3 Nos. (2 for PAC & 1 Spare) X A TPN MCCB- 2 Nos. (1 for AC/Raw Power DB & 1 for 1KVA UPS) RACK DB-1 Incomer Feeders:X A FP MCCB - 1 Nos. Outgoing Feeders:20A DP CCB - X Nos. for server racks 10A DP CCB - X Nos. for network racks RACK DB-2 Incomer Feeders:X A FP MCCB - 1 Nos. Outgoing Feeders:20A DP CCB - X Nos. for server racks 10A DP CCB - X Nos. for network racks CABLES 1R, 3.5C x X Sq.mm, Aluminum Cable (Main Panel to DC panel) 4R, 1C x 20 Sq.mm, Cu. Flx. Cable (DC panel to 7.5KVA UPS-1) 4R, 1C x 20 Sq.mm, Cu. Flx. Cable (DC panel to 7.5KVA UPS-2) Nos. 1 Nos. 1 Mtr. x Mtr x Mtr x 4R, 1C x 25 Sq.mm, Cu. Flx. Cable (40KVA UPS-1 to Rack DB-1) 4R, 1C x 25 Sq.mm, Cu. Flx. Cable (40KVA UPS-2 to Rack DB-2) 3C x 6 Sq.mm, Cu. Flx. Cable (Rack DBs to Industrial Sockets) 3.5C x 25 Sq.mm. Alu. Flx. Cable (DC Panel to PAC-1) 3.5C x 25 Sq.mm. Alu. Flx. Cable (DC Panel to PAC-2) 3.5C x 10 Sq.mm. Alu. Flx. Cable (DC Panel to CAC/Row Power DB) 3C x X Sq.mm, Cu. Flx. Cable (DC Panel to 1 KVA UPS) 3C x X Sq.mm, Cu. Flx. Cable (1KVA UPS to Utility DB) - Mtr x Mtr x Mtr x Mtr Mtr x x Mtr x Mtr x Mtr x CAC/ROW POWER DB Incomer Feeders:X A TPN MCCB - 1 Nos. Outgoing Feeders:X A DP MCB - X Nos. for lights and raw power socket Nos 1 UTILITY POWER DB INCOMER FEEDERS:X A TPN MCCB - 1 Nos. OUT GOING FEEDERS:10A SP CCB - X Nos. for Emergency lights and security panels Nos 1 Total in Rupees
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