2014-2015 Curriculum Blueprint Grade: 6 Course: MJ1 Approximate Time: 10 Days Unit #13 Analyzing Data: Learning Goal Students will be able to understand that data can be displayed using number lines, dot plots, histograms and box plots. Students will use these representations to summarize and describe data distributions using the appropriate measures of central tendency and variability with justification. Link to Learning Scale: Measurement, Data, Statistics, & Probability Essential Question(s) How can you display a set of numerical data? Why do we organize data in tables and graphs? How is describing and summarizing data used in the real world? In what type of real world situation would “mean’ not be the best representation of the data? How do the concepts of central tendency and variability allow you to interpret the data collected, organized and displayed? How do you decide which measure of central tendency provides the best representation of the data? Unit Overview This unit builds on the understanding developed in the previous unit as students represent and analyze data sets and determine the measures of variability and center. Summarizing and describing distributions requires that students use appropriate statistical measures strategically (MP.5) and attend to precision in finding and applying those measures (MP.6). Relating the choice of measures of center and variability to the shape of the data distribution and the context in which the data were gathered requires that students construct and critique arguments (MP.3). Students look for and apply regularity in repeated reasoning when they explore how adding or removing data points from a data set effects the measures of center and variability (MP.8). Focus Standards Bullets are the deconstructed standards These should be used to develop concise learning statements/daily objectives/scales. 6th Grade Math Test Item Specifications Vertical Progression: http://www.turnonccmath.net/ K-8 Learning Trajectories (This could be used to determine remediation needs or enrichment opportunities) MAFS.6.SP.2.4 (DOK 2) Display numerical data in plots on a number line, including dot plots, histograms, and box plots. Identify the components of dot plots, histograms, and box plots. Find the median, quartile and interquartile range of a set of data. Analyze a set of data to determine its variance. Create a dot plot to display a set of numerical data. Create a histogram to display a set of numerical data. Create a box plot to display a set of numerical data. 5th Grade- Students work with data on a bar graph, picture graph, line plot, and first quadrant of a coordinate plane. MAFS.6.SP.2.5 a, b, c, d (DOK 3) Summarize numerical data sets in relation to their context, such as by: a. Reporting the number of observations. b. Describing the nature of the attribute under investigation, including how it was measured and its units of measurement. c. Giving quantitative measures of center (median and/or mean) and variability (interquartile range and/or mean absolute deviation), as well as describing any overall pattern and any striking deviations from the overall pattern with reference to the context in which the data were gathered. d. Relating the choice of measures of center and variability to the shape of the data distribution and the context in which the data were gathered. Organize and display data in tables and graphs. Report the number of observations in a data set or display. Describe the data being collected, including how it was measured and its units of measurement. 7th Grade- Students will use measures of center and measures of variability for numerical data from random samples to draw informal comparative inferences about two populations. Unit Sequence Be selective in choosing problems aligned to the standards within each lesson Creating a Dot Plot EngageNY Module 6: Lesson 3 (Page 27) Creating & Describing a Histogram EngageNY Module 6: Lesson 4/5 (Page 35) Understanding & Describing Mean Absolute Deviation EngageNY Module 6: Lesson 9 -11 (Page 91) Describe the Center of Distribution Using Median EngageNY Module 6: Lesson 12 (Page 137) Describing Variability Using the Interquartile Essential Vocabulary Dot Plot Box Plot Histograms Mean Median Quartile Interquartile Set of Data Interquartile Range (IQR) Mean Absolute Deviation Measures of Center Measures of Variance Measures of Central Tendency Outliers Skew 2014-2015 Curriculum Blueprint Grade: 6 Course: MJ1 Unit #13 Analyzing Data: Calculate quantitative measures of center. Calculate quantitative measures of variance. Identify outliers. Determine the effect of outliers on quantitative measures of a set of data. Choose the appropriate measure of central tendency to represent the data. Analyze the shape of the data distribution and the context in which the data were gathered to choose the appropriate measures of central tendency and variability and justify why this measure is appropriate in terms of the context. Mathematical Practice Standards Link to Mathematical Practice Standards Rubric MAFS.K12.MP.3.1: Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. MAFS.K12.MP.5.1: Use appropriate tools strategically. MAFS.K12.MP.6.1: Attend to precision. MAFS.K12.MP.8.1: Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. Range EngageNY Module 6: Lesson 13 (Page 148) Summarizing a Distribution Using Box Plot EngageNY Module 6: Lesson 14/15 (Page 156) Understanding Box Plots EngageNY Module 6: Lesson 16 (Page 177) Describing Center, Variability, & Shape of a Distribution from a Graph EngageNY Module 6: Lesson 20 (Page 219) Summarizing a Data Distribution by Describing Center, Variability, & Shape EngageNY Module 6: Lesson 21 (Page 228) Supplemental Resources 6th Grade Common Core Flip Book A user-friendly resource for understanding the specifications of the Common Core Standards. Approximate Time: 10 Days Higher Order Questions/Stems Why did you choose ___________ to display the set of data? Which measure would best represent the data set? Which measure would give you the highest/lowest value? What would happen to the mean/median/range if…? Describe the different ways that data can be displayed. When a new value is added to a data set, is it possible that the mean/median will not change? Explain your answer. Writing Connections Create a data display based on a set of data. Explain some observations that can be made from the data display? Describe a real world situation in which mean would not be the best representation of the data? Explain how an outlier, high and low, would impact the mean, median, mode and range of a data set. Explain which measure, the mean, median, mode or range, is most likely to be affected if a new item much greater than/much less than the others is added to a set. EngageNY Grade 6 Module 6 – Word documents can be found using this link o Teacher Materials - The teacher materials consist of scripted lessons, instructional strategies, and structured plans. o Student Materials - The student materials consist of the student pages for each lesson in this Module. o Copy Ready Materials - A collection of the Writing Template Tasks These template tasks module assessments, lesson exit tickets and are designed from the Mathematical Practice fluency exercises from the teacher materials. Standards. When filled in, these templates become teaching tasks that create opportunities Georgia Unit 6: Statistics Tasks aligned to for teaching literacy skills in mathematics. standards 6.SP.2.4 and 6.SP.2.5: Link to Problem Solving Rubric What is a Statistical Question? – Page 15 Link to Webb’s DOK Guide North Carolina Lessons for Learning – Performance tasks aligned to 6.SP.2.5 o How Mad Are You (page 30) o Shakespeare vs. Rowling (page 36) 2014-2015 Curriculum Blueprint Grade: 6 Course: MJ1 Unit #13 Analyzing Data: Math Formative Assessment System (MFAS) These formative assessments could be used before instructing a lesson on similar content to help formulate small groups or they may be used however PLCs see best for their students. Each formative assessment comes with a rubric and instructional implications based on the level of student understanding. MARS Classroom Challenge: Representing Data Using Grouped Frequency Graphs and Box Plots– A formative assessment lesson to assess how well students are able to interpret frequency graphs that use grouped data and their associated box plots. In particular this unit aims to identify and help students who have difficulty interpreting information from frequency graphs and box plots; such as minimum and maximum values, medians and quartiles. Illustrative Mathematics – 6th grade tasks developed at the University of Arizona for the CCSS. EngageNY Module 6: Lesson 18 (page 195): Extension opportunity for Connecting Graphical Representations and Numerical Summaries EngageNY Module 6: Lesson 19 (page 208) Extension opportunity for Comparing Data Distributions RTTT Item Specifications (page 29) Teaching Channel Video 2 min video with focus on Improving Participation with Talk Moves (Personalized Learning Opportunity). Approximate Time: 10 Days
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