The Messenger November 2014 A Monthly Newsletter St. Paul Lutheran Church Phone: (517) 629-8379 Fax: (517) 629-8342 Dennis W. Matyas, Pastor 100 Luther Blvd. Albion, MI 49224 A Congregation of The Lutheran Church─Missouri Synod Emergency/Parsonage: 517-629-5040 e-mail: [email protected] Office hours: Monday thru Friday - 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Church Secretaries Anne Earle Barbara Slaughter Church Ministry Asst. Dawn Martin Church Organist Royal Ward Parish Nurse Sandra Mauntel HELLO NEIGHBORS! We would like to share a copy of our monthly newsletter with you. We invite you to join us in any and all events mentioned within. Little Lambs of Jesus Preschool & Childcare St. Paul Lutheran Church “Come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” - Spoken by Jesus, Book of Matthew 11:28 Little Lambs of Jesus Preschool & Childcare Center 615 S. Dalrymple St. Albion, MI 49224 517-629-7699 e-mail: [email protected] Dana Farley, Director/Preschool Teacher Jenny Woods, Asst. Director LITTLE LAMBS OF JESUS PRESCHOOL Little Lambs is a Christ-centered preschool where children grow in the knowledge of Jesus and prepare to enter school. Classes are offered to all 3 and 4 year old children. Please contact the preschool & childcare center office at 629-7699 for more information. “Jesus said, ‘Let the children come to me.’” Matthew 19:14 & Anniversaries November Birthdays 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 19 20 21 24 25 Michael Anderla Karen Eagen Dean Claucherty Evan Pollman Betty Swathwood Josh Phillips Anna Siscoe Alice Bush Amanda Hurdelbrink, Carlyta Saldana, Miles Armstrong Ethan Matyas Fred Bartel Allan Ruff Cathy Porter, Jessica Merrild, Leah Ericson Michael R. Slaughter Dolores Manthei Barbara Slaughter, Grace Nehring Kyle Porter Wilma Bahr Upcoming Events November 1 ................. Time Change-Set your clocks back November 2 .................................Board of Elders Meeting November 4 ...... Board of Stewardship & Outreach Meeting November 5 ............................................. Cancer Support ............................................... Board of Trustees Meeting November 9 .............................. Blood Pressure Screening November 10 .......................................... Voters’ Assembly November 11 ........................................ Friendship League November 16 .................. Stewardship Sunday & Luncheon November 26 ....................... Cook for Thanksgiving Dinner ............................................... Thanksgiving Eve Worship .....................................................Hanging of the Greens November 27 ..................................... Thanksgiving Dinner November 27, 28 ......................................... Office Closed November Anniversaries 5 6 8 10 16 17 19 27 29 Don & Virginia Bienz Harlo & Janet Peckham Ken & Pat Fischer Jon & Cheryl Zick Tom & Ruth Clark Paul & Vickie Yankee Michael & Caitlin Bearman David & Susan Crall Dave & Carol Locke Articles, ads & information for the December issue of The Messenger are due at the Church Office no later than November 20. Thanksgiving Eve Worship Wednesday, November 26 7:00 p.m. Church used to be filled with people who went to church because that's just what you do. They brought their kids to Sunday School, they volunteered their time, they tithed. They were proud to belong to something, and they felt empowered to publicly confess their faith "even unto death." Suffering built character. Hard work was a given. Living outside of your means was utter foolishness. To overgeneralize, the Greatest Generation truly lived up to its name. For several cultural reasons that I don't have enough space to enumerate, I often wish I had been born in 1924 instead of 1984. Likewise, through overgeneralization, it would be easy for me to trash-talk my own generation. I'm usually not shy in doing this, especially when I meet with people my own age. I can't even tell you how many friends and former classmates I have who spent their twenties doing the opposite of succeeding in life. Every job, rather than a step in a career choice, is just another obstacle in the way of "following my dreams," whatever that means. The New York Times recently published a story about the Peter Pan Effect on my generation, bemoaning the fact that it takes people longer and longer to "find themselves," and grow up already. But little by little, I'm actually changing my tune. I am realizing that this thinking might work to the Church's advantage. Despite the fact that the average credit card debt of an American household is almost $16,000 (, and that the average mother has her first child in her mid-to-late twenties, and that in fewer than 25% of homes there is a stay-at-home-mom (, I don't see all that much difference in certain core values. Suffering and hard work still builds character—it just looks different. Living outside of your means is still an incredible embarrassment—but money-management programs like Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover are booming. People still feel like they need to "find themselves," but most no longer think they need to spend $100,000 on an unmarketable college degree to do it. And the unmarried thirty-somethings that I know, if they do not have a plan, they at least have a to-do list. Above all, I think us Millenials still want to stand for something; we just don't know what that something is yet. My generation of sinners does not take the past for granted. We do not automatically accept our grandparents' programs, and our Baby Boomer parents have sailed in the opposite direction. Spare me your "advice," Mom and Dad. We question everything, not because we are recalcitrant or unwilling to learn, but because if we are going to stand for something, it'd better darn well be worth standing for. All that being said, the mission of the Church is the same, but now we have to work for it. Millenials need to feel and understand that the Gospel has their best interests at heart. That means preaching and teaching of the truth is sound and delivered with convincing and engaging clarity. That means the congregation actually needs to be able to explain their faith (Oh veh!). That also means that the ministry efforts we instigate at the congregational level are meeting the people where they are, not where we want them to be. Ministry growth is still a goal, but the model for ministry growth has changed. Unlike a hundred years ago, we cannot rest on our hands with a moderate amount of enthusiasm and expect the masses to flow through the doors because that's just what they should do. Now we have to look at the big picture, determine the needs and desires of the community, and offer the opportunities that they actually want. If we can welcome them where they are and live the gospel in a convincing manner, the church (and the congregation) will survive to see another generation. There's a soft-spot, did you know? As Millenials age, they are increasingly traditional in their desires to protect and nurture the one area of their life that is only theirs. Want to know what it is? My kids. Educate my kids, please. -Pastor All Saints’ Day Worship Sunday, November 2 10:00 a.m. Little Lambs of Jesus Preschool & Childcare Center Hello from the Center, I will try to sum up in a few paragraphs ALL that has been going on this past month at the Center. Both preschool classes have gone to the Country Mill in Charlotte on field trips. They were taken on a hay ride, picked apples and pumpkins, and ended their visit with cider and donuts. All seemed to have a great time, how could you not? The preschoolers are busy everyday learning shapes, colors, numbers, Bible stories, songs, and how to be a good friend to each other. Dana and Sharon work hard at trying to get the kids to understand what being a good friend really is all about and how Jesus wants us to treat one another. The new "extended infant room" is open and awesome! The kids, staff and families are pleased with the way the room looks and, also, the new things their " babies" are doing. New language skills, intro to art, music, continuing to develop large and small motor skills, finger plays, songs, books and learning about Jesus pretty much sums up an average day. Throw in snacks, lunch, naps, and a couple dozen dirty diapers and you get the full picture. Ms. Katie's room is always hopping. The kids do such amazing things, everyday. They have celebrated several birthdays recently, including Mr. Matt's, which means a party for the entire Center (which translates to special treats). Our back hallway was recently transformed into a "spider web" and the kids had to use their skills to make it through without becoming tangled. They had a blast! Jumping in the leaves, arts and crafts, writing skills, early literacy skills, play time, Jesus time and working on how to be a good friend to others is a daily schedule for this group. Busy, fun, entertaining, exciting....that's Ms. Katie's room, everyday! Our infant room has taken on a little different look too. We have moved a few things around, added a few new babies, and added some new toys. We love our babies and we love the role we play in nurturing them. It's a new challenge everyday, no matter how prepared we think we are to handle them. They are truly gifts from God and we love them! Even at this young age, we work on being a good friend to each other. We value the relationships we have developed with our families too! Thanks again to everyone who has donated to the center. Toys, books, play clothes, plants, crafts, yard stakes, etc. We are very blessed with so many caring people. Thanks so much! Did you notice that I mentioned "being a good friend" several times? Well, that's intentional :) We believe that relationships are important, no matter how young the person. We believe a simple greeting, a smile, a hug, a compliment, sharing a toy, snack, book, etc. can make anyone happy. It might even be the start of a friendship. We believe this saying is most definitely true...."people don't care how much you know, until they know how much you care." We believe it's just that simple. We KNOW that it is because of our relationship with Christ that all of this is possible. Try it, you will be glad you did! In Christ, Dana & Jenny Thanksgiving Day Dinner You Can Help! FREE Thanksgiving Day Dinner Thursday, November 27 Noon-1:00pm St. Paul Lutheran Church 100 Luther Blvd Albion , 629-8379 (1 block north of Irwin Ave at Church St,) Don’t Be Alone Don’t Go Hungry EVERYONE WELCOME Take-out available Donate Money to assist with the purchase of food. Donation basket is at the back of the church. Donate a LARGE Turkey, 18-20 lbs. Call Dawn Martin, 629-8379 Donate a home baked pie. Bring to the church kitchen Wednesday, Nov 26, 9am-4pm or Thanksgiving Day by 11:00am. Help Cook Wednesday, Nov. 26, 9:00am in the church kitchen. Serve and Clean up Thanksgiving Day, 11:00am in Luther Hall. Call Dawn Martin, Beth Williamson, or the church office to volunteer. Food Basket Donations Help decorate the sanctuary for Advent and Christmas, Wednesday, November 26 right after the worship service. St. Paul Lutheran Church will once again provide Food Baskets to 50 area families in need this Christmas. Please donate the food items listed below. Bring items to Luther Hall by Sunday, December 7. We will pack the baskets Wednesday, Dec. 17 right after the Advent service (approx 7:15 pm). Donations of money are always appreciated. Sunday, December 7 6:30 pm In the sanctuary Presented by: St. Paul Sunday School Children & Little Lambs of Jesus Preschool Green Beans Corn Spaghetti Sauce Spaghetti Pancake Mix Syrup Applesauce Sugar Flour Vegetable Oil Brownie Mix Cake Mix Peanut Butter Jello Cereal Boxed Stuffing Mix Mac & Cheese Bar Soap Toilet Paper 4 pkg Cancer Support Wednesday, November 5 6:00 p.m. Special Emphasis on Breast Cancer Everyone is Welcome A guest speaker will explain how to do breast self examinations. Remember your Flu Shot! They are available on Tuesdays & Wednesdays at the Calhoun County Health Dept., 101 N. Albion St., Albion. VOTERS’ ASSEMBLY Monday, November 10, 7:00 p.m. in The Conference Room. Everyone is encouraged to attend. Pick up an agenda packet in the narthex (entry to the sanctuary). FYI: Financial Statements (list of offerings) are available any time throughout the year for anyone who would like to look their’s over. Simply call the church office and request yours. NO A.I.M. for November & December Please donate to the Christmas Food Baskets See the list in the Food Basket article in this newsletter. The November Friendship League will be dining out at the American Legion, Post 55 Swiss Steak Dinner November 11 @ 5:30 pm $9.00/Dessert is $1.00 or a toy Chairpersons are Bill & Lois Haeske & Barb Frederick Everyone is welcome! Stewardship Sunday November 16, 2014 We will be celebrating all that the Lord has enabled us to do for Him, our congregation, and the people around us. A luncheon of Meatballs and Mashed Potatoes with all the fixins will be served right after the worship service. No program, just food and fellowship. Everyone is welcome! Henry Faulk passed away on October 11, 2014. Our prayers are with the Faulk family. Welcome to our newest member, Matthew Mentink who was confirmed during the worship service on October 26. Matthew is the boyfriend of Michele McKinney. A new member is needed on the Altar Guild. We are in charge of getting the altar area ready for worship services, and are on a 2 man team rotation. Please prayerfully consider joining our group. Call the church office to volunteer. We are happy to welcome back Bill Stoffer who has requested and had his membership re-instated. Make yourself at home Bill. It is good to have you join us in worship once again. Roving Reporter The Friendship League met on October 14 with a guest speaker who talked about the reopening of the Bohm Theatre. It was very informative. Their next meeting will be on November 11; “Dining Out” at the American Legion Swiss Steak Dinner. All are welcome! If you missed the ribbon cutting and the lighting of the marquee at the Bohm on October 16 and the viewing of the newly remodeled inside, you missed a great event for Albion. It is beautiful inside and out! Thanks to all who worked so hard to restore “our” Bohm Theatre! The Fall Festival was a huge success. The money raised will help provide food baskets to the needy at Christmas. A lot of people helped by cooking, donating items to be sold, cashiering, dishing up food, helping to clean up and, of course, buying. Three people from St. Paul walked in the C.R.O.P. Hunger Walk on Sunday, October 19. About $150.00 was collected by the 3 walkers. 25% of this money will go to Albion’s A.I.M. and the rest to help people in other countries become more productive in growing their own crops to overcome poverty. St. Paul’s 22nd annual German Dinner was well attended. Thanks to all who helped. A Reformation Day service at St. Michaels in Portage on Sunday, October 26, had our own Pastor Matyas giving the sermon and members of our occasional choir joining other choirs from Lutheran churches in singing. It was beautiful! Sunday, November 16 will be Stewardship Sunday here at St. Paul. Bibles will be given to our 2nd graders and Bible Exploration books to our 4th graders. A luncheon will follow the service at 11:00 in Luther Hall. Good food and good fellowship! Plan to attend. All Saints’ Day service will be on November 2 at 10:00 a.m. Come and honor all the Saints who have gone before. Hanging of the Greens will be on November 26 following the Thanksgiving Eve service. We could use “YOUR” help! Our new pre-lit garland will make the job easier. Voters’ Assembly will be on November 10th at 7:00 p.m. in The Conference Room. St. Paul’s annual free Thanksgiving Day Dinner will be on November 27. Needed are volunteers to help cook, serve and clean-up, and also provide “yummy” pies. Contact Dawn Martin to volunteer. There will be no A.I.M. donations for November and December. Instead, will are collecting items for the Christmas Food Baskets St. Paul will be doing for the needy. Bring the items on the list in this newsletter or the bulletin insert. The St. Paul College Book Scholarship and the College Memorial Gift were awarded to David Seedorf and Tyler Woods. Work and planning is underway for the Kid to Kid Resale Shop here at St. Paul. I won’t write this month about the Little Lambs of Jesus Preschool & Childcare Center. Jenny and Dana do a wonderful job keeping us informed of their events and happenings in their newsletter article. Have a nice Thanksgiving and thank God every day for His many blessings. Lucy Thank you to everyone who helped with or donated to our annual Fall Festival. German Potato Salad, Cabbage Rolls, baked goods, candy and many, many more items were enjoyed by all. YUMMMMM! We, also, had many handmade items that added that special something to the festival. Thank you, Thank you! Dear Friends, Thanks to Pastor for his visits and all of you for the cards, calls, prayers and wonderful food! How blessed we are to have such caring friends. You are truly appreciated. Sincerely, Coral Mason The family of Debra Bartel Miller would like to thank you for your caring and support during the loss of our wife, mother, daughter, sister. The Miller & Bartel Family Thanks to those who helped make our German Dinner such a big success again this year. Your help with dessert donations, serving, waiting tables and cleaning up was great. It’s a pleasure to be a part of the congregation here at St. Paul. Thanksgiving for answered prayer. Sharon Nehring notified the office that her sister, Susan Fischer, for whom we have been praying, is now cancer free. Just a note for you… God bless all at St Pauls’ for your prayers, cards, phone calls, visits, and acts of kindness during my recovery from the hospitals. A special thank you to Pastor Matyas for your visits and prayers. Also, thank you for the delicious meals from the Food From Friends. God bless all of you, Wilma Bahr We would like to thank those who sent cards to us on the loss of our son, brother, and uncle, Nick Corey, Jr. Also, thanks to Pastor for his visit. God’s blessings on all of you, Nick & Dar Corey Mike & Carol & family Michelle, Lynn & Sara David & Kym & family Dear St. Paul Lutheran Church: Grace and peace to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Your church was prayed for by name in chapel this week at Concordia Publishing House. We prayed that God would bless and keep you, richly blessing your ministry and service on behalf of our Lord and His people. Please remember us in your prayers as well. We treasure our duty to be your publishing house and consider this one way we can be of service to you, by praying for you in support of your ministry. In Christ’s Service, Dr. Bruce G. Knitz (President and Chief Executive Officer) Thank you to everyone who helped with the new Little Lambs Welcome Party & Family Fall Festival From our mite boxes $97.16 was sent to the Michigan Financial Secretary of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League. Thank you for your generous support, Vera Knuth There truly were “too many to mention”. A good time was had by all by eating, playing games, trick-or-treating and getting to know each other. Thanks and God Bless! time Part ortunity opp job ADVENT MEALS! Advent meals are Wednesdays, December 3, 10 & 17 @ 5:30pm Worship 6:30pm Volunteers are needed to prepare a meal and help with clean up. Menus and complete grocery lists are available to use for these meals. Contact Beth Williamson or Barbara Slaughter 629-4304 to volunteer. A donation of $3 per adult is suggested to help defray costs. ALBION RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVE will be Thursday, November 20 from 12:00 to 5:45 p.m. at the First United Methodist Church, Albion. Please help by giving the gift of life. Lifting each other up in prayer Each week during our Sunday morning worship service we pray for two households in our congregation, 1 family from our Little Lambs of Jesus Preschool & Childcare Center, and a church in our circuit. We also ask that you include these families specifically in your prayers during the week. For Advent & Christmas PLEASE JOIN US! We will be singing for the Christmas Eve worship service and possibly other times during the season. December 3, 10, & 17* 7:00 p.m. *Following Advent Service St Paul Lutheran Church Kid-to-Kid Shop Coordinator Part time (8-10 hours a week) Paid position Helping the mission of St. Paul by focusing on the community through Christ Applications and job descriptions are available in the church office. Deadline for applications is November 7. Athletic Passes 2 Athletic Passes for Albion College Home Regular Season contests are available for use by St. Paul members. If you would like to use them, please stop in the church office and pick them up. “Community Carols: The Sounds of Christmas” Sunday December 14 7:00 pm St. Paul Lutheran Church Come sing some carols and hear a few local church choirs. More info in the December Messenger. Prayer List—Updated: October 28, 2014 Homebound Harry Arquette Benny Benavidez Doris Faulk Charles Frederick Martha Geyer Bob Holtz Gatha Konkle Hope Lohrke Gretchen Anna Richardson Waneta Schmidt Marion Thurow Dorothy VanMeter Happy Veterans’ Day Armed Forces Ben Bearman Michael Bearman Lindsey Bergeron-Anderla (wife of Michael Anderla) Eric Clark Chase Hammontree (friend of Sara Beilfuss) Amanda Hurdelbrink Rob Lightfoot (Grandson of Cliff & Alice Bush) Christian Seedorf (grandson of Elaine Seedorf) R.J. Spanninga (son-in-law of Dale & Lori Duff) Paul Surprenant (grandson of Charlotte & Jack Sandusky) Lisa & Ben Wilson (sister and b-i-l of Valerie Matyas) Jeremy Woods Bereaved The family and friends of: Bethany Rudi (friend of Sarah Greiner) Laura Wyss (friend of Phil & Coral Mason) Henry Faulk Sick and Injured Wilma Bahr Mitch Beene (friend of Beth Williamson) Gisela Benavidez Mike Coppes (son of Don & Virginia Bienz) Anne Earle (church secretary) Jeff Ericson Tony Farley (husband of Dana Farley, Director of Little Lambs) Mickie Finnegan Casey Gardner Jane Goodrich Ruby Grob (6 yr old girl) Tony Harman (brother of Bill Harman) Tom Hartwell (son-in-law of Lavada Weeks) Anne Hurdelbrink (daughter-in-law of Dolores Manthei) Pat Kopolus Michael Manthei (son of Jim & Dolores Manthei) Mason McCombs (grandson of Rosemary Chapman) Jenna McHugh (great-granddaughter of Henry and Doris Faulk) Norma Meyers Jim Nash The Parish family Chuck Petersen (son-in-law of Jack & Char Sandusky) Brad Robb (friend of Amy Stroebel) Gregg Scoggins (nephew of Dar Corey) Monique Seedorf (Elaine Seedorf’s granddaughter) Jane Shrock Joe Simko (father of Lori Crysler) Xandon Slone (friend of Devin Easterwood) Doris Smith (sister of Virginia Wilson) Gail Sonnenberg (mother of Dana Farley, director of Little Lambs) Sue Taylor (niece of Wilma Bahr) Evelyn Volz (friend of Beth Williamson) Grace Wilhelm (wife of Rev. Jeff Wilhelm, Greenville, MI) Josie Williams Ron Wochholz T Serving with Gladness T November 2 November 9 November 16 November 23 November 26 Thanksgiving Eve November 30 Acolyte Triston Spencer Valencia Kyle Spencer Triston Altar Guild Cindy Geyer Virginia Wilson Virginia Wilson Shirley Smith Shirley Smith Jan Shedd Jan Shedd Beth Williamson Volunteers Beth Williamson Vera Knuth Ushers Team 4 Duane Ruff Jeff Young Gerry Schultz John Geyer Bud Fox Team 5 Harry Martin Phil Mason David Seedorf David Seedorf George Williamson Team 6 Steve Abbee Zach Abbee Gordon Woods Tyler Woods Steven Knuth Team 1 John Shedd Brad Shedd Robbie Porter Jim Wilson Team 2 Terry Anderla Dave Locke Greg Cook Kyle Porter Sarah Siscoe Team 3 Steve Bormann Doug Pollman Aaron Pollman Evan Pollman Louis Lerma Fellowship Time Beth Williamson Gloria Hunt Christa Wilson Carolyn Fox Dawn Martin None Char Sandusky Elaine Seedorf Nursery Dana Anderla Doretta Wilson Joanne Hess Carolyn Fox Communion John Shedd Brad Shedd Terry Anderla Steve Bormann No Communion George Williamson Greeters Barbara Eagen Bill & Jane Harman Bud & Carolyn Fox Jack & Charlotte Sandusky John & Cindy Geyer Sunday School Doretta Wilson Greg Cook Dawn Martin Becky Ericson Mitzi Cook Dawn Martin Beth Williamson Sue Clark Dawn Martin Beth Williamson Sue Clark Dawn Martin Becky Ericson Mitzi Cook Dawn Martin Valerie Matyas Terry Anderla Steve Bormann No Communion GREEN-Last Sun Ch Year 10am Worship 30 BLUE-1st Sun in Advent 10am Holy Communion 23 10am Worship 11:15am Stewardship Sunday Luncheon 8:30am Morning Walkers 9:30am Bible Study 8:30am Morning Walkers Bible Study—Sundays 9 am Sunday School—Sundays 9am Confirmation Class—Sundays 8:15 am 25 8:30am Morning Walkers 9:30am Bible Study 18 24 8:30am Morning Walkers 17 16 GREEN-23aft Pentecost Stewardship Sunday 8:30am Morning Walkers 7pm Voters’ Assembly 10am Holy Communion 11am Blood Pressure Veterans Day Morning Walkers Bible Study Friendship League 10 9 GREEN-22 aft Pentecost 11 8:30am 9:30am 5:30pm 8:30am Morning Walkers 9:30am Bible Study 5:15pm Stewardship & Outreach Mtg 8:30am Morning Walkers 5:15pm Handbell Rehearsal 10am Holy Communion 11:30am Elders Mtg Tue 4 WHITE-All Saints’ Day Mon 3 2 Sun 2014 26 8:30am Morning Walkers 9am Cook for Thanksgiving Dinner 7pm Thanksgiving Eve Worship 7:45pm Hanging Greens 8:30am Morning Walkers 19 8:30am Morning Walkers 12 8:30am Morning Walkers 6pm Cancer Support 6:30pm Trustees Mtg 5 Wed THANKSGIVING DAY 12pm Thanksgiving Dinner 27 8:30am Morning Walkers 20 8:30am Morning Walkers 13 8:30am Morning Walkers 6 Thu Website: Fri 28 OFFICE CLOSED 8:30am Morning Walkers 21 8:30am Morning Walkers 14 8:30am Morning Walkers 7 517-629-8379 29 22 15 8 1 E-mail: [email protected] 100 Luther Blvd., Albion, MI 49224 Sat St. Paul Lutheran Church November 2014 Worship Schedule Sunday Morning Worship Confirmation Class Sunday Bible Study Sunday School Thanksgiving Eve Worship (Nov. 26) 10:00 a.m. 8:15 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. (Holy Communion is offered on the 1st, 2nd and 4th Sundays in November) Mission Statement Our Mission is to focus on the community through Christ. The Messenger St. Paul Lutheran Church 100 Luther Boulevard Albion, MI 49224 Don’t Forget!!! Set your clock back Saturday night November 1 NON-PROFIT ORG. STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID ALBION, MICHIGAN 49224 PERMIT #344
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