CHELFORD PARISH COUNCIL AGENDA PARISH COUNCIL MEETING DATE : THURSDAY, 13TH NOVEMBER, 2014. TIME : 7:30 p.m. VENUE : CHELFORD VILLAGE HALL, KNUTSFORD ROAD, CHELFORD. To Members of Chelford Parish Council, You are hereby summoned to attend the Parish Council Meeting, as shown above, to consider and determine the following business: 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE - 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST - 3. 4. i) To receive Declarations of Interest in any item on the agenda. i) To approve the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held 11th September, 2014 as a correct record and authorise signing by the Chairman. MINUTES - PUBLIC FORUM FOR QUESTIONS i) 5. To receive questions from members of the public. (15 Minutes duration) REPORTS FROM EXTERNAL ORGANISATIONS i) Knutsford Rural Policing Team - Report on the following issues: a) ii) Cheshire East Ward Member Councillor Mr. G. Walton - Report on the following issues: a) b) iii) 6. Matters causing concern within the Parish since the last meeting. Application for a Premises Licence for the sale and supply of alcohol for consumption off the premises Monday to Sunday 07.00 to 23.00 for Shell Chelford, Alderley Road, Chelford, SK11 9AH. Other matters of interest to Parish Council. iv) Manchester Airport - Parish/Town Council Meeting - 30/09/14. (Report attached - Appendix A) (Councillor Mr. B. Tyre & Mr. D. Wilson to report) Community Pride 2014 - Best Kept Village. (Councillor Mr. J. Leach to report) v) Cluster Meeting of Parish Councillors - 14/10/14. vi) ChALC Annual Meeting - 22/10/14. vii) Town & Parish Council Conference - 11/11/14. (Councillor Mrs. K. Gildon & Mr. D. Wilson to report) (Minutes attached - Appendix B) (Councillor Mrs. K. Gildon to report) (Clerk’s Report attached - Appendix C) FINANCE i) To receive and consider the Financial Statement 2014/15 as at 13th November, 2014. (Appendix D) ii) To authorise the following payments: a) Cheque No. 001046 E. M. Maddock £337.43 Salary - 21/08/14 - 31/10/14. b) Cheque No. 001047 H.M. Revenues & Customs £84.20 Employee Income Tax: August - October, 2014. £276.00 External Audit 2013/14. c) Cheque No. 001048 BDO LLP d) Cheque No. 001049 E-on £38.25 Electricity - 01/07/14 - 30/09/14. e) Cheque No. 001050 ThenMedia Limited E.M.M. 09/11/14 1 of 22 £215.28 Chelford Village Website October 2014 - March 2015. CHELFORD PARISH COUNCIL AGENDA f) Cheque No. 001051 RBL Poppy Appeal TBC Provision of Poppy Wreath and Donation. (See Item 6(viii)(b)) iii) To note the following receipts since 11/09/14: a) Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council b) Cheshire East Council Precept (50%) c) NatWest Bank plc - Gross Quarterly Interest to 30/09/14 £200.00 £5,400.00 £2.48 iv) Unpresented Cheque a) Following consultation with the payee the unpresented cheque (No. 000887) dated 10th March, 2010 will be written back into the Parish Council accounts. v) VAT Reclaim 2013/14 a) Claim submitted to HMRC (03/11/14) in sum of £3,386.57 which takes into account the following adjustments: i) VAT reclaimed not identified in receipts and payments record or final accounts - £16.07. ii) VAT identified not reclaimed (not included in receipts and payments record) for which there are no supporting invoice/till receipts - £8.15. vi) External Audit 2013/14 a) To note and confirm the actions of the Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer in displaying the Notice of Conclusion of Audit 2013/14 in accordance with the statutory requirements. b) To consider the external audit report and determine appropriate action in relation thereto. (Appendix E) vii) Banking arrangements a) Review of authorised signatories. b) Review of Safe Custody arrangements with NatWest Bank plc. i) Documents contained in envelope. ii) Item(s) contained in large parcel. (Clerk to report) viii) s.137 Donations & Voluntary Grants a) St. John’s Church - War Memorial Restoration Project i) To consider requested information (if received) from St. John’s Church regarding the proposed works to restore the War Memorial. ii) To consider the value of a donation, if appropriate, to be made by the Parish Council towards the works. b) Royal British Legion - Poppy Appeal i) To confirm the actions of the Chairman in representing the Parish Council at St. John’s Church Remembrance Service and laying a poppy wreath on behalf of the Parish. ii) To consider the value of a donation to be made to the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal, to meet or exceed the production cost of the wreath laid by the Chairman at St. John’s Church Remembrance Service. c) Knutsford Citizens Advice Bureau i) To consider a request made by Knutsford Town Council for a contribution towards the cost of maintaining a Citizens Advice Bureau in Knutsford Town Centre. d) Chelford Tenants & Residents Association i) To consider a request for a contribution of £250 to support the “Ageing Well in Chelford” project. (Appendix F) ix) Council Tax Base & Budget Provision 2014/15 & 2015/16 (Appendix G) a) To note that the provisional Council Tax Base for 2015/16 will not be available until the end of November, 2014. b) To consider and determine a revised budget in respect of 2014/15. c) To consider and determine a budget in respect of 2015/16. d) To consider/reaffirm use of earmarked reserves amounting to £19,670.25. E.M.M. 09/11/14 2 of 22 CHELFORD PARISH COUNCIL AGENDA 7. CORRESPONDENCE i) To consider correspondence received by the Parish Council since the date of the last ordinary meeting and to determine such action as Members consider appropriate in relation thereto: a) Councillor Mr. David Brown, Cheshire East Council - Adjournment of Local Plan Examination. (To note by Members) Local Plan Hearing sessions were adjourned on 3rd October, 2014 due to unexpectedly large volumes of statements and material being submitted to the Inspector. Further to this announcement the Inspector has advised that he had expected to resume the examination hearing in early December, 2014, however, this may need to be delayed in order for Cheshire East Council to fully consider his interim views. b) ChALC - Local Council, Cheshire East Council and ChALC Charter - Consultation. (Consider response) Appendix H sets out the draft wording of the Local Council Charter to which the Parish Council are asked to consider each section and comment under the following questions: a) What do you like about the section? b) What don’t you like about the section? c) What would you like to add to the section? d) What would you like to remove from the section? c) Cheshire East Council - 2 year Extension to the Highway Service Contract. (To note by Members) Ringway Jocobs, holders of the Cheshire East Highways Service contract since 2011, have, during 2012/13 and 2013/14, met or exceeded their performance targets leading to the successful extension of the contract for a further two years. d) Seetec - Community Work Placements. (Consider response) To consider information at Appendix I. e) Cheshire East Council - Outcome of Consultation on future of Knutsford Crown Court. (To note by Members) “Knutsford Crown Court has not been used since May 2010, and all work previously heard there has since been dealt with by Chester Crown and Warrington Combined Court, both of which have better facilities and good transport links. Following careful consideration of all the responses received to the consultation, which did not include any objections to the recommendation of court closure, the Lord Chancellor has decided that Knutsford Crown Court should close.” f) Cheshire East Council - Draft Park Strategy. (Consider response) Cheshire East Council is currently developing a strategy document to outline the ways in which they intend to maintain and improve parks over the next 10 years. The consultation sets out to determine frequency and purpose of park usage along with opinions to strategy objectives. g) Cheshire East Council - Highway Services Satisfaction Survey. (Consider response) Opinions are sought regarding the level of satisfaction for a range of highway areas. h) Cheshire Fire Authority Draft Integrated Risk Management Plan 2015/16 Consultation. (Consider response) The Parish Council’s views are being sought on plans to build three new fire stations, the building of a further fire station with a safety/education centre and changes to fire crew management making greater use of on-call staff. Implementation of this plan should negate the need for any fire station closures or firefighter compulsory redundancies along with delivering £2million of savings. i) Cheshire Police & Crime Commissioner - Meeting with Town & Parish Councils. (Nominate attendees) The Police & Crime Commissioner is holding a meeting with Town & Parish Council representatives on Tuesday 9th December, 2014 in Crewe to discuss matters of concern. ii) To receive and note correspondence received since the date of the last ordinary meeting: (Appendix J) iii) To note the following decisions made, post last meeting, relating to correspondence received at the last ordinary meeting: a) ChALC - Technical Consultation on Planning Decision a) That no representations be submitted to the consultation. b) Manchester Airport - Tickets to attend music concerts. Decision a) That tickets be requested and presented to Mr. Donald McLeod in recognition of his contribution to Chelford Church and Chelford CE Primary School. E.M.M. 09/11/14 3 of 22 CHELFORD PARISH COUNCIL AGENDA iv) Correspondence CirculationTo consider and determine procedure for circulation of correspondence between Meetings. 8. PLANNING i) Planning applications for consideration: a) 14/4874M Interior and exterior alterations to an existing outbuilding to provide living and home-working accommodation ancillary to an existing dwelling. Mallerstang, Congleton Lane, Chelford, Macclesfield. SK11 9AG Mr. M. Sheppard. b) (Plans attached) Any further applications received prior to meeting will be included. ii) To confirm the representations made on behalf of the Parish Council by the Chairman & Vice Chairman since the last Meeting - None. iii) To note the following Planning Decisions by Cheshire East Council: a) 14/3574M Single storey rear extension. 22 Hitch Lowes, Chelford, Macclesfield. SK11 9SR Mr. & Mrs. T. Hall. (Approved with conditions) b) 14/3469M (P.C. - Support Application) Two storey side extension to provide accommodation for live in carer. 22 Millbank Close, Chelford, Macclesfield. SK11 9SJ Mr. & Mrs. J. Bilsborrow. (Approved with conditions) c) 14/3262M (P.C. - No objections) New stable building, new ménage, change of land use to combined agricultural and equestrian and new field access. Land off Congleton Lane, Lower Withington, Macclesfield. SK11 9AG Mr. P. Duffy. (Refused) d) 14/3045M (P.C. - Objections) Single storey rear extension with balcony over. Mere Hall, Peover Lane, Chelford, Macclesfield. SK11 9AL Mr. & Mrs. Keenan (FK Construction Ltd.) (Approved with conditions) e) 12/2188D (P.C. - No comment made) Discharge of condition 1 to 7 on Application 11/3270M. 12 Mere Court, Chelford, Macclesfield. SK11 9EB Mr. P. Barnes. (Approved) iv) Strategic Planning Board - 10th December, 2014 a) 14/1788W 14/1944W i) E.M.M. 09/11/14 (P.C. - Not consulted) Variation of condition 2 and 54 of permission 09/2806W to extend the date in condition 4 from 28th April 2014 to 30th September 2016, and amend the approved restoration scheme to that shown on plan M103/222 rev ‘C’. Variation of conditions 4 and 59 of permission 5/06/2940 to allow to extend the date in condition 4 from 28th April 2014 to 30th September 2016, and amend the approved restoration scheme to that shown on plan M103/222 rev C. Mere Farm Quarry, Chelford Road, Nether Alderley, Macclesfield. SK10 4SZ Hanson Quarry Products Europe Ltd. To note that the application is currently scheduled to be heard by the Strategic Planning Board of Cheshire East Council on 10th December, 2014. 4 of 22 CHELFORD PARISH COUNCIL AGENDA v) Planning Appeal a) 14/1780M Proposed change of use from Class A1 (food retailing) to Class A5 (hot food take away). Chelford Greengrocers, Knutsford Road, Chelford, Macclesfield. SK11 9EB Mr. S. L. Lee. i) vi) Planning Application 13/4640M - Eddie Stobart Ltd. a) vii) 9. To receive a report on current progress with s.106 Agreement. To receive planning matters for attention from Members - Matters reported to Cheshire East Council from/since previous meetings: a) b) c) ii) 07/11/14 - Vegetation has been cut back. 27/10/14 - Vegetation has been cut back. 27/10/14 - Vegetation has been cut back. Debris on footway along Holmes Chapel Road. 16/10/14 - Debris has been cleared. e) Footpath off Knutsford Road to Mere Court Play Area (FP3) overgrown. Hedge overhanging footway along Knutsford Road near to junction with Dixon Drive. 03/11/14 - Path programmed for inspection. 13/10/14 - Parish Council inspection of path has been undertaken. Decision on further action required. (Councillor Mrs. K Gildon to report) Traffic Monitoring - A537 Knutsford Road a) iii) Footway from Roundabout to Village Hall overgrown. Footpath from the Old School to rear of Chapel Croft (FP1) overgrown. Footpath known as Gypsy Lane (FP5) overgrown. d) f) To receive a report on availability of vehicle speed/volume monitoring equipment. To receive highway matters for attention from Members a) Overhanging hedge along Holmes Chapel Road - The Manor House, Chelford Road. b) Other matters causing concern. PROJECT REPORTS i) Mere Court Play Area - ii) Station Building - a) a) iii) iv) (Mr. D Wilson & Councillor Mrs. K. Gildon to report) To receive a report on progress made with improvement works. (Councillor Mrs. K. Gildon to report) To receive a report on current position. Indoor Bowls a) (Councillor Mrs. K. Gildon to report) To receive a report on current position. Table Tennis a) 11. (Councillor Mrs. K. Gildon to report) HIGHWAY MAINTENANCE & ENHANCEMENTS i) 10. To note the outcome of the appeal process: Appeal dismissed - 27/10/14. (Councillor Mrs. K. Gildon to report) To receive a report on current position. ASTLE PARK EVENTS i) To note the report of the Clerk below: Research indicates that the use of land at Astle Park for the holding of events is allowed under permitted development entitlements. Many activities do not require specific permissions or licences, however, where regulated activities are proposed a Temporary Event Notice can be authorised by Cheshire East Council in consultation with Cheshire Police. Advice recommends that, where concerns are held regarding proposed activities, organisers are approached with a request that identified concerns are considered during the event planning phase. 12. CHELFORD EXCHANGE - FIBRE BROADBAND - Councillor Mrs. K. Gildon to report. i) E.M.M. 09/11/14 To receive a report on progress made in upgrading the Chelford Exchange to fibre broadband. 5 of 22 CHELFORD PARISH COUNCIL AGENDA 13. CHRISTMAS TREES & LIGHTING i) 14. 17. a) Provision of alternative lighting. b) Provision of Christmas Tree. c) Permission to site the Christmas Tree. d) Provision of electricity supply. e) Provision of connection by qualified person. f) Installation and dressing of Christmas Tree. g) Period of festive displays. h) Insurance requirements. (Councillor Mrs. K. Gildon to report) To consider proposed costs for provision of winter planting. VILLAGE FIREWORK EVENT 2014 i) 16. To receive a report on progress made in respect of the following matters: VILLAGE PLANTERS - WINTER PLANTING i) 15. (Councillor Mrs. K. Gildon to report) To ratify the decision to refuse permission for a Firework Display to be held on the Village Field on 7th November, 2014. MATTERS FOR INCLUSION ON NEXT MEETING AGENDA i) Receipt of Tax Base information from Cheshire East Council. ii) To finalise budget and determine precept in respect of 2015/16. DATE OF NEXT MEETING - Thursday, 8th January, 2015 at 7:30 p.m. at Chelford Village Hall, Chelford. To consider passing a resolution under Section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 (Section 100(a) of the Local Government Act 1972) to exclude the public and press from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it could involve the likely disclosure of exempt information. 18. MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION INCLUDING THOSE TRANSFERRED FROM ABOVE ITEMS (as required) i) Village Firework Event 2014 a) ii) To consider current position. Chelford Village Hall a) b) To receive letter dated 19th October 2014 from the Trustees of the Village Hall. To consider current position. Dr. E. M. Maddock Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer. For further information please contact: Dr. Elizabeth M. Maddock - Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer, Chelford Parish Council. The Folly Farm, Swettenham Lane, Swettenham, Congleton, Cheshire. CW12 2LB Tel: 01477 571444 Email: [email protected] E.M.M. 09/11/14 6 of 22 Dated 9th November, 2014. CHELFORD PARISH COUNCIL AGENDA APPENDIX A Manchester Airport Parish and Town Councils Meeting Tuesday September 30th 2014 Summary Report The meeting consisted of a number of key items presented by various representatives of the airport staff, which focused on a variety of relevant community aspects. These were then followed by a member of Northern Air Traffic Services (NATS) who gave a fairly technical analysis of proposed changes to northern air space. The meeting was concluded with a bus tour around the airport apron highlighting future development priorities. Airport User Developments Presented by the Daniel King, Customer Services Contact Manager. Emphasised 8% growth in passenger numbers this year which had given rise to a number of challenges and an increase in complaints relating to car parking and security. The increased number of passengers has placed significant traffic pressure on collection and dropping off points for passengers. Also the passenger growth meant that existing staffing capacity was inadequate in the security areas in summer. This had been exacerbated by the new security regulations relating to electronic items. The lack of clarity in the regulations also led to some confusion. Current security facilities are insufficient to cater for passenger numbers and recruitment is under way for new staff. New security areas are being introduced particularly in T1. A new airport infrastructure plan is to be considered in November with work to begin early in 2015. There will be fundamental changes to the road network and terminal areas. In particular T2 is to undergo major re-development. The New Track Monitoring System Presented by Tim Walmsley Environment Manager. Work is under way to remove Himalayan Balsam from around the airport fields because of its invasive nature. Help can be offered to parishes whch have a problem with this plant. The programme for protecting great crested newts continues at a significant financial cost. New areas of woodland are being encouraged, along with new bat barns, trails and footpaths around the perimeter. A new noise monitoring system is currently being installed. An aircraft tracking system is being developed for the airport website which will allow the public to track aircraft and obtain information such as type of plane, height, noise level, etc. A new noise action plan will be on the website in October. Community Relations Presented by Wendy Sinfield Community Relations Manager. Focused on the key pillars of the airport strategy—the community, education, employment, enterprise and culture and the employees. Described the links with schools, local business, outlined the approach to training and recruitment and emphasized the importance of volunteers in the workforce to support communities. NATS Presented by Danny Burford, Air Traffic Controller NATS. Described the role of NATS in controlling the air space across the north of England. Currently NATS is in the process of re-designating certain aspects of air space, particularly arrival and departure routes from northern airports including Manchester. Current air space design does not allow modern technology in aircraft to be fully utilised. In essence changes should lead to improvements in terms of emissions, noise, runway utilisation and fuel saving. The proposals will not affect current tracking and vertical profiles. However, the changes will lead to the truncating of take off routes allowing planes to reach higher altitudes quicker. Broader changes which are being designed may lead to some flight path changes above certain heights, creating more concentrated flight paths. Overall, little will change locally. However, at the moment much is still at the design stage with some trialling taking place. DW 30.09.2014 E.M.M. 09/11/14 7 of 22 CHELFORD PARISH COUNCIL AGENDA APPENDIX B MINUTES OF CLUSTER MEETING OF PARISH COUNCILLORS - 14TH OCTOBER 2014 Present: Jenny Shufflebottom (Nether Alderley), Kath Gildon (Chelford), Janet Cookson (Mobberley), Angela Atkinson (Mobberley), Duncan Herald (Alderley Edge), Barry Durbar (Chorley), Margaret Rainey (Chorley), Donald Hobson (Over Alderley), Diana Allman (Great Warford) Apologies: Alan Clark (Nether Alderley), Ross Thomson (Little Warford), Arthur Dicken (Prestbury) 1. A discussion of W.R.E.N. Some P.Cs have successfully obtained funds from W.R.E.N. It was suggested that obtaining the grants was a complicated and time-consuming process. The funds would not be available for much longer. 2. Section 106 monies. Duncan identified the individual officer at C.E. and said he had made contact and would report back to the next meeting. 3. The increase in fly-tipping was discussed. 4. War Memorials. It was reported that CEC has accepted responsibility for them. Charities exist that could provide funds for setting up and maintaining them. This is to be seen with reference to the anniversaries of WW1. 5. There was a question as to the best mechanism to remunerate parish clerks and using the existing pay scales was seen as the best model. 6. Shared planning issues were discussed and identified. Margaret pointed out that it was important to approach Cheshire East Planning positively and not in a confrontational way. It was decided to approach ChALC to request a formal meeting with members of Cheshire East Planning to assist us with these issues. They included: - What are the recent organisational changes at CE Planning? - What are the recent changes in rules and regulations pertaining to Planning Applications in CE? - We would like the subject of “Permitted Rights” explained. - Many parishes have difficulty reviewing and commenting on electronic Planning Applications. Now we have had time to trial this process we would like to provide feedback, discuss issues and agree a way forward. - Where have we got to with the major housing developments within CE locally. (Developments such as 800 houses at Alderley Edge; 360 houses to the rear of Ilford, Mobberley; Frank Marshall, Chelford; Stobart’s Chelford, etc. etc. APPENDIX C ChALC Annual Meeting - 22nd October, 2014 The ChALC Annual Meeting 2014, held at the Canalside Conference Centre, Middlewich, was attended by approximately 100 delegates. The meeting heard reports on activities during the past year along with a detailed appraisal of the financial position. Officer and Area Meeting Representative nominations were approved by the meeting along with the recommendation to increase ChALC subscriptions for 2015/16. The Keynote Speaker, Dr. Jonathan Owen, Chief Executive National Association of Local Councils, outlined his aspirations for NALC having undertaken his first six months in the role. The development of the NALC Strategic Plan highlights future priorities as providing a value for money service, promoting the creation of new councils and developing a stronger national voice. The following Member Motions were discussed and voted on by the Meeting: 1. Development of a new procedure for the circulation of planning applications to Parish Councils - Moved. 2. Withdrawal of advice to Town and Parish Council Members ‘not to have meetings with Journalists without written consent’ - Not moved - Meeting felt Councillors should not engage with Journalists without consent from Council. 3. Campaign to ensure all rural communities are able to access usable Broadband - Moved. 4. Action to be taken to change satellite navigation systems to reduce use of narrow roads by larger vehicles - Moved. 5. Development of policy whereby strong objections to a planning application from Parish Councils lead to automatic referral to Planning Committees and that substantial amendments to planning applications are referred to Parish Councils for comment - Moved. The Meeting concluded with the announcement of Whitegate & Marton as the winners of the best notice board competition launched at the last ChALC Annual Meeting. E.M.M. 09/11/14 8 of 22 CHELFORD PARISH COUNCIL AGENDA APPENDIX D Financial Statement for 2014/15 as at 13 November 2014 Details Receipts Precept Balances Investment Interest Sale of Assets Grants, Donations & Refunds V.A.T. Refund (13/14) Total Receipts Payments Salary (Clerk) National Insurance (Employer) Allowances (Clerk) Chairman/Member Allowances Administration Audit Fees (internal & external) Insurance Sect. 137 - Donations - Best Kept Village - Railway Station Parish Council Newsletter Christmas Trees & Lighting Street Lighting - Electric - Repairs Website Village Planters Village Field Maintenance Hedge Cutting Playground / Sports Equipment Playground Maintenance Playground Inspections Tennis Coaching SIDS Professional Services Bank Safe Custody Charges Advertising Subscriptions/Affiliation Fees Room Hire Training Assets Miscellaneous Contingency V.A.T. Total Payments E.M.M. 09/11/14 Actual 2013/14 £. 9,800.00 11.23 0.00 4,885.00 0.00 14,696.23 2014/15 Budget £. Total Budget £. Actual to Sep 14 £. Agenda Nov. 14 £. 10,800.00 10,800.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10,800.00 5,400.00 5,400.00 2.45 0.00 609.00 0.00 6,011.45 2.48 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10,800.00 0.00 10,800.00 1,340.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 110.70 0.00 0.00 61.04 0.00 179.40 515.83 0.00 0.00 0.00 51.40 283.00 337.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 402.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 276.39 3,557.21 10,800.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 230.00 1,209.42 382.00 35.00 252.13 70.00 73.56 123.08 0.00 1,000.00 515.83 2,816.22 265.00 6,176.75 30.00 0.00 604.17 4,330.18 400.00 90.00 0.00 403.30 178.00 40.00 234.79 170.48 10,800.00 12,732.90 32,362.81 10,800.00 9 of 22 200.00 5,602.48 421.63 230.00 36.43 179.40 51.40 -51.40 83.70 951.16 Budget Balance £. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 360.09 360.09 -1,761.63 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -230.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -110.70 0.00 0.00 -97.47 0.00 -358.80 -515.83 -51.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 -283.00 -337.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -402.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10,800.00 -360.09 6,291.63 CHELFORD PARISH COUNCIL AGENDA Cash/Bank Reconciliation Balance B/Fwd. Add Total Receipts Less Total Payments Balance C/Fwd. Cumulative Balances General Funds Earmarked Reserves Capital Reserves 11/09/14 21,680.90 6,011.45 -3,557.21 24,135.14 13/11/14 24,135.14 5,602.48 -951.16 28,786.46 31/03/15 28,786.46 360.09 -6,291.63 22,854.92 Balance 11/09/14 4,469.82 19,665.32 0.00 24,135.14 Balance 13/11/14 9,116.21 19,670.25 0.00 28,786.46 Balance 31/03/15 3,184.67 19,670.25 0.00 22,854.92 CASH/BANK RECONCILIATION AS AT - 13th November, 2014 CASH Balance Brought Forward 01/04/14 21,680.90 Plus Receipts 11,613.93 33,294.83 Less Payments 4,508.37 Balance Carried Forward 13/11/14 28,786.46 BANK (Natwest) 19,670.25 Business Reserve Account - 24/10/14 Add income/transfer received since 24/10/14 0.00 Less unpresented cheques 0.00 19,670.25 10,113.11 Current Account - 13/11/14 24/10/14 Add income received since above Statement 0.00 Less unpresented cheques/ Transfer Approved - March 2010 For approval -45.74 -951.16 9,116.21 Total Bank Balances 13/11/14 E.M.M. 09/11/14 10 of 22 28,786.46 13/11/14 CHELFORD PARISH COUNCIL AGENDA APPENDIX E E.M.M. 09/11/14 11 of 22 CHELFORD PARISH COUNCIL AGENDA E.M.M. 09/11/14 12 of 22 CHELFORD PARISH COUNCIL AGENDA APPENDIX F CHELFORD TENANTS AND RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION AGEING WELL IN CHELFORD PROJECT ABOUT OUR PROJECT The Association regularly attracts 30 persons to its monthly meetings but its events are attended by the wider community (eg The Summer Garden Party was attended by over 100 people and a forthcoming War Years Remembered Event has 70 attendees. Throughout the year several hundred people attend sessions/activities of the Association. Attendees are residents of Chelford, but as the surrounding areas have limited facilities/activities we are finding people attending from the surrounding area including Knutsford, Lower Withington, Poynton, Macclesfield. Dependant on the event or activity we attract all age groups, and although working mainly with older persons we are always trying to involve younger generations (eg at our Summer Garden Party we had Nesta's Ark attend, a mobile educational zoo which attracted younger people) Our ambitious and creative project is: "AGEING WELL IN CHELFORD" Our project is to further support the work we already undertake in Chelford and the wider area mainly for older persons. As an Association we are only too aware of the problems of social isolation of older people which leads to health problems including depression and has been sited as "the hidden killer" of older people. We want to act on the recent report "Making our Communities Ready for Ageing" A call to action (Age UK /ILC May 2014) by introducing further activities and measures to support what we do. As such we are being ambitious in building on our many successful activities and projects (lunch clubs, afternoon teas, coach outings, card making and crafts, a community garden project, bingo, etc) With a continually ageing population we want to continue to meet the needs and encourage "playfulness". "A strong message we received throughout conversations with experts and older persons is that there is not enough emphasis on fun and playfulness for older people. Our communities should be places of fun for everyone; places where people want to get together with new and old friends and that recognise that playfulness is not just the preserve of the young" Making our Communities Ready for Ageing. 1. Positive imagery of older persons : we would like to install a sign on the entrance to our community "Warning Older persons at play" to project a more positive image compared to the existing older people crossing road sign which appears in many areas. This will raise awareness of our work in the community, project a more positive image and also recognise Cheshire East Councils' commitment to our community. 2. Provision of more benches in our local community, this is a proven aid to fall prevention and enables older people to travel further distances with the social and health benefits it provides. 3. Extension of our Community Garden Project to include more communal plantings, tubs and enhancements. We recognise the effects of green spaces and flowers have on both mental & physical health to the community. Volunteers will undertake growing, planting and development with support when required from other agencies eg Housing Trusts. The local school will be involved in this as (as we have done previously with our Sunflower Competition and general intergenerational work at the school) We also intend to develop more wildlife friendly environments with provision of bird boxes, bat boxes and insect hotels, we will link up with Age UK Cheshire East and their Men in Sheds project which means support for their project at the same time as benefitting our community. 4. Newsletter: we have already produced 2 copies of our Newsletter which was circulated to 75 households (mainly older persons) which was also distributed to the local doctors surgery. We would like to fund this for a further year. As the Newsletter is produced by volunteers the costs are for printing only, so it demonstrates value for money and has been greatly received by the community, with residents contributing to its content. We feel it makes our community more vibrant and active. 5. AGE UK Exercise Classes: Due to cutbacks in Age UK funding they have had to increase the costs of providing a weekly exercise class to music for over 50's in our community room. Our local GP's have praised the benefits of this both as a fun social activity and for the health and mental well being aspects. We have tried to source funding from the local NHS Partnership with no success. We found that some older people on limited income/pensions could not afford the increased price so the Association agreed to subsidise this class by £2 per person, meaning attendees only pay £2 per session. This has resulted in more people joining and others not leaving the group. Monies for this would help support the Associations commitment to this initiative. E.M.M. 09/11/14 13 of 22 CHELFORD PARISH COUNCIL AGENDA 6. Flower Power: The Association identified at its recent meeting on 29th August 2014 that when people were asked what activities they would like to see flower arranging was one of the most popular. We believe that such a hands on activity will Benefit the community. 7. Little Free Library: The Little Free Library concept started in the USA in 2009 when Todd Bol of Hudson, Wisconsin, built a replica of a schoolhouse as a tribute to his mother, a former teacher. He filled it with books and put it on a post in his garden with a sign that said FREE BOOKS. His neighbours loved it and soon he was building more. There are thousands worldwide and it has now reached the UK and we would like to install one outside our community room. We'll be asking AGE UK Men in Sheds to make one for us! 8. Digital Discovery: This aims to build on our existing self Help Computer Class. We have gained support for this from Peaks & Plains Housing Trust's new Digital Inclusion Officer who will come to the sessions to provide support to people to learn the kills they require, at the level they require and on the device they require (not your standard IT class!)This does not form part of this funding bid but sits within our Ageing Well in Chelford initiative and we estimate has a value of trainer/volunteer "value" of £3,000 per year as well as significant outcomes in digital inclusion. How will your project or service be sustained in the future? For example, charges to user, other sources of grants etc. CTARA will regularly seek other funding opportunities to support its activities, in addition it will seek sponsorship and donations in kind. It has a previous record of gaining funding from Cheshire East Council, Trafford Hall, Manchester Airport, Skipton Building Society, Risley, Cheshire Community Foundation, Peaks & Plains Housing Trust,The Cooperative and Sunflower Charitable Foundation. Local in kind support has come from Golden Green Travel, Marshalls (Chelford Market), Tesco's, and other local businesses. To enable our activities and services to be sustainable we make a small charge for some activities, but we are aware that some older persons income is limited so we try to keep these reasonable (for example when AGE UK raised the cost of their exercises CTARA committed to subsidising these. We feel after 8 years that we have the skills, knowledge and creativity to continue with our work 1. Projected Income Please specify match funding from other sources (external grants, own contribution etc). Cheshire East Council will take into account your ability to obtain funding from other sources and from your own existing funds when recommending an award. Amount Applied for (!) and expected Confirmed? to hear (date) (!) Total Project Cost Own existing funds/fundraising Projected income from ticket sales etc. Town / Parish Council Sponsorship (Please specify) Donations (please specify) Grants i.e. Lottery, WREN etc (Please specify) Non-Cash or In-Kind contributions Amount requested from Cheshire East Council Total project cost Balance Outstanding E.M.M. 09/11/14 £700 £250 £7,345 £3,297 £11,592 Nil 14 of 22 Chelford Parish Council Pledged √ CHELFORD PARISH COUNCIL AGENDA APPENDIX G REVISED BUDGET 2014/15 & DRAFT BUDGET 2015/16 The attached budgets have been prepared, on information available, which reveals that expenditure over the past two years has exceeded total income (2013/14 - £4,933.68, 2014/15 - £1,661.87) which has not been reflected within the annual precept resulting in significant depletion of the Council’s year-end working balance. The current account bank balance as at 24th October, 2014 amounts to £10,113.11 from which projected payments of £10,000.00 are required by 31st March, 2015 which indicates that further expenditure outside the projected budget should be avoided. Within the revised budget for 2014/15 an overall contingency of £508.00 has been provided for emergency unexpected expenditure, the year-end balance of which should be taken into general balances to build up an acceptable level no greater than twice the annual precept. Overall draft expenditure for 2015/16 is very much in line with the revised expenditure for 2014/15 with the exception of a planned contingency in respect of asset maintenance amounting to £1,100.00 and an increase in the general contingency of £192.00. Although VAT is not reflected within the Council’s accounts there is currently a reclaim in respect of 2013/14 outstanding in the sum of £3,386.57 which effectively creates the total working balance as at 31st March, 2015 together with any unused contingency provision. In order to assist Members projected Council Tax Band amounts have been prepared on the draft budget/precept of £13,500 which indicates, subject to the tax base remaining the same, a weekly increase ranging from £0.06 (Band A) to £0.17 (Band H). The Parish Council currently hold earmarked reserves totalling £19,670.25 (included accrued interest) for the creation of a new pathway to link an existing footpath to the Village Field Play Area. In view of the fact that these funds and their use were questioned by the External Audit in 2012/13 it would appear prudent to reaffirm, by Council resolution, that such works are likely to proceed (or not) in the near future. Tax Base 2015/16 (Band D) and Precept impact on Property Bands 2014/15 Band A B C D E F G H E.M.M. 09/11/14 Ratio 6/9 7/9 8/9 9/9 11/9 13/9 15/9 18/9 Precept Tax Base 601.31 £ p.a. 11.97 13.97 15.97 17.96 21.95 25.94 29.93 35.92 2015/16 - Draft Band A B C D E F G H £10,800 15 of 22 Ratio 6/9 7/9 8/9 9/9 11/9 13/9 15/9 18/9 Precept Tax Base 601.31 £13,500 £ p.a. 14.97 17.46 19.96 22.45 27.44 32.43 37.42 44.90 CHELFORD PARISH COUNCIL AGENDA CHELFORD PARISH COUNCIL REVISED BUDGET 2014/15 & DRAFT BUDGET 2015/16 Actual 2013 - 14 Actual 01/04/14 11/09/14 Projected 12/09/14 31/03/15 Total 2014 - 15 Draft Budget 2015 - 16 5,400.00 2.45 0.00 609.00 5,400.00 1,661.87 7.50 0.00 200.00 10,800.00 1,661.87 9.95 0.00 809.00 13,500.00 644.00 10.00 0.00 400.00 6,011.45 7,269.37 13,280.82 14,554.00 1,340.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 110.70 0.00 0.00 61.04 179.40 515.83 51.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 283.00 337.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 402.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,905.00 0.00 375.00 0.00 80.00 230.00 1,220.00 2,450.00 0.00 320.00 75.00 180.00 0.00 1,310.00 265.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 270.00 0.00 500.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 212.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 508.00 3,245.00 0.00 375.00 0.00 80.00 230.00 1,220.00 2,560.70 0.00 320.00 136.04 359.40 515.83 1,310.00 265.00 0.00 51.40 283.00 607.15 0.00 500.00 100.00 0.00 402.30 212.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 508.00 2,164.00 0.00 650.00 0.00 210.00 300.00 1,315.00 1,965.00 0.00 395.00 240.00 400.00 620.00 1,600.00 375.00 0.00 100.00 300.00 620.00 100.00 450.00 110.00 25.00 425.00 340.00 50.00 1,100.00 0.00 700.00 3,280.82 10,000.00 13,280.82 14,554.00 Details 9,800.00 4,933.68 11.23 0.00 4,885.00 19,629.91 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 230.00 1,209.42 669.13 70.00 73.56 123.08 1,000.00 515.83 2,816.22 265.00 6,176.75 30.00 0.00 604.17 4,330.18 400.00 90.00 0.00 403.30 178.00 40.00 234.79 170.48 19,629.91 E.M.M. 09/11/14 Receipts Precept From balances Investment Interest Sale of Assets Grants Total Receipts Payments Salary (Clerk) National Insurance (Employer) Allowances (Clerk) Chairman/Member Allowances Administration Audit Fees (Internal & External) Insurance Sect. 137 Donations & Voluntary Grants Parish Council Newsletter Christmas Trees & Lighting Street lighting (electric & repairs) Website Village Planters Village Field Maintenance Hedge Cutting Playground / Sports Equipment Playground Maintenance Playground Inspections Tennis Coaching SIDS Professional Services Bank Safe Custody Charges Advertising Subscriptions / Affiliation Fees Room Hire Training Asset Maintenance Miscellaneous Contingency Total Payments 16 of 22 CHELFORD PARISH COUNCIL AGENDA APPENDIX H Local Council Charter Text for Document for Comment - East Cheshire Councils The Charter - Introduction Local Councils and Cheshire East Council are both democratically elected local authorities. This Charter sets out the protocols to enhance and develop collaborative working between the Parish and Town Councils (hereinafter referred to as ‘Local Councils’) and Cheshire East Council. It sets out principles for the two tiers of local government to work together in partnership to deliver services, influence policy decisions and overall improve the quality of life for those living, working and visiting in the area. This Charter has been developed from the existing strong foundations of the first Charter in 2005 (first charter of its kind in England between all three tiers of local government) and its refresh in 2009. Cheshire East Council and the Local Councils have been partners in the finished Charter The Charter – Overview The Charter, reaffirms that all the Councils seek to develop closer working arrangements and to build on the strong foundations of existing good practice between the Local Councils and Cheshire East Council, acknowledging that each play a valuable role in local democracy and service provision. This Charter commits both tiers of councils across Cheshire East to work in partnership to develop stronger communities and to address the needs of local communities Cheshire East Council will continue to recognise that Local Councils are democratically accountable bodies, utilising the knowledge of those Councils to shape local decisions and to provide services as locally as possible, strengthening local communities.. In turn, the Local Councils recognise the strategic role of Cheshire East Council. The Cheshire Association of Local Councils (hereinafter referred to as ‘ChALC’) will be a key partner to facilitate strong working relationships between the Local Councils and Cheshire East Council. . The Charter will ensure that Local Councils are actively engaged in relevant local and strategic partnerships to enable the Local Council views to be considered at all levels of policy making and shaping. ChALC will continue to have transparent mechanism for identifying any ChALC representation. All East Cheshire Councils and ChALC will endeavour to engage in effective dialogue to build vibrant communities, understanding the roles of both tiers of local government. Please note that there will be a supplementary Planning Protocol, Standards Protocol & Complaints Procedures to this Charter which will be drafted at a later date The Charter – Principles All East Cheshire Councils and ChALC will work within the following principles: Clear and plain use of language used in documents and presentations Equity in the provision of local services (and access to them) Simplicity of operation to keep administrative costs to a minimum; Transparency to help understanding; Democratic control and accountability and address complaints within the framework of the Code of Conduct and Standing Orders Respect for all tiers of local government and the community Ambition for East Cheshire and its local communities One size does not fit all and it is local distinctiveness that is our asset Local Councils, Cheshire East Council and ChALC will promote the Charter between members, officers and partners to ensure that the Charter makes a difference for collaborative partnership working, cooperation, understanding for the benefit of all. E.M.M. 09/11/14 17 of 22 CHELFORD PARISH COUNCIL AGENDA The Charter – Joint Commitment All Councils will… - Work collaboratively on shared priorities Develop community led action and proactively engage with local communities to develop strong and resilient communities Co-operate to deliver services locally Use Local Council notice boards The Charter – Local Council Commitment Local Councils across East Cheshire will… - Engage with Cheshire East Council through the Ward councillors Engage with Cheshire East Council through Cheshire East Officers Respond to planning applications in accordance with the Planning Protocol Respond to consultations in a timely fashion Embrace technology to engage with Cheshire East Council wherever possible Proactively engage with their local communities Follow the agreed supplementary Protocols The Charter – Cheshire East Council Commitment Cheshire East Council will… - Engage with local councils through their Ward councillors A dedicated officer as the local council contact point in Cheshire East Council Engage with ChALC as a key partner for local councils Host an annual Parish Conference Circulate information briefings to all local councils Recognise procedures and protocols appended to this document for example the planning protocol and the complaints procedure The Charter – ChALC Commitment ChALC will… - E.M.M. 09/11/14 Ensure the Charter is refreshed at least every 5 years Develop a ‘Planning Protocol’ that recognises Statutory obligations Develop a ‘Standards Protocol’ that recognises Statutory obligations Develop a ‘Complaints Protocol’ that recognises Statutory obligations Support development of local councils through training and other initiatives Support partnership working? between all Councils across Cheshire East 18 of 22 CHELFORD PARISH COUNCIL AGENDA APPENDIX I Seetec - Community Work Placements Seetec is seeking expressions of interest from all local authorities, housing providers, third sector organizations and employers that may be interested in discussing collaborative partnerships designed to support residents who will be supported by the new DWP Community Work Placements contract. This two year contract part of the government's Help to Work scheme is designed to reach out to the 'hardest to help' jobseekers to help them find employment and break the cycle of benefit dependency. Beneficiaries of this programme will undertake work placement opportunities of up to 30 hours a week lasting up to 26 weeks and will be further supported with up to ten hours of job search activity per week. Seetec are keen to identify opportunities for local projects or work placements which currently exist or could be created in order to improve the local community as well as the confidence and employability prospects of individuals who take part. Placements could be within group projects or in the form of single placements and must all be of community benefit. Seetec are interested in approaches from all organisations which feel may be able to offer project or placement opportunities. They have expert supervisors in place to manage and run projects but are also happy to discuss existing projects which have supervisors already in place. APPENDIX J CORRESPONDENCE 01 Cheshire Assocation of Local Councils (ChALC) - 01a Reminder - Councillor Training Session 3 - 23/09/14. 01b Understanding the Fracking Debate - 28/10/14. 01c Reminder - Councillor Training Session 1 - 08/10/14. 01d Annual Meeting - 22/10/14. 01e Cheshire Playing Fields Association Annual General Meeting - 23/10/14. 01f Rural Matters Board (East) - 30/09/14 - Event cancelled. 01g Digital Mapping for Local Councils Workshop - 24th November, 2014. 01h Building a Flood Resilient Society Training Course - 08/11/14. 01i Chairmanship 2 Training Session - 23/10/14. 01j Reminder - Councillor Training Session 2 - 28/10/14. (Member Information) 01k Update on National Joint Council for Local Government Services Local Government Pay Consultation. (Member Information) 01l e-bulletin for County Associations, National Council & Member Councils 24/10/14. 01m Reminder - Local Council, Cheshire East Council and ChALC Charter - Consultation. (Member Information) 01n Reminder - Councillor Training Session 4 - 03/12/14. (Member Information) 01o Elections for 3 directly elected members of Smaller Councils’ Committee 2015. (Member Information) 02 Cheshire East Council - 02a 02b Traffic Management LAP Reports - 11/09/14, 18/09/14, 25/09/14, 02/10/14, 16/10/14, 23/10/14, 30/10/14, 06/11/14. Grant Funding Posters. 02c PACE - Final Reminder - Nominations for Rural Women’s Awards. 02d Street Naming Suggestion Scheme. (Available for Members) 02e PACE - Partnerships Newsletter - September/October 2014. (Available for Members) (Member Information) (Circulated 18/09/14) (Member Information) (Circulated 22/09/14) (Circulated 28/09/14) (No representative nominated) (Member Information) (Circulated 30/09/14) (Member Information) (Cancelled 16/10/14) (Available for Members) (Member Information) (Displayed by Clerk 30/09/14) (Member Information) ( 02f Town & Parish Council Conference - Provisional Date 11/11/14. 02g Parks for People Funding Opportunities. 02h PACE - Request for articles for November/December Newsletter. E.M.M. 09/11/14 (Circulated 02/10/14) (Available for Members) 19 of 22 (Member Information) CHELFORD PARISH COUNCIL AGENDA 02i Cheshire East Cycling Seminar - 22/10/14. rd (Circulated 20/10/14) th 02j Flood Action Campaign - 3 - 16 November, 2014. 03 Cheshire East Council - Temporary Road Closures / Speed Restrictions - 03a (Circulated 18/09/14) 03c Green Street, Knutsford Ward Knutsford - Junction with Manchester Road to Junction with Tatton Street - 19-22/09/14. Parkfield Road, Knutsford Ward, Knutsford - Junction of Legh Road to Junction with Chelford Road 22-24/09/14. Rensherds Place, High Legh Ward, Knutsford - Junction of Wrenshot Lane to limit - 24-26/09/14. 03d Spodegreen Lane, High Legh Ward - 09/10/14. (Circulated 18/09/14) 03e 03f Plumley Moor Road, Chelford Ward - Junction with A556 to junction of Middlewich Road - 0617/10/14. Grotto Lane, Chelford Ward - Junction with Clay Lane to junction with Stocks Lane - 17-19/11/14. 03g King Street and Canute Place, Knutsford Ward, Knutsford - 31/10/14 (6-8 p.m.). 03b (Available for Members) Amended closure times: 5-8 p.m. Welsh Row and Nursery Lane, Chelford Ward - 29/09/14 - 03/10/14. 03i Parkfield Road, Knutsford Ward, Knutsford - 29-30/09/14. 03j 03n A538 Eastbound Tunnel Road at A538 Altrincham Road, Wilmslow West and Chorley Ward, Wilmslow - Contra flow in operation - 13-15/10/14. A538 Westbound Tunnel Road at A538 Altrincham Road, Wilmslow West and Chorley Ward, Wilmslow - Contra flow in operation - 15-18/10/14. Moss Lane, Mobberley Ward, Knutsford - Junction with Knutsford Road to junction with Paddock Hall Lane - 20/11/14. Mobberley Road, Knutsford Ward, Knutsford WA16 8ED - From Brook Street / Chelford Road to Longridge - 7-14/10/14. Arley - Arley Hall Half Marathon Event - 19/10/14. 03o Various locations to allow Remembrance Day Parades to take place - 09/11/14. 03p A56 Lymm Road, Little Bollington - Junction 7 M56 Roundabout to the Cheshire East Borough Council boundary in a westerly direction (nights only) - 10-23/11/14. A50 Knutsford Road, Dane Valley Ward, Holmes Chapel - From B5082 Northwich Road to junction with B5038 Middlewich Road - 18/10/14. Urgent Immediate Road Closure - Wellbank Lane, Peover Superior, Knutsford - Collapsing manhole cover - 22/10/14. Paddock Hill Lane, Mobberley Ward, Knutsford - Junction with Moss Lane to junction with B585 Knutsford Road - 05/11/14. Church Walk, Knutsford Ward, Knutsford - Junction with King Street to Norburys Yard - 18-20/11/14. 03l 03m 03q 03r 03s 03t 03u 04 Ashley Road, Mobberley Ward, Knutsford - Junction with Birkinheath Lane to Junction with Cow Lane - 3-6/11/14. Temporary Road Restriction - Impose 40mph limit along A50 Knutsford Road, Mere - Mere junction for an approximate distance of 950m - 10th November, 2014 - 10th May, 2016. Warrington Road, High Legh, Knutsford - From 50m west of West Lane to 50m east of Candelan Way - 5-11/11/14. Trouthall Lane, Chelford Ward, Knutsford, WA16 0UW - approximately 20m either side of the railway bridge - 04/02/15. Moss Lane, High Legh Ward, Knutsford - Junction with Moss Brow Lane to 300m west of the junction - 21/01/15. Cheshire East Council - Proposed Temporary Road Closures / Speed Restrictions - 04a Croft Lane, Knutsford - Junction with Toft Road to No.2 Croft Lane - 03/11/14 - 31/12/14. 03v 03w 03x 03y Amended closure dates: 10/11/14 - 24/11/14. 04b (Information passed to Chairman 28/09/14) (Information passed to Chairman 28/09/14) (Information passed to Chairman 02/10/14) (Information passed to Chairman 02/10/14) (Information passed to Chairman 02/10/14) (Information passed to Chairman 08/10/14) (Information passed to Chairman 08/10/14) (Information passed to Chairman 20/10/14) (Information passed to Chairman 20/10/14) (Member Information) (Member Information) (Information passed to Chairman 27/10/14) (Information to passed to Chairman 01/11/14) (Member Information) (Information passed to Chairman 06/11/14) (Information passed to Chairman 06/11/14) (Information passed to Chairman 06/11/14) (Information passed to Chairman 06/11/14) (Circulated 18/09/14) (Information passed to Chairman 28/09/14) Back Lane, High Legh, Knutsford - Junction with Peacock Lane to junction with Thowler Lane 18/01/15 - 22/02/15. E.M.M. 09/11/14 (Circulated 18/09/14) (Information passed to Chairman 28/09/14) (Information passed to Chairman 28/09/14) (Information passed to Chairman 28/09/14) (Information passed to Chairman 28/10/14) 03h 03k (Circulated 18/09/14) 20 of 22 (Information passed to Chairman 20/10/14) CHELFORD PARISH COUNCIL AGENDA 04c (Member Information) 05 Temporary Road Restriction - Impose 40mph limit along A56 Dunham Road, Little Bollington from A56 / Junction 7 M56 Roundabout to the Cheshire East Borough Council boundary (in both directions commences 10/11/14 for period of 18 months to allow the construction of a site access into a temporary compound. Cheshire Emergency Services - 05a Cheshire Police - Crackdown on Wanted Criminals. (Member Information) 05b Cheshire Fire & Rescue Service - Newsletter - September, 2014. 05c Cheshire Police - Road Traffic Collision on M62 - 06/10/14. (Member Information) 05d Cheshire Fire & Rescue Service - Serious collision on M56 near to Frodsham - 09/10/14. (Member Information) 05e Cheshire Fire & Rescue Service - E-Newsletter - October, 2014. 05f Cheshire Fire & Rescue Service - Safety tips, as storm expected from Hurricane Gonzalo tail - 2021/10/14. Cheshire Police - Keep safe as the light nights come to an end and clocks go back 24/10/14. 05g rd (Available for Members) (Available for Members) (Member Information) (Member Information) 05h Cheshire Police - Working Together Event - 3 November, 2014. 05i Cheshire Fire & Rescue Service - Four day strike 31/10/14 - 04/11/14. 06 Cheshire Police & Crime Commissioner - 06a Funding to tackle Hate Crime. 06b Blog 19/09/14 - Agencies working together to help the communities of Cheshire. (Available for Members) 06c Blog 26/09/14 - Supporting people with mental health needs. (Available for Members) 06d Recruitment of Audit & Ethics Committee Members. 06e Cheshire Police & Crime Commissioner and Chief Constable’s Newsletter - September, 2014. (Available for Members) 06f (Available for Members) 06g Blog 03/10/14 - Positive work being done by Cheshire Constabulary to make Cheshire a safer place to live and work. Blog 10/10/14 - The Power of Community Safety Partnerships. 06h Blog 17/10/14 - Empowering people to report crime. (Available for Members) 06i Commissioning services for victims of crime - Newsletter 23/10/14. (Available for Members) 06j Blog 31/10/14 - Anti-social behaviour. (Available for Members) 06k Blog 07/11/14 - Working together to ensure everyone gets the Police service they deserve. (Available for Members) 07 Community & Voluntary Services Cheshire East - 07a E-bulletin - 19/09/14, 03/10/14, 17/10/14, 31/10/14. 07b Training News - September, 2014. (Member Information) 07c Meet the Funder Event - 25/09/14. (Circulated 18/09/14) 07d AstraZeneca’s 2014 Christmas Toy Donation. 07e Institute of Leadership & Management (ILM) Executive Programme in Bid & Tender Management (Member Information) Training Course - 05/11/14. ( Healthwatch Cheshire East - 08 (Circulated 29/10/14) (Member Information) ( (Member Information) (Member Information) (Available for Members) ( (Available for Members) (Member Information) 08a Healthier Together Listening Event - 23/09/14. 08b Newsletter - October, 2014. (Available for Members) 08c e-bulletin - 17/10/14, 31/10/14. (Available for Members) 09 Manchester Airport Group 09a Macmillan Coffee Morning - 26/09/14. (Circulated 12/09/14) 09b Maintenance works to Runway 1 - Temporary changes to night-time operations 02-07/11/14. (Circulated 28/10/14) 09c Actions post September 2014 Parish/Town Councillor meeting with Manchester Airport. (Circulated 28/10/14) 09d Community Annual Review 2013-14. 10 Rural Services Network: 10a Weekly News Digest - 08/09/14, 15/09/14, 22/09/14, 29/09/14, 07/10/14, 13/10/14, 20/10/14, 27/10/14, 03/11/14. Rural Opportunities Bulletin - September, 2014, October, 2014, November, 2014. 10b E.M.M. 09/11/14 (Circulated 18/09/14) ( (Available for Members) 21 of 22 (Available for Members) (Available for Members) CHELFORD PARISH COUNCIL AGENDA 10c 10d Hinterland Newsletter - 12/09/14, 19/09/14, 26/09/14, 03/10/14, 10/10/14, 17/10/14, 24/10/14, 31/10/14, 07/11/14. Rural Vulnerability Service - September, 2014, October, 2014. (Available for Members) 10e Rural Housing Spotlight - October, 2014. (Available for Members) 11 Other Correspondence 11a Historic Towns Forum - Events Update - September, 2014. 11b Clear Heat - Warmer Homes Project. 11c E-on - Monthly Market Report - October, 2014. (Member Information) 11d Unlock Democracy - UK Constitutional Convention. (Member Information) 11e Andrew Deptford - Sale of Defibrillators. (Member Information) 11f - Helping people get free highway code training. 11g Local Works - The right for Parish Councils to sell electricity - Acknowledgement of support. (Member Information) 11h Arien Signs - Noticeboard Sign Specialists. (Member Information) 11i Unlock Democracy - Call for Constitutional Convention. 11j ( (Available for Members) (Member Information) (Available for Members) (Available for Members) (Member Information) th Cheshire Community Action - Annual General Meeting - 19 November, 2014. (Circulated 01/11/14) 11k th Historic Towns Forum - Annual Conference - 25 November, 2014. (Member Information) 11l E-on - Monthly Market Report - November, 2014. (Member Information) E.M.M. 09/11/14 22 of 22
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