+St. Patrick’s Church, Monkstown

+St. Patrick’s Church, Monkstown
Sunday 16th November 2014
Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Dear Friends, Just a reminder to everyone that we have a parish
book and film club. This is an MC3 initiative. Our two recent
events have been very successful but not very well attended.
The discussions after the film “Gravity” and the book “Sisters of
Sinai” were very lively and stimulating. Our next event is this
coming Thursday when we will discuss Stephen Grosz’s book
“The Examined Life”. Each event takes place at 7.30pm in the
Parochial House.
Fr Michael
Feast Days
St Elizabeth of Hungary, religious (Monday)
The presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Friday)
St Cecilia, virgin & Martyr (Saturday)
Recently deceased
George Butler 9.00
Pat Murray 6.00 Sat 15 November
Thomas & Ellen Curley 12.00 Sun 16
Sun 16
Andy O’Donnell
Sinead Benson
Lil Tracey
Lil Brennan
Brian Wilson
Kathleen Ennis
You are invited to participate in the Autumn 2014 season. Each event takes place at 7.30pm in
St Patrick’s Church Parochial House.
Book: Thursday 20th November – The Examined Life by Stephen Grosz.
Film: Thursday 11th December – ‘It’s a wonderful life’
All Welcome.
Regular Notices:
• Eucharistic Adoration Monday – Friday from 8 – 10am, Monday 10.30am5.30pm and Sat. 10.30am-12.45pm. All welcome.
• Quite Prayer Group meets on Wednesday 19th November in the Parochial
House at 8.00pm. All welcome.
• There are envelopes at the back of the church for anyone who wishes to
make a donation to the church. They can be put in the collection baskets or
left in the parish office.
• The Chalice on the table at the front of the altar rails is for people who are
• Society of St Vincent de Paul – Anyone in need of assistance call 8550022.
Special notices:
Matt Minch chairperson of the Finance Committee will speak about
our parish finances at all masses this weekend. A member of the
committee will be available after mass to discuss any queries.
Society of St Vincent de Paul monthly church gate collection for our
local conference takes place after all masses this weekend. Please
Padre Pio mass this Tuesday 18th November at 7.30pm. All
Tea & Coffee morning in the Parochial House on Tuesday 18th
November and Friday 21st November. All welcome. Please use the
parish office entrance.
Monkstown – A Victorian Village by Seamus Cannon and Carole
Cullen. Fr Quilter’s original research has been re-written and brought
up to date for a new publication that will shortly be available. An ideal
Christmas present. Check it out on www.fundit.ie for a full description
and an opportunity to buy in advance.
Contact details:
Fr. Michael Coady P.P. 280 2130 & 087 240 1441;
e-mail: [email protected]
Canon Maurice O’Moore (Pastor Emeritus) 280 2186;
Fr. Con Dowling (Retired) 280 0789
The Parish Office
Located at the side of the Parochial House.
Phone 280 2130
Opening hours: 9:15 – 1:00pm Monday to Friday
e-mail: [email protected];
Sacristy 280 7854
Parish Centre 663 9663