ST. JUDE CATHOLIC CHURCH CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE NOVEMBER 16, 2014 EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS: November 22-23 MASS INTENTIONS AND READINGS Sat 5:30pm V Baltz, D & M Doebler, J Grau, D & J Smith Sun 8:00am L & L Burke, D Gabor, M Greene, A & G Salatka 10:30am T Cherian, Z McCarty, E Pelton, T Porterfield, R Rohling, K Wittler 12:15pm M Bautista, B McConnell, D Picard, MR Quito, A Shelby, A Wheeler 5:30pm J Bradshaw, B & N Byrne, J Clark, B Malo, C Moore Sat 11/15 3 Jn 5-8; Ps 112; Lk 18:1-8 8:15am † Joseph Jedrychowski – Richard & Judy Buhrman 5:30pm † Rev. Evan Eckhoff, OFM – John & Faye Martin 7:30pm Special Intention (Spanish) Sun 11/16 8:00am 10:30am 12:15pm 5:30pm Prv 31:10-31; Ps 128; 1 Thes 5:1-6; Mt 25:14-30 † Ed Campbell – Gail Campbell INT of Rev. Charles Burton – Legion of Mary INT of Sophia McConnell – Wesson Family INT of St. Jude Parishioners If you are an EM and would like to receive an EMAIL schedule, please write to [email protected]. Mon 11/17 Rv 1:1-4; 2:1-5; Ps 1; Lk 18:35-43 8:15am † Joann Embury – Mary E. Brown & Family CONTACT PARISH OFFICE REGARDING Tue 11/18 Rv 3:1-6, 14-22; Ps 15; Lk 19:1-10 8:15am † Madeline Stein – Deacon Gaspar & Barbara ADORATION -- Monday through Friday, 6am (or 9am for Summer Schedule) to 9pm, in the Chapel. Sign up for a weekly hour or drop in anytime. DeGaetano Wed 11/19 Rv 4:1-11; Ps 150; Lk 19:11-28 8:15am † William Bolen, Sr. – William Bolen, Jr. 7:00pm INT of Mary Catherine McConnell & Family – Bill & ANOINTING OF THE SICK – Anyone entering the hospital or in serious ill health may be anointed. Phyllis Lawrence BAPTISM – Parents must attend a baptismal preparation class before having their first child baptized. Thu 11/20 Rv 5:1-10; Ps 149; Lk 19:41-44 8:15am † Albert Coombes – Bernard & Janet Coombes CATHOLIC CONNECTION – For adult Catholics who have been Baptized but not Confirmed, or who are Confirmed but inactive or not fully practicing. Fri 11/21 Rv 10:8-11; Ps 119; Lk 19:45-48 8:15am † Anna Maria Bolen – William Bolen, Jr. Sat 11/22 Rv 11:4-12; Ps 144; Lk 20:27-40 8:15am † Donna Tucker – Bill & Nootsie Brooks 5:30pm † Joseph Jedrychowski – Richard & Judy Buhrman 7:30pm Special Intention (Spanish) CONFIRMATION – Classes are required and begin in October. Must be 9th grade or older. FOR THE HEARING IMPAIRED – If you would benefit from using a hearing assistance device, please see an usher before Mass or contact the Parish Office during the week. Sun 11/23 Ez 34:11-17; Ps 23; 1 Cor 15:20-28; Mt 25:31-46 8:00am † Michael Prendergast – His Wife, Children & 10:30am 12:15pm 5:30pm MATRIMONY – Four-month notice required. Grandchildren † Gregory Tague – Legion of Mary INT of Sophia McConnell – Wesson Family † John R. Martin, Sr. – John & Faye Martin PARISH RELIGIOUS ED (PRE) – For 4-year-old preschoolers through 8th graders. RCIA/INQUIRY CLASSES – For non-Catholics who would like to learn about the Catholic Faith. LECTORS: November 22-23 Sat Sun 5:30pm 8:00am 10:30am 12:15pm 5:30pm ROSARY – Prayed daily in Chapel after the 8:15am Mass, after 7pm Mass for Vocations on the second Monday of each month, and at 3pm on the first Saturday (Patriotic). Julia Pollak Anne Lunn Mary Beth Lynch Brenda McConnell Greg Howard YOUTH – Contact Youth Ministry Coordinator Alicia Bradshaw at [email protected] or 870-8002 or go to ALTAR SERVERS: November 22-23 Sat Sun 5:30pm 8:00am 10:30am 12:15pm 5:30pm VOCATIONS CHALICE NEXT WEEKEND P Murphy, S Powe L Juarez, O Malo A Hunt, L Porterfield, O Porterfield Call Erin Wiles at 901-240-3844 to volunteer. New volunteers always welcome. R Brumlow, A Mildenberger, O Mildenberger M Fillauer, C Gomez 1 THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME THIS WEEK AT ST. JUDE SPIRITUAL LIFE To add, remove, or restore a family member’s name, please call the Parish Office. PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK Maria Alder, Christopher Allen, Jane Armor, Kathryn Arnold, Shelly Benjamin, Brooklyn Bernarding, Elizabeth Booth, Ben Byrne, Tom Cain, Gertrude Camacho, Steve Campbell, Michael Casey, Sue Chaffin, William Chepul, Ann Marie Cooper, Larry Copeland Jr., Bettye Cotter, Nancy Cunningham, Lauren Dean, Earl Diehl, Therese Dobard, Mavis Dove, Marilyn Dyer, Gary Flerchinger, Regina Fountain, Joe Fox, Renae Gajownik, Steve Gardner, Roberto & Victoria Goduco, Dennis Greenwood, Ann Hammers, Jenny Hays, Bernadette Hemeyer, Alex Hubbard, Amy C. Jacob, Joanie Lee, Linda Lichner, Campbell Long, Trudy Masic, Theresa McAndrews, Dale McCaa, Trinity Meade, Ed Moore, Robert Moore, George O’Dell, Michael Pickett, Charles Plant, Joan Porterfield, Jose Que Pua, John Purvis, Frank Rogers, Miryan Rojas, Gary Spaniak, Marie Tingle, Robert Weekly, Susan White, Victoria Wing, Debbie Worley, Ellen Zahorec Monday, November 17 3:30pm Legion of Mary (Youth) Library Tuesday, November 18 11:00am Pinochle Group 6:00pm World of Hope Dupree Dupree Wednesday, November 19 9:00am 11:00am 6:00pm 6:30pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm All Things Catholic Sewing Circle of Friends VISIONS PRE St. Monica Novena RCIA 12:15 Choir Practice Dupree Library Gym School Chapel PLC Church Thursday, November 20 11:00am Librarians 5:00pm Line Dancing 7:00pm Rosary Makers FOR OUR SERVICE MEN & WOMEN Library Siener Library Brandy Bazemore, Thomas Bazemore, Richard Bryant, John Cain III, Matthew Cain, Eric Flerchinger, Nathaniel Garza, William Garza, Joseph Gaston, Michael Knee, Luke Lewis, Stephen McGrath, Thomas McGrath, Erin Cain Poe Friday, November 21 9:00am Legion of Mary (Adults) Library Saturday, November 22 9:00am Church Cleaners AND FOR THE REPOSE OF THE SOUL OF Church Sunday, November 23 9:00am 10:45am 11:00am 4:30pm 6:30pm Parish Breakfast (until 1pm) Children’s Liturgy 12:15 Choir Practice 5:30 Choir Practice Confirmation Bill Givens Siener Library Library Church Library Prayer Requests entered into the book in the chapel are prayed for each weekday by the Rosary Group. For Emergency Requests Only, call Prayer Help Line volunteers Vicki Baltz (842-6094), Sharon Moss (875-2230), or Theresa Slaughter (842-7890). INCLEMENT WEATHER POLICY ALL SOULS MEMORIAL SCROLL If St. Jude School is closed or delayed due to unsafe weather conditions, the morning’s Mass schedule will be canceled. Continuing throughout November, the Memorial Scroll – which lists the names of parishioners’ deceased loved ones – will hang on the front of the ambo (pulpit). If you have deceased loved ones whose names have not been collected in previous years, please enter them into the notebook in the vestibule and they will be added to the scroll. LOOKING AHEAD ST. JUDE SCHOOL BOOK FAIR, HARWOOD ROOM Closes Friday, November 21, at 4pm SOME SEASONAL TIPS FOR MASS PARISH BREAKFAST Sunday, November 23, after the 8am and 10:30am Masses Please be kind to those around you who may suffer from allergies or asthma. Refrain from heavy applications of perfume or cologne. As we enter cold and flu season, please be sensitive to those who may not wish to shake hands during the Sign of Peace. And remember to wash your hands frequently. BOY SCOUT POINSETTIA SALE November 22-23 after all Masses ST. JUDE SCHOOL GRANDPARENTS’ DAY Tuesday, November 25 OLIVE WOOD SALES FROM THE HOLY LAND November 29-30, in the church vestibule after all Masses 2 ST. JUDE CATHOLIC CHURCH CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE NOVEMBER 16, 2014 SPIRITUAL LIFE RELIGIOUS EDUCATION TEACHER NEEDED Our Parish Religious Education Program is in immediate need of a catechist for the Second Grade class, which meets on Wednesday evenings. The current catechist cannot continue due to upcoming surgery. Some classroom experience is required and an aide is already in place. Please call Kyra at 870-2386 to inquire about this rewarding volunteer opportunity. NOW IN THE VESTIBULE: THE 2014 STAR TREE Every year for a very long time, St. Jude parishioners have generously supported the Ladies of Charity’s Star Tree (formerly the Angel Tree), which currently provides needy families with gift cards to use to purchase Christmas gifts for their children. Last year, your donations reached an all-time high: more than $11,000 was raised, ensuring a wonderful Christmas for hundreds of needy children in the Chattanooga area. PARISH LIFE SURVIVING THE HOLIDAYS MEETS TODAY A “Surviving the Holidays” workshop will be offered at St. Jude TODAY, Sunday, November 16, 2-4pm, in the Dupree Room of the Family Life Center. This one-session grief recovery program is for those who have experienced the loss of a loved one due to separation, divorce, or death. Whether you have suffered the loss of a partner, parent, child, or some other significant relationship, and whether it has been a few months or a few years, this excellent program has something to offer. Cost is $10 for materials, and light refreshments will be served. This year, we have 500 envelopes to fill AND our time frame is one week shorter! So we need your help once again. The Star Tree is now up and decorated with empty envelopes for you to fill. And thanks to the St. Jude School SCRIP program, we have made it extra easy for you to help make a child’s Christmas a little brighter and assist parents in purchasing “the perfect gift” for each of their children. Here’s all you have to do in 3 easy steps: 1) Take an envelope from the tree and check off the store name and the amount you are enclosing. HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO HELP! 2) Write a check payable to “SJS HASA” for that amount or use cash if you prefer. St. Jude Parish will host Family Promise (formerly Interfaith Homeless Network) again this year to house homeless families for the week of December 21-28. Volunteers are needed to help in this effort. If you are interested, sign-up sheets will be available in the church vestibule during the weekends of December 6-7 and 13-14. Contact Steve Joyce at 843-9220 with any questions. Thank you in advance for your support! 3) Seal the envelope and drop it in the blue lock box next to the Star Tree. Santa's elves will take care of all the rest! What could be easier? ***A Note Regarding SCRIP: Your recipient will receive the full value of the card you choose and St. Jude School will receive a rebate from each gift card purchased that will go toward valuable school programs. Our SCRIP volunteers will not be able to track individual rebates for this charitable event. St. Jude school families may receive individual rebate credit by purchasing SCRIP cards through the school and returning them in their Star Tree envelopes to the blue lock box in the church vestibule. BOY SCOUT POINSETTIA SALE TODAY IN VESTIBULE St. Jude Boy Scout Troop 172 is holding its annual Poinsettia Sale! These beautiful plants come in Red, White, Marble, Burgundy, or Memorials (placed on the altar during the holidays in memory of your loved ones). They are delivered fresh. Pickup date is Sunday, December 7, in Siener Hall (school cafeteria). The cost is $10/plant. All proceeds benefit Troop 172 activities. See Scouts after Masses on the weekends of November 15-16 and 22-23, contact a St. Jude Boy Scout, or call Dan Casagrande at 280-0916 or Mary Beth Welch at 443-0637. Thanks for your support! The tree will stay stocked with envelopes through our final deadline of Sunday, December 7. Please help us fill every single one of them! Call 842-1483 with any questions. 3 THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME to for a preview of the many products being offered. PARISH LIFE ST. JUDE SCHOOL BOOK FAIR OPEN TODAY UNTIL 12:15PM NOW AVAILABLE AT STEPPING STONES Stepping Stones, our religious articles counter, is located in the inner church vestibule. Stop by before or after weekend Masses to purchase Advent wreaths, Advent candles, Christmas ornaments, and Christmas car decals. If you would like to assist with this ministry, volunteers are always welcome. Contact Lynn Burke at 304-5820. Looking for special Christmas gifts for children or grandchildren, nieces or nephews? Give the gift of reading! The St. Jude School Scholastic Book Fair continues every weekday through Friday, November 21, 7:30am to 4pm in the Harwood Room of the Family Life Center. The Book Fair will also be open TODAY, Sunday, November 16, 8:45am to 12:15pm, and Wednesday, November 19, 57pm. All are invited to stop by and shop! COMMUNITY THANKSGIVING FOR THOSE IN NEED Catholic Charities will provide Thanksgiving meals to needy families in November. A donation of $25 will feed a family of four. Please send checks to Catholic Charities at 859 McCallie Avenue, Chattanooga, TN 37403, and designate to “Thanksgiving Meals.” PARISH BREAKFAST The St. Jude Knights of Columbus (Council 8576) invite you to their monthly breakfast on Sunday, November 23, in Siener Hall following the 8am and 10:30am Masses. Menu includes a variety of hot and cold items plus great fellowship! No charge, but donations will be accepted. SAVE THE DATE FOR CHATTI GRAS 2015 Calling all Chattanooga-area Catholics to Chatti Gras 2015 – Chattanooga’s signature Mardi Gras event, and this year the BEST Valentine’s Day date in town: February 14, 2015, at 7pm at the Chattanooga Convention Center. Enjoy a wonderful dinner, dancing to the fabulous party band, Love, Peace and Happiness, live and silent auctions, and casino! Everyone who purchases tickets before January 1, 2015, will be eligible for a drawing for a free night’s stay at the Chattanooga Marriott. Don’t miss out! Sponsors and auction donors are still needed. Can you help? Proceeds benefit Chattanooga Catholic Schools (Notre Dame, OLPH, and St. Jude) as well as the Chattanooga Deanery Operating Fund, providing tuition support for those in need. For information on auction or sponsorship and to purchase tickets at $75/each, visit . . . and get ready to laissez les bons temps rouler! BOX TOPS & LABELS FOR EDUCATION PROGRAMS AT ST. JUDE SCHOOL Help us “turn trash into cash” by clipping box tops or soup labels before you dispose of the product container. Thanks to this program, St. Jude School can earn supplies for our students and classrooms, but we can’t do it without your support. For a full list of the products in each program, visit and Please start clipping and drop off in the collection bins in the church vestibule. To find out more, contact Theresa Danberry at 645-7489 or [email protected]. OLIVE WOOD SALES On the weekend of November 29-30, our brothers and sisters representing the Christian Catholic Families of Bethlehem will sell crucifixes, religious artwork, and rosaries—all made of olive wood native to Israel and Bethlehem—in the church vestibule. With tourism numbers down, Christian families in the Holy Land, who depend on tourists, have been greatly affected. Sales of these goods will help them very much and also give you the opportunity to have something authentic from the Holy Land. Please browse and buy if you can. It is for a good cause and also a help to your personal devotion. Go A GRECCIO CHRISTMAS AT HOLY SPIRIT History credits St. Francis of Assisi with beginning the popular tradition of the Christmas creche. In 1223, St. Francis invited the townspeople of Greccio, Italy, to gather at a cave outside the village to reenact the first Christmas manger scene. The Channel Of Peace, Secular Franciscan Order, would like to invite all—young and old—to join them Sunday, December 14, at 3pm at Holy Spirit Catholic Church, in Soddy Daisy as they gather to experience and celebrate, in the spirit of St Francis, 4 ST. JUDE CATHOLIC CHURCH CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE NOVEMBER 16, 2014 God’s gift of the incarnation. Detach and place in collection basket. COMMUNITY SUPPORT OUR CATHOLIC TEAMS! The Football programs in our local Catholic community are enjoying phenomenal seasons, including the Catholic Middle School team (comprised of students from St. Jude and Our Lady of Perpetual Help) and Notre Dame High School. The Catholic Sixth Grade team (OLPH and St. Jude students playing for the Scenic City league) is currently 9-1, and is set to play in the Scenic City Super Bowl on Saturday, November 22, at Finley Stadium (4pm). Support our Catholic teams! ONE TABLE, EVERYONE’S INVITED Causeway was founded with a vision to make Chattanooga the most collaborative city in the country, where people of all backgrounds naturally come together to find meaningful solutions to our community’s most pressing challenges. This year, we opened our first physical office space, just around the corner from Miller Plaza, known as a hub for business and innovation, and Miller Park, often associated with homelessness and poverty. We believe that to build a city that is an honest reflection of its residents, everyone has to be invited to the table. HALF-PRICE SALE FOR SENIORS Donations of funds or household goods may be made at 2821 Rossville Blvd, just off I-24 in Chattanooga. Store hours are 10am to 4pm, Mon through Sat. Come to donate, stay to shop, return to volunteer! Financial and in-kind assistance in October went toward the following: Rent Electricity In-Kind Services Prescriptions Lifeline Layettes Transportation Water Food Vouchers Veterans’ Assistance Total Assistance On Monday, November 24, Causeway will shut down the block between Miller Park and Miller Plaza for a community Thanksgiving potluck lunch in the middle of Martin Luther King Boulevard. No fee, no expectations and no agenda, just an open invitation to get to know your neighbors a little better and to give thanks for this city of ours, together. $2,583.15 2,352.27 1,779.05 887.00 675.00 500.00 250.00 156.06 50.00 50.00 $9,282.53 What can you do? Show up, invite a friend and bring a dish. We need people to hear about this from every direction. Please take a minute to invite your friends to help us spread the word. You can RSVP on our Facebook Event page (“One Table— Chattanooga’s Community Thanksgiving Potluck”) and add it to your calendar. In true potluck fashion, please bring a dish to share that is ready to be served. SOLEMN VESPERS SERVICE Support the cause. Causeway and its donors, sponsors and partners will provide the turkey and dressing. If you’d like to contribute financially, donate some materials or volunteer for the event, visit our cause page. Please join Bishop Stika and the Religious of the Diocese of Knoxville in Solemn Vespers on Sunday, November 30, at 4pm at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Knoxville. This celebration will kick off the Year of Consecrated Life. There will be a reception following the service. Additional events in celebration of the Year of Consecrated Life will be announced later. Again, here are the details: One Table: Chattanooga’s Community Thanksgiving Potluck November 24, 2014 850 Market Street 12:00 - 1:30 PM NEW PARISHIONER / CHANGES _____ New parishioner _____Moving out of parish We can't wait to see you there! Everyone’s invited. The Causeway Team _____ Information has changed Name ____________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________ City, Zip ___________________________________________ Phone ____________________________________________ HOLY SPIRIT PARISH TRIP TO FLORIDA February 23-27, 2015. Cost: $395 double occupancy. Includes bus transportation, 4 nights’ lodging, 8 meals. Amelia Island, St. Augustine, Jacksonville. Call Kathleen 5 Maxwell at 843-0095 November 16, 2014 ST. JUDE CATHOLIC CHURCH CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE WEEKLY FINANCIAL REPORT MAINTENANCE AND EMERGENCY FUND Fiscal Year: July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2015 Total Budget: $2,861,000 Week 19 Weekly Needs (based on budget) Weekly Income (11-10-14) $ $ Year to Date Needs Year to Date Income The Maintenance and Emergency Fund is an outgrowth of the Journey Together Capital Campaign that ended in December 2013. All monies given to the fund are placed in reserve in a designated account for maintenance concerns (the second goal of the Journey Together campaign). 57,000.00 57,000.26 +0.26 Maintenance and Emergency Fund Donations (11-10-14) Current Total in Reserve $1,083,000.00 960,683.10 $ -122,316.90 $ 2,687.00 $313,297.79 Wherever your treasure lies, there your heart will be. Luke 12:34 The gift you have received, give as a gift. Matthew 10:8 7 CAN MY SMALL CONTRIBUTION REALLY MAKE A DIFFERENCE? Wow! Thank you for blessing the Northside Neighborhood House with the abundance of food! It always amazes our staff to see how much you give. So many clients will have smiles on their faces when they leave NNH with groceries for their families. The Northside Neighborhood House is very thankful for all you do! We at Catholic Charities are deeply grateful for your parish’s contribution.… Our mission is to serve the most vulnerable in our community and to empower our clients towards independence and self-sufficiency. Our underlying principle and primary value is the sanctity of the human person in all walks of life. AMAZING!!!! I was truly amazed by the response from St. Jude to our needs. GOD BLESS EVERYONE!! [Chattanooga Community Kitchen] Your donation keeps the doors of our family day center open so Family Promise of Greater Chattanooga can continue to help homeless families return to the community as stable, employed, housed, and self-sufficient citizens contributing to the local economy, the city, and their neighborhoods. Homelessness is usually a symptom of more complex problems. A lack of education, poor interpersonal communication skills, mental illness and/or substance abuse often make up the real problem. Because of your support of Chattanooga Room in the Inn (a van full of wish list items!), we can help women address the real issues that led them to homelessness. The support each month from St. Jude Catholic Church makes our outcomes possible. [Family Promise of Greater Chattanooga] Your continued support means that the Chattanooga Community Kitchen can plan for the future. This December, we will open our first ever shelter for homeless families – as many as 13 families at a time. For the first time in our history, we will be able to offer men, women, and children a place to stay, together, on the very night they become homeless. We received the food you all collected at St. Jude! Thank you so much for the overflow of blessings! Your church is extremely giving and year after year I am overwhelmed with the amount you donate to Northside Neighborhood House clients. Your generosity is greatly appreciated! We have already been giving out the food to clients who are in need. Thank you for your recent gift to the Chattanooga Area Food Bank. Your gift has already been put to work to help us feed our hungry neighbors! Dedicated donors who give so generously on a regular basis make it possible for us to keep up with the demand… and remind us that we are not alone in our mission. Thank you for always being generous and caring about your community. It is such a blessing to have a pantry full of food to give our clients. We could not “give a hand up” without your support and food donations. We appreciate your partnership and love for our clients and the Northside Neighborhood House. For more than 30 years, the Chattanooga Community Kitchen has offered help and hope to the homeless of our area through a number of essential, life-giving services. From meals to clothing, jobs and even counseling, your support has changed thousands of lives. Our shelves are full! We had to put some of the food in boxes because our pantry was overflowing! What a blessing. Thank you, St. Jude Church, so much. We truly appreciate everything that you do for us. No one who comes to Northside Neighborhood House will leave hungry. Thank you so much! You have no idea how helpful and appreciated your contributions are to our shelter. [Partnership for Families, Children & Adults] PARROQUIA SAN JUDAS EN CHATTANOOGA 930 Ashland Terrace, Chattanooga, TN 37415 Números de Teléfono y contactos Oficina: (423) 870-2386 (de 9:00AM a 4:00PM) Fax: (423) 876-8960 Email: [email protected] 11/15/14 Ministerio Hispano Padre Moisés (423) 870-2386 Horario Misa Sábados 5:30pm (ingles) Sábado 7.30pm (español) Domingo 8.00am, 10:30am, 12:15pm, 5:30pm (ingles) Diaria 8:15am (Lunes a Sábado)(ingles) Miércoles 7:00pm y Viernes 5:30pm (ingles) Confesiones Miércoles 6:00pm Requisitos para Sacramentos: Bautizos: Tomar las pláticas pre-bautismales para padres (registrados en la iglesia de San Judas) y padrinos (que los Padrinos sean Católicos y estén casados por la iglesia) y separar la fecha del bautismo con un mínimo de 3 meses de anticipación. * Pláticas Pre-bautismales para padres y padrinos: Son a cargo de Alberto Rios por favor llamen a 423355-0495 Matrimonios: Traer las partidas de bautismo y confirmación recientes (mínimo 6 meses) de cada uno de los contrayentes, tomar las platicas pre-matrimoniales con Carlos (12 clases), fijar las fecha de la boda con un mínimo de 5 meses de anticipación Confesiones: Todos los miércoles a las 6pm o Sábados a las 4pm, o por cita previa. Por favor noten que no todos sábados o miércoles hay confesiones en español. Hablen con las oficinas o con el Padre antes para asegurar que padre estará confesando si necesita que sea en español. Primera Comunión: La primera comunión se hace en el segundo grado y requiere dos años se preparación. Por favor apunten a sus hijos para las clases en el primer grado. Clases son todos los miércoles entre septiembre y marzo a las 6.30pm Catecismo: Se reunen todos los miercoles en a las 6:30pm. Para mas informacion contacten a Irene al (423)596-0053 ORACIONES Si usted tiene una necesidad de oración pueden escribirla en el libro de la capilla y diariamente se ofrecen rosarios para esas intenciones Hermanos en Cristo Alberto Rios (423)355-0495 Unase a el grupo de estudio de biblia. Se reúnen los: Domingos a las 7:00pm dirigido por Alberto Rios y el Padre Moises en la capilla de la iglesia . Hay Adoracion al Santismio además de meditaciones no pierdan esto oportunidad de acercase más a nuestro Señor Para registrar para los eventos contacte a nuestra Ministra Juvenil Alicia Bradshaw en [email protected] o 870-8002. Vea la página web del Ministerio Juvenil en san Judas en ministry/index.html Confirmaciones: Asistir a las clases, junto con los padres o padrinos, asistir a los retiros preparatorios, haber recibido los sacramentos del bautismo y la primera comunión. Estar dispuesto a hacer servicio a la comunidad. Atender a misa todos los sábados o domingos. Familia debe estar registrada en la iglesia de San Judas. Vean a Alicia Bradshaw para más información, formas de registro y horarios de clases e Schedule. Encargada del boletin Nelly Nunez Para intenciones llamen a(423)544-9175 Información Monetaria “Porque donde esta vuestro tesoro, allí estará también vuestro corazón” Lucas 12: 34 Colecta del día Domingo Noviembre 8 Dinero suelto $503.00 Sobres (4) $164.00 “De gracia recibisteis, dad de gracia.” Mateo 10:8 Refleccion Sobre la Palabra de Dios La enseñanza de la Liturgia de hoy es muy clara. Los empleados somos nosotros; los talentos son las condiciones con que Dios nos ha dotado al crearnos: inteligencia, capacidad de amar, salud, bienes temporales...; el tiempo que dura el viaje del señor hasta su regreso es nuestra vida terrena; el banquete es el Cielo. En su infinita condescendencia el Señor nos ha confiado unos bienes con los que debemos negociar. “Tenemos una gran tarea por delante. No cabe la actitud de permanecer pasivos, porque el Señor nos declaró expresamente: negociad mientras vengo (Lc 19, 13). Mientras esperamos el retorno del Señor, que volverá a tomar posesión plena de su Reino, no podemos estar cruzados de brazos. La extensión del Reino de Dios no es sólo tarea oficial de los miembros de la Iglesia que representan a Cristo, porque han recibido de Él los poderes sagrados. Vos autem estis corpus Christi (1 Cor 12,27), vosotros también sois cuerpo de Cristo, nos señala el Apóstol, con el mandato concreto de negociar hasta el fin”. (San Josemaría Escrivá). Pero mientras unos trabajan alegre y generosamente en la tarea encomendada, otros se inhiben esgrimiendo razones que el Señor desaprueba. ¿Por qué es castigado el empleado negligente si no malgastó viciosamente el dinero y devolvió íntegro el talento recibido? Justamente por eso, porque se limitó a conservarlo. No lo perdió, pero no lo hizo fructificar. Fue condenado por un pecado de omisión. El siervo perezoso es la viva imagen del cristiano que cuando es urgido a una vida de piedad más intensa; a comprometerse en la empresa de la evangelización; a aliviar el peso de la pobreza y del sufrimiento de quienes le rodean, se evade y tranquiliza su conciencia diciéndose: yo no soy malo, no extorsiono a nadie, no hago daño. Aparte de que un examen de conciencia más atento pondría de manifiesto pequeñas o grandes mentiras, críticas y murmuraciones, envidias, rencores, malos tratos, etc., esas personas no reparan en que existen también omisiones graves, cosas que deberían haberse hecho o dicho y que no se hicieron o dijeron, que es, justamente, lo que el Señor condena en esta parábola. No se hace, tal vez, nada malo, pero tampoco hay un empeño sostenido en favor de la familia, de la vida, la educación, la cultura, la justicia social..., tan necesitadas de apoyo siempre. Descendamos al plano personal, ¿yo, en mi hogar, en el lugar de trabajo, en mis relaciones sociales, en mi parroquia, hago fructificar los talentos de inteligencia, salud, simpatía, imaginación, de posibilidades económicas, de gestión e influencia, etc., que Dios me ha concedido, o entierro todo eso en el agujero de la desidia? ¿Procuro influir a través de mis contactos profesionales y de todo signo en esos organismos desde los que se puede promover con más extensión y hondura los valores cristianos de la familia, la educación, la defensa de la vida, el derecho, y tantas cuestiones más que precisan ayuda? ¡Hay tanto por hacer! ¡Hay tanta necesidad a nuestro alrededor, que enterrar nuestros talentos, inhibirse de los problemas, es una impostura y algo que desagrada profundamente a Dios!
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