St. John’s Catholic Church st Father Bernard A. Pfau 116 – 1 Ave. N - P.O. Box 389 Website: New Rockford, ND 58356-0389 E-Mail: [email protected] Ss. Peter and Paul – Mission Parish 391 Conn St. - P.O. Box 235 McHenry, ND 58464-0235 Parish Office (701) 947-5325 Parish Hall (701) 947-2368 Pastor’s Residence - (701) 947-5325 317 – 2nd Avenue South New Rockford, ND 58356-0389 ************************************************************************************************************************ ATTENTION: ANY ANNOUNCEMENTS TO BE PUT IN THE BULLETIN ARE TO BE IN TO THE PARISH OFFICE BY NOON ON TUESDAYS. ************************************************************************************************************************ THIS WEEK IN THE CHURCH: “The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica” November 9, 2014 *Reminder: The Rosary is prayed 20 minutes before all weekday and weekend Masses. Monday Nov. 10th 8:30AM +Charlotte Hilbert NO Office Hours Tuesday Nov. 11th 8:45AM +All Veterans (Lutheran Home of the Good Shepherd) Office Hours: 9:00AM – 6:00PM Wednesday Nov. 12th 6:30PM -DeVon Allmaras Office Hours: 9:00AM – 9:00PM Thursday Nov. 13th 8:30AM +Margaret Settelmeyer Office Hours: 9:00AM – 1:30PM Friday Nov. 14th 8:30AM +Rose & Alfred Ritzke, Sr. Office Hours: 9:00AM – 6:00PM Saturday Nov. 15th 5:00PM St. John’s in New Rockford -Christopher Allmaras Sunday Nov. 16th 8:30AM St. John’s in New Rockford 10:30AM Ss. Peter & Paul in McHenry Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica . . . Today's Feast takes the place of the 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time, since it signifies a most important part of the History of the Catholic Church. The Basilica of St. John Lateran is the "Mother Church" of all the churches of the world and the Cathedral of the Diocese of Rome. In a sense this Feast reminds us of the Holy Place our own churches have become for us...where we gather, worship, receive Christ, and find strength in our time together as the "Living Stones" of the Church. Up until Jesus' time, worship of God was associated with a place, the temple in Jerusalem. In today's Gospel Jesus identifies himself as the "temple", thus shifting the focus of our worship from a place to a person. It is well to remember this in a time of shifting demographics and reconfiguring parishes. As precious as our church buildings are to us, the Church is more than bricks and mortar. Question: "How do I witness to being a 'Temple" of the living God to others?" The National Evangelization Team (NET) will be at St. John's Parish this Sunday to conduct a Retreat for our REFF 7-12 grade students . . . This Team is made of 12 men and women (college age and older), one of 9 Teams traveling throughout the Country and beyond, bringing the good news of God's love to youth and carrying out the work of evangelization in today's world. The theme of the Retreat, which begins immediately after Mass/Lunch until 4:00pm is “You Will Receive Power” and is designed to stir up the grace of the Holy Spirit given in Baptism and Confirmation; even though these Sacraments were received many years ago. The NET Team will remain in New Rockford until Tuesday morning and then travel to Texas where they will be doing the Work of the Lord with youth there. Please remember to pray for the Retreat today and special thanks to the many people who are hosting the Team and providing meals for them while here. Scripture Readings for next Sunday: Proverbs 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31; 1 Thessalonians 5:1-6; Matthew 25:14-30. Bishop Folda's "Letter of Gratitude" . . . is attached to today's bulletin, in which the Bishop also shares his reaction to the defeat of the Measure #I Human Life Amendment proposal this past Tuesday. I wish to add my own personal thanks to all who helped in any way to pass this Amendment (signs/prayers/booth displays/conversations with people). We must continue to work with our bishops and pro-life people in building a culture of life in ND and throughout the world. God Bless You! Responsorial Psalm: “The water of the river gladden the city of God, the holy dwelling of the Most High!” BULLETIN COMPLIMENTS: “WONDER LANES – PAT & LEROY KRUEGER” “LEAGUES & OPEN BOWLING – BOWLING BIRTHDAY PARTIES – GREAT FAMILY SPORT” “OPEN DAILY AFTERNOONS & 7:00PM EVENINGS DURING BOWLING SEASON” Feasts this week: Monday: St. Leo the Great, pope; Tuesday: St. Martine of Tours, bishop; Thursday: St. Francis Xavier Cabrini; Saturday: St. Albert the Great. A Soup and Sandwich Lunch to help fund the construction of the Marker of the St. Joseph Church Cemetery of Bremen will be held this coming Friday, Nov. 14, from 11:00am to 1:00pm, at the New Rockford Eagles Club . . . Check the flyer attached to today's bulletin and be sure you put this event on your calendar, served by the St. Joseph Christian Mothers, Bremen. For "to go orders" call 947-2440. Looking for Hope in a Confused World? . . . Try Real Presence Radio: Your Catholic Radio Station AM1370 on your radio and on your computer! Web streaming 24/7. Mass Time listed online . . . To find a Mass and its’ location at any parish go to or call 1-410-676-6000. The Diocese of Fargo is on Facebook and Twitter! . . . For more events, stories and information happening throughout the diocese, like us on Facebook at, follow us on Twitter at and check out our website at St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church Web Page . . . the Weekly Bulletin, Altar Server Schedule, Reader Schedule, REFF Class Schedule, and various links are now available on the City of New Rockford Website. The address is Just click on Organizations>Churches>St. John Catholic Church. God’s Gift Appeal: St. John’s: $20,580.00 - 78% of goal. Ss. Peter & Paul: $3,690.00- 94% of goal. Please keep the following sick people in your prayers: Ardie Allmaras, Valerie & Megan Weisenburger, Dan Lies, Bev Ehlers, DeVon Allmaras, Duane Howard, Beaty Engels, Fran & Dorothy O’Connor, Ted Gathman, Boris Radzin, Ted Dauenhauer, Nickolie Thompson, Edith Gehrtz, Dorothy Theil, John Steinbach, Maxine Byrum, Sylvia Spreen, Joe Schmaltz, Donna Wishart, Gerti Omoth, Jill Weber, Marlys Ferguson, Quentin Georgeson, Mary Kuntz, Jim & Janice Ridge, Alfred Ritzke, Mary Kuntz, Butch Lesmeister, Pat Wagner, & the Kulsrud Family. Hunger Free Food Pantry Backpack Program: is now in place at NRS School. Each Friday children in need take home a bag of food to feed them over the weekend. This is place discreetly in their backpack by their teacher. If you would like to sponsor a child, the cost is $190.00 for the school year or $95.00 for half a year. Congratulations to the Knights of Columbus and REFF families for a very successful Breakfast last Sunday after the 8:30am Mass: Proceeds from the breakfast amounted to about $1100.00 with an additional $200.00 from the bake sale. Funds are to be designated to help with the March for Life in January and Youth activities (like the NET Retreat) throughout the year. Thanks to everyone for making this a great parish event and a great opportunity for fellowship and friendship. Study the New Testament via TV or internet: Free Catholic Bible Study Resources created by Dr. Jan George. The videos can be viewed for free at; accompanying lessons can be downloaded. The New Testament Letters: Part I covering the early letters of St. Paul is currently being aired on local access television in Devils Lake on Channel 7 on NDTC and Channel 12 on Midcontinent. The 15 programs are airing weekly from Nov. 3, 2014 – Feb. 13, 2015 on the following days and times: Sundays: 10:00am, Mondays: 5:00pm, Tuesdays: 7:00pm, Wednesdays: 11:00pm, Thursdays: 10:00pm, Fridays: 5:00pm, & Saturdays: 11:00pm. REFF: 1) NET Retreat this Sunday, 10:30am Mass to 4:00pm in the Parish Center for grades 7-12; 2) REFF classes for all grades this next Wednesday, Nov 12; 3) The REFF Board Meeting for youth/adults will be held this coming Wednesday, Nov. 12, 5:00pm; 4) The Diocesan Youth Celebration for grades 9-12 will be held at Harvey, ND, Saturday, November 22. The Deadline for registering is Monday, Nov. 10, with students receiving 1/2 off on the registration fee. Contact the Parish Office if any questions. Deanery V . . . A meeting of priests in Deanery V will be held this coming Tuesday afternoon, Nov. 11, at St. Mary's Church in Lakota, with a Lay Council Meeting at 7:00pm that same evening. Bishop Folda desires to make all eight deanery lay councils effective instruments of communication and evangelization for the entire Diocese with special emphasis on the work of the Year of the Family. 125th Anniversary of the Fargo Diocese . . . Bishop John T. Folda will preside at a special celebration of Mass to commemorate the 125th Anniversary of the Diocese of Fargo on Saturday, Nov. 15, 2014, 10:00am, at the Cathedral of St. Mary, Fargo. Following the Mass there will be a luncheon with exhibits of historical pictures, documents, and artifacts. All the faithful of the Diocese are welcome to attend these special events and there is no need to pre-register. The Anointing of the sick and elderly will be administered next weekend at all Masses . . . If anyone is unable to attend and would like to receive this Sacrament of the Sick in church please call the Parish Office for a ride. We not only pray for the sick, but administer this Sacrament of Grace to those who are in need; old, middle age, or young. Nursing Home residents and homebound will also be able to receive this Sacrament during November. The Black and Indian Mission Appeal will take place next weekend, Nov. 15/16 . . . This Appeal is taken up each year to provide help in education and pastoral care for the Native Americans and Blacks in America who would otherwise not hear the Gospel preached nor be able to receive the Sacraments. Please use the envelope in your offertory box for your generous donation. The ND Native American Reservations receive some help from this Appeal. Pastor on Retreat . . . I will be making my annual priest's retreat the week of November 17-21 at Maryvale in Valley City. “Catholicism: Faith Formation Program” . . . will be held every other Tuesday, the next class is November 18th from 7:00pm – 9:00pm at St. John’s, New Rockford. Call 9457-5325 to register. A Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend Retreat is being held in Grand Forks, Nov. 21-23 . . . Fr. Dale Kinzler will be the priest on the weekend and there are already 15 + couples signed up for this special time for couples to better communicate and deepen their love for each other. Call 701-347-1998 to register now and give each other the gift of a WEEKEND OF LOVE. The Basilica of St. James in Jamestown is observing a Trinity of Celebrations on Sunday, November 23 . . . 1) 125 years of the Diocese of Fargo (formally the Diocese of Jamestown). 2) 100 years of the current church building. 3) 25 years since the elevation of the church to a Minor Basilica by the Holy See. There will be a celebration of the Holy Eucharist at 10:30am at the church, followed by a lunch, and program in the Jamestown Civic Center. Please RSVP to: [email protected] or call the Parish Office at 701-252-0119 to reserve a place for lunch. I plan to attend the 10:30 am Eucharist with Bishops Folda, Kagan, and the Titular Bishop that day, with Fr. Don Leiphon taking the New Rockford 10:30am Mass that morning. I was pastor of St. James when it became a "Minor Basilica", a special privilege granted to few churches in the U.S., becoming a special place of pilgrimage for Christians. St. John's Pastoral Council: November Tuesday, Nov. 25, 7:00pm. The All-faith's Thanksgiving Service will be held at St. John's Church, Wednesday, Nov. 26, 7:00pm . . . St. John's is responsible for providing music, ushers, and refreshments for this community event sponsored by the Eddy County Ministerial Association. “Caring Hearts” . . . Group 3 – Chairpersons: Gene & Nancy Masse – Bart & Andrea Salazar; & Group 4 – Chairpersons: Jake & Lisa Engels – Ben & Gerri Makay; Group 1 – Chairpersons: Eugene & Mary Hartl – Jeff & Leann Schafer; Group 2 – Chairpersons: DeVon Allmaras – Nyle & Lavonne Myhre. “SCHEDULE OF MINISTERS” DATE Saturday Nov. 15th 5:00pm Sunday Nov. 16th 8:30am Saturday Nov. 22nd 5:00pm Sunday Nov. 23rd 10:30am EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION *Althea Gronos Sandie Nystrom Carter Richter Janice Reis *Laura Risovi Jenna Helseth Gary Geisinger Dianne Allmaras *Lisa Engels Serena Guler Angie Hopfauf Terri Backer *Peggy Duchscherer Leonard Duchscherer Leann Schafer Jeff Schafer SERVERS Micah Nicolai Garret Schuster Ashley Schuster Teddy Allmaras Rebecca Allmaras Nicholas Hovey Kayahna Hopfauf Hunter Jacobson Kindra Jacobson Corey Schafer Billy Steinbach Caden Price USHERS LECTOR Craig Demester Mike Nicolai Jim Ehni Ron Schaefer Jerry Schuster Leonard Duchscherer Bart Salazar Jamie Risovi Jeff Schafer Curt Weinmann Craig Demester Sandie Nystrom Jim Ehni Ron Schaefer Jerry Schuster Leonard Duchscherer Jenna Helseth Jamie Risovi Jeff Schafer Curt Weinmann PIANIST Heather Klocke EUCHARISTIC GIFTBEARERS John Odstrcil Family Annette Hovey Jennifer Olson Family Heather Klocke Harry Pieterick Family Annette Hovey Chans Price Family
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