Nano Research Nano Res DOI 10.1007/s12274-014-0639-0 Stability of BN/metal interfaces in gaseous atmosphere Yang Yang1, Qiang Fu1(), Mingming Wei1, Hendrik Bluhm2, Xinhe Bao1() Nano Res., Just Accepted Manuscript • DOI 10.1007/s12274-014-0639-0 on November 14, 2014 © Tsinghua University Press 2014 Just Accepted This is a “Just Accepted” manuscript, which has been examined by the peer-review process and has been accepted for publication. A “Just Accepted” manuscript is published online shortly after its acceptance, which is prior to technical editing and formatting and author proofing. Tsinghua University Press (TUP) provides “Just Accepted” as an optional and free service which allows authors to make their results available to the research community as soon as possible after acceptance. After a manuscript has been technically edited and formatted, it will be removed from the “Just Accepted” Web site and published as an ASAP article. 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China 2Chemical Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 1 Cyclotron Road, Berkeley, California 94720, USA Oxygen intercalation at BN/Ru(0001) interface occurs at BN islands in 10 -8 Torr O2 and on full BN layer in 0.1 Torr O2, which decouples BN overlayer from the substrate and simultaneously oxidizes the metal surface. Provide the authors’ webside if possible. Author 1, webside 1 Author 2, webside 2 Nano Research DOI (automatically inserted by the publisher) Research Article Stability of BN/metal interfaces in gaseous atmosphere Yang Yang1, Qiang Fu1(), Mingming Wei1, Hendrik Bluhm2, Xinhe Bao1() Received: day month year ABSTRACT Revised: day month year Hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) is often prepared by epitaxial growth on metals, and stability of the formed BN/metal interfaces in gaseous environment is a key issue for physico-chemical properties of the BN overlayers. As an illustration here, the structural change of BN/Ru(0001) interface upon exposure to O2 has been investigated using in-situ photoemission electron microscopy and ambient pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. We demonstrate the occurrence of oxygen intercalation of the BN overlayers in O 2 atmosphere, which decouples the BN overlayer from the substrate. Comparative studies in oxygen intercalation at BN/Ru(0001) and graphene/Ru(0001) surfaces indicate that the oxygen intercalation of BN overlayers happens more easily than graphene. This finding will be of importance for future applications of BN-based devices and materials under ambient conditions. Accepted: day month year (automatically inserted by the publisher) © Tsinghua University Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014 KEYWORDS h-BN, graphene, intercalation, Ru(0001), PEEM, AP-XPS 1 strongly affect physical and chemical properties of Introduction BN epitaxial structures. For example, BN has been Hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) is an analogue of regarded as an excellent substrate for growth of graphene. With the rise of graphene and the related high-quality graphene layers, which is more two-dimensional much feasible on BN layer supported on a metal surface attention has been paid to the h-BN structure [1-4]. owing to the transparent catalytic activity of the Among many h-BN preparation methods, epitaxial underlying metal [10]. Uosaki et al. found that h-BN growth on transition metal (TM) is one of the most monolayer supported on Ni(111) or Au(111) effective routes, in which BN overlayers with surfaces can activate O2 in sharp contrast to the controlled domain size and layer number have been inert behavior of the free-standing BN, and the obtained on various TMs, such as Rh(111), Ru(0001), reactivity of the metal-supported BN layer has been Pt(111), Cu foil, and Ni foil [3-9]. It has been attributed to the presence of midgap states induced demonstrated that the formed BN/TM interfaces by the metal substrate [11, 12]. Greber and (2D) atomic crystals, Address correspondence to Qiang Fu, [email protected]; Xinhe Bao, [email protected] 2 Nano Res. coworkers observed disappearance of the periodic corrugation of monolayer BN on Rh(111) when a 2 Experimental layer of hydrogen atoms intercalate at the BN/Rh interface [13]. PEEM/LEEM experiments were carried out in an The important role of the BN/substrate interfaces Elmitec ultrahigh vacuum (UHV) system, which calls for more attention to study the stability of the consists of a preparation chamber, a main chamber interface structure. BN/metal systems are often used with in gaseous atmospheres. Molecules may diffuse into ultraviolet laser source (λ = 177.3 nm) [27]. The the BN/metal interfaces, which intercalate the BN imaging system contains a hemispherical analyzer, overlayers and change the interface structure [13]. an aberration corrector, a field emission electron Moreover, the BN-substrate interaction can be source, and other electron lens. Ru(0001) surface tuned by the intercalation, which could affect the was cleaned by repeated cycles of Ar+ sputtering physico-chemical properties of BN overlayers [14, (2.0 kV, 7 10-6 Torr Ar), heating in O2 (550 oC, 5 15]. In the past few years, much work has been 10-7 Torr O2), and annealing in UHV to 1300 oC by devoted to the intercalation of graphene overlayers electron grown on metals and SiC surfaces [15-27]. It has structure was obtained on the clean Ru(0001) been shown that molecules such as CO, O2, and surface using ammonia borane (BH3NH3) as the H2O can be trapped between the graphene precursor. The growth details are as follows: the overlayers gaseous clean Ru(0001) surface was kept at a temperature environments, and novel physics and chemistry between 630 and 700 oC. BH3NH3 powder was under the graphene covers have been revealed placed in a steel container, which was heated to [21-26]. In contrast to the extensive studies in the around 100 oC. Vapor produced in the container intercalation of was allowed to leak into the main chamber using a BN/metal interfaces with gases has not been well high-precision leakage valve, and pressure in the explored. Particularly, how stable are the epitaxial chamber was in the range of 10-8 Torr. The growth BN structures under gaseous conditions remains process was dynamically imaged by LEEM or unclear. PEEM, and the BN coverage can be controlled by and of the substrates graphene, the in interaction imaging beam components, and bombardment. a vacuum Monolayer BN In this work, we investigated oxygen intercalation the dosing time. Graphene was deposited on the of BN overlayers grown on Ru(0001) in O2 using Ru(0001) surface using the same process reported photoemission electron microscopy (PEEM)/low previously [27]. energy electron microscopy (LEEM) and ambient atmosphere (AP-XPS). X-ray Our photoelectron spectroscopy in-situ characterization AP-XPS investigations were performed at beamline 11.0.2 at the Advanced Light Source, using results an ambient pressure XPS end-station. BN overlayers confirm the diffusion of oxygen atoms into the were grown on the clean Ru(0001) with a similar BN/Ru(0001) interface and the decoupling of the BN recipe but using borazine (H6B3N3) as the precursor. overlayers from the substrate surface. Comparative After the BN deposition, high purity O2 was studies in the oxygen intercalation at BN/Ru(0001) exposed to the BN/Ru(0001) surfaces via backfilling and a the analysis chamber. The B 1s, N 1s, and Ru 3d difference in the intercalation kinetics at the two spectra were acquired with a photon energy of 495, interfaces. 710, and 465 eV, respectively. A graphene/Ru(0001) graphene/Ru(0001) surfaces indicate surface was subjected to the same O2 exposure, and C 1s + Ru 3d spectra were recorded with a photon | 3 Nano Res. energy of 390 eV. The Fermi edges were measured each measurement was carried out at a new sample at each photon energy, which were used to calibrate position to avoid potential beam damage [26]. the binding energy positions. In O2 atmospheres 3 Results Figure 1 (a-c) Selected LEEM images during BN growth on Ru(0001)at 640 oC at the growth time of 80, 200, and 320 s, respectively. Start voltage (STV) = 12.8 V. The pressure in the main chamber was increased gradually from 2.2 10-8 to 7.1 10-8 Torr in the growth process. 0 s is taken as the appearance of BN islands. The nucleation sites are marked by red dots in each image. The step direction is indicated by the yellow arrow in (a). (d) A PEEM image of a BN overlayer with a high coverage. (e) A PEEM image of a full BN layer. A few domain boundaries are labeled by red arrows. (f) -LEED pattern from the BN monolayer (46 eV). LEED spot for Ru and BN are indicated by yellow and red arrows, respectively. Monolayer BN islands were grown on the clean the uphill growth, which is similar to graphene Ru(0001) surface, which was monitored by in-situ growth on Ru(0001) [27, 28]. The downhill growth LEEM. Both the substrate temperature and the of graphene on Ru(0001) has been attributed to its chamber pressure can be used to control the density strong interaction with the Ru surface, and so it is of nucleation sites and island growth rate. A typical for BN. Depending on the growth time, monolayer growth process was illustrated in Figure 1a-1c, and BN islands with the size of micrometers (see Figure the corresponding LEEM video can be found in 1d) or a full BN layer (see Figure 1e) can be video S1 in the ESM. Two growth features can be obtained. At the full BN layer domain boundaries clearly identified. First, the growth rate along steps were clearly observed, as indicated by arrows in is larger than that across steps, producing BN strips. Figure 1e. Extended defects such as pinholes and Second, the downhill growth is much faster than vacancies exist in the domain boundaries, which∣ | Nano Research 4 Nano Res. should affect the stability of the full BN layer in of the BN/Ru(0001) surface observed by scanning gaseous atmosphere as discussed later. tunneling microscope [30]. Besides, -LEED A typical micro-region LEED (-LEED) pattern investigation indicates that all BN islands have the acquired from the as-prepared monolayer BN same orientation, suggesting the single crystallinity islands was displayed in Figure 1f, which shows the of the epitaxial BN overlayers on Ru(0001). The presence of a coincidence structure with 13×13 h-BN growth behavior and structural feature of BN unit cells matched to 12×12 units of Ru(0001) [29]. indicate This result is also in agreement with moiré patterns overlayers and Ru(0001) surface [31]. the strong interaction between BN Figure 2 (a-d) Selected PEEM images during the O-intercalation of BN islands in 5 10-8 Torr O2 at 180 oC at 0, 108, 216, and 324 s, respectively. The width of the un-intercalated part of a BN strip is measured along the yellow line as shown in (a-d). (e) (0, 0) spot of a LEED pattern (29 eV) of the pristine BN surface and (f) that after the O-intercalation. (g) I-V curves recorded from a pristine BN island and the O-intercalated BN island. The change in the surface work function has been marked in the figure. The BN/Ru(0001) surfaces were then exposed to ESM), which indicates that the intercalation process O2, and in-situ PEEM was used to study the oxygen is reaction limited and a reaction rate can be adsorption process considering that PEEM is more derived accordingly [32]. sensitive to O2 exposure than LEEM (see video S2 Accompanied with the change in the PEEM and S3 in the ESM). As shown in Figure 2a-2d, the image, the high-order diffraction spots around the image contrast of most BN islands starts to change (0, 0) spot were strongly attenuated (Figures 2e and when heating the surface in 5 10-8 Torr O2 at 180 oC. 2f). Thus, we infer that the strong interaction Each island gets darkened from the edge to the between BN and Ru(0001) has been significantly center, which indicates an increase in the surface weakened, which is similar to Pb, Ni, and O work function. From PEEM videos, intercalation intercalation at the graphene/Ru(0001) interface [24, rates (v) can be derived by v = -dL(t)/dt, where L(t) 27, 33]. In addition, -LEED patterns acquired from is the width of the un-intercalated part of a BN strip the O2-exposed BN islands show a clear (2 2) at the reaction time of t along the yellow line structure, which is due to oxygen adsorption on marked in Figure 2a-2d. The measured L(t) values Ru(0001) [34] (Figure S5b in the ESM). show a linear dependence on t (see Figure S4 in the LEEM intensity vs. voltage curves (I-V curves) | 5 Nano Res. from the BN islands also present significant changes surface. The dip structures in the I-V curves are after the O2 exposure. First, an increase in the often used as a fingerprint for the layer structure of surface work function by 1.78 eV (see Figure 2g) can graphene and BN, and the dip number increases by be observed by measuring the shift of the energy one in case that the layer number increases by one position in which the reflected intensity decreases or the overlayer has been decoupled from the by 10% [33, 35-37]. This result is consistent with the substrate via an interfacial intercalation [33, 38, 39]. darkening of the PEEM images when subjected to Overall, based on the results from PEEM, -LEED, O2 exposure. Second, an increase in the dip number and I-V curves we conclude that the oxygen by one has been observed in the curve after the O2 intercalation happens at the BN/Ru(0001) interface exposure. More specifically, the original dip at 7.1 in 5 10-8 Torr O2 at 180 oC, which decouples the BN eV from the pristine BN structure splits into two overlayer from the Ru(0001) surface. dips at 5.9 and 10.3 eV at the intercalated BN Figure 3 (a-c) B 1s, N 1s, and Ru 3d5/2 XPS spectra of a 0.5 ML BN/Ru(0001) surface kept in 5 10-8 Torr O2 with temperature increased from 50 to 400 oC. The bottom lines are from the as-prepared BN/Ru(0001) surface. The oxygen intercalation was further studied by interaction with while prepared by exposing the clean Ru(0001) surface to chemisorbed BN sites (strong interaction with Ru) 3 10 Torr borazine at 780 C for 7 min. Then, this [31, 40]. An obvious change in the N 1s and B 1s sample was exposed to 5 10 Torr O2 and heated spectra can be observed upon heating at 100 oC, in stepwise from room temperature to 400 oC. XPS B 1s, which a shoulder peak at much lower binding N 1s, and Ru 3d spectra were in-situ recorded at the energy appears in each spectrum (Figure 3a and 3b). indicated heating temperatures (Figure 3). On the The newly appeared low-energy peaks have been as-prepared 0.5 ML BN/Ru(0001) surface, both N 1s gradually strengthened and keep on shifting to and B 1s spectra are asymmetrical. It has been lower binding energy positions with the increasing shown that the low-energy components are from B heating temperature. At 400 oC the overall binding and N atoms in physisorbed BN sites (weak energy shifts are -1.88 eV (190.94 vs. 189.06 eV) and -8 to high-energy components o attributed the AP-XPS. A 0.5 ML BN/Ru(0001) surface was -8 are Ru), those∣ | Nano in the Research 6 Nano Res. -2.44 eV (398.99 vs. 396.55 eV) for B 1s and N 1s, surface region and the interfacial Ru atoms under respectively, and the spectra are more symmetric. the cover of BN, almost disappears. Both surface The strong shifts of B 1s and N 1s peaks to lower and interfacial Ru atoms have been saturated by binding energy positions clearly demonstrate the surface adsorbed oxygen atoms, shifting the decoupling of the BN structure from the Ru(0001) binding energy to higher values [41, 42]. At the surface The same time, we observed a new shoulder peak at O-intercalated BN layer is now quasi free-standing, 280.33 eV from Ru-O bonding [43]. These AP-XPS and all B and N atoms should have the same results are consistent with the PEEM/LEEM data, chemical environment thus presenting symmetrical suggesting the onset of oxygen intercalation of the N 1s and B 1s peaks. BN overlayer in 5 10-8 Torr O2 and above 100 oC. It via the oxygen intercalation. In the Ru 3d5/2 spectra, obvious change was also should be noted that oxygen intercalation at the observed when heating the sample in the O2 graphene/Ru(0001) surface happens at much higher atmosphere at 100 C. In such a case the shoulder temperatures under peak at low binding energy position (279.72 eV), condition, for instance above 300 C [23, 24] (also which is from the surface Ru atoms at the bared Ru see below). o the similar O2 exposure o Figure 4 (a-c) Selected PEEM images of oxygen intercalation of BN islands in 5 10-8 Torr O2 at 200 oC at the reaction time of 0, 40, and 90 s, respectively. (d-f) Selected PEEM images of oxygen intercalation of BN islands in 5 10-8 Torr O2 at 160 oC at the reaction time of 0, 510, and 1050 s, respectively. (g) An Arrhenius plot of oxygen intercalation rate with intercalation temperature on the BN/Ru(0001) surface. In the following a kinetic study in the all BN strips at 160 oC. The intercalation rates at intercalation reaction was carried out using in-situ different temperatures were obtained using the PEEM. The intercalation processes were conducted similar process as shown in Figure 2a-2d. in 5 10 Torr O2 at various temperatures. Selected -8 From the Arrhenius equation we have images of two PEEM videos of the intercalation intercalation rate constant of k = Aexp(-Ea/RT). For processes at 200 and 160 C were shown in Figure 4. simplicity the pre-exponential factor (A) and overall The intercalation at 200 C has been completed in intercalation activation energy (Ea) are thought to be less than 2 min, while it takes 20 min to intercalate invariant with temperature (T) in the investigated o o | 7 Nano Res. temperature range and for the fixed O2 pressure. An graphene islands results in darkening of PEEM Arrhenius plot of the intercalation rate with the images and disappearance of the superstructure in reciprocal of intercalation temperature (1/T) was LEED patterns (Figure 5 and Figure S6 in the ESM). given in Figure 4g, from which Ea for the oxygen However, the occurrence of oxygen intercalation of intercalation of BN/Ru(0001) interface was derived graphene islands needs higher temperatures than to be 0.88 eV. Previous works have shown that that at the BN/Ru(0001) surface under the same O2 oxygen intercalation occurs at graphene/Ru(0001) exposure condition. For instance, complete oxygen surface at O2 atmosphere [23, 24]. Here, a intercalation of graphene islands was observed at comparative study has been performed to reveal the 303 oC when heating in 5 10-8 Torr O2 for 6 min difference in the intercalation reaction at BN and (Figure 5a-5c), and only a small part of graphene graphene islands. Sub-monolayer graphene layers islands were intercalated after reaction at 281 oC for grown on Ru(0001) were exposed to 5 10-8 Torr O2 11 min (Figure 5d-5f). The intercalation reaction has at also been performed at various temperatures, and the investigated by in-situ PEEM. Similar to the reaction activation energy was obtained by the previous findings, oxygen intercalation of the similar way, which was around 1.11 eV (Figure 5g). various temperatures, which were Figure 5 (a-c) Selected PEEM images during oxygen intercalation of graphene islands in 5 10-8 Torr O2 at 303 oC at the reaction time of 0, 170, and 340 s, respectively. (d-f) Selected PEEM images during oxygen intercalation of graphene islands in 5 10-8 Torr O2 at 281 oC at the reaction time of 0, 340, and 700 s, respectively. (g) An Arrhenius plot of oxygen intercalation rate with intercalation temperature on the graphene/Ru(0001) surface. Having demonstrated the occurrence of oxygen (Figure S7 in the ESM). The full BN layer was then intercalation at BN islands, we further study the exposed to higher pressure O2, for instance 0.1 Torr oxygen intercalation at the full BN layer. The full O2. In-situ AP-XPS B 1s, N 1s, and Ru 3d spectra BN overlayer was grown on the Ru(0001) surface were recorded at various temperatures. As seen in with prolonged growth time. Oxygen intercalation Figure 6, the B 1s binding energy position decreases at the 1 ML BN/Ru(0001) surface has been from 190.88 to 190.66 eV and the N 1s peak shifts attempted in 1 10 Torr O2 at 190 C, but no from 398.93 to 398.46 eV after the O2 exposure at evidence of the oxygen intercalation was observed room temperature, indicating that the full-layer was after an overall exposure of 1400 Langmuir O2 partially decoupled from the substrate. Moreover, -6 o∣ | Nano Research 8 Nano Res. the Ru 3d5/2 surface component located at 279.72 eV surface. has been strongly attenuated. These results suggest For comparison, a full graphene layer grown on that oxygen has intercalated between the full BN Ru(0001) was also exposed to 0.1 Torr O2 at different layer room temperatures. Ru 3d + C 1s spectra indicate that no temperature. With a further increase of the change was observed at temperatures below 150 oC. annealing temperature both B 1s and N 1s peaks At 200 oC both the C 1s component at 285.27 eV keep on shifting to lower binding energy positions from C atoms interacting strongly with Ru(0001) and finally get stabilized at 189.51 and 396.95 eV, (noted as C1) and that at 284.55 eV attributed to C respectively, at 300 oC. At the same time, a new peak atoms interacting weakly with Ru (noted as C2) at 280.94 eV appears in the Ru 3d5/2 spectra, which shift to 283. 88 eV (noted as C3), which are assigned are from the RuOx species [43]. This result indicates to C atoms free from interaction with Ru(0001) [44, that the oxygen intercalation of BN overlayers has 45]. Therefore, the complete oxygen intercalation of been accompanied by the oxidation of Ru(0001) the graphene layer occurs at 200 oC. and Ru(0001) surface even at Figure 6 (a-c) B 1s, N 1s, and Ru 3d spectra of the 1 ML BN/Ru(0001) surface kept in 0.1 Torr O 2 with temperature increased from 30 to 350 oC, respectively. (d) Ru 3d + C 1s spectra of the 1 ML graphene/Ru(0001) surface kept in 0.1 Torr O2 at temperature from 30 to 350 oC. The bottom curves are from the as-prepared BN/Ru(0001) and graphene/Ru(0001) surfaces. | 9 Nano Res. 4 Discussions The above in-situ characterization results intercalation reaction at graphene and BN islands demonstrate that the oxygen intercalation of a full can be more clearly demonstrated by the oxygen BN layer necessitates a higher O2 pressure than that intercalation experiment over BN and graphene on a sub-monolayer BN overlayer. As discussed in hybrid structures. First, BN islands formed on the our previous works, intercalation of molecules at Ru(0001) surface, and then the surface was exposed the graphene/metal interfaces needs extended to 4 10-8 Torr C2H4. Graphene nucleates at each BN defects of graphene, such as island edges, domain island boundaries, and large vacancies [21, 33]. Here, we eventually surrounds the BN islands (Figure 7a). suggest that the same channels should be active for The surface (noted as BN@graphene/Ru(0001)) was the oxygen intercalation of BN overlayers. At exposed to O2 with pressure ranged from 5 10-7 to submonolayer BN/Ru(0001) surface BN island 1 10-6 Torr. At 200 C no change was observed at edges provide the main channels for oxygen the hybrid structure, although oxygen intercalation intercalation. In contrast, oxygen atoms have to already happens at pure BN islands under the same diffuse through BN domain boundaries into the condition. Oxygen starts to intercalate the narrow BN/Ru interface on the full BN/Ru(0001) surface, in part of the outer graphene ring at 330 C (marked which a higher barrier may be present. by arrow in Figure 7b) and subsequently the inner Moreover, we observed that oxygen intercalation edge, which continues to grow and BN island has been intercalated by oxygen quickly of BN overlayers on Ru(0001) happens at relatively (Figure low temperatures, i.e. around room temperature in graphene@BN/Ru(0001) surface, in which graphene 0.1 Torr O2. In contrast, 200 C is needed to drive the islands formed first and then BN was grown along oxygen intercalation at the graphene/Ru(0001) the graphene island edges. The outer BN ring interface in 0.1 Torr O2. In 5 10 Torr O2, BN structures can be intercalated by oxygen in 5 10-8 islands can be intercalated at 160 oC while no Torr O2 at 200 C, while the inner graphene islands obvious intercalation of graphene islands has been still keep intact (Figure 7e-7h). o observed till 280 o -8 7c, 7d). We also prepared a C. The difference in the Figure 7 (a-d) Selected PEEM images during O2 intercalation of a BN@graphene/Ru(0001) surface at about 330 oC at 0, 340, 420, and 500 s, respectively. O2 pressure was in the range between 5 × 10-7 and 1.6 × 10-6 Torr. An open channel for O-intercalation of the BN inner island is indicated by a red arrow in (c). (e-h) Selected PEEM images during O2 intercalation of a graphene@BN/Ru(0001)∣ | Nano Research 10 Nano Res. surface at 200 oC at 0, 160, 240, and 400 s, respectively. O2 pressure was 5 × 10-8 Torr. In both (a) and (e) images, BN and graphene regions are marked with red and yellow spot, respectively. The above results reveal two facts. First, the the degree of oxygen intercalation of BN varies with island edges are important for oxygen intercalation, the O2 pressure and intercalation temperature, particularly for oxygen intercalation of BN islands. which can be used as a convenient way to tune the As shown in Figures 6 and 7, for the full BN layer interaction strength of BN with the substrate and without open edges and for the BN islands with modulate the electronic structure of the BN layer. edges saturated by graphene rings much harsher condition is required to intercalate the interface. Second, the levitation of the graphene island edges 5 Conclusions is more difficult than BN. At the graphene edge, We present clear evidences for oxygen intercalation carbon atoms are unsaturated and tend to bond of BN overlayers grown on Ru(0001) upon exposure with surface metal atoms. It is the disruption of the of the BN/Ru(0001) surface to O2 atmosphere. The C-metal that causes the oxygen intercalation of BN islands occurs around intercalation barrier. In contrast, we infer that the bond at the 150 oC in 5 10-8 Torr O2. In contrast, high pressure bonding of B and N edge atoms with metal surface O2 is needed to intercalate the full BN layer, which atoms may not be so strong, and thus the levitation starts to happen around room temperature in 0.1 of BN sheets from the metal surface becomes more Torr O2. The diffusion of oxygen atoms at the facile, which can be attributed to the observed BN/Ru(0001) interface results in the decoupling of lower the BN overlayers from the Ru substrate, as manifested BN/Ru(0001) interface than the graphene/Ru(0001) by the disappearance of the moiré patterns and interface. negative shifts of B 1s and N 1s binding energy by intercalation edge activation barrier at Finally, we here confirm that the BN/Ru(0001) 1.88 and 2.44 eV, respectively. Comparative studies interface is not stable enough under near ambient in the oxygen intercalation of BN and graphene conditions, other layers indicate that oxygen intercalation of BN graphene/metal and BN/metal interfaces [45, 46]. If presents smaller activation energy than that of the graphene. which stability of may the be true BN/solid for interfaces is indispensable for applications of the BN-based materials and devices, effective protection of the interfaces should be made. Moreover, we find that Acknowledgements This work was financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 21222305, No. 21373208, and No. 21033009), Ministry of Science and Technology of China (No. 2011CB932704 and No. 2013CB834603), and the Key Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The ALS and the MES beamline 11.0.2 are supported by the Director, Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, Division of Chemical Sciences, Geosciences, and Biosciences and Materials Sciences Division of the US Department of Energy at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231. Electronic Supplementary Material: Supplementary material (growth and intercalation video of BN S1-S3 and related LEED and I-V curves Figure S4-S7) is available in the online version of this article at***-****-* . | 11 Nano Res. References Functionalization of monolayer h-BN by a metal support for the oxygen reduction reaction. J. Phys. Chem. C 2013, 117(41), [1] Geim, A. K.; Novoselov, K. S. The rise of graphene. Nat. Mater. 2007, 6(3), 183-191. [12] Uosaki, K.; Elumalai, G.; Noguchi, H.; Masuda, T.; Lyalin, [2] Novoselov, K. S.; Jiang, D.; Schedin, F.; Booth, T. J.; Khotkevich, V. V.; Morozov, S. V.; Geim, A. K. Two-dimensional atomic crystals. Proc. Natl. Acad. 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Figure S4 The width of the un-intercalated part of a BN strip (L(t)) at different reaction time (t) along the orange line marked in Figure 2a-2d. The data were acquired from video S2 and Figure 2a-2d. A fitting result was also given, which shows a good linear correlation. (a) (b) Figure S5 LEED patterns (36 eV) of the pristine BN overlayer (a) and the O-intercalated BN overlayer (b). In image (b), a clear (2 2) diffraction pattern can be resolved, which is from oxygen adsorption on the Ru(0001) surface.∣ | Nano Research Nano Res. (a) (b) Figure S6 LEEM images of a graphene island (a) before exposure to 5 10-8 Torr O2 (STV = 12.5 V) and (b) after exposure to 5 10-8 Torr O2 at 300 oC (STV = 12.7 V). Insets are corresponding LEED patterns (36 eV), which shows the disappearance of the superstructure from the Moire pattern after the oxygen intercalation. The appearance of the wrinkles at the graphene island as shown in image (b) also indicates the occurrence of the oxygen intercalation. (a) (b) (c) Figure S7 PEEM images of a full BN layer (a) before and (b) after an exposure of about 1400 L O2 at 190 oC. Insets are corresponding LEED patterns (36 eV). (c) Corresponding I-V curves of the BN surface before and after the O2 exposure. The two curves almost overlap, which means that no big change happens at the BN/Ru interface. Address correspondence to Qiang Fu, [email protected]; Xinhe Bao, [email protected] |
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