Maria Stanfors, born 1970 Family: Significant other + two sons (Edvin born in 2001 and Max born in 2005) Place of residence: Nöbbelövs kyrkoväg 1, 226 53 Lund Education: Ph D (Economic history) Lund University, 2003 M A (Economic history) Lund University, 1995 B A (Economic history) Lund University, 1994 Awards: Research scholarship, Wallanderstipendium, Handelsbankens forskningsstiftelser, 2004 Best dissertation at Lund university in 2003 (Oscar II:s stipendium för bästa avhandling, Lunds universitet, 2004) Best dissertation at Lund School of Economics and Management in 2003 (Färs & Frosta Sparbanks Forskningspris 2004 för bästa avhandling vid Ekonomihögskolan i Lund 2003) The Royal Academy of Letters Post-doctoral Award (Kungliga Vitterhetsakademiens post-doc-stipendium), 2003 Appointments: Professor (tenured) at the Department of Economic History, Lund University, 20131212Senior Lecturer (tenured) at the Department of Economic History, Lund University, 20110501Research fellow (funded by the Swedish Research Council) at the Department of Economic History, Lund University, 20091001-20130131 Associate professor at the Department of Economic History, Lund University, 20071201 Lecturer at the Department of Economic History, Lund University, 20080101-20110430 Visiting lecturer at the Center for Gender studies, Lund University 20060301-20101231 Postdoctoral researcher (funded by the Swedish Council for Working Life and Social Research) at the Department of Economic History, Lund University, 2006010-120071231 Researcher at the Department of Economic History, Lund University, 20030401-20031231 Assistant professor at the Department of Gender studies, Malmö högskola, 20030701-20040630 Visiting lecturer at the Department of Gender studies at Malmö högskola, 20000501-20050228 Ph D candidate at the Department of Economic History, Lund University, 19970701-20030331 Publications (five most recent, for fuller record see the LUP database): (2015). Estimating historical wage profiles. Historical Methods 48(2):35-51. With Joyce Burnette. (2014). Fertility and the fast-track: continued childbearing among professionals in Sweden 1991-2009. Demographic Research 31: 421-458. (2014). Family life on the fast-track? Gender and work-family trade-offs (pp. 329-350). In M. Mills (Ed.) Gender and the Work-Family Experience: An Intersection of Two Domains. Berlin: Springer. (2014). Women in a changing economy: The misleading tale of labor force participation rates in Sweden 1890-2010. History of the Family 19(4):513-536. (2014). It’s about time! Gender, parenthood, and household divisions of labor under different welfare regimes. Journal of Family Issues 35(8): 1066-1088. With Jeffrey Neilson. Scientific commissions of trust: Period Spring 2014- Member of the scientific council of the Institute for Evaluation of Labor Market and Education Policy (IFAU) Spring 2013Spring 2013Spring 2013 Spring 2013Spring 2012- Spring 2011Spring 2011Spring 2009Spring 2008Spring 20082009-2012 2009-2011 2007-2010 2005-2008 Member of the board of the Research Council for Working Life and Social Research (FAS/Forte) Member of the scientific board of Historical Life Course Studies Member of the evaluation committee for Young Researcher Prize, Economic History Society Member of the editorial board of History of the Family Member of the committee for Labor Market studies of the Research Council for Working Life and Social Research (FAS, prioriteringskommitté Arbetsmarknad) Member of the board of the Swedish Historical Association (Svenska Historiska Föreningen) Scientific experts for the Austrian FDF Der Wissenschaftsfonds Member of the editorial board of Journal of Family and Economic Issues Occasional reviewer for FAS applications Occasional reviewer for VR applications Member of the board of the Swedish Demographic Association (Svensk Demografisk Förening) Member of the Swedish Research Council’s (VR) postdoc-committee Member of the editorial board of Historisk Tidskrift Member of the board of the Swedish Demographic Association (Svensk Demografisk Förening) Research projects (Maria Stanfors as principal investigator): 1. Kön, föräldraskap och tidsanvändning i Sverige, 1990-2010. Forte (Dnr 2014-0098) 3.180.000 SEK 2. RJ Sabbatical: ett år vid Cornell (Dnr SAB14:1514:1) 1,156,000 SEK 3. Sabbatsår vid Cornell. Handelsbankens Forskningsstiftelser (Dnr F2014-0395:1) 304.000 SEK 4. Lön efter möda eller lön efter kön? Könsskillnader före den moderna arbetsmarknadens genombrott. VR (Dnr 421-2013-671) 2.740.000 SEK 5. Lön efter möda eller lön efter kön? Könsskillnader före den moderna arbetsmarknadens genombrott. IFAU (Dnr 2012/144) 860.000 SEK 6. Lön efter möda eller lön efter kön? Om betydelsen av produktivitet, konkurrens och kontrakt för lönediskriminering. Crafoordska stiftelsen (Dnr 2011569) (1.000.000 SEK) 7. Genus och jämställdhet i akademin (särskilda RQ08-anslag från Lunds universitet samt anslag från FAS och VR) (750.000 SEK) 8. Banken som arbetsmarknad. Feminisering av svenskt bankväsende under 1900-talet, Handelsbankens Forskningsstiftelser (P2008-0013:1) (1.750.000 SEK) 9. Forskarassistenttjänst, Kön, kunskap, kompetens och karriär. Familjebildningsmönster bland högutbildade män och kvinnor i Sverige; Vetenskapsrådet (Dnr 2007-1891) (2.520.000 SEK) 10. Mäns fertilitet och föräldraskap, Vetenskapsrådet (Dnr 421-2004-1509) (1.700.000 SEK) 11. Postdoc-bidrag, Forskningsrådet för Arbetsliv och Socialvetenskap (2004-1557) (1.300.000 SEK) 12. Postdoc-projekt, Centrum för Europaforskning vid Lunds universitet (200.000 SEK) Other projects: 1. Utbildningsval och utbildningskarriärer bland andra generationens invandrare. Betydelsen av tidigare levnadsförhållanden; Forskningsrådet för Arbetsliv och Socialvetenskap (2012-1367) (3.600.000 SEK) 2. Kön, kompetens och karriär. En longitudinell studie av inkomster, yrkesval och familjebildning bland högutbildade män och kvinnor i Sverige, 1990-2009; Forskningsrådet för Arbetsliv och Socialvetenskap (2011-0150) (3.000.000 SEK) Conference organiser: 2015: Women in changing labor markets, Lund 2010: Gender in Academia, Skanör 2010: New perspectives on work and wages, Häckeberga Conference session organiser: ”Labor mobility” Social Science History Association Annual Meeting, Vancouver, November 2012 ”New perspectives on work and wages” World Economic History Conference, Stellenbosch, July 2012 ”Labor markets: a micro perspective” Ekonomisk-historiska mötet in Göteborg, August 2011 ”Labor markets: a macro perspective” Ekonomisk-historiska mötet in Göteborg, August 2011 "Male fertility and fatherhood” NORDIC 2005 (Nordic Demographic Symposium) in Aarhus, April 2005 ”Working time and welfare / Arbetad tid och välfärd” Ekonomisk-historiska mötet in Lund, October 2003 ”Long-term perspectives on family and women’s work during the 1900s” NORDIC 2001 (Nordic Demographic Symposium) in Tjöme, Norway, May 2001 Commissions of trust (selected): Departmental board, Department of Economic History, Lund University, 20100701Board of the Centre for Economic Demography at Lund University, 2011-20140801 Member of the academic evaluation committee for quality assessment of higher education (National Agency for Higher Education), 2011 SULF/Lund 2003-2010 Vice president 2008-2010 http:/ SACO-rådet Lund universitet 2008-2010 Ledningsgruppen för jämställdhet vid samhällsvetenskapliga fakulteten 2000-2002 Miscellaneous: Maria Stanfors serves as occasional reviewer for Business History, Demographic Research, Economic History Review, Economic and Industrial Democracy, European Sociological Review, Explorations in Economic History, Feminist Economics, Historisk Tidskrift, International Migration Review, Journal of Family and Economic Issues, Journal of Family Issues, Journal of Marriage and Family, Journal of Population Research ,NORA, Population Research and Policy Review, Population, Population Studies, Scandia, Sex Roles, Scandinavian Economic History Review, Scandinavian Population Studies, Social Forces.
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