A s p e c i a l s u p p l e m e n t p r o d u c e d b y t h e S o u t h w e s t F l o r i d a C o m m u n i t y F o u n d a t i o n | n n n | ANNUAL REPORT 2014 our G I V I N G M AT T E R S INSIDE: n F i n a n c i a l S t a t e m e n t s 2 n I n f o g r a p h i c s 3 n O u r Tr u s t e e s 4 n SOUTHWEST FLORIDA COMMUNITY FOUNDATION ANNUAL REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY Sarah OWEN MILA BRIDGER PHOTOGRAPHY President & CEO, Southwest Florida Community Foundation INVEST IN YOUR COMMUNITY I A REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY ______________________________ mmersed in a sensory garden, an Alzheimer’s patient speaks for the first time in a year. A special needs student learns work and social skills from worm farming to earn a weekly paycheck and interact with others. A mother and daughter launch a home-based party planning business after learning cake-decorating and entrepreneurial skills at their local library. More graduating high school seniors, who grew up thinking college or career training was out of reach, find financial assistance to make post-secondary education a reality. Four completely different success stories in Southwest Florida during 2014 yet one unifying thread: The generosity of donors who entrusted the Southwest Florida Community Foundation to maximize their investment in the community. This year we made our grant dollars work harder, dug deeper into the ▲ Pictured here are those who are benefiting from the 2014 Community Impact grants from the SWFL Community Foundation community and met face to face with philanthropists, non-profit leaders and stakeholders in our five-county region to talk issues and find creative solutions for regional change. We talked and listened. “When you bring together a diverse group of people around a common table, problems get solved,” says Sarah Owen, Southwest Florida Community Foundation president and CEO. “We helped nonprofits build capacity and SEE INVEST, 4 u “When you bring together a diverse group of people around a common table, problems get solved.” —Sarah Owen, Southwest Florida Community Foundation president and CEO Dear Friends and Community Stakeholders, We need each other. Each year while I relish the opportunity to write an open letter to our community as part of the Southwest Florida Community Foundation’s annual report to the region, I also struggle to find just the right words to capture the past year and cast a vision for the future. But this year four simple words came readily to mind as I reflected on 2014 and began to imagine our work together in 2015 - we, need, each, other. Last year much of our success was created collectively, as a community. We played the role of convener and humble broker, but the work was accomplished by the players around the table. Together we increased contributions by 181% thanks to our donors and fundholders, convened residents from across the region to discuss some of our community’s most pressing issues including philanthropic funding, water, domestic violence and education. We worked alongside local nonprofits to work collaboratively and reduce duplication of efforts. Together we attracted the attention and support of funders and national foundations like Lumina Foundation, Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy, the Florida Next Foundation and Robert Rauschenberg Foundation to infuse our region with additional services, resources and funding to address regional issues and create common good. As I look ahead to 2015 and beyond, I might alter my call to action slightly to: We need more of each other. We need to expand our table to include more businesses, local municipalities, policy makers, residents from across Southwest Florida and additional funding partners. The more of us working together to envision, design and creatively remove barriers and solve social issues, the more successful we will be. If the Community Foundation has reached out to you in 2014 and you have responded – through email, attendance of roundtables, art receptions, idea labs, compassionate shark tanks, or participating as a scholarship reader or a new fundholder, we THANK YOU. You are part of all you see featured in this annual report. If we haven’t had the opportunity to connect yet, my hope is that we will in the coming year. We need your unique perspective, insight and support. We need you because we need each other. Here we go! In Gratitude, Sarah Owen — OC 2 | our | A s p e c i a l s u p p l e m e n t p r o d u c e d b y t h e S o u t h w e s t F l o r i d a C o m m u n i t y F o u n d a t i o n | n n n | A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 4 our Southwest Florida Community Foundation, Inc. 2014 Southwest Florida Community Foundation’s REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY GIVE SOLVE GROW 7 water roundtables 181% Convening around issues Increase in contributions are available for your review online at www.floridacommunity.com or at our office by calling 239-274-5900, ext. 228. Fixed Income International Equities 29.4% $70 mil $82 mil 2013 2014 Strengthening nonprofits Total assets Partnering Investments: $61,811,688 Alternative Investments 4.4% Domestic Equities 40.8% $490,000 more for SWFL REGIONAL SUPPORT CHANGE Cash Equivalents 4.2% $2.6 mil Your Money at Work: Record Investments, Record Assets The Southwest Florida Community Foundation hit two major milestones during fiscal year 2013-14: We reached $82.5 million in total assets and a record $61.8 million in investments as of June 30, 2014. Our total assets increased 18 percent from the previous fiscal year while investments rose 19 percent. The increases are a result of new funds, additional contributions and investment returns (16 percent last year). Since its inception 38 years ago, your Community Foundation has received $100 million in contributions and distributed $60 million in direct support to the community. In addition to overseeing the foundation’s assets and investments, the Board of Trustees’ Finance Committee also reviews quarterly results presented in our financial statements and annually recommends the budget to the Board of Trustees. | 3 G I V I N G M AT T E R S Copies of the Southwest Florida Community Foundation’s IRS Form 990, IRS Form 990-T, if required, and the current annual audit 21.2% our our Comparative Statements of Financial Position as of June 30, 2014 June 30, 2013 ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents $412,556 $432,493 Contributions receivable 3,609,878 2,032,201 Prepaid expenses 42,257 44,194 Investments in securities 61,811,688 51,817,452 Split interest agreements and remainder interests Remainder interests in trusts 14,292,481 13,098,768 Charitable gift annuities 2,082,480 2,073,742 Other remainder interest 125,440 100,860 Property and equipment 161,409 150,735 Total Assets $82,538,189 $69,750,445 LIABILITIES & NET ASSETS Accounts payable and accrued expenses $112,211 $31,958 Grants payable 647,361 474,279 Funds held as agency endowments 3,532,023 3,043,616 Annuity obligations 1,369,442 1,421,239 Net Assets 76,877,152 64,779,353 Total Liabilities and Net Assets $82,538,189 $69,750,445 Comparative Statements of Activities and Changes in Net Assets for the Twelve Months Ended June 30, 2014 June 30, 2013 REVENUES AND OTHER SUPPORT Contributions $8,108,463 $4,543,813 Interest and dividends 2,820,953 1,300,721 Net realized gains (losses) on investments (38,783) 98,263 Net unrealized gains (losses) on investments 4,549,606 3,883,746 Miscellaneous Income 30,378 41,248 Total Revenues and Other Support 15,470,617 9,867,791 EXPENSES Grants and scholarships 2,687,379 3,741,214 Supporting services Program expenses 782,803 487,322 Administrative expenses 585,295 560,219 Fundraising expenses 413,568 247,392 Investment fees and expenses 185,033 169,074 Total Expenses 4,654,078 5,205,221 Payments and change in value of split interest agreements and remainder interests 1,281,260 1,162,572 Change in net assets 12,097,799 5,825,142 Net Assets, beginning of year 64,779,353 58,954,211 Net Assets, year to date $76,877,152 $64,779,353 G I V I N G M AT T E R S A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 4 | n n n | A s p e c i a l s u p p l e m e n t p r o d u c e d b y t h e S o u t h w e s t F l o r i d a C o m m u n i t y F o u n d a t i o n | The Board of Trustees’ Audit Committee oversees accounting and financial reporting policies and practices, the Foundation’s internal controls and the independent audit of financial statements. The Audit Committee is also responsible for reviewing IRS Form 990 prior to filing the foundation’s tax return and reporting to the Board of Trustees. — OC 84 scholarships $450,000 $782,803 Nonprofit grants FOR COMMON GOOD CHANGE 1681 Fort Myers students chose next steps as Future Makers 5 literacy roundtables 4 nonprofit “tribe” networks 16 nonprofit org. grantees 1 idea lab Lumira Foundation Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy Robert Rauschenberg Foundation Florida Next Foundation 4 | our | A s p e c i a l s u p p l e m e n t p r o d u c e d b y t h e S o u t h w e s t F l o r i d a C o m m u n i t y F o u n d a t i o n | n n n | our Officers G I V I N G M AT T E R S Joe Mazurkiewicz, Jr., Chair Guy E. Whitesman, Vice Chair Gay Rebel Thompson, Secretary-Treasurer Dawn-Marie Driscoll, Immediate Past Chair Trustees Deborah M. Braendle Carolyn Conant Patricia K. Dobbins Kevin L. Erwin Craig Folk John F. Gamba, Jr. Charlie Green Hon. Archie B. Hayward, Jr. Christopher Hill, CFA Larry A. Hobbs Howard Leland Sarah Owen Darren Robertshaw Sandy Robinson Robbie Roepstorff Myra Hale Walters A. Scott White Rusty Whitley Senior AdvisoryTrustees Marie M. Ackord Audrea Anderson Gary Aubuchon Jay A. Brett Robert da Frota M. William Frey Chris A. Gair Sam Galloway, Jr. Lee Howington Charles K. Idelson Donna Kaye David Lucas Jacke McCurdy Melvin Morgan William T. Prather David G. Robinson John W. Sheppard J. Tom Smoot, Jr. Gene Solomon Trustee Emeriti Susan Bennett Robin Brown Joseph Catti Guy S. Emerich Jerry D. Hussey James W. McFadden Jim Nathan Steve Pontius as of June 30, 2014 OUR COMMUNITY IS A PUBLICATION OF THE SOUTHWEST FLORIDA COMMUNITY FOUNDATION 8771 College Parkway Building 2, Suite 201 Phone: (239) 274-5900 www.FloridaCommunity.com The Board of Trustees of the Southwest Florida Community Foundation is made up of community leaders who are representative of the communities we serve. Trustees approve all grants made by the Community Foundation and ensure that the organization meets all laws and legal requirements. For a list of our trustees, go to our website at www.floridacommunity.com Copyright ©2014 Regional Answers u INVEST FROM PAGE 1 partner well in the region and we connected donors to causes that are important to them. They want to know their money is making a difference.” Engaging Your Community Roundtable discussions held this year energized participants to find better ways of doing things. Together. We saw ideas lead to action and action to sustainable change. Like the ripple effect created by a drop of water in a pond, a new computer lab and classroom at Clewiston Public Library will have lasting effects. The project exceeded original expectations of providing modern-day technology to serve the unemployed and underemployed and classes for small business start-ups. An initial $50,000 grant from the Community Foundation was quickly leveraged when businesses and residents from Clewiston stepped in and contributed enough to match the grant for technology and more. The funds helped to pay licensing fees for several small-business entrepreneurs, teach English to parents of students enrolled in its tutoring program, conduct GED classes, and launch the area’s only Microsoft IT Academy. “This money did so much for us,” says library director Ava Barrett. “We’ve tutored children who were F students and moved them to the A-B honor roll. One little girl who had repeated grade two twice is now a straight A student. Her parents were in our ESL class and they credit us for her success.” The Community Foundation’s new approach to the grant-giving process created “compassionate shark tanks” that brought together nonprofit leaders pitching their ideas for grant dollars to donors, community leaders and interested citizens. Regional countycrossing alliances were formed, ideas were exchanged, best practices shared, solutions explored, answers found. We learned from one another, ensuring our donors’ money would make the most effective impact on an issue. We formed “tribes” of nonprofit leaders working and learning together in an atmosphere of peer support and collaboration. And the Community Foundation provided guidance and helping grantees determine measureable outcomes. As one nonprofit leader and participant noted: “We’re getting our stakeholders and nonprofits to ask meaningful questions: What is the issue? What change do we expect? How are we going to do it?” Changing Lives At Grace Community Center’s North Fort Myers worm farm, 70 special needs students from area high schools are learning job skills – from cultivating and creating packaging for fertilizer and fishing worms to marketing and sales. A $30,000 grant from the Community Foundation was instrumental in helping the church hire a coordinator for its Exceptional Entrepreneur program, says Patti Nemazie, director of Grace’s Reach and Send Ministries. “Three students are now getting paychecks because of the skills they learned here,” she says. “The change in the participants has been unbelievable. We’ve had kids come in not speaking or talking who have grown into very happy and social people. Their parents are so appreciative because their adult children have purpose and people in the community are beginning to realize special needs people have worth.” Upon seeing the impact of the worm farm, a community donor stepped forward with the matching money Grace Church needed to build a permanent ANNUAL REPORT 2014 COURTESY PHOTO ▲ Exceptional Entrepreneurs work on equipment at their worm farm enterprise made possible from Community Impact grants. space. The work ethic of the farm’s special entrepreneurs has led to a partnership with Bee Authentic to package its honey straws. Chad Washburn of the Naples Botanical Garden, sees lives changed every time the quarter-acre Buehler Enabling Garden hosts a program for Alzheimer patients, the sight-impaired or people with autism and their caregivers. As participants experience the therapeutic garden, the sense of smell stirs memories of a girlfriend who wore Chanel No. 5 and the fronds of the carnauba wax palm, an ingredient common to Turtle Wax and the jelly beans “We’re getting our stakeholders and nonprofits to ask meaningful questions: What is the issue? What change do we expect? How are we going to do it?” they enjoy during their stroll, inevitably lead to conversations about first cars and first dates, says Washburn, director of conservation and education for Naples Botanical Garden. “People who haven’t spoken for a year become lucid and talk for an hour,” he says. “It’s so magical for their caregiver. There’s one woman I’ll never forget. She didn’t say anything the whole time and I didn’t think we’d reached her. Then, she stood on my toes and hugged me before she left.” The Buehler Enabling Garden was created from community input as a therapeutic and calming environment. A $15,100 foundation grant hired an expert to train volunteers. The program collaborates with the Alzheimer’s Support Network of Naples, the Center for Autism at the University of Florida and through Collier County schools offers a job training program for special needs students. “We have more than 25 plus students on a weekly basis who are learning job skills and interacting with the public,” Mr. Washburn says. “Some have been able to get jobs at Publix or Walgreens and almost all of them have started gardens at home. They’ll garden with their brothers or sisters and even though they have cerebral palsy they have the same success. Gardening is a great equalizer.” Regional partnerships. Regional answers. That’s what we’re all about. “The foundation has evolved from a positon of community stewards of endowed funds to community stewards of sustainable solutions,” says Joe Mazurkiewicz, chairman of the Southwest Florida Community Foundation’s Board of Trustees. “We are identifying regional issues and focusing on diversity and collaboration, working together toward specific solutions. As a result, we’ve been able to attract national organizations to assist us.” The foundation’s first regional call-to-action led to FutureMakers, a five-county initiative that successfully helped high school seniors prepare for post-secondary education and training and tap into the $150 billion in unclaimed financial assistance available to them. With the help of educators, community leaders, businesses, mentors and other stakeholders, more graduating seniors completed the Free Application for Federal Student Aid and discovered they qualified for financial aid they didn’t know was available. “FutureMakers was a great example of community impact and what happens when a diverse group of stakeholders gather around a common table to exchange creative ideas and execute strategic change,” says Dr. Dave Fleming, Community Foundation chief strategic officer, and leader of the FutureMakers initiative. Wait ‘till you see what’s next The initiative also attracted the attention of Lumina Foundation, an independent private foundation that will provide thought leaders and financial resources to help us increase the number of Southwest Florida residents earning post-secondary degrees and credentials. They came to us, including our region with 34 other national cohort partners. This work is sure to have wide-reaching impact on our community. What we started in 2014 will grow in 2015 like that ripple: ideas as small as a worm or a quarter-acre garden changing lives. We’ve created momentum that will continue to build across the region. Ms. Barrett will bring even more people into her new computer lab, focusing the next year on specialized software to teach reading and computer skills to 4-year-olds in private preschools. “I’m telling you, we are so proud of what we’ve been able to accomplish as a result of the grant,” she says. “We are changing lives and will never forget what the Southwest Florida Community Foundation has done for the citizens of Hendry County.” You Can Be the Solution “The Community Foundation and its partners are charting a course toward regional change for common good,” says Dr. Fleming. “From these initial groups we will be building on success and expanding our mission to include more people. Anyone can invest in our community.” We invite you to meet us at our community table. —OC Supporters n To view a list of our supporters, visit floridacommunity.com/annualreport or call 239-274-5900 for a printed version a n n u a l r e p o r t 2 0 1 4 | n n n | A s p e c i a l s u p p l e m e n t p r o d u c e d b y t h e S o u t h w e s t F l o r i d a C o m m u n i t y F o u n d a t i o n | our | 5 our “We hope by giving through the Community Foundation it will raise awareness for the need for more money for mental illness. There are thousands of people out there who need help. It’s so difficult to raise money to support mental illness as opposed to mental health. We hope our fund will lead to additional contributions.” Table of Contents — Kappy King, Community Support Grants John S. and Kathryne A. King Fund for Mental Illness G I V I N G M AT T E R S 6 Scholarship Grants & Recipients 7 List of Contributors 9 Honors and Memorial Gifts 11 Love of Bonita Recipient 11 FutureMakers Donors 11 Annual Appeal Donors 12 Women’s Legacy Fund Contributors 12 Prima Donors 13 Angels and Angel Makers 2014 ▲ Debbie Webb, executive director of Hope Clubhouse, with Kappy and John King. COURTESY PHOTO Funds Donors make community change possible In 2014 donors like Kappy and John King and over 26 new fund holders found a partner in strategic philanthropy in the Southwest Florida Community Foundation. Last year, we opened a record number of new funds, reached our highest-ever level of investments and assets and met with residents like the Kings who were interested in making meaningful region-wide change in education, human services, the arts, environment and animal welfare. After experiencing the creative exchange of ideas during the foundationhosted iLab with local nonprofits, the Kings established the $1.1 million John S. and Kathryne A. King Fund for Mental Illness. It’s a cause that’s near and dear to the Fort Myers Beach couple. Through their family fund they’re committed to erasing the stigma associated with mental illness and helping Southwest Florida improve its services. The state currently ranks 49th nationally in mental health spending per capita. “We hope by giving through the Community Foundation it will raise awareness for the need for more money for mental illness,” says Mrs. King. “There are thousands of people out there who need help. It’s so difficult to raise money to support mental illness as opposed to mental health. We hope our fund will lead to additional contributions.” The Kings worked with the foundation to customize their fund, creating a family legacy that will ensure continued support of Hope Clubhouse, a Fort Myers agency offering work, education, friendship and access to housing for those with mental illness. “It’s a wonderful organization. It gives people a sense of life and purpose,” says Mrs. King. “We know if anything should happen to the clubhouse, the money will continue to help people living with mental illness. It will carry on after we’re gone.” By participating in the iLab, the Kings and other donors had the opportunity to see the work the Community Foundation is doing to partner with the nonprofits “We got to watch and ask questions and share our insights,” recalls Mrs. King. “We knew about the Community Foundation and have watched them grow over the past few years. We love what they’re doing: Carrying it further 13 and seeking solutions.” The foundation also introduced new programs to empower donors with ownership on the issues they care deeply about. Donors with donoradvised funds can choose their investment strategy, from conservative to more aggressive, and they can continue to work with their investment advisors through the foundation. We’ve made it even more convenient for donors to become vested in their giving, launching a Donor View portal on our new website that provides 24/7 internet access to their funds. Here, they can track the history of their giving, create reports and receipts and conveniently make grants. In 2014, we also established new partnerships with the Barbara Bush Foundation, the Robert Rauschenberg Foundation and the Florida Next Foundation. To us, this demonstrates their faith in us and our knowledge of the region. To the community, it means a promising future. We are grateful to our donors and partners who give through the foundation with a mission of sustainable and meaningful change. —OC New Funds Community Unrestricted Funds Designated Funds Donor Advised Funds Designated Principal Funds Agency Endowment Funds 13-16 Legacy Society 17 Every attempt has been made to ensure that the information provided in this report is accurate through June 30, 2014. We apologize for any errors or omission. Please contact our office with any corrections. T he fou n datio n is registered with the state of f l orida pursua n t to chapter 4 9 6 , sec tio n 4 9 6 . 4 0 5 O f the f l orida statutes . A copy of the offi cia l registratio n ( # ch 6 6 1 ) a n d fi n a n cia l i n formatio n may b e o b tai n ed from the di v isio n of co n sumer ser v ic es b y ca l l i n g to l l - free ( 1 - 8 0 0 4 3 5 - 7 3 5 2 ) withi n the state . R egistratio n does n ot imp ly e n dorseme n t, appro v a l , or recomme n datio n b y the state . 6 | our | A s p e c i a l s u p p l e m e n t p r o d u c e d b y t h e S o u t h w e s t F l o r i d a C o m m u n i t y F o u n d a t i o n | n n n | a n n u a l r e p o r t 2 0 1 4 our G I V I N G M AT T E R S mila bridger photography ▲ FutureMakers students and mentors at FutureMakers Kickoff Rally Community Impact Grants Arts and Attractions Grants Art League of Fort Myers ArtFest Fort Myers, Inc. Arts for ACT BIG ARTS Bonita Springs Concert Band Calusa Nature Center & Planetarium Center for the Arts of Bonita Springs Ding Darling Wildlife Society ECHO, Inc. Edison Festival of Lights Southwest Florida Symphony Symphonic Chorale of Southwest Florida The Music Foundation of Southwest Florida Theatre Conspiracy WGCU Public Media/FGCU Foundation Young Artists Awards, Inc. Capacity Grants Children’s Advocacy Center of Southwest Florida – Family First program Dress for Success Southwest Florida – Entrepreneurial Spirit Program & Mentoring Early Learning Coalition of Southwest Florida – Improving instruction, Assuring School Readiness Grace Community Center – Grace Creative Solution for Exceptional Entrepreneurs Gulf Coast Humane Society – Puppy Rooms Healthy Start Coalition of Southwest Florida – FOCUS Program: Repeat Teen Pregnancy Prevention Florida Arts, Inc. Calusa Nature Center & Planetarium Florida Repertory Theatre Children’s Home Society of Florida Florida SouthWestern State College Friends of Lovers Key Fort Myers Beach Art Association Gulf Coast Symphony Fort Myers Symphonic Mastersingers Hendry Glades Mental Health Center Friends of the Lakes Regional Library Jumpstart, Inc. Gulf Coast Symphony New Horizons of Southwest Florida Lee County Alliance for the Arts Quality Life Center Lee County Artificial Reef Association Sanibel Sea School Junior Achievement of Southwest Florida – Afterschool Program Partnership Lee Trust for Historic Preservation United Way of Lee, Hendry, Glades and Okeechobee P.A.W.S. Lee County – Spay and Neuter Clinic Community Impact Grants Pine Manor Improvement Association – Institute for Culinary Awareness, Research and Education (ICARE) River District Alliance Sanibel Community Association Southwest Florida Attractions Association Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council Big Brothers Big Sisters – Decisions to Win Dropout Prevention Mentoring Program Hendry County Library System – IHELP: Impact of Hendry County Employability Library Program Human Trafficking Awareness Partnerships – Continuation and Expansion of the Point of Contact, Point of Rescue Program Redlands Christian Migrant Association – Learning by iPad Mini FutureMakers Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Sun Coast (Charlotte County) Champions for Learning (Collier County) Foundation for Lee County Public Schools (Lee County) Southwest Florida Workforce Development Board (Hendry and Glades Counties) Good Samaritan Fund United Way Women’s Legacy Fund Mentoring - FutureMakers Initiative Bonita Springs Community Fund Center for the Arts of Bonita Springs – to benefit the new Center for the Performing Arts a n n u a l r e p o r t 2 0 1 4 | n n n | A s p e c i a l s u p p l e m e n t p r o d u c e d b y t h e S o u t h w e s t F l o r i d a C o m m u n i t y F o u n d a t i o n | our | 7 our G I V I N G M AT T E R S Scholarship Funds and 2014 Recipients Their Future. Your Fund. You can create scholarship funds within the Community Foundation for many reasons. Each scholarship fund can be customized to achieve your interest. It may be to memorialize a loved one, support a specific college or university or to support a student with special talents or academic achievements. Blue = New Funds American Association of University Women Sue Gottcent Memorial Scholarship Fund For Lee County women who are enrolled in accredited programs of study at either 2- or 4-year accredited institutions. Preference to women 25 and older. Recipients: Victoria Pereira, Nova Southeastern University Mican Reed, Hodges University Jordan Abdo Memorial Scholarship Fund For a North Fort Myers High School student athlete with a GPA of 3.0 to 3.5. Recipient: Brian Byrd. North Fort Myers High School Judge Isaac Anderson, Jr. Scholarship Fund For a Lee County high school senior who can demonstrate financial need with a GPA of 3.0+ and strong ties to the community through extracurricular activities, religious endeavors, or community service. Recipient: Jamar Stewart, Fort Myers High School Lewis B. Barber Memorial Scholarship Fund For students pursuing either of the following educational paths: 1) certification to teach the deaf and blind; 2) seminary or pre-seminary school to study church, Christian music, or Christian education. Recipient: Jillian Gottberg, Ida S. Baker High School Daniel J. & Jane H. Berktold Columbia College Scholarship Fund For a student who demonstrates financial need and is attending Columbia College. Jane H. Berktold Scholarship For graduates of Lee County public high schools who are in need of financial assistance. Recipients; Dominique Johnson, Riverdale High School Peyton Davis, Cypress Lake High School Blaise Garfall, Cape Coral High School James Bilder Scholarship Fund For Lee County high school students to pursue higher education with preference given to students attending vocational/technical schools. Recipients: Bradley Beatson, North Fort Myers High School Vasilios Koupelis, North Fort Myers High School Howard P. & Magdalen K. Breitenbach Scholarship Fund For a needy student who was either a service member, or is a child or grandchild of a service member, who was in the United States Navy. Recipients: Ty Christoff-Tempesta, Fort Myers High School Kristina Howell, Fort Myers High School Carl E. Brooks Scholarship Fund For college bound students of one or more immigrant parents. Recipients: Arletys Gomez, Golden Gate High Jose Sandoval, Community School of Naples Bonita Springs Area Chamber of Commerce/Ralph A. Richardson Fund For Estero High School graduates or high school seniors or children of a current Bonita Springs Area Chamber of Commerce member, continuing their education at a college, university, or vocational/ technical school. Recipients: Ryan Reedy, Estero High School Rebecca Rocuant, Estero High School John & Ruth Childe Scholarship Fund For a Lee County student with a physical disability to pursue higher education in a college, university, or technical school. Recipient: Carolyn Scullion, Florida State University Couse-Gram Scholarship Fund For a Moore Haven High School student pursuing post-secondary education. Recipient: Kaley Pagan, Moore Haven High School Mary Ann Elder Scholarship Fund Scholarship to a student from the five county area of Lee, Charlotte, Hendry, Glades and Collier entering or continuing in a master degree program in social work from an accredited university or college. Recipient: Katelyn Silva, FGCU Former Graduate of Everglades City Scholarship Fund This scholarship provides high school seniors a scholarship renewable up to 4-years and in order of priority: 1. Student(s) who is a fulltime resident of Everglades City, the geographic region defined as the Everglades City zone by the Collier County Public Schools, or 2. Students residing in Collier County. Anne M. Fassett Scholarship Fund For post high school educational opportunities at the college, community college, or technical school level for men and women with a physical disability who use a wheelchair. High Tech Center Central Scholarship Fund For students/clients of Cornerstone Ministries and Teen Challenge. Hotchkiss Scholarship Fund For Florida Prepaid scholarships to sixth grade students upon successful completion of a mentoring program and graduation from high school. Jim Ilias Athletic Memorial Scholarship Fund Scholarship to be given to a high school athlete who demonstrates excellence in athletics, academics, sportsmanship, and moral character. Chip Johnson Memorial Scholarship Fund For students who have completed 60 hours of college and plan to attend Barry University, FGCU, Nova, Florida Southwestern State College, or Hodges University. Recipients: Renee Crivello, Florida Institute of Technology Recipient: Ana Abarca, Florida Gulf Coast University Yaimis Cruz, Florida Gulf Coast University Paul B. & Aline Flynn Scholarship Fund For students pursuing a degree from a 4-year accredited college in communications or journalism. George E. Judd Scholarship Fund For tuition for graduating Lee County seniors pursuing higher education in the fine or performing arts. Recipients: Sarah Davenport, Golden Gate High Hayden Pigott, Fort Myers High School Charles & Margaret Foster Scholarship Fund For two high school seniors; one who will be attending the University of Florida and studying environmental studies or environmental education and one who will be attending Florida State University and studying music. Recipients: Martina Long, Cypress Lake High School Adam Costello, Cypress Lake High School Ciera Howard, Estero High School Rebecca Walker, City of Cape Coral Charter High School Carley Levy, Fort Myers High School Keen Family Nursing Scholarship Fund For students at Florida Southwestern State College who are motivated and academically qualified but are without the means to pursue an education in nursing. Certified Public Accountants’ Scholarship Fund For tuition, books, and/or fees for an undergraduate or graduate student from Southwest Florida majoring in accounting and planning to attend a post-secondary institution in the 5-county area of Lee, Charlotte, Hendry, Glades, or Collier counties. Doris W. Frey Memorial Scholarship Fund For students studying Christian ministry/youth ministry, Christian counseling, nursing, or medicine. D & A Scholarship Fund For a high school senior or undergraduate student with a GPA of 3.5+ with financial need, attending one of the following schools: FGCU, UF-Gainesville, FSU-Tallahassee, Flagler College, Stetson University, Mackenzi Slamka, Fort Myers High School Recipient: Rachel Hoover, Clewiston High School Allison Golom, University of Michigan Isabel Mayer Kirkpatrick Scholarship Fund For tuition for Lee County high school graduates with a “B” average (3.0 3.7). University of Miami, University of Tampa, or Embry Riddle Aeronautical University/Daytona Beach. Recipient: Kaley Pagan, Moore Haven High School Drs. Ira and Udaya Dash Nursing Scholarship Fund For a student studying nursing at Florida Southwestern State College or FGCU. Ryan Molloy, Cape Coral High School Recipient: Gloria Sica Baten, Dunbar High School Jane Cavanna Bleakly Scholarship Fund For a Haddonfield New Jersey High School student to pursue higher educational studies. Dunbar Heritage Scholarship Fund For a Dunbar High School graduate of African-American descent to pursue a bachelor’s degree at an accredited college. John S. Bleakly Scholarship Fund For a Rutgers School of Law student. Jessica Nash, Dunbar High School Recipients: Matthew Thomas, Dunbar High School Recipients: Davis Vertin, Naples High School Bruce T. Gora Photography Scholarship Fund For a high school senior or a college student at an accredited Florida college, university, or applicable technical school who is a Fine Arts Major concentrating in photography. Recipient: Chandler Gray, Cape Coral High School William L. Graddy Law School Scholarship Fund For students who have completed the first year at an accredited law school. Francis Harris Gresham Scholarship Fund For tuition for college bound seniors from Lee County high schools. Matthew King, Bishop Verot Catholic High School Matt Harmon Memorial Scholarship Fund For books and tuition for collegebound baseball players. Recipient: Ryan Keegan , Estero High School Doc Keen Memorial Scholarship Fund For a high school student who was an active member of 4-H or FFA for two consecutive years and attended a Clewiston or LaBelle High School. Recipient: Alex Wierengo, Cape Coral High School Robert A. Kleckner Scholarship Fund For a financially needy high school, undergraduate, or graduate student pursuing a career in finance or accounting. Recipient: Jeffrey Flores, Immokalee High School Lee County Library Sciences Scholarship Fund Beginning in the year 2015, this fund will provide scholarships for Lee County residents pursuing a Bachelor or Masters degree in Library Science. Love of Bonita Empowerment Scholarship Fund For books, tuition, and/or course fees for Bonita Springs residents who have been out of school for at least two years to attend a college or technical school. 8 | our | A s p e c i a l s u p p l e m e n t p r o d u c e d b y t h e S o u t h w e s t F l o r i d a C o m m u n i t y F o u n d a t i o n | n n n | a n n u a l r e p o r t 2 0 1 4 our G I V I N G M AT T E R S ▲ Love of Bonita Recipient John Warfield and his daughter Katie Schroeder Norman Marcus Scholarship Fund Presented as a gift in honor of Norman Marcus’ 80th birthday by his wife and supported by his friends, the Norman Marcus Scholarship Fund is for a Southwest Florida student to attend an accredited university, college, or technical school to further the student’s education. Gail Markham Believing in Girls Scholarship Fund For a four-year scholarship for a female student with a financial need and who has graduated from a high school in the five-county area of Lee, Charlotte, Hendry, Glades, and Collier counties with a minimum 3.0 GPA. Carol Patti McLaughlin Scholarship Fund For a student pursuing a 4-year degree at an accredited college or university who has a GPA of 3.3 or higher, demonstrates community service, and is from Lee, Charlotte, Glades, or Hendry. Recipient: Matthew King, Bishop Verot Catholic High School Ruth Messmer Scholarship Fund For women pursuing a business career in college. Recipient: Kimberly Nguyen, Golden Gate High Julie Willard Mikell Fund For a financially needy Lee County high school senior to attend a 2- or 4-year regionally accredited college or university. Recipient: Ashley White, East Lee County High School Judge William J. Nelson Scholarship Fund For a high school senior who will be attending the University of Florida. Recipient: Shelby Sorrell, Palmetto Ridge High James D. and Eleanor F. Newton Children’s Fund For the winners of the Edison Science and Inventors’ Fair. Recipients: Zachary Van Osten Arushi Chandok Joanne Olmsted Scholarship Fund For Florida Prepaid scholarships to sixth grade students upon successful completion of a mentoring program and graduation from high school. Robert B. and Dorothy Pence Scholarship Fund For economically disadvantaged Lee County students to attend college or technical school. Recipient: Andy Dong, Cape Coral High School Chet and Janett Perry Rotary Club of Fort Myers Scholarship Fund For a student pursuing a career in accounting. Recipient: Jeffrey Flores, Immokalee High School Faye Lynn Roberts Education Scholarship Fund For women pursuing a career in technical studies, court reporting, computer training, or nursing. Recipient: Lakisha Rice, Florida SouthWestern State College David G. Robinson Arts Scholarship Fund For tuition for Lee County high school seniors who plan to study the arts in an accredited school. RecipientL Jillian Gottberg, Ida S. Baker High School Sanibel Community Church Scholarship Fund: Next Generation Fund Trust For a child or grandchild of a member of Sanibel Community Church. Recipient: Kay Donovan, Southeastern University City of Sanibel Employee Dependent Scholarship Fund For dependents of Sanibel City employees to attend a college or university. Robert C. & Margaret A. Schikora Scholarship Fund For needy students who have previously graduated from high schools in Lee County to pursue postsecondary educational opportunities. Recipient: Dylan Mendez-Lynch, Florida State University John M. & Mary A. Shanley Memorial Scholarship For a 4-year scholarship to students studying medicine, law, dentistry, teaching (math & science), ministry, engineering, accounting, agriculture, architecture, or computer science. Recipients: Alexandra Mackey, Cape Coral High School Nadine Joseph, Oasis High School Ty Christoff-Tempesta, Fort Myers High School Dayana Balsalobre, East Lee County High School mila bridger photography ▲ Prepare to be Funded! Sarah Owen and staff with Joe Mazurkiewicz approaches Pine Manaor Improvement Association with a grant check. Ellen Sheppard Scholarship Fund For a Lee County high school senior or a graduate currently enrolled in an accredited college or university pursuing a degree in art (specifically visual arts—painting, photography,or sculpture) or nursing. John I. & Madeleine R. Taeni Scholarship Fund For students pursuing degrees in teaching, nursing, paramedic training, or emergency medical technician training. Recipient: Stephy Oge, Lehigh Senior High School Theresa Grodzki, Florida SouthWestern State College Jay Sheppard Memorial Scholarship Fund For a Bishop Verot student in financial need. John and Ellen Sheppard Humane Student Scholarship Fund For high school seniors with a belief in a universal creator of life who are actively involved in school and student life with a commitment to help others through volunteer work in community, charitable or religious organizations. Recipients: Kristin Current, Florida State University Quality Life Center/Emma Lee Thomas Memorial Scholarship Fund For high school graduates affiliated with Quality Life Center to pursue further education. Richard S. Thompson and Marion L. Thompson Memorial Fund For Lee County students pursuing a post high school science education. Recipients: Courtney Scoufis, Fort Myers High School Recipients: Alexis Marquess, Lemon Bay High School Kevin Dennis, Oasis High School, Cape Coral, Florida Sara Marinuzzi, Lemon Bay High School Shelbi Erp, Fort Myers High School Southwest Florida Community Foundation General Scholarship Fund For high school seniors graduating from a high school in our five county service area who applied for but did not receive a competitive scholarship. Janilya Baizack, Florida SouthWestern State College Southwest Florida Deputy Sheriffs Association Fund For high school students who are dependents of local law enforcement officers. Frances H. Waldron Scholarship Fund For a high school graduate of Immokalee High School in the current school year with a grade point average within the range of (and including) 3.2 to 3.4. Recipients: Chandler Gray, Cape Coral High School Hannah Lytle, Lemon Bay High School Anne Sturrock Nursing Scholarship Fund For a student pursuing nursing who is a member, or a child of a member, of St. Andrew Catholic Church in Cape Coral. Edna & Felix Swain Scholarship Fund For a student going to college who is a parishioner of Mount Olive Church. Recipients: Inae’e Aidoo, Kalashian Hall, Chayana Burnside, Chayla Burnside, Dominique DeLoach, James C. Givens, Evette TealRichardson, Courtni Smith, Chandrae Bethea, Chaydon Foster, Kenisha Ferrell, Jaymel Jackson, Alante Smith, Malcolm McCollum Leah Colucci, University of Miami United Christian Giving/Hodges University Scholarship Fund For a Hodges University student from a Christian nonprofit supported by United Christian Giving. Recipients: Elizabeth Marroquin and Melissa Soto G. Napier and Ellen T. Wilson Scholarship Fund For an outstanding high school student who has volunteered at a Veterans Administration Hospital, Clinic or similar organization providing services to military veterans to attend an accredited university, college or vocational technical institution. Recipient: Ashley White, East Lee County High School a n n u a l r e p o r t 2 0 1 4 | n n n | A s p e c i a l s u p p l e m e n t p r o d u c e d b y t h e S o u t h w e s t F l o r i d a C o m m u n i t y F o u n d a t i o n | In Gratitude our | 9 our G I V I N G M AT T E R S Our Contributors American Association of University Women Arthur Abt James Abernathy II Marie Ackord Miguel and Susan Acuna Todd Adams Robert and Marilyn Adkins Rene J. Affourtit John R. Agnew Betsy Alderman Amazon Smile Foundation Luis and Lilliam Ambroggio American Endowment Foundation Pavan K. Anand Gary and Suzanne Andersen Audrea Anderson Shelley Anderson Scott and Cynthia Arnold Martin and Moni Arnowitz Marsha B. Asp Gary and Andrea Aubuchon Neil Auricchio and Nannette Staropoli George W. Avery John and Bette Aymar George H. Bail A.W. Baldwin Virginia H. Banks Virginia S. Barnard Andrew A. and Emilie Barnett George P. and Maryhelen Baron Frank W. and Barbara C. Batsch Jack G. and Rosemary A. Beaulieu Philip J. and Susan Beavers James Sievers and Samira K. Beckwith Patricia Bell Peter J. and Nancy E. Bender Cello Bennett Artists, LLC Susan Bennett Susan Bennett Marketing & Media, L.C.C. Lowell E. and Karen L. Benson Jane Purdy Berger Gary A. and Kathleen M. Bernardo Jean S. Bidwell * Christine Billante Dudley R. and Linda A. Billings Russel and Mary Binford Bireley Family Foundation BJM Consulting, Inc. Babette Bloch Studio LLC Ronald G.Wallace and Naomi L. Bloom Bill and Caroline C. Bloomhall Stuart A. and Juli M. Bobman Peter J. and Holly A. Boldrin Catherine A. Boltz Felice D. and Catherine Borgia George and Deborah M. Braendle Jay A. Brett and Kimby Hegwood Joyce Briggs Mary Jane Briney Frederick and Charlene Brissette Marcia Broadbent Brian and Margaret Brodeur George Brown Rusty Brown and Bill Tanner Roger and Dian Brownell Gary Bryant Michael and Cynthia Burgess Peter and Connie Burkert Kellie Burns Robert Burns * Barbara J. Burris Erick and Nancy Burton Frank and Jeanne Byers Philippe and Elisabeth Camus John and Lynn Cantisano Dee Carter Teen Challenge Margaret G. Chamberlin * Charitable Foundation of the Islands, Inc. Grampys Charities Edward S. and Suzanne B. Christenbury Michael and Verena SchneiderChristians Sanibel Community Church Gerald P. and Delores Ann Clancy Thomas C. and Suzanne B. Clapp Melissa Cofta Philip S. and Lois M. Cohen Kim Larson-Collins David and Christin Collins Community Health Association of Lehigh Acres Carolyn E. Conant Herbert Conant * Ruth Condit Interiors Janet Cone Karen T. Coney Coplin Alan S. and Selma Cooper Eugene and Connie Corasanti Ellen Costa Lucy Costa Frederick J. and Nancy P. Costello Robert L. and Dorothy L. Coughlin John and Gretchen Coyle Martha A. Crishal Lisa Cronin Thomas R. and Pam Cronin Jeff Cull and Ella Nayor Stan and Julie Culver Robert N. and Elizabeth da Frota J. Dan and Mitzi E. Parker Jon and Linda Davis Herbert De Jonge Gary and Cheryl Decker Stephen and Barbara Degon Dru and Jane M. Deister Frank D. and Rosemary Dellaquila Cheryl DePree Ruth L. Derrick David and Marlene Dietzel Disabled Veterans Insurance Careers, Inc. Zackchary M. and Patricia K. Dobbins Barbara Beck Donovan Brandon Dorney James L. and Sharlene Hamel Dozier Dawn-Marie Driscoll and Norman Marcus Gordon and Carla Duncan Dennis H. and Susan I. Duncan H. Neal and Raquel Reichmann Dunning Susan Earl Edison University, Inc. Michele Eddy Edison National Bank/Bank of the Islands Tibor Rudolph Elder Mary Q. Eller Ruth C. Emmel Daniel J. and Debbie Endrizal Equilibrium, LLC Phyllis Ershowsky Kevin L. Erwin Consulting Ecologist, Inc. Estate Planning Council of Lee County Linda E. Estep Robert and Joyce Evans Anonymous John B. and Gloria A. Fassett Neal and Georgina Keefe-Feldman Donna Fiala Sara Elizabeth Fillmann Gerald P. Finan Curtis and Jackye Finch Jr. First Presbyterian Church of Bonita Springs, Inc. PC(USA) Scott Fischer Enterprises Paul F. and Margo B. Fischer Aline Flynn Terrance R. and Christine R. Flynn Craig and Margaret Folk City of Fort Myers John and Maggie Foskett Amy Fox, MD Marty and Judith Freling Frontier Adjusters Michael R. and Barbara L. Funk Suzanne Galloway John F. and Melissa Gamba, Jr. Ruth Gapp Jamie Gates William H. and Carol S. Geal William E. Gee James H. and Miriam B. Geist Cheryl Gentry Dennis E. and Tanya Glass Carolyn Gora Susan Gould Patricia V. Graddy Thomas D. and Ellen P. Granger Peter and Amy Gravina Charles F. and Katherine C. Green Mark and Sandy Greenberg Bonnie Greene Shirley F. Grigar Carolyn H. Grosse Gulf Coast Human Society, Inc. William E. and PS Gunton Joan Hagerman Robin Hamilton Sam F. and June Hamra Curtis B. and Lalai S. Hamric Patti R. Hardin Elizabeth O. Harmon Harmon-Meek Gallery, Inc. Kim P. and Jody Hart Kim Patrick Hart Timothy Harter Ted and Bertha Hartry Richard and Virginia Hassett Fred and Elaine Hawkins Archie Hayward, Jr. Leigh Frizzell Hayes Louise Hazner Scott and Helen Heffington Bradley Heiges William and Carol Hennig Kenneth and Carolyn Herbold Christopher Hill Jane Hipps Larry and Debra Hobbs Jeff and Marcia Hobe Sama Hoffman Winnifred Hoffmann Bobby Holloway Memorial Corp Pierre E. and Katherine E. Holloway William N. Horowitz PA Arthur and Marti Horwitz Christine Howell D. Hugh and Elizabeth Kinsey Jr. Robert K. and Janis Hughes Richard H. and Peg F. Hulit Brian Hummel, MD and Kristin Hummel James T. and Nancy L. Humphrey John D. and Judith M. Hushon Kevin Husk Alison c. Hussey Betty Prather Hyde Sherri Hynden Eric J. Hynden Charles K. and Linda Idelson DEX Imaging Christopher and Melinda Isley John J. Jazwa Sidney and Diane L. Jensen Caroline Stuart-Jervis James D. and Elizabeth W. Jessee Johnson Family Foundation Franklyn A. Johnson * Constance Jones Dorothy Jones * Ronald and Cynthia Jones Roger and Stephany Joslin Robert and Eva Marie Kane Stan Kane Donna F. Kaye and Robert J. Kaye G. Keith and Robbi Cary Daniel Keller Kathleen Keller William G. and Lois E. Kelley Brett Kernick Charles R. and Edith B. Kingsley D. Hugh and Elizabeth Kinsey Matthew A. and Terri L. Kirchner Billy and Sally J. Kirkland Robert and Peggy Kleckner The Kleist Family Foundation, Inc. Kevin and Kathryn Derheimer Christie K. Knudsen Mark Kohl 1 0 | our | A s p e c i a l s u p p l e m e n t p r o d u c e d b y t h e S o u t h w e s t F l o r i d a C o m m u n i t y F o u n d a t i o n | n n n | a n n u a l r e p o r t 2 0 1 4 our G I V I N G M AT T E R S Vincent A. Kolpacke Cheryl Komnick Richard and Lorraine Kostyra Thomas F. Krick * Brian and Sara Krivisky Mary A. Krome Stephen and Rebecca Kwedar Michael and Susan Kyle John and Deborah La Gorce Glenda Lane Arlyn and Marcia Lanting Nicole L. Laquis Gary A. Layton Lee County Board of County Commissioners Charlie and Caroline LeGette Jonathan D. and Holly Leland Howard and Marilyn Leland Joseph H. and Darla Letourneau Liberty Youth Ranch, Inc. Max H. Furbringer and Pat Limegrover Joe and Linda Linnehan F. Linton and Gail Webster Patterson Hugh and Bonnie M. Lombardi Allyson Loos Cynthia Lopez Norman and Mary Love Clive L. and Sonia Lubner David Lucas Linda Lucas Melinda L. Lucas Simone C. Lutgert Michael and Emily Lyons Kay B. MacDougall * John Douglas Mack Susan Malach John Mangel II and Hilda B. Mangel Frank Mann George T. and Jena L. Mann Dawn-Marie Driscoll and Norman Marcus Tammy Surratt Marino Gail Markham CPA Corlyn A. Marsan Charles L. Marshall Richard A. and Doris P. Mascott Nicholas A. Maurillo Jr. and Patricia M. Maurillo Dr. S.R. Maxeiner Jr. Beverly J. Maxfield R. Arden McCurdy M. Jacqueline McCurdy George McEwen, III James W. and Marjorie C. McFadden Ronald J. and Diane W. McGinty Kathleen McGrath Janet R. McGriff Bette McGruder Mary McIntosh Deborah E. Meisenberg Cory C. and Susy Mertz Doug Meurer Stuart and Lee A. Meyers Judith Michael W. Michael and Barbara S. Maxwell David and Donna Michie Patricia A. Middendorf Rhea B. Mike Tim and Clair C. Miles Lewis and Michelle Miller Gerald H. and Sharon Miller Ronald and Janice P. Miller Matthew J. and Wendy S. Miller Steven G. Mills Mark A. and Barbara A. Mintz Ralph and Martha Mixon MLS Title, LLC Robert S. Moe Tara Molloy Vincent and Christina Mona Cathleen Morgan Frederick D. and Melvin Morgan Florence T. Morris Learning In Motion Shirley Mueller Charles and Dorothy Munsch Henry Murphy Myers, Brettholtz & Company, PA David K. and Muriel M. Nachman James R. and Karen Nathan Nancy A. Near Mr. and Mrs. Gary Nelson Michael L. and Debra A. Nelson Murray and Charlotte Newton Varick K. Niles Fred C. and Marjorie M. Nordstrom William M. and Rita G. Nugent Pamela Nulman Bonnie L. Olson Organ Transplant Recipients of SW Florida, Inc. Rozzi Osterman Beverly J. Ostermann David and Sarah Owen Don and Nina Paight Panther Baseball Organization, Inc. Clif and Tina Parker Pantera Energy Company Karen J. Pawlovich Robert Pease Steven E. and Laura Pegalis Linda J. Pegalis Ronald E. Penn and Robert J. Garcia Donald A. and Virginia S. Peters Brad A. Phelps and Ryan Frost Kevin S. and Cindy Pierce Edward S. and Virginia C. Pinckard Edward and Ann Marie Polito Holly Pollard Marvin and Lesley K. Porter Bernard N. and Christine J. Portnoy F. Allen Prather Jr. Stephen and Tehjan Prendiville John E. and Aliese Price Foundation Gary A. Price Jimm * and Roberta Mills-Price Pristine Fine Dry Cleaners, LLC Andrew Pritchett Virginia L. Pritchett Richard H. Pritchett III Richard H. Pritchett IV Pushing the Envelope, Inc. Pamela S. Putnam Margaret J. Razik Robert R. and Catherine C. Randlett Jack L. and Shirley Rasmussen Patricia E. Ratliff Robert G. Raymond Andrea Deane & Associates Inc., Realtors Reese Family Charitable Foundation Dale Reiss Zach Rhodes Hugh H. and Mary C. Richardson Phyllis Rieser Roy E. and Kristin G. Ritts RJW Foundation Douglas B. and Roberta L. Roberts Donna J. Roberts Darren and Stacy Robertshaw David and Suzanne Robinson Geoffrey W. and Robbie B. Roepstorff John W. and Carolyn Rogers Helen Rogers Joseph Roshe Russ Bilgore and June Rosner Christine A. Ross Paul Rothenberg Bradley and Amy Rothenberg James H. and Betty S. Rubenstein Carol D. Ruby Edward J. and Catherine A. Ryan Sam J. Saad III Abraham and Tammy Sadighi Daniel J. Salzano Mark A. Sarlo and Marilyn Pritchett Sarlo Tony and Eloise Sarlo Daniel and Lyn Scanlon Thomas L. and Kheri Schaar Robert W. and Jean W. Scherer Lowell S. and Michelle Schoenfeld Lewis J. and Claire Schoenwetter Sue C. Schulte Steve and Jayne Schwarz Christina Harris Schwinn Esq. Betty A. Scobie * Leigh E. Scrabis Robert P. and Michele J. Seass SEI Investments/Global Institutional Group M. Selma Nettles Specialty Risk Management Services Robert T. and Barbara H. Shafer, Jr. Bipin D. and Ketki B. Shah David and Kathie Shellenbarger Ellen W. and John W. Sheppard Daniel W. and Lita W. Sheppard, Sr. Martin J. and Betteann L. Sherman Steven and Kathy Shimp Shanna N. Short Robert W. and Shirley Shrader Lynn Baarrett Shunk Joan G. Siegel Barbara B. Sill Jon A. and Joyce Simmons Katherine Simpson Rex Sims Richard R. and Catharine S. Singleton Diehl and Josephine Sluss Virginia Small Richard M. Smarg Steven and Julie Smith The Smith Family Foundation W. James and Eileen Smith Thomas T. Smith Ben C. and Carol Smoot Gene R. Solomon CPA Gene and Dorit Solomon Howard E. and Juanita Spanogle John and Judy Spoelhof Foundation Dwane L. Spohn Raymond J. and Isabelle Staffeldt Richard Starace Charlie States Frank Stern * William and Irene Stevenson Madelon Stewart Allan and Linda R. Stikeleather Insight Strategies Hinson Studio James Anderson and Bernadine Stuefer-Anderson John Suddeth Jr. Carol M. Suedhoff Eliot Sugerman Jeremiah W. and Barbara A. Sullivan Thomas A. and Elizabeth B. Sully Sun Trust Bank Madeleine R. Taeni Beverly Taht Lee Anne Tauck Lois Taylor Bruce E. Bauman and Pamela Templeton L. Thomas and Frances G. Miller III Gay Rebel Thompson Richard T. and Judith Thompson William A. and Liz Thorndike Stephen and Harriet J. Toadvine J. Tom Smoot Jr., CPA Robert and Wendy Tooley Joseph M. and Gail M. Trachtenberg George Traicoff Linda M. Treise Theodore L. Tripp Jr. Jason Trochessett Annie Lou Chapman * Trust William J. and Phyllis S. Tuddenham The Turner Corporation United Way of Lee, Hendry, Glades and Okeechobee Nancy Urfer J.P. Van Dongen, MD PA James and Susan Vaughan Verandah Community Association, Inc. Eleanor Vollerthum George P. and Patricia F. Wagner Jr. Wake Up America of SWFL Inc. Ken and Mary Jo Walker Roy and Myra Walters Wellington and Barbara T. Ward Jr. Monique A. Ward Mary M. Wasmer Steve and Faith Wassersug Henry B. Watkins III Sylvia B. Weaver Ross and Stephanie Webb Carol L. Weiss Wells Fargo Foundation Alex and Nancy E. Werner Bruce C. and Jane Wheatley Scott White Advisors LLC Gary O. and Dana T. White Nancy Grandis White Guy E. Whitesman Rusty and Melissa Whitley Mordechai and Michal Wiesler Shelby Wilcox Charlotte A. Wilke David F. Williams Judith Williams Donald C. and Sylvia M. Williamson Julie Lynn Willard Foundation Margie Black-Willis Diana Willis Wilshire Medical Arts PA Lucila Wing Donald P. and Diana Wingard James D. and Natalie M. Wismar Wittenborn Plastic Surgery, LLC Walter and Doris Wolf John R. Wood Island Real Estate, Inc. Woodward, Pires & Lombardo, PA Rodlyn Flinn Woodward Laurence S. and Polly F. Wright Ginny Yates CSA Barbara Hawker Yeomans Patricia Young Vicki Zellner Mary Williams-Zielonka Dean and Sheryl Zorn a n n u a l r e p o r t 2 0 1 4 | n n n | A s p e c i a l s u p p l e m e n t p r o d u c e d b y t h e S o u t h w e s t F l o r i d a C o m m u n i t y F o u n d a t i o n | our | 1 1 our Honor & Memorial Gifts In Honor Ted and Bertha Hartry Benjamin G Miller: In honor of Benjamin’s birthday Jerry and Sharon Miller Steve and Faith Wassersug Zach Dobbins: Rozzi Osterman Carolyn Rogers Mrs. Bonnie B. Prator and Mr. & Mrs. Jay Prator: Ralph and Martha Mixon Edward and Virginia C. Pinckard Linda E. Estep: Sara Elizabeth Fillmann Robert Fay and family: Gary H. and B.J. Nelson Dr. Larry Hobbs: In honor of Larry’s birthday Dudley and Linda Billings Suzanne B. Robinson: Bill and Caroline Bloomhall Dr. Stuart and Juli Bobman Dr. M. Erick and Nancy Burton Jamie B. Gates Carolyn Gora William and Andi Horowitz Dr. Brian and Kristin Hummel Dr. Brian and Sara Krivisky In honor of their wedding anniversary Dr. David Robinson Carolyn Rogers: James R. Nathan Robert Raymond Steven G. Mills John and Ellen Sheppard: Marty Frehling G I V I N G M AT T E R S In Memoriam: Bradley Rothenberg In Memory of Paul Flynn: James R. and Karen Nathan Carol D. Ruby Lucila Wing In Memory of Paige Prator Collins: Ralph and Martha Mixon Tim and Claire Miles In Memory of Herbert Conant: Gary and Andrea Aubuchon Kathleen M. Bernardo Rusty Brown and Bill Tanner Dawn-Marie Driscoll and Norman Marcus Kathleen Keller Vincent A. Kolpacke David and Muriel Nachman David and Sarah Owen Robert R. and Catherine Randlett Phyllis Rieser Norman and Mary Love Lucila Wing Corlyn A. Marsan Gary O. White: James Abernathy II Joan G. Siegel Diana Willis: In honor of Diana’s birthday Dawn-Marie Driscoll and Norman Marcus Patricia Young David and Sarah Owen Dr. Marvin and Lesley Porter Bill and Carolyn Rogers Helen Rogers Dr. James and Betty Rubenstein Dr. Abraham and Tammy Sadighi Dr. Thomas and Kheri Schaar Charlotte Ann Wilke Vicki Zellner Kellie Burns Michele Eddy Peter and Amy Gravina Gail Markham George B. McEwen III Bill and Carolyn Rogers The Turner Corporation John W. and Ellen Sheppard In Memory of Kay B. MacDougall: Barbara Beck Donovan In Memory of Barbara B. Mann: Robert and Donna Kaye In memory of David Leavitt Dawn-Marie Driscoll and Norman Marcus In Memory of Dan E. McAllister: The Honorable G. Keith and Robbi Cary Betty Prather Hyde Gen. James and Sharlene Dozier In Memory of Sylvia MeisenbergZeizel: Steven E. and Laura Pegalis Andy Spitzer and Linda J. Pegalis In Memory of Rachel Byrd: Ralph and Martha Mixon In Memory of Ann Dodson: John W. and Ellen Sheppard Tejhan and Stephen Prendiville David Collins Robert Kleckner: Lucila Wing Todd and Wendy Tooley Brandon Dorney Anne and Will Wittenborn Timothy Harter Brett Kernick Susan Malach and family Panther Baseball Zach Rhodes John W. and Ellen Sheppard Robert and Dorothy L. Coughlin John W. and Ellen Sheppard Brad A. Phelps and Ryan P. Frost Louise M. Hazner In Memory of Nora C. Krieger: Rusty Brown In Memory of Jimm Mills-Price: Roberta Mills-Price Robert and Peggy Kleckner: Marty Frehling In honor of A. Scott White Dawn-Marie Driscoll and Norman Marcus MLS Title In Memory of Richard M. Diamond: Bill and Carolyn Rogers In Memory of Jim Ilias: Todd Adams Norman Marcus: Neal and Georgina Keefe-Feldman Paul Rothenberg Bill and Carolyn Rogers 2014 Love of Bonita Recipient: John Warfield FutureMakers donors John & Aliese Price Foundation Smith Family Foundation Wells Fargo Women’s Legacy Fund Annual Appeal 2014 Leadership ($1,000 and above) Philip J. and Susan Beavers Ronald G.Wallace and Naomi L. Bloom John and Lynn Cantisano Teen Challenge Edward S. and Suzanne B. Christenbury James R. and Karen Nathan Frontier Adjusters Donald A. and Virginia S. Peters Robert Pease Suzanne Galloway Kevin S. and Cindy Pierce Hugh H. and Mary C. Richardson Ruth Gapp Gary A. Price and Trish Leonard Diehl and Josephine Sluss Mark and Sandy Greenberg Jack L. and Shirley Rasmussen W. James and Eileen Smith Leigh Frizzell Hayes Phyllis Rieser J. Tom and Ann Smoot Jr. Jeff and Marcia Hobe John W. and Carolyn Rogers Theodore L. Tripp Jr. Winnifred Hoffmann Christine A. Ross William N. Horowitz PA Tony and Eloise Sarlo James T. and Nancy L. Humphrey Lowell S. and Michelle Schoenfeld Alison c. Hussey Robert T. and Barbara H. Shafer, Jr. Sidney and Diane L. Jensen Bipin D. and Ketki B. Shah Robert J. Kaye Martin J. and Betteann L. Sherman D. Hugh and Elizabeth Kinsey Jon A. and Joyce Simmons The Kleist Family Foundation, Inc. Katherine Simpson Christie K. Knudsen Richard Starace Michael and Susan Kyle James Anderson and Bernadine Stuefer-Anderson Jeff Cull and Ella Nayor Founder’s Society ($250+) Mary Q. Eller John R. Agnew William E. Gee Richard H. and Peg F. Hulit Cory C. and Susy Mertz Robert S. Moe Florence T. Morris Reese Family Charitable Foundation Partner ($500 - $999) Virginia S. Barnard Peter and Connie Burkert John and Maggie Foskett Kim P. and Jody Hart Johnson Family Foundation Charlie and Caroline LeGette Audrea Anderson Martin and Moni Arnowitz Susan Bennett BJM Consulting, Inc. Mary Jane Briney George Brown Frank and Jeanne Byers Michael and Verena SchneiderChristians Jonathan D. and Holly Leland Howard and Marilyn Leland Frank Mann Thomas C. and Suzanne B. Clapp George T. and Jena L. Mann Alan S. and Selma Cooper Richard A. and Doris P. Mascott Thomas R. and Pam Cronin James W. and Marjorie C. McFadden Ruth L. Derrick Kathleen McGrath Daniel J. and Debbie Endrizal David and Donna Michie John B. and Gloria A. Fassett Ronald E. Penn and Robert J. Garcia William A. and Liz Thorndike Ken and Mary Jo Walker Wellington and Barbara T. Ward Jr. Monique A. Ward Ross and Stephanie Webb Donald C. and Sylvia M. Williamson Margie Black-Willis John R. Wood Island Real Estate, Inc. 1 2 | our | A s p e c i a l s u p p l e m e n t p r o d u c e d b y t h e S o u t h w e s t F l o r i d a C o m m u n i t y F o u n d a t i o n | n n n | a n n u a l r e p o r t 2 0 1 4 our Women’s Legacy Fund Contributors 2014 G I V I N G M AT T E R S Marie M. Ackord Michele Eddy Nicole L. Laquis Jayne Schwarz Susan Acuna Margo B. Fischer Holly Leland Christina Harris Schwinn Betsy Alderman Aline Flynn Marilyn Leland Samantha Scott Audrea Anderson Dr. Amy Fox Pat Limegrover Louise Senneff Samira K. Beckwith Jennifer Galloway Linda Linnehan Ellen W. Sheppard Patricia Bell Jamie B. Gates Cynthia Lopez Betteann L. Sherman Susan Bennett Cheryl Gentry Melinda L. Lucas Kathy Shimp Karen L. Benson Amy Gravina Gail Markham Lynn Barrett Shunk Betty Bireley Katherine C. Green M. Jacqueline McCurdy Katherine Simpson Caroline C. Bloomhall Lalai S. Hamric Cammie McKenzie Dorit Solomon Holly A. Boldrin Patti R. Hardin Rhea B. Mike Irene C. Stevenson Diane Breen Virginia Hassett SharonMiller Madelon Stewart Rusty Brown Elaine Hawkins Tara Molloy Tammy Surratt Marino Cynthia K. Burgess Helen Heffington Melvin Morgan Janice Surratt Melissa Cofta Marcia Hobe Cathleen Morgan Pamela Templeton Carolyn E. Conant Winnifred Hoffmann Pamela Nulman Gay R. Thompson Ruth Condit Sherri Hynden Bonnie L. Olson Linda M. Treise Ellen (Honey) Costa Linda Idelson Nina Paight Monique Ward Lucy Costa Melinda C. Isley Christina S. Parker Mary Williams-Zielonka Lisa Cronin Constance Jones Dale Reiss Diana Willis Cheryl DePree Elizabeth Kinsey Mary C. Richardson Lori Wilson Jane deLisser Kathryn A. Kleist-Derheimer Phyllis Rieser Ginny Yates Dawn-Marie Driscoll Arlene Knox Robbie B. Roepstorff Barbara Hawker Yeomans Carla Duncan Cheryl Komnick Carolyn Rogers 2014 Prima Donors Margaret Antonier Carolyn Conant Kathy Kleist Pamela Templeton Dr. Aurora Badia Jane deLisser Gail Markham Gay Thompson Samira Seivers Beckwith Dawn-Marie Driscoll Nancy Near Barbara Hawker Yeomans Betty Bireley Amy Gravina Sarah Owen Bold indicates new Patricia Bell Elaine Hawkins Diana Willis Rusty Brown Li-Su Javedan Christina Harris Schwinn 2014 Women’s Legacy Fund Angels and Angelmakers Carolyn Conant by Herbert Conant* Bonnie Olson by Pam Nulman Nicki Davis –Memorialized by Melinda Isley in honor of Stephanie Davis Jean Bain Hawker by Barbara Yeomans John Leonard Hawker by Barbara Yeomans Bonnie Olson by Pamela Cox Nulman *deceased *Our Funds as of June 30, 2014 Suzanne Robinson by David Robinson 2014 New Funds Barbara Hawker Yeomans Fund Beckwith Kanaan Seivers Fund Bobby Holloway Foundation Clif & Tina Parker Fund Community Health Association of Lehigh Acres Fund Estero Community Fund Former Graduate of Everglades City Scholarship Fund G. Napier and Ellen T. Wilson Scholarship Fund Hynden Family Charitable Fund Jean & Bayard Bidwell Fund Jim Ilias Athletic Memorial Scholarship Fund Lee County One Hundred Club, Inc. Owen Family Fund Lester and Dorothy Jones Charitable Designated Fund Robert J. & Anne Evans Burns Memorial Fund Lester and Dorothy Jones Charitable Field of Interest Fund Rogers Family Fund Liberty Youth Ranch Endowment Fund Steven B. and Julie K. Smith Family Fund Scott Fischer Enterprises Fund John and Gretchen Coyle Little Beach Fund Living Hope Counseling Fund Kay MacDougall and Sons Memorial Fund Norman Marcus Scholarship Fund The Robert Rauschenberg Foundation Fund Mary Ann Elder Scholarship Fund Community Unrestricted Funds Community Responsiveness. Your Fund. Unrestricted community funds are flexible and responsive to emerging and changing community needs. Because you do not limit the fund to a single cause or purpose, the Community Foundation can be more responsive to the immediate needs of the community. Bonita Springs Community Fund Dorothy S. & Ellis A. Galleher Fund Robert L. Tysar Fund Bernice C. Chipley Fund The Family of J.R. Griffin, Sr. Fund Elias & Dorothy Van Krugel Fund Marguerite M. Covington Fund Walter A. & Johanne Bertha Hagens Fund David & Patricia Halley Fund A.W.D. & Frances A. Harris Fund Joan & Thomas Krick Fund Cregar Family Bonita Springs Community Fund Fund for Southwest Florida: Houkom Family Fund Daniel J. & Jane H. Berktold Fund Ione E. Peters Fund Anonymous Fund #7 Margaret T. & Raymond L. Bray Fund Anonymous Fund #8 Joan Du Bane Caldwell Fund Alan J. Robertson Board of Trustees Fund Jean & Bayard Bidwell Fund Vern & Meryl Eriksson Fund John S. & Jane C. Bleakly Fund Ivan T. Fleming Fund Stephen John Schupert Memorial Fund Adelyn C. Thornton Fund Herbert E. Hussey Memorial Fund Walter B. & Dorothy LaChicotte Fund Christine Magaha McAllister Fund Rebecca C. Smoot Fund William R. Spear Fund William C. Tepfer Charitable Fund Dorothy V. Zobrist Fund a n n u a l r e p o r t 2 0 1 4 | n n n | A s p e c i a l s u p p l e m e n t p r o d u c e d b y t h e S o u t h w e s t F l o r i d a C o m m u n i t y F o u n d a t i o n | our | 1 3 our Designated G I V I N G M AT T E R S Your favorite organization. Your Fund. Designated Funds are established to support specific nonprofit organizations selected by the donor. Community Health Association of Lehigh Acres Fund The LaDonna & Hal Abelson Fund for Community Cooperative Ministries The Jean & Joseph Christen Fund for Animals for Animal Refuge Center of North Fort Myers; Humane Society of Lee County; Octagon Wildlife Sanctuary in Charlotte County Daniel J. & Jane Berktold Habitat for Humanity Fund for Habitat for Humanity of Lee & Hendry Counties, Inc. Jane H. Berktold Parkinson Fund for National Parkinson Foundation Wilfred & Edith Berman Fund for All Faiths Unitarian Congregation; Big Brothers/Big Sisters of SWFL; Hemlock Foundation of Florida, Inc.; Quality Life Center; Temple Beth El; Unitarian Universalist Church of Fort Myers John S. & Jane C. Bleakly Fund for Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, Florida, Suncoast Chapter Briggs Arts Fund for Lee County Alliance of the Arts Children’s Art Program Briggs Music Appreciation Fund for The Young Artists Program at the Southwest Florida Symphony Orchestra; The Fort Myers Community Concerts Association Inc. Cornelius Huijer Caloosa Humane Society Fund for Caloosa Humane Society Arthur & Ruth Clark Wake up America Fund for Wake up America of Southwest Florida Dr. Frank & Julie A. Colunga Fund for Charlotte Country Day School; Marine Military Academy Isabella Curtis Fund for Animals for Animal Rescue Center of La Belle Dr. Phyllis J. Douglass Fund for Clinic for the Rehabilitation of Wildlife (CROW) Cora Mae Williams Gable Fund for First Presbyterian Church of Fort Myers Alice W. and Ernest G. Hesse Charitable Fund for Communities Reaching Out, Inc.; the Shell Point Retirement Community hospice program Marguerite & Guy Howard Fund for St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, Fort Myers; Florida Gulf Coast University; The Shell Museum and Educational Foundation, Inc., Sanibel; The Salvation Army, Fort Myers Maryan Hurtt Memorial Fund for the clinic for the rehabilitation of wildlife Knipe Family Memorial Music Fund for Music Foundation of Southwest Florida The Legacy Society at Shell Point Retirement Community Fund for the Shell Point Retirement Community Living Hope Counseling Fund Mary & Jack McNairy Fund for United Way of Lee County for Bonita Springs James D. & Eleanor F. Newton Uncommon Friends Fund for Uncommon Friends Foundation, Inc. North Fort Myers Lions Civic Association Fund for Lions Eye Institute for Transplant and Research Foundation; Lighthouse of SWFL, Inc. Bardo & Jennie Nicolosi Take Stock in Children Fund for The Foundation for Lee County Public Schools Jillian Prescott Memorial History Award Fund for Florida Historical Society Jillian Prescott Memorial Music Fund for Southwest Florida Symphony Society John E. Presser Charitable Remainder Unitrust Fund for Shriners Hospital for Children Charles J. & Mary Puzzo Family Endowment Fund for Hope Hospice of Lee County; Leukemia Society of America; Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation John H. & Robert S. Sanderson Fund for Southwest Florida Boy Scout Council, Inc. St. Columbkille Catholic Church Fund for St. Columbkille Catholic Church Carl “Bud” Vietor Memorial Brightest Horizons Fund for Brightest Horizons Child Development Center J. Harold & H. Virginia Wand Memorial Fund for Covenant Presbyterian Church. Betty Suter Whistler Endowment Fund for Brightest Horizons Child Development Center Louise Zmuda Charitable Fund for Florida Lions Clonkin Center for the Blind Field of Interest Your interest. Your Fund. Field of interest Funds allow you to support the causes you care about such as education, the environment, animal welfare, the arts or human services. If you have a cause, we can create a fund that will make a real impact. Fund for the Arts in Southwest Florida to promote the arts in Southwest Florida Dorothy M. Beall Good Samaritan Fund helps needy persons who have suffered some loss, or have need of Christian charity. Beryl Berry Fund assists abused women or children, or charitable agencies that assist them. Joseph & Carmela Caputo Charitable Fund provides assistance to organizations and programs that help needy, poor, or disadvantaged children in Southwest Florida. Charles & Roberta Church Fund benefits needy and disabled citizens of Lee County. Arthur A. & Ruth W. Clark Fund provides educational materials to improve the education and quality of life to migrant workers, needy persons in homeless shelters, children’s orphanages, and battered women’s shelters. Also provides assistance to community food pantries, food banks, and distribution of food to the poor; assistance in food salvaging programs; as well as assistance in providing building materials for urban renewal programs for needy persons to acquire a home. Curry Fund provides assistance for health issues for active or retired captains of charter boats who are residents of the State of Florida who have or who have had a United States Coast Guard Master License and who are members of and have maintained membership in the National Party Boat Association, while they were party boat captains. Marjorie P. Dowell Fund supports Alzheimer’s research and grants to needy individuals suffering from the disease, as well as health organizations which support funding and research related to eye care, in particular the diseases of macular degeneration and cataracts. Sigourney Esty Fund provides for the care, treatment, and general welfare of domestic and wild animals in Charlotte and Lee Counties. Joyce Lee Eudy Charitable Fund benefits children and families in Southwest Florida affected by autism and other developmental disorders, and to research the cure and treatment for these diseases. Robert J. and Anne Evans Burns Memorial Fund Assists homeless or indigent veterans and veterans with mental health problems. Fossils Fund assists with the healthcare and medical needs of residents of Sanibel and Captiva. Carl C. Graham Memorial Fund supports literacy for children and arts education for children, including drama, music, painting, and dance. Beatrice C. Heesch Fund provides medical assistance to the elderly (over 65) in Fort Myers. Sadako Judd Fund for the Arts benefits the arts in Southwest Florida. Lee County One Hundred Club, Inc. is to provide assistance in an emergency hardship situation for immediate expenses and pressing financial obligations of families of police officers (including sheriff deputies) or firefighters within Lee County who lose their lives in the line of duty Howard L. and Marilyn T. Leland Christian Charity Fund benefits Christian organizations and charities which further the work and ministry of Jesus Christ. Annie Lohr Memorial Fund supports the needy and neglected, especially foster children and battered women. James Harper Marshall Good Samaritan Fund supports a Bonita Springs resident or worker in an emergency situation on a one-time basis. Margarete Matheisen Fund assists the poor and/or homeless individuals of Lee County. Patricia B. Murray Charitable Fund for the Humane Treatment of Animals provides assistance for the care, preservation and humane treatment of animals in Lee County. Bardo & Jennie Nicolosi Children’s Fund supports children’s charities and programs in Lee County. Nonprofit Training and Development assist Lee, Charlotte, Collier, Hendry and Glades Counties nonprofits in leadership development, grantwriting skills, financial management, and other pertinent employment seminars and training as recommended by the staff of the Southwest Florida Community Foundation. Dale & Virginia Rice Memorial Fund assists the elderly; care and perpetuation of domestic and wild animals; and a “Good Samaritan” fund for one-time assistance for emergency and critical needs. Dr. Earl F. & Ann A. Riggs Memorial Fund a “Good Samaritan” fund helps families with catastrophic or immediate needs, and gives assistance to the elderly in Lee County. Leonard Santini Fund helps a variety of causes in Lee County, including, food, medical care, education, and housing for needy children, children with special needs, and children with emotional problems, with preference given to Catholic-related charities. Lester and Dorothy Jones Charitable Field of Interest Fund St. Joseph Foundation Health & Human Services Fund benefits qualified charitable organizations in Charlotte County. St. Joseph Foundation Health & Human Services Fund benefits qualified charitable organizations in Charlotte County or contiguous counties for the purposes of healthcare, medical education for residents of Florida, human services, and disease management and prevention. The Jeanette G. Shepherd Fund benefits underprivileged people in Lee County. Richard & Katherine Simpson Fund provides for orthodontic procedures for children of families who are responsible citizens of this country. Fred S. & Geraldine Willard ‘Good Samaritan’ Fund sssists families in Southwest Florida who are in dire or immediate need. Women’s Legacy Fund enables women in Southwest Florida to direct their giving in focused, strategic ways, and the fund’s mission is to improve the quality of life in Southwest Florida from a woman’s perspective. William Wood Alzheimer Fund support for Southwest Florida agencies involved in the research or treatment of Alzheimer’s disease or the care and counseling of Alzheimer’s patients and care givers. 1 4 | our | A s p e c i a l s u p p l e m e n t p r o d u c e d b y t h e S o u t h w e s t F l o r i d a C o m m u n i t y F o u n d a t i o n | n n n | a n n u a l r e p o r t 2 0 1 4 our Donor Advised Funds G I V I N G M AT T E R S The Peter D. & Eleanore A. Kleist Foundation Fund Ryan Family Fund Drs. Ira & Udaya Dash Fund The Norman Marcus & Dawn-Marie Driscoll Family Fund Dr. Harvey & Nora Krieger Fund Walter B. & Dorothy LaChicotte Fund Shellenbarger Community Fund Richard & Patricia Driscoll Fund Lee County Emergency Workers Fund John & Ellen Sheppard Family Children’s Fund Christopher S. Earle Memorial Fund Edouard & Mary Quigley Eller Fund Lee Trust for Historic Preservation Fund Steven B. and Julie K. Smith Family Fund Empowerment Alliance of Southwest Florida Fund Madden Family Fund Alderman Family Fund James Harper Marshall Fund Spanish Wells Golf & Country Club Fund All the Children of Christ Fund Erwin Family Fund Bob & Pam Martin Foundation Anonymous Fund #4 FAR-MAR Fund Christine Magaha McAllister Fund Anonymous Fund #5 The Fletcher Fund for Organ Transplantation The Mediterra Foundation Fund Galloway Family of Dealerships Charitable Fund The Mavis & T. Wayne Miller Fund We consider this your philanthropic checkbook. Your Decisions. Your Fund. Donor Advised Funds offer flexibility in your charitable giving. You can advise the Foundation on how you would like the funds to be distributed or you can work with our team to identify opportunities for your giving to make an impact on the community. Anonymous Fund #9 Arts & Attractions of Lee County Fund Aubuchon Family Fund The Bailey Family Charitable Fund Barbara’s Friends Fund Charles & Ann Dodson Charitable Fund Chip & Nanette Graddy Family Charitable Fund Lee & Stuart Meyers Fund Robert V. and Benjamin G. Miller Fund Jordan Moguil Memorial Fund Greater Bonita Springs Children’s Fund Namm Family Fund Beckwith Kanaan Seivers Funds Susan Bennett Fund Velma Strattan Green Family Fund Murray & Charlotte Newton Fund The Bireley Family Foundation Arts Fund Sheila & Robert Hague Fund Casper Family Charitable Foundation Fund Roan Heffington Family Fund The Charlotte Harbor Fund Cherrill & Richard Cregar Fund John and Gretchen Coyle Little Beach Fund Harmon-Meek Gallery Fund Hilliard Family Foundation Fund Hynden Family Fund Jacard Fund Jubilee Fund Sidney & Berne Davis Fund Barbara Harris Kite Fund Ding Darling Wildlife Society Fund Kiwanis Club of Fort Myers MetroMcGregor, Inc. Near Family Fund Owen Family Fund Clif & Tina Parker Fund Pitbladdo Fund Sarah G. & Frank A. Prather Fund Paige Prator-Collins Endowment Fund Scott Fischer Enterprises Fund Jeremiah & Barbara Sullivan Foundation Dewey & Brenda Tate Fund Jeanne Marie Franziska Telep Fund Sanibel Trails in Motion Fund Stephen & Marie Tranovich Fund Gary V. & Gay G. Trippe Fund for Disabled Veterans The Robert Rauschenberg Foundation Fund The Twin Eagles Fund Unto the Least of These Christian Fund Verandah Fund Warfield Family Fund Betty J. Waters Fund Premier Properties Fund Weecho Inspiration for Students with Disabilities Fund Jack & Shirley Rasmussen Fund Whitesman Family Fund Patricia Rentz Memorial Fund Patricia & Joseph Wolf Fund Rogers Family Fund Barbara Hawker Yeomans Fund First Presbyterian Church Memorial Endowment Fund Kay MacDougall and Sons Memorial Fund Friends of Barefoot Beach Preserve Fund Lester and Dorothy Jones Charitable Designated Fund Greater Fort Myers Chamber of Commerce Education Fund Our Mothers Home Building & Maintenance Fund Joan Du Bane Caldwell Fund for Center for Spiritual Living Cape Coral; The Salvation Army in Lee County Sanibel Community Church - Mina Tamblyn Fund Designated Principal Funds Your favorite organization. Your Fund. Designated Principal Funds are established to support specific nonprofit organizations selected by the donor. A Designated Principal Fund can be established to expend not only the fund’s earnings but also principal to the chosen nonprofit organization. Bonita Springs Community Prayer Breakfast Fund Jan Eustis Children’s Services Fund Estero Community Fund First Presbyterian Church AlspachMusic Scholarship Endowment Fund First Presbyterian Church Florence Young Endowment Fund First Presbyterian Church Jim Johnston Endowment Fund ▲ Mary Eller, John Sheppard and Aline Flynn at Legacy Reception. United Way of Lee County Designated Principal Fund mila bridger photography ▲ Scholarship Donor George Napier (Nip) Wilson with Scholarship Recipient Ashley White. a n n u a l r e p o r t 2 0 1 4 | n n n | A s p e c i a l s u p p l e m e n t p r o d u c e d b y t h e S o u t h w e s t F l o r i d a C o m m u n i t y F o u n d a t i o n | our | 1 5 our G I V I N G M AT T E R S Agency Endowment Funds Nonprofit organizations can establish an agency endowment as a simple and efficient way to build an endowment and help create sustainability for the organization. The agency takes advantage of the Southwest Florida Community Foundation’s financial management and administrative resources, including advice on increasing endowments through planned giving. These endowments provide an ongoing source of income for operations and programs. Community Congregational United Church of Christ of Bonita Springs Community Cooperative Ministries, Inc. Intervarsity Christian Fellowship Jacobi Endowment Fund for Lee County “Pulling Together” Junior Achievement of Southwest Florida, Inc. Covenant Presbyterian Church Endowment Fund Dr. Harvey & Nora Krieger Fund for Animal Refuge Center Salus Care Inc. Fund Cypress Lake Presbyterian Church Learning Village Preschool Jocelyn Diehl Literacy for Literacy Volunteers of America, Lee County Alliance of the Arts Scholarship Fund Sanibel Community Church Youth Fund Lee County Lee County Medical Society Alliance and Foundation The Alvin A. Dubin Alzheimer’s Resource Center Art League of Bonita Springs Earth Shine Institute Agency Endowment Fund Lee County YMCA ECHO Lehigh Community Service Endowment Fund Bobby Holloway Foundation Fund Bonita Springs Assistance Office Edison-Ford Winter Estates Foundation Bonita Springs Elementary School Evangelical Christian School Brightest Horizons Child Development Center Noel Fund Fellowship of Christian Athletes Calusa Nature Center and Planetarium First Congregational Community Church Candlelighters of SW Florida Endowment Fund The Foundation for Lee County Public Schools Canterbury School Fort Myers Christian School, Inc. Endowment Fund Captiva Chapel By the Sea Endowment Fund Center for Abuse and Rape Emergencies of Charlotte County Fund Cape Coral Caring Center, Inc. Fund Charlotte Country Day School Charlotte County Homeless Coalition Child Evangelism Fellowship of Lee County Children’s Advocacy Center of SW Florida, Inc. Children’s Hospital Christian Financial Counseling Clinic for Rehabilitation of Wildlife (CROW) Ronald McDonald House of Southwest Florida Cornerstone Ministries Adonis Autism Assistance Foundation, Inc. BAT YAM Temple of the Islands Church of the Resurrection Endowment Fund Fort Myers Community Concert Association Fort Myers Rescue Mission Gabriel House, Inc. Girl Scouts of Gulf Coast Florida, Inc. Good Wheels Endowment Fund Goodwill Industries of Southwest Florida, Inc. Greater Fort Myers Chamber of Commerce Guadalupe Center of Immokalee Gulf Coast Humane Society Fund Harry Chapin Food Bank of Southwest Florida Hope Hospice “Reaching Out” Endowment Fund Lee Healthcare Resources Liberty Youth Ranch Endowment Fund Life Choice Pregnancy Center Lifeline Family Center Lighthouse of SWFL, Inc. Endowment Literacy Council Gulf Coast, Inc., Bonita Springs Alice Lockmiller Fund for Special Equestrians Meals on Wheels of Bonita Springs Rhea B. Mike Endowment for Child Care of Southwest Florida Mt. Hermon Christian School The Music Foundation of Southwest Florida Royal Palm Baptist Association The Salvation Army of Lee County Sanibel Community Association Fund Sanibel School Fund Senior Friendship Centers Sonshine Christian Academy Steiner Endowment Fund for the Jewish Federation Steiner Endowment Fund for Temple Judea Southwest Florida Addiction Services Mark Sweet Memorial Fund for Lee Memorial Hospital Library Southwest Florida Community Foundation Administrative Endowment Fund Southwest Florida Children’s Home in Memory of Katherine M. Flynn Southwest Florida Christian Academy to Honor Rev. Jim & Jean Holbrook Southwest Florida Museum of History Foundation Fund The Southwest Florida Symphony Orchestra & Chorus Association Nations Association Fund Teen Challenge of Florida New Horizons of Southwest Florida Agency Endowment Fund Thomas Edison Regional Science & Inventors Fair Octagon Sequence of Eight, Inc. United Christian Giving, A ChristCentered Fund Dr. Piper Center for Social Services Planned Parenthood Association of Southwest Florida, Inc. Providence Christian School The United Way of Lee County Verity Pregnancy & Medical Resource Center Renaissance School Fund Wake Up America Legacy Society Albert and Enid Abdo Carolyn Conant Kevin and Andrea Erwin Hon. Archie Hayward, Jr. Hal and La Donna Abelson David Cooper Ronald and Leslie Ezerski Scott and Helen Heffington Marie Ackord Mary Cosciani John and Gloria Fassett H. Richard Hendler Todd Adams Miller and Toni Couse Scott and Mary Fischer Dennis Hendrickson Col. Rene Affourtit Jake & Gretchen Coyle Dean and Alice Fjelstul James Heth Dee and Len Ahlfeld Richard and Cherrill Cregar Aline Flynn H. Frank Hicks, Jr. Carl Alderman Bob and Peg Cullen Craig Folk Joe and Barbara Hilliard Betsy Alderman Stan and Julie Culver Bill and Lorraine Frey Dr. Larry Hobbs Audrea Anderson Carol Daniels and Dick Jacker Bill and Charlotte Friede Eric and Sherri Hynden Donna Baker John and Jean Dannemiller Chris and Barbara Gair David Jennings and Liz Sotz Carl Barraco, Jr. Dr. Ira Dash Sam and Kathy Galloway, Jr. John Johannessen James and Gail Baumgarten Bernese Davis Jamie Gates Robert Johannsen Samira Beckwith Donald and Nancy Davis Richard and Faye Gates Stanley and Carol Jones Susan Bennett Kenneth * and Ruth Davis Patricia Graddy Sadako Judd Betty Bireley Jane de Lisser William and Nanette Graddy Robert and Donna Kaye Jack and Shelley Blais Patricia Delisio Marilyn Graham David and Elizabeth Keen Sunshine Bobo Paul and Mary Douglass William and Diane Green Donna Keen Ann Bradley Dawn-Marie Driscoll and Norman Marcus Steve and Mandy Greenstein Chris and Lisa Kelley Richard and Patricia Driscoll Frances Harris Gresham Barbara Harris Kite Elsie Grieger Eleanore Kleist Earl Groves Wilbert Knipe Craig Guild Russell and Gwendolyn Kraay Robert and Sheila Hague Tom and Joan Krick Duane and Marilyn Halverson Arthur Kurtze David and Andrea Harley Jeff Ledward Dr. Elizabeth Harmon Howard and Marilyn Leland Kisa Harris Diane Lepola Frank and Betty Haskell David and Linda Lucas Deborah Braendle Robert and Fern Brereton Daisy Brosseau Dorothy C. Brown Rusty Brown Bill Burdette Claudia Burns Marilyn Capaldo David and Marjorie Casper Frank and Julie Colunga Janet Dunn Louis and Pat Dunning Richard and Erna Durnwald Gregory Earle Dr. Julia East Arthur and Barbara Edwards Lois Edwards Tibor Rudolph Elder Mary Quigley Eller 1 6 | our | A s p e c i a l s u p p l e m e n t p r o d u c e d b y t h e S o u t h w e s t F l o r i d a C o m m u n i t y F o u n d a t i o n | n n n | a n n u a l r e p o r t 2 0 1 4 our G I V I N G M AT T E R S ▲ Madeleine Taeni, Scott White and Betty Bireley at Legacy Society Reception. mila bridger photography ▲ Roseline Young and Frank Verpoorten at the Art Quilters Unlimited and Alliance for the Arts Reception. ▲ Community leaders at Water Roundtable. Gail Markham Erik and Lana Petersen Bill and Carolyn Rogers Gay Rebel Thompson Thomas Marshall Tessie Pfenning Rita Rose Ruth Tobe Robert and Pam Martin Patricia Anne Pierkowski Grant and Jerry Rosensteel Robert Tomlinson William and Barbara Maruchi Richard and Vicki Pitbladdo Julia Rush Stephen and Marie Tranovich Shirley Matthai Louis and Barbara Pizzini Edward and Catherine Ryan Linda Treise Marie-Michelle McCarthy David and Sandy Pohl David and Bea Sanford Gary and Gay Trippe Jacke McCurdy Dorothy Lillian Kiesel Poll Helen Sarlo Jeff and Bonnie Troy Arden McCurdy John Pollock Robert R. Saunders Nina Van Zyle Sylvia Meisenberg-Zeizel* Larry Pomposini Karen Schlag Mary Verde Carl Meyer* Steve Pontius Dave and Kathie Shellenbarger Don and Frances Waldron Stuart and Lee Meyers John Potts John and Ellen Sheppard Myra Hale Walters T. Wayne and Mavis Miller Allen and Cecilia Prather Robert Shrader John Warfield Ronald and Janice Miller Bonnie Prator Katherine Simpson Betty Waters Gerald and Sharon Miller Richard Prescott Diehl and Josephine Sluss Dr. Ben & Beverly Whitaker Henry and Julia Moguil Richard H. Pritchett Steven and Julie Smith Scott White Frederick and Melvin Morgan Pamela Putnam Ben and Carol Smoot Guy Whitesman Paul Morton Mary Puzzo Tom Smoot, Jr. Rusty Whitley Rosemond Murphy Margaret Raizik Gene Solomon G. Napier Wilson Elizabeth Namm Jack and Shirley Rasmussen Jim and Patty Sprankle James and Natalie Wismar Nancy Near Thomas Rentz Dorothy Stocker Joseph and Patricia Wolf Murray and Charlotte Newton Kathryn Richardson Bernadine Stuefer Anderson Rodlyn Flinn Woodward Sarah and David Owen Darren and Stacy Robertshaw Jeremiah and Barbara Sullivan Mike and Laura Woodward George and Virginia Parker Mary Robertson Tammy Surratt Marino Joan Wright Cliff and Christina Parker Kathy Lynne Roberts-Pritchett Clara Szathmary Barbara Hawker Yeomans Sandra Parker Dr. David and Suzanne Robinson Madeleine Taeni Stan Zell Michael Peceri Alexander Robinson, Jr. Lois Taylor William Zink, Jr. Ann Perch Geoffrey and Robbie Roepstorff Jeanne Telep *deceased
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