BARRETT A. LEE Curriculum Vitae March 2014 Contacting Information Office Department of Sociology Penn State University 517 Oswald Tower University Park, PA 16802 (814) 863-7430 [email protected] Residence 790 Beaver Branch Road Pennsylvania Furnace, PA 16865 (814) 234-0948 [email protected] Academic Degrees Ph.D., Sociology, University of Washington, 1980 M.A., Sociology, University of Washington, 1976 B.S., Sociology, University of California, Riverside, 1973 Academic Honors Howard Brown Woolston Award, Sociology, University of Washington, 1978 National Finalist, Asian Scholars Program, Henry Luce Foundation, 1975 Graduated with Highest Honors, University of California, Riverside, 1973 Phi Beta Kappa, 1973 Professional Experience Sociology Graduate Officer, Penn State University, 2009-13, 1991-96 Sociology Undergraduate Officer, Penn State University, 2005-08 Professor of Sociology and Demography, Penn State University, 2001Sociology Department Head, Penn State University, 1996-2001 Senior Scientist, Population Research Institute, Penn State University, 1993Professor of Sociology, Penn State University, 1993-2001 Senior Research Associate, Population Research Institute, Penn State University, 1990-93 Associate Professor of Sociology, Penn State University, 1990-93 Director, Urban Studies Interdisciplinary Program, Vanderbilt University, 1986-90 Associate Professor of Sociology, Vanderbilt University, 1986-90 Assistant Professor of Sociology, Vanderbilt University, 1980-86 1 Areas of Specialization Urban sociology, social demography, community, race/ethnicity Current Research Community racial/ethnic diversity; residential segregation; neighborhood change; gentrification; displacement; urban homelessness; spatial aspects of affluence; community attachment; local social networks Research and Training Support Research Grant, “Racial and Ethnic Diversity in American Communities, 1980-2010,” Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, 201316 (PI; Co-Investigators are Stephen Matthews, Chad Farrell, Matthew Hall, and Laura Tach) Research Grant, “A Feasibility Study for Incorporating Topographical and Hydrological Data to Identify Exogenous Variation in Residential Race/Ethnic and Income Segregation,” Penn State Social Science Research Institute, 2007-08 (Co-Investigator; Stephen Matthews was PI) Research Grant, “Measuring Spatial Segregation,” National Science Foundation, 2005-08 (Co-Investigator; Sean Reardon and Stephen Matthews were PIs) Doctoral Dissertation Research Grant, “Urban Mosaics: Multiracial Diversity and Segregation in the American Metropolis,” U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 2003-05 (PI; Chad Farrell was doctoral student) Research Grant, “Concentrated Homelessness in Metropolitan Neighborhoods,” Brookings Institution, 2002-04 (PI) Doctoral Dissertation Research Grant, “Race, Class, and Human Ecological Factors in the Spatial Distribution of Manufacturing Emissions,” National Science Foundation, 1996-98 (Co-PI with Kevin Leicht; Glynis Daniels was doctoral student) Undergraduate Research Training Grant, “Minority Opportunities Through School Transformation,” American Sociological Association, 1994-96 (PI; Linda Burton, Roy Austin, and Salvador Oropesa were Co-PIs) Doctoral Dissertation Research Grant, “A Comprehensive Analysis of State-Designated Enterprise Zones,” U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 1994-96 (PI; Frank Beck was doctoral student) 2 Doctoral Dissertation Research Grant, “Human Ecology, Growth Coalitions, and Local State Autonomy: The Case of Enterprise Zones,” National Science Foundation, 1994-95 (PI; Frank Beck was doctoral student) Graduate Research Training Grant, “Family Change Over the Life Course,” National Science Foundation, 1993-99 (Co-PI; Alan Booth was PI) Research Grant, “Interpersonal Networks Among Urban Neighbors,” National Science Foundation, 1987-90 (PI; Karen Campbell was Co-PI) Research Contract, “Public Views on Homelessness,” Metropolitan Social Services of Nashville-Davidson County and Tennessee Department of Human Services, 1987 (PI) Research Contract, “Urban Growth and the Quality of Residential Life,” Metropolitan Planning Commission of Nashville-Davidson County, 1987 (PI) Research Contract, “Shelter Needs of the Homeless,” Metropolitan Development and Housing Agency of Nashville-Davidson County, 1986 (PI) Problems of the Discipline Grant, “Meta-Analysis of the Community Attachment Literature,” American Sociological Association, 1986 (PI; Karen Campbell was Co-PI) Research Grant, “Changes in Racially Mixed Urban Neighborhoods, 1970-1980,” National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, 1985-86 (PI) Summer Fellowship and Research Grant, “Stability and Change in Racially Mixed Urban Neighborhoods,” Vanderbilt University Research Council, 1984 (PI) Research Grant, “Neighborhood Organizations and Urban Revitalization in Nashville,” Vanderbilt University Research Council, 1982-83 (PI) Research Grant, “Neighborhood and Community Attachment,” National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, 1978-80 (Project Director; Avery Guest was PI) Journal Articles, Book Chapters, and Reports Lee, B.A., John D. Iceland, and Chad R. Farrell. Forthcoming. “Is Ethnoracial Residential Integration on the Rise? Evidence from Metropolitan and Micropolitan America Since 1980.” In John R. Logan (ed.), US2010 Project Volume (title tba). New York: Russell Sage Foundation. Lee, B.A. Forthcoming. “Invasion-Succession.” In John Stone, Rutledge Dennis, Polly Rizova, and Anthony D. Smith (eds.), The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity, 3 and Nationalism. Oxford, UK: Blackwell. (Also to be published in George Ritzer (ed.), The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, 2nd ed.) Lee, B.A., John Iceland, and Gregory Sharp. 2012. “Racial and Ethnic Diversity Goes Local: Charting Change in American Communities Over Three Decades.” US2010 Project Report Series. New York: Russell Sage Foundation. (Available online at us2010/Data/Report/report08292012.pdf Farrell, Chad R. and B.A. Lee. 2011. “Racial Diversity and Change in Metropolitan Neighborhoods.” Social Science Research 40 (July):1108-23. Lee, B.A., Kimberly A. Tyler, and James D. Wright. 2010. “The New Homelessness Revisited.” Annual Review of Sociology 36:501-21. Hall, Matthew S. and B.A. Lee. 2010. “How Diverse Are U.S. Suburbs?” Urban Studies 47 (January):3-28. Lee, B.A. and Matthew S. Hall. 2009. “Residential Mobility, Adulthood.” Pp. 371-77 in Deborah Carr (ed.), Encyclopedia of the Life Course and Human Development, Vol. 2: Adulthood. Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA. Lee, B.A., Sean F. Reardon, Glenn Firebaugh, Chad R. Farrell, Stephen A. Matthews, and David O’Sullivan. 2008. “Beyond the Census Tract: Patterns and Determinants of Racial Segregation at Multiple Geographic Scales.” American Sociological Review 73 (October):766-91. Reardon, Sean F., Stephen A. Matthews, David O’Sullivan, B.A. Lee, Glenn Firebaugh, Chad R. Farrell, and Kendra Bischoff. 2008. “The Geographic Scale of Metropolitan Racial Segregation.” Demography 45 (August):489-514. Lee, B.A. and Meredith J. Greif. 2008. “Homelessness and Hunger.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 49 (March):3-19. Lee, B.A. and Matthew Marlay. 2007. “The Right Side of the Tracks: Affluent Neighborhoods in the Metropolitan United States.” Social Science Quarterly 88 (September):766-89. Lee, B.A. 2007. “Invasion-Succession.” Pp. 2418-20 in George Ritzer (ed.), The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, Vol. V. Oxford, UK: Blackwell. Lee, B.A. and Chad R. Farrell. 2005. “The Sheltered Homeless in Metropolitan Neighborhoods.” Pp. 285-309 in Alan Berube, Bruce Katz, and Robert E. Lang (eds.), 4 Redefining Urban and Suburban America: Evidence From Census 2000, Volume II. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press. Lee, B.A. and Chad R. Farrell. 2004. “Metropolitan Neighborhoods With Sheltered Homeless Populations.” Living Cities Census Series. Washington, DC: Center on Urban and Metropolitan Policy, Brookings Institution. (Available online at metro/pubs/20041011_homeless.htm) Lee, B.A. and Christopher J. Schreck. 2005. “Danger on the Streets: Marginality and Victimization Among Homeless People.” American Behavioral Scientist 48 (April): 1055-81. Lee, B.A. and Townsand Price-Spratlen. 2004. “The Geography of Homelessness in American Communities: Concentration or Dispersion?” City & Community 3 (March):3-27. Lee, B.A., Chad R. Farrell, and Bruce G. Link. 2004. “Revisiting the Contact Hypothesis: The Case of Public Exposure to Homelessness.” American Sociological Review 69 (February):40-63. Lee, B.A., Townsand Price-Spratlen, and James W. Kanan. 2003. “Determinants of Homelessness in Metropolitan Areas.” Journal of Urban Affairs 25 (Summer):335-55. Lee, B.A.. 2003. “Residential Segregation.” Pp. 857-60 in Paul Demeny and Geoffrey McNicoll (eds.), The Encyclopedia of Population (2nd Ed.). Farmington Hills, MI: Macmillan Reference USA. Lee, B.A. and Chad R. Farrell. 2003. “Buddy, Can You Spare a Dime? Homelessness, Panhandling, and the Public.” Urban Affairs Review 38 (January):299-324. Lee, B.A. 2001. “Taking Neighborhoods Seriously.” Pp. 31-40 in Alan Booth and Ann C. Crouter (eds.), Does It Take a Village? Community Effects on Children, Adolescents, and Families. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. Lee, B.A. 2000. “Homelessness.” Pp. 1202-09 in Edgar F. Borgatta and Rhonda J.V. Montgomery (eds.), The Encyclopedia of Sociology, Vol. 2 (2nd Ed.). New York: Macmillan. Lee, B.A. and Karen E. Campbell. 1999. “Neighbor Networks of Black and White Americans.” Pp. 119-46 in Barry Wellman (ed.), Networks in the Global Village: Life in Contemporary Communities. Boulder: Westview. Zelinsky, Wilbur and B.A. Lee. 1998. “Heterolocalism: An Alternative Model of the Sociospatial Behavior of Immigrant Ethnic Communities.” International Journal of Population Geography 4 (December):281-98. 5 Lee, B.A. 1998. “Doubling Up.” Pp. 125-26 in Willem van Vliet (ed.), Encyclopedia of Housing. Thousand Oaks: Sage. Lee, B.A. and Karen E. Campbell. 1997. “Common Ground? Urban Neighborhoods as Survey Respondents See Them.” Social Science Quarterly 78 (December):922-36. Lee, B.A., R.S. Oropesa, and James W. Kanan. 1994. “Neighborhood Context and Residential Mobility.” Demography 31 (May):249-70. Lee, B.A., David W. Lewis, and Susan Hinze Jones. 1992. “Are the Homeless to Blame? A Test of Two Theories.” Sociological Quarterly 33 (Winter):535-52. Campbell, Karen E. and B.A. Lee. 1992. “Sources of Personal Neighbor Networks: Social Integration, Need, or Time?” Social Forces 70 (June):1077-1100. Lee, B.A. 1992. “Homelessness.” Pp. 843-48 in Edgar F. Borgatta and Marie L. Borgatta (eds.), The Encyclopedia of Sociology. New York: Macmillan. Lee, B.A., Bruce G. Link, and Paul A. Toro. 1991. “Images of the Homeless: Public Views and Media Messages.” Housing Policy Debate 2 (October):649-82. Campbell, Karen E. and B.A. Lee. 1991. “Name Generators in Surveys of Personal Networks.” Social Networks 13 (September):203-21. Lee, B.A., Karen E. Campbell, and Oscar Miller. 1991. “Racial Differences in Urban Neighboring.” Sociological Forum 6 (September):525-50. Wood, Peter B. and B.A. Lee. 1991. “Is Neighborhood Racial Succession Inevitable? Forty Years of Evidence.” Urban Affairs Quarterly 26 (June):610-20. Lee, B.A. 1991. “The Nashville Method: Unobtrusive Observation.” Pp. 139-46 in Cynthia M. Taeuber (ed.), Enumerating Homeless Persons: Methods and Data Needs. Washington, DC: U.S. Bureau of the Census. Lee, B.A. and Peter B. Wood. 1991. “Is Neighborhood Racial Succession Place-Specific?” Demography 28 (February):21-40. Lee, B.A. and Peter B. Wood. 1990. “The Fate of Residential Integration in American Cities: Evidence From Racially Mixed Neighborhoods, 1970-1980.” Journal of Urban Affairs 12 (December):425-36. Campbell, Karen E. and B.A. Lee. 1990. “Gender Differences in Urban Neighboring.” Sociological Quarterly 31 (Winter):495-512. 6 Lee, B.A., Susan Hinze Jones, and David W. Lewis. 1990. “Public Beliefs About the Causes of Homelessness.” Social Forces 69 (September):253-65. Lee, B.A. 1989. “Stability and Change in an Urban Homeless Population.” Demography 26 (May):323-34. Lee, B.A. 1989. “Homelessness in Tennessee.” Pp. 181-203 in Jamshid A. Momeni (ed.), Homelessness in the United States, Volume I: State Surveys. Westport: Greenwood. Lee, B.A. 1988. “Urban Sociology.” Pp. 200-23 in Edgar F. Borgatta and Karen S. Cook (eds.), The Future of Sociology. Beverly Hills: Sage. Guest, Avery M. and B.A. Lee. 1987. “Metropolitan Residential Environments and Church Organizational Activities.” Sociological Analysis 47 (Winter):335-55. Lee, B.A. 1986. “From Black to White: Reverse Racial Change in Neighborhoods of Large American Cities, 1970-1980.” Journal of the American Planning Association 51 (Summer):338-45. London, Bruce, B.A. Lee, and S. Gregory Lipton. 1986. “The Determinants of Gentrification in the United States: A City-Level Analysis.” Urban Affairs Quarterly 21 (March):369-87. Lee, B.A., Daphne Spain, and Debra J. Umberson. 1985. “Neighborhood Revitalization and Racial Change: The Case of Washington, DC.” Demography 22 (November):581-602. Mergenhagen, Paula M., B.A. Lee, and Walter R. Gove. 1985. “Till Death Do Us Part: Changing Relationships Between Marital Status and Mortality.” Sociology and Social Research 70 (October):53-56. Lee, B.A.. 1985. “Racially Mixed Neighborhoods During the 1970s: Change or Stability?” Social Science Quarterly 66 (June):346-64. Couto, Richard A., Risley P. Lawrence, Jr., and B.A. Lee. 1985. “Health Care and the Homeless: Dealing With a Problem Without Definition.” Urban Resources 2 (Winter):17-23. Counts, George W., David F. Gregory. Jean G. Spearman, B.A. Lee, Gregory A. Filice, King K. Holmes, and J. McLeod Griffis. 1984. “Group A Meningococcal Disease in the U.S. Pacific Northwest: Epidemiology, Clinical Features, and Effect of a Vaccination Control Program.” Reviews of Infectious Diseases 6 (September-October):640-48. Lee, B.A. and David C. Hodge. 1984. “Spatial Differentials in Residential Displacement.” Urban Studies 21 (August):219-31. 7 Lee, B.A. and David C. Hodge. 1984. “Social Differentials in Metropolitan Residential Displacement.” Pp. 140-69 in J. John Palen and Bruce London (eds.), Gentrification, Displacement, and Neighborhood Revitalization. Albany: SUNY Press. Lee, B.A. and Paula M. Mergenhagen. 1984. “Is Revitalization Detectable? Evidence From Five Nashville Neighborhoods.” Urban Affairs Quarterly 19 (June):511-38. Guest, Avery M. and B.A. Lee. 1984. “How Urbanites Define Their Neighborhoods.” Population and Environment 7 (Spring):32-56. Lee, B.A., R.S. Oropesa, Barbara J. Metch, and Avery M. Guest. 1984. “Testing the Declineof-Community Thesis: Neighborhood Organizations in Seattle, 1929 and 1979.” American Journal of Sociology 89 (March):1161-88. Guest, Avery M. and B.A. Lee. 1983. “The Social Organization of Local Areas.” Urban Affairs Quarterly 19 (December):217-40. Guest, Avery M. and B.A. Lee. 1983. “Consensus on Locality Names Within the Metropolis.” Sociology and Social Research 67 (July):374-91. Lee, B.A. and Avery M. Guest. 1983. “Determinants of Neighborhood Satisfaction: A Metropolitan-Level Analysis.” Sociological Quarterly 24 (Spring):287-303. Guest, Avery M. and B.A. Lee. 1983. “Sentiment and Evaluation as Ecological Variables.” Sociological Perspectives 26 (April):159-84. Guest, Avery M., B.A. Lee, and Lynn Staeheli. 1982. “Changing Locality Identification in the Metropolis: Seattle, 1920-1978.” American Sociological Review 47 (August):543-49. Lee, B.A. 1981. “The Urban Unease Revisited: Perceptions of Local Safety and Neighborhood Satisfaction Among Metropolitan Residents.” Social Science Quarterly 62 (December):611-29. Lee, B.A. 1980. “The Disappearance of Skid Row: Some Ecological Evidence.” Urban Affairs Quarterly 16 (September):81-107. Lee, B.A. and Carol A. Zeiss. 1980. “Behavioral Commitment to the Role of Sport Consumer: An Exploratory Analysis.” Sociology and Social Research 64 (April):405-19. Lee, B.A. 1978. “Residential Mobility on Skid Row: Disaffiliation, Powerlessness, and Decision Making.” Demography 15 (August):285-300. 8 Book Reviews 2005. Untitled review of Cynthia J. Bogard, Seasons Such As These: How Homelessness Took Shape in America. Contemporary Sociology 34 (January):20-21. 2002. Untitled review of Cathy D. Knepper, Greenbelt, Maryland: A Living Legacy of the New Deal. Journal of Urban Affairs 24 (December):603-04. 1997. Untitled review of Anne B. Hendershott, Moving for Work: The Sociology of Relocating in the 1990s. Contemporary Sociology 26 (January):71-72. 1991. Untitled review of Daniel J. Monti, Race, Redevelopment, and the New Company Town. Contemporary Sociology 20 (September):748-49. 1990. Untitled review of Peter H. Rossi, Down and Out in America: The Origins of Homelessness. Contemporary Sociology 19 (September):720-22. 1990. Film review of Sachiko Hamada and Scott Sinkler, Inside Life Outside. Teaching Sociology 18 (January):111-12. 1989. “Explaining Homelessness.” Review of Charles Hoch and Robert A. Slayton, New Homeless and Old: Community and the Skid Row Hotel. Science 246 (November 10): 825-26. 1989. Untitled review of Carl Milofsky (ed.), Community Organizations: Studies in Resource Mobilization and Exchange. Contemporary Sociology 18 (May):392-93. 1985. Untitled review of John A. Agnew, John Mercer, and David E. Sopher (eds.), The City in Cultural Context. Sociology and Social Research 70 (October):121. 1984. “How Neighborhoods Change.” Essay review of Richard P.Taub, D. Garth Taylor, and Jan D. Dunham, Paths of Neighborhood Change: Race and Crime in Urban America. Contemporary Sociology 13 (November):695-97. 1983. Untitled review of Robert M. Pankin (ed.), Social Approaches to Sport. Social Forces 62 (December):556-57. 1983. “Institutional Attack, Resident Response, and Neighborhood Change.” Essay review of Ronald J. Miller, The Demolition of Skid Row; Ida Susser, Norman Street: Poverty and Politics in an Urban Neighborhood; Chester Hartman et al., Displacement: How to Fight It. Urban Affairs Quarterly 18 (March):431-38. 9 1981. “Neighborhoods Alive.” Review of Sandra Perlman Schoenberg and Patricia L. Rosenbaum, Neighborhoods That Work: Sources for Viability in the Inner City. Journal of Community Action 1 (December):29-31. Newsletter Articles Lee, B.A. “Message from the Chair.” CUSS News (June 2004): 1-2; (January 2004):1-2; (July 2003):1-2; (December 2002):1. Lee, B.A. 1996. “Firebaugh: The Right Choice to Lead ASR.” Footnotes (May-June):9. Lee, B.A., R.S. Oropesa, and Townsand Price-Spratlen. 1996. “Remembering the ASA MOST Program 1995 Summer Institutes.” Footnotes (January):5-6. Lee, B.A. 1991. “On the New Homelessness.” Community and Urban Sociology Newsletter (Fall):5-6. Recent Conference Papers Lee, B.A., Michael J.R. Martin, and Christopher Prather. 2014. “Hispanic Dispersion and Exposure to Diversity in Metropolitan America.” At the Urban Affairs Association Annual Meeting, San Antonio (March). Lee, B.A. and Christopher Prather. 2014. “Residential Displacment in the United States: Evidence from a Difficult Decade.” At the Urban Affairs Association Annual Meeting, San Antonio (March). Lee, B.A., Michael J.R. Martin, and Christopher Prather. 2014. “Are Asians Becoming More Dispersed Throughout Metropolitan America?” At the Eastern Sociological Society Annual Meeting, Baltimore (February). Lippert, Adam M. and B.A. Lee. 2012. “Stress, Coping, and Mental Health Differences Among Homeless People.” At the American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Denver (August). Lee, B.A. and Chad R. Farrell. 2012. “A Universal Trend? Racial and Ethnic Diversity in American Communities Over Three Decades.” At the Population Association of America Annual Meeting, San Francisco (May). Lee, B.A. and Lauren A. Hughes. 2012. “Bucking the Trend: Which Communities are Becoming More Racially Homogeneous, and Why?” At the Eastern Sociological Society Annual Meeting, New York (February). 10 Lee, B.A., Matthew Hall, Jennifer M. McClure, and Lauren A. Hughes. 2011. “Understanding Recent Patterns of Metropolitan Homelessness.” At the Urban Affairs Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans (March). Lee, B.A., Matthew Hall, and Jennifer M. McClure. 2011. “Patterns and Antecedents of Homelessness: A State-Level Analysis.” At the Eastern Sociological Society Annual Meeting, Philadelphia (February). Lippert, Adam M. and B.A. Lee. 2010. “Health Among the Homeless: A Re-examination.” At the Population Association of America Annual Meeting, Dallas (April). Farrell, Chad R. and B.A. Lee. 2009. “When the Majority Doesn’t Rule: Racially Diverse Neighborhoods in Metropolitan America.” At the Urban Affairs Association Annual Meeting, Chicago (March). Lee, B.A., Sean F. Reardon, Stephen A. Matthews, Chad R. Farrell, and Glenn Firebaugh. 2008. “From Census Tracts to Local Environments: An Egocentric Approach to Neighborhood Change.” At the Urban Affairs Association Annual Meeting, Baltimore (April). Farrell, Chad R. and B.A. Lee. 2008. “Neighborhood Racial Change in the Multiethnic Metropolis.” At the Pacific Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Portland (April). Hall, Matthew S. and B.A. Lee. 2007. “Are All Suburbs Made of Ticky-Tacky? Homogeneity and Diversity in Suburbia.” At the American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, New York (August). Firebaugh, Glenn, Sean F. Reardon, B.A. Lee, Stephen A. Matthews, Kendra Bischoff, Chad R. Farrell, and David O’Sullivan. 2007. “Methods for Studying the Geographical Scale of Metropolitan Racial Segregation.” At the International Sociological Association Research Committee on Stratification Meeting, Brno, Czech Republic (May). Lee, B.A., Chad R. Farrell, and Sean F. Reardon. 2007. “Racial Segregation in City and Suburb: Do Patterns Vary by Spatial Scale?” At the Urban Affairs Association Annual Meeting, Seattle (April). Reardon, Sean F., B.A. Lee, Chad R. Farrell, Stephen Matthews, David O’Sullivan, Glenn Firebaugh, and Kendra Bischoff. 2007. “Patterns and Trends in the Spatial Scale and Magnitude of Racial Residential Segregation, 1980-2000.” At the Population Association of America Annual Meeting, New York (March). Lee, B.A. and Meredith J. Greif. 2006. “Homelessness and Hunger.” At the American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Montreal (August). 11 Lee, B.A., Glenn Firebaugh, Chad R. Farrell, Sean F. Reardon, Stephen A. Matthews, and David O’Sullivan. 2006. “Patterns and Correlates of Residential Segregation: A Spatially Refined Approach.” At the Population Association of America Annual Meeting, Los Angeles (March). Reardon, Sean F., Stephen A. Matthews, David O’Sullivan, B.A. Lee, Glenn Firebaugh, and Chad Farrell. 2006. “Segregation and Scale: The Use and Interpretation of Spatial Segregation Profiles for Investigating the Causes, Patterns, and Consequences of Residential Segregation.” At the Population Association of America Annual Meeting, Los Angeles (March). Lee, B.A. and Chad R. Farrell. 2005. “From Sow’s Ear to Silk Purse: The Reconstruction of Community Identity in Gentrifying Neighborhoods.” At the Urban Affairs Association Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City (April). Lee, B.A., Chad R. Farrell, and Bruce G. Link. 2003. “Does Exposure to Homelessness Influence Public Attitudes? A Strategic Test of the Contact Hypothesis.” At the American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta (August). Past Conference Papers American Sociological Association: 2002, 2000, 1997, 1996 (2), 1995 (2), 1994 (2), 1992, 1990 (2), 1989 (2), 1988 (2), 1987 (2), 1986, 1985, 1984, 1983, 1982, 1981, 1979, 1978 (2) Population Association of America: 1996, 1994, 1993, 1990, 1988, 1985, 1984, 1981 Southern Sociological Society: 1990, 1988 (2), 1985 (2), 1984, 1983, 1981 Southern Demographic Association: 1993, 1986, 1984 (2), 1982, 1981 Pacific Sociological Association: 1984, 1979, 1977 International/Sunbelt Social Networks: 1999, 1990 Eastern Sociological Society: 1998, 1996 American Society of Criminology: 2000 Urban Affairs Association: 1998 Society for the Study of Social Problems: 1995 Regional Science Association: 1980 Other Conference Involvement Session Organizer/Presider: American Sociological Association 2013, 2012, 2011, 2005, 1999, 1997 (2), 1992, 1991, 1984; Population Association of America 1996 (2), 1991; Southern Sociological Society 1999, 1990, 1985, 1983 (2), 1982; Eastern Sociological Society 2006 (2), 2000; Urban Affairs Association 2007; Pacific Sociological Association 1986; Southern Demographic Association 1982 12 Discussant: American Sociological Association 2006, 1999, 1996; Population Association of America 2010, 2006, 2003, 2000, 1998, 1995, 1993; Eastern Sociological Society 2000 Invited Colloquia, Workshops, and Panels Lee, B.A. 2012. “A Rainbow Future? Trends in Community Racial and Ethnic Diversity Since 1980.” Plenary Address at the Southern Demographic Association Annual Meeting, Williamsburg, VA (October). Lee, B.A. 2010. “From Census Tracts to Local Environments: An Egocentric Approach to Neighborhood Diversity and Change.” Colloquium in the Spatial Structures in the Social Sciences Series, Brown University, Providence (April). Blasi, Gary, B.A. Lee, Maryse Marpsat, Maria Santos, David Snow, and Matsuo Tamaki. 2009. “Homelessness and Homeless Communities.” Panel at the American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco (August). Lee, B.A., Peter Nardi, and Rogelio Saenz. 2005. “Launching an Academic Career in an Uncertain Economy: Advice From the Experts.” Professional Workshop at the American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia (August). Lee, B.A. and Chad R. Farrell. 2005. “Side by Side? The Elusive Goal of Racial Integration in an Urban Neighborhood.” Colloquium in the Department of Sociology, University of Washington, Seattle (May). Lee, B.A. 2004. Staff Briefing on Homelessness to the U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, Washington, DC (December). Calhoun, Thomas C., B.A. Lee, Shondrah Tarrezz Nash, and Suzanne T. Ortega. 2003. “Recruiting and Graduating Students of Color.” Panel at the American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta (August). Lee, B.A. and Chad R. Farrell. 2002. “Buddy, Can You Spare a Dime? Homelessness, Panhandling, and the Public.” Colloquium in the Department of Sociology and Center for Urban and Regional Analysis, Ohio State University, Columbus (May) and in the Center for Pulbic Policy, George Washington University, Washington, DC (April). Lee, B.A. 2000. “Making the Case for Mentoring.” Colloquium in the Department of Sociology, North Carolina State University, Raleigh (October). Lee, B.A., Nick Maroules, Diane Pike, and Susan E. Wright. 2000. “Making the Right Hire: How to Conduct an Effective Faculty Search.” Professional Workshop at the American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Washington, DC (August). 13 Ortega, Suzanne T., Robert D. Crutchfield, and B.A. Lee. 1999. “Recruiting Students of Color for Graduate Work in Sociology.” Professional Workshop at the American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Chicago (August). Lee, B.A., William T. Bielby, Karen E. Campbell, and Juan L. Gonzales, Jr. 1998. “Effective Graduate Research Training.” Panel at the American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco (August). Lee, B.A. and William G. Roy. 1997. “Graduate Curricula Core and Canon.” Teaching Workshop at the American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Toronto (August). Lee, B.A. 1996. “Departmental Transformation Through MOST.” Panel at the American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, New York (August). Lee, B.A. and Chad R. Farrell. 1996. “The Quest for Racial Integration in Urban Neighborhoods: A Cautionary Tale.” Colloquium in the Population Studies Center, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia (February). Lee, B.A. 1996. “Encountering the Homeless.” Colloquium in the Department of Sociology, Vanderbilt University, Nashville (January). Price-Spratlen, Townsand and B.A. Lee. 1994. “At Risk in the Spiral Toward the 21st Century: Metropolitan Areas, Demographic Change, and Crime.” Commissioned Paper to the 21st Century Policing Advisory Group, National Institute of Justice, Chicago (April). Lee, B.A. 1992. “Understanding the New Homelessness.” Keynote Address to the Symposium on “Homelessness in Advanced Capitalist Societies,” at the Congress of the International Geographical Union, Washington, DC (August). Lee, B.A. 1992. “The New Homelessness: What’s Left to Know?” Colloquium in the Graduate Center for Social and Public Policy, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh (January). Lee, B.A. and Bruce G. Link. 1991. “Images of the Homeless: Public Views and Media Messages.” Commissioned Paper at the Fannie Mae Annual Housing Conference on “Counting the Homeless: The Methodologies, Policies, and Social Significance Behind the Numbers,” Washington, DC (May). Lee, B.A. 1991. “Homelessness in America.” Convocation at Presbyterian College, Clinton, SC (April). Lee, B.A. 1991. “The Nashville Method: Unobtrusive Observation.” Commissioned Paper at the Urban Institute/U.S. Bureau of the Census Conference on “Enumerating Homeless Persons: Methods and Data Needs,” Washington, DC (November). 14 Lee, B.A. 1987. “The Homeless as Outsiders: Popular Themes and Unpopular Evidence.” Colloquium in the Department of Sociology, University of Alabama, Birmingham (May). Selected Intramural Presentations Lee, B.A. 2014. “Rainbow Communities? The Local Contours of Racial and Ethnic Diversity Since 1980.” Colloquium in the Department of Geography, Penn State University, University Park (April). Lee, B.A. 2011. “Surveys and Enumerations of Homeless People.” To the Changing American Neighborhoods and Communities Working Group, Population Research Institute, Penn State University, University Park (May). Lee, B.A., Sean F. Reardon, Glenn Firebaugh, Chad R. Farrell, Stephen A. Matthews, David O’Sullivan. 2006. “Beyond the Census Tract: Patterns and Determinants of Racial Residential Segregation at Multiple Scales.” Colloquium in the Population Research Institute, Penn State University, University Park (November). Lee, B.A. and Chad R. Farrell. 2002. “Buddy, Can You Spare a Dime? Homelessness, Panhandling, and the Public.” Colloquium in the Population Research Institute, Penn State University, University Park (October). Lee, B.A. and Christopher J. Schreck. 2001. “Danger on the Streets: An Analysis of Victimization Among the Homeless.” Colloquium in the Center for Research on Crime and Justice, Penn State University, University Park (March). Lee, B.A. 1998. “Community Conceptualization and Measurement.” Colloquium in the Center for Research on Crime and Justice, Penn State University, University Park (October). Lee, B.A. 1997. “Assessing the Racial Landscape in Pro-Integration Neighborhoods.” Colloquium in the Department of Sociology, Penn State University, University Park (April). Lee, B.A. 1996. “The ASA MOST Program in Sociology at Penn State.” Invited Presentation to the Board of Trustees, Penn State University, University Park (May). Lee, B.A. 1994. “What Can We Learn About Homelessness From the 1990 Census?” Colloquium in the Population Research Institute, Penn State University, University Park (February). Lee, B.A. 1993. “The Uses of Network Analysis in Urban Research.” Colloquium in the Department of Geography, Penn State University, University Park (November). 15 Lee, B.A. 1993. “Inside Urban Neighborhoods.” Invited Address at the Workshop on Qualitative Approaches to Demographic Research, Population Research Institute, Penn State University, University Park (July). Editorial and Referee Assignments Editorial Boards American Sociological Review, 1999-2001, 1988-90 City & Community, 2009Contexts, 2003-05 Social Science Quarterly, 1984-2003 Sociological Quarterly, 1991-93 Occasional Proposal Reviewer National Science Foundation National Institutes of Health (Reviewers Reserve 1993-98; Panels 1993, 1989, 1986) Member, Sociology Dissertation Grant Review Panel, National Science Foundation, 1993-94 Textbook Consultant, Dorsey Press, 1985-87 Professional Recognition and Activity Graduate Program Chair Leadership Award, Graduate School, Penn State University, 2013 Distinction in the Social Sciences, College of the Liberal Arts, Penn State University, 2009 Sociological Research Association Elected 2003; Membership Committee Member, 2006-07 American Sociological Association Member, Committee on Sections, 2008-11; Candidate for Council, 2007; MOST Coordinator at Penn State, 1994-96 Community and Urban Sociology Section, American Sociological Association Past Chair, 2004-06; Chair, 2002-04; Chair-Elect, 2000-02; Member and Chair, Nominating Committee, 1998-99, 1983-86; Secretary-Treasurer, 1993-96; Chair, Lynd Award Committee, 1992-93; Council Member, 1988-91; Chair, Park Award Committee, 1986-87 Committee on Graduate Education, American Sociological Association Thomas C. Calhoun, James G. Hougland, Marilyn Inhinger-Tallman, B.A. Lee, and Suzanne Ortega. 1999. “Recruiting and Graduating Students of Color.” Subcommittee Report to Committee on Graduate Education (distributed by ASA). 16 Population Association of America Member, Program Committee, 2013-14; Representative to U.S. Census Bureau Advisory Committee of Professional Associations, 1999-2005 Eastern Sociological Society Candidate for Vice-President, 2007; Member, Robin M. Williams, Jr. Lectureship Committee, 2006-07; Chair, Mirra Komarovsky Book Award Committee, 2005-06; Membership Committee Liason, 2004-05; Chair, Candace Rogers Student Paper Award Committee, 2003-04; Executive Committee Member, 2003-06 Professional Association Memberships American Sociological Association, Population Association of America, Urban Affairs Association, Eastern Sociological Society Advisory Committee Memberships U.S. Census Statistical Area Committee for Nashville-Davidson County, 1985-86 Governor’s Advisory Panel on Demographic Trends in Tennessee, 1982-83 Tennessee State Data Center Advisory Council, 1981-86 Formal Consulting Louisiana Board of Regents, 1997; National Institute of Justice, 1994; Annie E. Casey Foundation, 1994; Chapin Hall Center for Children, University of Chicago, 1993-94; U.S. Bureau of the Census, 1987; Metropolitan Planning Commission of Nashville-Davidson County, 1987; Metropolitan Development and Housing Agency of Nashville-Davidson County, 1986; Tennessee Dept. of Mental Health and Mental Retardation, 1986-88; Nashville Coalition for the Homeless, 1983-90; Seattle Mariners, 1977; U.S. Public Health Service, 1976 Contributor and Reviewer, Graduate Record Exam (Sociology Advanced Test), Educational Testing Service, 1988, 1985-86 Courses Taught Graduate: Urban Sociology; Race, Immigration and Residential Inequality; Homelessness in America; Proseminar (Urban Sociology Module); Population Studies and Human Ecology; Survey Research Methods; Introduction to Graduate Studies Undergraduate: Urban Sociology; The City; Homelessness in America; Sport in Society; Senior Research Seminar; Introduction to Sociology; Population and Society; Human Ecology; Occupations and Professions 17 Advising and Mentoring Chair or Co-Chair, 21 Ph.D. Committees, 1983- (Current positions of former students include Professor of Sociology at Eastern Michigan University; Associate Professors of Sociology at University at Albany, University of Alaska-Anchorage, Illinois State University, and Western Kentucky University; Assistant Professor of Sociology at Johns Hopkins University; Assistant Professor of Policy Analysis and Management at Cornell University; Lecturer in Sociology at University of Colorado-Denver; Demographers/Statisticians at U.S. Census Bureau; Research Associate/Analyst at Vanderbilt University); Member, 53 Ph.D. Committees, 1980Mentor, Postdoctoral Training Program, Population Research Institute, Penn State University, 1993-95 (Former student is Associate Professor at Ohio State University) Thesis Advisor, Schreyer Honors College, Penn State University, 2011-12, 2008-10, 2006-07, 2003-04, 2000-01 Mentor, Minority Fellowship Program, American Sociological Association, 1998-2000 Mentor, Minority Summer Research Opportunity Program, Penn State University, 1994 Mentor, Junior Faculty in Liberal Arts, Penn State University, 2007-08, 1996-99 Freshman Advisor in Arts and Science, Vanderbilt University, 1980-83 Teaching Recognition and Support Nominee, Graduate Faculty Teaching Award, Penn State University, 2006 Grant from United Federal Bank for the Enhancement of Undergraduate Education, Penn State University, 1992-93 (for development of Homelessness in America course) Kenan-Venture Fund Grants, Vanderbilt University, 1984-85, 1981 (for development of Sociology Teaching Resources Center and Sport in Society course) Nominee, Outstanding Graduate Teaching Award, Vanderbilt University, 1987 Nominee, Jeffrey Nordhaus Teaching Award, Arts and Sciences, Vanderbilt University, 1985 Administrative Responsibilities Penn State University University Faculty Senate, 2005University Faculty Senate Student Life Committee, 2011University Faculty Senate Intercollegiate Athletics Committee, 2005-11 Liberal Arts AD-14 Review Committee for Psychology (chair), 2011-12 Liberal Arts LASER Awards Committee, 2007-10 18 Liberal Arts Immediate Tenure Committee, 2003-06 Liberal Arts Faculty Advisory Committee to the Dean, 2002Liberal Arts Administrative Committee, 1996-2001 Liberal Arts Strategic Planning Committee, 1995-97 Liberal Arts Diversity Committee, 1994-96 Liberal Arts Graduate Awards Committee, 1993-95 Liberal Arts Merger Committee (Administration of Justice and Sociology), 1993 Liberal Arts Representative to College of Earth and Mineral Sciences, 1991-93 Organizer, CANAC Working Group, Population Research Institute, 2009Demography Training Grant Committee, Population Research Institute, 2007-13 Director Recruitment Committee, Population Research Institute, 1999, 1995 GIA Core Advisory Committee, Population Research Institute, 1998External Advisory Board, Population Research Institute, 1996-2001 DeJong Lecture Committee (chair), Population Research Institute/Sociology, 2006-07 Executive Committee, Center for Research on Crime and Justice, 1998-2001 Sociology Departmental Colloquium Committee, 2009-10 (chair), 2008-09 Sociology Undergraduate Committee, 2005-08, 2003-04 Sociology Graduate Committee, 2009- (ex officio), 2004-05, 1991-96 (ex officio) Sociology Promotion and Tenure Committee (chair), 2004-05 Sociology MOST Committee, 2002-04, 1995-2001 Sociology Graduate Placement Committee (chair), 2002-03 Sociology Advisory Committee (ex officio), 1996-2001 Sociology Space Committee, 1996-2001 Sociology Strategic Planning Committee, 1995-96 Sociology Faculty Recruitment Committee, 2006-07, 1992-95, 1990-91 Vanderbilt University University Institutional Review Board for the Protection of Human Subjects, 1983-85 Arts and Science Committee on Public Policy Studies, 1988-90 Arts and Science Committee on Student-Faculty Relations, 1982-85 Sociology Faculty Recruitment Committee, 1989-90, 1986-87, 1981-84 Sociology Graduate Program Committee, 1988-90, 1983-84 Sociology Graduate Admissions and Awards Committee, 1984-87 Sociology Undergraduate Program Committee, 1981-90 19
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