Семинар кафедры системного программирования ВМК МГУ SNA vs. Network Science: what the difference and why bother? Alexander Semenov (Social | Network | Data) Analyst http://jarens.ru [email protected] … и в чём разница? “Доисторический” этап SNA 1. Конец 19 века: «Bienayome-Watson-Galton” process; 2. Начало 20 века: Георг Зиммель: «общество начинается с 3х человек; 3. 30-годы 20 века: Якоб Морено: социометрия и социограмма. Так что же такое SNA? Теория Математика Картинки Краткая история SNA (1940-1969) Университет Область Учёные Страна Michigan State Rural sociology Charles Loomis, Leo Katz USA Sorbonne Linguistics Claude Levi-Strauss, Andre Weil France Lund Geography Thorsten Hagerstrand Sweden Chicago Mathematical Biology Nicholas Rashevsky USA Columbia Sociology Paul Lazarsfeld, Robert Merton USA Iowa State Communication Everett Rogers USA Manchester Sociology Max Gluckman Great Britain MIT Political Science Ithiel de Sola Pool, Manfred Kochen USA Syracuse Community Power Linton Freeman USA Sorbonne Psychology Claude Flament France Michigan Sociology Edward Laumann USA Chicago Sociology Peter Blau, James Davis USA Amsterdam Sociology Robert Mokken Netherlands Ренессанс SNA 1970 гг. Линтон Фримен Харрисон Уайт Барри Уэллман Книги • • • • Social Network Analysis (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences) Models and Methods in Social Network Analysis (Structural Analysis in the Social Sciences) Exploratory Social Network Analysis with Pajek (Structural Analysis in the Social Sciences) Social Network Analysis: A Handbook • • • • • http://jarens.ru/setevaya-vizualizatsiya-knig-po-analizu/ http://yasiv.com • Social and Economic Networks Networks, Crowds, and Markets: Reasoning About a Highly Connected World Connections: An Introduction to the Economics of Networks Linked: How Everything Is Connected to Everything Else and What It Means Six Degrees: The Science of a Connected Age (Open Market Edition) Bursts: The Hidden Pattern Behind Everything We Do Журналы Social Networks is an interdisciplinary and international quarterly. It provides a common forum for representatives of anthropology, sociology, history, social psychology, political science, human geography, biology, economics, communications science and other disciplines who share an interest in the study of the empirical structure of social relations and associations that may be expressed in network form. It publishes both theoretical and substantive papers. Critical reviews of major theoretical or methodological approaches using the notion of networks in the analysis of social behaviour are also included, as are reviews of recent books dealing with social networks and social structure. Network Science is a new journal for a new discipline - one using the network paradigm, focusing on actors and relational linkages, to inform research, methodology, and applications from many fields across the natural, social, engineering and informational sciences. Given growing understanding of the interconnectedness and globalization of the world, network methods are an increasingly recognized way to research aspects of modern society along with the individuals, organizations, and other actors within it. The discipline is ready for a comprehensive journal, open to papers from all relevant areas. Network Science is a defining work, shaping this new discipline. The journal welcomes contributions from researchers in all areas working on network theory, methods, and data. Citations of articles about “small-world” http://blogs.iq.harvard.edu/netgov/2011/03/report_from_annsonicnico_confe.html Разные данные 13 Те же методы? Fire, Michael, Rami Puzis, and Yuval Elovici. "Organization mining using online social networks." arXiv preprint arXiv:1303.3741 (2013). Results might be offensive Gaydar: Facebook friendships expose sexual orientation Social graph revealing Facebook friendship associations between self– identified gay male students in the MIT network. http://firstmonday.org/ojs/index.php/fm/article/view/2611/2302 … dangerous “Drug Marketers Use Social Network Diagrams to Help Locate Influential Doctors” http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2013/05/16/business/PHARMA.html?_r=2& and just stupid Bossaert, Goele, and Nadine Meidert. "" We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided'. A dynamic analysis of the peer support networks in the Harry Potter books." Open Journal of Applied Sciences (2013). "...We hope this study adds to the current knowledge on peer support in adolescence and promotes the use of social theories and methods in literacy research." https://lirias.kuleuven.be/bitstream/123456789/389499/1/Bossaert+%26+Meidert+2013.pdf И МОЙ ПЕРСОНАЛЬНЫЙ ФАВОРИТ… Власть меньшинств? Xie, Jierui, et al. "Social consensus through the influence of committed minorities." Physical Review E 84.1 ТАК ЧТО ЖЕ НАМ ДЕЛАТЬ? Message 1: Keep It Simple, Stupid! Application of Social Network Analysis in Study Groups Formation Initial groups Inter-group connections Clustering Average score change SNA-based 57% New Groups “Usual” 36% Don’t believe me? Ask these guys! Nicholas Christakis Malcolm Gladwell Message 2: Lets cooperate Shall we? Спасибо за внимание! http://jarens.ru/ https://twitter.com/jarens http://www.pinterest.com/semenovsna/ http://www.scoop.it/t/social-network-analysis-by-alexander-semenov ru.linkedin.com/in/semenoffalex/
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