‘CONSTRUCTION PROJECT RISK MANAGEMENT 2014’ Managing Tax Risk in Construction Projects Ruji Aphiworakitphan

Managing Tax Risk in Construction Projects
Ruji Aphiworakitphan
BDO Advisory Limited
Tax & Legal Services
14 November 2014
Presentation Outline
• Tax considerations:
Project Owner & Contractor
• Tax planning:
• Tax monitoring:
During and Post-construction
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Tax Considerations
on Construction Contract
Project Owner & Contractor
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Tax Considerations on Construction Contract
Project Owner
Offshore & onshore
Deductible & nondeductible expenses
Income recognition
VAT creditable
Sale of goods & hire
of work
Withholding tax
Stamp duty
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Tax considerations: Project Owner
Depreciation of construction project: the project is ready to use –
• Installation
• Commissioning
• Test –run
• Completion and deliverable
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Tax considerations: Project Owner
Deductible and non-deductible expenses – What?
• During the construction: capital expenditures e.g. transport
fees, interest, taxes, government fees, cost of equipment and
services, etc.
• After completion of construction: non-capital expenditures (but
not include renovation or refurbishment) e.g. interest, service fees:
technical support, supervisory and maintenance
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Tax considerations: Project Owner
VAT Creditable
• Input VAT on sale of goods and import of
• Input VAT on provision of services
• No VAT on hire of service (employment of
its employees)
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Tax considerations: Project Owner
VAT Non-creditable
• Input VAT incurred from the construction of building for usage
in the non-VAT business
• Sale or lease out or use of the building in non-VAT business
within 3 years from the tax month of completion of
construction but not include certain transactions e.g. business
rehabilitation, partial and entire business transfer,
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Tax considerations: Project Owner
Withholding Tax Liabilities
• Offshore constructor: non-DTA tax resident and DTA tax
resident (business profit and PE, royalties) and tax rates
• Onshore constructor: hire of work (service, transport)
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Tax considerations: Contractor
Joint Venture or Consortium
Offshore & Onshore Contractor
• Offshore contractor: PE, Alien Business
License, work permit
• Onshore contractor: subcontract
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Tax considerations: Contractor
Income Recognition: Accrual basis
• Percentage of completion contract method: cost to cost and
engineering survey/report
(Thai Accounting Standard No. 11 (amended 2009))
(Departmental Instruction No.Tor.Por.1/2528, Clause 3.6)
Supreme Court Judgment No. 2744/2544
ruled to support the percentage of completion method
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Tax considerations: Contractor
Stamp Duty
• Construction contract is a hire of work contract – subject to
stamp duty
• Liable person: contractor (unless agreed otherwise to be borne
by the customer)
• Stamp duty: every Baht 1 for service fee of Baht 1,000 without
How to reduce stamp duty: split of contract – sale of goods
contract is not subject to stamp duty
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Tax planning
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Tax planning: Pre-construction
Onshore Contractor
• Split of contracts: sale of goods and services – to reduce
withholding tax and stamp duty
• Elements of sale contract and service contract should be
absolutely separated: purpose of contract, contract price etc.
• Seller and service provider is not necessary to be separated
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Tax planning: Pre-construction
Onshore Contractor: Precedent Cases of Split of Contracts
Revenue Department Ruling No. GorKor. 0702/2301 dated 24 March
• Objective of the Company is to provide construction services
• Split contract for sale of materials and construction
• The price per sale contract and service fee per construction
contract are both income from hire of work
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Tax planning: Pre-construction
Onshore Contractor: Precedent Cases of Split of Contracts (cont.)
Supreme Court Judgment No. 2091/2553
Construction of Electricity, Communication, Sanitation and Air
Condition System
• Split contract for sale and service separately, separate scope of
work/objectives, goods price/ service fee, payment term
• Contractor and seller of construction materials are the same
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Tax planning: Pre-construction
Offshore Contractor
• Split of contracts: sale of goods and services
• Subcontract of onshore construction works to local contractor
to avoid PE and Alien Business License
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Tax planning: Pre-construction
Offshore Contractor: Split of contracts
• Sale of goods is not subject to withholding tax and stamp duty
• Offshore supply contract shall be executed outside Thailand (no
employee, agent or go-between in Thailand dealing with the
customer for the sale)
• Ownership of offshore goods shall be transferred to the
customer outside Thailand
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Tax planning: Pre-construction
Offshore Contractor: Split of contracts (cont.)
• Provision of offshore services may be exempt from withholding
tax under the double tax agreement depending on nature of
• Self-assessed VAT for the project owner would not be a cost
and would be creditable for VAT business.
• Stamp duty only applies to service contract.
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Tax planning: Pre-construction
Offshore Contractor: Avoiding PE under the Double Tax Agreement
• No fixed place: office, building site, etc (Asset test)
• No qualified activity: construction, installation, assembly or
supervision (Activity test); and
• No qualified period of time: 3, 6 months or 183 days in any
calendar year or accounting period (Time-test)
9 Count by project (being connected)
9 Consider on the period under the contract
9 Include suspension period, holiday
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Tax planning: Pre-construction
Offshore Contractor: Secondment
• Secondment of foreign employees to the subcontractor and not
be reimbursed their remuneration to the offshore contractor
• Foreign employees obtain work permit under the employment
of subcontractor
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Tax Monitoring
During and Post-construction
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Tax monitoring: During & Post-construction
Implementation of Tax Planning
• period of services performed in Thailand, invoicing,
Contract Monitoring
• party who bears the tax payment, gross up price and tax on tax
Withholding Tax
• double tax agreement, due date, tax rates and filing
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Tax monitoring: During & Post-construction (cont.)
Self-assessed VAT
• service provided outside Thailand and use in Thailand, due date
and filing
• transfer pricing, stamp duty and period of retention of
Tax Audit and Disclosure of Information
• in-charge person dealing with the Revenue Department,
potential tax dispute and evidences in court trial
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Tax & Legal Contacts
Tax & Legal Services
[email protected]
Telephone: +662 260 7290
Mobile: +6687 695 9451
Fax: +662 260 7297
Bachelor of Law degree from Thammasat University and Graduate
Diploma from Institute of Legal Education of the Thai Bar.
Ruji has over 8 years experience providing tax and legal advisory
services. Ruji specialises in advising on, personal income tax,
corporate income tax, value added tax, stamp duty and property tax.
She also has significant experience in advising on tax planning and
carrying out tax review and tax due diligence assignments.
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BDO Advisory Limited specialises in providing tax and legal services to
multinationals operating in Thailand and the Asia Pacific region.
BDO Advisory Limited, a limited liability company incorporated in Thailand, is a
member of BDO International Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, and
forms part of the international BDO network of independent member firms.
BDO is the brand name for the BDO International network and for each of the BDO
Member Firms
BDO International is a worldwide network of public accounting firms, called BDO
Member Firms, serving international clients. BDO International is the world's fifth
largest international accounting and advisory network, with over 1,000 offices in
119 countries and more than 46,000 professionals.
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Tax & Legal Services
28th Floor, CTI Tower
191/16 New Ratchadapisek Road
Klongtoey, Bangkok 10110 Thailand
Telephone:+66 2 260 9467
TeleFax: +66 2 260 2680
Website: www.bdo.co.th
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