TAURON Group’s Q1-Q3 2014 financial results November 13, 2014 Q1-Q3 2014 key financial parameters TAURON Group’s Q1-Q3 2014 financial results [PLN m] Q1-Q3 2014 Sales revenue 13 603 (-4.3% yoy) EBITDA 2 915 (-2.8% yoy) Net profit* 1 049 (-13.8% yoy) CAPEX 2 010 (-15.1% yoy) Net debt/EBITDA 1.73x (up 0,3) Key segments’ Q1-Q3 2014 results [PLN m] Distribution Supply Heat Generation Mining Segment’s revenue 4 529 11 267 967 2 305 871 EBITDA 1 778 501 182 200 83 EBIT 1 071 479 71 (154) 5 CAPEX 1 286 2.2 225 235 125 * Net profit attributable to the parent company’s shareholders 2 Q3 2014 key financial parameters TAURON Group’s Q3 2014 financial results [PLN m] Q3 2014 Sales revenue 4 377 (-3.6% yoy) EBITDA 921 (-2.8% yoy) Net profit* 318 (-13.3% yoy) CAPEX 760 (-25.4% yoy) Net debt/EBITDA 1.73x (up 0,3) Key segments’ Q3 2014 results [PLN m] Distribution Supply Heat Generation Mining 1 480 3 692 249 832 341 EBITDA 608 110 17 73 55 EBIT 371 105 (21) (44) 29 CAPEX 444 1.4 127 109 43 Segment’s revenue * Net profit attributable to the parent company’s shareholders 3 Highlights TAURON Date Event July 22 Signature with the European Investment Bank of a PLN 295m loan agreement for CAPEX projects in the renewable energy sources and distribution segments October 24 Fitch Ratings agency reaffirmed TAURON’s BBB rating with a stable outlook. Company’s bond issue was granted A level domestic rating November 4 Settlement of the PLN 1.75bn bond issue as part of the bond issue program launched in July 2013. Bond issue funds will be used to finance TAURON Group’s CAPEX projects November 5 TAURON Ekoenergia signed agreement with Iberdrola group companies for the construction of the second stage of Marszewo Wind Farm (18 MW). Contract’s net value: PLN 101.3m MARKET Date Event September 27 Publishing by PSE (TSO) of the Transmission Grid Operational Manual (Grid Code) update draft – planned modification of the Operational Capacity Reserve (Operacyjna Rezerwa Mocy – ORM) and reduction of the ORM price in 2014 to PLN 17/MW-h October 24 European Council agreed on the climate policy framework until 2030. The main target: reducing CO2 emission by at least 40 percent by 2030. Past 2020 the Polish power sector will be able to use a pool of free of charge CO2 emission allowances – its allocation details have not been established yet September Continued works by the Parliament (Sejm) on the government’s draft law on renewable energy sources. Planned coming into force of the law: January 2016 4 Macroeconomic and market situation GDP growth rate Manufacturing PMI2 +0.8 p.p. 4% 2% 0% -2% GDP growth rate forecast Volume [GWh] Y-13 182.75 184 615 Y-14 164.24 225 263 Y-15 170.89 141 438 Y-16 175.79 20 918 Y-17 184.14 359 Average electricity sales prices on the competitive market (acc. to ERO): 2013: PLN 181.55/MWh * Source: GUS, IBnGR , PSE Q4 2014 Q3 2014 Q2 2014 Q1 2014 Q4 2013 Q3 2013 Q2 2013 Structure of electricity generation in Poland [TWh] TWh 120 100 80 119.7 7.6% 4.8% 9.09 5.73 -3.9% 115.1 -7.9% +25.1% 42.29 -4.1% 35.3% 8.38 7.17 40.57 7.3% 6.2% other 35.2% renewable energy sources 60 40 2011: PLN 198.30/MWh 2012: PLN 201.36/MWh Q1 2013 increase of production sold change of domestic electricity consumption forecast increase of production sold Yearly BASE contract prices on the Polish Power Exchange (TGE) Average price [PLN/MWh] Q4 2012 -4% Q3 2012 Q4 2014 Q3 2014 Q2 2014 Q1 2014 Q4 2013 Q3 2013 Q2 2013 Q1 2013 Q4 2012 Q3 2012 Q2 2012 Q1 2012 Q4 2011 Q3 2011 Q2 2011 Q1 2011 0% 6% Q2 2012 1% 8% Q1 2012 2% 10% Q4 2011 3% 12% Q2 2011 +0.3 p.p. 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 Q1 2011 5% 4% Increase of manufacturing production sold and electricity consumption (yoy change)* PMI Q3 2011 Poland’s GDP growth rate* and manufacturing PMI (quarterly average) GDP 52.3% 62.63 -5.9% 58.95 20 51.2% lignite fired thermal power plants hard coal fired thermal power plants 0 Q1-Q3 2013 Q1-Q3 2014 5 Q1-Q3 2014 key operating data Mg m TWh Hard coal production and sales [tons m] 14 12 14.28 0.91 11.27 12 4,0 1.41 1.00 3,0 6 6 13.37 10.59 -25.7% TWh Q1-Q3 2013 electricity hard coal sales outside the Group Electricity distribution [TWh] and number of customers [‘000] -17.1% 0 -6.3% Q1-Q3 2014 Q1-Q3 2013 intra-Group hard coal sales commercial hard coal production 4 2 2 2.53 -12.2% 8.78 4 1,0 0,0 8 9.94 3.99 2.88 1.33 8 4.26 2,0 10 46.2% 10 -29.1% PJ Electricity [TWh] and heat [PJ] generation electricity - RES heat TWh Electricity supply [TWh] customers 0 Q1-Q3 2014 5 400 35 28 30 5 350 25 21 20 10 5 300 35.74 3 572 5 369 15 5 324 30.71 14 28.39 5 250 7 5 Q1-Q3 2013 electricity distribution -7.6 % 45 thou. 0,1% 0 0 5 200 Q1-Q3 2014 number of customers Q1-Q3 2013 Q1-Q3 2014 electricity supply 6 Q3 2014 key operating data Mg m TWh Hard coal production and sales [tons m] 5 4.53 0.31 35.5% 4 1,0 PJ Electricity [TWh] and heat [PJ] generation 3.98 0.42 0.42 0.50 1 -16.0% 3 1.44 1.26 2 4.22 1.16 3.56 0.93 0.83 0.95 1 14.3% 12.0% 0 Q3 2013 intra-Group hard coal sales hard coal commercial production TWh -17.6% -15.6% 0,0 0 Q3 2013 Q3 2014 electricity hard coal sales outside the Group Electricity distribution [TWh] and number of customers [‘000] Q3 2014 electricity - RES heat TWh Electricity supply [TWh] customers 5 400 12 10 5 350 7 8 6 4 11.86 11.74 5 300 5 369 9.85 5 324 9.13 5 250 2 1.0% 45 thou. 0 Q3 2013 electricity distribution Q3 2014 number of customers -7.3% 0 5 200 Q3 2013 Q3 2014 electricity supply 7 Q1-Q3 2014 key financial data Net profit [PLN m] Sales revenue [PLN m] 16 000 14 214 14 000 1 699 -11.1% 1 400 1 264 13 603 1 200 1 053 1 511 12 000 1 000 4 166 10 000 4 327 3.9% 800 8 000 600 6 000 8 349 4 000 400 7 765 200 2 000 -7.0% -16.7% 0 0 Q1-Q3 I-III kw. 2013 electricity I-III kw.2014 2014 Q1-Q3 distribution and commercial services Q1-Q3 2013 other revenue Q1-Q3 2013 EBITDA vs Q1-Q3 2014 EBITDA [PLN m] 3 500 +237 +42 +19 3 001 Q1-Q3 2013 EBITDA vs Q1-Q3 2014 EBITDA structure 2 915 0.5% 3 000 2 500 2 500 2 000 2 000 -2.8% 0.8% 3% 2% 17% 25% 1 500 1 500 2 915 3 001 mln 3 500 3 298 -11.6% 3 000 61% 57% 1 000 1 000 500 500 0 Q1-Q3 2014 0 Q1-Q3 2013 EBITDA reported Asset impairment charge Inventory impairment charge LTC (PPA) revenue (final settlement) No one-off events occurred in Q1-Q3 2014 Q1-Q3 2013 EBITDA comparable Q1-Q3 2014 EBITDA reported /comparable 3% 4% 6% Q1-Q3 2013 -500 5% 5% Mining Heat Customer service -2% Generation Distribution Other 6% 7% 3% Q1-Q3 2014 -3% RES Supply Unassigned items 8 Q3 2014 key financial data Net profit [PLN m] Sales revenue [PLN m] 6 000 400 372 45 4 377 5 000 350 319 -10.6% 300 468 4 000 448 250 1 347 3 000 1 400 3.9% 200 150 2 000 2 692 1 000 100 2 529 -14.3% -6.1% 0 0 Q3 2013 2013 Q3 electricity Q32014 2014 Q3 distribution and commercial services Q3 2013 Q3 2014 other revenue Q3 2013 EBITDA vs Q3 2014 EBITDA structure [PLN m] Q3 2013 EBITDA vs Q3 2014 EBITDA [PLN m] 1 500 947 1 200 947 +19 966 921 -4.7% 921 0.8% 1 000 1 000 16% 800 -2.8% 1.2% 4% 12% 3% 600 66% 63% 400 500 200 0 0 50 3% 2% 9% 3% -2% 2% 5% 8% 6% -3% -200 Q3 2013 EBITDA reported LTC (PPA) compensation revenue (final settlement) Q3 2014 EBITDA comparable No one-off events occurred in Q3 2014 Q3 2014 EBITDA reported/ comparable Q3 2013 Mining Heat Customer service Q3 2014 Generation Distribution Other RES Supply Unassigned items 9 Q1-Q3 2014 EBITDA -2.8% PLN m EBIT Depreciation Growth per segment Drop per segment EBITDA margin 4 000 3 500 21.1% 3 001 9.6% 83 3 000 1 287 8.7% 65.9% 18.8% 39.3% 59 17 77 4.5% 19.0% 11.3% 15 9 -246 -85 - 21.4% 2 915 -15 1 368 2 500 2 000 1 500 1 713 1 547 1 000 500 0 Q1-Q3 2013 EBITDA Mining Generation RES Heat Distribution Supply Customer service Other Unassigned items Q1-Q3 2014 EBITDA Most important factors affecting Q1-Q3 2014 EBITDA: Mining – declining thermal coal price and sales volume along with the drop of own costs of coal sold Generation – lower wholesale electricity prices, lower electricity and heat sales volume, lower CO2 provision cost, lower variable unit cost (lower fuel prices), higher revenue from Regulatory System Services (RUS) and operational reserve, asset impairment charge in H1 2013 Distribution – increase of distribution service sales price and volume, lower balancing difference factor and lower cost of purchasing electricity to cover the balancing difference RES – higher volume of sales of electricity and property rights from wind farms, higher property rights sales price, lower electricity prices Heat – lower electricity sales price, higher heat sales price, lower heat supply and distribution volume, higher margin on certificates, red and yellow property rights impairment charge in the first half of 2013 Supply – higher redemption obligation and prices of green, violet and white property rights, restoration of the obligation to redeem red and yellow certificates; lower volume and retail sales price of electricity, lower electricity purchase price had a beneficial impact 10 Q3 2014 EBITDA -2.8% PLN m EBIT Depreciation Growth per segment 1 400 1 200 20.9% 16.2% 1 000 947 25 800 423 8.8% 64.3% 6.7% 24 41.1% 20.1% -42 -7 12 -16 -16 3.0% 14.1% - 21.0% 921 3 -10 456 600 400 524 464 200 0 Q3 2013 EBITDA Mining Generation RES Heat Distribution Supply Customer service Other Unassigned items Q3 EBITDA 2014 Most important factors affecting Q3 2014 EBITDA: Mining – declining hard coal market prices, slight increase of the hard coal sales volume, along with the drop of the unit cost of coal sold Generation – lower electricity prices, lower electricity and heat sales volume, lower CO2 provision cost, higher revenue from the operational capacity reserve RES – higher volume of sales of electricity and property rights from hydroelectric power plants (favorable hydrological conditions) and wind farms (impact of Wicko and Marszewo wind farms) Heat – higher variable unit generation costs (higher prices of purchasing blast furnace gases), lower electricity sales price, higher CO2 cost Distribution – lower cost of purchasing electricity to cover the balancing difference, increase of distribution service sales price and volume, rising transition fee charged by the TSO Supply – higher redemption obligation and prices of green and violet property rights, reinstatement of the obligation to redeem red and yellow certificates, lower electricity supply volume and higher margin on electricity retail sales 11 Q1-Q3 2014 prime costs structure Prime costs structure PLN m Q1-Q3 2014 1 373 19% 1 501 1 944 21% 27% 467 Fixed costs 63% 0% 20% Depreciation 580 1 837 23% 20% 1% -6.2% Variable costs 38% 1 786 1 532 7 292 26% Variable costs 37% Fixed costs 62% Q1-Q3 2013 1 895 6% 24% 40% Consumption of materials and energy Declining costs in Q1-Q3 2014 are mainly due to: consumption of materials (lower fuel costs) depreciation including impairment charges taxes and fees employee benefit costs – mainly the result of the Voluntary Redundancy Programs implemented and the lower headcount 1 925 60% External services 7 773 25% 7% 1% 80% Taxes and fees Employee benefit costs 100% 120% Other prime costs Cost structure: In Q1-Q3 2014: variable costs (excluding the value of goods and materials sold) approx. 37%, fixed costs approx. 63% In Q1 –Q3 2013: variable costs approx. 38%, fixed costs approx. 62% Most important reasons for the changed cost structure: lower fuel cost lower cost of CO2 emission allowances higher cost of energy certificates of origin 12 Q3 2014 prime costs structure Prime costs structure PLN m Q3 2014 456 489 19% 20% 655 179 619 27% 7% 25% Fixed costs 64% Variable costs 36% Fixed costs 60% 432 Q3 2013 18% 0% 20% Depreciation 2 440 2% Variable costs 40% 553 645 179 23% 26% 7% 40% Consumption of materials and energy Q3 2014 costs comparable to Q3 2013 costs as a result of: declining costs of consumption of materials and energy rising costs of: 0.0% 60% External services 593 24% 80% Taxes and fees Employee benefit cost 2 441 2% 100% 120% Other prime costs Cost structure: In Q3 2014: variable costs (excluding the value of goods and materials sold) approx. 36%, fixed costs approx. 64% In Q3 2013: variable costs approx. 40%, fixed costs approx. 60% depreciation Most important reasons for the changed cost structure: external services lower fuel cost employee benefit costs – implementation of the remuneration agreement in Q3 2014 lower cost of CO2 emission allowances’ provision higher cost of energy certificates of origin 13 Debt and financing Structure of TAURON Group’s debt [PLN m] TAURON Group’s debt maturity [PLN m] 60 68 1% 1% 3 500 3 000 2 500 Net debt / EBITDA: 1.73x 2 000 EIB loans kredyty z EBI National/Regional Environment Protection and Water pożyczki Management Fund preferencyjne z loans on preferential NFOŚiGW/WFOSiGW terms 1 453 1 500 6 552 1 000 500 - obligacje bonds 1 226 19% 3 153 86 150 158 240 240 240 189 182 161 100 100 pozostałe kredyty, other credits, loans pożyczki i leasingi 100 and leases 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 bonds obligacje kredyty, pożyczki leasingi credits, loans and i leases financial debt (debt due to investment as of September 30, 2014: PLN 6 552m loans, loans, average weighted debt maturity as of September 30, 2014: including all BGK bonds – 43 months EUR debt constitutes 0.04% of the total debt leases and 5 198 79% bonds) Financing available toTAURON Group [PLN m] 295 8% 100 3% obligacje obejmowane bonds underwritten by przez konsorcjum the consortium of banks banków 300 9% obligacje BGK BGK bonds structure of debt by interest rate: 19% – fixed interest rate, i.e. PLN 1 226m kredyt EBI EIB loans 3 445 81% – floating interest rate, i.e. PLN 5 326m, including: - unsecured amount – PLN 1 886m - secured amount – PLN 3 440m cashpooling 2 750 80% 14 CAPEX – key projects’ work progress Investment project Capaci Capac ty ity (MWe) (MWt) Project status Work progress Planned completion date - In the first half of November RAFAKO-Mostostal consortium will hand over the unit’s basic design. At the same time TAURON Generation is planning to formally hand over the unit’s construction site to the General Contractor. The process of selecting contractors that will install the unit’s auxiliary systems and installations – ash removal and stoking (coal feeding) systems – is underway. Design works and obtaining of successive administrative approvals are underway 9% 2019 450 240 Installations of the gas and steam turbogenerator sets are underway. Installation of the pressurized part of the recuperation boiler is underway. Basic installation of the stack is completed. The upgrade of the pressure increase stage is close to completion. Main machines and devices of the gas and steam unit are at the construction site 64% 2015 Construction of the hard coal-fired cogeneration unit at ZW Tychy 50 86 Boiler’s steel structure’s installation completed, boiler drum’s water tests conducted. Foundations of the inclined coal conveyor’s support completed, works related to installing cooling water ducts and cooling water pump station completed 26% 2016 Construction of the TG 50 ZW Nowa turbogenerator 50 - Turbine’s delivery completed, assembly works in the machine room underway. Partial acceptance of the power offtake completed. Works on cooling water installations underway 61% 2015 66% 2016 85% 2015 1% 2018 14% 2019 15% 2022 Construction of the hard coal-fired unit 910 at Jaworzno III Power Plant Construction of the CCGT unit at Stalowa Wola Combined Heat and Power Plant Jaworzno III Power Plant – installing of the flue gas denitrification systems and upgrading of the 200 MW units - - Upgrade of two of six units to be upgraded is planned in 2015-16. Units no. 1 and 5 – tender procedure underway. Unit no. 3 – optimization works underway following the commissioning of the unit after the upgrade and preparations of the warranty measurements Łaziska Power Plant installing of the flue gas denitrification systems and upgrading of the 200 MW units - - Upgrade of the last one (no. 9) of the four units underway. According to the project’s assumptions starting from 2015 all 200 MW units will reduce NOx emissions to less than 200 mg/Nm3 Construction of the CCGT unit at Łagisza Power Plant 413 266 Construction of the 800m level at Janina coal mine - - Construction of Grzegorz shaft at Sobieski coal mine - - Design has been prepared and the process of approving a sector wide notice on the construction of the CCGT unit is underway. Environmental impact assessment report has been compiled. Process of preparing documentation required to obtain the construction permit and design works related to the generation unit have been commenced. Deadline for submission of Contract Engineer bids elapses on November 3 Janina VI shaft deepening and drilling of the development headings underway. As part of the Hard Coal Mechanical Processing Unit’s upgrade the construction of the stone transportation and storage system is carried out Drilling of the 830 m deep test exploration borehole completed. Construction of the electric distribution sub-station commenced. Investment project’s basic design accepted 15 CAPEX – by segment Main investment projects completed in Q1Q3 2014: CAPEX by segment [PLN m] 2 368 -15.1% 2 010 46 59 1 192 1 286 116 439 225 80 403 235 173 125 Q1-Q3 2013 Mining Generation Q1-Q3 2014 RES Heat Distribution Supply and other Distribution – construction of new connections (PLN 338m) and upgrade and restoration of grid assets (PLN 803m) RES – construction of the Marszewo wind farm’s 2nd stage (PLN 20m), upgrade of hydroelectric power plants (PLN 54m) Generation – construction of the NOx emission reduction system (PLN 130m) Heat – construction and upgrades of the heat transmission pipeline networks (PLN 56m), restoration of ZW Tychy’s capacity (PLN 91m) and construction of the 50 MW turbogenerator set at ZW Nowa (PLN 28m) Mining – construction of the 800 m level and launch of the fourth coal face at the Janina coal mine (PLN 55m) * CAPEX does not include PLN 330m of capital costs including PLN 310m spent to purchase TAURON Mining shares 16 OPEX reduction program Segment Savings realized in 2013 and in Q1-Q3 2014 Savings planned in 2013-2015 Progress % Distribution PLN 272m PLN 416m 65% Generation (including RES) PLN 279m PLN 387m 72% Heat PLN 35m PLN 33m 107% Mining PLN 24m PLN 28m 85% Other segments PLN 29m Total PLN 639m PLN 864m Main initiatives Implementation of the ultimate business model, elimination of the redundant functions Change of the way expenses are classified as CAPEX or OPEX Optimization of the balancing difference IT processes optimization Integration of business functions in the support (maintenance) area Optimization of external services Employment restructuring and process optimization Reduction of upgrades (maintenance) for the least efficient units Overhead cost optimization Outsourcing of some functions, mainly in the maintenance area Improvement of the devices’ efficiency, optimization of the production volume and operating expenses at hydroelectric power plants Reduction of the costs of support and maintenance of the wind farm’s operation Employment restructuring Compressed air losses reduction Asset restructuring External services’ costs optimization Procurement policy optimization Nitrogen production system construction Coal sludge (slurry) dewatering station expansion Potable water treatment Electronic auctions in public procurement Use of the mechanical lining when drilling headings Employment restructuring, reduction of external services’ costs 74% In 2013 and Q1-Q3 2014 the voluntary redundancy program (PDO) covered 556 persons. Over that period employment contracts were terminated with 1 131 persons (3 625 persons in total since the program’s launch in 2010). Savings resulting from redundancies, decreased by costs incurred to generate those savings, are included in the amounts presented per segment No threat for the plan’s implementation is envisaged Structure of savings in 2013 and Q1-Q3 2014: 60% comes from employment restructuring, 40% from the other initiatives Estimated structure of savings in the 2013-2015 time frame: 73% to come from employment restructuring, 27% from the other initiatives 17 Legal disclaimer This presentation serves for information purposes only and should not be treated as investment-related advice. This presentation has been prepared by TAURON Polska Energia S.A. (“the Company”). Neither the Company nor any of its subsidiaries shall be held accountable for any damage resulting from the use of this presentation or a part thereof, or its contents or in any other manner in connection with this presentation. The recipients of this presentation shall bear exclusive responsibility for their own analyses and market assessment as well as evaluation of the Company’s market position and its potential results in the future based on information contained in herein. To the extent this presentation contains forward-looking statements related to the future, in particular such terms as ”designed”, ”planned”, ”anticipated”, or other similar expressions (including their negation), they shall be connected with the known and unknown risks, uncertainty and other factors which might result in actual results, financial situation, actions and achievements being materially different from any future results, actions or achievements expressed in such forward-looking statements. Neither the Company nor any of its subsidiaries shall be obliged to provide the recipients of this presentation with any additional information or to update this presentation. 18 Thank you – Q&A Investor Relations Marcin Lauer [email protected] tel. + 48 32 774 27 06 Paweł Gaworzyński [email protected] tel. + 48 32 774 25 34 Magdalena Wilczek [email protected] tel. + 48 32 774 25 38 19 Mining Q1-Q3 2014 EBIT bridge [PLN m] Q1-Q3 2014 financial data [PLN m] 1 093 1 100 100 871 900 -94.3% 89 50 700 138 0 500 300 5 -3 -50 168 89 83 100 5 -100 -183 -100 Q1-Q3 2013 Q1-Q3 2014 Sales revenue EBITDA -35 -150 Q1-Q3 2013 EBIT Hard coal sales volume Hard coal sales price Own cost of hard coal sold Other factors Q1-Q3 2014 EBIT EBIT Q3 2014 financial data [PLN m] Q3 2014 EBIT bridge [PLN m] +570.9% 35 400 344 28 341 30 300 1 29 Other factors Q3 2013 EBIT 25 20 200 15 5 10 100 55 31 29 4 5 -6 4 0 0 Q3 2013 Sales revenue Q3 2014 EBITDA Q3 2013 EBIT Hard coal sales volume Hard coal sales price Own cost of hard coal sold EBIT 20 Generation (conventional sources) Q1-Q3 2014 EBIT bridge [PLN m] Q1-Q3 2014 financial data [PLN m] 4 000 3 340 3 500 3 000 -50 2 305 2 500 +39.3% 237 0 -100 2 000 1 500 -150 1 000 -200 500 200 117 34 116 16 10 -154 -176 -250 -254 0 -300 -500 -254 Q1-Q3 2013 Sales revenue -137 -154 -350 Q1-Q3 2014 Q1-Q3 2013 EBIT EBITDA EBIT Generation assets impairment charge (Q2 2013) Electricity sales Electricity sales Variable unit price volume electricity cost Margin on electricity trading CO2 costs Other factors Q1-Q3 2014 EBIT Q3 2014 EBIT bridge [PLN m] Q3 2014 financial data [PLN m] -84.7% 1 200 0 1 069 1 000 832 -24 19 29 -60 89 3 -44 -12 400 73 -80 0 -200 21 -40 600 200 -34 -20 800 -24 Q3 2013 Sales revenue -44 Q3 2014 EBITDA EBIT -46 -100 EBIT Cena Wolumen Q3 Electricity Electricity III kw. 2013 sprzedaży sprzedaży 2013 sales price sales volume energii el. energii el. EBIT Jednostkowy Marża na Koszty CO2CO2 Variable Margin on koszt zm. obrocie energią costs unit electricity energii el. el. electricity trading cost LTC (PPA) Odpis receivables aktualizujący impairment należności z charge (Q3 tyt. KDT (3Q 20132013) Other Pozostałe factors czynniki Q3EBIT 2014 EBIT III kw. 2014 21 Renewable Energy Sources (RES) Q1-Q3 2014 EBIT bridge [PLN m] Q1-Q3 2014 financial data [PLN m] +44.8% 250 216 160 200 150 37 140 142 129 -7 28 120 100 - 33 32 80 84 100 82 57 60 57 - 27 -2 40 50 82 -1 20 0 0 Q1-Q3 2013 Sales revenue Q1-Q3 2013 Electricity Electricity EBIT sales volume sales volume hydroelectric wind farms power plants Q1-Q3 2014 EBITDA EBIT 70 60 60 50 40 30 46 7 6 30 26 22 13 9 20 - 11 26 2 - 13 13 10 10 0 EBIT Q3 2013 III kw. 2013 0 EBIT Q3 2013 Sales revenue Q1-Q4 2014 EBIT 11 40 36 20 Other +99.1% 71 50 Depreciation Q3 2014 EBIT bridge [PLN m] Q3 2014 financial data [PLN m] 80 Property rights Property rights Property rights Electricity sales volume sales volume sales price sales price hydroelectric wind farms power plants Q3 2014 EBITDA EBIT Wolumen Electricity sprzedaży sales volume energii hydroelectric el. wodne power plants Wolumen Wolumen Wolumen Cena Electricity Property Property Property sprzedaży sprzedaży PM sprzedaży PM sprzedaży PM sales volume el. rights sales el.wiatrowe rights rights sales energii wodne wind farms volume sales volume el.wiatrowe hydroelectric power plants wind farms Amortyzacja Depreciation Pozostałe Other czynniki factors EBIT Q3 2014 III kw. 2014 EBIT price 22 Heat Q1-Q3 2014 EBIT bridge [PLN m] Q1-Q3 2014 financial data [PLN m] 1 000 967 926 -6.5% 120 11 33 18 800 100 600 80 76 - 20 - 27 71 76 0 Sales revenue Q1-Q3 2014 EBITDA Other Q1-Q3 2014 EBIT 20 0 Q1-Q3 2013 71 40 182 165 200 2 - 22 60 400 Q1-Q3 2013 EBIT EBIT Red and yellow Heat supply and Electricity sales Electricity sales Heat sales price property rights distribution volume price impairment volume charge (H1 2013) Q3 2014 financial data [PLN m] Margin on certificates Other operations balance Depreciation Q3 2014 EBIT bridge [PLN m] 300 250 8 -8 10 249 242 1 2 0 -3 200 -10 150 100 50 -8 -8 -20 32 17 0 -7 2 Depreciation Other factors -21 -30 1 Q3 2013 EBIT Electricity sales Electricity sales Variable unit volume price generation costs CO2 costs Q3 2014 EBIT -21 -50 Q3 2013 Sales revenue Q3 2014 EBITDA EBIT 23 Distribution Q1-Q3 2014 EBIT bridge [PLN m] Q1-Q3 2014 financial data [PLN m] 4 529 4 451 +4.5% 1 400 4 000 147 1 200 3 000 1 024 1 071 64 -170 1 000 1 778 1 701 2 000 -8 -31 800 1 071 1 024 1 000 36 8 600 400 200 0 Q1-Q3 2013 Sales revenue Q1-Q3 2014 EBITDA 0 Q1-Q3 2013 EBIT EBIT Distribution service price Balancing difference Q3 2014 financial data [PLN m] 1 600 DSO/TSO services purchase OPEX Depreciation Other operations Other Q1-Q3 2014 EBIT Q3 2014 EBIT bridge [PLN m] 1 480 1 440 +0.7% 500 41 1 200 400 368 20 13 -53 800 371 368 400 -6 300 608 597 371 -12 200 100 0 Q3 2013 Sales revenue Q3 2014 EBITDA EBIT 0 Q3 2013 EBIT Distribution service Distribution service Cost of grid losses DSO/TSO services Connection fees price volume - price purchase Other factors Q3 2014 EBIT 24 Distribution – volumes Q1-Q3 2013 electricity distribution [GWh] Q1-Q3 2014 electricity distribution [GWh] 7 260 7 430 10 236 10 392 Group A Group B Group C2 33 778 3 078 Group B 3 013 Group C2 34 077 Group C1+R+D Group G Group A Group C1+R+D Group G 1 985 1 946 11 090 11 427 Q3 2013 electricity distribution [GWh] Q3 2014 electricity distribution [GWh] 2 333 2 269 3 596 3 529 Group A Group B 934 Group A Group C2 11 127 Group B 941 Group C2 11 311 Group C1+R+D Group G 626 3 705 Data related to the distribution of electricity to end users Group C1+R+D Group G 654 3 851 25 Supply Q1-Q3 2014 EBIT bridge [PLN m] Q1-Q3 2014 financial data [PLN m] 14 000 -33.6% 800 13 301 61 721 700 11 267 12 000 -51 600 10 000 -152 500 23 -44 8 000 400 6 000 479 -80 300 4 000 200 2 000 747 721 501 479 100 0 0 Q1-Q3 2013 EBIT Q1-Q3 2013 Sales revenue Q1-Q3 2014 EBITDA EBIT Electricity sales volume Q3 2014 financial data [PLN m] Electricity price Price of green, violet and white property rights Increased green and violet property rights obligation Red and yellow property rights obligation Other revenue/costs Q1-Q3 2014 EBIT Q3 2014 EBIT bridge [PLN m] -26.1% 5 000 180 4 308 29 160 3 692 4 000 142 -5 140 3 000 -13 -12 120 4 100 2 000 105 -40 80 60 1 000 151 142 110 105 40 20 0 Q3 2013 Sales revenue EBITDA Q3 2014 EBIT 0 Q3 2013 EBIT Electricity sales volume Electricity price Price of green, violet and white property rights Increased green and violet property rights obligation Red and yellow property rights obligation Other revenue/costs Q3 2014 EBIT 26 Supply – volumes Q1-Q3 2013 electricity supply* [GWh] Q1-Q3 2014 electricity supply* [GWh] 2 717 3 657 6 497 7 356 7 134 GroupAA Grupa GroupAA Grupa 7 356 30 483 Grupa GroupBB 28 118 GroupBB Grupa Grupa GroupC2+C1+R+D C2+C1+R+D Grupa GroupC2+C1+R+D C2+C1+R+D Grupa GroupG G Grupa GroupGG Sprzedaż pozostała** Other supply** Sprzedaż pozostała** Other supply** 7 706 7 676 4 094 4 408 Q3 2013 electricity supply* [GWh] Q3 2014 electricity supply* [GWh] 1 027 671 2 530 2 380 2 225 2 311 GroupAA Grupa 9 795 Group A Grupa A GroupBB Grupa 9 055 Group B Grupa B Grupa GroupC2+C1+R+D C2+C1+R+D Group C2+C1+R+D Grupa C2+C1+R+D Grupa GroupGG Group G G Grupa Sprzedaż pozostała** Other supply** 1 306 2 621 Sprzedaż pozostała** Other supply** 1 222 2 557 * Volumes of electricity supply to the strategic customers (key accounts) of TAURON Polska Energia S.A. are included in groups A and B ** Own needs and balancing differences of the Group’s subsidiaries, balancing differences to other DSOs, other 27 Customer service Q1-Q3 2014 financial data [PLN m] 500 Q1-Q3 2014 EBIT bridge [PLN m] -5.8% 456 160 450 400 350 120 300 100 250 80 200 60 150 72 100 33 140 375 60 11 56 6 -92 40 87 60 39 56 20 50 0 0 Q1-Q3 2013 Sales revenue EBITDA Q1-Q3 2013 EBIT Revenue of Customer Revenues of Revenue of IT Shared Service Shared Accounting Shared Services Center Services Center Services Center and HR Shared Services Center Q1-Q3 2014 EBIT Q3 2014 financial data [PLN m] Costs of services provided Other factors Q1-Q3 2014 EBIT 2 19 Other factors Q3 2014 EBIT Q3 2014 EBIT bridge [PLN m] -41.0% 60 180 150 7 50 155 11 140 40 120 33 30 -1 90 60 20 38 33 -32 31 19 30 10 0 0 Q3 2013 EBIT Q3 2013 Sales revenue Q3 2014 EBITDA EBIT Revenue of Customer Revenue of Revenue of IT Shared Service Shared Accounting Shared Services Center Services Center Services Center and HR Shared Services Center Costs of services provided 28 Electricity market price trends Electricity Platforms: TGE, TFS, GFI, GPW-POEE 2013 2014 (until 4.11.2014) 2014/2013 Price PLN/MWh Volume GWh Price PLN/MWh Volume GWh Price % Volume % Forward BASE (Y+Q+M) 184.92 140 488 161.01 187 965 -12.9% 33.8% Forward PEAK (Y+Q+M) 204.35 14 855 184.21 19 007 -9.9% 27.9% Forward (weighted average) 186.78 155 343 163.14 206 972 -12.7% 33.2% SPOT (TGE) 153.91 19 930 177.07 17 978 15.0% -9.8% Weighted average total 183.04 175 273 164.26 224 950 -10.3% 28.3% CO2 emission allowances (EUA/t) Property rights (PLN/MWh) Price (EUR/t) Certificate type Market prices (2014 average) (until 4.11.2014) Substitution fee and obligation for 2014 2013 average 4.48 EUR/t RES (green) 187.48 300.03 (13.0%) 2014 average 6.0 EUR/t Hard coal-fired cogeneration (red) 10.45 11.00 (23.2%) 2015 average 8.2 EUR/t Gas-fired cogeneration (yellow) 104.65 110.00 (3.9%) 6.0 – 6.5 EUR/t Methane (violet) 59.48 63.26 (1.1%) CO2 market analysts’ survey* Average 2014 EUA price forecast by TAURON * Sources: Point Carbon, TAURON 29 2015 BASE contracts PLN/MWh Trading volume Total including TGE non TGE Average price [PLN/MWh] 167.03 167.13 166.74 Price Average price Volume [GWh] 126 004 94 599 31 405 Average electricity price that takes into account 2015 one year BASE and PEAK contracts: PLN 170.89/MWh, total 2015 BASE and PEAK volume: 141 438 GWh 30 2016 BASE contracts PLN/MWh Trading volume Total including TGE non TGE Average price [PLN/MWh] 175.39 175.76 174.69 Price Average price Volume [GWh] 20 774 13 562 7 212 Average electricity price that takes into account 2016 one year BASE and PEAK contracts: PLN 175.79/MWh, total 2016 BASE and PEAK volume: 20 918 GWh 31 TAURON's coverage by analysts Institution Analyst Institution Analyst DB Securities Tomasz Krukowski Ipopema Securities Piotr Zielonka Dom Maklerski mBanku Kamil Kliszcz Raiffeisen Centrobank Teresa Schinwald Dom Maklerski Banku Handlowego Piotr Dzięciołowski Renaissance Capital Vladimir Sklyar Dom Maklerski BZ WBK Paweł Puchalski Societe Generale Bartłomiej Kubicki Dom Maklerski PKO BP Stanisław Ozga UBS Investment Research Michał Potyra J.P. Morgan Cazenove Michał Kuzawiński Patrick Hummel Erste Group Tomasz Duda Tomasz Walkowicz Espirito Santo Investment Poland Maria Mickiewicz UniCredit CAIB Flawiusz Pawluk Goldman Sachs Fred Barasi WOOD & Company Bram Buring HSBC Dmytro Konovalov DM BOŚ Andrzej Bernatowicz ING Securities Milena Olszewska 32
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