a monthly newsletter from “Loving God -- Loving People” Pastor Dale Scritchfield November 2014 Pastor Craig Luttrell 1 Corinthians 9:24 - 27 24 Do you not know that in a race the runners all compete, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may win it. 25 Athletes exercise self‐control in all things; they do it to receive a perishable wreath, but we an imperishable one. 26 So I do not run aimlessly, nor do I box as though bea ng the air; 27 but I punish my body and enslave it, so that a er proclaiming to others I myself should not be disquali‐ fied. I have read and heard this text many mes since I was a child; however, it has recently taken on new meaning in my life. Several months ago my wife convinced me it would be “fun” to train for a half mara‐ thon. While I have a empted to stay in reasonably decent shape as an adult, I had never had a specific goal in mind. I would li weights here and there, run on an ellip cal machine here and there, or play rac‐ quetball here and there. I guess my “fitness life” was rather aimless. Signing up to run a half marathon defini vely placed the daun ng goad of 13 miles in my life. Over the past few months, I have at mes s ll felt like I was running aimlessly, par cularly early on; how‐ ever, the ever looming race on November 8th helped keep me focused, especially as the date drew near‐ er. I definitely felt I was punishing my body at various points along the way. I remember the first me I reached the 8 mile goal I was very pleased; however, reaching said goal resulted in a visit to the doctor to have the fluid drained from underneath two of my toes. Good mes. It is incredible what we are able to achieve when we have a clear goal in place. If I did not have 13 miles to run on November 8th, I doubt I would have ever run more than 4 miles, which was about the farthest I had run at any point before. When we do not have a specific, well defined goal, it is very easy for us to wander through life aimlessly, lacking purpose and discipline. As Chris ans if we do not have a specific, defined goal, we do not live into our prayers as followers of Christ, nor do we prac ce the discipline Christ calls us to. Our goal, as Chris ans, is to live our lives as Christ’s agents in the world, making him known to all people and building the Kingdom of God in the process. We strive toward this goal by exercising discipline in our walk of faith, which includes (but is not limited to) prayer, Bible study, and acts of service toward others. If you are lacking in Chris an purpose and discipline, I challenge you to consider how you are living into your purpose as a follower of Christ as well as how you are disciplining your mind, body, and soul in order to accomplish said goal. As we enter the season of Advent at the end of the month, we will all have a concrete opportunity to put this into prac ce. We will have the opportunity to decide whether or not our goal as Chris ans is to make Christ known through Christmas or to make Christmas about something or someone else. SPRC by Karen Duden, Chairperson Members of SPRC would like to thank our congregation for all the support and encouragement you continue to provide our staff. We ask for your continued prayers for Pastor Dale and Marleta Scritchfield and all of our church staff. We are also thankful for Reverend Dale Batcheler for agreeing to helping us out; we appreciate it so much! SPRC is working to organize fund raising events each month to support Pastor Dale. We can’t thank you enough for your generosity and support. God bless each one of you! How Do We Not Believe In God by Jim Hart How do we not believe in God! Do we not hear the robin sing, God’s tiny harbinger of spring? How do we not believe in God! Do we not see God’s sun each day, Warming our souls and lighting our way? How do we not believe in God! Do we not see fall’s leaves of gold, Dancing before God’s zephyrs cold? How do we not believe in God! Do we not see God’s winter snow, Painting the earth with a silvery glow? How do we not believe in God! Do we not know His Beloved Son came from above Bringing to earth’s mortals His message of love? How do we not believe in God! Do we not know that God’s Son died on a tree Bearing all sins for both you and me? How do we not believe in God! Do we not know that God’s true love Lifted His Beloved Son to Heaven above? How do we not believe in God! Ah, dear Christian, did we not hear God’s only Son holds mankind so dear? How do we not believe in God! Monday Night Prayer Time 5:15 - 6:15 pm Sanctuary You are invited to join. UMW by Edie Hodges November 1 – Ingathering at First UMC in Cedar Falls, kits are due for that event. November 6 – 9:30 UMW Board Meeting in the Lower Tower Room November 7 – CWU November 22 – 4:30-7:00 pm is the Holiday Stroll Soup Supper and Cookie Walk. Help is needed to work and for donations of Cookies and Desserts. October 17-19 – Sharon Owen and Edie Hodges attended Mission U. Topics covered were from the books How Is It with Your Soul?, Roma of Europe, and The Church and People with Disabilities: Awareness, Accessibility, and Advocacy. UMW has cards yet for sale at $6.00 a box of 12 in the office. More sympathy cards will be available soon and some mixed boxes of birthday, get well, sympathy, and encouragement also. Help Needed for Soup Supper / Cookie Walk Please sign up to help with serving and clean up for the Soup Supper on November 22. Also, if you like to bake, would you donate 3 dozen ‘pretty’ cookies for the Cookie Walk or desserts for the supper? Bev Edie and Mary Cowdrey will be at the Welcome Center starting November 2 with sign up sheets. Consecration Sunday We are quickly approaching November 2nd, which is Consecration Sunday. “Consecration” means “dedicated to a sacred purpose”. Our sacred purpose as First United Methodist Church is to love God with all of our heart, mind, soul, and strength. Likewise, the second sacred purpose of First United Methodist Church is to love others as we love ourselves. A significant aspect of loving God and loving others is doing so with our finances. Although Jesus talked about money and wealth a great deal, the contemporary church seems rather remiss to do so. Make no mistake, however: loving God with all that we are includes putting our money where our heart is. Jesus said, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” I am asking all of us, as followers of Jesus, to take him at his word. I am asking each one of us to place our treasure where our hearts are supposed to be—that is, into the Kingdom of God. Instead of doing a several week sermon series on giving this year, I am praying and trusting that each and every one of us will use the coming weeks to seriously and prayerfully consider what Christ asks of us financially in the coming year. What unnecessary luxury are you willing to give up this year in order to demonstrate your dedication to your God given sacred purpose? I pray each of us will give and give generously out of the abundance God has blessed us with. Local & Global Missions by Barb Matya Thank you to Laura Aukes, Jo Lynch, Ivadeen Proffitt and Sue Cope for helping me with the October soup kitchen. If you or your group would like to help with this ministry, please contact me. November 9 and 28 are the next dates we serve. Metro Christmas stockings will be filled Saturday, November 8 at 9:00 am in the Staff Room if you would like to help. It’s a fun morning! Thanks to everyone who brought cold medicines for the Supply Closet in October. We are collecting toilet paper for the November Supply Closet. Thank you to all who helped with Ingathering Kits. They will be a blessing to people in need. Our next meeting is Tuesday, November 18 at 4:00 pm. Prayer Shawl Ministry from Kathy Braga We have decided, EVERYONE in our church can give out a prayer shawl! Please help us in getting these to those who could benefit from a prayer shawl. These shawls are made with prayer, love and a commitment to show God's love in that way. We also have lots of great yarn to share with anyone who wants to help us make a shawl. This time of year we are making hats and mittens to share with our local school children who might need something to help them stay warm this winter. Contact Kathy Braga for any further information about The Prayer Shawl Ministry at First United Methodist Church. 641-753-6789. Finance Committee Report by Kevin Miller, Chairperson November is a wonderful time of year, the days are still nice enough for us to go outside and enjoy the beautiful fall colors. November also reminds us what is coming next, winter. It is also the time of year that we make our commitment to the Church for the upcoming year. We celebrate Consecration Sunday and our gifts to God. If you have not already filled out your commitment card, I would like to remind you of a story that Jesus told us in Mark 12:41-44. Jesus sat down opposite the place where the offerings were put and watched the crowd putting their money into the temple treasury. Many rich people threw in large amounts. But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a fraction of a penny. Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, "I tell you the truth, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything--all she had to live on." I don’t think you need to duplicate the widow’s act of giving everything she had, but I do think we need to be more like the widow than the rich people. So I ask that you pray about this as you consider your commitment for next year. Please bring your commitment cards to church on November 2, Consecration Sunday, and place them on the altar. We hope you will stay after worship for the potluck in Fellowship Hall. I do want to thank you for your commitment to the roof project. You have been very generous and your pledges met our expectations for the project, proof that you all step up when we need you. And along with everything you have done, you have also given to outside projects that include $116 for World Communion and $105 for ingathering with more still coming in. Thank you for doing such a fantastic job! God can pour on the blessings in astonishing ways so that you're ready for anything and everything, more than just ready to do what needs to be done. As one psalmist puts it, He throws caution to the winds, giving to the needy in reckless abandon. His right-living, right-giving ways never run out, never Hand in Hand Ministry by Gina Ruddock As most of you know, Pastor Dale Scritchfield has continued his ministry through his emails and Caringbridge sight. Despite the difficult journey he is on, he continues to allow our Lord to use him to share the message of God’s presence in all things. Since he will be homebound for awhile, our Hand in Hand group would like to take his message out into the community! In November, we will be offering wristbands to any who would like to participate. They will have a scripture verse selected by Pastor Dale, Psalm 31:15 My times are in Your Hand. A free will offering will be accepted and all proceeds will go to the Scritchfields. Most importantly is the message YOU will take out into your world so that you too can share the message of hope that Pastor Dale shares with all of us. We continue to provide snacks for the Marshalltown oncology center and have added Iowa Hospice to this mission. Each snack is accompanied by a Bible verse of encouragement through difficult times. Snack donations (individually wrapped, purchased snacks) are always appreciated if you would like to support this ministry. We also provided a meal to the Fish International group that supports international students and families in Marshalltown. Thanks to all who participated! Music News! by Janet Collison Calling all singers! It’s not too late to jump into a choir to sing some of the best music sung this year! Our cantata this year is entitled “What a Glorious Night” and will be sung on Dec. 14 in honor of Bud and Maxine Randall. This cantata is classified as a ‘blended’ cantata as it includes both traditional tunes and contemporary. I especially like a couple of the songs as they allow actual worship of the Christ Child, instead of just telling about the Christ child. Rehearsals are as follows: Wednesday, November 5 at 7:45 pm Wednesday, November 12 at 7:15 pm Wednesday, November 19 at 7:45 pm Wednesday, November 26 - No Rehearsal Wednesday, December 3 at 7:15 pm Wednesday, December 10 at 7:15 pm Saturday, December 13 at 9:00 am Sunday, December 14 at the 10:00 service - presentation of “What a Glorious Night” Rehearsals for the 62nd presentation (December 7) of Messiah are also starting soon: Sunday, November 9, 2:00-4:00 pm (Chapel) Sunday, November 16, 2:00-4:00 pm (Chapel) - auditions for the solos following rehearsal Sunday, November 23, 2:00-4:00 pm (Chapel) Sunday, November 30, 5:30-6:30 pm soloists, 6:30 pm full choir (Sanctuary) Saturday, December 6, 9:00 - 11:00 am full run-thru, shortened solos. (Sanctuary) Sunday, December 7 evening - Presentation of the Messiah (Sanctuary) details to follow. If you would like to sing in Messiah, please let me know. I’ll be making rehearsal CDs of it and... I’m directing it this year! Rehearsals are also started for the Children’s Program that will be presented December 21. If there are children you know that are not presently with a church, this is a great way to introduce Jesus to children invited them to participate in this musical program! See Niki Casey as she is in charge. Rehearsals are also ringing with the Alleluia Ringers. They meet on Wednesdays at 5:45. See Jan Randall if you are interested in joining this extremely upbeat group! We will continue to lead out songs and hymns of worship and praise each Sunday. Do come and worship! Children’s Lending Library by Gina Ruddock The Lending Library cart is located in the Welcome Center area every Sunday and we have more new titles! By Stan & Jan Berenstain: Berenstain Bears God Show the Way Berenstain Bears Good Deed Scouts By Mercer Mayer: We All Need Forgiveness Being Thankful By Amy Parker: Thank You God, for Mommy Monthly Meetings: Trustees: Thursday, November 6 at 5:00 pm Finance: Tuesday, November 11 at 5:00 pm SPRC: Tuesday, TBD at 5:45 pm Missions: Tuesday, November 18 at 4:00 pm Ad Council: November 18 at 5:00 pm Dave & Val Clark in the death of Val’s mother. Bob & Donna Atha in the death of Donna’s sister. Nadine Harman in the death of her husband, Don. The family of Verna Beckham Insurance Requirement Weather Policy November 2 If Marshalltown schools close because of bad weather, the church office will be closed. Thank you, Dear church family and friends for your thoughtfulness during our 50th wedding anniversary celebration. Your cards, letters, gifts and all the well wishes were wonderfully received. We love you all. God bless, Dean & Ivadeen Proffitt Please do not sit in the front row of the balconies. Holiday Soup Supper / Cookie Walk Saturday, November 22 Cookies on sale at 4:00 pm Soup served 4:30 - 7:00 pm Free-will offering. Helpers & Cookies Needed! HOC Supply Closet November Collection Toilet Paper Prayer Shawl Ministry Meets Thursdays at 10:00 am in the Oasis. Anyone is welcome to join in. November Worship Styles November 2 - Contemporary, Consecration Sunday, Communion, Alleluia Ringers November 9 - Traditional, All Saints’ Day, November 16 - Marketplace, Contemporary, November 23 - Contemporary, Alleluia Ringers November 30 - Traditional, First Sunday in Advent, Baptisms Exercise Class 8:15 - 9:00 am Fellowship Hall All you need is an exercise ball & mat. This Month’s Usher / Greeter Teams Aaron, Grant & Liz Fitz, Todd Eipperle, Scott Vial Derek Johnson, Dalton VanZwol Brent & Echo Nuese Mel Cagwin Stan Huntrods November 2 November 9 Potluck following church, ham provided. Please bring a side dish to share. Pete Mink Duane Meyer Sharon Owen Bell Ringers Needed For Salvation Army Starting November 15 Call 753-5236 New Sunday School Class by Gary Heggen When God’s Spirit Moves by Jim Cymbala will start December 7 at 8:30 am (note earlier time) in the Oasis Room. Please sign up at the Welcome Center or by calling the church office by November 16. Cost is $21.00 for book and guide, payable at the first class. Come with eagerness, expectance, dedication and hunger. The banquet awaits, the invitation is given, for “His banner over me is love”. “Beloved, come into the joy of My presence.” Tuesday Bible Study Group We will finish our study, “Children of the Day”, November 11 and then take a break until January 2015. The name of the Bible study material and dates will be announced in December. Rides to Church Would you be willing to pick someone up on your way to church this winter? Paige Legg and David Santana would like to start a ministry that would enable people to come to church when the weather isn’t ideal for them to be driving. Watch for a signup sheet later this month at the Welcome Center or contact Paige or David. If you’d like to receive the newsletter online, please call the church office or e-mail [email protected]. November Change for Change Good Samaritan Fund You Can Now Hear Our Weekly Sermons at http://http://fumcmarshalltown.sermoncampus.info/main/ Or there is a link on our web page. Communion November 2 NONPROFIT ORG. FirstUnitedMethodistChurch 202WestMainStreet U.S. POSTAGE Marshalltown, IA 50158-5893 PAID Return Service Requested FUMC Staff Worship Schedule 8:45 am—Sunday School* 9:30 am— Fellowship Time 10:00 am—Worship* 2:00 pm — Zomi Christian Fellowship www.fumc-mtown.org Church Office Hours Tuesday - Friday 9:00 am - Noon 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm Senior Pastor: Dale Scritchfield x1002 Associate Pastor: Craig Luttrell x1003 Worship Leader: Janet Collison x1016 Organist/Bell Director: Jan Randall Youth & Children: Receptionist: Jo Ruff x1000 Admin Assistant: Barb Matya x1008 Finance Secretary: Dawn Muller x1007 Custodians: Steve Cherveny x1001 Please turn in articles for the December newsletter to Barb Matya by November 17th at [email protected]
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