This Week at Trinity English Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost | Thursday/Sunday, November 6/9, 2014 Welcome to Trinity English God’s blessings to each of you! Activity bags are available at the doors for children—we always welcome your children to worship! A hearing loop is installed in both our Nave and Krauss Chapel and hearing assistance devices are available from an usher. If you are baptized you are welcome to communion. If you are seeking baptism, please speak with a pastor. In Our Prayers Baptism Jason Andrew Detar | 11/09 Wedding Anniversary Mike & Mary Springer | 11/14 | 55th Birthdays Mrs. Rose Scott | 11/10 | 91st Mrs. Mary Jane Hubler | 11/11 | 95th Ms. Phyllis Pelkington | 11/12 | 90th Dr. Frederick Jackisch | 11/16 | 92nd Announcements WELCOME—It is our pleasure to welcome Rev. David Wangaard today. Pastor Wangaard is part of Lutheran World Relief and joins us as part of our Alternative Christmas event this weekend. He will be present in Wagenhals Hall to speak about the water project in Indonesia and to answer questions. ALTERNATIVE CHRISTMAS is Sunday, November 9, 2014, from 8a-12:30p. This year we are taking a new approach! We are featuring a phenomenal project through Lutheran World Relief (LWR) for Indonesia. All gifts for this project will be matched dollar for dollar through the Trinity English Foundation. WELCA invites you to become involved with the Indonesia project and will also offer you the opportunity to purchase Divine Chocolate, coffee, dips and mixes, and a few other new items. Credit cards, cash and checks will be accepted for the food items. For the Indonesia project we can accept only cash or checks. Questions, contact Connie Gerber at (260) 436-3213. CHORAL EVENING PRAYER—On Sunday, November 9, at 4p the Chancel Choir, harp, organ, and percussion will offer Leonard Bernstein’s Chichester Psalms during the Evening Prayer Worship Service. The work is a unique setting of several Psalms, written by the composer who wrote “Westside Story.” Evening Prayer is a reflective way to complement Sunday morning services. If you are not able to be present for morning liturgies, consider attending this service. PROSPECTIVE MEMBER CLASS—Class will be held on November 9, at 12:15p in the Seeds of Faith Conference Room. Lunch will be served. Reception of new members will take place on November 16 at 11:00a. CONGRATULATIONS TO NEW MEMBERS OF THE JUNIOR CHOIR: Ava Baron, Rachel Blankenhorn, Regan Konow, Mallory Leimkuhler, Lydia Pawlak, and Nate Ross. Presentation of the Junior Choir Crosses takes place at the 9a worship service on Sunday, November 9. Study the Word Bible Readings for the week can be found at Taking Faith Home Available on-line at Visit us at THE BOOK CLUB will meet on Thursday, November 13, at 7:00 p.m. in the Library to discuss “The Kitchen House” by Kathleen Grissom (2010)—Host: Jennie Pasterick—Orphaned Irish immigrant serves among slaves of a tobacco plantation. Bonded to the slaves, yet accepted by her owners, she must choose which world is hers. JUSTICE BREAD will be sold on Sunday, November 16, 2014. Wheat bread, white rolls, and pumpkin bread will be available for $3.00 per loaf. Purchase some tasty fresh-baked items and help support Lutheran Social Services. WELCA THANK OFFERING—The Annual WELCA Thank Offering Celebration will be on Sunday, November 23. Please bring your offering in your Thank Offering envelope and someone will be available to pick it up before or after each service on that Sunday as well as on Thursday, November 20. 405 West Wayne Street | Fort Wayne, IN 46802 | (260) 426-3424 | Working Together to Change the World Through Jesus Opportunities to Serve November Sharing Care In-Kindness Caring Ministries at Trinity English invites you to participate in providing the following items for those with special needs in the community: •H eavy Men’s Socks for Wellspring Interfaith Social Services. •H oliday Meal Donations for Thanksgiving Angel Ministry meal distribution. Pick up a list at Trinity English or download a copy at You may drop off your items on the east side of the Seeds of Faith Gathering Area. INTERGENERATIONAL OPPORTUNITY—LUMINARIAS: On November 12 and 19, E3 students will be making luminarias that will be set-up for the Candlelight service on Sunday, December 7. We would love to have you help 4:45-5:30 p.m. or 5:30-6:15 p.m. on Wednesday, November 12 and/or November 19 in the Theater as we make 390 luminarias. Volunteers are also needed on Sunday, December 7, to set-up and take down the luminarias. Contact Mitch Rorick at MRorick@TrinityEnglish. org or 426-3424 for more information. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Tuesday evenings and Saturday mornings at the new Wellspring Shoppe. The new clothing shop is scheduled to open before Thanksgiving. Contact Janet Altmeyer at 426-3424 for more information. Announcements continued CHRISTIANS IN ACTION, our monthly cross-generational service opportunity, will meet on Sunday, November 16, 2014, at 10a in the Youth Center. We will be preparing Thanksgiving cards to be sent to shut-in and other members of Trinity English. Everyone can help regardless of age. Please come join us! “We Give Thanks” Family Night for children and their families Friday, November 21, 6 to 7:30p. Kid-friendly dinner at 6p and then we will have Thanksgiving crafts, games (including Thanksgiving bingo with prizes!), a simple service project, and fun! There is no charge. Contact Pastor Dan Fugate at [email protected] or Katie Parks at [email protected] for more information or to RSVP. THANKSGIVING EVE WORSHIP SERVICE: A service of praise and thanksgiving will be held at 12:05p on Wedneday, November 26, in the Nave. A light lunch will follow in Wagenhals Hall with fresh-baked pumpkin pie provided by the Youth Groups of Trinity English. OFFERING ENVELOPES—Beginning in 2015, members who are currently receiving their monthly offering envelopes each month will, instead, receive three months of offering envelopes quarterly. Please contact the business office at 260-426-3424 if you have questions. Events and Activities November 9 Sunday ALTERNATIVE CHRISTMAS from 8a to 12:30p 8:00a Worship Service with Holy Communion 8:30a Hospitality Hour Junior Choir Warm-up 8:45a Nursery Care 9:00a Worship Service with Baptism and Presentation of Crosses Sunday School 10:00a Hospitality Hour Breakfast Club Word Alive Confirmation Learning Event Lutheran World Relief Presentation 11:00a Worship Service Sunday School 12:15pProspective Member Class 3:15p Chancel Choir Rehearsal 4:00p Evening Prayer 5:30p Middle & High School Youth Groups Home Crash at Fugates November 10 10:00a Monday 3:00p 5:30p Monday Morning Bible Study Study Connection Church Council November 11 Tuesday Staff Meeting/Clergy Meeting Staff Devotions Property Committee Stephen Ministry Peer Group Supervision Stewardship & Development Committee 9:00a 10:30a Noon 4:00p 5:30p November 12 9:00a Dorcas Circle Wednesday 3:30p Adult Education Committee 4:20p E3 Pre-K–Grade 6 Snack Time 4:45p E3 Pre-K–Grade 2 Children’s Choir E3 Grades 3–6 Arts Component-Luminarias 5:30p E3 Pre-K–Grade 2 Arts Component-Luminarias E3 Grades 3–6 Junior Choir Recorder Consort Rehearsal 5:45p E3 Grades 7–12 Youth Supper 6:15p E3 Grades 7–12 Youth Choir 6:15p E3 Pre-K–Grade 6 Pick-up Time 7:00p Trinity Ringers Benevolence Committee 7:15p Wednesday Steel Drum Ensemble 8:15p Celebration Ringers November 13 9:00p Thursday 6:00p 7:00p 7:30p Senior Men Breakfast & Program Thursday Steel Drum Ensemble Worship Service with Holy Communion Trinity English Book Club Chancel Choir November 16 8:00a Sunday 8:30a 8:45a 9:00a Worship Service with Holy Communion Hospitality Hour Nursery Care Worship Service with Holy Communion Sunday School 10:00a Hospitality Hour Word Alive Christians in Action Hospitality, Faith, and Ethics 11:00a Worship Service with Holy Communion and Reception of New Members Sunday School 5:30p Middle & High School Youth Groups Crazy Pinz For a full listing, click on “calendar” at
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