Publications Books Ekström, M and Tolson, A (2013) (eds.) Media Talk and Political Elections in Europe and America. Basingstoke: Palgrave. Djerf-Pierre, M and Ekström, M (2013) (eds.) A History of Swedish Broadcasting: Communicative Ethos, Genres and Institutional change. Göteborg: Nordicom Ekström, M and Patrona, M (2011) (eds.) Talking Politics in Broadcast Media. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Co. Ekström, M och Larsson L-Å (2010) (red) Metoder i kommunikationsvetenskap. En grundbok (andra upplagan, kraftigt reviderad). Lund: Studentlitteratur. Ekström, M (2007) Mediernas språk (red) Malmö: Liber. Ekström, M och Kroon, Å (2007) (red) Paketerad politik. Elva essäer om journalistik och medier. Stockholm: Carlssons. Ekström, M (2006) Politiken i Mediesamhället. Om nyhetsintervjuer och fotojournalistik. Malmö: Liber. Ekström, M, Kroon, Å och Nylund, M (2006) (eds.) News from the Interview Society: Göteborg: Nordicom. Ekström, M m fl (red) (2006) Om demokratins villkor volym 1 och 2. Örebro: Örebro Universitet. Danermark, B, Ekström, M, Jakobsen, L och Karlsson, J Ch (2002) Explaining Society. London: Routledge. Ekström, M och Larsson L-Å (2000) (red) Metoder i medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap. En grundbok. Lund: Studentlitteratur. Ekström, M (2000) Vad är det som står på spel ? Om tv-journalistikens giltighetsanspråk och publikens makt. Örebro: Örebro universitet. Danermark, B, Ekström, M, Jakobsen, L och Karlsson, J Ch (1997) Att förklara samhället. Lund: Studentlitteratur. Ekström, M och Nohrstedt, S-A. (1996) Journalistikens etiska problem Rabén Prisma. Ekström, M och Eriksson G (1996) Det iscensatta talet på TV. Aktualitetsprogram i svensk television. Örebro: Örebro universitet. Ekström, M (1994) Residential Relocation, Urban Renewal and the Well-being of Elderly People: Towards a Realist Approach. Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis (Dissertation). Articles and chapters Ekström, M (2015) Young people’s everyday political talk: A social achievement of democratic engagement, accepted for publication in Journal of Youth Studies. Ekström, M, Djerf-Pierre, M, Johansson, B and Håkansson, N (2015) Negotiating politicians’ responsibilities in news interviews, accepted for publication in Journalism Practice. Ekström, M (2015) Political Interviews. In Tracy, K, Ilie, C and Sandel, T (Eds) International Encyclopedia of Language and Social Interaction. Boston: Wiley-Blackwell. Ekström, M (2015) Press Conference. In Mazzoleni, G (Ed) International Encyclopedia of Political Communication. Malden: Wiley-Blackwell. Ekström, M and F Lundström (2014) The termination of complaints in calls to an authority for student support, Journal of Pragmatics 74: 132-149. Ekström, M and Moberg, U (2014) ‘Welcome to participate!’: Host activities and caller’s position in Swedish election campaign phone-ins in the 1970s and the 2000s, Journalism: Theory, Practice and Criticism. Djerf-Pierre, M, Ekström, M, Håkansson, N and Johansson, B (2014) The mediatization of political accountability: Politics, the new media logics and industrial crises in the 1980s and 2000s, Journalism Studies, 15: 321-338. Ekström, M and Fitzgerald (2014) Groundhog day: Extended Repetitions in Political News Interviews. Journalism Studies, 15:82-97. DOI:10.1080/1461670X.2013.776812 Ekström M, Olsson, T and Shehata, A (2014) “Spaces for public orientation? Longitudinal effects of Internet use in adolescence”. In: Loader, B, Vromen, A and Xenos, M (Eds.) The Networked Young Citizen: Social Media, Political Participation and Civic Engagement. Routledge Ekström M, Eriksson, G and Kroon Lundell (2013) “Live co-produced news: emerging forms of news production and presentation on the web”, Media, Culture and Society, 35: 620639. DOI: 10.1177/0163443713485495 Kroon, Lundell, A and Ekström, M (2013) ”Interpreting the news: Swedish correspondents as expert sources”, Journalism Practice, 7: 517-532. doi:10.1080/17512786.2013.802490 Ekström, M and Djerf-Pierre, M (2013) “Approaching broadcast history”. In Djerf-Pierre, M and Ekström, M (eds.) A History of Swedish Broadcasting: Communicative Ethos, Genres and Institutional change. Göteborg: Nordicom Djerf-Pierre, M and Ekström, M and Johansson, B (2013) "Policy failure or moral scandal? Political accountability, journalism and new public management" Media, Culture and Society, 35: 960-976. Ekström M, Olsson, T and Shehata, A (2013) “Spaces for public orientation: Longitudinal effects of Internet use in adolescence” Information, Communication and Society. DOI:10.1080/1369118X.2013.862288 Ekström, M and Östman J (2013) “Information, interaction, and creative production: The effects of three forms of Internet use on youth democratic engagement”, Communication Research, doi: 10.1177/0093650213476295 Ekström, M and Östman J (2013) “Family talk, peer talk, and young people’s civic orientation”, European Journal of Communication 28(3): 294-308. Ekström, M, Lindström, A and Karlsson, S (2013) Managing troubles-talk in the renegotiation of a loan contract. Discourse Studies, 15: 371-394. doi 10.1177/1461445613483038 Ekström M, Eriksson, G, Johansson, B and Wikström, P (2013) “Biased interrogations? A multi-methodological approach on bias in election campaign interviews”, Journalism Studies. 14(3): 423-439. Ekström, M and Eriksson, G (2013) Citizen participation in journalist discourse: Multi-platform political interviews in the Swedish election campaign 2010. In: Ekström, M and Tolson, A (eds.) Media Talk and Political Elections in Europe and America. Palgrave. Djerf-Pierre, M and Ekström, M (2013) “Journalism research at the University of Gothenburg”, Journalism Studies. 14(1):130-138. Ekström, M (2013) Har medierna verkligen makt?, I Li Bennich-Björkman (red) Statsvetenskapens frågor. Lund: Studentlitteratur. Ekström, M (2013) Att gå med eller gå emot – om politikers svarsmetoder i SVT:s partiledarutfrågningar. I Nord, L och Strömbäck J (red) Kampen om opinionen. Stockholm, SNS förlag. Ekström, M (2012) “Gaze work in political media interviews”, Discourse and Communication 6(3): 249-271. Ekström, M and Kroon Lundell, Å (2011) “Beyond ‘the broadcast news interview’: Specialized forms of interviewing in the making of television news”, Journalism Studies, 12(2): 172-187. Ekström, M and Kroon Lundell, Å (2011) “The joint construction of a journalistic expert identity in studio interactions between journalists on TV news”, Text and Talk 31(6): 661681. Ekström, M (2011) “Hybridity as a resourse and challenge in a talk show political interview. In: Ekström, M and Patrona, M (eds.) 2011 Talking Politics in Broadcast Media. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Co. Kroon, Lundell, A and Ekström, M (2010) ” Interview bites' in television news production and presentation”, Journalism Practice, 4(4): 476-491. Ekström, M (2009) “Announced refusal to answer: A study of norms and accountability in broadcast political interviews” Discourse studies. 11(6): 681-702. Ekström, M (2009) “Power and Affiliation in Presidential Press Conferences: A study on interruptions, jokes and laughter”, Journal of Language and Politics. 8(3): 386-415. Ekström, M, Johansson, B and Larsson, Larsåke (2009) ”Journalism and local politics”, i S, Allen (red) The Routledge Companion to News and Journalism, London: Routlegde. Amnå, E, Ekström, M, Kerr, M and Stattin, H (2009) “Political socialization and human agency: The development of civic engagement from adolescence to young adulthood.” Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift. 111(1): 27-40. Ekström, M and Johansson, B (2008) ”Talk scandals”, Media Culture and Society 30(1): 6181. Kroon, Å and Ekström, M (2008) “The complex visual gendering of political women in press” Journalism Studies 9(6): 891-910. Ekström, M (2008) “Research on media and democracy”, Nordicom Review 29(2): 45-52. Ekström, M och Bérczes, J (2008) “Avbrott i politiska mediesamtal. En studie av statsministerkandidaterna Persson och Reinfeldt i den svenska valrörelsen 2006”, Nordicom 30(1): 3-18. Ekström, M (2008) ”Iscensatta samtal: Om relationer mellan politik och journalistik”, Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift, 110(4): 407-424. Ekström, M (2007) “Conversation Analysis in Journalism Studies” Journalism Studies 8(6): 964-974. Ekström, M (2007) “Exploaterade röster: Opinionsmätningar och mediedramaturgi”, I: Ekström, M och Kroon, Å (2007) (red) Paketerad politik. Elva essäer om journalistik och medier. Stockholm: Carlssons. Ekström, M och Lidskog, R (2007) ”Handlinspositioner, medier och klimatförändring. Om ansvarsutkrävandets villkor”, I: Carleheden, M, Lidskog, R och Roman, C (red) Social interaktion – förutsättningar och former. Malmö: Liber. Ekström, M och Moberg, U (2007) ”Semiotik”, I: Ekström, M (red) Mediernas språk Malmö: Liber. Ekström, M och Moberg, U (2007) ”Samtalsanalys”, I: Ekström, M (red) Mediernas språk Malmö: Liber. Ekström, M, Larsson, L och Johansson, B (2006) ”Mot en mer oberoende kommunaljournalistik? Nordicom 28(4): 37-54. Ekström, M, Larsson, L and Johansson, B (2006) ”Journalism and local politics. A study of scrutiny and accountability in Swedish journalism”, Journalism Studies 7(2): 292-311. Ekström, M (2006) “Politiskt ansvarsutkrävande i mediesamhället”, I: Ekström, m fl (red) Om demokratins villkor volym 1 och 2. Örebro: Örebro Universitet. Dahlgren, P, Ekström, M and Nohrstedt, S (2006) ”Internet: Enhancing democracy via the mediated public sphere?”, In: Olsson, J and Åström, J (eds.) Democratic eGovernence: Approaches and Researc Directions. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell International. Ekström, M (2006) “Interviewing, quoting, and the development of modern news journalism A study of the Swedish press 1915 – 1995”, In: Ekström, M, Kroon, Å and Nylund, M (2006) (red) News from the Interview Society: Göteborg: Nordicom. Ekström, M (2003) ”Hur enskilda yttranden blir stora politiska nyheter: En studie av nyhetsproduktion och politikens villkor i mediesamhället.” Nordicom 1: 1-30. Ekström, M (2002) ”Epistemologies of TV-Journalism. A Theoretical Framework, Journalism: Theory, Practice and Criticism. 3: 259-282. Ekström, M (2001) ”Politicians interviewed on television news”, Discourse and Society. 12(5). Ekström, M (2000) “Information, Story-telling and Attractions: Tv-journalism in three Modes of Communication”, Media, Culture and Society. 22: 343-370. Ekström, M (2000) ”Frågor, svar och icke-svar i politiska intervjuer: En samtalsanalys” Nordicom Information, 23(1): 57-74. Ekström, M (2000) "Etnografiska observationer", i M Ekström och L-Å Larsson (red) Metoder i medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap. En grundbok. Lund: Studentlitteratur. Ekström, M & Eriksson, G (1999) ”Den medialiserade politikens paradoxer” i Nordicom, 21:39-57. Ekström, M (1999) ”TV-tittarna och demokratin”, 161-196, i E. Amnå (red) Politikens medialisering. Demokratiutredningen forskarvolym 3. Ekström, M och Andersson C (1999) "När väljarna skall mobiliseras: Valrörelsen 1998 i ett jämförande perspektiv", s. 7-74, i E. Amnå (red) Valdeltagande i förändring. Demokratiutredningen forskarvolym 12. Ekström, M. (1998) “När verkligheten inte duger som den är. En studie av tv-journalistikens praktik”, Nordicom Information. 20 (4): 3-19. Ekström, M. (1998) “Attraktionens tv-journalistik”, Sociologisk Forskning 35(3-4). Ekström, M (1996) “The Validity of TV Journalism: Theoretical Starting points for a Critical Journalism Research”, The Nordicom Review nr 1. Danermark, B., Ekström M. and Bodin, L. (1996 ) “Residential Relocation and Health Effects Among the Elderly”, European Journal of Public Health. vol 3: 212-218. Ekström, M (1995) “De frivilliga organisationernas sociala och kulturella innebörder”, I: E. Amnå (red.) Medmänsklighet att hyra. Libris: Örebro. Ekström, M. (1994) “Elderly People´s Experiences of Housing Renewal and Forced Relocation: Social Theories and Contextual Analysis in Explanations of Emotional Experiences”, Housing Studies, 9: 369-391. Danermark, B. and Ekström, M. (1994) “Social Science and Planning: A Realist View”, In: A Khakee, I Elander and S Sunesson (red.) Remaking the Welfare State. Aldershot: Avebury. Ekström, M. and Danermark, B. (1993) “Migration Patterns and Migration Motives: Swedish Data in a Comparative Perspective”, Scandinavian Housing and Planning Research, 10: 7589. Ekström, M. (1993) “Sociologiska förklaringar och variabelanalysens gränser”, Sociologisk forskning 2: 26-58. Danermark, B. och Ekström, M. (1993) “The Elderly and Housing Relocation in Sweden: An Integrated Extensive and Intensive Methodology”, In: E. G. Arias (red.) International Studies on the Meaning and Use of Housing. London: Avebury. Ekström, M (1992) “Causal Explanation of Social Action. The Contribution of Max Weber and Critical Realism to a Generative View of Causal Explanation in Social Science”, Acta Sociologica. 35: 107-122. Ekström, M. (1991) “Metodologi och svensk sociologi”, Sociologisk forskning, 2: 65-74. Ekström, M. and Danermark, B. (1991) “The Study of Power Mechanisms - An Interactive and Generative Approach to a Case Study of Swedish Urban Renewal”, Scandinavian Housing and Planning Research, 8: 153-170. Danermark, B. and Ekström M. (1990) “Relocation and health effects on the elderly: A commented research review”, Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, 17: 25-49.
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