REVISED AGENDA GOLDEN GATE REGIONAL CENTER, INC. BOARD of DIRECTORS NOVEMBER 19, 2013 5:30 P.M. 5:30 pm I. Call to Order and Introductions (Ron Fell) ACTION ACTION II. Consent Items (Ron Fell) A. Agenda (A) B. Record of October 15, 2013 Meeting (B) 5:40 pm III. Presentation: Funding the Work of California’s Regional Centers (C) - John Popadak 6:25 pm IV. Director’s Report (Jim Shorter) 6:35 pm V. Public Comment / Announcements (Ron Fell) 6:45 pm VI. Committee Reports A. Services Committee (Yukari Baba) ACTION 1. Draft Resolution to Adopt Intellectual Disability Language (D) ACTION 2. Draft Revision to Employment First Policy (E) ACTION 3. Draft Policy – Zero Tolerance for Abuse or Neglect (F) 6:50 pm ACTION B. Finance Committee (Robert Ramirez) 1. Financial Status FY 2012-2013 2. Financial Status FY 2013-2014 3. Lautze & Lautze Audit Report 7:00 pm C. People’s Advisory Committee (Stephanie Hill) Report on Meeting of November 4, 2013 7:05 pm D. Service Provider Advisory Committee (Amanda Pyle) 1. Report on Meeting of November 12, 2013 2. Update on SB 579 - Oversight Efficiency and Quality Enhancement 3. Update on White Paper – Critical Issues 7:15 pm E. Board Operations Committee (Martha Thompson) No report. 7:15 pm F. Legislative Committee (Ron Fell) No report. 7:15 pm G. ARCA / Executive Committee / Chairperson’s Reports (Ron Fell) 7:20 pm VII. Adjourn to Executive Session (Ron Fell) Personnel Issue VIII. Reconvene Meeting (Ron Fell) IX. Adjourn Meeting (Ron Fell) APPROVED AS SUBMITTED – JANUARY 21, 2014 BOARD of DIRECTORS RECORD of MEETING TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 2013 5:30 PM Golden Gate Regional Center 1355 Market Street San Francisco, CA 94103 PRESIDING: Ron Fell, Chair DIRECTORS PRESENT: Yukari Baba Hal Belmont, Secretary Pam Ehlers Paul Goldsmith Stephanie Hill Kim Nguyen, MD Robert Ramirez, Treasurer Martha Thompson, Vice Chair DIRECTORS ABSENT: James Engvall Amanda Pyle STAFF: Raeshawn Banks Karla Brown Gloria Jarquin Michelle Kaye Helen Lau Judy Leonard Tommy Mitchell Felice Parisi, MD Lisa Rosene Dan Roth Cindee Shankar Jim Shorter Jeff Smith Melanie Tucker GUESTS: Barry Benda Laura Bliss Kathy Brian Nancy Dow Moody John Popadak Marcellino Rosario Sheriece Washington Kim West Eric Zigman CALL TO ORDER Mr. Fell called the meeting to order at 5:32 p.m. Welcoming remarks and self-introductions followed. CONSENT AGENDA M/S/C To approve the agenda as revised. (Thompson/Belmont) M/S/C To approve the Record of Meeting of October 15, 2013, as submitted. (Thompson/Ehlers) Belong, Contribute, Thrive 1355 Market Street, Suite 220 San Francisco, CA 94103 (415) 546-9222 3130 La Selva Street, Suite 202 San Mateo, CA 94403 (650) 574-9232 4000 Civic Center Drive, Suite 310 San Rafael, CA 94903 (415) 446-3000 GOLDEN GATE REGIONAL CENTER RECORD of MEETING – NOVEMBER 19, 2013 PRESENTATION John Popadak, CFO at ARCA, presented on the ARCA document entitled “Funding the Work of California’s Regional Centers,” which focuses on problems caused by the concurrent expansion of workload requirements and Operations budget reductions. These problems can be categorized into four groups: (1) actions leading to a direct reduction in the OPS budget without a corresponding decrease in operations workload, (2) actions imposing additional workload for which no additional or inadequate, funding was added to the OPS budget, (3) inaction with respect to updating the OPS budgeting formula, and (4) design flaws inherent in the OPS budgeting formula. Conclusion: The statewide network of 21 regional centers manages over $4.1 billion in federal and state funds and serves as the primary safety net for Californians with developmental disabilities. The viability of this network is now threatened by the cumulative impact of decisions that have led to severe underfunding of the regional center OPS budget. Absent intervention, the state is again exposed to the potential loss of hundreds of millions of dollars in federal funds and, more importantly, the health and well-being of individuals and their families for whom the state has “accepted a responsibility” is directly threatened. ARCA addresses the purchase of service funding issue in its position statement titled “The Budget Crisis Affecting California’s Regional Centers.” DIRECTOR’S REPORT Mr. Shorter followed up on Mr. Popadak’s presentation, reiterating the highlights. Regional center OPS budget is grossly underfunded. As a result, we are understaffed which results in caseload ratios being out of compliance. Mr. Shorter noted that he would be sharing this information at brown bag sessions with staff. PUBLIC COMMENT / ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr. Roth, GGRC social worker, shared a letter from a group of GGRC staff to Mr. Shorter. The letter expressed concern about GGRC’s contribution to staff retirement and staff compensation. GGRC compensation levels have not been increased since 2007. In 2010, the retirement contribution was reduced from 15% to 8% and just recently was increased to 10%. Several staff verbally expressed concern. Mr. Fell acknowledged staff’s concerns. He reiterated Mr. Shorter’s concern and noted that the Board is aware and concerned. Mr. Fell expressed high regard to the staff for their work and commitment to the mission of the regional center. Mr. Fell noted that this dialogue will continue. COMMITTEEE REPORTS: Services Committee – Yukari Baba Ms. Rosene directed attention to the resolution to adopt the usage of “intellectual disability” in lieu of “mental retardation” language in all publications, speeches and in the transaction of regular business. Federal law changed several years ago and last year California enacted the change in the language. All California publications are being changed. This resolution would indicate that the Board is adopting this language. M/C To adopt the usage of “intellectual disability” in lieu of “mental retardation” language in all publications, speeches and in the transaction of regular business. (Copy attached.) 2 GOLDEN GATE REGIONAL CENTER RECORD of MEETING – NOVEMBER 19, 2013 Ms. Rosene called attention to the draft revised Employment First Policy. This past year, California adopted an Employment First Policy so this revision reflects that change. Verbiage revised; no impact on policy. M/C To adopt the revised Employment First Policy. (Copy attached.) Lastly, the Zero Tolerance Policy for Abuse or Neglect is required by our current contract with the State. The policy reiterates that all GGRC staff and providers will comply with all abusereporting laws and that abuse or neglect to anyone supported by regional center will not be tolerated. M/C To adopt the Zero Tolerance Policy for Abuse or Neglect as presented. (Copy attached.) Finance Committee – Robert Ramirez Annually, Lautze and Lautze Accountancy Corporation conducts an audit of GGRC’s financial statements. Earlier this evening, the Finance Committee and the Executive Committee met jointly to receive the audit report for year ended June 30, 2013. No audit exceptions were noted. M/C To accept the audit report as provided by Lautze and Lautze. People’s Advisory Committee – Stephanie Hill Ms. Hill attended a presentation on the Affordable Care Act given by ASM Kevin Mullin. It is not necessary for individuals with Medi-Cal to sign up for Obama Care. Dental care is limited under Medi-Cal. Ms. Grigsby will be meeting with representatives of the local Area Board and People First in an endeavor to hold the next People First conference in the Bay Area. Mr. Rogin, newly appointed Executive Director of Area Board 5, attended the meeting and asked what the members would like to see restored. Feedback included IHSS and ICF cuts. Denis Craig will be retiring from the Area Board in December. Service Provider Advisory Committee – Amanda Pyle In Ms. Pyle’s absence, Mr. Benda provided an update on SB 579. Earlier this month, a stakeholders hearing was attended by representatives from regional centers, DDS, DPH, DSS, CDSA, DRC, the State Council, UCP/The Arc and ARCA. Staff from Senator Berryhill’s office and Mareva Brown, Secretary, Senate Human Services Committee also attended. A public hearing is scheduled for January 14th in the Senate Human Services Committee. Work continues on the white paper. Summaries have been completed on the five topics identified for the white paper. A task force has been formed to organize a legislative forum to be held next spring. Board Operations Committee – Martha Thompson No report. Legislative Committee – Ron Fell No report. The Legislature will reconvene on January 6th. ARCA / Executive Committee / Chairperson’s Reports – Ron Fell Mr. Fell reported on a meeting he attended with Mr. Shorter and other members of the ARCA Executive Committee with Diana Dooley, Secretary, Health and Human Services, who has been given the responsibility of making a recommendation(s) to the Governor on a replacement for 3 GOLDEN GATE REGIONAL CENTER RECORD of MEETING – NOVEMBER 19, 2013 4 Terri Delgadillo who has resigned her position as Director of the Department of Developmental Services. Secretary Dooley hopes to have three recommendations to the Governor by end of year. Senator Bill Emerson announced his resignation effective December 1st. Rumor has it that he is one of many on the short list for the Executive Director position at DDS. There are regional center directors on that list as well. Mr. Fell recently attended the annual National Association of State Directors of Developmental Disabilities Services conference in Washington, DC. The conference provides an opportunity to learn what other states are doing. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 7:03 pm. The next scheduled meeting of the Board of Directors will be held Tuesday, January 21, 2014, 5:30 pm in the San Francisco office at 1355 Market Street, Suite 220. Respectfully submitted, Judy K. Leonard Executive Assistant jkl Enclosures for: Hal Belmont, Secretary Board of Directors NOTES FROM: GOLDEN GATE REGIONAL CENTER, INC. BOARD of DIRECTORS JOINT MEETING of the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE and the FINANCE COMMITTEE NOVEMBER 19, 2013 Executive Committee Members Present: Ron Fell, Chair Martha Thompson, Vice Chair Hal Belmont, Secretary Robert Ramirez, Treasurer Finance Committee Members Present: Robert Ramirez, Chair Pam Ehlers Ron Fell Martha Thompson Staff Present: Chris Rognier Guest: Roger Bulosan, Lautze and Lautze The Executive Committee and the Finance Committee held a joint meeting for the sole purpose of discussing the FY 2012-2013 Draft Financial Audit Report as presented by Roger Bulosan, CPA of Lautze and Lautze. No audit exceptions were reported. Respectfully submitted: Ron Fell, Chair Executive Committee November 20, 2013 Service Provider Advisory Committee Golden Gate Regional Center November 12, 2013 • • • • • • • • White Paper: Summaries have been completed on the 5 topic areas identified to be the form of the White Paper on Critical Issues. One of them needs additional information to finalize. Amanda and Jen have been working on the fact finding and some formatting. Sheraden will work on conforming the final document to have a unified look. SB 579: Jim, Nancy and Barry reported on meetings that were held in Sacramento on Nov 5. The final of 3 meetings on that day was a stakeholder hearing sponsored by ARCA, Staff of Senator Berryhill and Mareva Brown, Secretary, Senate Human Services Committee. Representative were present from: DDS, DPH, DSS, CDSA, DRC, State Council, UCP/The Arc, other regional centers, and ARCA. The feedback was very positive and supportive. Some good suggestions were made for minor revisions in the bill. One theme in the discussion was that this bill provides an opportunity to “modernize” the entire system of reviews. There will be a Senate Human Services Committee hearing on January 14. This is the regularly scheduled date for SPAC to meet, but members are encouraged to go to the hearing that day as there will not be a SPAC meeting. More information will be shared prior to the hearing. Amy Taub was recognized for the recent award given by the SF Symphony for the work of Creativity Explored in Social Justice. Amy and guests were invited to the recognition event. Amy was also recently interviewed by Michael Krasny on radio. Affordable Health Care: Some members attended the forum held by Public Health of SF. The forum was very informative. Many of the requirements that are part of the Affordable Health Care are already being addressed or planned for with Covered California. There will not be significant changes at this point for those served in this system. Legislative Forum: The group is in favor of a legislative forum in the Spring, 2014. This would be done in conjunction with GGRC as has been done in the past. Several people volunteered to work on putting the forum together. The first meeting of this group will be on December 10 at 10:00 (regular scheduled time for SPAC) Employment Summit: The second Employment Summit will be held on December 11 from 10 - 12:30 in the San Mateo office of GGRC. The topic of the summit will be on how to make employment a reality. Announcements are going out. Amanda is compiling a list of all providers and others on the SPAC with additional information including , address, email, phone numbers to be shared with others on the list. That resource list will be shared with everyone when it is completed. There will not be a December meeting of SPAC as usual. The task force working on the Legislative Forum will meet at that time. NOTES FROM GOLDEN GATE REGIONAL CENTER, INC. BOARD OF DIRECTORS SERVICES COMMITTEE TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 2013 Members present: Yukari Baba (by phone) Kim Nguyen, MD Staff present: Judy Leonard Ingrid Lin, MD Stefanie Nickel-Rather Felice Parisi, MD Lisa Rosene I. Call to Order (Yukari Baba) 5:03 pm ACTION II. Draft Revised Employment First Policy (attached) (Nickel-Rather) Stefanie presented minor revisions to the current policy. The policy was revised to cite the recently passed AB 1041 which enacted the Employment First Policy for California. Brief discussion followed. It was agreed to present the resolution to the full Board at their upcoming meeting on November 19th. ACTION III. Draft Resolution To Adopt “Intellectual Disability” in Lieu of “Mental Retardation” (attached) (Lin) The newest and fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, the DSM 5, made an important change in terminology from “mental retardation” to “intellectual disability” for individuals with intellectual impairments. Dr. Lin presented a draft resolution to adopt the usage of “intellectual disability” in lieu of “mental retardation” in publications, speeches and in the transaction of regular business at GGRC. Following discussion, it was agreed to present the resolution to the full Board at their upcoming meeting on November 19th. ACTION IV. Draft Policy – Zero Tolerance for Abuse or Neglect (attached) (Rosene) Per contract with the Department of Developmental Services, GGRC must develop and post on the internet a zero tolerance policy for abuse or neglect. Lisa presented a policy drafted by legal counsel along with feedback from the Service Provider Advisory Committee (SPAC). Discussion followed giving consideration to and incorporating the SPAC’s feedback as appropriate. It was agreed to present the draft policy to the full Board at their upcoming meeting on November 19th. V. Adjournment (Yukari Baba) 5:38 pm Respectfully submitted: Judy K. Leonard Executive Assistant November 6, 2013 NOTES FROM GOLDEN GATE REGIONAL CENTER, INC. BOARD OF DIRECTORS PEOPLE’S ADVISORY COMMITTEE MONDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 2013 Members present: Stephanie Hill, CoChair Joe Asaro Sidney Dyfoon Staff present: Others present: Elizabeth Grigsby Lisa Rosene Krizia Aldana Gabriel Rogin I. Medi-Cal Stephanie attended a presentation in San Mateo County re: the Affordable Care Act. II. People First of Bay Area The group would like the conference to be held in the Bay Area. Elizabeth will be meeting with representatives from the Area Board and People First on November 13th at GGRC in San Francisco regarding this conference. III. Advocacy – Area Board Gabriel Rogin, the new Executive Director of Area Board 5, attended the meeting and asked what they would like to see restored. Feedback included two areas: IHSS and ICF cuts. CUTS IHSS - 8% Need to hire better workers / oversee timesheets fraud ICF – 10% rate cut Adult Dental Care Other medical care – podiatry Start-up $$ for new programs IV. Positive/Productive Meetings Stephanie will bring the “meeting map.” The group will make a list of ground rules at the January meeting. V. Other News A. Denis Craig will retire from the Area Board in December 2013. Elizabeth will get a card and will get as many signatures from PAC members as possible. Page 1 of 2 B. Need to recruit new members Ideas: flyer, door prize, maybe food, rotate meetings in each county, video conference the meeting, each county have their own meeting. VI. Next Meeting Monday, January 6, 2014, 3 – 4 pm, GGRC San Francisco Office Facilitator Stephanie Recorder Nina Timekeeper Joe Hospitality ?? Opening Round Elizabeth Page 2 of 2 GOLDEN GATE REGIONAL CENTER, INC. BOARD of DIRECTORS LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE The Legislative Committee did not meet in November 2013. GOLDEN GATE REGIONAL CENTER, INC. BOARD of DIRECTORS BOARD OPERATIONS COMMITTEE The Board Operations Committee did not meet in November 2013.
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