Joseph Mascaro

Joseph Mascaro
Joseph Mascaro
Science and Technology Policy Fellow
American Association for the Advancement
of Science
US Global Development Lab
US Agency for International Development
Phone: (202) 712 1990
Mobile: (734) 612 7656
email: [email protected]
Science and Technology Policy Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of
Science, Global Development Lab, United States Agency for International Development
Postdoctoral Associate, Department of Global Ecology, Carnegie Institution for Science,
Jointly with Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute from 2010-2012
Ph.D., Biological Sciences. University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee
B.S., with Distinction. Honors in Resource Ecology and Management. University of
[36] Saatchi, S., J. Mascaro, L. Xu, M. Keller, Y. Yang, P. Duffy, F. Espirito-Santo, A. Baccini, J. Chambers,
and D. Schimel. In review. Seeing the forest beyond the trees: Response to Mitchard et al., GEB
2014. Global Ecology and Biogeography.
[35] Asner, G. P., D. E. Knapp, R. E. Martin, R. Tupayachi, C. B. Anderson, J. Mascaro, F. Sinca, K. D.
Chadwick, M. Higgins, W. Farfan, W. A. L. León, M. R. Silman. In press. Targeted carbon
conservation at national scales with high-resolution monitoring. Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences.
[34] Mascaro, J., G. P. Asner, S. Davies, A. Dehgan, and S. Saatchi. 2014. These are the days of lasers in
the jungle. Carbon Balance and Management 9: 1-3.
[33] DeWalt, S.J., S. A. Schnitzer, L. F. Alves, F. Bongers, R. J. Burnham, Z. Cai, W. P. Carson, J. Chave, G.
B. Chuyong, F. R. C. Costa, C. E. N. Ewango, R. V. Gallagher, J. J. Gerwing, E. G. Amezcua, T. Hart, G.
Ibarra-Manríquez, K. Ickes, D. Kenfack, S. G. Letcher, M. J. Marcía, J-R. Makana, A. Malizia, M.
Martínez-Ramos, J. Mascaro, C. Muthumperumal, S. Muthuramkumar, A. Nogueira, M. P. E.
Parren, N. Parthasarathy, D. R. Pérez-Salicrup, F. E. Putz, H. G. Romero-Saltos, M. S. Reddy, M. N.
Sainge, D. Thomas, and J. van Melis. Biogeographical patterns of liana abundance and diversity.
2015. In: S. A. Schnitzer, F. Bongers, R. J. Burnham, and F. Putz, eds. The Ecology of Lianas. John
Wiley& Sons, Ltd.
[32] Hobbs, R. J., E. S. Higgs, C. M. Hall, P. Bridgewater, F. S. Chapin III, E. C. Ellis, J. J. Ewel, L. M. Hallett,
J. A. Harris, K. B. Hulvey, S. T. Jackson, P. L. Kennedy, C. Kueffer, L. Lach, T. C. Lantz, A. E. Lugo, J.
Joseph Mascaro
Mascaro, S. D. Murphy, C. R. Nelson, M. P. Perring, D. M. Richardson, T. R. Seastedt, R. J. Standish,
B. M. Starzomski, K. N. Suding, P. M. Tognetti, L. Yakob, and L. Yung. In press. Managing the whole
landscape: historical, hybrid and novel ecosystems. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment.
[31] Schnitzer, S. A., G. M. F. van der Heijden, J. Mascaro, and W. P. Carson. In press. Lianas in gaps
reduce carbon accumulation in a tropical forest. Ecology.
[30] Hughes, R. F., G. P. Asner, J. Mascaro, J. Baldwin, J. Jacobson, and R. Emerson. 2014. Landscapescale patterns of carbon sequestration during primary succession in native- and alien-dominated
lowland wet forests of Hawai‘i. Ecological Applications 24: 716-731.
[29] Mascaro, J., G. P. Asner, D. E. Knapp, T. Kennedy-Bowdoin, R. E. Martin, C. Anderson, M. Higgins
and K. D. Chadwick. 2014. A tale of two “forests”: Random Forest machine learning aids tropical
forest carbon mapping. PLoSONE 9: e85993.
[28] Asner, G. P. and J. Mascaro. Mapping tropical forest carbon: calibrating plot estimates to a simple
LiDAR metric. 2014. Remote Sensing of Environment 140: 614-624.
[27] Mascaro, J., C. M. Litton, R. F. Hughes, A. Uowolo, and S. A. Schnitzer. 2014. Is logarithmic
transformation necessary in allometry? Ten, one-hundred, one-thousand times yes. Biological
Journal of the Linnean Society 111: 230-233.
[26] Detto, M., J. Mascaro, H. Muller-Landau, and G. P. Asner. 2014. 2013. Hydrological networks as
templates for the spatial organization of vertical structure of tropical forest vegetation. PLoSONE
8: e76296.
[25] Asner, G. P., J. Mascaro, C. Anderson, T. Kennedy-Bowdoin, D. E. Knapp, R. E. Martin, M. van
Breugel, S. Davies, J. S. Hall, H. C. Muller-Landau, C. Potvin, W. Sousa, J. Wright, and E.
Birmingham. 2013. High-fidelity national carbon mapping for resource management and REDD+.
Carbon Balance and Management 8: 1-14.
[24] Yorke, S. R., S. A. Schnitzer, J. Mascaro, S. G. Letcher, and W. P. Carson. 2013. Increasing liana
abundance and basal area in a tropical forest: the contribution of long-distance clonal
colonization. Biotropica. doi: 10.1111/btp.12015.
[23] Mascaro, J., J. Harris, L. Lach, A. Thompson, M. Perring, D. M. Richardson, and E. Ellis. 2013.
Origins of the novel ecosystems concept. In R. Hobbs, E. Higgs, and C. Hall, eds. Novel Ecosystems:
When to Intervene in the New Ecological World Order.
[22] Mascaro, J. 2013. From rivets to rivers. In R. Hobbs, E. Higgs, and C. Hall, eds. Novel Ecosystems:
When to Intervene in the New Ecological World Order.
[21] Ewel, J. J., J. Mascaro, C. Kueffer, A. E. Lugo, L. Lach, and M. R. Gardner. 2013. Islands: where
novelty is the norm. In R. Hobbs, E. Higgs, and C. Hall, eds. Novel Ecosystems: When to Intervene
in the New Ecological World Order.
[20] Marris, E., J. Mascaro, and E. Ellis. 2013. Is everything a novel ecosystem? If so, do we need the
concept? In R. Hobbs, E. Higgs, and C. Hall, eds. Novel Ecosystems: When to Intervene in the New
Ecological World Order.
[19] Mascaro, J., G. P. Asner, D. H. Dent, S. J. DeWalt, and J. S. Denslow. 2012. Scale-dependence of
aboveground carbon accumulation in secondary forests of Panama: a test of the intermediate
peak hypothesis. Forest Ecology and Management 276: 62-70.
[18] Asner, G. P., J. K. Clark, J. Mascaro, G. A. Galindo García, K. D. Chadwick, D. A. Navarrete Encinales,
G. Paez-Acosta, E. Cabrera Montenegro, T. Kennedy-Bowdoin, Á. Duque, A. Balaji, P. von
Joseph Mascaro
Hildebrand, L. Maatoug, J. F. Phillips Bernal, A. P. Yepes Quintero, D. E. Knapp, M. C.García Dávila,
J. Jacobson, and M. F. Ordóñez. 2012. High-resolution mapping of forest carbon stocks in the
Colombian Amazon. Biogeosciences 9: 2683-2696.
[17] Asner, G. P., J. K. Clark, J. Mascaro, R. Vaudry, K. D. Chadwick, G. Vieilledent, M. Rasamoelina, A.
Balaji, T. Kennedy-Bowdoin, L. Maatoug, M. S. Colgan, and D. E. Knapp. 2012. Human and
environmental controls over aboveground carbon storage in Madagascar. Carbon Balance and
Management 2: 1-13.
[16] Mascaro, J., R. F. Hughes, and S. A. Schnitzer. 2012. Novel forests maintain ecosystem processes
after the decline of native tree species. Ecological Monographs 82: 221-238. doi:10.1890/111014.1.
[15] Asner, G. P., J. Mascaro, H. C. Muller-Landau, G. Vieilledent, R. Vaudry, M. Rasamoelina, J. Hall,
and M. van Breugel. 2012. A universal airborne LiDAR approach for tropical forest carbon
mapping. Oecologia 168: 1147-1160.
[14] Mascaro, J., M. Detto, G. P. Asner, and H. C. Muller-Landau. 2011. Evaluating uncertainty in
mapping forest carbon with airborne LiDAR. Remote Sensing of Environment 115: 3770-3774.
[13] Mascaro, J., C. M. Litton, R. F. Hughes, A. Uowolo, and S. A. Schnitzer. 2011. Minimizing bias in
tree biomass allometry: model selection and log-transformation of data. Biotropica 43: 649-653.
[12] Asner, G. P., R. F. Hughes, J. Mascaro, D. E. Knapp, J. Jacobson, T. Kennedy-Bowdoin, J. Clark, A.
Balaji. 2011. High-resolution carbon mapping on the million-hectare Island of Hawaii. Frontiers in
Ecology and the Environment 9: 434-439.
[11] Mascaro, J., G. P. Asner, H. C. Muller-Landau, M. van Breugel, J. Hall, and K. Dahlin. 2011. Controls
over aboveground carbon density on Barro Colorado Island, Panama. Biogeosciences 8: 16151629.
[10] Mascaro, J. and S. A. Schnitzer. 2011. Dominance by the introduced tree Rhamnus cathartica
(common buckthorn) may limit aboveground carbon storage in Southern Wisconsin forests. Forest
Ecology and Management 261: 545-550.
Mascaro, J. 2011. Eighty years of succession in a non-commercial planting on Hawai‘i Island: are
native species returning? Pacific Science 65: 1-15.
Asner, G. P., J. Mascaro, J. Clark., and G. Powell. 2010. Reply to Skole et al.: regarding highresolution carbon stocks and emissions in the Amazon. Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences 108: E13-E14.
Asner, G. P., G. Powell, J. Mascaro, D. E. Knapp, J. Jacobson, T. Kennedy-Bowdoin, J. Clark, A.
Balaji, L. Secada, and R. F. Hughes. 2010. High-resolution carbon stocks and emissions in the
Amazon. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107: 16738-16742.
DeWalt, S. J., S. A. Schnitzer, J. Chave, F. Bongers, R. Burnham, Z. Cai, G. Chuyong, D. B. Clark, C. E.
N. Ewango, J. J. Gerwing, E. Gortaire, T. Hart, G. Ibarra-Manríquez, J. Mascaro, S. Moses, H. C.
Muller-Landau, M. P. E. Parren, N. Parthasarathy, D. R. Pérez-Salicrup, F. E. Putz, H. Romero-Saltos,
and D. Thomas. 2010. Annual rainfall and seasonality predict pan-tropical patterns of liana density
and basal area. Biotropica 42: 309-317.
Joseph Mascaro
Mascaro, J., K. K. Becklund, R. F. Hughes, and S. A. Schnitzer. 2008. Limited native plant
regeneration in novel, exotic-dominated forests on Hawai‘i. Forest Ecology and Management 256:
Featured in Nature 460: 450-453.
Schnitzer, S. A., J. Mascaro, and W. P. Carson. 2008. Treefall gaps, forest regeneration and the
maintenance of plant species diversity. In S. A. Schnitzer and W. P. Carson, eds. Tropical Forest
Community Ecology.
Mascaro, J. and S. A. Schnitzer. 2007. Rhamnus cathartica L. (common buckthorn) as an
ecosystem dominant in Southern Wisconsin forests. Northeastern Naturalist 14: 387-402.
Mascaro, J., I. Perfecto, O. Barros, D. H. Boucher, I. Granzow de la Cerda, J. Ruiz, and J.
Vandermeer. 2005. Aboveground biomass accumulation in a tropical wet forest in Nicaragua
following a catastrophic hurricane disturbance. Biotropica 37: 600-608.
Mascaro, J., S. A. Schnitzer, and W. P. Carson. 2004. Liana diversity, abundance, and mortality in a
tropical wet forest in Costa Rica. Forest Ecology and Management 190: 3-14.
[10] Mascaro, J. 2014. Why greens should be pro-space. The Space Review
( February, 2014.
Mascaro, J. 2013. Risky business. KQED Perspective. June 12, 2013.
Mascaro, J. 2013. Why Dennis Tito’s Mars mission may work. Orlando Sentinel Op-Ed. June 3,
Mascaro, J. 2013. Dear UCSF: Sutro Forest is off-limits. San Francisco Chronicle Op-Ed. February
23, 2013.
Mascaro, J. 2012. Following Newt to the moon. The Space Review (
February 13, 2012.
Mascaro, J. 2011. Earth Similarity Index provides a logical breakpoint for naming planets.
Astrobiology 11: 1053
Marris, E., P. Kareiva, J. Mascaro, and E. C. Ellis. 2011. Hope in the age of man. New York Times
Op-Ed. December 7, 2011.
Davis, M. A., M. K. Chew, R. J. Hobbs, A. E. Lugo, J. J. Ewel, G. J. Vermeij, J. H. Brown, M. L.
Rosenzweig, M. R. Gardener, S. P. Carroll, K. Thompson, S. T. A. Pickett, J. C. Stromberg, P. Del
Tredici, K. N. Suding, J. G. Ehrenfeld, J. P. Grime, J. Mascaro, and J. C. Briggs. 2011. Don’t judge
species on their origins. Nature 474: 152-153.
Mascaro, J. 2010. Fly me to HD 10180g. Los Angeles Times Op-Ed. September 26, 2010.
Mascaro, J. 2005. State of ignorance: Michael Crichton’s call to arms. Frontiers in Ecology and the
Environment 3: 131.
Joseph Mascaro
Graduate Research Fellowship Program. National Science Foundation, $120,000
Golda Meir Scholarship. Libraries, University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee, $4,500
Graduate School Fellowship. Department of Biology, University of Wisconsin –
Milwaukee, $9,000
Ray Hatcher Scholarship. University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee, $400
Graduate Research Fellowship Program. NSF, honorable mention
Ruth Walker travel award. University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee, $900
Chancellor’s award. University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee, $13,000
Peter C. Mertz Scholarship. University of Michigan, $1,500
Research Experience for Undergraduates. NSF, $3,000 stipend
Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant. National Science Foundation, $12,000
Ruth Walker Grant-in-aid. University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee, $1,000
Graduate Student Research Assistant Program. Applied Ecological Services, $4,500
The World Makers: Ecologists as Ecosystem Designers. University of Maryland - Baltimore
A tale of two “forests”: Random Forest machine learning aids tropical forest carbon mapping.
Bogota, Colombia.
Novel ecosystems and the role of non-native species in providing ecosystem services.
Symposium, Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting. Portland, Oregon.
Beyond Forest Cover: High-resolution Carbon Mapping in Support of REDD+. Environmental
Leadership & Training Initiative Workshop on REDD+: Technical, Socioeconomic and Political
Dimensions. Panama City, Panama.
Carbon Landscapes Through Time in the Barro Colorado Nature Monument. Center for Tropical
Forest Science Seminar Series. Panama City, Panama.
Controls over Aboveground Carbon Storage on Barro Colorado Island, Panama. Bambi Seminar,
Barro Colorado Island, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute. Gamboa, Panama.
Rotary Club Seminar. Trenton, Michigan.
Institute for Pacific Islands Forestry, United States Forest Service, Hilo, Hawai‘i.
Urban Ecology Center Research Lecture Series. Urban Ecology Center, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
The Scholar and the Library Series. Golda Meir Library, University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee.
Mascaro, J. Why ecology needs the novel ecosystems paradigm. Department of Global Ecology,
Carnegie Institution for Science seminar series. Stanford, California.
Joseph Mascaro
Mascaro, J., G. P. Asner, H. C. Muller-Landau, M. van Breugel, J. Hall, and K. Dahlin. ESA annual
meetings, Austin, Texas.
Asner, G., R. F. Hughes, G. Powell, J. Mascaro, et al., HSBC Climate Partnership Research Midterm Review, Panama.
Mascaro, J., S. A. Schnitzer, and R. F. Hughes. ESA annual meetings, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
McElligott, K. M., J. Mascaro, S. A. Schnitzer. ESA annual meetings, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Mascaro, J., S. A. Schnitzer, and R. F. Hughes. ESA annual meetings, San Jose, California.
Becklund, K. K., J. Mascaro, R. F. Hughes, and S. A. Schnitzer. ESA annual meetings, San Jose,
Mascaro, J., S. A. Schnitzer, and R. F. Hughes. Hawai‘i Ecosystems Project annual meetings,
University of Hawai‘i at Hilo, Hawai‘i.
Mascaro, J., S. A. Schnitzer, and W. P. Carson. ESA annual meetings, Memphis, Tennessee.
Mascaro, J., S. A. Schnitzer, R. F. Hughes, and G. Asner. Hawai‘i Ecosystems Project annual
meetings, Volcanoes National Park, Hawai‘i.
Mascaro, J. and S. A. Schnitzer. ESA annual meetings, Montreal, Quebec.
Mascaro, J. University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee Biological Sciences Research Symposium,
Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Mascaro, J., I. Perfecto, O. Barros, D. H. Boucher, I. Granzow de la Cerda, J. Ruiz, and J.
Vandermeer. ESA annual meetings, Portland, Oregon.
Mascaro, J. Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, Hope College, Michigan.
Ecology, Bard College
Guest lecture
Ecology, Sarah Lawrence College
Guest lecture
Community Ecology, University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee
Guest lecture
Introductory Biology, University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee
Teaching assistant
General Soil Science, University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee
Teaching assistant
World Wildlife Fund, Puerto Maldonado, Peru
Research Consultant
University of Minnesota, Cedar Creek Natural History Area, Minnesota
Long Term Ecology Research Intern Supervisor
USGS Pacific Island Ecosystems Research Center, Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park, Hawai‘i
Biocomplexity Intern
Joseph Mascaro
University of Minnesota, Cedar Creek Natural History Area, Minnesota
Long Term Ecology Research Intern
University of Michigan, School of Natural Resources & Environment, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Research Assistant
The Organization for Tropical Studies, La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica
Research Experience for Undergraduates Invitee
SilvaCarbon Review
Washington, D.C.
NASA ROSES Review Panel: Tropical Carbon Cycle Science
Washington, D.C.
SilvaCarbon LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) workshop
Washington, D.C.
Novel Ecosystems: How Invasion and Climate are Shaping the Future of the Biosphere
ESA annual meetings, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Lead Workshop Organizer
InSAR (Interferometric Synthetic Aperture RADAR) workshop
Sponsored by NASA and NSF, Oxnard, California
Reviewer for Ecological Applications, Oecologia, Biogeosciences, Pacific Science, Ecology and Society,
Ecosystems, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, Photogrammy & Remote Sensing, Remote
Sensing of Environment, Journal of Tropical Ecology, Plant and Soil, Diversity and Distributions, Journal of
Vegetation Science, Wetland Ecology & Management, Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society, Forest
Ecology & Management, Biological Conservation, Ecology, Plant Ecology, Biotropica