2014 Florida Public Health Educational Meeting The Future is Now: Rethinking Public Health TUESDAY – July 29 FPHA Meetings 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM FPHA Committee Meetings Annual Educational Conference Committee Academic Committee 12:00 PM – 4:00 PM FPHA Board of Directors Meeting 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM Exhibitor Set-Up 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM Registration WEDNESDAY – July 30 7:00 AM – 3:30 PM Registration Exhibits/Silent Auction Open 7:00 AM- 7:30 AM Poster Set-Up 7:30 AM – 8:45 AM Coffee with the Exhibitors GENERAL SESSION 8:45 AM – 9:00 AM Welcome & Opening Remarks Lesli Ahonkhai, President Local Dignitaries: Peter D. Clark, MS, Commissioner, Orange County Kevin Sherin, MD, MPH, Director, Florida Department of Health in Orange County 1 Belinda Johnson-Cornett, MS,RN-BC,MBA, Administrator, Florida Department of Health in Osceola County Swannie Jett, DrPH , Director, Florida Department of Health in Seminole County 9:00 AM – 9:15 AM Tom Bridges, SHA President 9:15 AM - 10:15 AM Social Determinants is the New Green: How Public Health can Lead Population Health Improvement and Achieve the Triple Aim Roderick K. King, MD, MPH, Director Florida Institute for Health Innovation (formerly Florida Public Health Institute) The US public health and health care systems are in the midst of upheaval. Improving the health and well-being of individuals and communities has become the unified rallying cry to achieve improved population health, better quality of care and reduced healthcare costs. History tells us that major transformative experiences such as these offer an opportunity for both innovation and leadership. Public health has a long history of leading the charge for improving population health. It is now time for public health leaders, practitioners and researchers to leverage their expertise and lead efforts locally, regionally and nationally to achieve the triple aim. We will explore ways that public health can capitalize on these opportunities as well as discuss the role of the Florida Institute for Health Innovation(formerly the Florida Public Health Institute) as a supporter of innovation, leadership and cross sector collaboration in improving the health of Florida’s communities. 10:15 AM – 11:00 AM Networking Break – visit Exhibits and Silent Auction 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM Framing the Future: The Second Hundred Years of Education in Public Health Donna J. Petersen, ScD, MHS Interim Senior Vice President, USF Health Dean, College of Public Health Professor of Global Health University of South Florida The Framing the Future Task Force, formed in fall of 2011 will release its report in November 2014. This presentation will present the recommendations of the various expert panels that conducted the work of the Task Force and the themes that were interwoven through the discussions. Efforts to transform education are already underway across the country and examples will be provided. In addition, reflecting the innovation that is apparent in the entire effort, a preview of the “report” will also be shared. This presentation will be informative for everyone in public health, regardless of work setting and educational preparation. 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM USF College of Public Health Luncheon “The Future is Now: Public Health and the Genomics Revolution” Michael White, Ph.D. Professor Department of Global Health Deputy Director Florida Center for Drug Discovery and Development (CDDI) University of South Florida AFTERNOON EDUCATIONAL SESSIONS 1:45- 2:45 PM Track One: Viral Hepatitis in Florida –With an Emphasis on Hepatitis C Philip E. Reichert, MPH, Manager Hepatitis Prevention Program 2 The presentation will cover acute hepatitis A, B and C and chronic hepatitis B and C in Florida. The presenter will discuss surveillance, prevention, budget, testing and update new medicines and initiatives regarding the testing and treatment of hepatitis C. This presentation will also broach the subjects of vaccine usage and management, new state and federal legislation regarding viral hepatitis and data specific to Florida's Hepatitis Prevention Program. Track Two: Public Health Continuum of Services: Florida Public Health in Transition C. Meade Grigg, MS Deputy Secretary for Statewide Services This presentation will include the recommendations to date of the Florida Department of Health’s Public Health Continuum of Services Workgroup regarding foundational and core public health services. Implications for the future funding and organization of public health in Florida will also be discussed. Track Three: Childhood and Adult Obesity: Practical Approaches to Address the Issue Claudia Sealey-Potts, PhD, RD, Dietetic Internship Director and Assistant Professor, Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, University of North Florida Judy Perkin, DrPH, RD, CHES, Professor, Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, University of North Florida Learning Objectives: 1. Assess current research concerning the use of Body Mass Index to assess obesity in health practice. 2. Assess current research concerning the use of waist circumference to assess obesity in health practice. 3. Describe new methods which might have potential applicability for assessing obesity in health practice. Track Four: Collaborating Across Sectors to Address Chronic Disease in Florida Jamie R. Forrest, MS Epidemiology and Evaluation Program Administrator Bureau of Chronic Disease Prevention, Florida Department of Health The first part of this presentation will provide an overview of the burden of chronic diseases and related risk factors in Florida, with a focus on health inequities. The second part of the presentation will describe the ways in which the Florida Department of Health is engaging public and private partners to address chronic disease prevention from all angles. 2:45 PM – 3:30 PM Networking Break – Visit Exhibits and Silent Auction 3:30 PM – 4:30 PM Track One: Dynamical Models as a Tool for Public Health, and their Role in the Alachua County School-Located Influenza Vaccination Program Juliet R. C. Pulliam, PhD Assistant Professor, Department of Biology and Emerging Pathogens Institute University of Florida Track Two: Overview of Historical Public Health Funding, Recent Financial Trends, and Expectations to the Future Phil Street, MPA, Senior Health Policy Coordinator Health Statistics and Performance Management Florida Department of Health This presentation will look at how public health programs are being funded now and will be in the future and the challenges they face. A panel of several CHDs will discuss how they are coping with the new financial challenges they face. Track Three: Epigenetics- Potential Root cause of Childhood Obesity 3 Claudia Sealey-Potts, PhD, RD Dietetic Internship Director Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, University of North Florida Track Four: HIV/STD Testing and Healthy Teen Expo’s in Public High Schools, The Future is Now! Panel members: Lori Jordahl, moderator Kira Vilimizar and Praveena Harnine DOH Rosa Pache Miami Dade Public Schools Denise Estrada West Care, The Village South Substance Abuse Program This panel will share the highlights, successes and how to make structural changes to address the sexual health issues surrounding adolescents. In Miami Dade County, collaborative partners participate in Healthy Teen Expos, class and auditorium educational sessions and testimonials, and screen for Chlamydia, Gonorrhea and rapid HIV counseling and testing. 4:30 PM – 5:00 PM Interest Groups Business Meetings THURSDAY – July 31 7:30 AM – 3:00 PM Registration Silent Auction 7:30 AM – 8:15 AM Exhibits open – Coffee 8:30 AM – 9:00 AM “FPHA Business Meeting” GENERAL SESSON 9:00 AM -9:15 AM Welcome & Opening Remarks Shannon Hughes, 1st Vice President 9:15 AM- 10:15 AM The Politics of Health Inequity: Getting to Root Causes and Strategies for Change Richard Hofrichter, PhD Senior Director, Health Equity National Association of County & City Health Officials The presentation will explore a framework, based on principles of social justice, for examining the root causes of health inequity—differences in the distribution of disease and illness, with an emphasis on the role of class oppression and structural racism, and offer potential strategies in tackling them. Central questions touched on include: What explains the production, maintenance and persistence of health inequities in the US? What structures of power exclude and marginalize populations, making it difficult to achieve acceptable levels of well-being? What are the ideologies, and paradigms that support the inequities, and what can we do about it, given challenges and opportunities. 10:15 AM – 11:00 AM Networking Break – Visit Exhibits & Silent Auction 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM Trends in Communicable Disease & Funding to Support the Programs Anna Likos, MD, MPH, Director 4 Florida Department of Health, Division of Disease Control and Health Protection Dr. Likos will discuss disease control challenges occuring over the last year. This includes cases and outbreaks of old diseases and new emerging issues such as chikungunya fever and Middleeast Respiratory Syndrome (MERS). Strategies the Division is planning to address the constantly changing nature of public health disease control will also be discussed. 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM FPHA/SHA Awards Luncheon EDUCATIONAL SESSIONS 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM Track One: Oral Health only at this time Sponsored by FPHA Oral Health Interest Group and Oral Health Florida (note change in session time for this track only) Welcome and Introductions, Frank Catalanotto, DMD, OHF Chair Oral Health 2020 Brian Souza, Managing Director, DentaQuest Foundation Florida Oral Health Initiatives (Mini Presentations) Dental Related Visits in Emergency Rooms Frank Catalanotto, DMD 3rd Grade Surveillance Report Donna Solovan-Gleason, PhD, Program Administrator Florida Department of Health, Public Health Dental Program HS Dental Home Initiative Project Lilli Copp, BSW, Tami Miller, RDH, BS, Tracy Taylor, RDH, BASDH Palm Beach Developmentally Disabled Dental Home Initiative Michele Ryan, RDH, MEd 1:45 PM – 2:45 PM Track Two: Building Power and Developing A Narrative for Health Equity: Aligning Public Health and Community Organizing in the Midwest. Richard Hofrichter, PhD Senior Director, Health Equity National Association of County & City Health Officials An interactive session where Dr. Hofrichter will describe a new initiative funded by the WK Kellogg Foundation and the Kresge Foundation called Building Networks: The Breakthrough Initiative, which is an effort to develop permanent alliances with community organizers aiming to act on root causes through structural reforms that change the processes generating inequity. The main focus will be on the importance of building a narrative for health equity and discussing with the group why it is necessary, examples of the dominant narrative, how it works, past successes of social movements, and together exploring the creation of an independent narrative for health equity. 5 Track Three: Healthy Schools - Paving the Way to an "Ouch-Free" Flu Season Tony Boselli, President, Healthy Schools (former Jacksonville Jaguar and three-time All-Pro and five-time Pro Bowl offensive tackle) This presentation will provide a background on Healthy Schools LLC; the benefits of SLVC Programs and discuss the economic burden of influenza. Track Four: The ACA and Its Impact on Public Health Jeff Feller, MSISE Chief Executive Officer, Well Florida (local health council in Gainesville for 16 counties) The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), consisting of 10 separate legislative Titles, is having a transformational impact on the policy and practice of public health in the United States and throughout local public health systems nationwide. In this session, the five key aims of the ACA will be discussed along with the changes to public health set in motion by major initiatives launched under each of these aims. Potential barriers and emerging opportunities will also be identified to aid in the navigation of this newly evolving public health terrain. 2:45 PM – 3:30 PM Networking Break – Visit the Exhibits 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM Oral Health Only Track One: Sponsored by FPHA Oral Health Interest Group and Oral Health Florida (note change in this session time) Everything you wanted to know about a School Based Sealant Program Lawrence Hill, DDS, MPH, Executive Director, American Association of Community Dental Programs State Best Practices – moderated by Karen Hodge, RDH, MHSc, FPHA Oral Health Interest Group, Co-Chair JoAnn Weatherwax, RDH, MSDH- Florida Department of Health Volusia County Betty Kabel, RDH, BS- North Florida Medical Centers Elizabeth Lense, DDS -University of Florida College of Dentistry Amy Kreuger, RDH, MS -St. Petersburg College School of Dental Hygiene Smiles Across America- Oral Health America Video The Future of School-Based Sealant Programs in Florida Edward Zapert, DMD, Florida DOH, Public Health Dental Program, Executive Dental Director OHF Sealant Action Team Elizabeth Orr, DDS and Kim Herremans, RDH, MS This entire presentation will cover how to get a school based sealant program started. Best practices used nationally and locally will be discussed including programs run by county health departments, FQHC’s and dental and/or dental hygiene programs. 3:30 PM – 4:30 PM Track Two: National Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) Standards What is it? Why is it important? How is it being implemented locally? Mike Mason, Florida Department of Health Office of Minority Health Director Ericka Burroughs-Girardi, MA,MPH, Equity Coordinator 6 Florida Department of Health in Orange County Health The National Standards for Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services are intended to advance health equity, improve quality, and help eliminate health care disparities by providing a blueprint for implementation for individuals and health and health care organizations. This presentation will define CLAS, explain the purpose, outline its components, and share strategies for implementation. Local examples will also be presented. Track Three: The Invisible Threat Moderator, Deborah Hogan, RN, MPH Participants will have an opportunity to view the documentary, "The Invisible Threat," an acclaimed documentary on vaccines, and to participate in discussion of its importance in the education of the public regarding vaccine efficacy. Track Four: Mobile App for Surge Capacity Events Facilitators: Chait Renduchintala, Venture Development Manager and Christopher Collinge, IT Director FDOH-Orange UCF Business Incubation Program Examples DOH-Orange VDOT Program Public Health Interest Group Business Meetings 4:30 PM – 5:00 PM 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM President’s Reception (all attendees invited) FRIDAY, August 1 7:30 AM – 8:15 AM Coffee 7:45 AM – 9:00 AM Registration General Session 8:15 AM – 8:30 AM Welcome/Announcements Gregory Danyluk, PhD, MPH, 2014-15 President 8:30 AM – 9:30 AM State of the State Address John Armstrong, MD, FACS (invited) State Surgeon General and State Secretary of Health Florida Department of Health 9:30 AM – 11:00 AM Technology & Public Health Use Now and in the Future Moderators - Christopher Collinge and Sarah Matthews Panel: Chait Renduchintala, UCF Business Incubator Program Christopher Collinge, FDOH Orange IT Director Dr. Peter Kincaid, UCF Institute for Simulation and Training Dr. Randall Shumaker, Director of UCF Institute for Simulation and Training Sarah Matthews, MPH, DOH-Orange Epidemiology Manager 7 Tom Herring Florida Department of Health The panel will discuss a variety of ways technology is being used currently to provide services and programs as well as what might be used in the future. Annual Educational Conference Adjourned 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM 2014-15 Board Meeting 8
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