Diary St Cuthbert’s Church St Joseph’s Church Remembrance Day 9th November Saturday Vigil *5pm David Moreton No Sunday Mass at St Cuthbert’s *11am All who have died in War (Fr R Int.) Peggy Cram Monday 10th 9.30am Liturgy of the Word & Holy Communion 9am To be announced Legion of Mary St Leo the Great Tuesday 11th St Mar n of Tours 6pm Exposition of Blessed Sacrament 9.30am To be announced 7pm James & Margaret Atkinson Wednesday 12th 9.30am Leo Groark St Josaphat 12 Noon Requiem Mass Doug Main Thursday 13th 9.30am Mary Edwards coffee morning 9.30am To be announced Friday 14th 9.30am Florence Mc Donald 12 Noon Funeral Janet Moorhead 9.30am To be announced Coffee Morning Saturday 15th Nov Confessions 4.30-4.50pm 10am To be announced 5pm Vigil Augus ne Paul Mann Confessions a er Mass 33rd Sunday 16th November No Sunday Mass at St Cuthbert’s *11am Patricia Hudson (Fr R Int ) To be announced Monday 17th St Hilda of Whitby 9.30am Liturgy of the Word & Holy Communion 9am To be announced Legion of Mary Tuesday 18th 9.30am Carmel Curry St Albert the Great Ded of Basilica of SS Peter & Paul Wednesday 19th Thursday 20th St Edmund ( King) 9.30am To be announced Adora on and Rosary 9.30am Be y Mullen 9am To be announced 9.30am Patricia Hudson 9.30am Liturgy of the Word & Holy Communion Friday 21st 9.30am Liturgy of the Word & Holy Communion Coffee Morning Presenta on of Our Blessed Lady 9.30am Leo Groark Saturday 22nd Confessions 4.30-4.50pm St Cecilia 5pm Vigil Haydn & Edith Calvert 10am Liturgy of the Word & Holy Communion No Confessions Christ the King 23rd November No Sunday Mass at St Cuthbert’s *11am Mass for the Holy Souls Mass with the School Choir 2nd Collec on Parish Bulletin St Cuthbert’s Presbytery Fr. Anthony Has e 581 2221 Remembrance Day Dedica on of the Lateran Basilica 9th November St Joseph’s Presbytery Fr. Ronald Richmond 526 1116 __________________________ St Cuthbert’s School 581 3090 www.stcuthbertsprimary.com St Joseph’s School 526 1795 www.murton-st-josephs.durham.sch.uk ________________________________ This Bulle n has been supported by Kenneth Taylor Funeral Director 5817388 33rd Sunday of the Year 16th November Reflections on the Word Dedica on of the Lateran Basilica Because it falls on a Sunday, the regular Sunday readings are replaced with the Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica in Rome. This feast celebrates not only the Cathedral of the Diocese of Rome, but the role the pope has always had as the bishop of Rome. John's Gospel is the story of Jesus driving out the moneychangers in the temple. “Take these out of here, and stop making my Father’s house a marketplace.” Monday is the Memorial of Saint Leo the Great, Pope and Doctor of the Church. Tuesday is the Memorial of Saint Martin of Tours, Bishop. Wednesday is the Memorial of Saint Josaphat, Bishop and Martyr and Thursday the Memorial of Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini, Virgin. The first readings this week are from the pastoral letters to Titus, Philemon, and the Second and Third Letter to John. Continuing Luke's Gospel, we hear Jesus talk about scandal and about forgiveness. He calls us to “have faith the size of a mustard seed” in order to do extraordinary things in his name. Jesus tells us to be obedient to what God calls us to do and simply say, “we have done what we were obliged to do.” We learn a lesson about gratitude when NEWS FOR THE PEWS Jesus heals ten lepers and only one, “foreigner” returns to give thanks. Jesus tells the confrontational Pharisees that the Kingdom of God's coming can't be “seen” and it won't be announced. “For behold, the Kingdom of God is among you.” “But first [the Son of Man] must suffer greatly and be rejected by this generation.” All we can do is to be faithful: “Whoever seeks to preserve his life will lose it, but whoever loses it will save it.” Finally, Jesus tells the parable “about the necessity for [his disciples] to pray always without becoming weary.” God will give justice to those who call out to him with faith. 33rd Sunday of the Year The Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time brings us the familiar and powerful parable from Matthew's Gospel about the servants who are each given sums of money to invest. We are all called upon to use the gifts we have received as gifts, and to return them, fully developed, having made the best use of them. Monday is the Memorial of Saint Elizabeth of Hungary. Friday is the Memorial of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Saturday is the Memorial of Saint Cecilia, Virgin and Martyr. The Next 2nd Collection is Youth Sunday 23rd November. Your gift will enable YMT to offer more opportunities to the young people of our diocese. On Youth Sunday the Children of St Joseph’s will lead the singing. Meeting of the Ministers of the Eucharist (St Cuthbert’s) on Tuesday 11th Nov at 6.30pm. There will be Exposition that night from 6pm & Mass at 7pm. Exposition and Mass is open for everyone to attend. St Bede’s School Mission 6th –13th November We will be offering prayers in the parish during Mission week. The Family Night on Thursday 13th November 7pm is open to everyone. The Mission Team would love to think we could fill the hall as a witness to the young people that we care about them and will be a visible sign of our support. Irish Dancing Classes @ St Mary Magdalene’s Parish Hall starting Friday 7th November 5-6.30pm. Open to all children aged 5-15. Attention Red Box Holders Further to a recent meeting it was decided to change the method of collecting the Missionary money. Therefore can all Parishioners who have a red box please empty their own box, total the contents, place the money in a bag along with your name & total in a piece of paper and leave the contents in the day chapel between Dec 6th14th. Please take your Missionary Magazine and Calendar. There is a Pastoral Letter from the Bishop at all Masses on 15th/16th November outlining a review entitled “Moving together in hope”. It all begins with an invitation to join him in prayer at the Cathedral on Monday 2ndDec. 10.30-12 Noon followed by Mass at 12.05pm Please see the poster for full details and alternative time & Venue. Why not make a day of it and go Christmas shopping after Mass. Everyone is welcome! Please remember in your prayers the sick Joe Cassidy, Jenny Witten, Mary Patching, Nicholas James, Derick Scott, Lorraine Watson, Pat Johnson, Charles McCabe, Harry Dunn, Craig Thompson & for those who are sick but prefer to remain anonymous. We pray for Doug Main, Janet Moorhead & Paddy McDowell who have died. May they Rest in Peace, Amen.
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