33rd Sunday In Ordinary Time November 16, 2014 Your Talents In the parable that we hear today the master gives his servants a share of his wealth and he expects them to work to increase what he has given them. The first two servants please him because they have increased his wealth, but the third angers his master because he buries his coin in a field instead of reinvesting it. The master can seem cruel in this parable. But the master is not angry because his wealth has not been increased, he is angry because of the laziness of his servant. God gives all of us our talents, which are a share in his wealth, his very life. God wants to bring us into a better life by inviting us into greater participation in his life. But so often we do not use our talents for the glory of God by building up his kingdom. Instead we use our Godgiven talents for ourselves. When we do what the wicked servant did and refuse to give back to God, we refuse greater life and greater joy. Why would we do this? Our God is the Lord of Life and he wants to bring us to greater life. Let’s give our talents back to him. —Fr. Patrick Confirmation Retreat Thank you for praying for our youth and adult leadership as they “retreat” to Birchwood Camp this weekend for a spiritfilled time. Names of the youth appear on page four. This is a very special time for our young people as they pray and discern our Lord’s voice in their lives. Thank you for supporting them through your prayers! - - Fr. Tom and Team • • • • • • • • HS Youth ~Thanksgiving Celebration Celebrating Bonnie Bezousek Small Steps Make A Difference Great American Smokeout An Adoption Love Story Remembrance Mass Nov. 21st ~7pm Annual Thanksgiving Day Food Drive Thanksgiving at St. Elizabeth’s • Annual Candlelight Vigil ~ Covenant House Nov. 20th Page 2 Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish / Chapel of Our Lady of the Snows Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish 2901 East Huffman Road Anchorage, Alaska 99516 Phone……………….……...(907)345-4466 Fax…………….…………...(907) 345-6361 Web…….…………….…..www.akseas.net Church Staff Father Tom Lilly…….……..….…Ext.715 Pastor [email protected] Father Patrick Brosamer……… Ext. 716 Parochial Vicar [email protected] Bonnie Bezousek…………….…Ext. 718 Director of Faith Formation [email protected] Fr. Patrick Brosamer ………...Ext. 716 Youth Ministry [email protected] Steve Siebs…………………………..Ext. 734 Director of Stewardship [email protected] Marilyn Picou…..……………......Ext. 713 Bookkeeper [email protected] Debbie Reaume………………...Ext. 710 Secretary/Scheduling [email protected] John Emery…………….………...Ext. 731 Director of Information Technology [email protected] Pastoral Council Members Dave Agosti Margaret Anderson Bonnie Bezousek Father Patrick Brosamer Janet Cowley Caroline Eddens Jessica Gutzwiler Sharon Hayhurst Father Tom Lilly Keith Manternach Lawrence Oraeki Bob Ourso Marti Pausback Jim Petrash Steve Siebs Diana Weber Finance Council Members Rita DeLaTorre Dave LeClair Fr. Tom Lilly Mayette Morein Marilyn Picou For Your Information… Visitors We welcome you! Please let one of our hospitality or pastoral ministers know you’re visiting with us, so we can say hello! New Parishioners We welcome all who wish to join our parish family! Please ask one of our hospitality members for a registration form. You will then receive a welcome packet with lots of exciting news about our parish and our Welcoming Committee will contact you. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults If you are interested in becoming a Catholic please contact Cheryl Roderer at 2500050 [email protected] or Joan Adler at 602-1561 or [email protected] Perpetual Adoration For information on adoration or to sign up for a weekly hour with our Lord, please contact Steve Siebs at 830-4472 or [email protected] Sick and Homebound Please contact the Parish Office if you would like Communion brought to you or a loved one, or if we can help you in any way. www.akseas.net Chapel of Our Lady of the Snows P.O. Box 378 Girdwood, Alaska 99587 Phone……………….……...(907) 783-1171 Web…www.chapelourladyofthesnows.org Maggie Donnelly………….…....529-4912 Mission Contact [email protected] Joan Lower……………………...223-3112 Reservations [email protected] Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton School 2901 East Huffman Road Anchorage, Alaska 99516 Phone……………………....(907) 345-3712 Fax………………….….…...(907) 345-2910 Web……..………..…..…..www.akseas.com School Staff Jim Bailey…………...………...…644-9723 Principal [email protected] Secretary [email protected] Peggy Dennehy…………………345-3712 Keith Morris Physical Education Hospital Visits When you’re in the hospital and would like a visit, please let us know by calling the Parish Office. Due to privacy policies, we will not be notified by the hospital if you have been admitted. Please help us by calling. Nicole Scherer Volunteer Hotline Spanish Music Beth Lottridge Computer & Library Bonnie Siebs Before and After School Care Lora Caitlynn Fowler [email protected] Mary Duer Sacrament of Baptism Please call the Parish Office to make arrangements for baptism preparation. Class dates vary to fit your needs. Daria Seckers Kindergarten Teacher Kindergarten Aide Lisa Orizotti First Grade Teacher Sacrament of Reconciliation Reconciliation is celebrated on Wednesday from 5:30 - 6pm and Saturday from 4:00 - 5:00pm and any time by calling the Parish Office and talking with a priest. Lou Ann Verbout Sacrament of Holy Matrimony Couples planning to marry are requested to make arrangements early, but at least five months in advance of the proposed date. Fourth Grade Teacher Bulletin Deadline Wednesday at Noon [email protected] Second Grade Teacher Ali Ann Stramilova Third Grade Teacher Rachel Marie Jansen Caroline Bradshaw Fifth Grade Teacher Eddie Ezell Sixth Grade Teacher School Board President Eric Ward 33rd Sunday In Ordinary Time November 16, 2014 Page 3 Please Pray For: + MASS SCHEDULE + Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish Saturday Vigil: 5:30pm Sunday: 8:30am 11:30am 5:30pm Holy Days: 9:00am and 7:00pm Monday to Friday: 9:00am Monday to Thursday 6:00pm (during Lent) Rosary follows Mass Reconciliation Wednesday 5:30pm to 6:00pm Saturday 4:00pm to 5pm Chapel of Our Lady of the Snows Sundays and Holy Days: 6:00pm Mass Cards Giving the gift of a Mass is a wonderful way to celebrate a variety of occasions in the lives of your family and friends. Be sure to stop by the office to see our Mass Card selection which includes cards for: Birthdays, Spiritual Intentions, Get Well, Anniversaries and Repose of the Soul. We would be more than happy to help you. Liturgical Schedules Liturgical schedules for Sacristan, Hospitality and Lectors can be found on our web site at www.akseas.net/ Ministries_Schedule.html Repose of the Soul: Nathan Reeves, Son of Shirley Reeves Sam Price, Father of Carin Bassler Chelsea Brown Megan O’Grady, Niece of Kay O’Grady Sr. Mary Faith Lautz Mass Schedule and Intentions 11/15 11/16 11/17 11/18 11/19 11/20 11/21 11/22 11/23 Readings For The Week Monday, November 17th Saint Elizabeth Of Hungary Revelation 1: 1-4; 2: 1-5 Psalm 1: 1-2, 3, 4 & 6 Luke 18: 35-43 Tuesday, November 18th Revelation 3: 1-6, 14-22 Psalm 15: 2-3, 3-4, 5 Luke 19: 1-10 Wednesday, November 19th Revelation 4: 1-11 Psalm 150: 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 Luke 19: 11-28 Thursday, November 20th Revelation 5: 1-10 Psalm 149: 1-2, 3-4, 6 & 9 Luke 19: 41-44 Chuck Berns Dorothy Miller James Malneritch Glenda Miller Katie Elliott Cindy Davis Julia Gebert Bennie & Julie Rodriguez Bea Combs Vito Ungaro Barry Simpson Mary Ann Keays Phil Sanker Sue Miller Micah LaSalle Brooke Robertson Sarina Germany Solita Encarnacion Irene Peterson Deb Raburn Laura Young Ken Young Laura Turpin Linda Lappi June Goard Mike Schneider Friday, November 21 The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Memorial) Revelation 10: 8-11 Psalm 119:14, 24, 72, 103, 111, 131 Luke 19: 45-48 Saturday, November 22 Saint Cecilia (Memorial) Revelation 11: 4-12 Psalm 144: 1, 2, 9-10 Luke 20: 27-40 Sunday, November 23rd Christ the King Sunday Ezekiel 34: 11-12, 15-17 Psalm 23: 1-2, 2-3, 5-6 1 Corinthians 15: 20-26, 28 Matthew 25: 31-46 5:30pm 8:30am 2nd Int. 11:30am 5:30pm 9:00am 9:00am 9:00am 9:00am 2nd Int. 9:00am 5:30pm 8:30am 11:30am 5:30pm ROS Frank Moore Sp. Int. Kay Toenies ROS Bill Dieruf People of the Parish Sp. Int. Greg Samorajski ROS Katlyn Wen ROS Cora Dennehy ROS Mary Wilcox (2nd annv.) ROS David Christopher Sp. Int. Bea Combs ROS Megan O’Grady ROS Sam Price ROS Lillian Krause ROS Nathan Reeves People of the Parish Pray for Our Priest Each Day Eternal Father, we lift up to You these and all the priest of the world. Sanctify them. Heal and guide them. Amen Mon, Nov. 17 Tues, Nov. 18 Wed, Nov. 19 Thurs, Nov. 20 Fri, Nov. 21 Sat, Nov. 22 Sun. Nov. 23 Pope Francis Pope Emeritus Bendedict XVI Archbishop Roger Schwietz Archbishop Emeritus Francis Hurley Rev. Thomas Lilly Rev. Patrick Brosamer Rev. Leo Walsh Page 4 Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish / Chapel of Our Lady of the Snows www.akseas.net Faith Formation Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration “Being such a powerhouse of grace, Perpetual Adoration extends its influence far beyond the individual adorers, touching their home and families and reaching out to the parish community and beyond.” --- Pope Paul VI SCHEDULES and TIMES PS-KN ~ 11:30-12:45pm 1st– Adults ~ 10:00-11:15am November 16,23 Dec,7, Community Sunday “Winter Survival Bags” December14 ~ last class before Christmas break! Adores Needed for the following hours: TUESDAY: TUESDAY: WEDNESDAY: WEDNESDAY: SATURDAY: SATURDAY: SATURDAY: SATURDAY: 1 AM TO 2 AM 11 PM TO MIDNIGHT 10 AM TO 11 AM 2 PM TO 3 PM 1 AM TO 2 AM 2 AM TO 3 AM 3 AM TO 4 AM 9 PM TO 10 AM *We are in need of co-adorers for these hours. Hourly substitutes are also needed. Please call: 830-4472 Or email: [email protected] Encountering God I invite you to ask God to break into your world and show you that he is present. Ask Christ to reveal himself and make himself known. The Lord desires that you encounter him. “Knock and the door will be opened to you.” (Matthew 7: 7) Sisterhood of Saints Keep your gaze on our most beloved Jesus, asking him in the depths of his heart what he desires for you, and never deny him anything even if it means going strongly against the grain for you. -Blessed Maria Sagrario of St. Aloysius Gonzaga A WEEKLY SCRIPTURE STUDY FOR ADULTS Celebrating the Lectionary Sundays ~ 10:00am ~ POC ROOM (room next to the elevator) Immerse yourself in scripture and grow in your faith! CHLDCARE PROVIDED IN NURSERY! COMMUNITY SUNDAY Sunday, December 7, 2014 10-11:00AM “WINTER SURVIVAL BAGS” Please help with donating the following: Wool socks, gloves, hand warmers, chap stick, throat lozenges, and tissues Place items in box located in church foyer. Please come and help assemble bags for the guests at Brother Francis Shelter. THANK YOU for your generosity and support! CONFIRMATION RETREAT Road to Emmaus: “Receive the Promise of the Holy Spirit” Please keep the following confirmandi in your prayers this week-end: Andrew Behm, Anne Calder, Aunica Campbell, Leah Cross, Jamie Diamond, Muriel Dittrich, Danika Donnelly, Patrick Droege, Julie DuClos, Ryan Emili, Alexi Erickson, Samuel Gebert, Hayden Hanson, Jonah Hayes, Lauren Hines, Jadeja Houchins, Nneamaka Isolokwu, Stephen Kagerer, Joseph Kemper, Caroln Kinzie, Te’a Lafferty, Marisa LaPlante, Erica Loughrey, Noelani Luevano, Nathan Lujan, Hannah Lukes, Liam Mamikunuian, Jack Martensen, Derek McGinnis, Kelly McGinnis, Marel Melgar, Alice Michaelson, Josephine Mills, Gwedolyn Quigley, Michael Ross, Sarah Rzeszut, Derek Scoggins, Jarod Smith, Matthew Streit, Marissa Turpin, Julia Wedelich, Skylar Workman, Zoe Xavier. Blessings to the 18 Adult /Young Adult a and Youth team leaders. May this week-end be filled with the gifts of the Holy Spirit for our confirmandi. 33rd Sunday In Ordinary Time November 16, 2014 Youth Ministry HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH NIGHT 7-9:00PM November 20, 2014 THANKSGIVING CELEBRATION Come join the evening of breaking bread together and giving thanks for all God’s gifts. Parents are welcome. Look for the sign up sheet. Questions? Contact: Jennifer Gargan at 907-315-2481 or email: [email protected] Junior High Night Tuesday, November 25, 2014 6-8 PM THANKSGIVING FEAST Please bring a food dish to share. What are you thankful for? Pictionary is the game of the night! Faith sharing, community, games and fun! Bring a friend. YOUNG ADULTS MINISTRY Check out Facebook SEAS CAYAC for Young Adults activities and events. If you need more information please contact: Oriele Jones at [email protected] Youth Choir 5:30 Sunday Mass Rebecca Haag, the music leader at the 5:30 Sunday Mass is looking for youth to join the music ministry. Junior high, high school, and college students and more are all welcome. Rehearsal starts an hour before mass. Come join! Page 5 Stewardship November 16, 2014 Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time “Well done my good and faithful servant.” With those words the master in Jesus’ Parable of the Talents smiles and rewards his servant. We often cite the Parable of the Talents in relation to stewardship. Because of our understanding of “talent,” we may assume that this is a parable about skills and those kinds of gifts. Of course, in this case, a “talent” is a unit of money. Scholars assume that the master is wealthy; therefore, whether one received five talents, two talents, or one talent, they most likely received a huge amount of money according to our standards. That is not the stewardship perspective of this parable. Each of us, just as the three servants in the parable, has received multiple gifts from God (the Master). The question posed by Jesus, and the question we must be prepared to answer at our own judgment, is “What have you done with the gifts you have received?” Everything we have and everything we become are gifts from God. Like the stewards in the parable, we have been given gifts. Do we develop those gifts and do we share them, or do we “bury” them and really do nothing with them? Those who do the former, return them with increase to the Lord, are not only complimented, but embraced and invited: “Come share your master’s joy.” Our Gifts of Treasure Annual Budget FY2015 Year to Date Needed 11-9 Year to Date Received 11-9 Sunday Collection 11-9 Building Maintenance Fund 11-9 $1,420,622.00 $517,651.00 $466,168.00 $44,603.00* $1,366.00 Thank You for Your Generosity! *total includes $20K year end donation November 1% & Youth Parishioner’s Collection Benefit’s Center for Drug Problems Youth Stewardship • • • I watched my little sister I picked up my room I gave 5 cents to God Page 6 Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish / Chapel of Our Lady of the Snows Stewardship Opportunities Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Assist in the distribution of Holy Communion. Open to Catholics in good standing who have received Baptism, Holy Communion and Confirmation. Must have a firm belief in and love for Christ in the Holy Eucharist. Respect for Life – A chairperson to lead the group in the Gospel of Life. Liturgical Receptions – Leads a group that prepares and/or serves refreshments for celebrations such as First Communion, Confirmation, etc. Environment & Arts Decorate the church building and worship space to complement the liturgical calendar and enhance worship. Nursery Open to parishioners with children at 8:30 and 11:30 Masses. We ask that those who use the nursery volunteer to serve occasionally. Capital Campaign Even though our newly-remodeled school building is open our fundraising efforts continue as we seek to pay down our mortgage. We now have a truly-beautiful faith formation space of which we can be justifiably proud. Thank you to everyone who has sacrificed to make this project a reality. Thank you for your continued support of our Capital Campaign to renovate our school/faith formation building. We are at 86% of reaching our goal of $3.0 million with one year remaining in our campaign! Thank you very much for helping in this effort! Total Amount Pledged to Date: $2,570,570* Cash Amount Received to Date: $2,201,330* Total Number of Participants: 392 * $64,708 Pledged prior to start of Campaign www.akseas.net Thank You, Bonnie! Join us after 5:30pm Mass on Saturday, Nov. 22nd, or after Sunday, 11:30am Mass on Sunday, Nov. 23rd, to express gratitude to our beloved Director of Faith Formation, Bonnie Bezousek, as she moves on to a similar role for the Archdiocese. We shall miss her and wish her well! Knights of Columbus Keeping Christ in Christmas Christmas cards are on sale once again in the foyer after all Masses. Come by the table and check out the selection. Cards will also be available at the Christmas Party with Knights available to answer any questions. Help the Knights keep Christ in Christmas this holiday season! Are you a Knight? The Knights of Columbus are looking for Catholic men 18 years and older who would like to help make a difference in their Church and community, please consider joining! The Knights are a Catholic family fraternal order with a focus toward church, community, family and youth. There are many benefits to being a Knight. Check out the Knight’s brochure rack in the foyer or talk to a Knight. 33rd Sunday In Ordinary Time November 16, 2014 Service, Peace and Justice “You may choose to look the other way but you can never say again that you didn’t know.” -William Wilberforce, English parliamentarian and leader of the abolition movement Small Steps Make a Difference: It sometimes seems that issues are so vast and complex, it makes no difference what we choose. As William Wilberforce suggests above, you will still know what you should have chosen. It is therefore inspiring to learn that sometimes we can make a difference by making our voices heard, especially as we try to care for our neighbor and our environment. The voices of shareholders along with the decisions of individuals and investment groups have made some corporations aware of needs and reforms: • Shareholders of various pharmaceutical companies campaigned for health care reform, a significant social policy issue. • Merck became the first major US pharmaceutical company to adopt Access to Health Principles to guide its mission of improving access to medicines, vaccines and healthcare globally. • Delta signed a code to protect children from sexual exploitation in tourism industry. • Hershey’s committed to source 100% certified coco – free of child labor – for entire product line by 2020. • Campbell’s is moving to develop sustainable water policies and adopt the Human Right to Water. • McDonald’s and Burger King decided in 2007 to pay an extra penny per pound for Florida tomatoes, the first significant pay raise in 30 years for tomato pickers. • The collapse of the Rana Plaza in Bangladesh awakened the global garment industry to unsafe working conditions and worker abuse, leading to the formation of an Accord on Fire and Building Safety. The result has been inspection and remediation efforts in 1,500 factories. These are but small steps, yet they move toward concern for workers, children, the dignity of the human person and for the environment. Source: Environmental Justice Foundation: ejfoundatoin.org Don’t forget Thanksgiving Blessing: November 24th, 2014: Check the Service Peace and Justice bulletin board for details on how to participate. Catholic Campaign for Human Development: This weekend the second collection helps reach out to those struggling in poverty. Please be generous in your support. Page 7 Health Ministry Your faith has made you whole. Lk 8:48 GREAT AMERICAN SMOKEOUT The State of Alaska Tobacco Prevention and Control Program, along with its key partners, are working together to prevent tobacco use and end this epidemic. One way is to support Alaskans who use tobacco in their efforts to quit. An effective and timely opportunity is the American Cancer Society’s Great American Smokeout— now in its 38th year — that will take place Thursday, November 20, 2014. WHY IS THE GREAT AMERICAN SMOKEOUT AN IMPORTANT DAY? It prompts people to quit smoking, if even for one day. In 1976, the year before the first official national Great American Smokeout, the California Division of the American Cancer Society successfully prompted nearly one million smokers to quit for the day. By quitting — even for one day — smokers will be taking an important step toward a healthier life – one that can lead to reducing cancer risk. ♦ Many who participate have been able to quit. ♦ Nearly 70% of Alaska’s smokers want to quit. ♦ Among Alaska’s adults who have ever smoked, 60% have quit. There is more information and a guide to quit smoking at the American Cancer Society’s website : http:// www.cancer.org/healthy/stayawayfromtobacco/ guidetoquittingsmoking/guide-to-quitting-smoking-toc Page 8 Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish / Chapel of Our Lady of the Snows www.akseas.net Respect Life AN ADOPTION LOVE STORY My husband Bill and I have been married for six years. Having children and raising a family had always been our expectation…. We soon learned, however, that having children of our own might not be so easy. [After various fertility treatments failed] we started talking about the possibility of adoption. However, it wasn't an easy decision, and I wondered if my heart was big enough to love an adopted child as I would my biological child…. We… decided to adopt domestically…. We would be chosen by a birthmother and… required to send pictures and letters to her frequently. …we would talk with the birthmother over the phone and meet her at the delivery. And there was always the chance she could change her mind, even days after the birth. I didn’t know how I would feel about all this and wondered if we were setting ourselves up for more heartbreak…. Four months later, we received a call that a birthmother in Florida had chosen us. She was seven months pregnant with a boy…. On the birthmother’s due date, we received the call that she was in labor. Bill and I dropped everything and hit the road to Florida to meet our son…. Would [his birth mother] regret that she chose us? What would I say to the woman who was going to place her child with us? …we met the birthmother who was still in labor. She was so sweet and personable, and we sat with her to support her as best we could. A few hours later, our son Andrew was born…. We spent the next day and a half with Andrew and his birthmother in the hospital getting to know each other a bit. It was hard to know what to say to her, knowing she was making the hardest decision of her life, knowing the pain she must be experiencing…. Later that evening, Christmas Eve, Bill and I left the hospital with Andrew. It didn't take long before there was no doubt in our minds that he was our son, the greatest gift from God! He really is our Christmas miracle. Andrew is two years old now, and it is so clear to Bill and me that God picked him for us. We can't imagine loving a child whom we conceived more than we love Andrew…. More and more every day we are so thankful to his birthmother for her selfless decision…. [Excerpted.] *Jenny and Bill are pseudonyms. Is God calling you to consider adopting a child or placing your child for adoption? www.usccb.org/respectlife PARISH ACTIVITIES Monday, November 17th 9:00am Mass & Rosary 7:00pm CSSI Class (POC) Tuesday, November 18th 9:00am Mass & Rosary 10:00am Scripture Class (POC) 7:00pm Prayer Shawl Ministry (Foyer) 7:00pm RCIA (1-3 & 2-4) 8:00pm Young Adult Fellowship Wednesday, November 19th 6:00am CSSI 9:00am School Mass and Rosary 10:00am Preschool Gym Play (Miki Gym) 5:30pm Reconciliation 6:30pm Social Committee Mtg. (POC) 6:30pm Cub Scouts Den Meeting 7:00pm Boy Scouts Mtg. 7:00pm Choir Practice 7:00pm Pastoral Council Mtg. Thursday, November 20th 9:00am Mass and Rosary 11:30am Women’s Spirituality Class and Luncheon 7:00pm Adult Faith Formation (room 2-4) 7:00pm Al-Anon (room 1-3) 7:00pm First Reconciliation 7:00pm HS Youth Fellowship Friday, November 21st 9:00am Mass and Rosary 9:00am Art and Environment 7:00pm Bereavement Memorial Mass Saturday, November 22nd 8:30am RCIA Retreat 4:00pm Reconciliation 5:30pm Mass 6:30pm Farewell Celebration for Bonnie Sunday, November 23rd 8:30am Mass 9:45am Coffee and Donuts (Miki Gym) 10:00am Faith Formation Classes 11:30am Mass 11:30am Rite of Acceptance 11:30am Preschool/Kindergarten Faith Formation Classes 12:30pm Farewell Celebration for Bonnie 5:30pm Mass 7:00pm Family Basketball Bereavement Ministry There will be a Remembrance Mass on Friday, November 21, at 7 pm at the church for all who have lost loved ones, — For them and for us. All are welcome. 33rd Sunday In Ordinary Time November 16, 2014 Thanksgiving Day Food Drive At the Thanksgiving Day Mass we will be collecting “youth friendly food and personal care items” which will be donated to Covenant House and Charlie Elder House. Covenant House Alaska began as an emergency shelter for kids in crisis, ages 13-20, and has grown to offering a multitude of services that assist our youth to develop self-sufficiency. It is open 24/7 to provide the food, shelter, and care, as well as the support and life skills they need to put their lives on the right track. Charlie Elder House is a program of Catholic Social Services that helps homeless, troubled teenage boys to live independently, achieve academic success, maintain positive relationships, and contribute to the community. The home provides a therapeutic environment, case management services and counseling services in cooperation with Alaska Children’s Services. We invite your kids to shop with you to purchase individually wrapped/packaged foods and personal care items that these youth involved in these programs would enjoy to include healthy snacks and lunch box items. Thank you for your generosity. For questions please call Alexandra at 3445952. Page 9 Thanksgiving at St. Elizabeth’s New to the parish? To Anchorage? Family all moved away? Dining alone? Or just want to dine with your parish family. Join us. We’re inviting all who are interested for Thanksgiving dinner on Thursday, November 28th. We’ll gather for appetizers at 2 pm, dinner at 3pm, dessert at 4pm. Come for one or all. Turkey and stuffing will be supplied at church. You are encouraged to bring your favorite family side dish, dessert, or appetizer (e.g., mashed potatoes, pumpkin pie, green been casserole). If you don’t have a favorite or are unable to cook or have not time, come anyway. Help us “guest-imate” by signing up on the sheet in the Miki Hallway. MILITARY RECOGNITION BOARD In the foyer there is a display of men & women in the military from our parish. If you have a son, daughter, husband, wife, grandchild or any other family member in the military please submit their name and, or picture to Debbie at the office. Let us continue to pray for these dedicated people & their families. TRINITY CD On Sunday, November 30, the music group Trinity will be at each of the SEAS Sunday masses to tell the story of "I Am Yours" - a song they wrote in memory of Deacon Ken Donohue. After each Sunday mass the trio will be selling their new Christmas CD "A Winter's Night". which includes "I Am Yours" as well as the season's best-loved hymns and spiritual favorites. CD's are just $10 each and HALF of all CD sales at SEAS will be donated to the Deacon Ken Donohue Memorial Scholarship Fund. Please help honor Deacon Ken's memory and support Catholic education while enjoying the sounds of the holidays from Trinity. CD's are also available at St. Paul's Corner, Vine and Branches Christian Bookshoppe, Anchorage Wine House and online at iTunes and Amazon. A selection of the songs on the album can be heard at www.reverbnation.com/trinityakonline. Religious Books and Gifts Sale Saturday, November 29th 6:30pm to 7:30pm Sunday, November 30th After all Masses BAPTISM CLASS I Is it time for your baby or young child to be baptized? Come to the baptism class on Sunday, December 14th at 12:45pm in the church POC. For more information, please contact: Debbie at 345-4466 or [email protected]. Food for Saint Francis House Food is collected for St. Francis House in our foyer and delivered after the 2nd Sunday of the month (Sunday, December 14, 2014) Please bring your non-perishable items to donate to the foyer. Thank you for helping feed the hungry! Slow, Mindful Stretching Class Every Tuesday, 6-7 pm in the SEAS Spanish/Music Room Bring a yoga mat and wear comfortable clothes. Page 10 Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish / Chapel of Our Lady of the Snows • • Kindergarten is preparing for their annual Thanksgiving Play. This year the title of our play is “It’s Not About the Turkey!” We have been learning about what the pilgrims brought with them on the Mayflower. What was life like for the Pilgrims when they first arrived at Plymouth? Did you know there were no stores, televisions, computers or cell phones back then? Kindergarteners enjoyed a visit by Sisters who came to talk to our school about the work they do in Africa. • • • • • • www.akseas.net Reconciliation means confessing your sins and returning to the Lord. – Drake I would be able to clean my soul anytime. – Sebastian I will be scared but it is nice. – Hayden It is a great moment. – Tyler It will be wonderful. – Shannon The priest can say to help your mom. – Riley I will get a new heart. – Elias It will be like a celebration. – Cameron Third graders are scientists in the making. They are delving into the earth’s landforms, erosion, and the preservation of the earth’s resources. Along with science, the third graders are mastering math skills as well. Subtraction is the name of the game and students are trying to perfect their skill with multiple digit subtraction. Our future is safe with these bright students! The Second graders are preparing for their 1st Reconciliation. When asked what Reconciliation means to them, this is what they said: • Reconciliation means when you tell the priest your sins. Reconciliation feels good to me. – Victoria • Only Catholics do it. It’s like putting your heart in a dishwasher. – Paul • Then our soul is clean from sin. – D’Aundre • Hopefully you will feel better after you confess my sins. – Maggie • You must tell the priest all your sins. I will confess my sins. – Erik • You are getting a clean heart, it means you are saying sorry. – Sienna • It makes me feel happy. – Madison • It is like getting baptism a second time. – Peri • You will have a clean heart when you confess your sins to Father Patrick. – Luke • When Reconciliation is over you must do your penance. – Michael • Reconciliation is a good thing to me. – Ayden • You can do Reconciliation as many times as you want. – Ty • You are getting closer to God. – RJ • I will feel happy when I confess my sins. – Roanne Fourth graders are writing “If I were President…” essays so they can change the world! Fourth graders think it would be fun to discover the pros and cons of leading the United States and what they would do to make our nation a better place. The Chapel of Our Lady of the Snows is a mission of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seaton's Church. The Chapel is set in the small mountain community of Girdwood. The peaceful surroundings offer beautiful scenery, and many opportunities for winter and summer activities. The Chapel of Our Lady of the Snows , with adjoining Meadows Community Center, is a perfect setting for weddings, receptions, rehearsal dinners, retreats, and non profit events. www.chapelourladyofthesnows.org For Reservations contact Joan Lower 223-3112 or [email protected] Please join us for : Sunday Mass at 6pm Adoration first Monday 7:30pm to 8:30pm 33rd Sunday In Ordinary Time November 16, 2014 TWITTER @PONTIFEX Being humble helps us share the burdens of others. SPECIAL EVENTS and EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES December 6 |Advent Reflection Day: Holy Spirit Center, December 6, 9:00 to 12:30. From Creche to Christ: A visual meditation on God’s gift of love to us in Jesus Christ. Enter into deepening prayer and contemplation through the dual lenses of Scripture and art. Selected art from the 3rd to the 21st centuries will be presented. Presenter: Susan Jayich, M.A. For more information or to register, contact Holy Spirit Center (907) 346-2343. Registration deadline Friday November 28, 2014. Register online at www.holyspiritcenterak.org or call (907)346-2343. Email: [email protected]. Cost: $35.00. Scholarships available for those needing financial assistance. HSC is located at 10980 Hillside Drive in Anchorage. Page 11 Candlelight Vigil - Covenant House Alaska Museum Courtyard on Thursday, November 20 at 6:00 pm for the Annual Candlelight Vigil, organized to raise awareness of Youth Homelessness in Anchorage and in cities across our country. The vigil will start at 6:00pm and will last for about an hour. Following the Vigil we will walk from the Museum to the Multipurpose room at the new Covenant House Alaska facility on the corner of 8th and A street for Hot Chocolate and Cookies. Typically this has been an opportunity for people to clean out their closets, go through winter gear and to bring in any gently used coats, hats, gloves, snow gear, and warm socks that might be of use to our homeless population. Donations are by no means required. Our hope is that you will join us and stand in solidarity with our youth as we recognize their struggle. Also this year the evening will be extended for the Sleep Out Executive Edition. 20 - 30 Executives from our Anchorage community who will be sleeping out this evening for two reasons: to raise awareness of youth homelessness in our community and to raise funds to keep the doors of Covenant House Alaska open in order to continue to serve the needs of homeless youth in our community. Check out who they are, and please support them however you can. THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING OUR ADVERTISERS Call Office at 345-4466 for - ADVERTISING POLICY - or click here for online version Lopetrone Trucking, Inc. End Dump/Sidedump Snow Plowing and Removal Bob Lopetrone, Owner/Operator (907)349-3542, Home (907)632-4549, Cell (907)344-1173, Fax Thomas J. Wells, DDS., M.S., P.C. American Roofing ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY DIPLOMATE AMERICAN BOARD OF ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY Quality Workmanship Licensed, Bonded, Insured Randall Hoskins Owner 2000 Abbott Road, Suite 200 Anchorage, Alaska 99507 Telephone (907) 277-4546 Office 345-8700 Fax 345-8701 ELDER CARE Owner Larry Partusch GOING ON A SHORT VACATION OR LONG TRIP ? Private rooms, short term or Long term available Leave your loved one in good hands! RABE ASSISTED LIVING HOME Huffman Area Call Josie at 727-4723 WWW. RABEASSISTEDLIVINGHOME .COM Nile P. Ersland , D.D.S. RYAN P. 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