ESTRO SchOOl Of RadiOThERapy & OncOlOgy www.ESTRO.ORg advancEd SkillS fOR TREaTmEnT dElivERy 09-12 February 2014 Amsterdam, the Netherlands new! mulTidiSciplinaRy TEaching cOuRSE On pROSTaTE cancER 23-27 February 2014 Amsterdam, the Netherlands 08-11 June 2014 | St. Petersburg, Russia imRT and OThER cOnfORmal TEchniquES in pRacTicE 08-12 June 2014 | Torino, Italy clinical paRTiclE ThERapy bRachyThERapy fOR pROSTaTE cancER 23-27 February 2014 | Nice, France undERSTanding and managEmEnT Of mORbidiTy cOmbinEd dRug-RadiaTiOn TREaTmEnT: biOlOgical baSiS, cuRREnT applicaTiOnS and pERSpEcTivES 19-21 June 2014 Dublin, Republic of Ireland new! cOmpREhEnSivE qualiTy managEmEnT in RadiOThERapy 06-08 March 2014 | Brussels, Belgium pArt i – risk mAnAgement & pAtient sAfety 26-29 June 2014 | Poznan, Poland mOdERn bRachyThERapy TEchniquES 09-12 March 2014 | Gdansk, Poland biOlOgical baSiS Of pERSOnaliSEd RadiaTiOn OncOlOgy dOSE mOdElling and vERificaTiOn fOR ExTERnal bEam RadiOThERapy 29 June - 02 July 2014 | Brussels, Belgium 09-13 March 2014 | Prague, Czech Republic ESTRO 33 pRE-mEETing cOuRSES mulTidiSciplinaRy managEmEnT Of hEad and nEck OncOlOgy 04 April 2014 | Vienna, Austria 29 June - 02 July 2014 | Athens, Greece phySicS fOR clinical RadiOThERapy accElERaTEd paRTial bREaST iRRadiaTiOn A joint course for cliniciAns And physicists 04-08 May 2014 | Madrid, Spain 06-09 September 2014 | Barcelona, Spain EvidEncE and nEw challEngES in REcTal cancER 08-11 May 2014 | Prague, Czech Republic TaRgET vOlumE dETERminaTiOn - fROm imaging TO maRginS 18-21 May 2014 | Brussels, Belgium baSic clinical RadiObiOlOgy 25-29 May 2014 | Istanbul, Turkey Eanm/ESTRO EducaTiOnal SEminaR positron emission tomogrAphy (pet) in rAdiAtion oncology 30-31 May 2014 | Brussels, Belgium 05-10 October 2014 | Varna, Bulgaria bEST pRacTicE in RadiaTiOn OncOlOgy - a wORkShOp TO TRain RTT TRainERS in collAborAtion with the iAeA pArt i - trAin the rtt trAiners 20-24 October 2014 | Vienna, Austria mulTidiSciplinaRy TEaching cOuRSE On lung cancER 24-26 October 2014 | Guangzhou, China cOmbinEd dRug-RadiaTiOn TREaTmEnT: biOlOgical baSiS, cuRREnT applicaTiOnS and pERSpEcTivES 02-05 November 2014 Yogyakarta, Indonesia advancEd TEchnOlOgiES November 2014 | India (date to be confirmed) ESOR/ESTRO cOuRSE: mulTidiSciplinaRy appROach Of cancER imaging 06-08 November 2014 Maastricht, the Netherlands 09-12 November 2014 | Lisbon, Portugal advancEd TREaTmEnT planning bAck to bAck with bAsic treAtment plAnning 21-25 September 2014 | Budapest, Hungary 23-27 February 2014 Nice, France EvidEncE-baSEd RadiaTiOn OncOlOgy: a clinical REfREShER cOuRSE wiTh a mEThOdOlOgical baSiS imaging cOuRSE fOR phySiciSTS bAck to bAck with AdvAnced treAtment plAnning 16-20 September 2014 | Budapest, Hungary 2014 28 September - 02 October 2014 Florence, Italy 3rd maSTERclaSS in RadiaTiOn OncOlOgy baSic TREaTmEnT planning new! imagE-guidEd RadiOThERapy and chEmOThERapy in gynaEcOlOgical cancER – fOcuS On adapTivE bRachyThERapy 07-11 September 2014 | Florence, Italy 14-18 September 2014 | Porto, Portugal 16-18 May 2014 | Tokyo, Japan advancEd bRachyThERapy phySicS clinical pRacTicE and implEmEnTaTiOn Of imagE-guidEd STEREOTacTic bOdy RadiOThERapy Clinical Particle Therapy 2014 TaRgET vOlumE dETERminaTiOn - fROm imaging TO maRginS 09-13 November 2014 | Vienna, Austria imagE-guidEd RadiOThERapy in clinical pRacTicE 30 November – 04 December 2014 Brussels, Belgium quanTiTaTivE mEThOdS in RadiaTiOn OncOlOgy: mOdElS, TRialS and clinical OuTcOmES 07-10 December 2014 | Vienna, Austria middlE EaST Course topic, venue and date to be confirmed Course directors Eugen Hug (USA), Oliver Jäkel (DE) Teachers Stephanie Combs (DE), Wilfried De Neve (BE), Pierro Forsatti (IT), Jean Louis Habrand (FR), Tadashi Kamada (JP), Marco Krengli (IT), Anthony Lomax (CH), Alejandro Mazal (FR), Peter Peschke (DE), Carl Rossi (USA), Marco Schippers (CH) Local organiser: Jean-Pierre Gerard Course coordinator : Miika Palmu COURSE AIM To provide a detailed overview of the clinical rationale and indications of particle therapy and the status of supporting medical evidence including status of clinical trials. To understand the distinguishing features of particle therapy compared to other radiotherapy modalities. To deepen knowledge of physical, biological, and technical aspects of particle therapy implementation in clinical practice To study particle treatment systems, dosimetry, treatment delivery, and treatment planning and to update about latest technological developments in particle therapy. To share experiences of challenges of particle centre projects in different health care environments TARGET GROUP The course is aimed at radiation oncologists, radiation physicists and professionals in allied fields. Knowledge of radiation oncology and radiation physics are prerequisites. The course will provide assistance and information for participants either directly involved in a clinical particle therapy project or wanting to update their knowledge about the status and prospect of particle therapy. EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMME Physical aspects of particle therapy with protons and ions Particle Generation, Accelerator Technology Biological aspects of particle therapy with protons and ions RBE determination, modeling and biologic planning optimization for carbon ions Carbon Ion RT at NIRS Specifics of physical treatment planning for proton RT Specifics of Active Scanning and IMPT Specifics of treatment planning for Carbon ion RT Biological plan optimization for carbon ion RT Clinical applications of ion beams Introduction of Clinical Partical Therapy Clinical specifics of Carbon Ion Therapy Carbon Ion RT at NIRS Current indications for proton and carbon ions Update on modern photon RT Physical and Technical approaches to the treatment of moving organs How to start a new particle therapy facility – from project planning to clinical operation Protocol and Journal club about latest clinical and physics developments New technologies for hospital based particle centres Current indications for protons and ions I Current indications for protons and ions II Current indications for protons and ions III Current indications for protons IV Current indications for carbon ions New technologies for hospital based particle centers New trends in radiation oncology and integration of particle therapy Future clinical directions and medical physics developments Proton therapy: Passive techniques Particle therapy: Active raster scanning/ fast scanning Parallel session on clinical and physical aspects of particle therapy • Clinical: Side effects of particle therapy, new trends in radiation oncology and integration of particle therapy • Physics: Image Guidance techniques, dosimetry and quality assurance Tour of facility Discussions WORKING SCHEDULE The course starts on 23 February 2014 at 9:00 and ends on 27 February 2014. To be able to start on time, participants are encouraged to register on 22 February from 17:00 onwards. Language The course is conducted in English. No simultaneous translation will be provided. Practical Organisation Course organisation For any further information please contact ESTRO: Miika Palmu [email protected] +32 2 775 93 48 +32 2 779 54 94 Course venue Centre Antoine Lacassagne 33, Avenue Valombrose 06100 Nice, France Local organiser Jean-Pierre Gerard, Radiation Oncologist Centre Antoine Lacassagne [email protected] Participants should register online at: These pages offer the guarantee of secured online payments. The system will seamlessly redirect you to the secured website of OGONE (see for more details) to settle your registration fee. If online registration is not possible please contact us: ESTRO OFFICE Rue Martin V, 40 | B-1200 Brussels +32 2 779 54 94 +32 2 775 93 39 | [email protected] Registration fees Up to 23/12/2013 inclusive After 23/12/2013 450 € 625 € Members 600 € 725 € Non members 750 € 850 € In-training members* * RTT members are eligible for the in training fee Technical exhibition Companies interested in exhibition opportunities during this teaching course should contact: Miika Palmu, Project Manager [email protected] +32 2 775 93 48 +32 2 779 54 94 The fee includes the course material, coffees, lunches, and the social event. Accommodation To book you room, please download the accommodation form from the ESTRO website: Advance registration and payment are required. On-site registration will not be available. Reduced fees are available for ESTRO members working in economically less competitive countries. Check the eligible countries and the selection criteria on the website of the ESTRO School. ESTRO GOES GREEN - Please note that the course material is now distributed onsite on a USB key. No printed course book will be provided during the courses. Since the number of participants is limited, late registrants are advised to contact the ESTRO office before payment, to inquire about availability of places. Access to homework and/or course material will become available upon receipt of full payment. INSURANCE and CANCELLATION The organiser does not accept liability for individual medical, travel or personal insurance. Participants are strongly advised to take out their own personal insurance policies. In case an unforeseen event would force ESTRO to cancel the course, the Society will reimburse the full registration fees to the participants. ESTRO will not be responsible for the refund of travel and accommodation costs. In case of cancellation, full refund of the registration fee minus 15% for administrative costs may be obtained up to three months before the course and 50% of the fee up to one month before the course. No refund will be made if the cancellation request is postmarked less than one month before the start of the course.
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