Page 18, November 12, 2014 The Saratoga Sun Legal notices NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL OF A LIMITED RETAIL (CLUB) LICENSE NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL OF A RESTAURANT LIQUOR LICENSE Notice is hereby given that on the 13th day of October, 2014, American Legion Post 54 d/b/a American Legion Post 54 filed an application for the renewal of a Veterans Club liquor license in the office of the Clerk of the Town of Saratoga for the following described property; Notice is hereby given that on the 7th day of October, 2014 HUGUS & CO, LLC d/b/a J. W. HUGUS & CO Filed an application for renewal of a restaurant liquor license in the office of the Clerk of the Town of Saratoga for the following described property; RB District, W ½ Lot of Block 11 & 12, All of Lot 13 & 14, Hot Springs Addition to the Town of Saratoga, Carbon County Wyoming; in a 29’ x 30’ room in the NW corner of the first floor of the building. HB District, Lots 5 and 6 of Block 12, Hugus and Chatterton First Addition to the Town of Saratoga, Carbon County Wyoming; in a 3’ X 4’ room in the south central portion of the building. And protests, if any there be, against the issuance of the renewal of this limited retail liquor license will be heard at the hour of 5:30 p.m. on the 18th day of November, 2014, in the Council Chambers of the Saratoga Town Hall, Saratoga, Wyoming. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL OF A RETAIL LIQUOR LICENSE Notice is hereby given that on the 24th day of September, 2014 PLATTE VALLEY FOODS, LLC (dba) Valley Liquor, filed an application for a Retail Liquor license in the office of the Clerk of the Town of Saratoga for the following described property; SE ¼, SE ¼, Section 14, T17N, R84 W 6th PM. HB District of the Town of Saratoga, Carbon County Wyoming; in a 40’ x 100’ room located in the south corner of the building. And protests, if any there be, against the issuance of the renewal of this retail liquor license will be heard at the hour 5:30 p.m. on the 18th day of November, 2014, in the Council Chambers of the Saratoga Town Hall, Saratoga, Wyoming. Police Department: No report Cindy Bloomquist asked the council if the garden board had Recreation Department: Di- to meet at the town hall or if rector Lisa Burton reviewed they could just meet wherever upcoming programs that are they preferred and whenever scheduled for the recreation it was convenient for them to department which include the meet. following: Clerk Cox noted that the ComNovember 14th - Glow In The munity Garden Board is like Dark Volleyball in conjunc- any other town board wherein tion with the HUB they are, by ordinance, to have December 1 – 6 –Missoula Chil- a designated place and time for dren’s Theater their meetings. December 11th – Ladies Night Out The next meeting will be held on November10, 2014 at 6:00 p.m. Department of Public Works: South Central Wyoming Street Department: No report E m e r g e n c y M e d i c a l S e r vices: Clerk Cox reported that she had received a resWater & Sewer: Mayor Zeiger olution from the SCWEMS brought Ordinance No, 828 board asking that the council before the council on third and consider supporting Resolufinal reading but asked if the tion No SCWEMS 3-2014, a council had any concerns or grant application for Pediatquestions before he read the ric Stretcher Restraints and ordinance. asking for permission for the Mayor to sign the Resolution. Clerk Suzie Cox reported that All grant applications applied she had received the ordinance for by SCWEMS must also changes from Ed Glode follow- be approved by participating ing the special workshop and partners and members of the regular meeting of the Water SCWEMS Board. and Sewer Joint Powers Board. Unfortunately Clerk Cox was Mayor Zeiger read Resoluin Nebraska on October 18th tion No SCWEMS 3-2014, a when it was received but stat- grant application for Pediatric ed it had been forwarded to Stretcher Restraints and CounTown Attorney Tom Thompson cilman Wilcoxson made a mofor his review and opinion for tion to support the Resolution third reading. It was reported with permission for the Mayor by Clerk Cox that the Ordi- to sign. Councilwoman Howe nance before the council is seconded and the motion carwhat was sent back to Clerk ried unanimously. Cox from the town attorney for the final reading. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Councilwoman Welton made a moMr. Thompson had omitted tion to go into executive session parts of the Ordinance that at 6:59 p.m. to discuss personthe Joint Powers Board had nel and matters of litigation in suggested. The ordinance accordance with W.S. 16-4should not bind any future 405(a) (ii) and (iii). Councilman councils in a manner that will Wilcoxson seconded and the make it necessary to make motion carried unanimously. amendments or adjustments if can be avoided. It omitted any Councilwoman Welton made a reference to splitting the in- motion to come out of executive crease in sewer rates because session at 7:19 p.m. Councilat this time they are purely woman Howe seconded and the speculative. motion carried unanimously. And protests, if any there be, against the issuance of the restaurant liquor license will be heard at the hour of 5:30 p.m. on the 18th day of November, 2014, in the Council Chambers of the Saratoga Town Hall, Legal #6440 Saratoga, Wyoming. Published in the Saratoga Sun Nov. 5 and 12, 2014 Legal #6436 Suzie Cox, Clerk Published in the Saratoga Sun Town of Saratoga Nov. 5 and 12, 2014 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE Legal #6432 NOTICE OF APPLICATION SARATOGA TOWN COUNCIL Published in the Saratoga Sun FOR RENEWAL OF A RETAIL HELD OCTOBER 21, 2014, Nov. 5 and 12, 2014 LIQUOR LICENSE AT 6:00 P.M. IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS OF THE Notice is hereby given that on NOTICE OF APPLICATION SARATOGA TOWN HALL FOR RENEWAL OF THE BAR the 30th day of September 2014 Rustic Bar, Inc, d/b/a, Rustic Mayor John Zeiger called the & GRILL LICENSE Bar file an application for the meeting to order. Notice is hereby given that on renewal of a retail liquor license the 3rd day of October 2014 in the office of the Clerk of the The Pledge of Allegiance was BELLA’S BISTRO, filed an ap- Town of Saratoga for the follow- recited. Members present were plication for renewal of a Bar & ing described property; Councilman Steve Wilcoxson, Grill license in the office of the Councilwoman Susan Howe and Clerk of the Town of Saratoga HB District, 22’ of Lot 1, Block Councilwoman Judy Welton. for the following described 1, Hugus and Chatterton First Councilman Mike McWain was Addition to the Town of Sarato- absent from the meeting. property; ga, Carbon County Wyoming; N ½ E ½ Lot 11 & N ½ of Lot in a 24’ x 36’ room in the SW A P P R O V A L O F A G E N D A : 12 Block 5 Hugus and Chatter- corner of the building. Councilwoman Welton made a ton’s First Addition of the Town motion to approve the agenda of Saratoga, Carbon County And protests, if any there be, with the addition of the followWyoming; in an 10’ x 11’ room against the issuance of the ing: Under Town Hall reports located in the south west corner renewal of this retail liquor li- – add the Noise Ordinance; cense will be heard at the hour prior to the Adjournment add of the building. 5:30 p.m. on the 18th day of an Executive Session to discuss And protests, if any there be, November, 2014, in the Council personnel. Councilman Wilcoxagainst the issuance of the re- Chambers of the Saratoga Town son seconded and the motion A discussion followed with two newal of this Bar & Grill liquor Hall, Saratoga, Wyoming. carried unanimously. members of the joint powers license will be heard at the hour board and the council with 5:30 p.m. on the 18th day of Legal #6437 APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: inserted comments from the November, 2014, in the Council Published in the Saratoga Sun Councilwoman Welton made a audience. Chambers of the Saratoga Town Nov. 5 and 12, 2014 motion to approve the minutes Hall, Saratoga, Wyoming. of the October 7, 2014 meet- The council taking in all coming as presented. Councilman ments and concerns postponed NOTICE OF APPLICATION Suzie Cox, Clerk Wilcoxson seconded and the any decision on Ordinance No. FOR RENEWAL OF A RETAIL motion carried unanimously. Town of Saratoga 828: An Ordinance Amending LIQUOR LICENSE in Part, Section 13.40.030 of Legal #6433 APPROVAL OF THE BILLS: the Town of Saratoga MuniciPublished in the Saratoga Sun Notice is hereby given that Councilwoman Welton read pal Code Concerning Monthly on the 9th day of October, the following bills for approval: Service Charge for Sewer SerNov. 5 and 12, 2014 2014, International Resort Accounts Payable: $87,335.31; vice until more information is Properties, LLC d/b/a, Sara- Payroll and FICA for 10/21/14 forthcoming. toga Resort and Spa, filed an in the amount of $55,752.31; NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL OF A RETAIL application for the renewal of and manual checks in the Weed and Pest: No Report a retail liquor license in the amount of $403.39 for a total LIQUOR LICENSE office of the Clerk of the Town of $143,491.01. Hot Pool: No Report Notice is hereby given that on of Saratoga for the following the 7th day of October 2014 described property; Councilwoman Howe made REPORTS FROM BOARDS DUKE’S BAR and GRILL, LLC a motion to pay the bills as AND COMMISSIONS: RD 7200 District, at the SE filed an application for the represented in the amount of newal of a retail liquor license corner of the intersection of the $143,491.01. Councilman Wil- Airport Board: Councilman in the office of the Clerk of the Saratoga Inn Country Club coxson seconded and the mo- Wilcoxson reported that at the Town of Saratoga for the follow- #1 Access Easement and Pic tion passed unanimously. last board meeting the airport Pike Road, Town of Saratoga, ing described property; board voted to recommend the Carbon County Wyoming; With CORRESPONDENCE: None appointment of Arlen Hughes to W ½ of Lot 4, E ½ of Lot 5, Block a 31’ X 29’ dispensing room presented the three year unexpired term 1, Hugus and Chatterton First located in the NW corner of the on the Airport Board. Addition, RB District; 2800 sq main lodge; Items from the Public: None ft Room on the West Side of Councilman Wilcoxson made a the Building located at 110 E. And protests, if any there be, REPORTS FROM motion to appoint Arlen Hughes against the issuance of the Bridge DEPARTMENTS: to the Airport Board to fill the renewal of this retail liquor lithree year unexpired term. And protests, if any there be, cense will be heard at the hour Town Hall: Clerk Suzie Cox Seconded by Councilwoman against the issuance of the of 5:30 p.m. on the 18th day of presented Requisition #2014- Judy Welton, the motion carried renewal of this retail liquor li- November, 2014, in the Council 47 to the council for approval. unanimously. cense will be heard at the hour Chambers of the Saratoga Town Requisition #2014-47 is the 5:30 p.m. on the 18th day of Hall, Saratoga, Wyoming. final Specific Purpose Tax re- The next Airport Board meeting November, 2014, in the Council imbursement request in the will be on November 12, 2014 Chambers of the Saratoga Town Legal #6438 amount of $9,487.23 and will at 1:00 p.m. Published in the Saratoga Sun require permission for the MayHall, Saratoga, Wyoming. Nov. 5 and 12, 2014 or to sign. Community Center Joint Suzie Cox, Clerk Powers Board: The next meetTown of Saratoga Councilwoman Welton made ing of the Community Center NOTICE OF APPLICATION a motion to approve the final Joint Powers Board will be held FOR RENEWAL OF A Legal #6434 Specific Purpose Tax reim- Monday, November 17, 2014 at MICROBREWERY LICENSE Published in the Saratoga Sun bursement request in the 4:30 p.m. Nov. 5 and 12, 2014 amount of $9,487.23, ReqNotice is hereby given that on uisition # 2014-47 with perWater and Sewer Joint Powthe 9th day of October 2014, mission for the Mayor to sign. ers Board: The next meeting International Resort Properties, NOTICE OF APPLICATION Councilman Wilcoxson sec- of the water and sewer joint FOR RENEWAL OF A RETAIL LLC (dba) Snowy Mountain onded and the motion carried powers board will be WednesBrewery filed an application for unanimously. LIQUOR LICENSE day, November 12, 2014 at the renewal of a microbrewery 6:00 p.m. Notice is hereby given that on liquor license in the office of Councilman Wilcoxson brought the Clerk of the Town of Sarathe 9th day of September 2014 Ordinance 9.20.050, {Disturb- Landfill Board: The next meetthe Hotel Wolf, Inc., d/b/a Wolf toga for the following described ing neighborhood at certain ing will be Wednesday, NovemHotel filed an application for the property; hours} before the council for ber 5, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. in renewal of a retail liquor license review asking that the council Saratoga. in the office of the Clerk of the RD 7200 District, at the SE consider changes to the ordiTown of Saratoga for the follow- corner of the intersection of the nance to allow light industrial Medical Board: No report Saratoga Inn Country Club and heavy industrial areas a ing described property; #1 Access Easement and Pic little more leniency than resiPlanning Commission: The HB District, 39.5’ on the West Pike Road, Town of Saratoga, dential areas. next meeting of the Planning side of Lot 9, 39.5’ on the East Carbon County Wyoming; With Commission has been rescheda 31’ X 29’ dispensing room side of Lot 10, West 27’of Lot A discussion followed covering uled to November 13, 2014 at 10, All of Lot 11 & 12, Block 27, located in the NW corner of the the monitoring of decibel lev- 5:30 p.m. to avoid Veteran’s SRE & I First Addition; located main lodge; els, issues that could impact Day. in a room 20’X19’ in the middle the saw mill (Saratoga Forest of the building on the first floor. And protests, if any there be, Management) although Gary Recreation Commission: The And protests, if any there be, against the issuance of the Irvin, manager of the facility, next meeting will be Monday, against the issuance of the renewal of this microbrewery had visited with the Mayor November 10, 2014 at 5:00 renewal of this retail liquor li- liquor license will be heard at expressing that if the mill was p.m. cense will be heard at the hour the hour of 5:30 p.m. on the having difficulty, he would cerof 5:30 p.m. on the 18th day of 18th day of November, 2014, tainly come to the council but Community Garden Board: November, 2014, in the Council in the Council Chambers of the no one was asked to speak on Mayor Zeiger thanked the Chambers of the Saratoga Town Saratoga Town Hall, Saratoga, his behalf and he does not have Garden Board and members Wyoming. Hall, Saratoga, Wyoming. any issues with the ordinance for the appreciation picnic that concerning the mill. they had held stating that the Legal #6439 Legal #6435 food was delicious and it was Published in the Saratoga Sun Published in the Saratoga Sun Discussion continued with con- amazing to be able to see all of Nov. 5 and 12, 2014 Nov. 5 and 12, 2014 cerns about light industrial ar- the plants and vegetables that eas and the impact of the noise had been grown in the commuordinance on small business nity garden. Although many of owners. No action was taken Find out what your local government is doing the town employees were not able to attend, the picnic was in the Saratoga Sun Legal notices. Fire Department: No report a huge success. Councilwoman Welton made a motion to seal the minutes from the executive session. Councilwoman Howe seconded and the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Zeiger reported there was no action taken. Adjournment: Being no further business to come before the meeting Mayor Zeiger adjourned the meeting at 7:20 pm. The next regular meeting of the Saratoga Town Council will be held on November 4, 2014 at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Saratoga Town Hall. Mayor John Zeiger ATTEST: Suzie Cox, Clerk Legal #6442 Published in the Saratoga Sun Nov. 12, 2014 Town of Saratoga Nov. 04, 2014 Manual Checks and Liabilities Blue Cross / $35,603.15 Blue Shield Wyoming $13,196.22 Retirement NCPERS Group Life $32.00 Deferred $220.00 Compensation AFLAC Insurance $820.28 Child Support $268.62 Service Child Support $134.77 Service Total $50,275.04 Payroll for 11/4/14 FICA for above payroll Total $42,763.47 $10,150.45 $52,913.92 Total Manual $50,275.04 checks from above Payroll and FICA $52,913.92 from above Accounts $74,589.10 Payables: Total $177,778.06 Total $177,778.06 Legal #6444 Published in the Saratoga Sun Nov. 12, 2014 Town of Saratoga Cash Requirements Nov. 04, 2014 American Express Load Saratoga High School Outside Loop Big R Manufacturing Carbon County Treas Hach Company Source Gas Lexisnexis Mathew Bender Macpherson, Kelly & Thompson Mader, Tschacher & Peterson Pitney Bowes $1,135.14 $1,000.00 $112.50 $6,008.55 $421.52 $164.04 $9.37 $112.43 $2,256.86 $1,000.00 $274.50 The Saratoga Sun November 12, 2014, Page 19 Legal notices Platte Valley $15.00 Community Center Platte Valley $3,985.48 Community Center WLC, INC $2,910.00 Safety Kleen $209.83 Saratoga Feed $9.99 and Grain Saratoga Sun Inc. $1,388.00 Trees Unlimited $630.00 Valley Foods $1.69 Wyoming Machinery $161.19 Company Keiser Corporation $129.82 Jennifer German $110.00 Vaisala INC $4,117.14 Valerie L. Larscheid $92.80 Susan R. Marich $307.00 South Central $12,675.00 Wyoming EMS Natasha N. Smith $282.60 Candy Mountain $21.50 CenturyLINK $12.15 Young, Rosalyn Mountain Crane Service Randall Kristen $27.20 $34,950.00 $57.80 Legal #6443 Published in the Saratoga Sun Nov. 12, 2014 GARAGE SALE AND CALL FOR BIDS Carbon County School District No. 2 is inviting anyone interested in purchasing used District furniture and equipment to attend the Garage Sale at the Old Hanna Elementary School, 300 2nd Street, Hanna, Wyoming, Saturday, November 15th, 2014, 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Sealed Bids will be accepted, Sealed bids must be received with unit number noted, on at the New Hanna Elementary the following items: School, 300 3rd Street, PO Box 1000, Hanna, Wyoming, 82327, or at the Garage Sale, Unit # Description b y 1 2 :0 0 p .m ., Sat urday, #330 2 0 0 0 F o r d E x c u r - November 15th, 2014, to be sion 179,342 miles – publicly opened and read aloud. Sealed bids arriving 3/4ton 4wd #329 2 0 0 0 F o r d E x c u r - after this date and time will not be considered and will sion (doesn’t run) 125207 - 3/4ton 4wd be returned to the bidder un#903 1985 Chevrolet Van opened. Faxed or oral bids will ( d o e s n ’ t r u n a w a y ) not be accepted. 220252 might be Carbon County School District 320252 #906 1990 Chevrolet Astro No. 2 reserves the right to reject any and all bids, waive irreguvan 225472 larities and informalities in the bidding process, and to accept - These items may be inspected in Hanna by contacting The Saratoga Harry at 307-339-8002 the bid they feel best meets the needs of the School District. All items are sold ‘as is’. Buyer shall remove items from sale site by 1:00 p.m. on sale day. Items remaining after 1:00 p.m. will be disposed of unless prior arrangements are made. Tonya Bartholomew, Clerk Carbon County School District #2 Board of Trustees Legal #6444 Published in the Saratoga Sun Nov. 12, 2014 Sun • 326-8311
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