Our Lady Queen of Martyrs 53 Prospect Road, Centerport, NY 11721 631.757.8184 www.olqmparish.org November 16, 2014 PASTORAL STAFF Pastor Father John D. Gilmartin [email protected] Pastor Emeritus Rev. Msgr. T. Peter Ryan Deacon John Rieger [email protected] Pastoral Associate Sister Eileen Corcoran [email protected] 631.757.6250 Children’s Faith Formation Ninette Euler, Director [email protected] 631.757.0720 Parish Social Ministry Kevin Blum, Director [email protected] 631.754.9045 Administrator: Mary Martin [email protected] Assistant: Judy Smith [email protected] Youth Minister: Bill Leone [email protected] Parish Facilities Director Alexei Korenevski Music Coordinator Deirdre Kupka Weekend Assistant Fr. Dowling, Fordham University PRAY WITH US Daily Masses Monday-Thursday at 12pm Saturday at 9am Weekend Masses Saturday at 5pm Sunday at 8am, 10am and 12pm Special Needs Masses Saturday, November 15th at 5:00pm Holy Days 7:30pm Vigil evening of the Feast and 9am on Holy Day CELEBRATE THE SACRAMENTS Baptism Second Saturday of each month at 1pm Preparation class required. Reconciliation Saturdays 9:30 -10am and 4 - 4:45pm Anytime upon request. Marriage Contact rectory to make necessary preparations. Anointing of the Sick 1st Saturday of every month at 9am. Please call the rectory if you are hospitalized or homebound. Additional information on our website. Faith Formation Our program serves children pre-school through high school (youth group). Adult Faith Formation Our adult faith formation has a primary focus of promoting spiritual growth and maturity of faith in our parish community. Parish Social Ministry The Church community calls us to respond to the needs of one another, locally as well as in Nicaragua, with compassion and care, respecting the dignity of each individual. Our Lady Queen of Martyrs welcomes persons with disabilities. Special seating and wheelchair area reserved at all masses. Hearing devices available. ~ Our Lady Queen of Martyrs ~ The Passionist’s donation to Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Many of you may be familiar with St. Gabriel’s Retreat House on Shelter Island. Fr. James Verity, a Passionist priest, founded this retreat house for high school students in 1961. Over the years, more that 120,000 students attended retreats at St. Gabriel’s. Father John first met Jim Verity when he was in grammar school and Father Jim gave an inspiring vocational talk. The two had a strong relationship and worked closely together at Catholic Charities. Jim Verity has passed away and St. Gabriel’s has closed and may one day be sold. The Provincial of the Passionists, Father Bob Joerger, reached out to Father John in the hopes that this parish would use the religious articles and furnishings from St. Gabriel’s and have its mission and memory live on here in Centerport. Our parish will be the new home of the outdoor altar and cross. Father John is consulting with the staff, parishioners and a liturgical designer to help with the placement and design of the space for the altar. This will be a truly unique addition to our beautiful landscape and we look forward to inviting the parish and the Verity family to an opening Mass in the spring. If you are interested in learning more about Jim Verity and St. Gabriel’s Retreat House, please contact the rectory to order a copy of his book, Meant To Be. The chapel at the Retreat House. The indoor wooden altar, cross, lectern, candles and chairs inside the chapel. The outdoor altar and cross. ~ All Are Welcome ~ Congratulations to Barbara and Joe Siniscalchi on celebrating the Sacrament of Matrimony on November 1, 2014. We welcome Jackson James Milback and all of the children who were baptized this past weekend into our Christian Community through the Sacrament of Baptism. Please join us on Thanksgiving Day as we celebrate the Eucharist. Mass of Thanksgiving Thursday, November 27th at 10:00am The Contemporary Choir will be singing. OVER 50 CLUB ANNUAl CHRISTMAS LUNCHEON Our annual Christmas Luncheon will be held on Tuesday, December 2nd at 12:00 noon at the Centerport Yacht Club. Cost is $33 per person. Please call Pat McDonough to RSVP or if you have questions. (631) 261-4206 Let us always meet each other with a smile. ~Mother Teresa The season of Advent begins this year on Sunday, November 30th. The Liturgical Environment members will once again have Advent candles and wreaths available for purchase after all masses on November 22,23, 29 and 30. The cost is $5 for candles and $12 for wreaths. Please remember the importance of family prayer as we await the birth of Christ and begin or continue using an Advent wreath each night. We will have a table with candles at the entrance of the church. ~ All Are Welcome ~ RE-FOCCUS MARRIAGE ENRICHMENT PROGRAM We will once again be offering a special program for married couples who want to increase the intimacy, communication and focus in their relationships. This program was offered here last Spring and was a big success. Couples shared how powerful this experience was for them and appreciated the insights they gathered which helped to strengthen the foundation of their marriages. ok if I’m hat it’s t w a s is not “I really t, my spouse ip isn’t fec lationsh not per e r r u o nd nts us perfect a rfection preve Pe perfect. an.” ing hum from be “No ma tte life, our r what goes o n in m first bec arriage needs to be ause if we nur and eac ture it ho all else w ther – everyon e and ill benefi t.” “Our usual date night was supplanted by this program but it’s been spectacular.” “Being at these classes, and away from all the other demands of life, helped me to focus 100% on my marriage.” The RE-FOCCUS Program consists of a couples’ survey and a series of workshops. During the 3 workshop sessions, facilitated by psychologist Dr. Tom Demaria, general trend responses from the Re-Foccus surveys will be reviewed. Only common issues that couples identify in their relationships will be covered in the workshops and we do not disclose any specific personal and private issues of couples. If couples would like to review specific issues, they can speak with Dr. Tom in a private session. The sessions are scheduled for 3 consecutive Wednesday evenings December 3rd, 10th and 17th at 7:00- 9:00pm. The program will conclude with a Mass on Saturday, December13th at 6:30pm where we have the renewal of Marriage vows. If you are interested in participating in this program, please contact the rectory to make an appointment with Father John to register for the survey. The Re-Foccus survey, which guides the content of the workshops, is taken on-line at home prior to the first session. ~ Youth Ministry ~ YOUTH GROUP HAPPENINGS Meetings Monday, November 24th -- 7:00pm Meetings are held in the Community Room. Bring a friend and come join us! Questions....comments....suggestions..... Contact Bill Leone at [email protected] ~~~~ CALLING ALL HIGH SCHOOL TEENS ~~~~ Mark your calendars and save the date for our next Youth Ministry Retreat in the Community Room. Friday, December 5th @ 6pm until Saturday, December 6th @ 3pm. Please e-mail Bill Leone at [email protected] to register and reserve your spot. Permission forms will be e-mailed. Questions.....comments......suggestions..... Contact Bill Leone ~ Living stories of faith, hope and love~ A mother of three approached OLQM Parish Social Ministry for support and direction. Due to a series of downsizing she, like many others, has found herself unemployed. The job search was going nowhere and her unemployment had just run out. She approached the office of Parish Social Ministry and asked if we could assist. Our response was multi-faceted, coming from many of the ministries falling under Queen of Martyrs Parish Social Ministry. A Core Worker was immediately assigned to her; someone who over a number of weeks would create a relationship and formulate a plan to move forward. She was given food from our Food Pantry, complemented by OLQM’s St. Vincent de Paul Society. To provide a weekly supply of food, the family would be added to the Food Ministry list of participants. Finally she and her family will be added to the 2014 Adopt-a-Family program. How can you help? ~ Parishioners like you can show your generosity by participating in the Adopt-a-Family program, easing some of the burdens that occur around the holidays. ~ If you have children in Faith Formation, explain why their participation in the Thanksgiving food drive with just one item can make a difference to supplement a family through Thanksgiving. ~ Contact Parish Social Ministry if you know of any employment opportunities. ~Your weekly contributions to the Food Pantry help tremendously. These are just some of the ways we as a parish can work towards a long term resolution to improve the lives of others. If there are other ways you can help, please contact Parish Social Ministry. St. Théresè of Lisieux was quoted as saying “Little things done out of love are those that charm the Heart of Christ”. “Faith does not make things easy; it makes them possible” TWITTER @ PONTIFEX ~For Information About Parish Social Ministry ~ ~the giving season~ The Giving Season Youth and Family Volunteer Opportunities The Giving Season is an opportunity for us, through Parish Social Ministry, to respond to the needs of one another and by doing so, come to know Jesus. By sharing our gifts, we are able to provide compassionate care to those in need within our faith community. Below is a list of community service projects for Faith Formation classes and families. Contact Maria Ryan for more information and additional events. Thanksgiving Bags Operation Christmas Child Parish Social Ministry is coordinating a food drive during the month of November. We have asked for various food items such as stuffing, green beans, cookies & other sweet treats to fill over 60 bags of food for those less fortunate. Our Faith Formation Students are included every step of the way from collecting the food items, decorating the Thanksgiving themed bags, filling the bags with donated food, to designing and attaching a meaningful Thanksgiving card. We are in need of additional food items for the bags and can use and extra set of hands to help on The shoebox is filled with items geared towards specific age groups and is then delivered to needy children around the world. The children that assemble these boxes are able to track the packages to gain an appreciation of poverty globally. A small shoebox can teach our children about the love of God and giving. Novemember 22nd to distribute turkeys. Holiday Wreaths and Cookie Bake for the Elderly and Homebound This project pairs young children with teens in a unique way. The younger children can create Christmas cards and or decorate a wreath with festive homemade holiday ornaments. older children bake holiday cookies that will be wrapped. The project is completed by attaching a greeting card signed and decorated by all of the participants along with an advent prayer. This gift can be delivered by the family or the faith formation class who prepared it. We welcome any and all assistance for this program which will enable us to spread comfort and joy to these special members of our parish family. Donations are appreciated to offset the cost of the wreathss. Please call or visit Parish Social Ministry to reserve your wreath,or find out about cards or cookie drive December 4th kits and cookies due December 6th delivery to homebound HiHi There are several ways to support HIHI. Call ParishSocial Ministry for more details. Week of November 17th~boxes due Saint Vincent de Paul Food Drive Will take place in the community room. Children and parents are welcome December 13th 9 am Adopt a Family The holiday season can be a challenging time of the year for many in our community. You too can be a “Secret Santa” for someone in need. Our parishioners provide assistance and comfort in a variety of ways. As a Parishioner you can select an individual or family in need to “adopt” in which you purchase gifts anonymously. For many of these families, this assistance is all they will receive for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Our goal to supply these families with Christmas gifts and Holiday food treats Call to be placed on our list of sponsors The Giving Tree Beginning early in December, stop by the vestibule at the back of the church and take an “ornament” that has an item needed for someone in our parish. Please wrap the gift and tie the “ornament” to the gift. By giving this gift, you are providing a member of our parish family the assurance that they are part of a faith community that cares. December 19th~gifts due under the tree ~ Parish Social Ministry’ ~ Our Next Respite for Children with Special Needs Saturday November 22nd 9:30 am~11:30 am In The Community Room (please note new time) Respite Teen Volunteer Training Thursday November 20th 5~6 pm The Society of St. Vincent de Paul ~ Bag Sunday November 22 & 23 This year bags will be distributed after Mass on the weekend of November 15 & 16. The bags will be collected before Mass during the weekend of November 22 & 23. Bags may also be dropped off in the Community Room during the week of November 17th. For Bag Sunday please donate non-food items which cannot be purchased with Food Stamps such as: PAPER PRODUCTS Paper towels Facial tissues Toilet tissue Napkins Diapers Trash bags Storage bags Aluminum foil Plastic wrap Pet food CLEANING SUPPLIES Laundry detergent Cleaning powder Cleaning liquid Sponges Dish detergent Window cleaner Scouring pads Bleach Dryer sheets Tub & tile cleaners Air deodorants/sprays TOILETRIES Baby wipes Shampoo Conditioner Tooth paste Tooth brushes Hair combs & brushes Deodorant Hand soap Liquid soaps Lotions Shaving cream Razors Sanitary protection Annual Food Drive~December 12 & 13 This year the Annual Food Drive will take place on Friday and Saturday, December 12 & 13. Non-perishable food will be collected between 3 and 7 PM on Friday, December 12, and between 8 and 11 AM on Saturday, December 13. Food may also be dropped off in the Community Room during the week of December 8th. ~Contact Kevin Blum or Maria Ryan at 754-9045~ [email protected] ~ [email protected] Attention Grade 3 Parents: Grade 3 Living Our Faith Celebration Monday, Nov. 17th from 4:30-5:15 PM in the Church “In the Spirit of Jesus, we reach out to help others.” Living Our Faith means Sharing with Others! Please join us for our celebration. + + + + + Attention Grade 2 Parents: First Communion Parent Meeting Tuesday, November 18th at 10 AM or 7 PM This is the second of our monthly meetings for 1st Communion PARENTS. If you were unable to join us in October, you can pick up your child’s book at this time. Please make every effort to attend our November parent meeting. + + + + + + + + + + + + + Scripture Lesson: Matthew 25:14-30 Don’t Bury your Talents! In today’s gospel story we hear about two people who do more than is expected of them, and one person who does nothing with the talent that was given to him. What does it all mean? God expects us to share our talents with others. This is a good time of year to think about all that we have been given. Next week we celebrate Thanksgiving, and we are asked to take some time to be thankful for all of our gifts and talents. After that we begin the Advent season, when we are asked to be generous with those who have less than we do. A lot of emphasis is put on gifts during this time. Perhaps we can stop and think of the talents that God has given us, and about how our talents can be gifts to others. Sometimes we may look at the talents that God has given to others and think that God hasn't given us very much. We might even be tempted to hide our talent. But God wants us to use our talents to be all that he intended for us to be! “HEAR OUR PRAYER” “Hear Our Prayer”, a book for our parishioners to write their personal prayer petitions and intercessions in, is now available in the back of the church. A special word of “Thanks” goes out to Noreen Brittenham, for the all the beautiful calligraphy used in our All Soul’s Day Mass for the deceased of the parish and in our Book of Remembrance. Thank you, Noreen! BOOK DISCUSSION GROUP RCIA THE RITE OF WELCOMING Today at the 8:00AM liturgy three candidates will declare their intention to enter the Catholic Church at Easter, thus expressing publicly for the first time their desire to become followers of Christ in the Catholic community. The Church marks this dramatic step in their lives by a liturgical ceremony called the Rite of Welcoming. Through the Rite of Welcoming, we greet Diana Benincase, Christopher Benincase and Burt Young, baptized in another recognized Christian Church and who wish to be received into full communion of the Catholic Church at Easter. Let us remember them in our prayers as they begin their journey. Pope Francis Room 10:00-11:30 Date: Book: By: November 18th Me Before You Jojo Moyes Date: Book: By: December 9th Defending Jacob William Landay Call: Mary Ellen Mack 757-3492 S. Eileen ~ PRAYER AND WORSHIP ~ Bill Ayres shares his reflections on the scripture readings. November 16, 2014 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time A reading from the BOOK OF proverbs Some of the words in this passage may seem sexist but remember it was written thousands of years ago. Since we know how women were treated, then we can understand this as a major step forward in promoting the status of women. Moving forward to our own time, we must admit that even though the last hundred years have seen many advances toward women’s rights, we still have a long way to go. More advances must be made in reducing violence toward women in families and outside of the home and in providing fairness in the workplace. There is a great line here that was beautiful and powerful and still is today; “Her husband entrusting his heart to her”. In marriage, we do entrust our hearts to our partner and receive theirs in return. How often do you think of that great trust of hearts in your marriage? It is a level of deepest intimacy that is difficult to maintain but a joy to experience. Let us reflect on this more often and rejoice in it forever. A reading from the letter of saint paul to the thessalonians One of the first major crises in the young church was the belief that was shared about the end of the world. Most people, including Saint Paul believed the end would come in their lifetime and so they were always to be prepared. Imagine the disappointment when years passed and Jesus did not come back to lead them to heaven. Many had made untold sacrifices, given up everything for the good of the community. Still nothing! Nothing! Nothing! What were they to do? Paul tells them not to worry about such things but it must have been a real test and trial for the people. Yet, they did endure and grow and most stayed faithful. That is not something we think about today but for our ancestors in faith it was a daily concern. Disappointment gradually was replaced by a true faith in Jesus and a lasting hope that he would come someday. REFLECTIONS ON the holy gospel according to matthew This is one of some forty parables in the gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke. Nowhere else in ancient writings do we find so many parables. Jesus used parables to help his listeners to enter the world as they knew it but on a much deeper level. They were all about the Reign of God, something radically new superimposed on everyday experiences. The third servant who buries the coins because he is afraid is like so many people of every age who live in fear. Throughout the Scriptures, God tells us over and over “Do not be afraid.” The reign of God, the knowledge of the true God, the experience of God’s presence in our lives should liberate us from fear. Tragically, far too many people have lived in an unchristian fear for too long. Saint John tells us “Love casts out fear.” That is the message of Good News. ~ Stewardship ~ A way of life ~ With the busy times of Thanksgiving and Advent season right around the corner, enrolling in Faith Direct today is a great way to ensure your gifts of treasure to Our Lady Queen of Martyrs are received even if you may be out of town. Please pick up an enrollment form from the parish office today or enroll online at www.faithdirect.net - our Church Code is NY229. Already using Faith Direct? Don’t forget to add your Christmas or End-of-Year contributions to your account this fall. Thank you in advance for your support and for using Faith Direct! STEWARDSHIP SHARING Current Previous Fiscal Year Fiscal Year November 9, 2014 November 10, 2013 Collection Collection Budget Envelopes Faith Direct Cumulative To Date Sunday Collections Budget $15,215 $17,450 277 105 $ 189,227 $ 174,500 $18,730 $17,020 296 113 $199,768 $188,660 Thank you for your continued support. Poor Box last week $272 November 16—Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time: The good news of today’s Gospel is the extravagance of what is being given us. All we need do is be faithful in “small matters.” The cost of fidelity has no comparison to the reward given. When you give the furniture, household items and clothing you no longer use to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, you are sharing God’s extravagant love. CATHOLIC MINISTRIES APPEAL 2014 PARISH GOAL: $106,200 PLEDGES TO DATE: $137,928 PAID TO DATE: $126,864 NUMBER OF PLEDGES: 293 Thank you for your support of the 2014 Catholic Ministries Appeal SPECIAL COLLECTION NEXT WEEKEND Next weekend, November 22nd and 23rd, we will take up the Collection for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development which includes Home Missions (CCHD). CCHD was founded 40 years ago by the bishops of the United States when they realized that the lives of those in need would not improve until the systems and policies that keep people in poverty were changed. For 40 years, CCHD has funded community groups that seek justice and create lasting change. Fight poverty in America. Defend human dignity. Give to the CCHD Collection. ~Praying for and Supporting One Another~ Mass intentions MASS INTENTIONS DATE TIME 11/15 5:00 PM 11/16 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 12:00 PM 11/17 12:00 PM PRAYER REQUESTS L OFFERED FOR Elizabeth Udziela Parishioners of Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Gavin Donnelly Vincent Tinari Marie Vitale Deborah Koob 11/18 12:00 PM Deceased Members of the Over 50 Club 11/19 12:00 PM John H. Waters - 1st Anniversary 11/20 12:00 PM Mimi Stanton Dickson - 1st Anniversary 11/21 et us especially remember those who have asked for our prayers. No Mass on Fridays 11/22 9:00 AM Mr. & Mrs. Henry Wackerman Mary Klosek - 1st Anniversary 5:00 PM Thomas Melia - 25th Anniversary 11/23 8:00 AM Ann Meise 10:00 AM Thomase Launi Helen Miller 12:00 PM Deceased Members of the Rousseau Family Jane Fleming Louise Ammirati Ken O’Brien Robert Caputi Laura Oliveri Glenn Crisafi Evelyn Darby Jim Hartnett Donald Kuntz Tom Corbett Colette Rielly Lina Gallo Alice Shatzle Fr. Edward Dowling Patrick Enright Mark Borstelman Jacqueline Rousseau Tom Smith Concetta Daurio Rita Deluise Jane Schiano-Wigutow Alicia Bunyan Karen Larson Thomas Mulhern William Clarke Dolores Reichle Armand Qualliotine Brenda McCusker Rita Liotta Deacon Rodger Miller Allison Kerr Franklin LaBarbara Betty Brennen Nancy Naughton Joseph Finneran Maria King Jamie Wrede Brian Dowling Alice Gabrielle Patricia Zvokel Matthew Ingrassia Neil King for the peaceful rest of all our beloved and friends especially Prayparishioners Vassalo, Gregory Kaleda, Paul Carlos Armas, and Jane Marcina. ay all those who have gone before us M share the joys of eternal life . Saturday, November 22nd 5:00 pm Msgr Ryan Sunday, November 23rd 8:00 am Father John 10:00 am Father John 12:00 pm Msgr. Ryan LIVING GOD’S WORD Faith does not keep our worlds protected and whole. It does instill in us patient endurance by which, the Gospel reminds us, we will save our lives. ~ In the Community~ PRAYER FOR LIFE LET US PRAY O God, our Creator, all life is in your hands from conception until death. Help us to cherish our children and to reverence the awesome privilege of our share in creation. May all people live and die in dignity and love. Bless all those who defend the rights of the unborn, the handicapped and the aged. Enlighten and be merciful toward those who fail to love, and give them peace. Let freedom be tempered by responsibility, integrity and morality. We ask this through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen. ************************************ MARK YOUR CALENDAR! MARCH FOR LIFE Thursday, January22, 2015 Washington, D.C. The Respect Life Office will be hosting the postmarch gathering at St. Joseph’s Church in D.C. and will provide signs for the event. More details for buses and registration are available on the Respect Life Office website www.respectlife.drvc.org. If anyone is interested, please contact the Diocese of Rockville Centre. Thank you. S. Eileen DIRECT SUPPORT PROFESSIONALS – $12.17/hr. Have you found it rewarding to work in the field of Senior/Dementia Care? Care for developmentally disabled adults in group homes in Babylon or Amityville. $12.17/hr. Parttime (weekends or evenings) Full-time (evenings + 1 weekend day or eve.; or Awake overnight) and On Call shifts available. Experience with developmental disabilities & Alzheimer’s care required. Training in group home operations provided. Essential functions include personal care & support with Activities of Daily Living (ADL), household maintenance, transporting/advocating for residents on medical appointments, leading activities designed to engage cognitive skills & administering meds. HS/GED, a clean, valid NYS Driver’s License & reliable transportation required. And a demonstrated ability to positively impact the health & well-being of senior residents. Email resume & cover letter detailing experience with senior care/dementia to: jobs@ catholiccharities.cc or fax to 516.733.7038. Include in subject line: “Seniors DSP – parish bulletin” CATHOLIC CHARITIES – “Care Our Huntington Interfaith Thanksgiving Service is scheduled for Sunday, November 23, 7:00 PM at the First Presbyterian Church of Northport, 330 Main St., Northport. Thank you to our host, the Rev. Tim Hoyt Duncan. The preacher for the service is the Rev. Jude Geiger, Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Huntington. All are welcome to join us for this wonderful community event.
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