1. Scientific Papers selected for PEDICON 2014 IAP AP State Chapter 35th Annual Conference (15th & 16th Nov 2014) Date Hall Time A. Dr.Y.R.Reddy Gold Medal ‐ 15.11.2014 II 2:45pm to 3:45pm B. Dr.G.V.R. Gold Medal ‐ 16.11.2014 II 11:30am to 12:30pm C. Dr.Chandrasekar Choudary Gold Medal 16.11.2014 II 2:30pm to 3:30pm D. Free Papers 16.11.2014 II 10:00am to 11:00am E. Dr.Ram Narsimha Reddy Gold Medal (Poster Presentation) 15.11.2014 Room Adjacent to Hall – I Display 10am to 12noon Judges visit between 2:30pm to 4pm PAPER SELECTED FOR AP PEDICON 2014 I. Dr.Y.R.Reddy Gold Medal, Place: Hall – II Dated: 15.11.2014, Time : between 2:45pm to 3:45pm Note: Time for presentation 8minutes and Q & A 2mts, Total 10mits 1. A study of serum zinc levels in children with simple and complex febrile seizures in comparison with febrile children without seizures. Dr.N.Jaya Lakshmi, 2. Vitamin – D deficiency and Asthma in children of age 2 – 6yrs Dr.Mrudula, 3. Liver profile in children with Dengue viral infection. Dr.Y. Rajani Priya, 4. Impact of lactation counseling of knowledge attitude and practices of mother, Dr.B.Kannaiah 5. Infant and young child (0 - 23 months) feeding practices of mothers in urban slums, Dr.Ch.Sindhoori PAPER SELECTED FOR AP PEDICON 2014 II. Dr.G.V.R Gold Medal, Place: Hall – II Dated: 16.11.2014, Time : between 11:30am to 12:30am Note: Time for presentation 8minutes and Q & A 2mts, Total 10mits 1. A Novel method to decreasing Exchange transfusion and duration of phototherapy : Dr.M.Venkateshwarlu, 2. Clinico-Etiological profile, Assessment of risk factors and immediate clinical outcome of respiratory distress in newborns Dr.Alekhya Rudraraju, 3. Impact of feeding practices on growth patterns of HIV infected and HIV exposed but uninfected infants, compared to normal infants Dr.G.Deepthi, 4. Incidence and clinical profile of Hyponatremia in Neonatal Seizures, : Dr.Bharath Kumar 5. Lactate clearance – A marker of prolonged stay in neonatal intensive care unit Dr.Gouthami, 6. A study of electroencephalogram (EEG) and magneticresonance imaging (MRI) of brain in full term newborns with hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) in comparison to full term normal newborns, Dr.V.Raja Rajeswari Sathi, PAPER SELECTED FOR AP PEDICON 2014 III. Dr.Chandrasekhar Choudhary Gold Medal, Place: Hall – II Dated: 16.11.2014, Time : between 2:30pm to 3:30pm Note: Time for presentation 8minutes and Q & A 2mts, Total 10mits 1. Prolonged acute diarrhea : Predisposing risk factors and etiology Dr.Vamsee Krishna Polepalle, 2. A Study to assess the knowledge in adolescents about transmission and prevention of HIV/AIDS _ A college based study, Dr.B.Rohit Kumar. 3. Clinico- etological analysis of status epilepticus children. Dr.P.Santhosh Kumar PAPER SELECTED FOR AP PEDICON 2014 IV. Dr.Ram Narsimha Reddy Gold Medal, for Poster Presentation on 15.11.2014 displayed by 10am, judges will be visiting between 2:30pm to 4pm Place: Dated: Time : Judges Hall adjacent to main Auditorium 15.11.2014, Display by 10am to 12noon will be visiting between 2:30pm to 4pm 1. Dr.Radhika, PG, 9885192550 , Pain of being painless 2. Dr.Rabindran, PG, 8712307790 Topic : Effect of Gestational age, birth weight, Sex and intrauterine growth in mentality & morbidity profile in very low birth weight babies during the Neonatal period . 3. Presented by Dr.R.Srinivas PG Topic : An early diagnosis of SANFILIPPO diseases and rare associate with A & D 4. Presented by Dr. Rekapalli Srinivas PG Topic : A Family with 2 cases of Hunter syndrome 5. Presented by Dr.C.Swetha, PG Topic : Clinical Spectrum of Behavioural disorders in Children 6. Presented by Dr. M.Venkateshwarlu PG Topic A Rare case of neonatal congential rickets. 7. Presented by Dr .Rekapalli Srinivas PG Topic : Beckwith Weidman syndrome. 8. Presented by Dr E.Ganga Bhavani, PG Topic : Protein Energy malnutrition at an unusual age. 9. Presented by Dr.K.Sachitra PG, Topic : Morquio disease mucopolysacharidosis type 4A 10. Presented by Dr. B.Santosh Avinash PG, Topic : Holt oram syndromelimb & Cradic Defects. 11. Presented by Dr.Siripuram Satish Kumar Topic : Case report of Joubert Syndrome 12. Presented by Dr. K.Sandhya PG 817966236 Topic : Crouzon Syndrome 13. Presented by Dr.M.Naveen PG Topic : Spondylocostal dysostsosis with renal malformations & persistent urachus – a rare entity, 14. Presented by Dr.K.Gouthami Ratna, PG Topic : A Rare case of eventeration of left hemidiaphragm with left kidney in chest. 15. Presented by Dr.Bharath kumar.S PG Topic: A case report on thoracic insufficiency syndrome in newborn. 16. Presented by Dr. K. Tulasi Deepthi PG Topic : Alcaptonuria 17. Presented by Dr.Ch.Sindoori Dr.S.V.Raja Rajeshwari PG’s Topic : Atypical Presentation of SLE. 18. Presented by Dr.Manojna Battina, PG Topic : Rare presentation of Tuberous sclerosis complex as stroke 19. Presented by Dr.Ravikishore Siddabattula PG Topic : A rare case Familial chylomicronemia. 20. Presented by Dr.M.Harika PG Topic : Rhizhomelic chondrodysplasia punctata 21. Presented by Dr.S.R.R.Madhurya, PG Topic : 22. Dr.Viswateja Chitturi, PG 9908945154, Topic : Osteo Petrosis 23. Dr.Spandana Rayala, 9618131366 Topic : Congental Hejatce fizision 24. Dr.Ravi Kiran Topic : Rosai dorfmansyndrome 25. Dr.Naila Mazhar Topic :Stugheb syndrome 26. Dr.Shilpa Reddy Topic : Thiamma Resposine negalblatec 27. Dr.Baddam Bhargavi Topic : outbance of sence throubrogypo in neonates adviterin terhory care in rual area 28. Dr.Monlika M. Topic : Retropoetry of premt in a thertary care sethy in a runal aree risktreat put come PAPER SELECTED FOR AP PEDICON 2014 V. Free Paper presentation Place: Hall – II Dated: 16.11.2014, Time : between 10am to 11am Note: Time for presentation 6minutes and Q & A 2mts, Total 8mits 1. Iron deficiency anaemia in children of age group 5-10 yrs and its impact on their cognitive functions, Dr.Mukkala Neena 2. Presented by Dr.A.R.M. Harika PG, Topic : Study of blood glucose levels in newborn with specific reference to hypoglycemia in sims. 3. Presented by Dr.R.Samyuktha PG, Topic : Knowledge, attitude and practice of breastfeeding among mother’s in postnatal ward and in mother’s attending immunization clinic in sims. 4. Presented by Dr.B.Brundha Reddy PG, Topic : 5. Presented by Dr.J.Ravi Kiran PG, Topic : Estimation of mean expiratory flow rates in healthy children from urban localities of southern Indian. 6. Transport of sick neonates to JIPMER – a simple clinical score at arrival and its effect on outcome by Dr.Deepak Rathod, from Pondicherry
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