Dear Parents/Carers November 2014 After a great first half term together, we are looking forward to a wonderful November and December. We hope that you find this newsletter useful but if you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact any of the Year 5 team. Literacy Initially, we will be learning about significant authors and their style of writing. We will also be looking at biographies/autobiographies and narrative genre. This will culminate in an exciting trip to the Harry Potter studios where will be able to immerse ourselves into Potter World! The children will create their own Harry Potter character and write their own adventure story using the skills learnt. Warner Bros Tour Dates 5D – Tuesday 18th November 5L – Wednesday 19th November 5B – Thursday 20th November Diary Dates Class Assemblies 5L – November 14th 5B – November 28th 5D - December 12th Parents’ evenings – 1st week Dec Christmas Fayre – December 12th Christmas Concert – December 17th Christmas Party – December 18th Games/PE 5B – Thursday and Friday (Sports Hall) 5D– Monday and Thursday (Sports Hall) 5L – Monday (Sports Hall) Wednesday Children will also be swimming on a rota basis on Wednesdays and Fridays. A letter will be sent out separately for this. DT/Food Technology This Half Term the children will have the chance to try out our new kitchen and prepare, cook and present a meal. We will base the food on South American cuisine to tie in with our ICC topic. There will be a charge of £3 per child which will pay for the cooking ingredients used during the year. Curriculum Maps and other information can be found at: Kind regards The Year 5 Team Amanda Bailey Daniel Lowe (Year Leader) Richard Donovan ICC This term we will be learning about South America and will base our cross-curricular learning on the book “Journey to the River Sea” by Iva Ibbotson. We will look at eco systems and deforestation; weather and climate; animals and their adaptations. Artwork will include work created by environmental artists. Science We will be putting a huge emphasis this half term on practical investigations, which will give the children an opportunity to plan their own scientific enquiry, gather evidence, analyse findings and draw conclusions. (see next page for Government recommendations). New Curriculum recommendation for Science Upper Key Stage 2 programme of study (statutory requirements) During years 5 and 6, pupils should be taught to use the following practical scientific methods, processes and skills through the teaching of the programme of study content: planning different types of scientific enquiries to answer questions, including recognising and controlling variables where necessary taking measurements, using a range of scientific equipment, with increasing accuracy and precision recording data and results of increasing complexity using scientific diagrams and labels, classification keys, tables, and bar and line graphs using test results to make predictions to set up further comparative and fair tests using simple models to describe scientific ideas reporting and presenting findings from enquiries, including conclusions, causal relationships and explanations of results, in oral and written forms such as displays and other presentations identifying scientific evidence Animation Film Premier We are hoping to show our animations, some of which have successfully been produced on the programme ‘Scratch.’ We will also create our own stop frame animations using digital cameras and ipads – watch this space for an invitation! Year 5 Autumn 1: Half term planning Week 1 Journey to the River Sea –South American Rainforests Week2 Journey to the River Sea –South American Rainforests Week 3 Journey to the River Sea –South American Rainforests Week 4 Journey to the River Sea –South American Rainforests Week 5 Journey to the River Sea –South American Rainforests Week 6 Journey to the River Sea –South American Rainforests Week 7 Journey to the River Sea –South American Rainforests Entry Point – Drama/role play and team building skills on Rainforests sessions organised by Visitors - UEA outreach group Geography skills Weather and climate data comparing the climate in South America to a temperate climate. Location of Rainforests Looking at Biomes in the Southern hemisphere The eco systems within the Rainforest and the features of the layers. The River Amazon – Life in the Amazonian Rainforest – link to literacy Global Celebration Artwork and DT Designing cards/paper/artefacts for global Celebration Persuasive texts designing posters to advertise an area within the Rainforest Environmental Art Andy Goldsworthy Adaptations of the plants and animals within the Rainforest – scientific skills base Deforestation Eco tourism – drama and role play empathy with the different roles within a society. Looking at palm oil and the products with it in Cross Curricular writing opportunities Taking notes in ICT on the life of JK Rowling– skimming and scanning for information Writing recipe using instruction text and features link to literacy and DT Non fiction writing – instructions for making a magic potion Persuasive texts – making posters Significant authors Biography – Significant authors Letter writing Significant authors Features of books by JK Rowling Writing a diary written from Maia’s point of view of her first impressions of the Rainforest – link to literacy Journey to the River sea Writing letters to oil company based on information researched on use of palm oil – link to literacy and ICC English: Start collecting information for a nonchronological fact file on a chosen aspect of the Rainforest – link to literacy and ICC/ICT Significant authors Journey to the River Sea Journey to the River Sea identifying features of a biography looking at own lives and that of JK Rowling and other authors. Features of a formal/informal letter Layout and presentation Compare and contrast styles, effect, content and characters. Discuss use of characterisation, setting and plot Assess and review Speech and use of language Writing own new story on the style of JK Rowling Provide reasoned justification for their view through drama Drama and role play – imagine being Maia predictions what would she do next? Decision making, Conscience alley International Creative Curriculum Spoken English, Reading Comprehension and Writing Composition In role – writing letter of acceptance to Hogwarts Compare and contrast styles, effect, content and characters. Setting and characterisation. Create own character for a new story Imaginative role play what potion and what happened? Sentence openers Reading comprehension based on first chapters – making predictions Use of first person to write diary account of the events in the story. Discuss writer’s use of language Descriptive sentences Vocabulary, Word classes Ispaced – sentence Visit to Harry Potter World ISPACED Use of paragraphs st Pronouns – 1 and 3 rd Uplevelling sentences Year 5 Autumn 1: Half term planning grammar and punctuation Simple and compound sentences Prefixes – mis/re construction Word classes – adjectives Simple, compound and complex sentences Embedded clauses Prefixes – re/over Spelling Maths Statistics To interpret and draw line graphs To know the difference between discrete and continuous data To draw own weather graph based on data from Inverted commas person tious/cious cial ant/ance/ancy ent/ence/ency Assess and review Statistics Multiplication Division Fractions Fractions Assess and review To find the median, mean and mode and range of data To identify multiples and factors, including finding all factor pairs of a number, and common factors of two numbers. To multiply and divide whole numbers and those involving decimals by 10, 100 and 1000. To solve problems involving multiplication and division where larger numbers are used by decomposing them into factors. To know and use the vocabulary of prime numbers, prime factors and composite (nonprime) numbers. To establish whether a number up to 100 is prime and recall prime numbers up to 19. To multiply and divide numbers mentally drawing upon known facts. To multiply and divide whole numbers and those involving decimals by 10, 100 and 1000. To solve problems involving multiplication and division, including scaling by simple fractions and problems involving simple rates. Compare and order fractions whose denominators are all multiples of the same number Add and subtract fractions with the same denominator and denominators that are multiples of the same number Identify, name and write equivalent fractions of a given fraction, represented visually, including tenths and hundredths Multiply proper fractions and mixed numbers by whole numbers, supported by materials and diagrams Reading scales – temperature charts ICC Finding the area of Hogwarts Link to Literacy Multiplication and division investigations based on Harry Potter link to literacy Harry Potter potions Measures link to literacy Harry Potter Potions Fractions Link to Literacy Maths game – Harry Potter for year 3s– link to literacy Sound Practical Investigations involving fair testing Practical Investigations involving fair testing Practical Investigations involving fair testing Practical Investigations involving fair testing Practical Investigations involving fair testing To investigate hypotheses using own data and find out the average of the data collected South America To find out how to calculate the range Maths across the curriculum Science Statistics – weather patterns in South America – drawing graphs of Rainforest weather ICC Live show at Theatre Royal – practical and fun experiments Finishing topic on Recognise mixed numbers and improper fractions and convert from one from to another and write mathematical statements Year 5 Autumn 1: Half term planning DT ICT Media and e safety PSHE “The Modern Alchemist” sound – carrying out mission of insulating the sound of an alarm clock. PATHS Feelings presentation to class PATHS How to control anger Testing the dunk Testing the strength of Testing air pressure Does light travel in How do you make a ability of biscuits – paper bags – link to using an egg and a straight lines? circuit? using criteria for fair ICC and environment bottle testing Each class to make and prepare a healthy meal using raw ingredients, including chopping, cooking and presenting skills. Link to ICC – Food from South America – Fajitas/Burritos/Enchilados Making ginger biscuits for the Christmas Fayre Link to Literacy – Animations Scratch Scratch ipads filming – using Exploring the Internet E-Safety Lesson Researching significant Using Scratch to Adding music Getting 2 sprites to stop frame animation Staying work safe authors programme own Changing the stage move using sensing Planning frame by whilst searching the Exploring a Cyber Café JK Rowling animations ( background) controls frame on a storyboard Web. and completing tasks How to use your related to E-Safety Researching facts for browser group work. Rainforest fact file Creating movie Finishing movie Anti-bullying week The feelings dictionary ‘Let’s Stop Bullying For All’ PATHS My own feelings story PATHS Making good decisions Treasure hunt – problem solving review. Identifying problems – Feelings, Goals and solutions French Greetings Numbers 1-15 Numbers 1-30 Colours Music Song writing using ukuleles Djembe drumming patterns/rhythms Pupils will learn the names of the different parts of a ukulele. They will learn how to hold the instrument and how to play two chords. Pupils will learn a song that uses two chords. They will rehearse and perform the song. Pupils will learn the chords of C major, F major and G major. They will perform different rhythms using these chords. RE cont from last term work on importance of Scriptures in religions The Bible The Bible How Young People Learn About the Bible Why the Bible is important to Christians. Exploring Christian symbols and learning more about what they represent PATHS Consequences – What might happen next? PATHS Making a good plan for problem solving Colour and number bingo How are you? How are you? Pupils will learn the song ‘Silent Night.’ They will perform by singing and playing the ukuleles. Pupils will select their own chords and compose a song. They will fit some lyrics to music. Pupils will rehearse and perform their own compositions. They will appraise their work. Reflect upon the use of colours to portray feeling and emotions. Identify symbols in buildings and those used by people Become familiar with the biblical stories retold Christmas Concert
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