T CAPITAL CITY SHAG CLUB NEWSLETTER HE PURPOSE OF THE V O L U ME 7 I S S UE 6 NO VE M BE R /D E CE MB E R 2 014 CLUB SHALL BE TO PROMOTE FELLOWSHIP President’s Message AND HARMONY AMONG ITS MEMBERS, TO PRESERVE SHAG DANCING AND BEACH MUSIC, AND TO H appy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year “2015” to all of you Capital City Shag Club Members! INTRODUCE SHAGGING TO JUNIORS AND OTHERS THROUGH SOCIAL EVENTS, CHARITABLE EVENTS, AND/OR WORKSHOPS. INSIDE THIS ISSUE CCSC 2014 Executive Board .................................... 2 Committees ........................... 2 Birthdays ............................... 3 Welcome New Members ...... 3 CCSC Shag Instructors ....... 3 Hall of Fame .......................... 3 To/From Our Members ........ 4 Christmas Party Flyer .......... 5 Extravaganza VI Flyer .......... 6 Calendar/FYI ......................... 7 Member Benefits .................. 8 Membership Application ..... 9 Capital City Shag Club PO Box 210368 Columbia, SC 29221-0368 This is our last Newsletter for 2014 and by looking back at our Club’s year we can say that we had a very good year! Among the good things that have happen this Club year, one of the most exciting is that we received an invitation from the Association of the Carolinas Shag Clubs (ACSC). It is an honor to have been recognized as a Club worth been part of the Association. The invitation was extended to us from Robin Morley, Vice Chairman of ACSC on behalf of their Board. In her letter she mentioned: “Capital City Shag Club has certainly made a positive presence in our shag Community.” You can all be proud of being members of this well thought of Shag Club. Please attend our next General Membership Meeting on Wednesday, November 19 and learn more about the ACSC and what it will mean for us to become members. At our General Membership Meeting of November 19, we will be visited by Helen Still, S.O.S. Board Chairman. She will share with us the benefits of being part of the ACSC. You may address questions at that time. As potential member of the ACSC, our Club has been given discounted “2015” SOS cards to sale, so if you would like to purchase an SOS card at $30.00, please see me or call at 803-315-2555 or e-mail at [email protected] and I will get one to you. (They would make great Christmas gifts !!) Capital City Shag Club has been very active again this year and our Membership is now at 265, Yea! Are you ready to party? Our yearly Christmas Party will be here before you know it– Saturday, December 6 in the NCO Club of Fort Jackson. I hope that you are making plans to RSVP and to attend. (See the flyer on page 5 for more details). At CCSC’s Christmas Party, we will introduce our Club’s “2015” Executive Board and will take Membership renewals for year January 1 - December 31, 2015. We will have our yearly Christmas Party Silent Auction and hope that you will come prepare to bid on some items (possible Christmas gifts). I encourage all our members to volunteer to help at our upcoming Capital City Shag Extravaganza VI. Our Co-Chairs are seeking Chairmen to fill the spots of some very important committees. Please, please help! (See page 4). Well, my second term as President of this wonderful Club, is coming to an end and in some ways it saddens me because in general, I have been proud to serve our Club (hopefully to the satisfaction of our members). I thank my Co-Board Members for their help and support. It takes all of us working together to accomplish the task. Looking forward to seeing you at Jamil or at our parties. My very best to all of you…. Josiane Horton CCSC President P.S. Please read this Newsletter in its entirety and mark your calendar for the events and parties coming up. PAGE 2 Capital City Shag Club Executive Board 2014 C A P I T A L Josiane Horton President C (803) 315-2555 Bob Patterson Vice President C (803) 360-5592 Wanda Jones Secretary C (803) 271-4794 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Renee’ Widener Treasurer C (803) 513-2460 Wayne Stephens Sergeant-At-Arms C (803) 206-2671 [email protected] [email protected] Capital City Shag Club’s Past Presidents Marlene Steiner “2008” C I T Y Will DiMirra “2009” Bob Mergle “2010” Cleo Gleaton “2011” Carole Cooper “2012” If anyone knows of illness or death of our CCSC members and/or family members, please contact Marie Kiesel, CCSC Communication Chair at 803-772-7577 or e-mail at [email protected] CCSC Committees S H A G C L U B The following committees serve our Club. If you would like to serve on a committee, please contact Josiane Horton at [email protected] or on her cell 803-315-2555. Bylaws - Nick Colvin, Will DiMirra, Lowry Stephens Communications - Marie Kiesel, Chair Dance Floor - Tommie Brant, Wayne Stephens Finance - Will DiMirra, Chair; Andy Andrews; JoAnne Catledge; Nick Colvin; Ron Stevenson Historian - Marie Kiesel, Chair Membership - Lynn Betterley, Chair Newsletter - Josiane Horton, Publisher/Editor Nominating - Bill Taylor, Margie Taylor, Nancy Duane, Will DiMirra, Otis Paris Parliamentarian - Tommie Brant CAPITAL CITY SHAG CLUB NEWSLETTER Shag Shop - Bunnie Harris (During Parties) Shag Extravaganza - Marie Kiesel, Henry Dowd Social - Coordinator - Wayne Stephens Ways & Means - Needs a Volunteer Web Site - Will DiMirra Web Master - Jeff Andrews **** P.S. To join or renew your Membership: See or e-mail Lynn Betterley, Membership Chair at [email protected] NOVEMB ER/DECEMBER 2014 Capital City Shag Club Birthdays November C A P I T A L C I T Y S H A G Joan Neese Henry Hardee Susie Lanier Kathryn Stacey Gene Sartori Shelby Rose Wayne Stevens Bill Bishop Barbara Roberts Russell Brant Dallas Rabon Frank McKinnon Brenda Miller Margaret McClellan Linda Young Dan Martin Susan Crabtree Donna Lawson Jim Lewis Janis Ruff Andy Andrews Diane Smith Marlene Steiner Dale Fuller-Marsh Keith Ballington Shirley Amick Robert Furry 01 02 03 03 04 06 06 08 08 09 09 10 10 11 11 12 14 14 15 16 18 18 21 21 24 25 27 PAGE 3 November - Continued January (2015) Joe Godfrey Richard Still Larry Lown Pat Sanders Mary Jo Donohue Sherry Moody Kathleen Rush Kathy Milasnovich Bill Henry Joseph Husbands Les Johnson Bill Taylor Guido Vacchio Jerry Byars David Ward Ruth Bearden Mark Shealy Nanci Cirmella Betty Jeffcoat Scott James Bob Mergle 28 28 30 December Sonny Easler Sammy Hunter Phillip Williams Margaret Wright JoAnne Catledge Warren Holsonback Bob Smith Ron Stevenson Ellie Hurlburt Jeanie Sartori Bill Scott Jimmy Davis Glenn King Tom O’Neal Joe Hartley Joyce Rutledge Jerry Kline Michael Bell Freda Hunt Carole Cooper Liz Smith Chris Lyles 02 02 03 05 06 06 06 06 07 08 08 12 14 14 15 15 19 21 23 25 26 31 01 02 03 04 05 07 07 08 10 12 13 19 22 22 26 27 30 31 Welcome New Members: ~ Robert Liles ~ Ann Bohler ~ Shirley Amick ~ Barbara Jones ~ Evelyn Jackson ~ ~ Dan Overcash ~ Ken Holgland ~ Kay Robert ~ Please introduce yourself and make them feel welcome! C L U B Capital City Shag Club Shag Instructors: Dan & Ann Humphries - Group, USC Lessons & Private Lessons available, 803-788-4007, [email protected] ~ JoJo Putnam (Hall of Fame) - Shag Lessons at large ~ Bill & Margie Taylor - Free Shag Lessons - At Jamil Shrine Center - 6-7 pm on first Wednesday of each month ~ Lewis Chavis & Nanci Cirmella - Group & Private Lessons available, 803-928-0303 or 803-608-5667 Jeremy Webb - Group & Private Shag Lessons available, 803-447-953, [email protected] Hall of Fame Shaggers: We continue to recognize the following “Hall of Fame Shaggers” as part of the Capital City Shag Club: JoJo Putnam~~Jan Morris~~Betty Kane~~George & Margie Morris CAPITAL CITY SHAG CLUB NEWSLETTER NOVEMB ER/DECEMBER 2014 To/From Our Members PAGE 4 The following members need our thoughts and prayers: Please consider contributing any of the following items: ☼ Continue to remember our members in thought and prayer for a speedy recovery to good health - they are: Fred Sharpe; Rita Dowd; Pat Sanders' son (Randy); Algie Grubbs; Sue Patterson; Larry Lown; Rose Lynn and Mary Jo Donohue. Home baked goods (pies, cakes, cookies); Handcrafted items (afghans, jewelry, woodworking, etc.); Original art and prints; Re-gifted items; Bottles of wine and liquor for a Basket of Cheer; Etc… Condolences: Please contact Margie Taylor or myself to arrange transfer of donated items or to volunteer to help. † To the family and friends of Jim Ruff who passed away on Saturday, October 11, 2914 after suffering a heart attack while visiting his daughter, Roberta Ruff, in North Myrtle Beach. Jim was a long time member of our Club, he loved to shag and was . friendly to everyone. He will be missed. Thanks, Congratulations: Josiane Horton at 803-315-2555 or [email protected] The Capital City Shag Club sends our congratulations to Brenda Clarke on the birth of her grandson, McCollum Legare Clarke, born Thursday, October 9, 2014 at 1:30 pm. He weighed 8lbs 10oz and 21 “ long at birth. Grandma says she is a proud “Yia Yia”. Mother and baby were doing great! Capital City Shag Extravaganza VI Your New Executive Board for Year 2015 From left to right: Otis Paris, President; Bill Bishop, Vice President; Josiane Horton, Secretary; Nick Colvin, Treasurer; Wayne Stephens, Sergeant- At-Arms. Margie Taylor at 803-951-1921 or [email protected] Please note the change on the Capital City Shag Club Extravaganza VI Flyer on Page 6. The Hospitality Room will be located on the Fourth (4th) Floor at the Embassy Suites on Friday and Saturday, March 27 & 28, 2015. A Note from Capital City Shag Extravaganza VI Co-Chairs: Dear CCSC Members, We are in need of Chairmen for the following committees for Capital City Shag Extravaganza VI: CCSC Shag Shoppe - We will help you to schedule members to work the Shag Shoppe Silent Auction TV Tickets Sale Sponsorship soliciting - The Sponsorship Folders are ready Thank you: A big “Thank you!” goes to those that took time to participate in the Richland County Sheriff’s Department Event “D.A.R.E.” They are: Marie Kiesel for coordinating it; Jimmy Munn & Barney Mims for being the DJ’s and transporting their equipment; Wayne Stephens for transporting the floor, etc.; Otis Paris; Renee Widener; Gene Polites; George Long; Helen Kearney; Monica Alexander; Carol Gasque; Chris & Sandy Lyles; Danny & Lillian Crews. You are all appreciated for representing Capital City Shag Club at this worthwhile event. Christmas Party Silent Auction: Marie and Henry I personally want to thank the reliable helpers that have agreed to help with the Christmas Party Silent Auction, they are: Margie Taylor, Georgia Colvin, Lowry Stephens and Rose Lynn. We need all our members to participate and we plea for your generosity to make this Silent Auction successful for our Club. Remember, this is YOUR CLUB. Shag Extravaganza has been nominated “The Best Shag Event of the Year” because of each of YOU the members and your help with Shag Extravaganza to make it the BEST!! Shag Extravaganza VI Co-Chairs [email protected] 803-606-3030 Please put forth your best effort and help Marie and Henry make this “2015” Shag Extravaganza VI the best of the bests yet! Thanks, Josiane Horton, CCSC President CAPITAL CITY SHAG CLUB NEWSLETTER —NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2014 CCSC Christmas Party CAPITAL CITY SHAG CLUB NEWSLETTER PAGE 5 NOVEMB ER/DECEMBER 2014 Capital City Shag Extravaganza VI PAGE 6 CAPITAL CITY SHAG CLUB NEWSLETTER SEPTEM BER/OCTOBER 2014 CCSC 2014 Calendar - FYI PAGE 7 Mark Your Calendar! Save the Information For Future reference!! Monthly CCSC Board Meetings Second Wednesday of each month Available to all Shriners and non-Shriners Nov. 12 - Beachcombers Silent Auction Nov. 14 - “Santas Cause” Spaghetti Dinner Nov. 29-30 - Sportsters 30th Annual Craft Show TBD December 20 - Shrine Bowl of the Carolinas $15/person December 31 - Jamil’s New Year’s Eve Party $40/person November 12, 2014 at 6:00 pm December 10, 2014 at 6:00 pm Quarterly General Membership Meetings Last one for the year! Wednesday, November 19, 2014 at 6 pm Upstairs at the Jamil Shrine Center You must be a member of Capital City Shag Club in good standing to attend Board and General Membership Meetings. Every Wednesday & Saturdays (Unless Jamil closes for Special Events) “Our Favorite Shag Night Place” Open at 6:00 pm Music at 7:00 pm Wednesdays at 7:00 pm - Covered Dish Dinner Bring your favorite food item or if you do not bring a dish you are asked to Contribute by putting cash or check (made out to CCSC) in the “Red Box” Most of the Proceeds from the Red Box go to Jamil Shrine Center at the end of the year and a portion to maintain supplies of paper goods and utensils for the Buffet table Saturdays - No Covered Dish Dinner unless for special Occasion (i.e. Birthday Parties, etc.) There is no cover charge so please help cover costs By supporting the lounge! Make sure that a Shriner personally signs you in!! OPEN EVENTS AT JAMIL SHRINE TEMPLE: From “Illustrious Sir Steve Tucker”, Potentate SOS Cards available At $30.00 for “2015” Josiane @ 315-2555 Josiane Horton, Publisher/Editor [email protected] 803-315-2555 IMPORTANT DATES COMING UP: CCSC Christmas Party and Silent Auction on Saturday, December 6th at the NCO Club of Fort Jackson. (RSVP needed) ACSC/SOS 2015 CALENDAR: SOS Mid-Winter - January 16-18 SOS Spring Safari - April 17-26 ACSC Summer Workshop - July 10 - 12 (Fairfax, VA) Junior SOS - July 14-19 SOS Fall Migration - September 18-27 Important Note to Our Members It is imperative that we have accurate responses to the RSVP’s for our club parties. We have to confirm arrangements for tables, chairs, decorations and food a minimum of 7 days in advance of a given party. Both late replies and no-shows are causing major headaches for the planners and wasting club money. We understand that issues arise at the last minute that could prevent someone from attending. However, it would still be courteous and quite helpful to tell us that you cannot be in attendance. The point of this article is to stress the importance of receiving your RSVP or your Cancellation Notice in a timely manner. We plan according to these commitments. We must continue to get a handle on attendance at the club parties. We are trying to spend the club’s money wisely and keep your dues as low as possible. Please help us do this for yourself and your fellow members. If you must cancel your reservation at the last minute, please call 315-2555. Thank you, CCSC Executive Board CAPITAL CITY SHAG CLUB NEWSLETTER NOV./DEC. 2014 CCSC MAILING ADDRESS: Capital City Shag Club PO Box 210368 Columbia, SC 29221-0368 PAGE 8 Capital City Shag Club Membership Capital City Shag Club Columbia, SC 12. Insider information of Upcoming Shag Events and what’s happening in the Shag World! We are now accepting applications for new membership and renewals for 2015 We encourage early renewals to the Capital City Shag Club. The Capital City Shag Club’s 2015 Membership Application is enclosed. Everyone must complete an individual application form - no two people to a form. 13. Being a part of the Capital City Shag Club’s threeday weekend “Park & Party” called “Capital City Shag Extravaganza” Tickets are now on sale at $75 per person. Contact Marie Kiesel at [email protected] The Capital City Shag Club Membership Year is from January 1 to December 31 of each year. Please complete the enclosed application, make your check payable to Capital City Shag Club and mail your application and dues to: All this for $45 per person - What a Deal! Membership dues are still $45 per person per year. Capital City Shag Club P. O. Box 210368 Columbia, SC 29221-0368 Below are all the great benefits you get for a low fee of $45! 1. Three (3) Super Parties that are fully catered, club subsidized drinks: Mardi Gras, Member Appreciation and Christmas 2. Our Yearly Anniversary Party We would love for you to come and share this exciting new season of possibilities and fun. You would be most welcome and we hope to hear from you soon. 3. Junior Shag Day 4. SOS Shooter Parties in North Myrtle Beach at Spring Safari and Fall Migration 5. Discounted group rates at the Avista Resort Hotel for SOS Spring Safari and Fall Migration 6. “A Super Web Site” www.capitalcityshag club.com an excellent way to stay informed of local and regional shag news and events 7. Super DJ’s playing Fantastic Beach and Shag Music 9. Wonderful friends 10. Being part of one of the Friendliest Shag Clubs 11. Being part of St. Patrick Day Festival at Five-Points, Columbia, SC on the third Saturday of March each year CITY SHAG CLUB Josiane Horton 2013 & 2014 President Otis Paris 2015 President Capital City Shag Club Columbia, SC #### Dates of the 2014 CCSC Remaining Party: 8. Six issues of our Newsletter CAPITAL For Community Service, we intend to continue donating to local charities and our partnership with the FivePoints Association Annual St Patrick’s Day Event. This is the Club’s way of giving back to our community. NEWSLETTER Christmas Party - Friday, December 6, 2014 (Including a Silent Auction) (Mark your Calendar & Make Plans to attend) NOVEMB ER/DECEMBER 2014
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