th th Pokies Trip: Saturday 7 & Sunday 8 February 2015 to Albury staying at the Boomerang Motel Albury Saturday night. Please see notice board for further details. Ron: 5986-3510 NATIONAL SENIORS AUSTRALIA – ROSEBUD BRANCH INC. COMMITTEE 2014 – 2015 Executive: President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Association Secretary Honorary Auditor General Committee: Membership Newsletter/Publicity Welfare/Zone Delegate Speakers/Deputy Delegate Welcome Desk/Assistant Membership Activities/Meet & Greet Walks/Catering Co-opted: Games Les Stephens Bob Gruin Margot Laidlaw Ron Kiteley Margot Laidlaw Jim Brown 5982-2870 5982-3492 5981-2974 5986-3510 5981-2974 Les Stephens Margot Laidlaw Les Stephens Bob Gruin 5982-2870 5981-2974 5982-2870 5982-3492 Shirley Gowty Aileen Townsend Pat Berry Jim Allison 5986-8874 5986-4060 0413-629-439 5986-3530 ROSEBUD BRANCH Inc. A0054952K 12th November 2014 If you are unable to attend a meeting would you please arrange for another member to register an apology and pick up a newsletter for you. email: Mailing address: [email protected] NSA Rosebud Branch Inc 43 Cook Street, McCRAE 3938 This newsletter is Private and Confidential. It is to convey information to the Members of National Seniors Australia and is not to be used for any other purpose. Puffing Billy luncheon trip October 2014 Photo: Robin Laidlaw Meetings held 1.30pm second Wednesday of each month at the Library Community Room, McDowell Street, ROSEBUD President’s report: Our day trip on Puffing Billy through the Dandenongs was a great success. The weather & the meal on the train were both first class, the coach trip was relaxing with a chocolate raffle on board. Lunch at Rosebud RSL early October was very nice with a good attendance. The Christmas lunch at Rye Hotel should also be an enjoyable day with you all. Your suggestions for activities are always welcome. Our next Committee meeting is on Wednesday 19th November where your suggestions will be discussed & implemented where possible. Your input is important to our branch. Keep well. Les. October report: Attendance: 20 members Apologies: Jill Sparrow, Frank Dempsey, Ida Clark, Diane Carew, Ron Kiteley, Peter Day, Marj Morris, Tess De Araugo Today: 10th December Speakers: Bob Cooper Christmas break-up with afternoon tea provided. There will be kris kringle whereby a gift of no more than $5 to be brought along by each member wrapped & marked M for male & F for female “Entertainment by Eight to the Bar” Birthdays: Happy birthday wishes from all your friends to: Marjorie Parr & Aileen Townsend (17th) Ron Kiteley (22nd) Bob Gruin 25th November . Enjoy your “special” day. Kitchen duties: Volunteers are required today please. We would like to thank all volunteers who help on meeting days. Activities: TODAY, please put your name in the Activity books on the side table for the respective activity you intend to join in BUT please phone the designated contact if later you find you cannot attend. Brunch: Sunday 16th November 10.30am. “Foreshore Café” Point Nepean Highway, West Rosebud. Aileen: 5986-4060 Games: Tuesday 18th November- 1.30pm at Jim & Joyce Allison, Villa 548 in the Village Glen, Eastbourne Road, West Rosebud. Come along and enjoy a fun afternoon. Jim & Joyce: 5986 3530 Christmas lunch: Wednesday 26th November - Rye Hotel at 12 noon. Final numbers required TODAY. Please put your name in the book also a $10 non refundable deposit in an envelope with your name & amount on the outside. Please come along & make his another great day. Aileen: 5986-4060. Bunnings Rosebud: Wednesday 3rd December 1pm until 2.30pm Gardening talk & demonstration with afternoon tea suppled. Numbers are required today to confirm booking. This is always an interesting day with lots of gardening tips & your gardening questions answered by experts. Aileen: 5986-4060 Walk: Thursday 4th December “Seawinds” Purves Road. Meet Murray-Anderson car-park (beach side) 10.30am. BYO – BBQ lunch. If unable to do the walk please join us for the BBQ lunch. Pat: 0413-629-439. Seawinds Community Hub: Allambi Street, West Rosebud, lunch each Wednesday during school term at 12 noon main course & sweet $5. Friday morning tea 9.30 to 11. $2 Coffee/Tea with FREE CAKE. Arrangements can be made to be picked up for both for a donation. Contact: 5982-2204. Membership: Please see Shirley or Les when joining or renewing membership so that our branch will get our “grapevine” commission Would you put your payment in the envelope provided with your name on the outside but do not seal it. Thank you.
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