OUR LADY OF FATIMA Dream Believe Achieve 16 Hinton Street, ROSEBUD, 3939 School Office: 59 500 400 Fax: 59 500 499 Absent: 59 500 444 Parish Office: 5986 1470 E mail: [email protected] Office: [email protected] Website: www.fatimarosebud.catholic.edu.au Dear Parents, Last night our Year Six students and their parents participated in a workshop evening in preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation. At the workshop, participants reflected on the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, how we see them in action through certain people we admire and how we can develop and use them in our own lives. Parents were asked to identify one of the gifts they could already see developing in their children. The children in turn named a gift they recognized in their parents. When you really look at the GIFT PACKAGE which is conferred at CONFIRMATION – you realize it is a comprehensive and powerful toolkit to successfully face so many of life’s challenges while retaining a sense of wonder and amazement at the world and all of God’s creation. The fantastic gift package includes: WISDOM COURAGE REVERENCE KNOWLEDGE UNDERSTANDING RIGHT JUDGEMENT WONDER AND AWE Confirmation reminds us – that the gifts are there for us to use. How we employ them in our own words and actions is our gift to others. We allow the Holy Spirit to work through us – particularly when we consciously name these gifts, ask for them in prayer and put them into action. As parents, some of the hardest decisions we have to make in bringing up children require large doses of Wisdom, Knowledge, Understanding, Right Judgment and Courage. This is especially true when we are torn between wanting our children to feel happy and safe – but also want them to learn important values and life lessons – and these can bring risk, conflict, consequences, disappointment and sadness. As you tread the fine line of parenting draw on all your resources. This week I remind you of the fantastic gift package available through prayer – and the ever practical, sound advice offered in Michael Grose’s parenting column. This week Michael writes on the subject of avoiding mistakes when disciplining your child. I hope you find the reflection through prayer and the article both helpful. REMINDER – SCHOOL CLOSURE DAY TOMORROW 15TH AUGUST Yours Sincerely, Monica Coyle PRINCIPAL ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ OUR LADY OF FATIMA - NEWSLETTER - Term 3, Week 5 14/08/2014 Up coming dates (new events listed) We have four exciting whole school events coming up in the next few weeks. They are: Book Week Dress Up Day – Thursday 21st August Father’s Day Breakfast - Friday 5th September Footy Day wear your team colours -Tuesday 16th September Other special events for selected year levels include: WHOLE SCHOOL ASSEMBLY in the hall every Monday morning at 9:00am All Welcome Confirmation Presentation Masses – Sat 16th at 5.30pm and Sun 17th August at 9.30am The Lions Club Quiz for our Year 6 Team at Rosebud Primary 7.00pm on Thursday 21 st August Year 6 Testing Day for those attending Padua in 2015 - Wednesday 3rd September The District Athletics on 10th September for those who are selected following our sports day. The Sacrament of Confirmation at 7.00pm in the Church on September 12 for Year Six The year 3/4 Camp to The Briars Mt Martha from Wed 17th to Friday 19th September END OF TERM DISMISSAL 1.00PM ON FRIDAY 19TH SEPTEMBER PARENT OPINION SURVEYS Thanks to all parents who have completed the paper surveys or the online version since the envelopes were issued to selected classes last week. We have been fortunate to secure an additional online allocation and will send these envelopes with access details home this week to the families who missed out on the first round. We really appreciate your time in completing the surveys. The strengths identified are affirming for staff and the directions we are taking. Any deficits identified will be taken into account for future planning. Some of the practices we have introduced in response to your feedback in recent years include: Introducing regular Monday morning assemblies, regular class emails to improve communication to parents, more extensive lunchtime activities programs providing greater choice for student play, both gates open at home time to improve access to the car park and the principal/deputy farewells on the gates each afternoon. Please be aware of the following notice sent through by the Catholic Education Commission of Victoria regarding data collection: This notice is from the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA), to advise you that ACARA has requested your child's school to provide ACARA with information about you and your child. Your school may disclose to ACARA information such as your child's gender, date of birth, country of birth, background language, residential address, parental occupation and parental education. This information is disclosed to ACARA under the ACARA Act 2008 for one or both of the following purposes: • formulating national reports consisting of aggregated data on school performance; and • assisting government to formulate policies in relation to education matters. ACARA will not disclose this personal information to any third party. If you do not want your school to provide this information to ACARA, please advise your school within seven (7) days of receiving this notice. Further information about ACARA can be obtained from the ACARA website at www.acara.edu.au. OUR LADY OF FATIMA - NEWSLETTER - Term 3, Week 5 Dream, Believe, Achieve 14/08/2014 ASSEMBLY Next Monday 18th August the Preps along with some Year 5 students will be sharing with us one of the Short Listed Books ‘I’m a Dirty Dinosaur’. We will have a quick review of all the picture story books in preparation for our ‘vote for your favourite book’ activity. This will kick off our book week celebrations in style. The Year 3 Recorder class will also perform at this assembly. The class awards will be held over until our parade day on Thursday. All are welcome to join us for the parade which will be held at 9.15 outside the hall if the weather is fine – inside if it is wet. Thanks to our Year 5 students and Miss Parker for sharing their Sovereign Hill experience via a very entertaining and informative movie at last week’s assembly. Well done also to Nirmal who performed on the piano. Other students to perform in recent weeks include: Christian and Joel singing and guitar, Ben D on piano, Lizzie singing, Charlotte and Jasmine on guitar from Year 6. The girls—Zara, Emma, Kaysie, Scarlett and Willow on guitar from year 4, Kevin on piano and Cohan on guitar from year 3, Annamaria on piano from Prep. It is great to see these students sharing their skills and talents with us. Natalie Furlong needs Fatima Basketball UNDER 9 BOYS BASKETBALL Two more players are needed to make up a team for the Under 9s. If you are interested please call Rachael Kerr on 0400 489 027. uniforms for a new Prep/Grade 1 team. If you have a uniform that you would like to donate or sell, please contact Nat on 0417 365 570 BOOK WEEK CELEBRATIONS This year we are conducting a number of activities to celebrate book week. This has included a visit from Rosebud Library staff on August 5th. Our aim is to have all children become members of the library by the end of August. There will be a classroom focus on all the Short Listed Children’s Picture Story Books, a book fair in the library and a special day on August 21st, where children will come dressed as a character from a book, we will hold a parade, host mixed age house team activities and a book week quiz. It promises to be a lot of fun. Di is also asking for parent support for the Book Fair to be held from 18th – 22nd August. LIONS CLUB QUIZ Our Year 6 team will compete in the Lions Club Quiz on the evening of Thursday 21 st August at the Rosebud Primary School Hall commencing at 6:30pm. The Year Six students who are representing our school are Patrick Pollard, Charlie Slater, Nirmal Vijay and the emergency is Jade Smith. We wish them all the best. Everyone is welcome to go along and spectate. I'm sure the students would appreciate your support. We wish to thank Rob Osorio from Sayvon Trees for looking after the trees in our playground following last week’s wild weather. If you need any tree services please contact Rob on 0417 102 166. Mary’s Van is serving free meals every Wednesday evening at the Rotary Park, Rosebud, to people who are finding it difficult to cope with everyday living. We are in need of more volunteers. Please contact Kristina on 5986 3432 if you are able to help—even if only once a month would be a big help. You can also talk to Ron and Colleen at the piety stall. SCHOOL FEES Can be made at any time. These are the payment options: At the school office by Eftpos, Credit Card, Cheque or Cash. Credit Card payments over the phone. Direct Debit payments either via your bank account or through Centre Link. Direct Credit payments via internet online banking. The school bank account details are; BSB: 083 347 Account No: 64160 5720 Bank: NAB Account name: Our Lady of Fatima Please use your child’s full name as a reference. Term 3 School fees are now overdue OUR LADY OF FATIMA - NEWSLETTER - Term 3, Week 5 14/08/2014 Dream, Believe, Achieve
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