No 559 Ufs 2015-08-13 Notices to Mariners, SWEDEN Swedish Maritime Administration Editorial office Swedish Maritime Administration Ufs 601 78 NORRKÖPING Sweden tel: 0771 630 605 e-mail: [email protected] Publisher: Hydrographer Patrik Wiberg 2015-08-13 2 No 559 Affected charts and Notices Underrättelser för sjöfarande (Ufs) is an official Swedish Affected charts publication which provides information pertaining to shipping 8 in the Baltic Sea Area and Kattegat, as well as Skagerrak east of a line drawn between Hanstholm and Lindesnes. 41 Notice no The information on foreign waters is largely confined to significant occurrences which may affect Swedish charts. Ufs is thus wholly unsuited for the purpose of keeping BAcharts and/or other national charts updated. 92 10573 93 10573 111 10562 An asterisk (*) in front of the number denotes that the notice is based on information obtained from Swedish source material and that the details contained therein affect Swedish waters. When the letter (P) is adjacent to the notice number it serves as an indication that the notice is of a preliminary nature. Such notices will later be replaced by corresponding ones containing definitive information. Similarly, when the letter (T) is placed adjacent to the notice number it denotes that the notice is of a temporary nature. In case no period of validity is given, this type of notice will be rendered invalid either when a new Temporary Notice is promulgated or if pertaining conditions cease to exist. 111 10574 (T) 421 10567 (T) 514 10561 616 10564 (T) 931 10340 931 10573 934 10557 1352 10340 6141 10563 Bearings are true and given clockwise from 000° to 360° and, when given in conjunction with lights, indicate a direction from seaward. 6142 10490 6144 10558 6145 10558 6163 10564 (T) 7411 10565 (T) 7413 10565 (T) 9313 10573 Featured chartlets are primarily intended to simplify chart correction work and are not always true to scale. In general, they show the largest charted scale available for respective area. Responsibility for the factual content published in Ufs rests with the informant. Chart corrections and other information attributed to a specific geographical area can be found under NOTICES. Other information is found under ANNOUNCEMENTS, starting on pg. 3. The periodical Ufs is normally published every Thursday and can be downloaded as a PDF-file from the homepage of the Swedish Maritime Administration. Note that as the file is automatically generated from a database unintentional page breaks may occur at random. Further information on the use of Ufs can be found in the annual publication Ufs A. Reporting dangers and errors All observations concerning floating aids to navigation, unlit beacons and lights, objects adrift or any other occurrence which may have a detrimental impact on safety at sea are to be forwarded to MSI Sweden at the earliest possible opportunity. Call: MSI Sweden VHF Channel: Appropriate working channel Phone: +46 771 630 685 (24/7) E-mail: [email protected] 10573 10567 (T) Sign 2015-08-13 3 No 559 ANNOUNCEMENTS No Announcements in this booklet. NOTICES Bay of Bothnia * 10567 (T) Sweden. Bay of Bothnia. E of Byske. Tåme. Gunnery exercises August 18 - 30, 2015. Position: Approx. 64-59N 021-21E Chart: 41, 421 Tåme Firing Restriction Area Gunnery exercises will be carried out from Tåme Firing range. The current extension of the closed area is given in the table. During firing a red balloon is shown from the observation towers. Further information on VHF channel 16, call Tåme skjutfält, or phone +46 (0)921-349100. August Time Range from shore 18 - 20 0800 - 1900 4,6 M 24 1200 - 1900 9,5 M 25 - 26 0700 - 2100 9,5 M 27 - 28 0700 - 1900 9,5 M 30 0800 - 1500 4,6 M Not shown in ENC. Bsp Bottenviken 2014/s06, s37 Försvarsmakten, Tåme skjutfält. Publ. 13 augusti 2015 Sea of Bothnia * 10561 Sweden. Sea of Bothnia. Nordmaling. Port of Rundvik. Buoy marker. Chart: 514 See: 2013:475/9183, 2014:476/9203 An orange-coloured buoy marker, indicated in which direction the anchor chain lies, has been deployed some 150 metres in NW-ly direction from the bow of the permanently moored barge. Insert buoy marker as shown 63-32,2N 019-27,5E Bsp Bottenhavet N 2013/s25 Rundvik - Nordmaling Marinegroup AB. Publ. 13 augusti 2015 Northern Baltic * 10490 Sweden. Northern Baltic. Stockholm. Lidingö. Käppala. Sewage pipe. Chart: 6142 2015-08-13 4 No 559 A sewer pipe has been established in Käppala marina. The sewer pipe serving the facility to empty septic tanks that has been established. Insert sewer pipe 59-20,9N 018-13,5E Bsp Stockholm M 2013/s11 Käppala Käppala Båtsällskap Publ. 13 augusti 2015 * 10558 Chart: 6144, 6145 Sweden. Northern Baltic. E of Nämdö and Runmarö. Updated information in the depth range 0 - 3 m. New shoals have been found in the archipelago east of islands Nämdö and Runmarö. Insert underwater rock a) 59-11,13N 018-47,76E SW of Tärnsörarna Insert shoal 2,8 m b) 59-11,74N 018-48,01E E of Måsskär Insert shoal 2,7 m c) 59-11,74N 018-44,60E W of Boskapsön Insert shoal 2,9m d) 59-13,04N 018-44,91E SW of Aspön Insert shoal 3 m e) 59-14,22N 018-48,30E N of St Bäckskär Insert shoal 3,8 m f) 59-14,21N 018-48,46E W of Skötkobben Insert shoal 2,8 m g) 59-14,52N 018-47,68E E of Krokholmen Insert shoal 3 m h) 59-14,51N 018-46,22E W of Granholmen Insert shoal 2,8 m i) 59-15,53N 018-46,98E NE of Långholmen Insert shoal 2,7 m j) 59-15,71N 018-47,78E NNW of Alkobben Insert underwater rock k) 59-14,87N 018-44,02E SW of Lill-Runö Insert shoal 5 m l) 59-15,11N 018-43,96E W of Runö Insert shoal 4 m m) 59-15,32N 018-44,04E SE of Barrskär Insert shoal 2,4 m n) 59-15,57N 018-44,56E E of Halvan Insert shoal 2,2 m o) 59-15,56N 018-44,73E E of Halvan Bsp Stockholm M 2013/s30, s31, s37, s38 2015-08-13 5 Archipelago E of Nämdö No 559 2015-08-13 6 Archiplego SE of Runmarö No 559 2015-08-13 7 No 559 Archipelago S of Runmarö Hydrographica. Publ. 6 augusti 2015 * 10564 (T) Sweden. Northern Baltic. E of Utö. Gunnery exercise. Aug 19 - 23, 2015. Position: Approx. 58-54N 018-20E Chart: 616, 6163 Utö Firing Danger Area Gunnery exercise will be carried out within Utö firing range. The current extention of the closed area is given in the table. Information during practice times VHF channel 16, call Utö skjutfält, or phone +46 (0)8 501 570 45. Information about upcoming practice times, phone: +46 10-823 18 23. Day Time Range from shore Aug 19 - 21 0900 - 1800 2.4 M Aug 22 0900 - 2230 2.4 M Aug 23 0900 - 1600 2.4 M Not shown in ENC. Bsp Stockholm S 2013/s18, s37 Försvarsmakten, Utö. Publ. 12 augusti 2015 Lake Mälaren and Södertälje kanal * 10562 Sweden. Lake Mälaren and Södertälje kanal. Lovön. Mörbyfjärden. Underwater rocks. Insert underwater rock a) Amend 3 m depth contour b) BSP Mälaren 2014/s49 59-18,75N 017-48,82E Chart: 111 2015-08-13 8 No 559 Underwater rock Sjöfartsverket, Norrköping. Publ. 13 augusti 2015 * 10563 Sweden. Lake Mälaren and Södertälje kanal. Stockholm. Gröndalsbron. Pile fendering. Chart: 6141 Expired notices: 2014:517/9902(P), 2015:534/10152(T) Construction of pile fenderings in the passage under Gröndalsbron bridge is completed. Due to this, the temporary restrictions regarding maximum breadth for passing ships is cancelled, as well as the prohibition to pass if visibility is less than 400 m. Insert pile fendering according to chartlet Delete text Under construction 59-19,1N 017-59,9E BSP Mälaren 2014/s50 Bridge Gröndalsbron Sjöfartsverket, Norrköping. Publ. 12 augusti 2015 * 10574 (T) Chart: 111 Sweden. Lake Mälaren and Södertälje kanal. Lake Albysjön. Recreational area Flottsbro Friluftsområde. European Championship for Hovercraft. Restricted area. Time: September 4 - 6, daily between 09.00 and 18.00 LT. During the European Championship for Hovercraft an area in the south-eastern part of Albysjön is restricted for all unauthorised vessels. Officiating vessels and units taking part in the event are exempt. Albysjön 59-13,97N 017-52,79E Not shown in ENC. BSP Mälaren 2014/s49 2015-08-13 9 No 559 Albysjön. Restricted area. Länsstyrelsen i Stockholms län. Publ. 13 augusti 2015 Southern Baltic * 10565 (T) Sweden. Southern Baltic. Karlskrona. Running and swimming event. Chart: 7411, 7413 Time: September 12, 0630 - 1700 LT At the following locations the passing of swimmers can be expected; by the marina at Handelshamnen, Saltösund, Dragöviken, Prästsundet, E of Högaholm and northern part of Långö to the mainland. Marina at Handelshamnen a) 56-10,11N 015-35,58E Saltösund b) 56-09,75N 015-34,17E Dragöviken c) 56-10,20N 015-34,08E Prästsundet d) 56-10,48N 015-34,33E E of Högaholm e) 56-10,51N 015-34,68E Northern part of Långö f) 56-11,00N 015-35,24E Not shown in ENC. Bsp Hanöbukten 2014/s40, s42, s43 2015-08-13 10 No 559 Swimming event Swimrun 2015 Karlskrona kommun. Publ. 12 augusti 2015 Kattegat * 10573 Chart: 8, 92, 93, 931, 9313 Sweden. Kattegat. SW of Göteborg. Light Trubaduren. New character and range. Character and range are amended on Trubaduren main- and subsidiary light as follow. Amend range to 14M 57-35,68N 011-37,98E Trubaduren, main light Amend character and range to Iso R 4s 9M 57-35,68N 011-37,98E Trubaduren, subsidiary light ALL Vol C: 0569 Bsp Västkusten S 2014/s18, s48, s49 2015-08-13 11 No 559 Light Trubaduren Sjöfartsverket, Norrköping. Publ. 13 augusti 2015 Skagerrak * 10557 Sweden. Skagerrak. W of Hamburgö and SW of Otterön. Mussel farms. Buoyage. Insert mussel farm a) 58-38,48N 011-12,98E Insert special spar buoy b) 58-38,36N 011-13,33E Insert mussel farm c) 58-33,54N 011-13,48E Insert special spar buoy d) 58-33,55N 011-13,50E Bsp Västkusten N 2014/s11, s13 SW of Otterön Chart: 934 2015-08-13 12 No 559 W of Hamburgö Saltea AB. Publ. 12 augusti 2015 Lake Vänern and Trollhätte kanal * 10340 Chart: 1352, 931 Sweden. Lake Vänern and Trollhätte kanal. River Nordre älv. Kungälv. N of Tjuvholmen. Changes to depths. A hydrographic depth survey has been performed in connection with works done on the northern embankment. New depth contours are shown in updated ENCs and will be included in the next edition of respective chart. Tjuvholmen, Kungälv 57-51,852N 011-59,001E Bsp Göta kanal 2011/s56, Bsp Västkusten S 2014/s62 River Nordre älv - Kungälv Sjöfartsverket, Norrköping. Publ. 13 augusti 2015
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