BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP SOFIA ACC APPENDIX 2.1 LETTER OF AGREEMENT between Bulgarian Civil Aviation Administration Romanian Civil Aeronautical Authority and BULATSA ROMATSA SOFIA ACC BUCUREŞTI ACC/ CONSTANŢA APP Effective: 11/12/2014 1 General 1.1 Purpose. The purpose of this Letter of Agreement is to define the coordination procedures to be applied between SOFIA ACC and BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP when providing ATS to General Air Traffic (IFR/VFR). These procedures are supplementary to those specified in ICAO, Community Regulations, interState or inter air traffic services provider’s agreements and/or National documents. 1.2 Operational status. Both ATS Units shall keep each other advised of any changes in the operational status of the facilities and navigational aids, which may affect the procedures specified in this Letter of Agreement. 2 Areas of Responsibility for the Provision of ATS. 2.1 Areas of Responsibility. The lateral and vertical limits of the respective areas of responsibility are as follows: Note: See para 2.2 for the description of the areas where delegation of the responsibility for the provision of ATS is applicable. 2.1.1 SOFIA ACC: Lateral limits: as published in AIP Republic of BULGARIA. Vertical limits: as published in AIP Republic of BULGARIA. ICAO airspace classification for the area of responsibility of SOFIA ACC along the common boundary of the areas of responsibility of SOFIA ACC and BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP is described in Annex B to this Letter of Agreement LoA between SOFIA ACC and BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP 11/12/2014 Page 1 BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP SOFIA ACC 2.1.2 BUCUREŞTI ACC: Lateral limits: as published in AIP ROMANIA, ENR 2.1. Vertical limits: as published in AIP ROMANIA, ENR 2.1. ICAO airspace classification for the area of responsibility of BUCUREŞTI ACC along the common boundary of the areas of responsibility of BUCUREŞTI ACC and SOFIA ACC is described in Annex B to this Letter of Agreement 2.1.3 CONSTANŢA APP: Lateral limits: as published in AIP ROMANIA, ENR 2.1. Vertical limits: Lower limit 2000 ft QNH up to FL 175. ICAO airspace classification for the area of responsibility of CONSTANŢA APP along the common boundary of the areas of responsibility of CONSTANŢA APP and SOFIA ACC is Class C. 2.2 Areas for Cross Border Provision of ATS 2.2.1 Areas for Cross Border Provisions of ATS in BUCUREŞTI FIR by SOFIA ACC Within the BUCURESTI FIR the provision of ATS in accordance with the airspace classification is performed by SOFIA ACC within the following designated area: Lateral limits: as published in AIP Republic of BULGARIA ENR 2.1.and AIP ROMANIA, ENR 2.1. – to be jointly established the way of CBS publishing in AIPs Vertical limits: as published in AIP Republic of BULGARIA ENR 2.1 and AIP ROMANIA, ENR 2.1. – to be jointly established the way of CBS publishing in AIPs Airspace classification: Class C See Appendix 1 2.2.2 Areas for Cross Border Provisions of ATS IN SOFIA FIR by BUCUREŞTI ACC Within the SOFIA FIR the provision of ATS in accordance with the airspace classification is performed by BUCUREŞTI ACC within the following designated area: Lateral limits: as published in AIP Republic of BULGARIA ENR 2.1.and AIP ROMANIA, ENR 2.1. – to be jointly established the way of CBS publishing in AIPs Vertical limits: as published in AIP Republic of BULGARIA ENR 2.1. and AIP ROMANIA, ENR 2.1. – to be jointly established the way of CBS publishing in AIPs Airspace classification: Class C See Appendix 2 2.2.3 Alerting Service The ATS Unit responsible for the provision of ATS in cross border sector shall provide alerting service and shall coordinate with the appropriate adjacent ATS Unit. 2.2.4 Territorial Matters The provision of ATS in the cross border sector shall not affect sovereignty rights of the host state. The airspace within limits of cross border sector will remain integral part of the host state territory. LoA between SOFIA ACC and BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP 11/12/2014 Page 2 BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP SOFIA ACC 2.3 Special Provisions Flights of state aircraft within the established cross-border sectors shall be executed as GAT with FPL submitted to the concerned ACC. 3 Procedures. 3.1 The procedures to be applied by SOFIA ACC and BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP are detailed in the Annexes to this Letter of Agreement: Annex A: Annex B: Annex C: Annex D: Annex E: Annex F: Annex G: Annex H: Definitions and Abbreviations Area of Common Interest Exchange of Flight Data Procedures for Coordination Transfer of Control and Transfer of Communications ATS Surveillance Based Coordination Procedures Supplementary Procedures. Checklist of Pages 3.2 These procedures shall be promulgated to the operational staff of the ATS units concerned. 4 Revision and Deviations. 4.1 Revision of the Letter of Agreement. The revision of the present Letter of Agreement, excluding Annexes and their Appendices, requires the mutual written consent of the signatories. Following the revision of the Letter of Agreement, both heads of ATCC SOFIA and ACC BUCURESTI, shall notify the ANSP Board through their nominated Contact Persons in relation with the respective revision. 4.2 Revision of the Annexes to the Letter of Agreement. The revision of Annexes and their Appendices to the present Letter of Agreement requires the mutual written consent of the representatives of the respective ATS units designated by the respective signatories, normally the Heads of Operations at the respective units. Following the revision of the Annexes to the Letter of Agreement, both heads of ATCC SOFIA and ACC BUCURESTI, shall notify the ANSP Board through their nominated Contact Persons in relation with the respective revision. 4.3 Temporary Deviations. When necessary, the Supervisors of the ATS units concerned may introduce, by mutual agreement and for a specified time period, temporary modifications to the procedures laid down in the Annexes to the present Letter of Agreement. 4.4 Incidental Deviations Instances may arise where incidental deviations from the procedures specified in the Annexes to this Letter of Agreement may become necessary. Under these circumstances air traffic controllers are expected to exercise their best judgement to ensure the safety and efficiency of air traffic. 5 Cancellation 5.1 Cancellation of the present Letter of Agreement by mutual consent of the respective Approving Authorities may take place at any time. LoA between SOFIA ACC and BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP 11/12/2014 Page 3 BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP SOFIA ACC Appendix 1 1.1. Sector DF 1 Horizontal limits: 435213N0255833E - 435647N0254432E 435846N0252818E - 435824N0250009E 434153N0244148E – then national border between Republic of Bulgaria and Romania to the point of origin. Vertical Limits: Lower limit – FL 245 Upper Limit – FL 660 Airspace classification (ICAO): Class C Provided services: Service ATS SUR COM MET AIS ANS Provider/unit BULATSA/ACC Sofia BULATSA BULATSA ROMATSA ROMATSA LoA between SOFIA ACC and BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP 11/12/2014 Page 0 BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP SOFIA ACC Appendix 2 1.2. Sector DF 2 Horizontal limits: 434408N0283004E - 433855N0282535E – 440826N0270101E – then national border between Republic of Bulgaria and Romania to the point of origin Vertical Limits: Lower limit – FL 245 Upper Limit – FL 660 Airspace classification (ICAO): Class C LoA between SOFIA ACC and BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP 11/12/2014 Page 1 BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP SOFIA ACC RECORD OF AMENDMENTS Number Date Annex modified LoA between SOFIA ACC and BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP 11/12/2014 Page No. added cancelled Page 2 BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP SOFIA ACC Annex A Definitions and Abbreviations Effective: 11/12/2014 Revised: A.1 Definitions A.1.1 Area of Responsibility An airspace of defined dimensions where a sole ATS unit has responsibility for providing air traffic services. A.1.2 Area of Common Interest A volume of airspace as agreed between 2 ATS Units, extending into the adjacent/subjacent Areas of Responsibility, within which airspace structure and related activities may have an impact on air traffic coordination procedures. A.1.3 Division Level (DL). The level dividing two super-imposed areas of responsibility for the provision of ATS. A.1.4 Free Route Airspace (FRA) A specified airspace within which users may freely plan a route between a defined entry point and a defined exit point, with the possibility to route via intermediate (published or unpublished) way points, without reference to the ATS route network, subject to airspace availability. Within this airspace, flights remain subject to air traffic control. A.1.5 FRA Arrival Connection Point (A) A published NAVAID/Significant Point to which FRA operation is allowed to arriving traffic. A.1.6 FRA Departure Connection Point (D) A published NAVAID/Significant Point to which FRA operation is allowed for departing traffic. A.1.7 FRA Entry Point (E) Published FRA Entry Point. A.1.8 FRA Intermediate Point (I) Published FRA Intermediate Point. A.1.9 FRA Exit Point (X) Published FRA Exit Point. A.1.10 General Air Traffic (GAT) All flights which are conducted in accordance with the rules and procedures of ICAO and/or the national civil aviation regulations and legislation. A.1.11 Operational Air Traffic (OAT) All flights which do not comply with the provisions stated for GAT and for which rules and procedures have been specified by appropriate national authorities. LoA between SOFIA ACC and BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP 11/12/2014 Annex A Page A1 BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP SOFIA ACC A.1.12 Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum (RVSM). A Vertical Separation Minimum of 300 m (1000 ft) which is applied between FL 290 and FL 410 inclusive, on the basis of a regional air navigation agreement and in accordance with conditions specified therein. A.1.12.1 RVSM Approved Aircraft Aircraft that have received State approval for RVSM operations within the EUR RVSM airspace. A.1.12.2 RVSM Entry Point. The first reporting point over which an aircraft passes or is expected to pass immediately before, upon, or immediately after initial entry into EUR RVSM airspace, normally the first reference point for applying a 300 m (1 000 ft) vertical separation minimum between RVSM approved aircraft. A.1.12.3 RVSM Exit Point The last reporting point over which an aircraft passes or is expected to pass immediately before, upon, or immediately after leaving EUR RVSM airspace, normally the last reference point for applying a 300 m (1 000 ft) vertical separation minimum between RVSM approved aircraft. A.1.13 Release. A.1.13.1 Release for Climb. An authorization for the accepting unit to climb (a) specific aircraft before the transfer of control. Note: The transferring unit/sector remains responsible within its Area of Responsibility for separation between the transferred aircraft and other aircraft unknown to the accepting unit/sector, unless otherwise agreed. A.1.13.2 Release for Descent. An authorization for the accepting unit to descend (a) specific aircraft before the transfer of control. Note: The transferring unit/sector remains responsible within its Area of Responsibility for separation between the transferred aircraft and other aircraft unknown to the accepting unit/sector, unless otherwise agreed. A.1.13.3 Release for Turn. An authorization for the accepting unit to turn (a) specific aircraft away from the current flight o path by not more than 45 before the transfer of control. Note: The transferring unit/sector remains responsible within its Area of Responsibility for separation between the transferred aircraft and other aircraft unknown to the accepting unit/sector, unless otherwise agreed. A.1.14 State Aircraft. For the purposes of EUR RVSM, only aircraft used in military, customs and police services shall qualify as State Aircraft. A.2 Abbreviations. ABI AC* Advance Boundary Information Assistant Controller FL FLAS Flight Level Flight Level Allocation Scheme ACC Area Control Centre FRA* Free Route Airspace ACI* Area of Common Interest GND ACT Activation Message ICAO Ground International Civil Aviation Organisation LoA between SOFIA ACC and BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP 11/12/2014 Annex A Page A2 BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP SOFIA ACC AMC* Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunication Network Above Ground Level Aeronautical Information Publication Aeronautical Information Regulation and Control Airspace Management Cell AMDT Amendment (AIP Amendment) MAC* AMSL Above Mean Sea Level MFC* AoR* Area of Responsibility MWO* APP Approach Control Unit NAN* ATC ATS ATSP* CB* CBS* Air Traffic Control Air Traffic Services Air Traffic Services Provider Central Battery (telephone system) Cross Border Sector NM NOTAM OAT* OLDI* CDR* Conditional Route COP* PC* DL* EC* Coordination Point Controller-Pilot Data Link Communications Division Level Executive Controller ENR En Route RVSM AFTN AGL AIP AIRAC CPDLC IAS Indicated Airspeed IFR Instrument Flight Rules LAM Logical Acknowledge Message LoA* Letter of Agreement LOF* Logon Forward Message (OLDI) Message for Abrogation of Coordination (OLDI) Multi Frequency Coding (telephone system) Meteorological Watch Office Next Authority Notified Message (OLDI) Nautical Mile Notice to Airmen Operational Air Traffic On-line Data Interchange Originating Region Code Assignment Method Preactivation Message (OLDI) Planner Controller Altimeter sub-scale setting to obtain elevation when on the ground Revision Message Radio Telephony Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum ORCAM PAC* QNH REV RTF FDA* FDE* FDPS FIC FIR Estimated Time Over Significant Point Flight Data Assistant Flight Data Entry Flight Data Processing System Flight Information Centre Flight Information Region FISO* Flight Information Service Officer VSAT* FMP* ft GAT* Flow Management Position feet General Air Traffic WP* ETO SSR Secondary Surveillance Radar SUPV* TMA TSA* UIR VFR Supervisor Terminal Control Area Temporary Segregated Airspace Upper Flight Information Region Visual Flight Rules Very Small Aperture Terminal (two-way satellite communication system) Working Position Note: Abbreviations marked with an * are non-ICAO abbreviations. LoA between SOFIA ACC and BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP 11/12/2014 Annex A Page A3 BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP SOFIA ACC Annex B Area of Common Interest Effective: 11/12/2014 Revised: B.1 Airspace Structure within the Area of Common Interest B.1.1. Points of coordination and Airways within SOFIA FIR Points of Coordination and airways Airspace Classification Vertical limits LOMOS N133 FL95 – FL 660 C OSTOV N127, P184, FL165 – FL660 C TIMUR N181, L606, FL95 – FL 660 C NAVOD N618, Y551 FL 95 – FL 660 C IDOMO Y/UY533 FL 105 – FL 660 C APROB UQ26 FL 285 – FL 660 C ORTIP M/UM987 FL95 – FL 660 C RASUB L/UL605 FL105 – FL 660 C SOMOV M987, Y553 FL95 – FL245 C BULEN L 742, L605, P975, FL95 – FL 245 C KOMAN L622, L602, L852, FL95 – FL 660 C RONBU M859 FL175 – FL 660 C ARGES L619, T746 P727, FL95 – FL 660 FL245 – FL660 C C LUGEB L746, Y188, FL95 – FL 660 C LoA between SOFIA ACC and BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP 11/12/2014 Annex B Page B1 BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP SOFIA ACC Points of Coordination and airways Airspace Classification Vertical limits DINRO L919 N616, L601 FL55 – FL 660 FL95 – FL 660 C C REVDA T343 L743, N600, L621 FL55 – FL 660 FL95 – FL 660 C C IRDUM T219 FL95 – FL 660 C MOSOP Y186, Y187, Y191, Y192 FL95 – FL 660 C BINBI N617 FL95 – FL 660 C B.1.1.2 Free Route Airspace in Sofia FIR Area Vertical limits Airspace Classification FREE ROUTE AIRSPACE (FRA) IN Sofia FIR Operating hours: From 2300 to 0500 UTC during the winter time period From 2200 to 0400 UTC during the summer time period Encompasses the horizontal FL245 to boundaries of Sofia FIR in their full FL660. extent, as published in AIP Bulgaira, ENR 2.1. Class C B.1.2. LRBB FIR neighbouring with SOFIA ACC B.1.2.1 Area Vertical limits LOMOS SECTOR, KOMAN SECTOR, FL 660 ARGEŞ SECTOR, DINSI SECTOR As published in AIP ROMANIA, Lower limit of airways ENR 2.1. CONSTANŢA TMA As published in AIP ROMANIA, ENR 2.1. Airspace Classification Class C - above FL105 - lower limits of ATS routes up to FL105 - Aerodrome Control Zones Class G - outside the above mentioned Class C airspace. FL175 Class C 2000 ft QNH LoA between SOFIA ACC and BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP 11/12/2014 Annex B Page B2 BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP SOFIA ACC B.1.2.2 Points of coordination and Airways within BUCUREŞTI FIR Significant Points & Airspace Classification Vertical limits Crossing ATS Routes description LOMOS N133 / UN133 FL105 – FL660 C OSTOV N/UN 127, UM748 FL165 – FL660 C TIMUR L/UL 606, UL867 N/UN181 FL165 – FL660 FL105 – FL405 C C NAVOD N/UN 618 FL105 – FL405 C APROB UQ 26 FL285 – FL660 C IDOMO Y/YU553 FL105 - FL660 C SOMOV M987 Y553 FL95 – FL245 FL105 – FL245 C C ORTIP M/UM987 FL95 – FL660 C RASUB L/UL605 FL105 – FL660 C BULEN L/UL 605 FL105 – FL245 C KOMAN L/UL622 L/UL 602, L/UL 852 FL75 – FL660 FL175 – FL660 C C RONBU UM 859 FL285 – FL660 C ARGES P/UP 727 T/UT 746, L/UL 619 FL95 – FL660 FL175 – FL660 C C LUGEB UL746, Y/UY188 FL285 – FL660 FL175 – FL660 C DINRO L/UL601, N/UN616, N/UN743, L/UL919 ,UL620 FL175 – FL660 C REVDA P/UP193, L/UL 621, N/UN 600, L/UL743 FL175 – FL660 C FL285 – FL660 C IRDUM UT219 LoA between SOFIA ACC and BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP 11/12/2014 Annex B Page B3 BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP SOFIA ACC Significant Points & Airspace Classification Vertical limits Crossing ATS Routes description MOSOP Y/UY186, Y/UY192, Y/UY193 Y/UY187 FL175 – FL660 FL65 – FL660 C C BINBI UN617 FL285 – FL660 C 2000 FT QNH – FL 175 C CONSTANŢA TMA As published in AIP ROMANIA, ENR 2.1. B.1.2.3 Free Route Airspace in BUCUREȘTI FIR Area Vertical limits Airspace Classification FREE ROUTE AIRSPACE (FRA) IN BUCUREȘTI FIR Operating hours: From 2300 to 0500 UTC during the winter time period From 2200 to 0400 UTC during the summer time period Encompasses the horizontal FL660 boundaries of București FIR in their FL105 full extent, as published in AIP with the Romania, ENR 2.1. exception of TMA areas LoA between SOFIA ACC and BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP 11/12/2014 Class C Annex B Page B4 SOFIA ACC BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP B.2 Sectorisation. In BUCUREŞTI FIR B.3 Special Areas within the Area of Common Interest. B.3.1. See AIP Romania section ENR B.3.2 Other Areas. B.3.2.1. SOFIA FIR Prohibited Area LBP 001 - LBP 1 A circle, 5.0 km radius centered at 43 44 24N 023 46 44E, Upper limit 2450m (8100ft) AMSL Lower limit GND Restrictions: All flights of civil and state aircraft are prohibited in LBP 1 See Appendix 2 of Annex B Restricted Area LBR 1 - A circle, 25.0 km radius centered at 43 44 24N 023 46 44E, excluding the airspace of Prohibited Area LBP 1, Upper limit 5000m (16500ft) AMSL Lower limit GND Restrictions: All flights of aircraft with maximum take-off weight above 5.7 tons are prohibited except for Bulgarian state flights securing airspace sovereignty, flights engaged in search and rescue missions, medical evacuation, anti-terrorist operations and associated training missions and exercises as well as flights for aerial photography, performed by governmental aircraft, in accordance with national legislation. See Appendix 2 of Annex B Danger areas (anti-hail activities): as published in AIP Republic of Bulgaria ENR 5.1-4/10 MAR 11/ AIRAC AMDT 08/10. Anti-hail activities are carried out in danger areas. NOTAM messages are not issued in advance due to the transiency of the meteorological phenomenon. Changes in the route for avoiding active areas are performed according to ATC instructions. Overflying at flight levels 240 and above is permitted. LoA between SOFIA ACC and BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP 11/12/2014 Annex B Page B5 BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP SOFIA ACC LBD15A Lateral limits: Vertical limit: LBD15B Lateral limits: Vertical limit: LBD15C Lateral limits: Vertical limit: LBD15D Lateral limits: Vertical limit: LBD16A Lateral limits: Vertical limit: LBD16B Lateral limits: Vertical limit: LBD16C Lateral limits: Vertical limit: LBD16D Lateral limits: Vertical limit: LBD17A Lateral limits: Vertical limit: 44 11 33N 022 45 08E - 43 55 27N 022 45 18E 43 49 56N 022 36 10E - 43 47 11N 022 22 18E national border with Serbia and Romania - 44 11 33N 022 45 08E GND up to 7200, (23700 ft) AMSL 44 12 26N 022 41 07E - 44 03 55N 022 38 38E 43 57 13N 022 38 04E - 43 47 50N 022 43 05E 43 48 02N 022 52 03E - 43 49 49N 022 52 51E national border with Romania - 44 12 26N 022 41 07E GND up to 7200, (23700 ft) AMSL 43 52 11N 022 23 09E - 43 55 17N 022 35 14E 43 45 53N 022 42 09E - 43 36 29N 022 45 23E 43 33 01N 022 37 37E - 43 38 01N 022 29 31E national border with Serbia - 43 52 11N 022 23 09E GND up to 7200, (23700 ft) AMSL 43 52 47N 022 49 30E - 43 55 10N 022 38 27E 43 51 11N 022 33 08E - 43 37 34N 022 39 24E 43 30 28N 022 52 00E - 43 41 32N 023 04 26E 43 47 55N 022 59 34E - national border with Romania - 43 52 47N 022 49 30E GND up to 7200, (23700 ft) AMSL 43 48 23N 022 57 12E - 43 35 35N 022 53 40E 43 32 12N 022 58 04E - 43 33 43N 023 13 04E 43 43 55N 023 18 08E - 43 49 35N 023 12 31E national border with Romania - 43 48 23N 022 57 12E GND up to 7200, (23700 ft) AMSL 43 50 35N 023 15 59E - 43 39 51N 023 10 47E 43 31 24N 023 24 31E - 43 36 08N 023 38 10E 43 47 40N 023 41 46E - national border with Romania - 43 50 35N 023 15 59E GND up to 7200, (23700 ft) AMSL 43 28 32N 022 51 17E - 43 16 31N 023 11 33E 43 18 32N 023 18 23E - 43 30 20N 023 20 18E 43 37 59N 023 07 40E - 43 33 45N 022 52 26E - 43 28 32N 022 51 17E GND up to 7200, (23700 ft) AMSL 43 35 41N 023 09 06E - 43 20 02N 023 16 15E 43 18 57N 023 23 38E - 43 31 38N 023 40 02E 43 36 49N 023 37 39E - 43 39 32N 023 13 34E - 43 35 41N 023 09 06E GND up to 7200, (23700 ft) AMSL 43 37 49N 023 31 26E - 43 32 14N 023 32 49E 43 28 40N 023 50 15E - 43 36 38N 024 00 42E 43 41 26N 023 59 14E - 43 45 14N 023 45 44E - 43 37 49N 023 31 26E GND up to 7200, (23700 ft) AMSL LBD17B LoA between SOFIA ACC and BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP 11/12/2014 Annex B Page B6 BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP SOFIA ACC Lateral limits: Vertical limit: LBD17C Lateral limits: Vertical limit: LBD17D Lateral limits: Vertical limit: LBD18A Lateral limits: Vertical limit: LBD18B Lateral limits: Vertical limit: LBD18C Lateral limits: Vertical limit: LBD18D Lateral limits: Vertical limit: LBD 312 Lateral limits: Vertical limit: LBD 313 Lateral limits: Vertical limit: LBD 314 Lateral limits: Vertical limit: 43 44 37N 023 57 04E - 43 30 26N 023 57 11E 43 30 28N 024 09 49E - 43 40 53N 024 09 46E national border with Romania - 43 44 37N 023 57 04E GND up to 7200, (23700 ft) AMSL 43 14 41N 023 57 00E - 43 33 41N 023 59 25E 43 33 51N 023 39 56E - 43 31 18N 023 20 45E 43 18 28N 023 25 32E - 43 14 41N 023 57 00E GND up to 7200, (23700 ft) AMSL 43 33 28N 023 50 36E - 43 24 07N 023 51 44E 43 14 50N 023 57 59E - 43 18 25N 024 14 17E 43 31 23N 024 12 06E - 43 36 30N 023 56 29E - 43 33 28N 023 50 36E GND up to 7200, (23700 ft) AMSL 43 40 48N 024 10 17E - 43 34 37N 024 05 25E 43 24 51N 024 11 14E - 43 27 58N 024 22 04E 43 32 58N 024 27 58E - 43 45 10N 024 33 14E national border with Romania - 43 40 48N 024 10 17E GND up to 7200, (23700 ft) AMSL 43 43 32N 024 25 46E - 43 37 04N 024 23 31E 43 27 57N 024 24 39E - 43 25 47N 024 31 25E 43 32 19N 024 43 04E - 43 38 27N 024 48 50E 43 41 05N 024 45 20E - national border with Romania - 43 43 32N 024 25 46E GND up to 7200, (23700 ft) AMSL 43 33 26N 024 23 34E - 43 27 06N 024 08 55E 43 15 56N 024 08 50E - 43 11 04N 024 23 56E 43 13 44N 024 29 37E - 43 30 45N 024 29 55E - 43 33 26N 024 23 34E GND up to 7200, (23700 ft) AMSL 43 13 55N 024 30 29E - 43 19 48N 024 46 12E 43 32 14N 024 44 47E - 43 34 23N 024 37 51E 43 27 11N 024 25 37E - 43 16 56N 024 24 22E - 43 13 55N 024 30 29E GND up to 7200, (23700 ft) AMSL 43 38 00N 028 33 00E - 43 35 48N 029 00 00E – 43 04 00N 028 49 00E - 43 15 00N 028 26 00E – 43 38 00N 028 33 00E GND up to 40000m (131300ft) AMSL 43 35 48N 029 00 00E - 43 34 18N 029 18 18E 42 53 42N 029 08 36E - 43 04 00N 028 49 00E 43 35 48N 029 00 00E GND up to 40000m (131300ft) AMSL 43 34 18N 029 18 18E - 43 33 00N 029 34 12E 43 20 00N 029 47 00E - 42 43 00N 029 30 00E 42 53 42N 029 08 36E - 43 34 18N 029 18 18E GND up to 40000m (131300ft) AMSL LBTSA 52 LoA between SOFIA ACC and BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP 11/12/2014 Annex B Page B7 BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP SOFIA ACC Lateral limits: Vertical limit: LBTSA 53 Lateral limits: 44 06 00N 027 04 00E - 43 50 00N 027 47 00E 43 42 00N 028 02 00E - 43 21 00N 027 57 00E 43 24 00N 027 33 00E - to point of origin GND up to FL 245 Vertical limit: 43 42 00N 028 02 00E - 43 37 00N 028 35 00E 43 12 00N 028 35 00E - 43 21 00N 027 57 00E to point of origin GND up to FL 245 LBTSA 54 Lateral limits: Vertical limit: A circle, 15 km radius centered at 43 32 00N 029 02 00E GND up to FL 245 B.3.2.2. BUCUREŞTI FIR Prohibited Area LR P4 – a circle of 2.7 NM (5 KM) radius centered on point of coordinates: 434424N 0234644E, except where inside SOFIA FIR. Time of activity: H24 Upper limit FL 085 Lower limit GND See Appendix 2 of Annex B Restricted Area LR R50 - a circle of 13.5 NM (25 KM) radius centered at 434424N 0234644E, except where inside SOFIA FIR. Time of activity: H24 Upper limit FL 165 Lower limit GND Remarks: Except SAR, police aircraft and aircraft with maximum take-off weight below 5.7 t. Risk of interception in the event of penetration. See Appendix 2 of Annex B Danger Area LRD06 - CAP MIDIA (CONSTANTA) – having the following lateral limits: 442400N0284225E-442930N0285535E442933N0293107E-442412N0293156E440901N0292644E-440427N0292219E441333N0285130E-442205N0284225E Dates, times and vertical limits are issued by NOTAM 24 hours in advance. Airspace affected: Lower & Upper Danger Area LRD07 – CAP MIDIA 2 (CONSTANTA) having the following lateral limits: 442526N0284230E-442930N0285535E442505N0290112E-441942N0290049E441434N0285756E-441306N0285620E442205N0284225E Dates, times and vertical limits are issued by NOTAM 24 hours in advance. Airspace affected: Lower & Upper Danger Area LRD70 - MANGALIA 2 having the following lateral limits: 434500N0285100E-435500N0285100E 435500N0290800E-434500N0290800E Dates, times and vertical limits are issued by NOTAM 24 hours in advance. Airspace affected: Lower & Upper Danger Area LRD71 - MANGALIA 3 having the following lateral limits: 434500N0290800E-435500N0290800E 435500N0293000E-434500N0293000E Dates, times and vertical limits are issued by NOTAM 24 hours in advance. Airspace affected: Lower Danger Area LRD72 - TUZLA 3 having the following lateral limits: 435500N0290800E-440500N0290800E LoA between SOFIA ACC and BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP 11/12/2014 Annex B Page B8 BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP SOFIA ACC 440500N0293000E-435500N0293000E Dates, times and vertical limits are issued by NOTAM 24 hours in advance. Airspace affected: Lower & Upper Danger Area LRD73 - CONSTANTA 3 having the following lateral limits: 440500N0290800E-441500N0290800E 441500N0293000E-440500N0293000E Dates, times and vertical limits are issued by NOTAM 24 hours in advance. Airspace affected: Lower & Upper Danger Area LRD74 - MIDIA 2 having the following lateral limits: 441500N0285100E-442500N0285100E 442500N0290800E-441500N0290800E Dates, times and vertical limits are issued by NOTAM 24 hours in advance. Airspace affected: Lower & Upper. Danger Area LRD75 - MIDIA 3 having the following lateral limits: 441500N0290800E-442500N0290800E 442500N0293000E-441500N0293000E Dates, times and vertical limits are issued by NOTAM 24 hours in advance. Airspace affected: Lower Note: For LRD06, LRD07 and LRD70 – LRD75 see Appendix 2 of Annex B DEVESELU Area (LRR 501,LRR502) Nature of hazard: Potential hazard to aircraft operations - Map extracted from ENR 6.2 AIP Romania LoA between SOFIA ACC and BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP 11/12/2014 Annex B Page B9 SOFIA ACC BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP DEVESELU Area (LRR 502,LRR503) - Map extracted from ENR 6.1 AIP Romania Note: to be activated as from 01.01.2015, H24 B.4 Non-published Coordination Points Not Applicable. LoA between SOFIA ACC and BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP 11/12/2014 Annex B Page B10 BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP SOFIA ACC Appendix 1 of Annex B Sectorisation 1. SOFIA ACC - sectors adjacent to BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP Upper airspace: FL245 - FL660, 11 Dec 2014 LoA between SOFIA ACC and BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP 11/12/2014 Annex B Page B11 BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP SOFIA ACC 2. Lower Airspace: FL095 – FL245, 11 Dec 2014 LoA between SOFIA ACC and BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP 11/12/2014 Annex B Page B12 BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP SOFIA ACC 3. BUCUREŞTI ACC sectors adjacent to SOFIA ACC Note: Lower airspace and upper airspace are separated by FL285 LoA between SOFIA ACC and BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP 11/12/2014 Annex B Page B13 BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP SOFIA ACC Map extracted from AIP Romania, ENR 6 - 1, 11 Dec 2014 Note: Lower airspace and upper airspace are separated by FL285 LoA between SOFIA ACC and BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP 11/12/2014 Annex B Page B14 BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP SOFIA ACC Map extracted from AIP Romania, ENR 6 - 2, 11 Dec 2014 LoA between SOFIA ACC and BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP 11/12/2014 Annex B Page B15 BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP SOFIA ACC FRA Map extracted from ENR 6-100 LoA between SOFIA ACC and BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP 11/12/2014 Annex B Page B16 BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP SOFIA ACC Map extracted from AIP Romania, ENR 6-2a, 11 Dec 2014 LoA between SOFIA ACC and BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP 11/12/2014 Annex B Page B17 BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP SOFIA ACC Map extracted from AIP Romania, ENR 6-1a, 11 Dec 2014 LoA between SOFIA ACC and BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP 11/12/2014 Annex B Page B18 BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP SOFIA ACC Appendix 2 of Annex B Designated special areas. 1. SOFIA ACC - Pictures of prohibited, Restricted and danger areas specified in Annex B. LoA between SOFIA ACC and BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP 11/12/2014 Annex B Page B19 SOFIA ACC 2. BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP BUCUREŞTI ACC - Picture of restricted / prohibited areas specified in Annex B. 2.1. Picture of prohibited areas for IFR traffic_11.12.2014 LoA between SOFIA ACC and BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP 11/12/2014 Annex B Page B20 SOFIA ACC BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP 2.2. Picture of danger areas LRD06, LRD07 and LRD70 – LRD74 Map extracted from AIP Romania, ENR 6-1, 11 Dec 2014 LoA between SOFIA ACC and BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP 11/12/2014 Annex B Page B21 SOFIA ACC BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP 2.3. Picture of danger areas LRD06, LRD07 and LRD70 – LRD75 Map extracted from AIP Romania, ENR 6-2, 11 Dec 2014 LoA between SOFIA ACC and BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP 11/12/2014 Annex B Page B22 SOFIA ACC 3. BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP Cross-border Sectors specified in Annex B. 3.1 Map for Sector DF1 with ATS routes, including min FLs, and significant points LoA between SOFIA ACC and BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP 11/12/2014 Annex B Page B23 SOFIA ACC BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP 3.2 Map for Sector DF 2 with ATS routes, including min FLs, and significant points LoA between SOFIA ACC and BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP 11/12/2014 Annex B Page B24 BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP SOFIA ACC Annex C Exchange of Flight Data Effective: 11/12/2014 Revised: C.1 General. C.1.1 Basic Flight Plans. Basic Flight Plan data should normally be available at ATS Units. C.1.2 Current Flight Plan Data. Messages, including current flight plan data, shall be forwarded by the transferring ATS Unit to the accepting ATS Unit either by automatic data exchange or by telephone to the appropriate sector/position. C.1.2.1 Automatic Data Exchange. ABI/ACT/LAM/PAC/REV/MAC messages are exchanged between the ATS Units in accordance with Appendix 1 to Annex C. C.1.2.2 Verbal Estimates. For conditions that are not supported by the automatic data exchange, verbal estimates will be exchanged. A verbal estimate shall be passed to the appropriate sector at the accepting ATS-unit at least 10 (ten) minutes prior, but not earlier then 30 (thirty) minutes before the aircraft is estimated to pass the transfer of control point. A verbal estimate shall contain: a) The word "Estimate"; b) Callsign; Note: To indicate that the flight plan is available, the accepting ATS Unit should state aircraft type and destination after having received the callsign. c) SSR code: Note: Normally, the notification of a SSR code indicates that the selection of that code by the aircraft was verified. d) ETO for the appropriate COP as laid in Annex D to this LoA; e) Cleared flight level, specifying climb or descent conditions if applicable, at the transfer of control point; Requested flight level if different from cleared flight level; f) Other information, if applicable. 1. When an automated message pertaining to a non-RVSM approved aircraft does not contain the filed flight plan information relevant to RVSM operations, the transferring ATS Unit shall supplement the verbal estimate to the accepting ATS Unit, using the phrase "NEGATIVE RVSM" or "NEGATIVE RVSM STATE AIRCRAFT", as applicable. LoA between SOFIA ACC and BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP 11/12/2014 Annex C Page C1 BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP SOFIA ACC 2. When an RVSM approved aircraft is unable to continue to meet the vertical navigation accuracy required to operate within EUR RVSM airspace, the transferring ATS Unit shall inform the accepting ATS Unit by verbally supplementing the associated coordination message(s), using the phrase "UNABLE RVSM DUE EQUIPMENT" or "UNABLE RVSM DUE TURBULENCE", as applicable. 3. When an aircraft is experiencing an in-flight contingency which impacts on RVSM operations, the transferring ATS Unit shall inform the accepting ATS Unit by verbally supplementing the associated coordination message(s) with a description of the cause of the contingency. Normally verbal estimates will not be passed in parallel with ACT messages. In all cases, verbally passed data shall take precedence over data exchanged automatically. C. For non-RVSM approved State aircraft operating within the EUR RVSM airspace, a verbal estimate shall be passed to the appropriate sector/position at the accepting ATS Unit at least 20 (twenty) minutes before the aircraft is estimated to pass the transfer of control point. C.1.2.3 Failure of Automatic Data Exchange. In the event of a failure which prevents the automatic transfer of data, the Supervisors shall immediately decide to revert to the verbal exchange of estimates. After recovery from a system failure, the Supervisors shall agree as to when they will revert to automatic data exchange. C.1.3 Non-availability of Flight Plan Data. If the accepting ATS Unit does not have basic flight plan data available, additional information may be requested from the transferring ATS Unit to supplement the ACT message or a verbal estimate. Such additional information should include: a. the RVSM approval status of the aircraft; and b. whether or not a non-RVSM approved aircraft is a State aircraft. C.1.4 Revisions. Any significant revisions to the flight data are to be transmitted to the accepting ATS Unit. a. When an RVSM approved aircraft is unable to continue to meet the vertical navigation accuracy required to operate within EUR RVSM airspace, the transferring ATS Unit shall inform the accepting ATS Unit by verbally supplementing the associated coordination message(s), using the phrase "UNABLE RVSM DUE EQUIPMENT" or "UNABLE RVSM DUE TURBULENCE", as applicable. b. When an aircraft is experiencing an in-flight contingency which impacts on RVSM operations, the transferring ATS Unit shall inform the accepting ATS Unit by verbally supplementing the associated coordination message(s) with a description of the cause of the contingency. Time differences of 3 (three) minutes or more are to be exchanged. Changes to the coordinated levels within 5 (five) minutes of the ETO for the transfer of control point are subject to an Approval Request. C.1.4.1 Automatic Revisions. See Appendix 1 to Annex C C.1.4.2 Verbal Revisions. A verbal revision shall contain: a) The word “Revision” followed by referring COP and Flight Level; b) Callsign; LoA between SOFIA ACC and BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP 11/12/2014 Annex C Page C2 BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP SOFIA ACC c) Revision made; d) Other information, if applicable. C.1.5 Expedite Clearance and Approval Requests. Whenever the minimum time of 10 (ten) minutes for a verbal estimate or those prescribed in Appendix 1 to Annex C for ACT message cannot be met, either an Expedite Clearance Request or an Approval Request (or a PAC), as appropriate, shall be initiated. C.2 Means of Communication and their Use. C.2.1 Equipment. C.2.1.1 The following lines are available between SOFIA ACC and BUCUREŞTI ACC: C.2.1.2 C.2.2 Line Type Amount Additional Information Data Line 1 OLDI Telephone Lines 1 CB Telephone Lines 3 MFC VSAT lines 2 - The following lines are available between SOFIA ACC and CONSTANŢA APP: Line Type Amount Additional Information Data Line 1 OLDI Telephone Lines 1 CB Telephone Lines 1 MFC VSAT lines 1 - Verbal Coordination. All verbal communications should be terminated with the initials of both parties concerned. When merging / splitting ACC control sectors / positions, appropriate ATS Unit is responsible for radio and voice communication on closed/opened sectors/positions. Exchange of flight plan data, estimates and control messages by voice shall be carried out in accordance with the following tables: C.2.2.1 Messages from SOFIA ACC to BUCUREŞTI ACC Receiving Sector/COP's LOMOS LOW SECTOR LOMOS, NAVOD Message Flight Plan Data Position Extension FDE* 377079 CB1 PC 377020 Estimates, Control Messages, Expedite Clearances, Approval Requests and Revisions. LoA between SOFIA ACC and BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP 11/12/2014 Annex C Page C3 BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP SOFIA ACC Receiving Sector/COP's Message Position Extension EC 377014 FDE* 377085 CB1 Estimates, Control Messages, Expedite Clearances, Approval Requests and Revisions PC 377051 Surveillance Coordination EC 377045 FDE* 377074 Surveillance Coordination LOMOS MID SECTOR LOMOS, NAVOD Flight Plan Data LOMOS TOP SECTOR Flight Plan Data LOMOS, NAVOD Estimates, Control Messages, Expedite Clearances, Approval Requests and Revisions PC 377039 Surveillance Coordination EC 377033 FDE* 377079 CB1 Estimates, Control Messages, Expedite Clearances, Approval Requests and Revisions PC 377021 Surveillance Coordination EC 377015 FDE* 377085 CB1 Estimates, Control Messages, Expedite Clearances, Approval Requests and Revisions PC 377008 Surveillance Coordination EC 377002 FDE* 377074 Estimates, Control Messages, Expedite Clearances, Approval Requests and Revisions PC 377039 Surveillance Coordination EC 377033 FDE* 377086 CB1 Estimates, Control Messages, Expedite Clearances, Approval Requests and Revisions PC 377052 Surveillance Coordination EC 377046 FDE* 377086 CB1 Estimates, Control Messages, Expedite Clearances, Approval Requests and Revisions PC 377040 Surveillance Coordination EC 377034 FDE* 377109 CB1 KOMAN LOW SECTOR SOMOV(below FL 245), IDOMO(aboveFL245), APROB(aboveFL285), ORTIP(aboveFL245), KOMAN, KOMAN MID SECTOR IDOMO (aboveFL245) APROB(aboveFL285) ORTIP(aboveFL245) KOMAN KOMAN TOP SECTOR IDOMO (aboveFL245), APROB(aboveFL285) ORTIP (aboveFL245) KOMAN ARGES MID SECTOR ARGES ARGES TOP SECTOR ARGES DINSI MID SECTOR Flight Plan Data Flight Plan Data Flight Plan Data Flight Plan Data Flight Plan Data Flight Plan Data LoA between SOFIA ACC and BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP 11/12/2014 Annex C Page C4 BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP SOFIA ACC Receiving Sector/COP's LUGEB, REVDA, MOSOP, BINBI DINSI TOP SECTOR LUGEB, REVDA, MOSOP, BINBI Flight Plan Pre-processing Position all COPs BUCUREŞTI FIC Message Position Extension Estimates, Control Messages, Expedite Clearances, Approval Requests and Revisions PC 377109 CB1 Surveillance Coordination EC 377110 CB1 FDE* 377108 CB1 Estimates, Control Messages, Expedite Clearances, Approval Requests and Revisions PC 377108 CB1 Surveillance Coordination EC 377105 CB1 SUPV FDPS 377070 FIC 377058 Alternate: 377087 SUPV 377053 Flight Plan Data Flight Plan Data Flight Plan Data and other Coordination for VFR flights only all COPs BUCUREŞTI ACC Supervisor Other Coordination NOTE 1: * - when OLDI is unserviceable only. NOTE 2: Normally, all data messages shall be transmitted to the PC working position, unless otherwise coordinated with supervisor. NOTE 3: COP MOSOP is used only in case of activation of military danger areas LBD 312, LBD 313 and LBD 314, promulgated by NOTAM. For BUCUREŞTI ACC – LOMOS, KOMAN, ARGES and DINSI SECTORS: Supervisor: +40 21 208 31 50 Switchboard: FMP: +40 21 208 31 55 fax: +40 21 208 32 61 AMC: +40 21 208 34 95/96 fax: +40 21 208 32 68 Telefax: +40 21 208 32 61 LoA between SOFIA ACC and BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP 11/12/2014 Annex C Page C5 BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP SOFIA ACC C.2.2.2 Messages from BUCUREŞTI ACC to SOFIA ACC. Receiving Sector/COP's SOFIA ALPHA LOWER OSTOV, TIMUR SOFIA ALPHA UPPER OSTOV, TIMUR SOFIA BRAVO LOWER TIMUR SOFIA BRAVO UPPER TIMUR VARNA ALPHA LOWER BULEN (Below FL 245), RASUB(Above FL245), RONBU (Above FL285) VARNA ALPHA MIDLE RASUB(Above FL245), RONBU (Above FL285) VARNA ALPHA UPPER RASUB (Above FL245) RONBU (Above FL285) VARNA BRAVO LOWER LUGEB, DINRO, IRDUM, MOSOP Message Position Extension Flight Plan Data, Estimates AC 375565 CB1 Control Messages, Expedite Clearances and Approval Requests, Revisions PC 375541 Surveillance Coordination EC 375542 Flight Plan Data, Estimates AC 375565 CB1 Control Messages, Expedite Clearances and Approval Requests, Revisions PC 375530 Surveillance Coordination EC 375529 Flight Plan Data, Estimates AC 375565 CB1 Control Messages, Expedite Clearances and Approval Requests, Revisions PC 375538 Surveillance Coordination EC 375537 Flight Plan Data, Estimates AC 375565 CB1 Control Messages, Expedite Clearances and Approval Requests, Revisions PC 375544 Surveillance Coordination EC 375543 Flight Plan Data, Estimates AC 375565 CB1 Control Messages, Expedite Clearances and Approval Requests, Revisions PC 375524 Surveillance Coordination EC 375523 Flight Plan Data, Estimates AC 375565 CB1 Control Messages, Expedite Clearances and Approval Requests, Revisions PC 375502 Surveillance Coordination EC 375501 Flight Plan Data, Estimates AC 375565 CB1 Control Messages, Expedite Clearances and Approval Requests, Revisions PC 375522 Surveillance Coordination EC 375521 Flight Plan Data, Estimates AC 375565 CB1 Control Messages, Expedite Clearances and Approval Requests, Revisions PC CB1 375528 Surveillance Coordination EC CB1 375527 LoA between SOFIA ACC and BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP 11/12/2014 Annex C Page C6 BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP SOFIA ACC Receiving Sector/COP's VARNA BRAVO MIDLE LUGEB, DINRO, IRDUM, MOSOP VARNA BRAVO UPPER LUGEB, DINRO, IRDUM, MOSOP SOFIA ACC Supervisor SOFIA ACC FLOW MANAGEMENT Message Position Extension Flight Plan Data, Estimates AC 375565 CB1 Control Messages, Expedite Clearances and Approval Requests, Revisions PC 375513 Surveillance Coordination EC 375506 Flight Plan Data, Estimates AC CB1 375565 Control Messages, Expedite Clearances and Approval Requests, Revisions PC CB1 375526 Other Coordination SUPV 375500 Other Coordination FMP 375556 SOFIA FIC GND-FL 95 VFR Flight Plan Data and other coordination Supervisor: phone: fax: +359 2 937 4212 +359 2 937 4222 Switchboard: C.2.2.3 FISO FMP: fax: +359 2 937 1280 +359 2 945 9167 AMC: fax: +359 2 937 1181/84 +359 2 945 9180 375551 Messages from SOFIA ACC to CONSTANŢA APP. Receiving Sector/COP's CONSTANŢA APP LUGEB*, REVDA, MOSOP* CONSTANŢA APP Supervisor Message Position Extension Flight Plan Data PC CB 377115 Estimates, Control Messages, Expedite Clearances, Approval Requests and Revisions PC CB 377115 Surveillance Coordination EC CB 377116 SUPV CB 377100 Other Coordination NOTE 1: Normally, all data messages shall be transmitted to the Planning Controller working position, unless otherwise coordinated with supervisor. NOTE 2: Normally surveillance coordination shall be effected by Executive Controllers. NOTE 3: * COP’s LUGEB and MOSOP are used only in case of activation of military danger areas LBD 312, LBD 313, LBD 314, promulgated by NOTAM. For CONSTANŢA APP: Supervisor: Switchboard: Telefax: +40 241 742 359 FMP: +40 21 208 31 55 AMC: +40 21 208 34 95/96 fax:+40 21 208 32 61 fax:+40 21 208 32 68 +40 241 742 359 LoA between SOFIA ACC and BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP 11/12/2014 Annex C Page C7 BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP SOFIA ACC C.2.2.4 Messages from CONSTANŢA APP to SOFIA ACC. Receiving Sector/COP’s VARNA BRAVO LOWER LUGEB, DINRO MOSOP* VARNA ALFA LOWER no COPs for non standard flights crossing boudary west of longitude 28 00 00 E (west of Negru Voda) Message Position Extension FDA CB 375565 Control Messages, Expedite Clearances and Approval Requests Revisions PC CB 375528 Surveillance Coordination EC CB 375527 FDA CB 375565 Control Messages, Expedite Clearances and Approval Requests Revisions PC CB 375524 Surveillance Coordination EC CB 375523 Flight Plan Data, Estimates Flight Plan Data, Estimates SOFIA ACC Supervisor Other Coordination SUPV 375500 SOFIA ACC FLOW MANAGEMENT Other Coordination FMP 375556 SOFIA FIC GND – FL 95 VFR Flight Plan Data and other coordination FISO 375551 * COP MOSOP is used only in case of activation of military danger areas LBD 312, LBD 313, LBD 314, promulgated by NOTAM. Supervisor: +359 2 937 4212 Switchboard: Telefax: FMP: fax: AMC: phone/fax: +359 2 937 1280 +359 2 945 9167 +359 2 937 1181/84 +359 2 945 9180 +359 2 937 4222 LoA between SOFIA ACC and BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP 11/12/2014 Annex C Page C8 BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP SOFIA ACC C.3 C.3.1 Failure of Ground/Ground Voice Communications. Fall-Back Procedures for Coordination between SOFIA ACC and BUCUREŞTI ACC In case of failure of direct speech lines between the coordinating partners, coordination may be effected via: a) VSAT communication according to the following table: Originating WP SOFIA FDA Destination WP BUCUREŞTI (KOMAN) BUCUREŞTI (ARGES) BUCUREŞTI (LOMOS) BUCUREŞTI (DINSI) 44 25 20 11, 44 25 20 12 44 25 20 21, 44 25 20 22 BUCUREŞTI (KOMAN) SOFIA FDA 44 20 25 11, 44 20 25 21 BUCUREŞTI (ARGES) SOFIA FDA 44 20 25 12, 44 20 25 22 BUCUREŞTI (LOMOS) SOFIA FDA 44 20 25 13, 44 20 25 23 BUCUREŞTI (DINSI) SOFIA FDA 44 20 40 11, 44 20 40 21 b) c) d) 44 25 20 31 44 40 20 11, 44 40 20 12 the direct telephone lines with the adjacent ATS Units; AFTN LRBBZQZX LRCKZAZX LBSFZIZX; other means (public telephone line, etc.): SOFIA ACC: tel: fax: + 35 92 937 4222 tel: + 35 92 937 4211 tel: + 35 92 937 4244 SOFIA FMP tel: + 35 92 945 9167 fax: + 35 92 945 9167 BUCUREŞTI ACC: LOMOS, KOMAN, ARGES and DINSI SECTORS: tel: + 40 21 230 27 41 fax: + 40 21 208 32 61 tel: + 40 21 208 31 50 mobile +40-722 511 515 BUCUREŞTI FMP C.3.2 VSAT dial strings tel: + 40 21 208 3155 fax: + 40 21 208 3261 Fall-Back Procedures for Coordination between SOFIA ACC and CONSTANŢA APP In case of failure of direct speech lines between the coordinating partners, coordination may be effected via: a) VSAT communication according to the following table: Originating WP Destination WP VSAT dial strings SOFIA FDA CONSTANŢA APP 44 40 20 11, 44 40 20 21, 44 40 20 12, 44 40 20 22 CONSTANŢA APP SOFIA FDA 44 20 40 11, 44 20 40 12 44 20 40 21, 44 20 40 22 b) telephone line (MFC) via BUCUREŞTI for coordination between SOFIA ACC and CONSTANŢA APP in accordance with the following table: LoA between SOFIA ACC and BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP 11/12/2014 Annex C Page C9 BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP SOFIA ACC Receiving Sector/COP’s Message CONSTANŢA APP LUGEB*, REVDA, MOSOP* CONSTANŢA APP Supervisor Position Extension Flight Plan Data PC 377115 Estimates, Control Messages, Expedite Clearances, Approval Requests and Revisions PC 377115 Surveillance Coordination EC 377116 SUPV 377100 Other Coordination c) the direct telephone lines with the adjacent ATS units; d) AFTN LRBBZQZX LRCKZAZX LBSFZIZX; e) other means (public telephone line, etc.): SOFIA ACC: C.3.3 fax: SOFIA FMP tel: + 35 92 937 4222 tel: + 35 92 937 4211 tel: + 35 92 937 4244 tel: + 35 92 945 9167 CONSTANŢA APP: BUCUREŞTI FMP tel: + 40 241 742 359 tel: + 40 21 208 3155 fax: + 40 241 742 359 fax: + 40 21 208 3261 fax: + 35 92 945 9167 Alternate Fall-Back Procedures for Coordination In case of communications failure where the alternatives described in paragraphs C.3.1 and C.3.2 above are not available or practicable, pilots shall be instructed, at least 5 (five) minutes prior to the transfer of control point, to pass flight data on the appropriate frequency of the accepting ATS Unit for the purpose of obtaining an ATC entry clearance from the accepting ATS Unit. If the accepting ATS Unit cannot issue an entry clearance to the pilot upon his initial contact, the pilot shall be instructed to inform the transferring ATS Unit accordingly via RTF. The transferring ATS Unit shall hold the aircraft within its AoR and after a minimum of 10 (ten) minutes instruct the pilot to re-establish RTF contact with the accepting ATS Unit. This procedure shall be repeated until an onward clearance has been obtained from the accepting ATS Unit. LoA between SOFIA ACC and BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP 11/12/2014 Annex C Page C10 BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP SOFIA ACC Appendix 1 to Annex C Automatic Data Exchange ABI/ACT/PAC/MAC/REV/LAM tables below: messages are exchanged between ATS Units in accordance with the Time and/or Distance Parameters Messages ABI ACT COPs Messages from SOFIA ACC to BUCUREŞTI ACC Messages from BUCUREŞTI ACC to SOFIA ACC LOMOS, NAVOD, SOMOV (below FL 245) APROB(Above FL285) , RASUB, KOMAN, ARGES, LUGEB REVDA, MOSOP*, BINBI IDOMO(Above FL245) ORTIP(Above FL245) Not earlier than 30 min Not later than 14 min N/A OSTOV, TIMUR, BULEN (below FL245), RASUB(Above FL245), RONBU, LUGEB, DINRO, IRDUM, MOSOP* N/A Not earlier than 30 min Not later than 14 min LOMOS, NAVOD, SOMOV (below FL 245), APROB(Above FL285) , RASUB, KOMAN, ARGES, LUGEB, REVDA, MOSOP*, BINBI IDOMO(Above FL245) ORTIP(Above FL245) 13 min N/A OSTOV, TIMUR, BULEN (below FL 245), RASUB(Above FL245), RONBU, LUGEB, DINRO, IRDUM, MOSOP* N/A 13 min LoA between SOFIA ACC and BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP 11/12/2014 Annex C Page C11 BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP SOFIA ACC Time and/or Distance Parameters Messages PAC MAC REV COPs Messages from SOFIA ACC to BUCUREŞTI ACC Messages from BUCUREŞTI ACC to SOFIA ACC LOMOS, NAVOD, SOMOV (below FL245) APROB(Above FL285),, , KOMAN, ARGES, , LUGEB, REVDA, MOSOP*, BINBI IDOMO(Above FL245) ORTIP(Above FL245) Not required N/A OSTOV, TIMUR, BULEN,below FL245 RASUB(Above FL245), RONBU, LUGEB*, DINRO, IRDUM, MOSOP* N/A Not required LOMOS, NAVOD,,SOMOV (below FL 245) APROB(Above FL285), KOMAN, ARGES, LUGEB, REVDA, MOSOP*, BINBI IDOMO(Above FL245) ORTIP(Above FL245) Not limited N/A OSTOV, TIMUR, BULEN (Below FL 245), RASUB(Above FL 245), RONBU, LUGEB*, DINRO, IRDUM, MOSOP* N/A Not limited LOMOS, NAVOD, SOMOV (below FL 245) APROB(Above FL 285), KOMAN ARGES, LUGEB, REVDA, MOSOP*, BINBI IDOMO(Above FL245) ORTIP(Above FL245) Not later than 5 min N/A OSTOV, TIMUR, BULEN (below FL 245), RASUB(Above FL 245) , RONBU, LUGEB, DINRO, IRDUM, MOSOP* N/A No time/distance inhibition parameters** LoA between SOFIA ACC and BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP 11/12/2014 Annex C Page C12 BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP SOFIA ACC Time and/or Distance Parameters Messages LAM COPs Messages from SOFIA ACC to BUCUREŞTI ACC Messages from BUCUREŞTI ACC to SOFIA ACC LOMOS, NAVOD, SOMOV (below FL 245) APROB(Above FL 285), , KOMAN, ARGES, LUGEB, REVDA, MOSOP*, BINBI IDOMO(Above FL245) ORTIP(Above FL245) Less than 1 min N/A OSTOV, TIMUR, BULEN (below FL 245), RASUB(Above FL245) , RONBU, LUGEB, DINRO, IRDUM, MOSOP* N/A Less than 1 min * COPs used only in case of activation of LBD 312, LBD 313 and LBD 314, promulgated by NOTAM. ** When time to crossing the COP is less than 5 min, the flight shall also be verbally coordinated. NOTE 1: For the period of activation of LBD 312, LBD 313 and LBD 314 COPs DINRO and REVDA shall not be used. NOTE 2: Another ABI message is sent in case of COP change. LoA between SOFIA ACC and BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP 11/12/2014 Annex C Page C13 BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP SOFIA ACC Time and/or Distance Parameters Messages ABI ACT PAC MAC REV LAM COPs Messages from CONSTANŢA APP to SOFIA ACC Messages from SOFIA ACC to CONSTANŢA APP DINRO, MOSOP*, LUGEB Not earlier than 30 min Not later than 14 min - REVDA MOSOP*, LUGEB - Not earlier than 30 min Not later than 14 min DINRO MOSOP*, LUGEB 13 min - , REVDA MOSOP*, LUGEB - 13 min DINRO, MOSOP*, LUGEB Not earlier than 12 min Not later than 5 min - REVDA MOSOP*, LUGEB - Not required DINRO MOSOP*, LUGEB Not limited - , REVDA MOSOP*, LUGEB - Not limited DINRO, MOSOP*, LUGEB Not earlier than 10 min Not later than 5 min - REVDA MOSOP*, LUGEB - Not earlier than 10 min Not later than 5 min DINRO, MOSOP*, LUGEB Less than 1 min - REVDA MOSOP*, LUGEB - Less than 1 min * COPs used only in case of activation of LBD 312, LBD 313 and LBD 314, promulgated by NOTAM. ** When ETO to COP is less than 5 min, the flight shall also be verbally coordinated. NOTE 1: For the period of activation of LBD 312, LBD 313 and LBD 314 COPs DINRO and REVDA shall not be used. NOTE 2: Another ABI message is sent in case of COP change. NOTE 3: PAC will not substitute ACT. After PAC, ACT will be sent upon take-off. LoA between SOFIA ACC and BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP 11/12/2014 Annex C Page C14 BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP SOFIA ACC Annex D Procedures for Coordination Effective: Revised: 11/12/2014 D.1 General Conditions for Acceptance of Flights. D.1.1 Coordination of flights shall take place by reference to the COP for the relevant route and in accordance with the appropriate levels specified for the relevant route (see paragraphs D.2 and D.3). D.1.2 Flights shall be considered to be maintaining the coordinated level at the transfer of control point unless climb or descent conditions have been clearly stated by use of crossing conditions in the PAC/ACT or by verbal coordination, except if otherwise described in paragraphs D.2 or D.3. D.1.3 If the accepting ATS Unit cannot accept a flight offered in accordance with the conditions specified above, it shall clearly indicate its inability and specify the conditions under which the flight will be accepted. D.1.4 For any proposed deviation from the conditions specified in this Annex (e.g. COP, route or level) the transferring unit shall initiate an Approval Request. D.1.5 The accepting ATS Unit shall not notify the transferring ATS Unit that it has established groundair communications with the transferred aircraft unless specifically requested to do so. The Accepting Unit shall notify the transferring Unit in the event that communication with the aircraft is not established as expected. D.1.6 8.33 kHz Channel Spacing Procedure. D.1.6.1 Except for UHF-equipped State aircraft, SOFIA ACC shall ensure that all aircraft identified as not equipped with 8.33 kHz channel spacing capability are coordinated below FL195 with BUCURESTI ACC. D.1.6.2 For aircraft operating or intending to operate above FL195 in airspace controlled by BUCURESTI ACC, SOFIA ACC shall verify as soon as possible with the Pilot In Command the 8.33 and/or UHF equipment status in any doubtful case, and in cases where the IFPS FPL indicates either: D.1.6.3 that the aircraft is not equipped with 8.33 kHz Channel spacing, or the equipment status is unknown (“IFP/833UNKNOWN”), or the flight is an exempted State aircraft, or STS/SAR or STS/HOSP in field 18. Handling of non-8.33 equipped aircraft and non-exempted State aircraft. D. Non 8.33 equipped aircraft. SOFIA ACC shall transfer all non 8.33 equipped aircraft and non exempted State aircraft operating below FL195. BUCURESTI ACC shall transfer all non 8.33 equipped aircraft and non exempted State aircraft operating below FL195. LoA between SOFIA ACC and BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP 11/12/2014 Annex D Page D1 BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP SOFIA ACC D. UHF equipped State aircraft (Military/Custom/Police). D.1.6.4 Both ACC’s shall coordinate and transfer all UHF equipped State aircraft on the appropriate 25 kHz channel spacing sector frequency or relevant UHF frequency specified in Annex E; Approval request shall be made as soon as possible before delivering clearance to an exempt aircraft to enter airspace controlled by any of contracting ACC’s; Controller – controller telephone coordination shall be made before transfer, indicating the exemption status of the aircraft concerned. Exemptions: Not Applicable. D.1.7 RVSM Procedures. D.1.7.1 SOFIA ACC and the BUCURESTI ACC shall consequently verify as soon as possible with the pilot in command (PIC) of flight operating or intending to operate in the adjacent airspace between FL290 and FL410 inclusive, the aircraft`s RVSM status in cases where the IFPS FPL indicates either: - that the aircraft is NONRVSM approved, or - the flight is a NONRVSM approved State aircraft (STS/NONRVSM in Item 18). D.1.7.2 SOFIA ACC shall transfer all NONRVSM approved aircraft at or below FL280. D.1.7.3 BUCURESTI ACC shall transfer all NONRVSM approved aircraft at or below FL280. D.1.7.4 Exemptions NONRVSM approved State aircraft are permitted to operate in the EUR RVSM airspace between FL290 and FL410 inclusive under the condition of fulfilling the requirements of ICAO Doc 7030/5. D.2 ATS-Routes, Coordination Points and Flight Level Allocation. Available ATS-routes, COPs to be used and flight level allocation to be applied, unless otherwise described in paragraph D.3, are described in the tables below. Opposite flight levels may be assigned in exceptional cases after preliminary coordination and mutual agreement between SOFIA ACC and BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP. LoA between SOFIA ACC and BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP 11/12/2014 Annex D Page D2 BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP SOFIA ACC D.2.1 Flights from SOFIA ACC to BUCUREŞTI ACC ATS-Route N133 /FRA N133 / FRA COP FL Parity Special Conditions LOMOS EVEN See paras D.3.1 and D.3.5 N618/ Y551 / FRA M987/ N618/ Y553 / FRA NAVOD EVEN See paras D.3.1 and D.3.5 UQ26 / FRA APROB _ EVEN See paras D.3.1 and D.3.5 ORTIP (above 245) SOMOV (below FL 245) EVEN UQ26 / FRA M 987/FRA => L602 / L622 / L852 / FRA L602 / L622 / L852 / FRA KOMAN EVEN See paras D.3.1 and D.3.5 L619 / P727 / T746 / FRA L619 / P727 / T746 / FRA ARGES EVEN See paras D.3.1 and D.3.5 L746 / FRA L746 / FRA LUGEB EVEN See paras D.3.1 and D.3.5 L621/ L743/ N600/ T343 / FRA L621 / L743 / N600 / P193/ FRA REVDA EVEN See paras D.3.1 and D.3.5 N617 / FRA N617 / FRA BINBI EVEN See paras D.3.1 and D.3.5 SOMOV (below FL 245) EVEN Y 553/M 987/Q 24/ Y553/FRA => LoA between SOFIA ACC and BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP 11/12/2014 Annex D Page D3 BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP SOFIA ACC D.2.2 Flights from BUCUREŞTI ACC to SOFIA ACC ATS-Route COP FL Parity Special Conditions N127 / M748 / FRA N127/ P184 / FRA OSTOV ODD See paras D.3.2 and D.3.5 L606 / L867 / N181 / FRA L606/ N181/ FRA TIMUR ODD See paras D.3.2 and D.3.5 ODD See paras D.3.2 and D.3.5 L605 / FRA L605/P 975/ L 742 / FRA RASUB (above 245) BULEN (blw. FL 245) M859 / FRA M859 / FRA RONBU ODD See paras D.3.2 and D.3.5 L601/ L919 / M977 / N616 / N743 / FRA L601/ L919 / N616/ FRA DINRO ODD See paras D.3.2 and D.3.5 T219 / FRA T219 / FRA IRDUM ODD See paras D.3.2 and D.3.5 D.2.3 Flights from SOFIA ACC to CONSTANŢA APP. ATS-Route L621 / L743 / N600 / T343 D.2.4 SIDs STARs COP FL Parity Special Conditions REVDA EVEN See paras D.3.3 and D.3.5 Flights from CONSTANŢA APP to SOFIA ACC. ATS-Route COP FL Parity Special Conditions DINRO ODD See paras D.3.4 and D.3.5 L601 / L919 / N616 LoA between SOFIA ACC and BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP 11/12/2014 Annex D Page D4 SOFIA ACC BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP D.3 Special Procedures D.3.1 Flights from SOFIA ACC to BUCUREŞTI ACC D.3.1.1 The traffic with destination LROP/LRBS shall be instructed to cross SOMOV at FL240 or below unless otherwise verbally coordinated with BUCUREŞTI ACC. D.3.1.2 The traffic with destination LROP/LRBS shall overfly KOMAN or ARGES at FL160 or below unless otherwise verbally coordinated. D.3.1.3 The traffic on M/UM 987 above FL245 via ORTIP will be transferred 10NM before ORTIP on EVEN levels, unless otherwise verbally coordinated with BUCUREŞTI ACC. D.3.2 Flights from BUCUREŞTI ACC to SOFIA ACC D.3.2.1 The traffic with destination within SOFIA FIR shall be transferred 10NM before overfly RASUB at FL 310 or below, unless otherwise verbally coordinated. D.3.2.2 The traffic with destination within SOFIA FIR shall overfly TIMUR at FL 290 or below, unless otherwise verbally coordinated. D.3.2.3 The traffic with destination within SOFIA FIR shall overfly OSTOV between FL 290 and FL 250 inclusive, unless otherwise verbally coordinated. D.3.2.4 The traffic with destination SOFIA FIR shall overfly DINRO at FL190 if destination airport is LBWN and at FL290 or below in all other cases, unless otherwise verbally coordinated. D.3.2.5 The traffic with destination Istanbul Airport shall overfly DINRO at FL 350 or below, except if otherwise verbally coordinated. D.3.2.6 Specific restrictions apply to all flights crossing common AoR boundary below FL 170 within limits of LBR 1 and LRR 50. (see Annex B paragraphs B.3.2.1, B.3.2.2 and Appendix 2 of Annex B). D.3.2.7 When danger areas anti-hail activity according to Annex B para. B.3.2.1 and Appendix 2 of Annex B are activated only FL 240 and above are allowed for overflying traffic. D.3.3 Flights from SOFIA ACC to CONSTANŢA APP. D.3.3.1 The traffic with destination LRCK shall overfly REVDA at FL160 or below unless otherwise verbally coordinated. D.3.4 Flights from CONSTANŢA APP to SOFIA ACC. Flights departing LRCK shall be cleared to climb to FL 170 towards DINRO. For the period of activation of LBD 312, LBD 313, LBD 314 and TSA 53 traffic shall be redirected according to special procedures described in para D.3.6.1. Flight level allocation for that flights is FL 170 or below to LUGEB and FL 230 or below to MOSOP. D.3.5 Flights not following the prescribed route but affecting the adjacent FIR shall be preliminary coordinated. D.3.6 Special Procedures in case of activation of alternate route network over the Black Sea. D.3.6.1 For the period of activation of LBD 312, LBD 313, LBD 314 and TSA 53 specific restrictions apply over COPs DINRO and REVDA and an alternative route network becomes available via COPs LUGEB and MOSOP. LoA between SOFIA ACC and BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP 11/12/2014 Annex D Page D5 BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP SOFIA ACC D.3.6.2 In case of activation of the alternate routes and activation of LBTSA 53 flight level allocation overhead LUGEB, for traffic landing at LBBG/LBWN should be FL 250 or above, but not higher than FL 290. D.3.6.3 In case of activation of the alternate routes flight level allocation overhead LUGEB, for traffic landing at LBWN should be at FL190 and for traffic landing at LBBG should be at FL290 or below. D.3.6.4 In any case ATS units supervisors are aware of the current situation and in order to ensure safety and regularity of the flights may agree for limited periods conditions different from these mentioned in D.3.6. D.3.6.5 Flights from SOFIA ACC to BUCUREŞTI ACC. ATS-Route COP FL Parity Special Conditions Y178/ Y188 Y188/ UY188 LUGEB EVEN - Y186/ Y187/ Y191/ Y192 Y186/ Y187/ Y192 MOSOP EVEN - D.3.6.6 Flights from BUCUREŞTI ACC to SOFIA ACC. ATS-Route COP FL Parity Special Conditions Y188/ UY188 Y178/ Y188 LUGEB ODD D.3.6.2/ D.3.6.3 Y186/ Y193 Y186/ Y187/ Y191/ Y192 MOSOP ODD - D.3.6.7 Flights from SOFIA ACC to CONSTANŢA APP. ATS-Route COP FL Parity Special Conditions Y178/ Y188 vectoring LUGEB EVEN - Y186/ Y187/ Y191/ Y192 vectoring MOSOP EVEN - D.3.6.8 Flights from CONSTANŢA APP to SOFIA ACC. ATS-Route COP FL Parity vectoring Y178/ Y188 LUGEB ODD vectoring Y186/ Y187/ Y191/ Y192 MOSOP ODD LoA between SOFIA ACC and BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP Special Conditions for landing traffic at: LBWN at FL 170 or below (when LBTSA 53 is not activated.) 11/12/2014 - Annex D Page D6 SOFIA ACC BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP D.3.7 RVSM Special Procedures. D.3.7.1 Separation of non-RVSM approved State aircraft. Over COPs described in paras D.2.1 and D.2.2 at the time of transfer of control the vertical separation minimum shall be 2000 ft between: a) non-RVSM approved State aircraft and any other aircraft; b) all formation flights of State aircraft and any other aircraft. D.3.7.2 RVSM communications failure (if the COP is bidirectional). Over COPs described in paras D.2.2 and D.2.3 at the time of transfer of control SOFIA ACC and BUCURESTI ACC shall provide a minimum vertical separation of 2000 ft between an aircraft experiencing a communications failure in flight and any other aircraft. D.3.7.3 RVSM Contingency FLAS (if the COP is bi-directional). D. During the periods of adverse meteorological conditions requiring a reversion to a 2000 ft. Vertical Separation Minimum (such as severe turbulence, severe CB activity, etc.) the RVSM Contingency FLAS may be implemented between SOFIA ACC and BUCURESTI ACC. The implementation of the FLAS shall be coordinated between the Supervisors of SOFIA ACC and BUCURESTI ACC not later than 30 (thirty) minutes before it becomes effective. Note: As an example a possible RVSM FLAS could be: Flights from SOFIA ACC to BUCURESTI ACC. All flights over COP APROB/IDOMO at the time of transfer of control should be at FL 340 and FL 360. Flights from BUCURESTI ACC to SOFIA ACC. All flights over COP TIMUR at the time of transfer of control should be at FL 290, FL 310 and FL 390. Nothing prevents the supervisors of SOFIA ACC and BUCURESTI ACC to decide otherwise according to the situation. D.4 Coordination of Status of Special Areas in the Area of Common Interest. D.4.1 When anti hail activities are in progress in LBD 15A, LBD 15B, LBD 15C, LBD 15D, LBD 16A, LBD 16B, LBD 16C, LBD 16D, LBD 17A, LBD 17B, LBD 17C, LBD 17D, LBD 18A, LBD 18B, LBD 18C, LBD 18D, this information shall be coordinated between supervisors from SOFIA ACC and BUCURESTI ACC. D.4.2 When LBTSA 41 and LBTSA 43 are activated, this information shall be coordinated between supervisors from SOFIA ACC and BUCURESTI ACC. D.4.3 When any of the danger areas LBD 312, LBD 313, LBD 314, or temporary segregated areas, LBTSA 52, LBTSA 53 and LBTSA 54 within SOFIA FIR are activated, this information shall be coordinated between supervisors from SOFIA ACC and BUCURESTI ACC/CONSTANTA APP.. D.4.4 When Danger areas LRD 06, LRD 07, LRD 70, LRD 71, LRD 72, LRD 73, LRD 74, LRD 75 within BUCUREŞTI FIR are activated, this information shall be coordinated between supervisors from BUCURESTI ACC and SOFIA ACC . LoA between SOFIA ACC and BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP 11/12/2014 Annex D Page D7 BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP SOFIA ACC D.5 VFR Flights. D.5.1 Procedures for Inter-Area VFR traffic. D.5.1.1 Flights from BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP to SOFIA ACC. VFR traffic flying outside published ATS routes, within Class G airspace and which has established radio communication with BUCUREŞTI ACC or CONSTANŢA APP, shall enter SOFIA FIR over COPs, at 3300 ft (1000 m) height AGL or above. Note: Point OSTOV is strictly forbidden (see paragraph D.3.2.5) for all traffic below FL165 due to restricted areas specified in Annex B of this LoA. D.5.1.2 Flights from SOFIA ACC to BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP VFR traffic shall enter BUCUREŞTI ACC over COPs according to flight plan route. VFR traffic shall enter CONSTANŢA TMA over COPs at 1200M (4000 ft) height AGL or above. D.5.1.3 The following limited information shall be exchanged between the ATS Units with regard to VFR flights: a) b) c) d) e) f) D.5.1.4 VFR; identification, type of aircraft and SSR code (if available); routing and flight level, (altitude); estimated time over COP; ETO for the next point or ETA (if the aircraft is going to land at airports in SOFIA FIR or BUCUREŞTI FIR); other information if necessary. If no flight plan available for the receiving unit, the information above, shall be supplemented with the following: a) b) c) departure and destination aerodromes; further route of flight; any additional information, if available. D.5.1.5 For a group of VFR flights, the precise number of aircraft shall be emphasised as well as the call sign of the group leader. D.5.1.6 Exchange of available data for VFR flights shall be transmitted at least 20 (twenty) minutes prior to the time when the aircraft is estimated to pass the common FIR boundary. D.5.1.7 A revision, if available, shall be forwarded whenever flight data have changed and/or the estimate varies by 5 (five) minutes or more. D.5.1.8 VFR flights are permitted up to FL 195. LoA between SOFIA ACC and BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP 11/12/2014 Annex D Page D8 BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP SOFIA ACC Annex E Transfer of Control and Transfer of Communications Effective: Revised: 11/12/2014 E.1 Transfer of Control. E.1.1 The transfer of control takes place at the AoR-boundary, unless otherwise specified in paragraph E.3. Note: The transfer of control point may be varied to suit traffic requirements for a particular flight stating a specific release. E.1.2 Unless otherwise coordinated, aircraft shall reach the assigned flight level at least 20 (twenty) kilometres (approximately 10 NM) before crossing COP. In case that the aircraft is not able to reach its assigned flight level at the above mentioned distance the transferring ATS Unit shall, in due time, notify the accepting ATS Unit and coordinate another flight level or any other procedure (i.e. climb, descent, hold, etc.). E.2 Transfer of Communications. E.2.1 The transfer of communications shall take place not later than the transfer of control and as specified in paragraph E.3, unless otherwise coordinated. NOTE: Frequencies: SOFIA ACC: Sector SOFIA ALPHA LOWER SECTOR SOFIA ALPHA UPPER SECTOR SOFIA BRAVO LOWER SECTOR SOFIA BRAVO UPPER SECTOR VARNA ALPHA LOWER SECTOR VARNA ALPHA MIDLE SECTOR VARNA ALPHA UPPER SECTOR VARNA BRAVO LOWER SECTOR VARNA BRAVO MIDLE SECTOR VARNA BRAVO UPPER SECTOR 132.250 MHz SOFIA FIC Frequencies 134.100 MHz 120.780 MHz 129.100 MHz 130.155 MHz Alternate 130.155 MHz 134.100 MHz 129.100 MHz 120.780 MHz 131.225 MHz 135.025 MHz 128.530 MHz 125.575 MHz 134.700 MHz 133.125 MHz 132.250 MHz 134.700 MHz 133.125 MHz 132.250 MHz 133.125 MHz 134.700 MHz 136.325 MHz 130.600 MHz none Note 1: Note:DL’s between MIDDLE - TOP sectors are flexible (355-365). Note 2: Note:DL between LOWER-MIDDLE sectors is (325) Note 3: Flight information service in Class G airspace (GND-FL95) is provided from sunrise to sunset by SOFIA FIC . During the rest of the time service is provided by SOFIA ACC. Note 4: Alternate UHF frequency 296.3 MHz. LoA between SOFIA ACC and BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP 11/12/2014 Annex E Page E1 BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP SOFIA ACC BUCUREŞTI ACC: Sector Frequencies LOMOS SECTOR 122.025 MHz Alternate LOMOS LOW SECTOR 122.025 MHz LOMOS MID SECTOR 132.865 MHz LOMOS TOP SECTOR 133.630 MHz KOMAN SECTOR 129.750 MHz KOMAN LOW SECTOR 129.750 MHz KOMAN MID SECTOR 134.380 MHz KOMAN TOP SECTOR 133.630 MHz ARGES SECTOR 121.175 MHz ARGES MID SECTOR 121.175 MHz (BLW DL) ARGES TOP SECTOR 123.265 MHz (ABV DL) DINSI SECTOR 122.375 MHz 122.725 MHz DINSI MID SECTOR 122.375 MHz(BLW DL) 122.725 MHz DINSI TOP SECTOR 128.580 MHz (ABV DL) 118.625 MHz BUCURESTI FIC 129.400 MHz 124.975 MHz 126.725 MHz 123.900 MHz 124.975 MHz 126.725 MHz 123.900 MHz 124.975 MHz 126.725 MHz 123.900 MHz Note: DL’s between LOW - MIDDLE Note Opening hours for BUCURESTI FIC H24 as published in AIP Romania ENR2.1-1 CONSTANŢA APP: Sector Frequencies Alternate CONSTANŢA APP 122.900 MHz 127.350 MHz E.3 Specific Points for Transfer of Control and Transfer of Communications. E.3.1 In case of activation of military danger areas LBD312, LBD313 and LBD314, promulgated by NOTAM, following COPs shall be used: LUGEB 43º 44’ 08” N; 028º 30’ 04” E MOSOP 43º 43’ 09” N; 029º 31’ 49” E E.3.2 Transfer of communication overhead LUGEB and MOSOP should normally be executed on frequencies respectively used for traffic overhead DINRO and REVDA. LoA between SOFIA ACC and BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP 11/12/2014 Annex E Page E2 BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP SOFIA ACC Annex F ATS Surveillance Based Coordination Procedures Effective: Revised: 11/12/2014 F.1 General. F.1.1 Transfer of identification and transfer of control between SOFIA ACC and BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP will be subject to the serviceability of the respective surveillance systems and two-way direct speech facilities between the controller working positions. F.1.2 In case of any doubt about the identity of an aircraft, nothing in the provisions of this Annex prevents the use of other methods for the identification of an aircraft. F.2 Transfer of Aircraft Identification F.2.1 Transfer of aircraft identification between SOFIA ACC and BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP is normally performed by notification of the aircraft discrete SSR code. F.2.2 BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP shall transfer aircraft on verified discrete SSR codes assigned in accordance with ORCAM. F.2.3 SOFIA ACC shall transfer aircraft on verified discrete SSR codes assigned in accordance with CCAMS. F.2.4 Any change of SSR code by the accepting ATS Unit may only take place after the transfer of control point. F.2.5 The accepting ATS Unit shall be notified of any observed irregularity in the operation of SSR transponders. F.3 Transfer of Control F.3.1 If it becomes necessary to reduce or suspend transfers of control, a 10 minutes prior notification shall be observed, except in emergency situations. F.3.2 Aircraft shall not be vectored or cleared to operate closer than 5 NM distance to the common AoR boundary, except when a prior coordination has been made or a transfer of control is about to be effected. Note: In these cases the coordination procedures as described in Annex C shall be applied. F.3.3 Transfer of Control without systematic use of the bi-directional speech facilities (Silent Transfer of Control) F.3.3.1 Transfer of control may be effected without systematic use of bi-directional speech facilities provided the minimum distance between successive aircraft about to be transferred is 10 NM and it is constant or increasing. Note: Whenever the operational or technical conditions with regard to the south – east bound traffic require, the SOFIA ACC shift supervisor can impose: a) 20 NM if the succeeding aircraft is faster by not more than: M 0.1 at or above FL 250; or 40 kts IAS below FL 250; b) 15 NM if the succeeding aircraft is not faster; LoA between SOFIA ACC and BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP 11/12/2014 Annex F Page F1 BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP SOFIA ACC F.3.3.2 The transferring unit shall inform the accepting unit of any level, speed or vectoring instructions given to aircraft prior to its transfer and which modify its anticipated flight progress at the point of transfer. F.3.3.3 The accepting ATS Unit may terminate the silent transfer of control at any time, normally with an advance notice of 15 minutes. If circumstances arise in which the agreed conditions for silent transfer of control can no longer be satisfied, units shall revert to transfer of control with use of bidirectional speech facilities until the situation is resolved (see F.3.4). Note 1: When using mach-number or IAS speed control, pilots concerned shall be instructed to report their assigned mach-number or indicated air speed to the accepting ATS Unit upon initial contact. Note 2: For detailed conditions of silent transfer of control, see ICAO DOC 4444 - PANS ATM, Chapter 8, para 8.7.4, transposed into relevant national procedural documents in both Bulgaria and Romania Note 3: As far as reasonably practicable, transferring controllers shall endeavor to ensure that an aircraft leaving his/her sector is not in immediate conflict with another aircraft leaving his/her sector and that adequate separation is maintained for at least 3 (three) minutes after leaving his/her AoR. Under no circumstances shall this relieve the accepting controller from his/her separation provision duties within the limits of his/her own airspace and the ultimate responsibility for ensuring separation and timely execution of the procedures described in D.1.3. remains upon the accepting sector controller. F.3.4 Transfer of Control with use of the bi-directional speech facilities F.3.4.1. Transfer of control may be effected with the use of bi-directional speech facilities provided that the minimum distance between the aircraft does not fall below 15 NM at the moment when succeeding aircraft is crossing the common sector boundary and if the succeeding aircraft is faster and by not more than: Mach number differing by not more than: - M 0.05 at or above FL 250; or - 20 kts IAS below FL 250; and: 1. identification has been transferred to or has been established directly by the accepting controller unit; 2. the accepting controller unit is informed of any level, speed or vectoring instructions applicable to the aircraft at the point of transfer; 3. communication with the aircraft is retained by the transferring controller unit until the accepting controller unit has agreed to assume responsibility for providing ATS surveillance service to the aircraft. Thereafter, the aircraft should be instructed to change over to the appropriate frequency and from that point is the responsibility of the accepting controller unit. F.4 Reduced Longitudinal Separation. Not Applicable. LoA between SOFIA ACC and BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP 11/12/2014 Annex F Page F2 BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP SOFIA ACC Appendix 1 to Annex F ATS Surveillance Coverage in the Area of Common Interest 1. SOFIA radar coverage map Radar coverage at FL 300 (1,2,3.. number of radars with different colors) LoA between SOFIA ACC and BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP 11/12/2014 Annex F Page F3 SOFIA ACC BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP 2. BUCUREŞTI radar coverage map LoA between SOFIA ACC and BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP 11/12/2014 Annex F Page F4 BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP SOFIA ACC Annex G Supplementary Procedures Effective: 11/12/2014 Revised: G.1 Whenever becoming aware of an aircraft which is about to deviate from the prescribed route, as result of navigation error or adverse weather condition avoidance, information about this action, with appropriate details, will be passed on the direct telephone line without delay to the ATS Unit concerned. The appropriate ATS Unit shall instruct the pilot in command of this aircraft to establish immediate radio contact with the ATS Unit concerned. G.2 The ATS Units concerned are obliged to transmit mutually all the information regarding an aircraft in emergency, if the other ATS Unit is concerned. G.3 SOFIA ACC Shift Supervisor shall inform BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP Shift Supervisor in case of activation of the anti-hail dangerous areas specified in Annex B (see Annex B para B.3.2.1 and Appendix 2 of Annex B). The Shift Supervisors of SOFIA ACC and BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP shall agree based on existing circumstances proper avoiding actions as well as expected duration of activities. SOFIA ACC Shift Supervisor shall inform BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP Shift Supervisors when activity starts and ends. G.4 BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP Shift Supervisors shall inform SOFIA ACC Shift Supervisor in case of the activation of the dangerous areas LRD06; LRD07; LRD70; LRD71; LRD72; LRD73; LRD74 and LRD75. The Shift Supervisors of SOFIA ACC and BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP shall agree based on existing circumstances proper avoiding actions as well as expected duration of activities. BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP Shift Supervisors shall inform SOFIA ACC Shift Supervisor when activity starts and ends. G.5 Should an aircraft be discovered to be non 8.33 equipped at the moment of transfer, the following conditions apply as a contingency procedure: - Both SOFIA and BUCUREŞTI ACCs will inform each other about the non 8.33 equipped aircraft, and will transfer the aircraft concerned to adjacent ACC and the adjacent ACC will descend that aircraft at a flight level below FL195. (See also paragraph 4.4 of the LoA.). G.6 Coordination in case of emergency G.6.1. In case of emergency situation or flight in distress in Sector DF 1 and existing certainty that the aircraft will land or collide with ground on Romanian territory, SOFIA ACC supervisor shall inform BUCURESTI ACC supervisor. Alerting action according to National Romanian procedure shall be initiated by BUCURESTI ACC. G.6.2 In case of emergency situation or flight in distress in Sector DF 2 and existing certainty that the aircraft will land or collide with ground on Bulgarian territory, BUCURESTI ACC supervisor shall inform SOFIA ACC supervisor. Alerting action according to Bulgarian national procedure shall be initiated by SOFIA ACC. LoA between SOFIA ACC and BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP 11/12/2014 Annex G Page G1 BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP SOFIA ACC G.7 Contingency Plan G7.1. G.7.1.1 Contingency Plan for BUCURESTI ACC. Total failure of BUCURESTI ACC Immediate actions taken by BUCURESTIACC: a) b) c) flights departing LRBB FIR will be grounded; flights with destination LRBB FIR will be diverted to alternate aerodromes in other FIRs; airborne flights inbound LRBB FIR will be re-routed via other FIRs. After the activation of ROMATSA Contingency Center, exchange of flight plan data, estimates and control messages by voice from SOFIA ACC to BUCURESTI ACC shall be carried out in accordance with the following tables: Receiving Sector/COP's LOMOS, KOMAN ARGES, DINSI Message Position Extension Flight Plan Data FFP 377288 Estimates, Control Messages, Expedite Clearances, Approval Requests and Revisions. PC 377220 Surveillance Coordination EC 377214 Flight Plan Data FPP 377288 Estimates, Control Messages, Expedite Clearances, Approval Requests and Revisions PC 377252 Surveillance Coordination EC 377246 Other ROMATSA Contingency Center lines: BUCURESTI ACC Supervizor – 377253 BUCURESTI FIC – 377258 G.7.1.2. Total failure of CONSTANTA APP Immediate actions taken by CONSTANTA APP: a) b) flights departing LRCK and LRTC will be grounded; flights with destination LRCK or LRTC from LBSR FIR will be transferred to BUCURESTI ACC or diverted to alternate aerodrome outside LRBB FIR, according to the situation.. G.7.1.3. Contingency Contact Point (CCP) BUCURESTI ACC shift supervisor is the CCP in case of total failure BUCURESTI ACC. CONSTANTA APP shift supervisor is the CCP in case of total failure of CONSTANTA APP. In case of total failure of BUCHAREST ACC, BUCHAREST ACC CCP will inform SOFIA ACC immediately, using: the land line +40 21 2083150 or BUCHAREST ACC mobile phone +40 722 511515. In case that BUCHAREST ACC CCP is unable to contact directly SOFIA ACC via mobile phone, informations will be exchanged via APP CONSTANTA. LoA between SOFIA ACC and BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP 11/12/2014 Annex G Page G2 BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP SOFIA ACC In case of total failure of CONSTANTA APP, BUCHAREST ACC will inform SOFIA ACC immediately. G.7.2 Contingency Plan for SOFIA ACC. G.7.2.1. Total failure of SOFIA ACC Transition phase Immediate action taken by SOFIA ACC supervisor is to inform: a) Terminal ATCC Varna – as Contingency center, defined in national Contingency Plan; b) Airspace Use Coordination Center; c) All neighbouring centers. Immediate action taken by air traffic controllers: a) flights departing LBSR FIR will be grounded; b) flights with destination LBSR FIR will be diverted to alternate aerodromes; c) flights inbound LBSR FIR shall be re-routed via other FIRs. d) flights within LBSR FIR shall be transfer to neighbouring centers. After the activation of ATCC Varna as Contingency Center, exchange of flight plan data, estimates and control messages by voice from BUCURESTI ACC to VARNA ACC shall be carried out in accordance with the following tables: Receiving Sector/COP's Message Position Extension FPP 375751 Estimates, Control Messages, Expedite Clearances, Approval Requests and Revisions. PC 375723 Surveillance Coordination EC 375724 Flight Plan Data FPP 375751 Estimates, Control Messages, Expedite Clearances, Approval Requests and Revisions PC 375725 Surveillance Coordination EC 375726 FPP 375752 Estimates, Control Messages, Expedite Clearances, Approval Requests and Revisions. PC 375721 Surveillance Coordination EC 375722 Flight Plan Data FPP 375752 Estimates, Control Messages, Expedite Clearances, Approval Requests and Revisions PC 375760 Surveillance Coordination EC 375715 LBSRSCA (WP-ACC2) Flight Plan Data LBSRSCB (WP-Stand alone) LBSRVCA (WP-ACC1) Flight Plan Data LBSRVCB (WP-APP2) VARNA ACC Supervisor - 375700 G.7.2.2. Contingency Contact Point (CCP) LoA between SOFIA ACC and BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP 11/12/2014 Annex G Page G3 BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP SOFIA ACC SOFIA ACC shift supervisor or VARNA ACC shift supervisor are the CCP in case of total failure SOFIA ACC. Contact details: SOFIA ACC shift supervisor - +359 2 937 4211/4212 VARNA ACC shift supervisor - +359 52 575 5210/5212 G.8 Coordination on flights of state/military aircraft performed in cross border sectors. G.8.1 Security alerting procedure in CBS In case when ATS unit has information or suspicion on illegal interference in specific flight/s the ATS unit shall duly inform the responsible national security agency. In case of provision of service in cross border sector, the ATS unit providing service shall immediately inform the next on trajectory of that flight ATS unit in the host state, relaying available information on that flight. The ATS unit in the host state shall trigger security alerting procedure according to its national legislation. Notification for suspicious behaviour to the next on trajectory ATS unit in the host state shall be given on: G.8.2 - Transponder indicating Hijacking - SSR A7500; - Transponder indicating Radio Communication Failure - SSR A7600; - Transponder indicating Emergency - SSR A7700; - Loss of communication without transponder indication; - Suspicious pilot behaviour such as non consistent reply or slight changes in altitude; - Flights for which information for the hijacking has been obtained from third parties (security agency warnings, media, phone calls, statements and etc.); Flights of state/military aircraft in Sector DF 1 G.8.2.1 Planned missions of Romanian state/military aircraft Single flights of state/military aircraft are to be executed as GAT. An FPL for those flights shall be submitted to Sofia ACC at least 1 hour in advance. Coordination and communication procedures between BUCURESTI ACC and SOFIA ACC of state/military GAT flights shall be the same as those for GAT. Sofia ACC shall treat submitted FPL as confidential information and shall not disseminate FSA and CPR messages for those flights. Large scale military exercises and OAT flights within DF1 CBS shall be performed in Ad-Hoc areas (TSAs/TRAs) .If such activities are planned, upon first notification BUCURESTI ACC shall dully inform SOFIA ACC on military intentions. Subsequently BUCURESTI ACC shall dully relay to concerned sectors in SOFIA ACC the information on imposed restrictions. BUCURESTI ACC shall duly provide AUP/UUP of Romania to SOFIA ACC. BUCURESTI ACC/Sector KOMAN shall provide SOFIA ACC with adequate and timely information on effective activation/deactivation of Ad-Hoc areas (TSAs/TRAs) within DF1 CBS. G.8.2.2 Unplanned air defence missions In case of arising need for interception of aircraft within DF1 CBS, as soon as notified by Romanian military authorities, BUCHARESTI ACC shall relay that information to SOFIA ACC. Sofia ACC shall take the necessary actions to evacuate the airspace of CBS from all civil flights, subject to Air Traffic Control. As soon as interceptors and/or intercepted aircraft vacate DF1 CBS, BUCURESTI ACC shall inform Sofia ACC to revert to normal operations. LoA between SOFIA ACC and BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP 11/12/2014 Annex G Page G4 BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP SOFIA ACC G.8.3 Flights of state/military aircraft in Sector DF 2 G.8.3.1 Planned missions of Bulgarian state/military aircraft Single flights of state/military aircraft are to be executed as GAT. An FPL for those flights shall be submitted to BUCURESTI ACC at least 1 hour in advance. Coordination and communication procedures between SOFIA ACC and BUCURESTI ACC on state/military GAT flights shall be the same as those for GAT. BUCURESTI ACC shall treat submitted FPL as confidential information and shall not disseminate FSA and CPR messages for those flights. Large scale military exercises and OAT flights within DF2 CBS shall be performed in Ad-Hoc areas (TSAs/TRAs) If such activities are planned, upon first notification SOFIA ACC shall dully inform BUCURESTI ACC on military intentions. Subsequently SOFIA ACC shall dully relay to concerned sectors in BUCURESTI ACC the information on imposed restrictions. SOFIA ACC shall duly provide AUP/UUP of Republic of Bulgaria to BUCURESTI ACC. SOFIA ACC/Sector VARNA BRAVO shall provide BUCURESTI ACC with adequate and timely information on effective activation/deactivation of Ad-Hoc areas (TSAs/TRAs) within DF2 CBS. G.9. ATFM responsibilities: 1. BUCUREŞTI FMP is in charge for ATFM for all BUCUREŞTI sectors. 2. SOFIA FMP is in charge for ATFM for all SOFIA sectors. G.10 Reporting of Civil Aviation Occurrences that took place in DF Cross Border Sectors G. 10.1 Reporting of Civil Aviation Occurrences that took place in Sector DF 1 G. 10.1.1 Verbal and written reporting of Civil Aviation Occurrences that took place in Sector DF 1 will be done as per BULATSA safety procedure for Civil Aviation Occurrences Reporting. Supplementary, SOFIA ACC Shift Supervisor will verbally inform BUCHAREST ACC Supervisor about the occurrence that took place in Sector DF 1 . At least the following minimal contextual data shall be transmitted: 1. Date, and UTC time when the occurrence took place; 2. Type of occurrence (accident or incident of interest to the ATM community, or a civil aviation occurrence); 3. Aircraft involved (registration, type, operator)*; 4 Number of persons on board (only in case of accidents)*; 5 (Known) consequences upon the persons on board, aircraft and on the ground; *; 6 The occurrence context and description*: a) Type of flight (commercial /general aviation/utility aviation/aerobatics/military transport) b) Type of operation (GAT/ OAT); c) Phase of operation (Taxi/ Take-off/ En route/ Approach/ Landing/ Standing); d) Flight Rules (IFR/ VFR); e) Airways; f) True track (heading) LoA between SOFIA ACC and BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP 11/12/2014 Annex G Page G5 BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP SOFIA ACC g) Flight Levels (altitude) h) Flight conditions (IMC/ VMC)*; i) Description of occurrence. 7 Alert phases initiated; 8 Immediate measures undertaken; (*) = Within the limits of available contextual data at the time of the verbal reporting. G. 10.1.2 BUCHAREST ACC Supervisor will then report the occurrence that took place in Sector DF 1 as per ROMATSA safety procedure for Civil Aviation Occurrences Reporting, verbally and in writing, filling an ATC Operational Report with the available information received from SOFIA ACC Supervisor.. G. 10.2 Reporting of Civil Aviation Occurrences that took place in Sector DF 2 G.10.2.1 Verbal and written reporting of Civil Aviation Occurrences that took place in Sector DF 2 will be done as per ROMATSA safety procedure for Civil Aviation Occurrences Reporting. Supplementary, BUCHARES ACC Shift Supervisor will verbally inform SOFIA ACC Supervisor about the occurrence that took place in Sector DF 2. At least the following minimal contextual data shall be transmitted: 1. Date, and UTC time when the occurrence took place; 2. Type of occurrence (accident or incident of interest to the ATM community, or a civil aviation occurrence); 3. Aircraft involved (registration, type, operator)*; 4 Number of persons on board (only in case of accidents)*; 5 (Known) consequences upon the persons on board, aircraft and on the ground; *; 6 The occurrence context and description*: a) Type of flight (commercial /general aviation/utility aviation/aerobatics/military transport) b) Type of operation (GAT/ OAT); c) Phase of operation (Taxi/ Take-off/ En route/ Approach/ Landing/ Standing); d) Flight Rules (IFR/ VFR); e) Airways; f) True track (heading) g) Flight Levels (altitude) h) Flight conditions (IMC/ VMC)*; i) Description of occurrence. 7 Alert phases initiated; 8 Immediate measures undertaken; (*) = Within the limits of available contextual data at the time of the verbal reporting. G. 10.2.2 SOFIA ACC Supervisor will then report the occurrence that took place in Sector DF 2 as per BULATSA safety procedure for Civil Aviation Occurrences Reporting, verbally and in writing, filling an ATC Operational Report with the available information received from BUCHAREST ACC Supervisor. LoA between SOFIA ACC and BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP 11/12/2014 Annex G Page G6 BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP SOFIA ACC Annex H Checklist of Pages Effective: 11/12/2014 Revised: Page Date Page Date Page Date Page Date 1 11/12/2014 B9 11/12/2014 C3 11/12/2014 D8 11/12/2014 2 11/12/2014 B10 11/12/2014 C4 11/12/2014 E1 11/12/2014 3 11/12/2014 B11 11/12/2014 C5 11/12/2014 E2 11/12/2014 4 11/12/2014 B12 11/12/2014 C6 11/12/2014 F1 11/12/2014 5 11/12/2014 B13 11/12/2014 C7 11/12/2014 F2 11/12/2014 6 11/12/2014 B14 11/12/2014 C8 11/12/2014 F3 11/12/2014 7 11/12/2014 B15 11/12/2014 C9 11/12/2014 G1 11/12/2014 A1 11/12/2014 B16 11/12/2014 C10 11/12/2014 G2 11/12/2014 A2 11/12/2014 B17 11/12/2014 C11 11/12/2014 G3 11/12/2014 A3 11/12/2014 B18 11/12/2014 C12 11/12/2014 G4 11/12/2014 B1 11/12/2014 B19 11/12/2014 C13 11/12/2014 G5 11/12/2014 B2 11/12/2014 B20 11/12/2014 D1 11/12/2014 G6 11/12/2014 B3 11/12/2014 B21 11/12/2014 D2 11/12/2014 H1 11/12/2014 B4 11/12/2014 B22 11/12/2014 D3 11/12/2014 B5 11/12/2014 B23 11/12/2014 D4 11/12/2014 B6 11/12/2014 B24 11/12/2014 D5 11/12/2014 B7 11/12/2014 C1 11/12/2014 D6 11/12/2014 B8 11/12/2014 C2 11/12/2014 D7 11/12/2014 LoA between SOFIA ACC and BUCUREŞTI ACC / CONSTANŢA APP 11/12/2014 Annex H Page H1
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