Engineering Growth • Pioneering Excellence Protecting Assets Measuring Values COMPANY PROFILE Engineering Growth Pioneering Excellence Raychem RPG (P) Ltd., incorporated in 1989, is a 50:50 Joint Venture between TE Connectivity, U.S.A. (formerly Tyco Electronics) and RPG Enterprises, India. TE Connectivity is a US$ 13 Billion global provider for Solutions in Network, Transportation, Consumers and Industrial for over 50 years. RPG Enterprises, an establishment of over 30 years, is one of India's fastest growing business groups with turnover of US$ 3 Billion. The group has more than fifteen (companies managing diverse business interests in the areas of Automotive Tyres, Infrastructure, IT and Specialty including Pharmaceuticals, Power ncillaries & Plantations. Raychem RPG is involved in technologies strengthening the infrastructure segments of economy under following Strategic Business Units (SBU): STRATEGIC BUSINESS UNITS ENERGY PRODUCTS DIVISION TRANSFORMER DIVISION OIL & GAS DIVISION INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS DIVISION • Power Cable Accessories • Special Purpose Transformers • Cathodic Protection • Cable Fastening Systems • Raysulate (Insulation Enhancement System) • Furnace Transformers • Pipeline Integrity Services • Custom Built Metal Components & Assemblies • Industrial Products • Oil Immersed Transformers • Pipeline Internal & External Coatings • Junction Boxes • Connectors & Fittings • Dry Type Transformers • Electric Heat Tracing • Insulators & Surge Arresters • Insulation & Protection • Deltaformer Distribution Transformers • Transformer Rectifier • Elecsafe (Personal Protective Equipment) • Switchboard Components • High Current Rectifier • Services • Domestic & Industrial Gas Meters • Regulators 01 OIL & GAS DIVISION (OGD) As a company of repute, OGD is committed to provide technology based premium quality solutions and products in the sectors of: • Cathodic Protection • Transformer Rectifier Units • Pipeline Coating • Heat Tracing • Gas Meters Vision To be a Niche Technological Product & Solution Provider; recognized as a Premium brand in chosen line of business Mission • • • • • Focus to add Technologically superior Products Bring in New Strategic Tie Ups and Alliances Increase Global Presence, Focus Customer Centricity - To be the most Preferable vendor Preferred choice of Stake Holders CATHODIC PROTECTION Corrosion is a big problem in the industry today as it eats away the structures slowly leading to losses. The leaks formed due to corrosion cause wastage of valuable materials. The leaking materials; oil or gas or other inflammable materials; may lead to hazards. Raychem RPG has been in Corrosion Prevention and Protection since last 25 years. We have gained expertise in the Cathodic Protection technology over long time. In this journey, we have executed some of the most important and critical projects in India. Raychem RPG have also made strong presence felt in the overseas market and now 30% of our business comes from exports. List of services offered by Raychem RPG Pre-design Survey, site survey Engineering Design and drawing Equipment / Material Shipping Design, and Manufacturing, Transportation Test, Inspection to site & Supply Installation Testing Post and Commissioning CommissionSurvey ing Maintenance We could achieve all this with our unmatchable project management skills and design expertise. Our NACE certified engineers, add to the value of the company. With our expertise and core knowledge of Cathodic protection, we have been successful in modernizing the CP Systems and introduce new concepts, optimize the designs and increase the effectiveness of the system. 02 PRODUCT PORTFOLIO 1. TRANSFORMER RECTIFIER UNITS 4. MONITORING EQUIPMENTS • Cathodic Protection Transformer Rectifier Unit (CPTR) • AC operated TR Unit • DC operated CPPSM (Cathodic Protection Power Supply Module) • AC and DC operated TR Unit • Switch Mode Power Supply (SMPS) • Reference Electrodes (Portable / Permanent) • Data Logger & Remote Monitoring Systems • Electrical Resistance (ER) Probes • Computerized Test Station Unit • Test Post Note: Available in Manual / Automatic and Oil / Air cooled type and suitable for hazardous area 2. ANODES 5. CABLES • Long Line Polymeric type Anodes • • • • • • • • MMO Tubular / Linear Type Anodes • Hi Silicon Chromium Type Anodes • Sacrificial Type Anodes (Magnesium / Zinc / Aluminium) • Anodes for marine application - Bracelet, Platform Anodes, Hull Anode etc. • Anodes for Internal CP Application • Anode Caps Anode Lead Cables Cathode Drainage Cable Reference Cable Measurement Cable Anode Header Cathode Header Multi Core Monitoring Cable • Optical Fiber Cable 3. JUNCTION BOX 6. SPECIAL PRODUCTS • • • • • • • Polarization Cells • Surge Arresters • Monolithic Joints / Insulating Gaskets Anodes Junction Box Cathode Junction Box Cathode cum Reference Junction Box Measurement Box Anode Distribution Box Current Distribution Box 03 CP PROJECTS 1. CP SYSTEM FOR PLANT PIPING Raychem RPG provides Cathodic Protection against corrosion to prevent leakages of the piping, preventing loss of valuable materials and reducing probability of hazards in Refineries, Petrochemical Complexes, etc. Each CP system consists of a bespoke design and the materials are 'made to order' as every location has it’s own variation in environment and performance CP system. Test box Cathode Junction Box TRU Anode Junction Box 2. CP SYSTEM FOR CROSS COUNTRY PIPELINE Anode Pipeline Backfill Anode insert Groundbed Anodes Ref Pipeline Er Probe Electode SCHEME Two kind of CP system could be provided to piping: 1 Sacrificial Anode CP System - this is generally provided to protect the piping while under construction. 2 Impresed Current CP System - This system has a design life of 25-30 years. It protects the piping against corrosion for its life. • Piping are complex in the plants, there are different kind of anode beds designed depending on the piping layout such as Shallow bed anode, Wire Anode, Shallow Deep well Anode. • For plants requiring Flameproof equipments, we have flameproof Junction Boxes and Transformer Rectifier Units. • In a few plants there is constraint of space as well, for this we have come up with a compact design of TR Unit, which occupies approximately half of the normal TR Unit. CLIENT PROJECT ONGC Petrochemical Addition PE, PP and Butene 1 Limited, Dahej (OPAL) GAIL India Ltd, Pata Reliance Industries Ltd, Jamnagar (RIL) SCOPE OF WORK Design, Engineering, Supply & Installation of Cathodic Protection System Petrochemical Complex Design, Engineering, Supply & Ph 1, 2 and 3 Installation of Cathodic Protection System Hydrogen, PP, PRU 2 and CTB Design, Engineering, Supply & Installation of Cathodic Protection System Complex CP projects for Cross-Country Pipeline ranging from few kilometers to thousands of kilometers are undertaken by Raychem RPG. For designing and executing CP projects, Raychem RPG delivers unmatched excellence. All this with a team of experienced CP engineers and extremely professional NACE certified corrosion specialists. Monitoring and Maintenance is quintessential for the effectiveness & longevity of any service/ installation. Therefore, we firmly believe in providing post commissioning maintenance service which also includes health checks for coated pipelines and coating Repairs. SCHEME: • The pipelines running in across varied terrains across the globe, require personalised and special kind of designing and project management skills. • Our system designs are created keeping in mind the pipeline in consideration, railway crossings, Interference Mitigation, river crossings, road crossings, etc. • Cross county pipeline are protected using SACP during construction phase and then ICCP for the life term. • Cross country pipelines are generally designed using Deepwell type anode beds. • Depending on site conditions, it could also be designed using Shallow bed or wire anode. Following are some of the major projects that underline our expertise: CLIENT PROJECT SCOPE OF WORK Gail India Limited Hindustan Mittal Energy Limited Dabhol Banglore Pipeline Mundra Bhatinda Pipeline 300 km 468 km Reliance Gas Transportation and Infrastructure Limited East West Pipeline 461 km Indian Oil Corporation Limited Chennai Banglore Pipeline 220 km Gujarat State Petronet Limited Anand Rajkot Pipeline 123 km Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited Pune Solapur Pipeline 343 km 04 CP PROJECTS (continued) 3. CP SYSTEM FOR STORAGE TANKS Chances of hazards in the system increases when expensive and hazardous material stored in the vessels may start leaking. The threat increases further if these hazards continue to leak unnoticed, many times these leakages are caused due to corrosion, leading to loss of materials and vital finances. Raychem's team of certified engineers provide the requisite expertise to design these systems and help prevent failure and stop corrosion. Raychem also provides services to routinely monitor and inspect these systems to make sure that they remain in compliance. SCHEME • • • • • 4. CP SYSTEM FOR MOUNDED BULLET We have an expertise in creating robust CP systems for storage tank bottom plate using Longline polymeric Anode, MMO Ribbon Anode and Tubular Anode type schemes. The polymeric anodes or MMO Ribbon grid is installed in the sand pad, providing protective current to the tank bottom. Permanent reference cells are installed to monitor the system. We make provision of taking measurements at any point of tank bottom using portable reference cell. We have also rehabilitated and modernized the 25 year old ICCP System for a plant having more than 20 tanks. Mounded bullets allow storage of large quantities of LPG in a single location. The cover of the mound protects the vessel from fire engulfment, radiation, fire in close proximity or acts of sabotage/ vandalism. The area of land required to locate a mounded system is minimal compared to conventional storage. Raychem's Corrosion protection of mounded LPG bullets is a combination of some critical and highest performing components of cathodic protection system. Additionally, our CP Systems adhere to safety standards that require the CP system to be 'suitable for the design conditions' SCHEME REF,CELL TANK SHELL ISOLATING JOINT ANODE TANK FOUNDATION EARTHING M1 RE1 C1 A1 A2 A3 A4 A6 A5 CATHODE LEAD CABEL A7 A8 A9 A10 ANODF LFAD CABLE AJB C1 RE3 L1 -ve L10 L3 CJB + ve MEAS,REF,CABLE L4 L5 L6 AJB L7 L9 REJB L8 REF,ELEC,CABLE CONNECTING CABLES CRJB CATHCOE HEADER CABLE ANOOE HEADER CABEL VE VE INLINE SPLICE Raychem RPG has highest market share in this segment and have provided CP services for 90% of the Bullets installed in India. LPG BULLET TR UNIT ANODE / CABLE CONNECTION RE2 PORTABLEREF CELL L2 MONITORING PIPE ANODE LEAD CABLE FROM EACH ANOD STRING POLARIZATION CELL MEAS REF CABLE Refrence Cell LONG LINE POLYMERIC ANODE TRU POWER SUPPLY CABLE (COSTOMER SCOPE) CLIENT PROJECT SCOPE OF WORK CLIENT PROJECT SCOPE IOCL Mangala Process Terminal, EPC 1 Design, Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Cathodic Protection System for 4 Nos Crude Oil Storage Tanks IOCL IOCL LPG Mounded Bullets Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd Crude Oil Storage facility HPCL - Vizag - Black Oil Terminal (Andhra Pradesh) Design, Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Cathodic Protection System for 26 Nos Crude Oil Storage Tanks of dia :9.0,13.0,15.0, 17.0 & 20.0 mtrs Design, Supply, Devangunthi,Quilon Installation, Testin & Commissioning of CP System for LPG Mounded Bullets at 3 locations. Hindustan Mittal Energy Ltd LPG Mounded Bullets Guru Gobind Singh Refinery Crude Oil Storage facility Mangala Fields Design, Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Cathodic Protection System for 19 Nos Crude Oil Storage Tanks of dia : 14.0, 19.9, 20.2, 24.1, 25.0, 26.0, 32.0, 51.0 mtrs dia Design, Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of CP system for 11 Nos. LPG Mounded Bullets Cairn Energy Ltd, Barmer, 05 CP PROJECTS (continued) 5. CONCRETE CATHODIC PROTECTION Impressed Current Cathodic Protection (ICCP) is being accepted as the best technology to protect reinforcement bars against corrosion. It keeps the strength and stability of structure same as at the time after construction. Corrosion starts on concrete structures in slow pace but aggravates at exponential rate. It causes stains, spalling and cracks on concrete and even complete failure if not attended. In unprotected structures as the time passes, cracks and spalling of concrete becomes visible. Besides destroying aesthetic beauty of the structure it also requires extra expense on rehabilitation and repairs of damaged concrete. This issue will not be resolved until the cause of corrosion is not eliminated. Cathodic Protection System could be implemented on existing structures as well. This action ensures integrity of structure to remain by the time ICCP System is commissioned. ICCP System protects reinforcement against corrosion for 50-75 years. The concept guarantees no corrosion issues for design life of the structure and no requirement of rehabilitation of structure. 6. CATHODIC PROTECTION FOR MARINE STRUCTURES The infrastructure built upon steel components in marine environemnt is seriously threatened by corrosion. The rate of corrosion for structure in marine environment is very high and severe corrosion happen here. Coating itself is not sufficient for protection of marine structures. As the coating on a steel marine structure gets severely damaged during construction. The proven technique for mitigating of marine corrosion is cathodic protection (CP). For marine structures both Sacrificial and Impressed Current CP System are in practice SCHEME Reinforcement Bar Jetty Titanium Conductor Bar HAT Anode Junction Box C a Mean Sea Level LAT t h Sacrificial Anodes Aluminium (Sea) o d e Cathode Juction Box R Transformer Rectifier Unit Sea bed e b a r + Transformer - Rectifier Unit Reference Cell Juction Box MMO Ribbon Anode Reference Cell Jetty HAT Mean Sea Level CLIENT PROJECT SCOPE OF WORK Petronet LNG Ltd Kochi Regas Facility Concrete CP for Reinforced Concrete Piles and Foundations Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd HPCL Mumbai Refinery, Diesel Hydro-Treater ICCP System for Concrete Structure for Induced Draught Cooling Tower LAT MMD ANODE Impressed Current Cathodic Protection Buried Zone 06 CP PROJECTS (continued) 7. REMOTE MONITORING AND CONTROL PANEL (RMCP) The Remote Monitoring & Control Panel (RMCP) is configured to monitor all parameters of CP system. The RMCP shall have Data Acquisition Hardware. The T/R Unit individual Output DC voltage, DC current, potential free contacts for monitoring of various Alarms are extended to RMCP. It records data on fixed interval basis, activates alarms or signals whenever required. This technology is very useful for Data Storage, monitoring & controlling the parameters of the CP system from Remote locations or Control room etc. SCHEME • • • • • • • RMCP-System consists of PLC+SCADA configuration, Its communication medium could be GSM, Wi Fi or through Fiber Optic Cable on Ethernet port. It is User Friendly system with monitoring by Data acquisition, generating reports / graphs for analysis purpose. all measurements in trend lines. Measurements and alarms are also stored in SCADA database. Incase of fault occurrence in CP-System RMCP-System can generate E-mail and send SMS to responsible person for taking corrective action. The SCADA-PC software shall give CP process a Pictorial representation making easy to operate and understand the process. From SCADA application, users can see rectifier locations on map, The system triggers alarms from abnormal situations like underprotection or overprotection. PARAMETERS RMU will monitor following parameters of TR: • Output Voltage • Output Current • PSP Voltage • All references Fail • Under protection • Overprotection • Unit in Auto references Mode • Unit in CVCC Mode 8. INTERFERENCE MITIGATION There is considerable impact of interference on pipeline. The interference could be caused by any of following • Railway crossing • AC / DC High Tension Line running parallel It is increasingly common nowadays that right of way of pipeline and HT line coincide or intersect. Similarly pipeline may also have to pass through railway crossing. The close proximity of an underground metallic pipeline to a high voltage power transmission line creates an electromagnetic field causing interference. This condition of interference causes occurrence of induced current in pipeline. Induced current causes heavy corrosion on pipeline that generally results leakage in pipeline. With an unparalleled experience in Interference detection and mitigation sector, Raychem RPG is an established leader in corrosion control. We have confidently handled Interference issues ranging from one pipeline and one power line in a simple cross-country setting, to multiple pipelines and multiple power lines in congested urban corridors. We have also protected the pipeline from formation of leak at railway crossings.All this with its unmatched expertise of protecting thousands of miles of pipeline and ancillary facilities, The system will monitor following parameter at Test Post Pipe to Soil Potential (PSP) CLIENT PROJECT SCOPE IOCL Chennai Trichy Madurai Pipeline (CTMP) AC/DC interfrence detection & mitigation at HT Line Crossing Songas Limited, Tanzania CP Up gradation work for Pipeline at Tanzania AC interference Detection & mitigation at HT Line Crossings, 13 nos. location 07 CORROSION MITIGATION SERVICES 1. HEALTH MONITORING SURVEY Underground structures need to be checked for their healthiness, as well as, to identify the need of protective measures for extending its life. • Current Drainage Survey • PSP Profile Survey 2. CP SURVEY To ascertain the level of healthiness of the pipeline structures, Raychem RPG provides all requisite assistance. Data is collected and analyzed by our experts to verify the current status of these structures and suitable actions are recommended to increase its life. Raychem RPG has expertise in carrying out following surveys: • Current Interruption Potential Logging (CIPL) • Direct Current Voltage Gradient (DCVG) • Current Attenuation Test (CAT) • Pearson Survey • Interference Survey 3. Pipeline Integrity Management Services Raychem RPG provides customized integrity management systems for Buried pipelines which includes Soil Investigations, Site investigation services, coating healthiness. Specialized Coating Integrity management programs, Direct Assessment inspection for corrosion issues, such as External Corrosion, Internal Corrosion, Microbial Influenced Corrosion and Stress Corrosion Cracking etc. Prestigious CP Survey Jobs carried out by Raychem RPG CLIENT PROJECT NAME SCOPE OF WORK GAIL India Limited Hazira Vijaypur Pipeline CIPL, DCVG & CAT Survey Dahej Vijaupur Pipeline 1 for 1300 km of Pipeline Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL) Chennai Trichy Madurai Pipeline CIPL, DCVG & CAT Survey for 450 km of Pipeline Hindustan Petroleum CorporationLimited (HPCL) Pune Solapur Pipeine CIPL, DCVG & CAT Survey for 250 km of Pipeline Petronet MHB Limited Mangalore Hassan Bangalore Pipeline CIPL, DCVG & CAT Survey for 250 km of Pipeline Oil India Limited Corrosion Mitigation Study Consultancy Services Indian Oil Corporation Limited CP surveys for Haldia Barauni pipeline under Bolpur Section Section A+B+C 835 Km Raychem also provides consultancy services to OIL & GAS customers on Pipeline Coating as well as Cathodic Protection Rehabilitation Strategy. Data Integration, Analysis, Report Generation, Defect repair prioritization & Planning, Rehab Schedule, Procedures, Implementation is all part of Complete Pipeline Integrity Management Services. 4. Annual Maintenance Services We assist our clients not just at the time of installation but also after the purchase through an Annual Maintenance Contract. We take care of all the issues pertaining to the Operations, Monitoring, Repair, Servicing, Breakdown, Data Collection, etc Periodic Monitoring of the CP system is mandatory to ensure adequate Protection levels of the assets. This task is done by qualified & experienced personnel & accuracy is maintained. Annual Maintenance Services mainly covers the Preventive Maintenance & Servicing of Transformer Rectifier Units, Anodebeds, Polarisation Cells etc. The Service engineer also checks the parameters of the CP system along with protection levels at various locations as well as any Fault observations. A detailed Site visit report is submitted to the end customer which gives the status of the system along with its performance indicators. 08 OVERSEAS BUSINESS MANUFACTURING UNITS With years of technical expertise and global experience in handling projects of varying magnitudes, we at Raychem RPG have propelled development and scaled new heights each year. Our emphasis on quality, 360 degrees services and precision in execution, make us one of the most preferred CP service provider for conglomerates across the globe.We have had the honour and privilege of executing CP Projects worth millions of US Dollars in North Africa, Middle East and East Asia, providing CP to pipelines, storage tanks, RCC Structures, well heads etc. Some of our esteemed clients include prestigious national oil and public sector companies like Qatar Petroleum, Songas Tanzania, SWCC Saudi Arabia, China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering, Petroleum development Oman, Kuwait Oil Company etc. Chakan OUR SERVICES INCLUDE • Soil resistivity, Site Survey • Installation Supervision • Shipping and Transportation • Equipment / Material design, manufacturing, test, inspection and supply • Engineering Design • Testing and Commissioning Halol We are also the approved vendors for KOC- Kuwait, Petroleum Development Oman (PDO) and ESBI Energy Innovation, Ireland. CLIENT PROJECT NAME LOCATION OF WORK SCOPE OF WORK Saline Water Conversion Corporation (SWCC) Shuqaiq Desalination Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Revamping and Modernization of 30 years old ICCP System (including Remote Monitoring System) Greater Nile Petroleum Operating Company (GNPOC) CP Up gradation Works North Africa Pre-Design Survey, Design, Detailed Engineering, Supply Of CP Material, Supervision Of installation & Commissioning Of C.P. System for pipeline & Piles SONGAS CP Up gradation workfor Pipeline at Tanzania Tanzania Design, Supply & Supervision of Installation of CP System and AC Interference Mitigation for Pipeline Punj Lloyd Ltd China Myanmar Pipeline Myanmar Design, Supply & Supervision of Installation of CP System for Cross Country Pipeline CP works for Above Ground Tanks Biera and Mozambique Vasai ESTEEMED CLIENTS RELIANCE GROUP ADANI GROUP Industries Limited SANMAR INDRAPRASTHA GAS LIMITED Maire Tecnimont Group Ascent Infra Gas Transmission Bhakhrabad Company Ltd. Siddhirganj Pipeline Bangladesh Gujarat State Petronet Ltd. INSPIRING GROWTH Design, Supply & Supervision of Installation of CP System for Storage Tanks Design, Supply & Supervision of Installation of CP System for Cross Country Pipeline LANCO DELHI JAL BOARD AAVANTIKA GAS LTD. GAIL GAS SALINE WATER CONVERSION CORPORATION PETROLEUM DEVELOPMENT OMAN GULF GAS PIPELINES 09 CERTIFICATIONS For detailed information or specific enquiries on OGD products • Write to us: [email protected] • Visit us at: HEAD OFFICE: RPG House, 463, Dr. Annie Besant Road, Worli, Mumbai - 400 030. India Tel: 022 24937485/ 6, 39509400 • Fax: 022 24938879 • Email: [email protected] SALES OFFICES: Thane • New Delhi • Kolkata • Bengaluru • Chennai • Hyderabad FACTORIES: Vasai • Chakan • Halol THANE 6th Floor, Amfotech IT Park, Road No.8, Opp. Old Passport Office, Wagle Industrial Estate, Thane (W) 400604. Mumbai - India Tel: 022-39916300 Fax: 91 -22 -25826041. NEW DELHI 401-406, Viswa Sadan 9, District Centre, Janakpuri New Delhi - 110 058 Tel: 91-11-4575 3636 Fax: 91-11-2554 6239 CHAKAN Gat No. 426 / 2B, Chakan - Talegaon Road, Mahalunge Village, Taluka Khed, Pune - 410501, Maharashtra. Tel: 91-2135-259 426 / 259 428 Fax: 91-2135-662 302 DISCLAIMER: The information contained in this brochure is for general information purpose only. The information is provided by Raychem RPG (P) Ltd. and whilst it endeavours to keep the information up-to-date and correct, it makes no representations or warranties of any kind, expressed or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability or availability with respect to its products or the information, products, services or related graphics contained in the brochure for any purpose. Any reliance you place on such information is therefore strictly at your own risk. In no event will Raychem RPG be liable for any loss or damage, indirect or consequential, whatsoever arising from loss of data or profits arising out of or in connection with the use of this brochure. All materials contained in this brochure are copyright © Raychem RPG (P) Ltd. 2012. This information is issued to provide outline information only. Use, application or reproduction for any purpose or formation of any order or contract is prohibited unless agreed to in writing as condition of sale by Raychem RPG (P) Ltd. Raychem RPG (P) Ltd. reserves the right to alter any product or service. 10
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