GE and Accenture: Intelligent Pipeline Solution

GE and Accenture: Intelligent Pipeline Solution
Video transcript
Brian Palmer
President & CEO, GE
Measurement & Control
The pipeline industry is one that
I think faces a number of
challenges. You know, globally,
there are over two million miles
of pipeline. Fifty percent of the
pipelines out there are 25 years
or older. So the industry’s facing
an infrastructure challenge of
aging resources, aging
Jeff Miers
Managing Director, North
America Energy, Accenture
The second set of challenges
really relates to growth in the
industry. Because of the
expansion of production from
shale gas, there’s now a
requirement to build out new
infrastructure that didn’t exist
Matt Fahnestock
Vice President, IT Service
Delivery, Columbia Pipeline
In the pipeline industry, we’ve
got an incredible amount of data
in our asset intensive business.
We have inline inspection data.
We have SCADA data. We have
planning data coming in, risks
factors, external factors. We
need to be able to pull all this
together in a solution that our
business can use and run their
operations with.
Brian Palmer
There are companies who can
do big data acquisition and
analysis. There are companies
that can provide sensors and
monitoring. GE’s uniquely
positioned to be able to combine
those two capabilities and use a
domain knowledge around the
oil and gas industry and the
pipeline industry and Accenture
brings a terrific set of skills on
how do you integrate that with a
customer’s business
operations? Because it’s one
thing to gather the data and
provide decision support, it’s yet
another thing to drive a change
in how the customer operates.
Matt Fahnestock
The Intelligent Pipeline Solution
is a change in the way we do
business fundamentally. We
leverage the Predix platform
from General Electric to
basically consolidate and
integrate all of our sources of
data in a very easy to
understand format that helps us
make better planning decisions,
better execution decisions.
Matt Parks
Direct of Integrity, Columbia
Pipeline Group
The Intelligent Pipeline Solution
is just a way for us to take the
next step in risk awareness that
allows us to identify a threat that
may be elevating a risk, that
allows us to run theoretical,
capital or mitigative scenarios to
see what the value yield of that
action’s going to be.
Matt Fahnestock
Part of what our customers like
to see is us being proactive at
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Copyright ©2014 General Electric and Accenture
Intelligent Pipeline Solution, A GE and Accenture Alliance
managing our system and
making improvements to our
system in terms of throughput,
reliability and availability. It
improves our maintenance, it
improves our prioritization, we’re
more efficient in doing it.
Shawn Patterson
President of Operations and
Project Delivery, Columbia
Pipeline Group
The Intelligent Pipeline Solution
allows you to take a global look
at all your assets and where are
your biggest risks on a day in
and day out basis. So it allows
me, as an integrity engineer,
looking at the system to make
proactive data-driven decisions.
Brian Palmer
The Intelligent Pipeline Solution
is one of the best examples of
Industrial Internet; of applying
information data from machines,
from assets into operating
Jeff Miers
We’re at the very beginning of
the evolution of the pipeline
industry globally. We’re now
seeing the digitization of the
industry where data, quality of
data, availability of data and
timeliness of analytics will be
just as important to the safe
operation of assets as the
condition of the assets
themselves. We believe that
the Intelligent Pipeline Solution
will be a critical aspect of the
modernization of the industry.